CAMBRIDGE LIBRARY COLLECTION Books of enduring scholarly value
Classics From the Renaissance to the nineteenth century, Latin and Greek were compulsory subjects in almost all European universities, and most early modern scholars published their research and conducted international correspondence in Latin. Latin had continued in use in Western Europe long after the fall of the Roman empire as the lingua franca of the educated classes and of law, diplomacy, religion and university teaching. The flight of Greek scholars to the West after the fall of Constantinople in 1453 gave impetus to the study of ancient Greek literature and the Greek New Testament. Eventually, just as nineteenth-century reforms of university curricula were beginning to erode this ascendancy, developments in textual criticism and linguistic analysis, and new ways of studying ancient societies, especially archaeology, led to renewed enthusiasm for the Classics. This collection offers works of criticism, interpretation and synthesis by the outstanding scholars of the nineteenth century.
Aristotelis Ethica Nicomachea Ingram Bywater (1840–1914) first published his edition of Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics in 1890. His reconstruction of the Greek text is based on a careful weighing of the Greek manuscript evidence, Latin translations, the witness of early commentators and his own thorough knowledge of Aristotle’s language and style. Bywater’s choice of readings introduced many important alterations to the text given in previous editions; his preference for manuscripts Kb and Lb and for the commentary of Aspasius, represented by Heylbut’s edition (1889), explains many of these changes. Select readings of the most important witnesses are given in a critical apparatus. Bywater’s edition has been widely used by scholars and students of the Greek text of Nicomachean Ethics and a number of important translations have been based on it. The edition’s carefully compiled index of key Greek words, arranged according to usage, has proved an indispensable tool to generations of Greek students.
Cambridge University Press has long been a pioneer in the reissuing of out-of-print titles from its own backlist, producing digital reprints of books that are still sought after by scholars and students but could not be reprinted economically using traditional technology. The Cambridge Library Collection extends this activity to a wider range of books which are still of importance to researchers and professionals, either for the source material they contain, or as landmarks in the history of their academic discipline. Drawing from the world-renowned collections in the Cambridge University Library, and guided by the advice of experts in each subject area, Cambridge University Press is using state-of-the-art scanning machines in its own Printing House to capture the content of each book selected for inclusion. The files are processed to give a consistently clear, crisp image, and the books finished to the high quality standard for which the Press is recognised around the world. The latest print-on-demand technology ensures that the books will remain available indefinitely, and that orders for single or multiple copies can quickly be supplied. The Cambridge Library Collection will bring back to life books of enduring scholarly value (including out-of-copyright works originally issued by other publishers) across a wide range of disciplines in the humanities and social sciences and in science and technology.
Aristotelis Ethica Nicomachea E dited by Ingram Bywater
C A M B R I D G E U N I V E R SI T Y P R E S S Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town, Singapore, São Paolo, Delhi, Dubai, Tokyo Published in the United States of America by Cambridge University Press, New York Information on this title: © in this compilation Cambridge University Press 2010 This edition first published 1890 This digitally printed version 2010 ISBN 978-1-108-01189-1 Paperback This book reproduces the text of the original edition. The content and language reflect the beliefs, practices and terminology of their time, and have not been updated. Cambridge University Press wishes to make clear that the book, unless originally published by Cambridge, is not being republished by, in association or collaboration with, or with the endorsement or approval of, the original publisher or its successors in title.
