OC TOBER 2 0 11
Cleaning Specialist For Fo F or Today’ Today’s y s Floor Care and Restoration Professional Proffessional
The Evolution of Floor Finish
Target the Best Neighborhoods in Town Clean and Green: Achieving the Best of Both Worlds
W W W.I C S M A G .C O M
The Unheralded Equipment Essential
Page 26
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XL Performance, Small Size
Dehumidifier Produces up to 110 Pints per Day AHAM for Large Restoration Jobs Powerful Blower Motor Delivers 350 CFM Thermostat Controlled Defrost Ensures Performance and Efficiency Ductable Intake and Exhaust Providing Drying Versatility Tough 12” Recessed Wheels Built for Durability and Space Maximization Easy Cleaning and Maintenance A member of KÄRCHER North America
Circle 12 on the Free Information Page
October Vol.50 No.10
Features & Columns 16
Staying “Open”
The Evolution of Floor Finish: It’s Not Just Wax Anymore
By Steve Toburen
By Stanley Quentin Hulin
Taking a Hard Look at Hard Locking Connectors
Vacuums: The Unheralded Equipment Essential
Target the Best Neighborhoods in Town
Man vs. Machine
Policies, Procedures and the “Miracle on the Hudson”
Clean and Green: Achieving the Best of Both Worlds
By Gordon Hanks
By Jeffrey Stouffer, editor
40 26
By John Braun
By Noel Frank
By Howard Partridge
By Dr. Jason Marshall
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Editorial Comment ICS eRants & Raves ICS eMedia In My Experience News, Views and Events New Products and Technologies Must See Products Gallery Buyers’ Marketplace Advertiser Index IICRC Chairman’s Corner CFI News SCRT News PACR News CRA News
ICS CLEANING SPECIALIST (ISSN 1522-4708) is published 12 times annually, monthly, by BNP Media II, L.L.C., 2401 W. Big Beaver Rd., Suite 700, Troy, MI 48084-3333. Telephone: (248) 362-3700, Fax: (248) 362-0317. No charge for subscriptions to qualified individuals. Annual rate for subscriptions to nonqualified individuals in the U.S.A.: $115.00 USD. Annual rate for subscriptions to nonqualified individuals in Canada: $149.00 USD (includes GST & postage); all other countries: $165.00 (int’l mail) payable in U.S. funds. Printed in the U.S.A. Copyright 2011, by BNP Media II, L.L.C. All rights reserved. The contents of this publication may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the consent of the publisher. The publisher is not responsible for product claims and representations. Periodicals Postage Paid at Troy, MI and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: ICS CLEANING SPECIALIST, P.O. Box 2146, Skokie, IL 60076. Canada Post: Publications Mail Agreement #40612608. GST account: 131263923. Send returns (Canada) to Pitney Bowes, P.O. Box 25542, London, ON, N6C 6B2. Change of address: Send old address label along with new address to ICS CLEANING SPECIALIST, P.O. Box 2146, Skokie, IL 60076. For single copies or back issues: contact Ann Kalb at (248) 244-6499 or
[email protected].
Cleaning Specialist | October 2011
Concrete Floors Are Everywhere
Retail, restaurants and industrial businesses are all new potential customers.
Peroxiblast is your tough, heavy-duty alkaline cleaner that attacks dirty, oil and grease stained concrete. Safely replace mineral spirits and chlorinated solvent-based concrete degreasers with this oxygen activated powder. Peroxibright™ CTG (Concrete, Tile and Grout Cleaner and Brightener) cleans and brightens without the need for neutralization or harsh acids. #ONCRETE3TONE$ENSIÚERÙMMTUJOZDSBDLTBOEQPSFT BOEHJWFTUIFDPODSFUFBOVMUSB strong base layer. This new layer is perfect for repolishing. Grout & Concrete Sealer is the ÙOBMTUFQJOUIF7JQFS$PODSFUFTZTUFN*USFTJTUTTPJMT TUBJOT DIFNJDBMEFHSBEBUJPOBOEPGGFST excellent oil and water repellency.
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Scan with your smart phone do download our Concrete Cleaning Guide.
Editorial Comment By Jeffrey
Connections Salutes Some Industry Standouts
he Connections Convention and Trade Show – v.2011 – has come and gone, another successful notch in the industry belt. And every year ICS likes to take a moment to recognize, well, some of those who were recognized during the event as representing some of the best of what the industry has to offer. Three prominent awards are presented each year during Connections. This year, the Industry Connections Award, presented to “an individual, company or group that has forged connections and partnerships between the cleaning and restoration industries and other industries,” went to Connections’ tireless stalwart Dennis Iverson. Industry icon Dan Bernazzani was the 2011 recipient of the Connections Kenway Mead Leadership Award, presented to “an individual, company or group that has displayed vision, leadership and tireless energy on behalf of the cleaning and restoration industry on a regional, national or international level,” while the ICS Cleaning Specialist Ralph Bloss Humanitarian Award, an award that “honors members of the floor care industry whose compassion, self-sacrifice, leadership and creativity produce significant and outstanding benefits for mankind,” was presented to Gary Gilman, owner and president of Minturn, Colo.-based SteamMaster Restoration and Cleaning. Dennis, Dan and Gary, our hats are off to you. Congratulations!
Publisher ] Evan Kessler Eastern Regional Manager ] Chris Dunham Western Regional Manager ] Jim Roy Editor ] Jeffrey Stouffer Sr. Art Director ] Rick Arvidson Art Director ] Manda Chan Production Manager ] Amy Levin CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Jeff Bishop, John Braun, Dave DeBlander, Aaron Groseclose, Gordon Hanks, Stanley Quentin Hulin, Howard Partridge, Steve Toburen, Ruth Travis, Noel Frank
BNP Media Company, II, L.L.C. Publishing and Sales Office: 22801 Ventura Blvd., Suite 115 Woodland Hills, CA 91364 Phone: (818) 224-8035, Fax: (818) 224-8042 E-mail:
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Cleaning Specialist | October 2011
Circle 15 on the Free Information Page
ICS eRants & Raves Questions, Insights and Outbursts from ICSmag.com Nothing Like a Little
Copyright Infringement…
Listen to this one: I met another cleaner one time who is about 1 hour north of me. He hands me his business card; on it has a logo I DESIGNED personally (I used to be a freelance graphics designer years ago). The kicker is that it still had MY company name on the logo!! LOL! He probably got it off the Internet...I didn’t say anything because I didn’t want to embarrass him, he seemed like a nice guy... – Joe D.
A New and Tricky Twist on
Getting Way Too Tired of
Way Too Much SPAM I finally had to put a seller of rug equipment in my SPAM box. I got sick of the 4-5x’s a week promotions. So this begs the question. What do you feel is an acceptable number of spam messages a week? – Greg C.
Here is a new one for some of you; maybe you know about this and maybe not. Thought I was asking all of the right questions, with one of them being, “Any prepayment penalty?” Answer: “No.” OK, so I start adding a few extra bucks with each payment...hmm, don’t see them coming off principal balance. Guess what? I got credit for them, but the “extra money” is sitting there and “can be applied to a payment coming due at any time” The reason? New terminology for me that was in the fine print: “NO Principle Paydowns.” So they don’t curtail the loan any quicker unless you walk in and payoff the balance all at one time. File that one away for future reference. – Bill M.
Better My Best What a whopper of a week. I bettered my best for a week-by 35%-40%! I turned away about 20 potential jobs ‘cuz I had NO time to squeeze them in. 27 carpet cleaning jobs, 8-11 hour days and two on Saturday. Going to the ICU over the weekend to recover. Did not think I could do the volume I did. Learned I have a new limit of my potential.
– Matt T.
Calendar of Industry Events Using Stock Footage to
Conventions & Trade Shows
Dress Up a Web Site Recently I have been looking over our web presence and making some mild changes to things to freshen up. I also occasionally look at other cleaners’ web sites and such for ideas. I have noticed that the vast majority I have looked at use stock purchased images instead of photos of their own actually completed results. Why? In my opinion, I would want and do showcase my work, my results, my real world cleaning. Not some purchased images from a catalog that have no relevance to what I do for my clients.
– Todd B.
Oct. 18-21: 2011 ISSA/North America in Las Vegas. Call (800) 225-4772 or go to www.issa.com for more information.
Jan. 17-19, 2012: International Disaster Conference and Expo, New Orleans. Go to www.internationaldisasterconference.com for more information.
Jan. 22-26: Ideas and inspiration for the industry, by the industry. For more go to the ICS and CFC Bulletin Boards at www.icsmag.com. 8
Cleaning Specialist | October 2011
Insights 2012. Austin, Texas. Go to www.insightsconference.com for more information.
Thermal Imaging Price Breakthrough i-Series Performance and Ease-of-Use, Starting at $1,195 Open Doors and Grow Your Business With 50 years of experience and more than 200,000 thermal cameras delivered, see how FLIR’s new low-cost i-Series can find your problems and change your game. Visit www.flir.com/breakthrough for a complete video demonstration of the new i3, or call 866.477.3687 today.
Quality – Innovation – Trust
NASDAQ: FLIR The thermal images shown are for illustrative purposes only.
Circle 9 on the Free Information Page
InfraMation 2011 The Leading Infrared Camera Users Conference!
Bally’s Las Vegas November 9 - 11
Turbocharge your infrared career at InfraMation 2011. Now with a stronger focus on predictive maintenance thermography. Plus new pre-conference courses and seminars. Get details, see the video, and register now at www.inframation.org or call 877.773.3547
ICS eMedia An Offline Look at What’s Happening Online
For more go to www.icsmag.com
Plan for What You Can With wall-to-wall coverage of a slow but ever-so powerful hurricane approaching and devouring the East Coast of the United States this week in August, it’s tempting to become riveted to the news and paralyzed with fear. Realistically, you can’t avoid getting caught up in it if you watch TV, listen to the radio or surf the Web. It’s everywhere. And to those of you who live on the West Coast and deal with earthquakes and those in the Midwest who deal with tornados, the over the top attention to this East Coast event may seem to be unwarranted. Fair enough. But, here’s what I know no matter where you operate your business…it’s far better to “Hope for the Best…all the while….preparing for the worst.” Even if you weren’t ready this time or you just lucked out because you took a glancing blow from a natural disaster it’s good to follow the Boy Scouts of America motto and “Be Prepared.” — From “Hope for the Best…Prepare for the Worst” on the ICS Blog Spot
Prying the Company Tires Out
of the Mud
Many carpet cleaning/ restoration companies seem to grow to a certain size and then proceed to get stuck there for years and years. Why is that and what can be done about it? If you could move your business from $150,000 in yearly sales to $400,000, how would that change your life? What about $400,000 to a million? Perhaps you have been working for years and years and can’t seem to get ahead or have a lifestyle that allows you to do what you really want to do. Let’s face it; you may be stuck and wondering what this “Be your own boss” thing is all about. Here’s one thought that may encourage you somewhat; you are not alone! Millions of business owners are stuck, so the more important question is, “How does one get unstuck?” Let’s examine 10 ways to get unstuck.
