September 2011 VOLUME 27, NUMBER 9
INSIDE Driers for Alkyd Coatings Industrial No-VOC Colorants
Coatings Industry
The Latest Advances in Vinyl Technology
Globally Serving Liquid and Powder Formulators and Manufacturers
Corrosion Resistance
Scan the mobile tag to access news about nanomaterial mixing technology.
Cinilex Cinile Ci ile lex x Yellow Ye Yel ell llow ow SY1H SY S Y1H H (PY110) (PY11 PY11 PY 10))
Cinilex Cinilex Yellow Ci Yellow ow SY2T SY2T (PY110) (PY1 (P Y110 10))
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Cinilex Cini Cini nile le ex DPP D P Red DP Re R ed ST ST S T (PR254) (PR R25 54)) HEADQUARTERS
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Looking for a clear direction? Have we got a solution for you.
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CONTENTS PA I N T & C O AT I N G S I N D U S T RY , V O L U M E 2 7 , N U M B E R 9
September 2011
FEATURES 24 Novel Non-Chrome Thin Organic Hybrid Coating for
Coil Steels, Henkel Corporation 32 Understanding the Latest Advances in Vinyl
Technology for Coatings, Arkema Coating Resins 38 Next-Generation Industrial Waterborne No-VOC
Colorants, Colortrend USA LLC 44 Driers for Alkyd Coatings – an Overview,
Dr. inż. Maciej Umiński 49 Details on Arkema’s Acquisition of TOTAL,
ONLINE FEATURES w w w. Chromate-Free Primer First to be Qualified by Boeing, PPG Industries New Aluminum Oxide Coating Creates Corrosion Barrier, Sanford Process Corporation A New Technique to Powder Coat Flat Substrates, EMB-Technology Diversity and Importance of Industrial Mixers, JBW Systems, Inc. Rotational Rheometer Helps Develop Industrial Corrosion Protection Systems, Malvern Instruments
DEPARTMENTS 6 8 12 14 22 51 52 54
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Insider Interview ON THE COVER: Photo courtesy of
Mobile tag courtesy of Charles Ross & Son. Co.
50 Supplier Showcase
PCI - PAINT & COATINGS INDUSTRY (ISSN 0884-3848) is published 12 times annually, monthly, by BNP Media, 2401 W. Big Beaver Rd., Suite 700, Troy, MI 48084-3333. Telephone: (248) 362-3700, Fax: (248) 362-0317. No charge for subscriptions to qualified individuals. Annual rate for subscriptions to nonqualified individuals in the U.S.A.: $115.00 USD. Annual rate for subscriptions to nonqualified individuals in Canada: $149.00 USD (includes GST & postage); all other countries: $165.00 (int’l mail) payable in U.S. funds. Printed in the U.S.A. Copyright 2011, by BNP Media. All rights reserved. The contents of this publication may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the consent of the publisher. The publisher is not responsible for product claims and representations. Periodicals Postage Paid at Troy, MI and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: PCI - PAINT & COATINGS INDUSTRY, P.O. Box 2145, Skokie, IL 60076. Canada Post: Publications Mail Agreement #40612608. GST account: 131263923. Send returns (Canada) to Pitney Bowes, P.O. Box 25542, London, ON, N6C 6B2. Change of address: Send old address label along with new address to PCI - PAINT & COATINGS INDUSTRY, P.O. Box 2145, Skokie, IL 60076. For single copies or back issues: contact Ann Kalb at (248) 244-6499 or
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Grinding Dispersing
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[email protected] I am constantly amazed at the variety of ways people can obtain information in this technology-driven age. Lately, mobile tags are everywhere, and gaining in popularity, from cartons of eggs to T-shirts to trade show booths. This month’s cover of PCI features a mobile tag from Charles Ross & Son Co. When the Microsoft Tag Reader application is installed on a mobile device (smart phone), the Tag Reader can be used to scan the tag using the device’s camera. This particular tag will link you directly to information on nanomaterial mixing technology from Charles Ross. You can download the Tag Reader at A few of our advertisers have started using mobile tags in their ads. Check out Sartomer’s ad on page 16 as an example. You will notice that PCI will be using this new tool throughout our magazine in the future, in both ads and editorial features. Be sure to scan these tags with your smart phones to see what information pops up. Most smart phone browsers allow you to add bookmarks, so you can save the urls from mobile tags for future reference. Another great tool that I wanted to mention is PCI’s LinkedIn group. This site has become a valuable networking resource. Almost daily, people post coatings formulation and application questions for their peers, which opens up a great dialog among those in the group. As an example, someone recently posted the question, “Does the substitution of micron-sized zinc particles with nano-sized ones yield significant improvements in anti-corrosive paints, and is a broad industry adoption of such nano-sized zinc expected?” The responses are very interesting. Another member has questions on storing and using NH3ag at his facility. Several people responded with helpful suggestions. Other people are looking for information about coatings for a specific