ETHICA Nicomachea relegenti illud tantum mihi initio propositum fuerat ut Bekkeri textum retractarem et, sicubi videretur, ad scripturam codicis Laurentiani (Kb) propius reducerem. Quae nostra aetate natae sunt quaestiones de primordiis libri, de fide et auctoritate partium, de dispositione eorum quae in codicibus leguntur, harum rationem habere supersedi, non quod inutiles eas aut parvi momenti esse existimarem, sed quia velut lex huius editionis erat ut liber ipse qualis fere iam antiquitus in codicibus extat vel extitisse videtur, quoad fieri posset, integer intactusque servaretur. Optimum esse codicem Kb locupletissimumque veri testem ut mihi cum aliis persuasum est, ita non neglegere potui testimonia cum libri aetate proximi (Lb) turn versionis antiquae (F), quae hodie nobis instar Graeci codicis habenda est. Etenim a prima usque memoria is fuit textus Aristotelici habitus, ut passim diversae scripturae agnoscerentur, atque in L b et T non pauca, si quid video, satis certain vetustatis notam gerunt nee vere hominis Byzantini ingenio adscribuntur. Adde quod et ipsum Kb vitia manifesta deformant, sive de exemplo vitioso tralata sive inter
scribendum orta, omissa homoeoteleuta et cetera quae oscitantium scriptorum sunt; nam quae corrigendum malae sedulitati imputes, habet profecto pauca. Sed de universa condicione Laurentiani codicis in libello mox edendo curatius institui disserere; interim his velim adquiescas, si cui videbor parum constanter optimum codicem secutus esse. His subsidiis accessere nuper vera ac sincera Aspasii commentaria anno demum 1889 Gustavi Heylbut studio edita, unde ad historiam textus illustrandam priscamque scripturam dispiciendam haud paucis libri locis nova lux atque insperata adfulsit. In adferendo codicum testimonio praescriptam legem huius editionis sic observavi ut potissima tantum scripturae varietas in adnotatione commemoraretur, omissis scilicet eis quae temere et casu seriores librarii intulerunt. Itaque ne ipsius quidem Kb integram varietatem adposui, ac rarius Lb et F citavi, reliquorum paene incuriosus nisi quod Marcianum 213 (Mb), utpote patronos nactum non ignobiles, eodem silentio praetermittere nolui. Ceterum quamquam multa brevitatis gratia omisi, memoravi tamen scripturas etiam deteriorum codicum, quascumque in textum vidi a Bekkero receptas. Ad Bekkeri collationes codicum adhibui quae recentiores addiderunt, Iacksonis ad Librum quintum supellectilem criticam, et ea quae de Laurentiani scriptura ex collatione Schoellii Rassovius et Susemihlius dederunt, nee neglexi quae apud Stewartum nostrum (The English MSS. of the Nicomachean Ethics) ab Hieronymo Vitelli relata inveni; in qui-
busdam denique locis, quo de scriptura certior fierem, et ipse codicem inspexi. Cum coniecturarum libertas ab instituto huius editionis abhorreret, parce et non nisi necessitate quadam coactus emendationes in ipsum textum admisi. Interpunctionem liberius immutavi, partim meo Marte partim auctore Susemihiio, qui veram verborum distinctionem reperire saepius occupavit. Cuius quoniam mentio facta est, grato animo fateor non solum in hac parte sed etiam in universo labore tanto mihi usui fuisse Susemihlii editionem, ut vix dici possit quantum copiis ab eo collectis debuerim. Iuvat eos quoque honoris causa nominare qui ad plagulas perlegendas tam sedulam operam contulerunt, I. M. Schulhof et I. Burnet; et hunc quidem in duobus locis (i099b 33, ii44 a 26) in eandem mecum incidisse emendationem laetus intellexi. Sed est cui prae omnibus grates agam atque habeam, virum dico si quis alius ''ApiaroreXiKdraTov, I. C. Wilson : quern ut socium mihi in hac editione paranda futurum speraveram, ita postquam instantiora eum negotia alio averterant, alienum opus adiuvare et, quantum potuit, amico suppetiari non recusavit; haud exiguam enim libri partem una relegimus, crebrisque colloquiis collato studio difficillima quaeque excussimus. I. BYVVATER. Scribebam Londini mense lulio a. 1890.
Ha K> Lh Mb Nb Ob r vulg. Asp.
= = = = = = = = =
cod. Marcianus 214 cod. Laurentianus LXXXI. 11 cod. Parisiensis 1854 cod. Marcianus 213 cod. Marcianus append, iv. 53 cod. Riccardianus 46 antiqua traductio (ed. Paris, a. 1497) codices plerique Aspasii commentaria (ed. Berol.)