— From the Web Exclusive Feature “Ten Ways to Get Unstuck” by Dave DeBlander
The ICSmag.com Web
The best move I’ve made in the past year is when I: 20% Paid off my vehicles and/or facility 80%
Inaccurate Feedback Won’t Take You Anywhere Good Do you believe your techs will go through the Customer Satisfaction Survey process with each and every customer every call they run? Maybe…maybe not? It’s true that if a tech senses that the customer is not totally happy with them and/or the work they’ve done, and that they’re likely to give them low marks and bad feedback, they’ll use it as a good reason to just skip doing this. And if you were them, you’d do the same. A way around this is to make it a habit to either email (customer’s email addresses are a must these days), or snail mail them after every call your company does. It makes it easy to have your Customers give you their feedback on their schedule and not yours. If they’re good comments you’ll want to arrange permission to stop back and check things over, so you have a chance to convince them to also let you take a picture to go with their testimonial. Pictures ramp up the effectiveness of any testimonial you’ll ever get. Potential customers will more easily identify with your existing happy customers when they see people they can identify with. Knowing what you know now, you still think you can avoid the pitfalls and shortcomings of Happy Calls?
Grabbed more market share in my region 0% Hired the “perfect” employee(s) 0% Set up a savings/retirement plan 10
Cleaning Specialist | October 2011
— From “To Happy Call or Not? That is the Question” on the ICS Blog Spot
In My Experience…
The Importance of
Pre-qualifying the Job By
hat are the basic steps to completing a job? Schedule the job, perform the work and get paid, right? No, we forgot pre-qualifying. Pre-qualification is where you cover the realistic conditions and expectations of the cleaning task with the customer before you begin the work. It is critical that you consider prequalification into the very basics of your cleaning jobs. Without pre-qualifying
Marcus Taylor
you will experience a few headaches that you could have easily avoided. You are a professional. You have studied and practiced to be successful in the community by helping people with their cleaning needs. When a customer books a job with you, they are looking not only for a cleaner, but also a professional consultant. If you were to just simply walk in, clean the floors and leave with as little
interaction as possible, the customer is going to question your knowledge and professionalism. Before you begin, under-promise and over-deliver the expectations of the cleaning with the customer. You need to make sure that you do not leave the customer dissatisfied, even if the cleaning does not show drastic results. Don’t be afraid to do some testing before you get started. Know what you are getting into before your usual plan of attack fails. Consider the age of the textile. How long it has been since the last cleaning? What products/protectors/finishes have been used on it in the interim? These are just a few of the questions to ask to uncover the back story of the endeavor at hand. Let’s say a spot gets worse after you attempted to clean it. If you did not discuss this possible outcome then you may sound like you are now back pedaling. Worse yet, you may be accepting ownership of the spot now. This could be the case if you didn’t pre-qualify the spot and perform a little investigating or consulting with the customer first. The situation would be different had you found out beforehand that the customer had used a different product on the spot. The customer’s product may have an undesired reaction with your product, which may make the spot look worse. That sort of information needs to be addressed before the work begins. Customer’s spots and stains belong to them, not you. You are a professional spot remover not a professional spot buyer. You are not in the business of taking ownership of customer’s beverage spills. Make sure that you protect your professionalism by pre-qualifying at every job. Pre-qualification helps solidify you as the professional consultant.
Marcus Taylor has been working in the industry for more than 5 years. Currently the cleaning department director for the Plainwell branch of Modernistic, a large cleaning and restoration company in Troy, Mich., he is an IICRC-certified Journeyman Textile Cleaner, Journeyman Water Restorer and Journeyman Fire and Smoke Restorer. You can reach him at (800) 627-5080 ext.116
October 2011 | www.icsmag.com
News, Views & Events CIRI announces dates for fall symposium The Cleaning Industry Research Institute International announces that “The Science and Efficacy of Antimicrobials, Disinfectants and Their Impact on Cleaning Technologies” symposium will be held at the Georgia Institute of Technology Hotel and Conference Center Nov. 9-11. The symposium will focus on profusion and confusion over many new and different types of disinfectants, sanitizers and antimicrobials. Attention also will be given to innovations in cleaning science and disinfection; federal regulations; how newer technologies are influencing the contract cleaning business; and the aspects of cleaning technology that involve non-chemical, physical and chemicalfree disinfection.
“Planning To Win” conference receives rave reviews Flood and fire restorers from across North America can’t find enough good to say about the Planning to Win symposium held April 18-22 in Las Vegas. A maximum-capacity, sold-out room enjoyed a dynamic week of information and tools vital to successful business marketing. Recognized for continuing education by both the IICRC and RIA, Planning to Win focuses on the everyday business needs of cleaning and restoration companies large and small. Participants depart with valuable and applicable information on marketing strategies, preferred vendor programs, six-step marketing process, adjustor negotiations, documentation, and hands-on executable marketing plans. Planning to Win is held three times a year. The next symposium will be held in Las Vegas, Nov. 7-9.
Mytee unveils new YouTube channel
Bill Boyce
Blu SKY appoints CFO, VP of Eastern Operations Blu SKY Restoration Contractors, Inc. has appointed Kent Stemper as its new Chief Financial Officer. Stemper brings more than 20 years of experience in corporate finance, accounting, treasury, and strategic planning. His previous experience includes CFO positions within private equity and venture capital backed companies and international subsidiaries. Blu SKY has also appointed Bill Boyce as their new vice president of eastern operations. His previous experience includes strategic national account portfolio management for one of the country’s largest home improvement specialty retailer and large corporations within the property insurance restoration industry. 12
Cleaning Specialist | October 2011
“At Mytee, we take pride in being leaders of innovation in the industry,” said Mytee videographer Ross Lazar. “Our YouTube channel showcases one more wayy that we are able to interact with our valued customers, as well as introduce our products to new audiences.” The easy-to-navigate channel features over 60 videos that range from entertaining product promos and video podcasts, to demonstrational how-to videos that help customers set-up and use their new Mytee products. The channel also keeps viewers informed about upcoming trade shows, and gives them the opportunity to interact with the Mytee staff as well as other industry professionals.
HydraMaster/U.S. Products add four to ranks HydraMaster/U.S. Products has filled four key positions within both divisions, the company recently announced. Doyle Bloss is the new Marketing and Brand Manager for HydraMaster/U.S. Products. Joe Verslui has been appointed National Accounts Manager, Mark Baxter is Product Manager for HydraMaster/U.S. Products, and Ollie Nielson is the company’s new Southeast Regional Manager. “These additions to our team will be key to making both brands stronger and more aggressive and allow us to put more of our energy and focus on new, innovative solutions and quality products for our end customers,” said sales and marketing head Mickey McKee. “Ultimately, everyone here is working for our customers. If they succeed, we succeed.”
Circle 17 on the Free Information Page
he Connections 2011 Convention and Trade Show at the Las Vegas Hilton, Sept. 7-9, was one of the best-attended and bestreviewed in the event’s history, growing for the third straight year. Here’s a glimpse of some of what you might have missed at this year’s extravaganza. 14
Cleaning Specialist | October 2011
Ralph Bloss 1923-2003
ICS Cleaning Specialist congratulates Gary Gilman of SteamMaster Restoration and Cleaning in Minturn, Colo., for being the recipient of the 2011 ICS Cleaning Specialist Ralph Bloss Humanitarian Award
(l-r) ICS Publisher Evan Kessler, Gary Gilman, past recipient Al Bradham, and Doyle Bloss.
The ICS Cleaning Specialist Ralph Bloss Humanitarian Award honors members of the floor care industry whose compassion, self-sacrifice, leadership and creativity produce significant and outstanding benefits for mankind. The award is a celebration of the life of Ralph Bloss, an individual who reached, touched, counseled and inspired thousands of people in the floor care industry. If you know of someone who should be considered for this award, please contact Evan Kessler, ICS Publisher at
[email protected] To Your Success
Steve Toburen
Steve Toburen sold his carpet cleaning and restoration business and retired at the age of 38. He now serves as Director of Training for Jon-Don’s Strategies for Success program and created their Value Added Service for Technicians seminar. JonDon is the exclusive distributor for Steve’s “Winning on the Home Front” line of audio customer service programs. For more information call (800) 556-6366 or go to Jon-Don’s new information resource for all carpet cleaners at SFS.JonDon.com Steve welcomes your comments and/or questions at
[email protected] Get out there and sell, sell, sell!
Staying “Open” “The weak shall perish and only the fit survive.” – Robert William Service
tartling epiphanies can arrive from the strangest places. For example, I recently came across this consulting firm’s headline: “We Help with Accounting, Marketing, Management, Hiring and Staying Open.” And then it hit me: much of success in business is just “staying open”! In other words, sometimes you just need to outlast the other guy! Our recent (some would say current) Great Recession has proved that hunkering down and just getting through the next week/month/year can be success in itself. After all, long before thinking about explosive growth, you must first focus on survival! So here are some keys to finding success just by “staying open”:
Force Yourself to do What You Dislike The things you don’t want to do inevitably are the weak links in your company. Small-business failures can almost always be traced back to the owner’s 16
Cleaning Specialist | October 2011
failure to confront and conquer these problem areas. I call this very common problem “hiding out.” So quit living in denial and…
Identify Your “Displacement Activities” Sure, I know you are busy, busy, busy. But doing what? Very likely you’ve “cherry picked” your daily tasks and are doing the things you enjoy and are comfortable with! Even worse, you are putting off and/or ignoring the stuff you don’t like. If you do not have the luxury of delegating unpleasant jobs to someone else then you personally must step up to the plate! Avoid these very dangerous Displacement Activities by asking yourself every day…
What is My Highest and Best Use Today in My Business? You probably won’t like the answer and if so refer to the first key above! Remem-
ber too that your entire life course/career can become a giant Displacement Activity! For example, do you want to eventually “get off the wand”? If so, that means your business will need to grow dramatically so you can add employees. Yet if you stubbornly insist on staying on the truck physically cleaning carpets full time, you have probably fallen into the Displacement Activity Trap! Another common area most small-business owners hide out from is…
1 2
Confront your weaknesses
Customers are gold; treat them that way
Take a serious look at your books
The Butler System makes a great business choice. Quality and Reliability The Butler System is manufactured using only the highest quality components. No other cleaning machine offers as many features and benefits, is simpler to operate, easier to maintain, more reliable, lasts longer, quieter or has a greater resale value...none!