purpose, products to replace ones they are currently using in their formulations, or software to better run their process. New business has been acquired as a result of these discussions. Jobs are also posted, from powder coating field sales reps to senior coatings chemists. I have also obtained a few technical papers for PCI as a result of information posted on our group site. Be sure to visit and join the group for Paint & Coatings Industry, so that you don’t miss out. Also sign up to follow PCI on Twitter and Facebook. Breaking industry news is posted on these sites, as well as information on upcoming trade shows and conferences. Whether you are at work, at home, on the road or in the sky, you have access to all the information you need to keep abreast of the latest developments in the coatings industry. It may take some of us a while to catch on to the latest and greatest resources available to us, but be sure to do it. You will be amazed! Visit 6
SEPTEMBER 2011 | W W W . P C I M A G . C O M
By Kristin Johansson, Editor | PCI
Architectural Coatings
Industrial Coatings
Container Automotive
Civil Aerospace Engineering
Coatings Technologies:
SolventBorne Coatings
WaterBorne Coatings
Powder Coatings
Marine & Maintenance
UV Coatings
High Solids Coatings
Brenntag understands change is normal for the Coatings Industry. As the Coatings Industry has evolved through the years, Brenntag’s Paint and Coatings Team continues to provide our customers with the products and services to stay competitive in the marketplace. Whether you face different markets, technologies, or substrate applications, Brenntag’s Paint and Coatings Team can help you to adapt and make change work to your advantage.
Brenntag offers a complete specialty and industrial product portfolio, technical assistance with product development, formulations and applications know-how, superior logistics with versatile blending and re-packaging capabilities, and last, but not least, commitment to quality and safety. Change demands innovation and creativity. Brenntag Understands. Brenntag North America, Inc. (610) 926-6100 Ext: 3858
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EPA Strengthens Key Scientific Database/ Reviews New Uses of Glymes WASHINGTON, DC – The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced plans to improve its Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS) licly program. IRIS is a publicly ase available online database that provides science-based human health assessments used to inform the agency’s decisions on protecting public health and the environment. With the improveessments, all new IRIS assessment documents will be shorter, clearer and moree visual visual, concise, and transparent. IRIS users can
expect to see a reduced volume of text and increased clarity and transparency of data, methods and decision criteria. To make the scientific rationale behind tthe assessments and toxicity v values as transparent as poss possible, the EPA will evaluate a describe the strengths and a weaknesses of critical and studies in a more uniform w way. The EPA will also i indicate which criteria w were most influential in eva evaluating the weight of the scient scientific evidence supporting its choice of toxicity values. The EPA will also create a new peer
consultation step early in the development of major IRIS assessments to enhance the input of the scientific community as assessments are designed. For more information about IRIS, visit Also in the news, EPA is proposing a regulatory procedure requiring companies to report new uses of chemicals known as glymes in consumer products. EPA’s proposed action is based in part on concerns that additional uses of these 14 chemicals in consumer products could lead to harmful reproductive and developmental health effects. The proposed regulatory procedure is known as a significant new use rule (SNUR) under the Toxic Substances Con-
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SEPTEMBER 2011 | W W W . P C I M A G . C O M
trol Act. The SNUR would ensure that, prior to the manufacture, import or processing of these chemicals for a significant new use, EPA will have 90 days to evaluate potential risks and prohibit or limit the activity if warranted.
icones, advancing at an above-average pace through 2015. Silicone gains will be bolstered by demand in high-growth new applications. The most rapid increases, however, will be in the construction market. Similar factors will also fuel healthy growth in transportation markets, as
motor vehicle production in the developed world rebounds from recent declines. Elastomers and fluids were the two leading silicone product types in 2010, accounting for over 80 percent of total demand. Of the two, stronger growth is expected for elastomers, which will ben-
Color and Pigments Week 2011 BERLIN – IntertechPira’s Color & Pigments Week 2011, The Future of Pigments, will take place Oct. 24-28, 2011, at the Maritim Hotel Berlin, in Germany. Attendees will learn valuable market intelligence and gain business contacts through the multiple networking events. Visit for additional information.