Hacra riyyr] KOX Traira jxeOobos, 6/xouoj be irpa^is re Kal 1094 • itpoaipeais, ayadov rivbs e\i,ev be Kal r a s
VTTO ravrrjv
olov arpaTr]yiKr]v
Xppevi]s be ravrrjs
r a t s Aonrats [Trpa«rtKats] T&V eTna-T-q- 7
5 ix&v, ert 8e voixo8eTovo-qs TI bel TTpctTTeiv Kal TIVCOV
aOai, TO Tavr-qs reXos nepiey^oi av TO. T&V akXaiv, w o r e TOVT' av etr] ravOpiLmvov
el yap
Kal iroXeL, ixei^ov ye Kal reXeiorepov rat
Kal Xafieiv
Kal aii^eiv
10 JXOVM, KaXXcov be Kai detorepov
Kal Tavrov
TO rrjs TroXecos (paive-
eOvei Kal iroXecnv.
ovv jxeOobos TOVTWV edjterai, TIOXITLKT] TIS ovaa.
oib' 15 irepl
rots Xoyois
r] ]xev
AeyoiTO 8' av
'iKav&s, el Kara TTJV v-noKeiixevqv vXrjv hiaaa(pr]Beit]' aKpifies oir)( 6\j.oi<x>s ev aiiaai
eo~Tiv evl 8
TO yap
eitiQqTr]Teov, &cnrep
TO, be KaXa Kal TO, St/cata, -
5>v r] -noXiTiKi] crKOTrelrai, TTOXXTJV l)(et bia<popav Kat
•nXavrjV, &are boKelv vo\i. ffdWr]rai, o 8' avr'
d^pijioj dvrjp.
H|/ets 6e X^yaifxev 36ev Trapf^efirmev.
TO yap ayaObv 3 eK rfii1 /Si'uz' 15
Kai TT]V evhaijAoviav OVK aAoycos ioiKaaiv 2 viroXajAfiavtiv
ol /xez> TTOAAOI Kai (popTiKcaTaTOL TTJV rjhovrjv'
810 Kai roi' /3iO2^ dyaTT&Jo-i TOV airoXavcmKOV.
Tpeis yap eiiri
/xaX.iaTa 01 Trpov^ovTiS, o re z w flprjp.ivos Kai 6 woAiriKOs 3 Kai Tpiros 6 OeooprjTiKos. 01 /MCI" oSi' 7roAA.oi TraireAfis
ipaCvovTat, fioo-KrjixaToav j3Cov Tipoaipovixevoi, 20 8e Xoyou hia TO TTOWOVS T&V kv rats efotxri'aiy 4 opioioTTadelv SaphavairakXu. rjV
ol be xapi'eires Kai Trpa.KTi.Kol
TOV yap TTOXITIKOV filov 8' eiTLTTokaLOTepov elvai
TOVTO re'Aoj.
rtjucSiTi juaAAoi" eiroi ^ ev r&5 njucojoieixi), rdya^oi' 8e 25 5 oiKeio'i> n Kai bvaadjaiperov
eVi 8' eoi-
Kacri TTJV Tijxr]v biioKeiv 'iva •nKxrevauio'iv eavTovs elvac ols
QijTovcn yovv
yivdxTKOVTai, KOI ew' apeTjj'
6 TOVTOVS f/ apeT-q KpeiTTaiv.
dreAearepa Kai ami]'
boKel yap
av evbaiixovCcrfiev,
TO, ixeyiaTa'
ye riy 30 be
Kai KaOtvbeiv
TOV 8' OVTCD (&vTa 1096"
el jin) decnv
irepl fxev TOVTCHV aAts" 'iKav&s yap
TTJV apeT7]v rj cnrpaKTeiv 81a fllov, Kai irpbs TOVTOIS
KaKOiraOelv Kai aTv^eiv ovbeh
OTI Kara
8e Kai ixaWov
TeXos TOV TTOXITIKOV /3iou TavTi-jv inroXd(3oL. eypvTa
virb TG>V (ppoviixoov TLjxaaOai., Kai Trap'
bia;rcu irepl avr&v.
TpiTos b' ICTTIV 6 OeooprjTiKOS, virep ov "' 6 he xP'?M a ' "
5 TT\V €TTi(TKe\p-Lv er rois (TTOfxevois 7roDj(roju,e#a. -rjs /3iaios r t ? (aril', ayadov'
ra irpoTepov ke^Oevra ayairarai.