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Vehicle specifications and prices are available upon request. The Butler System price will vary when installed into cube vans and trucks. Prices exclude taxes, registration and documentation fees. Prices, rates, terms and programs are subject to change. The “Guarantee Buy-Back Program”* is limited to the continental United States. Additional terms, conditions, specifications and exclusions apply. Financing and lease programs are subject to credit approval. Lease programs may not be available in all states. GM and GMC are registered trademarks of General Motors Corporation. Ford is a registered trademark of Ford Motor Company. Approved for publication August 2011.
Circle 10 on the Free Information Page
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To Your Success
Serious Financial Analysis That’s right: serious analysis, not just glancing at the bottom number on your monthly P & L and either sighing or cheering! Sure, when things were booming you could slide by with this slap-dash approach to your finances. But now? Chuck Violand says “More than ever, every number tells a story.” Are you listening, focusing and obsessing over your financial statements? You should be and especially with the goal to…
Cut Your Overhead Ben Franklin was wrong. Sometimes a penny saved can be more, much more, than a penny earned. For example, let’s say you slice $150 monthly out of an under-performing marketing contract. (I can think of one with the initials “YP”!) Now granted, $150 is not a huge deal for most of us. But now think of your savings over the What’s your highest and best use? next year- $1,800! Even better, that $1,800 saving will continue for years without any initiative on your part. And finally, think how many jobs you would have needed to book and clean to clear as profit that $1,800! Of course, cutting overhead won’t pay your remaining bills so you must also…
Get Regular Cash Flow Since carpet cleaning is an emotional event driven by the seasons, weather and events it can be a feast or famine business. Meanwhile all the overhead you couldn’t prune away will continue to haunt you every single month. So search for a base of regular funds coming in you can count on. This consistent cash flow can come from regular commercial or residential Stay Beautiful accounts or just be work from offsetting seasons such as water or fire damage restoration. Some carpet cleaners have even gone back into the lower profit margin janitorial industry solely for the regular cash flow it provides. Now of course, these plum commercial accounts are not going to fall into your lap. So you must make a solemn vow to develop …
A Consistent Face-to-Face Sales Campaign Sadly, most carpet cleaners engage in selling their services the Circle 2 on the Free Information Page 18
Cleaning Specialist | October 2011
Commercial accounts won’t just fall in your lap
Insurance Billing for the Restoration Industry
way I diet. I complacently eat everything without a care in the world until I can’t fit into my favorite pair of pants. Uh-oh! Then I go into crash diet mode until I’ve lost my weight. Wonderful! Except I then thoughtlessly return to my bad old way of eating and… well, you know the rest of the story! Too often the same routine holds true for small carpet cleaning companies. The owner gets way too involved in the Displacement Activity of actually doing the physical work. So he or she doesn’t look down the road for future jobs and then catastrophe strikes: the phone stops ringing! So now a desperate entrepreneur must engage in “Binge Selling,” which will eventually produce a few jobs, so then the owner stops selling and starts cleaning! So now all sales efforts stop until the next crisis and this destructive cycle gets repeated again and again! Listen carefully here: all marketing
It’s Game time.
(and especially your commercial sales efforts) should be a process, not an event! (For a free download of the commercial carpet cleaning sales process I used for 20 years go here: http://tiny.cc/SFSsell)
Treasure Each and Every Customer When times are good and customers are clamoring for your services it is easy to fall into complacency, even arrogance. So the great customer experience you should be delivering at every transaction can become a little “frayed around the edges.” The subtle danger of this sloppy service is these “passively dissatisfied” customers seldom complain – they just don’t come back! You of course are too busy to even notice this silent customer erosion till times get slow and you start asking, “Where is everyone?” So starting today focus on making a Customer Cheerleader out of each and every client.
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Circle 14 on the Free Information Page October 2011 | www.icsmag.com
Hard Floor Maintenance Opportunities
Stanley Quentin Hulin
Stanley Quentin Hulin has been actively involved in the industry providing services, management and sales/marketing expertise since 1975. Stan conducts training seminars/clinics, establishes educational programs and serves as a speaker at industry conventions and meetings. E-mail him at
[email protected] The Evolution of Floor Finish: It’s Not Just Wax Anymore Floor polishes have changed significantly over the decades, and as they’ve changed, so too has the floor maintenance industry.
atural waxes that played an integral part of the early floor maintenance polishes have gone by the wayside, and new polymer emulsion finishes have successfully taken their place. Although there are many different varieties of floor polishes today, the challenge of floor polishes is still the same; they must protect the flooring material while being easy to clean, possess an acceptable gloss appearance that is maintainable and provide a safe surface to walk on. That’s an awful lot to ask of a thin film of plastic. The term “wax” has been used for over a century in the floor maintenance industry, although it is now somewhat of a 20
Cleaning Specialist | October 2011
misnomer. Its roots come from the early days of floor maintenance with the use of natural waxes in early polishes. Many of the original waxes were made from the carnuba plant and mixed with a solvent to make a viscous paste wax. These paste waxes were applied using steel wool pads and maintained by buffing them with soft brushes in conjunction with a slow speed rotary floor machine. Later carnuba waxes were suspended in water-based emulsions to form liquid wax that could be easily applied with a mop instead of steel wool, and were unproblematic to buff with a brush or soft pad. When the first polymer emulsion floor
seals and finishes entered the market, they set in motion changes that impacted floor maintenance then, and even
A lot is asked of floor finishes
As finishes advance, so does the equipment to apply them
The next wave: protecting you from what you can’t see
ProTeam’s Triple Threat. What Filth Fears.
ProTeam Backpack Powerful, compact, HEPA Level Filtration™.
Telescopic Wand Adjustable length so dirt is never out of reach.
Xover® Floor Tool Go from carpet to hard floors without missing a beat.
Dirt is relentless. Win the day-to-day cleaning battles with ProTeam’s Triple Threat: a powerful ProTeam backpack vacuum, locked and loaded with our telescopic wand and Xover floor tool. Nothing cleans better, faster or smarter. Watch out dirt— we’re coming for you. Come visit us at ISSA booth #1865. find us on
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The American Lung Association and ProTeam are partners in an educational campaign about Indoor Air Quality issues. The American Lung Association does not endorse products.
Circle 6 on the Free Information Page
Hard Floor Maintenance Opportunities
more so today. The new floor polishes where more durable than waxes and the ease of application was simple enough that almost anyone could apply them without any trouble at all The early polymer emulsions were generally no-buff systems that were applied and left to dry into a durable film. At this time there was very little maintenance, you either scrubbed and recoated or stripped and refinished. So the floors would start out looking very good and slowly (sometimes quickly depending on traffic) deteriorate to an unacceptable appearance. Cross link metal interlock floor finishes entered the market, which resulted in durable floors that would hold up much better than natural and early synthetic waxes. With them came spray buffing methodologies that incorporated synthetic pads used in conjunction with low speed floor machines. The finish was usually watered down 50/50 and applied to the floor using a spray bottle in a small area. The process filled in superficial scratches with floor finish and was buffed to a slightly higher gloss by smoothing the surface with the floor machine and pad. This was a method that was widely used and is still referenced in many specifications to this day. Unfortunately, spray buffing was a time-consuming and a very slow process. In order to speed up the process, high-speed and ultra high-speed buffing machines were invented and better results were achieved quicker. With the new machines came new variations of pads and floor finishes. The new floor finishes were incorporating pure acrylic, styrene acrylic and in some cases urethane polymers. Some of these floor finishes became too hard and difficult to maintain, that’s when thermoplastic polymers hit the market. These new floor Circle 18 on the Free Information Page 22
Cleaning Specialist | October 2011
finishes made a significant change in floor maintenance. Thermoplastic floor finishes had the ability to become malleable with heat and friction, but when they cooled down, they would transform to a durable film. Battery and propane buffing equipment was invented to maintain this new generation of floor finish and the “wet look” was easily achieved and maintained. Most of the history of floor finish has focused on the durability, ease of cleaning, appearance and safety of the film. Modern developments of floor finish include more durable polymers (semi-permanent and permanent systems), higher solids content, matte finishes and slip resistant formulations. One of the newest developments is the use of anti-microbial preservatives in floor finishes. This new technology allows for an EPA-registered broad spectrum biostatic preservative to be incorporated into floor finish. The new development results in a film that inhibits the growth of microorganisms that it comes in contact with. This is not to say that it kills organisms that it comes in contact with, rather it prevents micro-organisms from reproducing by destabilizing metabolically active cell membranes which result in subsequent growth inhibition and cell death. The impact that antimicrobial preservatives in floor finish may have is extremely important for floor maintenance programs in any environment. But it is even higher when you
consider the additional protection that can be attained in the healthcare, education, day care, assisted living and any other environment where micro-organisms exist. This may very well be the single most important development for the future of floor maintenance in those environments. The evolution of floor finishes has truly been a phenomenon when you think about it. When the combination of wind, water and gravity can erode the Himalayas, what chance does a thin polymeric film have against the same elements? The ability to continually restore the “wet look” of that thin film over and over again is nothing short of amazing. And now that technology has given us the ability to build anti-microbial preservatives into floor finish that protect us against what we can’t see, I would say we are treading on ground that is very close to miraculous. Well, I guess it’s not just wax anymore.
Circle 21 on the Free Information Page October 2011 | www.icsmag.com
The Gadget Man
Gordon Hanks
Bridgewater Corp. CEO Gordon Hanks got the nickname “Gadget Man” as a result of his brainchild that developed into one of the industry’s leading cleaning and restoration accessories. The Gadget man series is about making life easier and improving profitability. For more information call (800) 658-5314 or e-mail
[email protected].
Be your connectors hard or soft, there are solutions to make the job easier.