Demand for Silicones to Reach $16 Billion CLEVELAND – According to a new study released by The Freedonia Group, a Cleveland-based industrial research company, world demand for silicones will rise 6.2 percent per year to $16.7 billion in 2015. Advances will represent a notable acceleration from the 2005-2010 period in which most developed world markets in North America and Western Europe experienced sluggish increases, or even declines, in silicone demand. The Asia-Pacific region will remain the largest and fastest-growing outlet for silicones through 2015. Gains will continue to be driven by the large silicone market in China. Although slowing from the nearly 20 percent growth seen during the 2000-2010 period, the country will post strong double-digit gains going forward. Silicone demand in the region will also benefit from healthy gains in countries such as South Korea, Taiwan and India, although subpar increases in the Japanese market will temper this to some extent. Above-average growth is also forecast for Central and South America, Eastern Europe and the AfricaMideast region, areas in which silicone demand per capita is currently among the lowest in the world. North America and Western Europe, the historical centers of the world silicone industry, saw demand severely hampered by the recent economic recession. Through 2015, however, silicone demand is expected to make a solid recovery, fueled in large part by a strong rebound in construction spending and motor vehicle production. Electrical and electronic products will continue to be the leading outlet for sil-
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I NDUSTRY NEWS efit from the rebounding construction and transportation markets. The fastest increases, however, will be for silicone gels
OBITUARY Industry Loses Tom Grady CHICAGO – Tom Grady, Marketing Director for Metal Building Products of The Sherwin-Williams Co., passed away at the age of 45. Grady came to Sherwin-Williams during the company’s Pratt and Lambert acquisition in the mid-‘90s. At that time, he was a Powder Representative. Through the years, Grady moved into liquid and ultimately into the MBP group. He was instrumental in getting the company’s Kynar coatings into the field through testing and the approval process. Grady is survived by his wife, Jane (Kalinoski) Grady, and daughters Elizabeth and Kaitlyn.
and other smaller-volume products, fueled by emerging opportunities in electronic components and motor vehicles. This new industry study, World Silicones, presents historical demand data and forecasts for 2015 and 2020. Visit for additional information.
Partners USB and SW Recognized With Green Chemistry Award WASHINGTON, DC – A unique, four-year partnership between America’s soybean farmers and the Sherwin-Williams Co. has received the Presidential Green Chemistry Award from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The honor recognizes the development of an innovative new paint formulation that utilizes soybean oil and recycled plastic bottles (PET), and reduces VOCs by 60 percent. The EPA presented Sherwin-Williams Co., Cleveland, OH, with one of five 2011 Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge Awards during a ceremony in Washing-
ton, DC. EPA also recognized the United Soybean Board (USB) for its role in the development of the product. Sherwin-Williams, with soybean checkoff funding and technical support from USB, developed water-based acrylic alkyd paints with low VOCs that can be made from soybean oil. These new paints combine the performance benefits of alkyds and low-VOC content of acrylics. The soybean oil helps to promote film formation, gloss, flexibility and cure. In 2010, Sherwin-Williams manufactured enough of these new paints to eliminate over 800,000 pounds of VOCs. The company has used 320,000 pounds of soybean oil, 250,000 pounds of PET and eliminated 1,000 barrels of oil.