Kal 6 TTXOVTOS bfjkov o n ov TO (rjTov-
xpT\aLi'eraL 8' ovb' eKelva'
io iTpos aiira Kara/3e/3X?jyrat.
8i6 fxaWov 8t' avra yap
ravra jxkv ovv aV
apidp.G>v Iheav KaTeo-KevaCov' TO 8' ayaObv
Aeyerat Kal ev
20 r(5 ri ecrTL Kal ev rrjo-iixov, Kal ev xp6v
M b
5f vulg. b
om. K M
23. roiruv V>
17. S)) codices Morelii: f\eyo/iei/ b
5' om. L
20. e<m
31. V] ely Kb
I. 6.
vno ixiav Karrjyoplav, olov Kaipov, ev iroXefKo p.ev yap (TTpari)yiKrj ev voara> b
laTpiKr/, Kal TOV fxeTpCov ev rpoiros, oibev
6 0^8' y ayaOov. ayadhv
7 ecprjixepov.
fxrjV oibe
el 8' oi'rcos,
r$, \av6pd>-
TTOV he Ti8efj,ev epyov CM^lv Twa, TavT-qv be \jsv)(r]s evepyeiav Kal irpa^eis jxeTa Xoyov,
cnrovbalov 8' avopos ev TavTa Kal
15 KaAwy, eKaaTov 6' ev Kara T-qv olKeiav aperrjv airoTeXeiTac 15 €t 8' OVT(6,~\ TO avOpannvov
~ijn})(7Js evepyeia
KOT' apeTrjv, el he TtXeCovs al aperaC, KaTa TT)V apiV TTpoeiprjixevoov Xpr\, Kal TJ]V fj.r\ o^totooy ev anao-tv
a.XX' ev e x a -
V apyjiv
8' at p.\v eirayayfj
OecopovvTai, 21
at 8' alo-Qrjaei, a\ 8' edi.(rp:iD TIVL, Kal a A \ a i 6' aAAajy. 5 vai hi TTfipaTtov
tKacrTas fj irfcpVKacnv,
p.eTie- 22
07ra)s biopitrQS>cn Ka\u>s' jxeyd\i]v yap i\ovV Qr]TOVjxiv(xiv. 8
2,K€irTeov be Trepl avTrjs ov p.6vov
io ros Kal e£ &v 6 Xoyos, avTrjs'
ejc TOV (rvp.TTepa.ajxa- "VIII.
a.X\a Kal e/c rStv Xeyop,ivu>v Ttepl
rV 2 ayadS>v Tpixfj,
Kal TS>V p.ev e/cros Xeyop.evoov TWV be
*tyvyj]v Kal aG>p.a, r a 15 fxaXuTTa ay add, ^V\LKO,S
Trepl \jfv\riv
Trepl ^vyjiv
KVpiuiTaTa Xeyop,ev Kal
Se TTpd^eis
Kal TCLS evepyeias
rCdep-ev. ware
KaXo>s av Ae'yotro Kara
ye TavTrjv T-qv bo£av TraXaihv ovaav Kal 6p\.oXoyovp.evr\v vnb rmv v Kal UXOVTOV KOX bvv&iJ,e(jL>s' Iv'iaiv be TrjT iray/cot/cot Trat8es etev
?) qbt'A.ot, 7)
ayadol ovres redvacnv. KaOairep ovv e"ntojt.ev, eoiKe irpocrhel- 17 crOai Kal rfjs ToiavTrjs evrjij,epias' o9ev els Tavrb TarTovcrtv evioi T7\v evTV\iav TTJ evbaiixoviq, eTepoi be TTJV apeTrjv. 10 "06ev Kal cnropeiTai -noTepov eort fj.adrjrbv r) eOiaTov rj Kal I X . 10 aXAws 7ro)j ao~Kr\Tov, rj Kara Tiva Oeiav jxoipav rj Kal bia rvyr/v napayiveTai. el jxev ovv Kal aAXo ri eari 6eG>v bdpr]p.a av- 2 6p(0TT0is, ev\oyov Kal rrjv evbaijj-oviav Oeoo-borov elvai, Kal T&V avdpcoTTLvcov ocra) /3eXrtorof. aXA.a TOVTO jxiv 3 22. Ka\ai ye KO\ aya0ai V> 1 0 9 9 b 1. Sia] KOX Sia K b M b 3. ov irAvv] ov5a/ Kb 5. if) post <j>t\ot om. KD 9. Kal post ^ om. V T