Taking a Hard Look at Hard Locking Connectors When I order tacos for lunch, I’m always asked, “Would you like that in a hard or soft shell?”
ou may find yourself getting the same question from your local distributor when you say, “I need a 2-inch cuff for my hose.” “Well,” he answers. “I can get you that in the soft pliable cuff or the hard locking connectors. Which would you like?” More and more, I see professionals moving to the hard plasticized connectors, locking cuffs that give a sure connection for just about any carpet clean24
Cleaning Specialist | October 2011
ing hose configuration. To the best of my knowledge, there are currently four different brands of these types of connectors: • Cool Cuffs by Wanders • Snap N Lock by Masterclean • Cuff Lynx by Mytee • Flash Cuffs by Hydro-Force. Instead of trying to wade through a morass of “this is better than that,” I asked representatives of each company
Strong connections are key to job success
Technology can help make any job easier
Find the solution that makes the best sense for you
to simply tell me about the advantages of using their version of a hard locking connector over the typical vinyl cuff and barbed connector system, and then let their customers (and my readers) decide for themselves what makes the most sense for them. Durability seems to be a consistent theme. “Our connectors have an 8-year track record of proven durability,” Wanders’ Joe Bristor said. “Anyone who has ever used vinyl cuffs has experienced frustration as the cuffs age and stretch, and then won’t hold onto the barbed connecters or the cleaning equipment. This won’t happen with the new hard connectors.” “We’ve driven a truck over these, and they don’t break,” Hydro-Force’s Jared Twitchell said of his company’s connectors. “We’ve thrown them full force at the concrete after freezing them in sub-zero temperatures, and they just won’t break.” Working in cold weather with the oldstyle cuffs has caused many a nightmare for the professional cleaner. What is pliable in hot weather can become immovable and impossible to work with when it gets cold. Almost all hard connectors snap or screw together with ease no matter the temperature. Depending on the manufacturer, hard connectors are designed to fit different brands and sizes of hose. They will also attach to truckmounts, portables, filters and most wands to give professionals as much flexibility as possible. Sal Muscarella with Masterclean says that his connectors “include the hose-to-hose connection, the starter that attaches to the 2-inch Leaf Trap inlet, and the 2-inch-to-1.5-inch hose reducer.” We all understand the importance and
keeping the vacuum flow at the maximum level. When you use the old-style barb connectors, by inserting it between hose sections you cause restriction because it reduces the inside diameter of the hose at that point. In studies I have both seen and been a part of, it has always been shown that increasing air flow to your wand will decrease drying times. Leaky hoses, cuffs that leak, and restrictions in your hoses must be reduced to speed up the dry times and keep your customers happy.
We are seeing more professionals incorporate the new connectors in their unique hose runs where they use 2.5inch hose or run two 2-inch hoses to the door of the home before reducing back to a single 2-inch run. If you are curious as how you might try one of these set ups, most local distributors have the products in their showrooms and are more than willing to put on a demonstration for you.
When discussing air flow with Mytee Products’ John Lebarbera, he reminded me that “the swivel assemblies on most hard locking connectors are so much
better than those available on the vinyl cuffs. They have a much better seal so leaking air, and loss of vacuum just isn’t a problem. “Working in the winter is hard enough,” Lebarbera said. “I’m glad I can make it just that much easier by reducing the strain of working with stiff vinyl cuffs.” Everyone who’s been in the business for any length of time has experienced having sections of vacuum hose coming apart and upsetting the flow of the job as you work to get it back together. If you’re like me, you’ve been hit in the head one too many times when reeling the hose into the truck, having the hose come loose between sections and whipping back to smack you solidly where your hair used to grow.
Our early solution to this problem and still a viable option to keep vinyl cuffs together: the Vac Strap. It’s a simple Velcro strap invented by a carpet cleaner to keep the hose sections together. But to achieve a more compact and sure connection, consider using one of the new hard locking connector sets. It is practically impossible for them to come apart unless you want them to. You can drape a hose over the balcony 10 stories up, and the better connectors will hold all the hose weight and more; fact is, the hose is more likely to fail and split before the connector. We all owe our thanks to the inventors of these time- and hassle- saving connectors. When looking for them at your local distributor, consider durability, ease of use, flexibility in meeting different applications, and availability when choosing the connector system that is right for you. October 2011 | www.icsmag.com
hen it comes to their equipment, professional carpet cleaners will wax eloquent on truckmounts, wands and hoses, yet rare is the cleaner who will boast proudly of that most common of cleaning tools, the vacuum cleaner. In an effort to figure out just why this is, ICS asked two prominent figures in the business – ProTeam vice president of sales Rich Steinberg and Richard Bodo, director of business development for Windsor – for their thoughts on where the industry stands today, as well as what the future holds. ICS Cleaning Specialist: The vacuum is a core piece of equipment for every carpet cleaning professional, yet it often seems to be one of the most overlooked. Why is that? Rich Steinberg: Perhaps it is that people assume that all vacuums are created equal. If you can hear the dirt being sucked into the machine, and you 26
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The Unheralded Equipment Essential
impurities down to a microscopic level, otherwise irritants and allergens build up in the atmosphere, putting building occupants at risk. Choice of vacuum does not only influence the cleanliness and health of the building, but the health and productivity of the cleaning professional. An upright vacuum that is pushed back and forth with one arm is probably not right
can see it when you empty the bag, it must be working. Unfortunately, it is not that simple. A vacuum may appear to effectively clean the flooring, but how much of that dirt and dust is blowing back into the air? In order for a vacuum to fulfill its cleaning potential, it must be equipped with a filtration system that extracts
Different configurations for different needs
2 3
Performance is key Cost shouldn’t be the overriding factor
for a facility with large rooms as the repetitive motion could increase risk for injury or strain. A backpack vacuum that is carried on the hips, allowing increased mobility and speed without strain on the arm and shoulder may be a better choice for large facilities. These are factors that many facilities managers do not consider when buying a vacuum, but they can influence the success or failure of a cleaning program. Richard Bodo: I don’t think that most people in the cleaning industry understand the importance of vacuuming. Industry studies show that on average 79% of the soil in carpet is dry, insoluble soil that must be removed with a vacuum. While most people assume that their extractor will remove these dry soils when they are wet, that just isn’t the case as extractors are not designed to remove dry soils in a wet state. At the end of the day we all learned before as young kids that when you add water to dirt you get mud.
Another thing to remember is that the dry soils are what typically causes the damage to your carpets and causes them to look dull and worn out. The average grain of sand has 32 cutting edges and
polishes like 12 grit sandpaper. Removing these soils quickly and efficiently will extend the life and appearance of your carpets. ICS: There are a number of different configurations out there (uprights, canisters, etc.). Can you give a quick breakdown of the pros and cons of each, and where they might be used to maximum effect? RS: An upright vacuum works best for cleaning medium- to high-pile carpet when speed is not a priority. According to the ISSA, a single motor upright vacuum can clean a 10,000-square-foot facility in three and half hours. Highpowered dual-motor models – which dedicate one motor to the suction, and one to the beater bar – can speed up that time by 30 minutes. Even with a dual motor system, uprights are designed with more moving parts—like belts and brush rollers – that make for more frequent maintenance and upkeep. Consequently, the lifespan
Circle 3 on the Free Information Page October 2011 | www.icsmag.com
Vacuums: The Unheralded Equipment Essential
of many upright models is short – often not more than a year. To protect your investment, look for a multi-year warranty. Canisters work well on low-pile carpet and hard surfaces. A tank canister cleans a 10,000 square foot space in 4 hours, and a speed canister—basically a backpack vacuum on wheels—covers the same ground in 1.5 hours. Canister vacuums can have filter capacities up to four times the size of standard uprights—maximizing cleaning ability with minimum downtime.
Backpacks work best for mid- to lowpile carpet and all hard floor surfaces, with the ability to clean a 10,000 sq. ft. facility in only 1.3 hour. The design is economical and ergonomic—fast, efficient and comfortable for the worker to use. Studies show that, when combined with an effective cleaning program, quality backpacks can increase productivity by up to 70 percent. The benefits of a backpack vacuum are hard to beat, but some situations may call for a speed canister or dual-motor upright. Choose a vacuum with superior filtration, an ergonomic design, and a multi-year warranty. RB: Upright vacuums are ideal for areas that have a high soil load, such as entryways, outside restrooms and elevators, and transition areas from hard surface to carpet. All of these areas are going to have a high soil load and need the agitation and the airflow provided by an upright vacuum. Generally speaking, 28
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the first 40 feet inside an entrance is the most critical and is your first line of defense. If you use an upright vacuum in these areas you will keep the spread of soil down to a minimum. Back packs, canisters, wide area vacuums, and stand-on vacuums are ideal for areas where the soil load is not as high and productivity is the key. Once you are past the first 40 feet you are not typically dealing with heavy soil loads so this is where vacuums that are extremely productive, and fit the space you are cleaning, come into play. Canisters and back packs are efficient and effective in cubicles while wide area vacuums and standon vacuums are effective in corridors. ICS: What are the top three questions you hear from cleaning professionals when they’re shopping around for a new vacuum? RS: “How does it perform?” Product performance can be determined by a test of the vacuum, taking note of cleaning effectiveness on multiple types of flooring and in many different situations. For example, consider the daily movements of cleaning workers in your building. Are they reaching to sweep cobwebs out of corners or to clean under furniture? Make sure the vacuum you choose is appropriate to the set of tasks that are unique to your facility. Another important gauge of product performance is to seek out testimonials from current users of the vacuum model you are considering. Ask what they like and what they would change. Ask how the vacuum is performing six months, a year, even five years after purchasing. “Is it durable?” Millions of vacuums are manufactured to be disposable. Some facilities shell out thousands to replace most of their vacuums every year. However, those who recognize the value of a vacuum that is build to last will see their investment pay off - not only in the superior cleaning power of a machine that is built with care and attention, but in reduced replacements and repairs. “What kind of cleaning and repair costs will there be?” This is an important concern, because finicky machines that
need frequent maintenance and repairs can end up costing a lot more than the listed price. Look for a machine that is durable and long-lasting with basic maintenance that is easy to understand and perform. Vacuum owners should habitually check and empty filters to extend the life of the vacuum and reduce potential repair costs. RB: Due to our current economic climate most often the first question is price, followed quickly by cost. One of the first reactions to the economic downturn in 2008 was for users to quickly resort to buying inexpensive vacuum cleaners. Where they normally would purchase and use a vacuum for 3 to 5 years they quickly found that inexpensive vacuum cleaners were consistently lasting 12 to 18 months. That lead to an understanding of price versus cost and so now we often hear customers asking about costs related to repair, parts, warranty, and consumables. Lastly, most people ask about the CRI Rating for the vacuum. ICS: Building on that, what’s the one question cleaners should be asking, but aren’t, when they’re shopping for a new vacuum? RS: “What does filtration actually do, and how great an impact does that have on overall vacuum performance?” If more vacuum buyers asked this question, they would be better informed both to choose a vacuum and to care for it. A vacuum has two essential tasks, suction and filtration. Suction is the airflow into the vacuum, filtration is removing everything that you don’t want blowing back out the other side. In many vacuums the bag is the first filter. It removes the largest pieces of dirt and debris. Dust and microscopic pollutants and allergens flow into a second filter. Some vacuums are poorly constructed, and, while they may have a secondary filter, or even a HEPA filter, unfiltered air still leaks into the environment. A filtration system with three, four, or five levels can extract irritants down to 0.3 microns in size. (For reference, one
operated vacuums are being utilized in facilities with space limitations or to give cleaning professionals the added mobility of a cordless unit. Recent innovations in cordless technology include wet/dry vacuums that weigh less than 11 pounds. Expect these models to become more compact, ergonomic, and have longer battery-life in the next decade. Backpack vacuums will continue to expand in versatility for all types of carpet and hard flooring. Of course, vacuum design and construction will improve on all fronts as manufacturers push towards increased efficiency and productivity. RB: As soon as the technology is ready, batteries will be the next big advancement in vacuums. Lithium Ion batteries are available currently on a few canisters and back pack vacuums but they just do not have the run time needed to be practical, not to mention the current price. As soon as the price for the technology comes down and the weight and run time are acceptable, vacuums will lose their cords and run on batteries.