ASTM Proposes Several New Testing Standards W. CONSHOHOCKEN, PA – ASTM International has announced several new proposed standards being developed by subcommittees of ASTM Committee D01
on Paint and Related Coatings, Materials and Applications. ASTM WK 30920, Guide for Corrosion Test Panel Preparation and Rating of Coil-Coated Building Products, is being developed by Subcommittee D01.53 on Coil Coated Metal. According to Ted Best, a scientist with Valspar Corp. and D01.53 member, the standardization of test panel configurations and ratings would allow benchmark comparisons across a broad range of products that includes substrates, pretreatments and coatings. ASTM WK 33642, Test Method for Measurement of Viscosity of Paints, Inks or Related Liquid Materials as a Function of Temperature, is being developed by Subcommittee D01.24 on Physical Properties of Liquid Paints and Paint Materials. “It is useful to know the extent of variation, but we do not know of any ASTM standard that establishes the viscositytemperature variation for these materials,” said Clifford Schoff, Ph.D., Schoff Associates, and Chairman of D01.24.
“The relationship has important implications for viscosity measurement in general and specifically for processes such as hot spray and for sagging and leveling on baking.” The proposed standard will give instruction on how to prepare a viscosity-temperature table or curve. This will be useful when ambient conditions do not allow the measurement at the exact temperature stated in a specification or regulation. Schoff says D01.24 welcomes interested parties to join in the ongoing revision of the ASTM WK 33642 draft and also to participate in interlaboratory testing to establish the precision of the proposed standard. In addition to ASTM WK 33642, the subcommittee is also beginning work on a standard for measuring the yield stress of paints, ink and related liquids. Participants are sought for this activity as well. Another new proposed ASTM International standard is ASTM WK 32143, Test Method for Visual Assessment of Water
Beading on Horizontal Coatings, being developed by Subcommittee D01.42 on Architectural Coatings. It will provide formulators with a practical means for evaluating the water beading capability of a coating. Repeating the test described in ASTM WK 32143 after coated specimens have been put through intervals of aging or weathering will demonstrate the persistence of the coating’s ability to bead water.
Attendance at Latin American Coatings Show Up 31 Percent MEXICO CITY – The Latin American Coatings Show 2011, which took place in July at the World Trade Center, Mexico City, attracted 3,667 attendees, an alltime record performance for the event. The show reported a 31 percent increase in attendance from the event in 2009. Highlights included an exhibition and exhibitor business presentations. Exhibitors interested in booking for the 2013 event should contact Jeff Montgomery at
[email protected]. 䡲
Arkema Emulsion Systems delivers innovative products and targeted support that allow you to capitalize on amazing new opportunities. For example, our new SNAP™ 720 Structured Nano-Acrylic Polymer uses advanced particle morphology design to offer formulators excellent gloss and adhesion plus outstanding block resistance and film hardness in a no or low VOC architectural coating. If you haven’t already tried this 100% acrylic binder, it’s definitely worth looking into.
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C ALENDAR Meetings, Shows and Educational Programs 27-29 Eurocoat 2011
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SEPTEMBER 2011 | W W W . P C I M A G . C O M
18-19 Industrial Minerals 2011 Toronto, Canada 18-20 RadTech Europe Basel, Switzerland 23-26 Western Coatings Symposium Las Vegas 24-26 Future of Pigments Berlin, Germany
NOV. 1-3 Chem Show New York City 2-3 12th Asia Coatings Markets Jakarta, Indonesia 21-23 ABRAFATI São Paulo, Brazil
We are thinking about the same thing you are… How to make your products greener and their performance pure gold. Our customers come to us to help them stay ahead of competitive pressures by helping to re-formulate existing products and innovate new ones – meeting “green” goals while preserving and even enhancing performance. We call it Greenability. You’ll call it genius. 2 Another fine result of the Innovation Principle – . Let us help you work through the formula for Greenability.
C O M PANY NEWS Clariant Demonstrates Corporate Social Responsibility in Asia
AkzoNobel Offers Full-Body Monocoat Powder Coating CANNES, France – AkzoNobel’s Interpon has become the first-ever full-body monocoat powder coating to be used on a passenger vehicle in Europe. Showcased at the Cannes SURCAR 2011 Congress, the Citroën DS4 is the first-ever passenger vehicle in Europe to be exhibited using matt black textured powder coatings on the car body. After initial trials with PSA PEUGEOT CITROËN, the parent company of the Citroën DS4, a model was produced using Interpon A 5000, and the decision was made by PSA Peugeot Citroën to showcase the car and its new coating system in Cannes. Powder coatings as a body coating alternative mark the start of a new
Copyright PSA 2011.
era for automotive manufacturers who are keen to reduce both their carbon footprint and their costs without compromising on technical quality or performance. The powder monocoat system reduces the number of process steps and enables a significant reduction in energy consumption.