I. 9.
icrcoy aXX-qs av etrj cnV Se XOITTGIV ayadQiv 8 crvvepya
Tvyjj \iav
Kar' aper^v
TO. [xev vi:apyj.iv
Kai y^pr}o~i)xa TrecpVKev opyaviKuis. av e'ir\ KOI TOIS
ev apyj]'
-noia TLS.
r a hi
ro yap
TeXos apio-TOv eTi8ep.ev, avTrj hi nXeiaT-qv eirip.tXeiav
TroieiTat 30
TOV TTOLOVS Tivas Kai ayaOovs TOVS 7ro/U'ray Ttoirjcrai KO.1 irpaK9 TLKOVS T&V KaX&v.
etKoVcos ovv ovTe fiovv owe
aXXo T5>V £&)coy ovhiv 10 olov r e Koivwvfjcrai alriav
ToiavTrjs evepyeias.
oyhi 77cu? evhatp-CDV eo-Tiv'
TOIOVTOOV 81a Tr)v 7/A.iiaazv fji.aKapi£ovTai.
Set yup,
11 Kai j3[ov reXecov. roicu rvyjxi
hia TaxiTiqv hi TTJ
ol be Xeyop.evoi
hia TT)V eXtiiha
&o-irep elirojj.ev, KOX apeTi]s yap
/xera/ yivovTai Tov
reXeias Kai -nav- 5
P^Q-XMTT evQi]-
avpLCpopats Tsepi-neaelv eirl yripa>s, Kada-nep ev
TOZS TpaHKols ireplUpidp.ov
jXvOeveTai.' TOV hi ToiavTais
Kai TeXevT-qcravTa adXicos ovhtls
20. rb add. Kb M"
oinroo yap TtpaKTiKbs T&V
Kara TOV fiiov, Kai evhexeTaL
vovvTa fxeyaXais
23. T^ add. Wilson
1100" 8. -hpuiKots Lb r
16 H
I. 10.
Ylorepov ovv ou8' aWov ovheva avdptoiroov evbaijAovurTeov X. ems av (rj, Kara. 26ku>va be \pe- 6 pn]6eiri KO.1 TO VVV eTTtCriTovixevov e£ eKeCvov. el 8r) TO Te\os 7 opav bei Kai Tore jxaKapl^eiv eKaurov ovy^ &>y b'vra fxaKapiov aAA' 6'rt irporepov r\v, it&s OVK CLTOTTOV, el or ecrnv evbai35 ixcov, p.7] akrjdevaerai. Kar' airov ro v-rtapyjiv hia TO /XT) 1100 * fiovXeo-dai. TOVS (Sivras evbai\xovi£eiv 8ta ras jxerafiokas, Kal 8ta rd \x6vijx6v rt rr/y evbaiixoviav v-neikr\(pivai, Kal evixerdj3okov, ras be r ^ a s irokkaKLS a.vaKv~ 18. TI om. Kb
32. rh post $)) add. Kb
I. 10.
8 KKetadai irepl TOVS aiiTovs ; bfjkov yap <us el Tepai. yap Kai TU>V kitiv avTai boKovcnv tlvac TOVTCOV 8' avT&v at njutwrarat ixovipid>Ttpai bia. TO p.aXi- 15 ora Kat v Kal fxeyaXos. et 8' elcrlv al evepyeiai Kvpuai Tijs C ^ ^ J KaOd-nep 13 v, ovbels av yivoiTO T&V [xaKaplcov aOXios' ovbe-rroTe 35 yap lipd^ei TO. \xurr\Ta KOX ra (pavXa. rbv yap a)j aXiqd&s 1101a dyadbv (cat f\i