For More Information ProTeam – www.pro-team.com Windsor – www.windsorvacuums.com
micron is the width of a human hair.) A vacuum equipped with multi-level filtration and a durable, molded body can seal in impurities, improving indoor air quality and building health. RB: The first question you should ask is if this is the right vacuum for the job. As I said earlier, considering the soil load the area receives is critical to determining what vacuum you should purchase. Areas with high soil load need a combination of airflow and agitation to effectively remove soil from the carpet pile. So, back pack vacuums, canisters, and wide area vacuums are just not as effective on high soil load areas as an upright vacuum with a properly adjusted brush. Conversely, a 12- inch upright vacuum is not an effective tool in a 100-foot-long, 12-foot-wide corridor in the interior of a building. This is where you want productivity and your wide area vacuums are most effective. ICS: Power, size, weight, design; all these things have advanced greatly in the past decade. Breaking out the crystal ball, where do you see the next big advances in vacuum design over the next 5 or even 10 years? RS: As technology improves, batteries are getting smaller and more powerful with longer life spans. Today, compact batteryOctober 2011 | www.icsmag.com
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Target the Best Neighborhoods in Town
ith all the hoopla surrounding the Internet, one of the best advertising media for cleaners gets forgotten. Yes, getting cleaning clients online is terrific, but you never want to put all your advertising dollars in one basket. And besides, direct mail is often the best way to laser in on your ideal target client. Want to clean in a specific neighborhood or zip code? Direct mail is your best way to target those prospects. Want to make sure you’re only targeting homes over a certain value or a certain household income? Direct mail is the winner. By the way, I’m not referring to bulk mailers like Val-pak and Money Mailer here. Those packets are sent via mail and have their place. What I’m talking about are stand-alone mailers sent first class or business mail.
John Braun
John Braun owns Premium Carpet Care in Pensacola, Florida, and is the principal behind Hitman Advertising. To get a FREE advertising strategy guide for carpet cleaning companies plus a 19-minute audio on how to use these strategies, go to www.HitmanAdvertising.com or call toll free (888) 211-7702.
Cleaning Specialist | October 2011
Direct mail offers some great advantages
Make it count by making it personal
Repetition is key to your success
Circle 20 on the Free Information Page
Target the Best Neighborhoods in Town
Seven Days Later, Mail Another The key is repetition. You’d be surprised how many prospects intend to call you, but get too busy and forget. One week later they may (barely) remember who you are if you’re lucky. These follow-up mailers often jog the prospect’s memory with a headline like, “Remember the prescription I sent you last week for a clean home…?”
Seven Days Later, Do It Again
Let’s start with my definition of direct mail. Direct mail: “Contacting targeted prospects with an irresistible offer contained in a postcard, letter or package on a one-on-one basis via snail mail.” Let’s break that definition down plain and simple. Direct mail is about building targeted lists of people who most likely want to use your service. No other ad medium lets you target your ideal client as well as direct mail. Also notice that direct mail includes an irresistible offer. When you take the time and money to contact your prospect, hit them with an offer they can’t refuse. Free trial cleaning offers and gift certificates work great. As well, your mail should appear to be sent on a one-on-one basis. Whatever you do, make it appear as personal as possible. Do not allow your mail to look like junk mail. This means you need to avoid using bulk mail in initial mailings. And when you do use bulk mail, use live bulk mail stamps. When you do those three things, your response rates will soar. So let’s say you want to target a specific neighborhood in your city. You want to become the neighborhood cleaner. Here’s the plan.
Compile a Mailing List You can purchase a list from a mailing list broker. Or you can physically drive through the neighborhood and write down all the addresses (that’s what I did when I first started my cleaning biz). The benefit to purchasing your list from a list broker is that you’ll have the homeowner’s name along with his address.
Mail a Compelling, Show-Stopping Letter with an Irresistible Offer Don’t send a boring business letter; send them something they’ll laugh about, notice and remember. One thing we’ve been using in our company is a sales letter sent in a prescription bottle. The bottle is the actual mailer and inside the bottle includes a “prescription” for a healthy, clean home. Of course, the letter includes an incredible limited time offer. 34
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This is called a sequential mailing. It’s about hitting them over and over with an irresistible offer for three to four mailings. And once again, remind them of the past mailers and offer. Consider mailing a forth letter or postcard stating it’s their last chance to respond to your incredible offer. Take the names of everyone you didn’t hear from…and start the entire sequence all over in four to six months. Perhaps they were very interested, but didn’t need cleaning during your last mailing. Perhaps now they’re ready. This process takes time. But it’s a great way to invest in
your business and your community. No other advertising can allow you to handpick which homes you want to do business with. I’ve seen many cleaning companies turn their business around by using an advertising plan similar to this. But you have to be consistent and you must give your target prospects a compelling offer. By the way, when I talk about a compelling offer, I don’t mean you have to clean for a ridiculously low price. In fact, I recommend you don’t even mention your cleaning price in your mailings. Instead, offer things like “free trials for 100 square feet of cleaning,” “$50 off their first cleaning,” “free pet odor treatment,” “free car mat cleaning,” etc. If your offer is simply $9.99 a room or 5 rooms for $99, your company will be positioned in the homeowner’s mind to be just like all the others pitching her. Don’t advertise based on price. You don’t want cheap price to be your irresistible offer. Set yourself apart and do something different! What are some other intriguing mail ideas to catch your prospect’s attention? Cleaners have had great success targeting neighborhoods with invitation letters mailed in invitation style envelopes, or sending out a special offer on a golden ticket in metallic golden envelopes to catch their attention. Oversized postcards sent out as a reminder of a previous offer always work great. Letters that are hand addressed get noticed because they initially look like letters from a local friend. Whatever you do, don’t make it look like business mail. Make your mailing look as personal or extraordinary as possible. When a prospect receives an intriguing mail piece from a local business, he will be much more likely to remember you and save your company information. Target the neighborhoods you want. Stake them out and claim them as yours. Then advertise to them non-stop until you become the neighborhood cleaner of choice.
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October 2011 | www.icsmag.com
8/16/10 3:48 PM
Coach’s corner
Noel Frank
Noel Frank is Director of Education for Chemspec Inc., where he has been employed since 1992. In a prior life he was a high school math teacher as well as a football and basketball coach. You can reach him at
[email protected].
Your equipment is just one part of the equation
Man vs. Machine This month, as we start our look at the cleaning process, I want to first discuss the role of the technician and the various pieces of equipment we use. What I will call “Man vs. Machine.”
ne quick note: we often show the cleaning technician as a man, but there are a significant number of women who are top-notch carpet and upholstery cleaning technicians. And I am a big fan of women as cleaning technicians. I’ve had a number of women in my CCT and UFT classes over the years and I have found them to be very conscientious about the whole process. In the residential cleaning segment, women have a clear advantage, as the vast majority of clients are housewives. I would love to see more women in the business. The point I want to make about Man vs. Machine is that I think sometimes we lose sight of the true cleaning machine. We have looked at some of the outstanding pieces of equipment in the industry and have confused those pieces of equipment as the cleaning machine. In fact, 36
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the technician is the cleaning machine. If we consider the IICRC S100 Standard and Reference Guide for Carpet Cleaning, the Principles of Cleaning involve dry soil removal, soil suspension, soil removal, finishing, and drying. No single piece of equipment can accomplish all those steps. Most achieve only one step. Only the machine that is the technician can control all the steps. Next month: a deeper look at the cleaner as machine.
Time Out: A Technical Discussion In a recent conversation with colleague and fellow instructor Jim Smith, the subject of “reappearing spots” and “wicking” came up. This discussion has come up periodically over the years, but it still seems to cause consternation.
The set-up: A cleaner removes a spot or stain, for example, coffee, and he gets a call a few days that the stain has come back. Without analyzing the cause, the cleaner will often treat the stain the same way he did previously, which is often with a heavy chemical treatment
Equipment is only half the equation
Wicking: the common and persistent problem
Science plays more of a role in the business than many think
and a good rinsing. The stain is gone, everyone is happy…and then a few days later he gets the call and the process starts all over again. The problem involves the law of physics. When a cup or larger container of coffee (or any fluid) is spilled on carpet, the law of gravity pulls it through all the multiple layers of face yarn, backings, latex, pad, and sub-floor until it can’t flow anymore. The water component evaporates, leaving the heavier components in place. Next Month: The Next Law of Physics – how the stain reappears and what to do about it.
Coaching Tip “Take two and hit to right.” Translation: just do it.
Bulletin Board Material “Old coaches never die, they just don’t score anymore.” Got a technical question? Send your question to me, and, if chosen for the column, you will receive a $100 gift certificate to put toward the purchase of Chemspec products. All other questions will be answered directly.
Reappearing spots are a common and persistent problem
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Circle 23 on the Free Information Page October 2011 | www.icsmag.com
Building a Phenomenally Successful Business
Howard Partridge
Howard Partridge started his cleaning business out of the trunk of his car and built it up to a consistent $2.5M per year. For FREE VIDEOS, TELE-SEMINARS and REPORTS that reveal the SECRETS of a PHENOMENAL Business, go to www.HowardPartridge.com or call 877-354-7960 today!
Policies, Procedures, and the “Miracle on the Hudson” One of the presenters at my Round Table event is a pilot. When he teaches systems, he loves to tell the dramatic story of the U.S. Airways jet that crash-landed on the Hudson River 2½ years ago.
he aircraft, downed by a “bird strike” was called a “textbook” landing and “Captain Sully” was hailed as hero. The pilot simply said he was following procedure, which he was. When he realized he had to ditch the plane, the crew simply got out the emergency procedures manual and began going down the checklist. Operating a complex piece of machinery, even the space shuttle, boils down to a series of checklists. And when operated properly, they can take you to very cool places. Your business is the same way – on one hand, it’s a system that has a number of moving parts that must work together. On the other hand, it’s the vehicle you have chosen to achieve your life’s goals (the only reason your business exists). The final two components of a system, policies and procedures, can be boiled 38
Cleaning Specialist | October 2011
down to a series of checklists. To operate an airplane properly and safely, thorough training must take place. Once you know how to operate the craft, the systems must be organized into the right order of implementation.
Your business is the same way. Once you have the proper sequence in place, you can provide your team members with simple checklists to ensure that ev-
erything the journey requires, and that the system requires, has been followed. As my good friend Ellen Rohr likes to say, “The simpler you make it, the farther you can take it.”