MUTTENZ, Switzerland – Clariant is extending its worldwide commitment to corporate social responsibility in the AsiaPacific region through hands-on community initiatives and active support for local educational programs. Clariant in Indonesia recently launched its 2011 Responsible Care® program with a new series of community programs focused on education, safety, health and the environment for people living in the vicinity of its manufacturing plant in Tangerang, Indonesia. Initiatives include annual scholarships in collaboration with the Sampoerna Foundation to 32 underprivileged and gifted children for the 2011/2012 academic year, and malnutrition prevention programs in the Tangerang area. Clariant recently introduced an environmental cleanliness movement, including the planting of 500 trees in public spaces, through close cooperation with other companies in the Cibodas Tangerang region. Within China, Clariant has participated in a series of events organized by East China University of Science and Technology and the Association of International Chemical Manufacturers to celebrate the International Year of Chemistry 2011 (IYC2011) under the topic “Chemistry: our life, our future.”
Celanese Emulsions Announces New Technology Center
Zinc Oxide
Aluminum Oxide
Bismuth Oxide
NanoArc® Aluminum Oxide dispersions provide a variety of scratch resistant properties that meet the rigorous requirements of thin, highly transparent coatings.
DALLAS – The Emulsion Polymers business of Celanese Corp. is advancing its application technology group in the Americas by moving to a new facility in the greater Cincinnati area. Celanese Emulsions will join technology teams from Ticona, the engineering polymers business of Celanese and Celanese EVA Performance Polymers, at a site in Florence, KY.
Univar and Dow Corning Coatings Expand Distribution Agreement BRUSSELS, Belgium – Univar Inc. has expanded its long-standing European distribution agreement with Dow Corning Coatings to include Austria, Turkey, the Baltic region, Central and Eastern Europe, and South Africa.
Elcometer Opens Southeast Regional Office ROCHESTER HILLS, MI – Elcometer Inc. has opened a new office to serve the southeastern United States. Located in Charles-
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SEPTEMBER 2011 | W W W . P C I M A G . C O M
C OM PANY NEWS ton, SC, the office will serve as a hub for the southeast region, including North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia. The office will be headed by Kim Thompson.
Lubrizol Wins Ringier Technology Innovation Award CLEVELAND – Lubrizol Performance Coatings, a business division of The Lubrizol Corp., has earned the Ringier Technology Innovation Award in China for the development of its one-component, self-crosslinking polyurethane dispersion technology for wood coatings. Lubrizol’s Turboset™ Ultra Pro waterborne polyurethane dispersion is based on a unique polyurethane technology that does not require the addition of crosslinkers to deliver the performance of a two-component system.
OPXBIO Raises $36.5 Million BOULDER, CO – OPX Biotechnologies Inc. has raised $36.5 million in the first closing of its C-Round private equity financing. The investment will enable OPXBIO to accelerate development and commercialization of an industrial-scale process for producing its first renewable chemical, BioAcrylic. OPXBIO has established a joint development agreement with The Dow Chemical Co. to collaborate on the large-scale demonstration of the process for BioAcrylic production and anticipates full commercialization within three to five years.
Emerald Kalama Chemical Plans New Technical Center CUYAHOGA FALLS, OH – Emerald Kalama Chemical, a division of Emerald Performance Materials, has completed the first of several planned phases of its technical expansion focused on its K-FLEX® nonphthalate plasticizers and coalescents. The business has also increased its technical staff by 50 percent. In addition, the company has approved the investment in a new technical center at its Kalama, WA, site. The new technical center is scheduled to open in spring 2012.
Lonza to Acquire Arch Chemicals
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SEPTEMBER 2011 | W W W . P C I M A G . C O M
BASEL, Switzerland/NORWALK, CT – Lonza Group Ltd. and Arch Chemicals Inc. have signed an agreement in which Lonza will buy 100 percent of Arch Chemicals’ outstanding shares of common stock. Upon completion of the transaction, Lonza will have a leading microbial-control business with 2010 pro-forma sales in this life science market of approximately $1.6 billion.