Your business is a system like any other
Procedures must be step by step
Pull the whole system together and build your success from there
Component 3: Policies Policies are the rules and regulations, so to speak, the boundaries. Policies are set to control conduct and create measurable ways to track employee performance. Policy examples would be all of the things outlined in a Company Handbook: sexual harassment, alcohol and drug policies, etc, as well as your on-time policy, uniform standard, work hours and so on.
Component 4: Procedures Procedures are how things work, from how to clean a certain type of carpet to changing the toner in a fax machine. This is usually where people begin build-
ing systems into their business, and rightly so. If people don’t know how to do things in the business, it cannot operate properly. Procedures must be step by step. If you miss one little move, it will show up somewhere. The degree to which you can specify each step for each area of the operation of your company will determine the degree of having a selfsufficient, saleable company. But try to avoid too much detail; this will come in the training. Go back and review this series as a whole, to pull all of it together. My experience has been that you can systematize any organization with this series. Remember, you want systems in your business so you can grow predictably and profitably, and so you can have more order in your life. I want you to know that you can find phenomenal people, and you can build systems into your business, but you must
stay committed to the process. It will be the hardest thing you will ever do to get totally systematized and turnkey. Most people won’t do it. If you are the one that actually executes, you will be in an enviable position for sure. How much is your dream worth? How much more will your business be worth if you get systems in place? How could that improve your life? Decide on your Mission, outline your Organizational Chart, write out your Job Descriptions and finally put the “guts” in that framework with Policies and Procedures. Lastly, consider this: you can have perfect systems, but if you don’t have willing people, it won’t work. So hone your leadership skills and attract phenomenal people to your organization. Next month, I will begin an all new series that any business of any size can use to create phenomenal success. See you then!
Circle 19 on the Free Information Page October 2011 | www.icsmag.com
Green and Clean: Achieving the Best of Both Worlds
reen cleaning” not so many years ago was, for many professionals, an oxymoron. That is, your chemicals could be green and not clean very well, or they could clean very well but not be very green. Over time, the two targets have aligned, but not completely. At the University of Massachusetts (UMass) Toxics Use Reduction Institute (TURI) Lab we have been involved in the performance testing of green cleaning products for nearly 20 years, specializing in hard surface cleaning chemicals and, most recently, cleaning equipment. Over time, and through the IEHA’s High Performance Cleaning Product (HPCP) program, we have seen the development of less toxic or polluting, but very effective products, many of which we have tested and validated in our lab. The following explains the types of testing we do to verify the performance of green products, plus information
Performance Tests The problem with the way most people evaluate cleaning product effectiveness is that their comparisons tend to be subjective, not scientific. As a testing and research lab, we believe that well-written test protocols and repeatable science play a key role in helping professionals choose cleaning products that work consistently well. Following are test methods TURI scientists use to help take subjective judgments out of effectiveness evaluations.
Scientific Scrubbing Comparisons
Clean and green: the brass ring
Testing has become much more sophisticated over the years
Field testing has made tremendous strides
An abrasion-testing device enables a
cializes in performance testing of greener products. Contact him at
[email protected].
Cleaning Specialist | October 2011
Dr. Jason Marshall
about some cleaning technologies that appear to be promising (though not an endorsement of these products). We also provide insights as to what we believe is on the horizon for product performance evaluation.
Dr. Jason Marshall is the lab director at the Toxics Use Reduction Institute (TURI) which spe-
If your nearest distributor doesn’t have it... DEMAND IT Visit our website at www.injectidry.com
1-800-257-0797 Circle 13 on the Free Information Page
Green and Clean: Achieving the Best of Both Worlds
sure the test surfaces again to determine how well the cleaning agent performed. Precise color and gloss measurements are a way to remove the subjective “human eye” from the evaluation process, allowing more consistent results.
Gravimetric Comparisons Performing gravimetric analysis verifies the cleaning performance of environmentally preferable products, and equipment by comparing the weight of the soil removed from the surface. We measure before and after cleaning in triplicate (minimally) using 2” x 4” rectangular test coupons or panels, flat sheets matched to a particular surface’s materials of construction, for example, stainless steel, ceramic or glass (number-etching the coupons for identification). Testing consists of: 1. Initial weighing of pre-cleaned coupons using an analytical balance (measuring gram weight) 2. Applying the contaminant (oil, grease, soil, etc.) to the surface of the coupons with a hand-held swab in a highly consistent manner 3. Re-weighing the artificially-contaminated coupons under the same conditions as (1) 4. Performing the actual cleaning (involves the primary elements of cleaning such as time, agitation, concentration and temperature, collectively known as TACT) 5. Final and third weighing of cleaned coupons under the same conditions as (1) real-world, variable and repeatable rubbing or scrubbing action to compare the cleaning performance of hard surface cleaners, such as detergents or cleansers; or to test the durability and efficacy of scrub brushes or scouring pads. The device uses a reciprocating linear motion at approximately 37 cycles per minute with a constant speed over a 10 inch travel. It utilizes a brush, sponge, cotton cloth, microfiber, or other wiper to simulate real life situations and is used for testing either wet or dry cleaning. This process takes the guesswork out of comparing product performance since it precisely matches pressure and rate of cleaning from surface to surface and from product to product. It enables apples-to-apples comparisons between cleaning methodologies to identify high performance.
Gravimetric analysis using precisely calibrated analytical scales enables determining by weight the percentage of soil removed from surfaces, and helps eliminate human error. These methods and devices allow us to determine soil removal with a high level of accuracy and repeatability.
Microbial Removal or Inactivation Since hygienic cleanliness is a vital part of a healthful environment, TURI has recently begun working with UMass Lowell’s Department of Clinical Laboratory and Nutritional Sciences to determine the efficacy of products designed to remove or destroy microbes, or to eliminate the conditions that favor microbial growth. A variety of established lab test methods are used along with some newer field tests such as ATP and bacterial enzyme detection.
Color and Gloss Comparisons A light-detecting (spectrometer) device allows measuring the color and gloss of surfaces before and after cleaning, permitting repeatable, scientific visual analysis of color and gloss impacted by cleaning processes. We make five initial measurements on the substrate or surface to get a baseline before applying the test soil or stain. Then we take five more readings per substrate to quantify the effect of the soiling. We then clean and mea42
Cleaning Specialist | October 2011
Equipment Testing TURI has developed specific equipment-related tests to evaluate the effectiveness of hard surface vacuuming, dust mopping, scrubbing and other common janitorial processes.
Field Testing Since lab and field testing often yield different results, it is
important where possible to integrate lab and field approaches, surfaces tested and methods used to achieve coordinated results, synergies, better test protocols, and greater accuracy and credibility of the testing. We are initially piloting such a program with the IEHA and the University of WA, Seattle. Results will be forthcoming in future articles and reports.
also evaluating microbial kill claims of these products. Tests of vacuuming of hard floors versus dust mopping show superior soil removal and productivity in some cases. Evaluations of squeegeeing moistened soils from surfaces such as school desktops show that this process can be more effective than wiping using microfiber or other cloths in many circumstances.
Promising Technologies Within the last two years, TURI has been involved in testing several emerging or non-standard technologies or processes with promising results. For example: Steam vapor sanitation systems - applying low-pressure, low-moisture steam to surfaces - have demonstrated rapid microbial kill without chemicals and the need for standard dwell times. General soil removal is also being evaluated. Tests show activated water - formed through water electrolysis combined with passing a slight electrical charge through
On the Horizon – Performance Scoring Systems
water to the surface to be cleaned - can be as effective as some traditional glass and general purpose cleaners. The lab is
As part of the lab’s proposed future work, we along with our partners are developing a scoring system to help enable cleaning professionals to make product choices based on a single performance score. This rating will combine factors such as Effectiveness, Ease of Use and Economy to yield a single performance score based on an average of the points awarded for each of the criteria.
• • • • •
Green Seal, NSF & DfE Partnerships
Traditional Cleaning Products Safer Formulations for Healthy Cleaning & Living Industrial & Institutional Degreasers/Cleaners g / Specialty Odor Control Specialty y Spotters p Booth 3125 Proud Exhibitor for 29 Years
www.coreproductsco.com • 800-435-2673 • Formulating l for a clean future. Circle 5 on the Free Information Page October 2011 | www.icsmag.com
New Products & Technologies 1
5 4
2 3
3 Hydro-Force The SX-15 is built for speed
1 Bonnet Pro Bonnet Pro unveils Profresh ProFresh deodorizer is a true odor absorber, not a mask & chemically alters volatile odors rendering them undetectable so that they do not reach the olfactory nerve and therefore cannot be smelled. ProFresh effectively neutralizes smelly short chain carboxylic acids, mercaptans, thioethers and amines (including hydrogen sulfide and ammonia). ProFresh is self encapsulating and eliminates tacky residues that attract soil. Ideal for carpet deodorizing. Circle 250 on the Reader Service Page.
The SX-15 includes innovative features that enable cleaners to complete jobs up to 30% faster. Engineers started out by applying fluid dynamic concepts used in the aerospace industry to design a cleaning head that utilized a laminar flow vortex to more efficiently remove water. “Water is removed twice as fast with the SX15 as it is with competitive units. This is important as these machines are used at high PSI and must be able to remove large amounts of water quickly,” the company said. Circle 247 on the Reader Service Page.
XPOWER Manufacture, Inc. XPOWER makes its entre into the cleaning and restoration industry
2 CTI CTI putting weight behind new concepts and equipment “CTI has designed new concepts and equipment for more efficient odor identification and removal,” the company said. “The new equipment being released includes the never before used triple amp urine detection probe and extreme ozone generator.” Circle 249 on the Reader Service Page. 44
Cleaning Specialist | October 2011
XPOWER Manufacture, Inc. is now offering its first product line of Air Movers, Blower Fans and Dryers. And this is just the beginning; the company says “we will have an increased product line in the near future.” XPOWER Manufacture, Inc. is the American base for the manufacturer to provide direct service to its clients giving them confidence that they are not dealing with a “manufacturer” that is removed from its client base and unapproachable. Circle 248 on the Reader Service Page.
4 XL North XL Matte Floor Finish engineered for performance As with all XL North’s floor Finishes XL Matte is infused with InterSept, an EPA registered antimicrobial that protects the floors finish against a broad spectrum of bacteria and mold. XL Matte Floor Finish is easy to apply and maintain, with superior leveling and a quick dry time XL Matte is perfect for those applications that demand a matte look such as linoleum, vinyl wood plank and other resilient flooring. Circle 246 on the Reader Service Page.
5 HydraMaster Feature laden and loaded for bear HydraMaster’s CDS 4.8 Overdrive system with Salsa has so many features “we don’t know where to start,” the company said. “First, this machine really heats the water, delivering up to 235 degrees (F). CDS systems are positioned right behind driver/passenger seats, and the 14-inch tank saves space, leaving lots of room for storage and equipment. Dual-wand capability means jobs get done faster, and two solution tanks and a 100-gallon recovery tank allow for uninterrupted cleaning.” Circle 245 on the Reader Service Page.
7KH$76'HKXPLGL¿HU The Industry’s Newest, Best Performing LGR Highest LGR Performance 170+ pints/day @ AHAM 300 pints/day @ Saturation 450 cfm
All-Temperature Water Removal 33° F to 125° F operating range
Advanced Heat Pump Technology Removes water even during defrost cycle
Ultra-Tough Anodized Aluminum Cabinet Far better scratch & mar resistance than stainless
Exceptionally Lightweight & Maneuverable Weighs only 150 lbs. 12” non-marking wheels
Removable Core Design Easier service & maintenance
Available Exclusively Through Abatement Technologies. Contact ATI’s Restoration Division today for more information. www.abatement.com/restoration l US: 800.634.9091 l Canada: 800.827.6443 Circle 16 on the Free Information Page
New Products & Technologies
9 8
6 7 Textile Pro Textile Pro program sells out in 72 hours 6 Sapphire Scientific RedXit effective against synthetic and organic red stains RedXit is “effective at removing a variety of difficult red stains. Stains from synthetic dyes used in sports drinks and soft drinks are notoriously difficult to remove, but lengthy product testing shows that RedXit is highly effective against these types of stains.” “Red stains are the most difficult types a cleaner encounters,” said Bob Kline, president of Sapphire Scientific. “They’re highly visible from an aesthetic standpoint, and they’re the toughest to conquer chemically speaking. We set a high standard for our chemists with this product, and I think they have done an outstanding job.” Circle 244 on the Reader Service Page.
Rug expert Lisa Wagner and fine fabric expert Jim Pemberton have collaborated on a new training program to develop the next generation of textile specialists in those respective fields. “We have a serious deficit in specialists in the fields of rug and fine fabric care because the current training model in our industry is broken. This is our way of fixing this problem through a multifaceted training process,” Pemberton said. The Textile Pro program is a three phase training process that expands over six months incorporating on-line basic textile training, in-person advanced training, as well as strategic marketing, business development, and technical support. The next group of Textile Pro companies will be chosen as the first group finishes their curriculum in January 2012. Circle 242 on the Reader Service Page.
Advanced Vapor Technologies 7 U.S. Products Two + Two = Power The 8.8-pound Evolution carpet extractor wand from U.S. Products uses a two-inch vacuum tube that connects directly to the two-inch vacuum hose on most truckmounts. This means there is no need for reducing couplers, which in turn means improved cleaning power and performance. The Evolution wand has a wide, 16-inch head allowing more carpet to be cleaned with every pass and helping to improve worker productivity. The laminar airflow design lets air travel through the wand more smoothly, improving cleaning effectiveness and performance. Circle 243 on the Reader Service Page.
Cleaning Specialist | October 2011
APIC publishes study validating steam vapor with TANCS A peer-reviewed study – “Reduction in the microbial load on high-touch surfaces in hospital rooms by treatment with a portable saturated steam vapor disinfection system” – concluded that TANCS-equipped steam vapor units “reduced bacterial levels by >90% and reduced pathogen levels on most surfaces to below the detection limit” within only a few seconds of treatment. Researchers reported “the steam vapor device consistently reduced total microbial and pathogen loads on hospital surfaces, to below detection in most instances” and that the system “provides a means to reduce levels of microorganisms on hospital surfaces without the drawbacks associated with chemicals.” Circle 241 on the Reader Service Page.
8 Core Products New Fragrance for Core’s Rid’z Odor – Mango Tango! Core Products Co., Inc. announces the availability of a new Unbelievable! Rid’z Odor Super Concentrate fragrance: Mango Tango. The water-soluble concentrate cleans as it eliminates odors with a powerful counteractant, cleaning agents and fragrance. Ridz’ Odor effectively neutralizes malodors through molecular bonding, working long after the initial fragrance has dissipated. Circle 240 on the Reader Service Page.
9 Damtech Damtech introduces shampoo valve The shampoo valve from Damtech features forged brass shampoo valve body with 3/8” hose barb connection; stainless steel spring; Viton disc and o-ring. Brass handle with vinyl sleeve. Dimensions: Length; stem through barb— 9”; Length: complete valve with handle— 27”; Length: body through barb — 2.5”; Diameter: valve body — 7/8”; Diameter: hooks — 3/4” Accessories and Kits: DV73015 handle; 3/4” hook; 18.4” length with 2.5” bent grip. The DV73000KIT repair kit including Viton o-ring and disc. Circle 239 on the Reader Service Page.
10 11
Powr-Flite Powr-Flite Troubleshooter takes on common floor care problems The Powr-Flite Troubleshooter addresses a variety of cleaning challenges and offers tips and suggestions on how best to correct them, from no shine, streaks and discolored floor finish to excessive scuffing and scratching and beyond. “Something else to remember is that most new floors have a protective finish applied during the manufacturing process to protect the floor when transported,” says Huong Pham, Product Marketing Manager at Powr-Flite. “This finish must be thoroughly removed before new finish can be applied.” Circle 238 on the Reader Service Page.
10 KleenRite Equipment
11 General Tools & Instruments Laser distance meter takes measure of the restoration market Restoration contractors and property inspectors will welcome the performance of the new Laser Distance Meter (LDM60). The precision meter quickly and accurately measures length, width, height, area and volume. It turns many two-person tasks into one-person tasks and avoids the need to rearrange rooms for measurement as the laser shoots over furniture and behind items like curtains. Operating modes include addition, subtraction, continuous measurement and min/max distance to a reference along with a 20 measurement memory. The LDM60 comes with a toolbelt holster, two AAA batteries, a user’s manual and a two-year warranty. Circle 236 on the Reader Service Page.
KleenRite putting the shine on escalators KleenRite Equipment is introducing a new Escalator and Moving Sidewalk Cleaning machine at the 2011 ISSA show in Las Vegas. The KleenRite 2240 is the only machine in the world that has an adjustable head to fit any size escalator from 20”-40”. Darren Watts, KleenRite’s New Product and Marketing Development Manager, said “Many of the customers who gave us input for a new type of escalator cleaner will be at the show, and we know they will like to see that we listened to their design ideas and incorporated them into the 2240. We believe the 2240 will set a new standard for how escalators are cleaned. Circle 237 on the Reader Service Page.
12 Powr-Flite It’s Perfect The Perfect Heat system on certain Powr-Flite portable carpet extractors is designed to provide consistent heat at the wand tip throughout the carpet cleaning process. In “real world” tests comparing the Perfect Heat system to competitors, temperatures at the wand tip were not only higher but they were consistently higher, the company said. This means better performance because heat improves the effectiveness of cleaning chemicals. In addition, less chemical may be needed, making the carpet cleaning process greener as well. Circle 235 on the Reader Service Page.
13 13 Kaivac Cleaning for safer floors Nearly 550,000 slip-and-fall injuries requiring hospital care occur each year in North America. Now floors can be cleaner and far safer with Kaivac’s new OmniFlex Dispense-and-Vac System. This system combines a trolley-bucket with a powerful wet/dry vacuum. It’s faster and more effective than conventional mops and brooms. Dispense fresh cleaning solution on floors to loosen grease, soils, and other buildup, and then vacuum up soils and solution. Floors dry quickly, also helping to promote safety. Circle 234 on the Reader Service Page.
14 Fluke Corporation Fluke introduces new thermal imager Fluke introduces the Fluke Ti9, a high-performance, affordable thermal imager that is ideal for troubleshooting electrical installations as well as electro-mechanical, process, and HVAC/R equipment. The Ti9 is built to work in the harshest industrial environments. It has an IP54 rating for withstanding dust and water, and is designed to survive drops of up to two meters. The built-in cover and lens guard protects the lens when not in use. Circle 233 on the Reader Service Page. October 2011 | www.icsmag.com
New Products & Technologies
Growing your business...
A colorful new tool from the industry’s best source of information.
www.icsmag.com The world’s best source of information for the carpet cleaning, floorcare and restoration industry ON THE WEB. 48
Cleaning Specialist | October 2011
15 Dri-Eaz
17 Butler Corp.
Tests show industry-leading performance in XL category
Butler introduces Maximum Upholstery Protector
Called the LGR 7000XLi, the new Dri-Eaz dehumidifier features XL category-busting performance in a unit that matches the size of the DriEaz Evolution LGR and weighs only 102 pounds. The new 7000 breaks performance barriers through use of Advanced Crossflow Technology, a patent-pending heat exchange airflow system that delivers up to 130 pints/61.5L per day water at AHAM (80°F/60% RH) and 235 pints/111L at max (90°F/90% RH) in testing. It also provides 40% better low-grain performance than competitive products. Circle 232 on the Reader Service Page.
Maximum Upholstery Protector is “an exclusive solvent-based upholstery and drapery protector to provide an invisible barrier against water and oil-based soils and spills. Its adhesive-like properties coat and lock onto fibers with a special fluorocopolymer to create a bonding action that repels oil and water. This product is odorless, non-yellowing and dries quickly without changing the feel of the fabric. Can be applied on wet or dry fabrics. Recommended for use on natural and synthetic fibers, including delicate fine fabrics, such as silk and cotton,” the company said. Circle 229 on the Reader Service Page.
16 Gum B Gone Gum B Gone takes on all comers The Gum B Gone converts regular cold water into a pressurized wet steam. The output temperature is fully adjustable to 330 degrees F, what the company says is “a full 150 degrees more than the hot water from your boiler and gives your crew the ability to remove grease, oil, mold, gum and old paint thermally, without the assistance of chemicals.” The steam temperatures that are produced provide exceptional bacteria kill. All Gum B Gone models are in compliance with USDA and EPA standards for indoor operation. Circle 231 on the Reader Service Page.
Ed Cross Standardized contract forms from Ed Cross 15 years in development, “Restoration Lawyer” Ed Cross has produced a series of standardized contract forms for the cleaning and restoration industries. Forms include work authorizations; terms and conditions; notices of rights of rescission; change orders; releases; disclaimers; certificates of satisfaction; mechanic’s lien notices, contents disposal authorizations and more. Circle 230 on the Reader Service Page.
MustSee Products Gallery The ICS Must See Products Gallery is a multimedia showcase designed to allow manufacturers and distributors an opportunity to introduce new products, programs and technologies through a variety of platforms. The information and claims found here are provided by the manufacturers; any questions or requests for more information should be directed to them.
Bridgepoint Systems
Rotovac Corporation
“Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.”
The Rotovac 360i has a new optional brush head available for commercial glue down carpet. The new brush head uses the standard 360i Swoop Glide carpet cleaning head with 3 stainless steel Swoop Glide vacuum ports and 3 spray jets. A soft nylon brush is added between the 3 vacuum ports to give the extra agitation needed to restore those super dirty commercial carpets. Visit us at www.rotovac.com Circle #103 on the Free Information Page
Successful marketing is NOT about knowing what to say, mail, or giveaway to get business (which have limited success and get drowned out with all your competition doing the exact same thing). Rather, successful and sustainable marketing begins with positioning your company in ways that set you apart from the competition so people want to do business with you, then conveying that message better than anyone else. The Planning to Win Symposium will teach you the skills and strategies that will make your company a consistent winner –guaranteed! Visit our website for more information at www.planningtowin.biz. Circle 101 on the Free Information Page
The Butler Corporation Free Advertising Opportunity The Butler Corporation offers our customers free advertising for the sale of their used truckmounts and vans. Our website under the heading “Customer’s Used Truckmounts for Sale” is available free to our customers, who are in the process of purchasing, or have recently purchased a new or pre-owned Butler System. We offer assistance by listing equipment descriptions and pictures on our widely viewed website. Please call 800-535-5025 or visit us on-line at butlersystem.com for additional information. Circle 102 on the Free Information Page
Want to see more of the latest tools and technological innovations entering the market today?
Go to www.icsmag.com and click on “Products” now!
October 2011 | www.icsmag.com
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October 2011 | www.icsmag.com
IICRC Chairman’s Corner
Paul Pearce
Paul Pearce, an industry veteran since 1973, is a Master Cleaner, Restorer and Instructor, as well as owner of Country House Carpet Care in England. He is a Past President of the National Carpet Cleaners Association (UK), for which he currently serves as technical director. He has also served as past chairman for the British Cleaning Council. You can reach Paul at
[email protected].
Why Government Affairs Are Critical to Our Success With all the talk about ANSI accreditation, the increasing responsibilities of the IICRC committee should come as no surprise.
art of the IICRC’s commitment to ensure that our industry has a clear voice when it comes to legislation that affects us all means we must educate officials about the importance of standards and training. Our industry is impacted daily by some form of federal or state legislation and regulation, yet, until recently, we have had very little input into the legislative and regulatory processes. The IICRC’s involvement began at the state level a few years ago, and since then, has expanded to federal agencies like the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Homeland Security, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and others, to represent the interests of IICRC registrants at a national level. And as the IICRC continues to grow internationally, we will look to broaden our reach and have a presence in all legislative and regulatory arenas in countries covered by our organization. Our government affairs consultant,
Cleaning Specialist | October 2011
Dan Bernazzani, and IICRC executive administrator Tom Hill recently attended the The National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) Legislative Summit in San Antonio, Texas. NCSL is the bipartisan voice of the states serving the legislators and staffs of the nation’s 50 states, its commonwealths and territories. The summit provides the perfect opportunity for policymakers to exchange ideas on the most pressing issues facing states today. One state the IICRC has been working with is Virginia. After a review of the IICRC’s Applied Microbial Remediation Technician (AMRT) certification, the state of Virginia has determined that the IICRC certification AMRT is substantially equivalent to the Virginia Board for Asbestos, Lead, Mold, and Home Inspectors’ (Board) Mold Remediator Worker license type. Currently, IICRC registrants who successfully complete the AMRT certification in Virginia will now be accepted as
a Virginia mold licensure in the state. Since AMRT is equivalent to Virginia’s Mold Remediator Worker License, IICRC-certified schools do not need to apply to be approved training providers. Wins like this in Virginia are reassuring reminders that the IICRC’s involvement in government affairs will continue to help government entities make better and more informed decisions when it comes to cleaning, restoration and inspection.
1 2
Communication is key
International growth is not to be overlooked or underestimated
Legislators on all levels must be educated
CFI Report By Nila Sanders
Marketing Strategy 101 for Commercial Clients
or someone starting off in commercial carpet cleaning, where do you look for potential clients and business? Here are three target groups that would be responsive to outsourced commercial carpet and textile maintenance.
Property Management Firms Often they handle not only residential properties but small commercial units also. This is a localized group of potential clients. The property management firms often build in the lease agreements funds for carpet cleaning/janitorial services. This can be a bit tricky, but understanding that these funds can be backed out of the janitorial contract or that you can assume the contract entirely is the first step. Making the property management firms aware that this is a possibility is the second step. In your presentation to them, show how quality carpet and textile maintenance will extend the life of their investment and provide a space that is more attractive to potential end-users. Several strip office buildings, managed
by one or two property firms will give you the contracts needed to realize the income you are looking for.
Networking Groups Take the time and make the financial investment in facility management networking groups. The International Facility Management Association (www. IFMA.org) and the Building Owners Managers Association (www. BOMA. org) are two very good networking groups with locations in every state. On their websites are the locations of each chapter and how to become involved.
Warm Calls The old fashioned method. Only this is not the telemarketing, mail-blitz method we were taught. Call with a purpose! Call the facility manager directly and ask questions. Most people love to help, and love to hear their name being used in a conversation. Have a conversation with the facility manager. Ask him or her how they are currently maintaining their facility? Are they happy, if so what do they
like about the service? These could be tips for you, here you will find out who your competition is and what they are doing right or wrong. Offer to come and meet with them to talk about your company! Remember there is still no obligation on the part of the client, this will be important to them, as their time is valuable also. Offer to spot clean an area, provide a test cleaning or take a look at their upholstery for them. Above all, be consistent! Make follow-up calls on a once a month basis with the client. Be polite and friendly! Commercial carpet and textile maintenance is about building relationships. Be prepared to invest time and effort. Some research and consistent contact will help open doors for your commercial business to grow!
October 2011 | www.icsmag.com
SCRT News By Patti Savelle
Patti Savelle is administrator for the Society of Cleaning & Restoration Technicians.
News, Events and Other SCRT News
rom our president, Gary Glenn: Connections in Las Vegas has come and gone again. The show was well attended and all the vendors once again were very supportive of Connections Events. We had a really nice membership reception, which was a great networking opportunity for all of our SCRT members new and old. As usual, Debbie Glenn was the exceptional hostess, seeing to our food and drink needs. The reception started at 6:00 pm and I’d be telling tales on a few if I told you what time they left (not sure they made it to the early morning sessions). It was great to see those in attendance and looking forward to seeing everyone again in Clearwater in the spring. It is exciting to see the growth of our two newest Chapters in Orlando and Pensacola. Be sure to watch for upcoming events at both of those locations. Once again our Georgia Chapter is growing, under the direction of our Chapter President Cara Agerbeck and with a little guidance from past president Bruce DeLoatch. Some strong leadership and a belief in what an SCRT Chapter can do for an area goes a long way.
Pleasant Gap, Penn. The Pennsylvania Chapter will hold its next meeting on Oct. 28 at 5:30 pm. This will be a dinner meeting and will be held at Pleasant Gap Fire Company, 475 Robinson Lane, Pleasant Gap, Penn. SCRT members will have an oppor56
Cleaning Specialist | October 2011
tunity to attend an IICRC Odor Control Technician class taught by Bruce DeLoatch prior to the chapter meeting beginning at 8:30 that morning. For further information and to register for the class, contact Doug Moerschbacher at 814-359-4414, doug@cleansweepp. net or Bruce DeLoatch at the Cleaner’s Coach, 678-250-5982,
[email protected].
Pensacola, Fla. The organizational meeting for the new Gulf Coast Chapter of the SCRT will be held on November 17. All cleaning, restoration and remediation contractors, whether SCRT Members or not, are urged to get involved. The Gulf Coast Chapter will serve the needs of cleaners and restorers in the Florida Panhandle, lower Alabama, southern Mississippi and eastern Louisiana regions. The Chapter will also host an event on the following day. Bruce DeLoatch, “The Cleaner’s Coach” will present a one-day IICRC Approved Odor Control Technician course. The course and the Chapter meeting will be held at Cleaning Supply Network, 165 Chaseville St. Pensacola FL 32507. Contact Chapter President Jonathan Owens at jonathan@ cleaningsupplynetwork.com or call (850)434-9997 for more information and to register.
Atlanta, Ga. On Wednesday Aug. 24, the Georgia Chapter hosted a meeting at Jon-Don
in Norcross, Ga. Bill Yeadon gave a 30-minute presentation on spot removal, after which he led the group in a spotting contest. Carpet swatches were treated with various spots, including ink, lipstick, red Kool-Aid, permanent marker and coffee. Contestants had 30 minutes to clean all swatches. Portable extraction units, a variety of spotters and other tools were available for the contestants to use. Joanna DeLoatch from Cleaner’s Coach and Cara Agerbeck from Abatement Technologies were chosen by Bill to judge the results. The grand prize winner was Chris Nix from Shaw Industries, who took home a spotting kit donated by Pro’s Choice. First runner-up was Eddie Lopez from Bishop Clean Care, who took home a Spotting Claw donated by JonDon. Chris Hale of Magic Carpet was second runner-up and he took home a deodorization DVD also donated by Jon-Don.
PACR News By Jillian Olson
PACR Power Meetings Coming This Fall
he Professional Association of Cleaning and Restoration is excited to announce the new PACR Power Meetings coming to the Denver Area this fall.
Called IICRC CEC Credit Workshops, these will be a series of four half day workshops focusing on updates within specific IICRC Standards, including the New S100 Professional Cleaning of Textile Floor Coverings Standard coming soon. Larry Cooper will present the updated information for all workshops and will allow for questions and answers.
Upcoming Events IICRC CEC Credit Workshops: Friday, September 23: S500 Water Damage Restoration Update. Larry Cooper will present information on new updates within the IICRC S500 Water Damage Standard. Wednesday, October 12: S520 Mold
Remediation Update. Larry Cooper will present information on new updates within the IICRC S520 Mold Remediation Standard. Thursday, November 17: NEW S100 Professional Cleaning of Textile Floor Coverings; Residential Floor Covering. Larry Cooper will present the newly updated information on the new IICRC S100 Floor Covering Standard focusing on Residential Cleanings. Monday, December 12: NEW S100 Professional Cleaning of Textile Floor Coverings; Commercial Floor Covering. Larry Cooper will present the newly updated information on the new IICRC S100 Floor Covering Standard focusing on Commercial Cleanings. • Location for All Four Workshops: Interlink Supply, Denver. • Time: Each workshop will run from 9:00am – 1:00pm • 4 for 1 Price (All 4 Workshops for 2 IICRC CEC’s total) • PACR Members: $149 per person • Non-Members: $249 per person • Individual Workshop/Price per Workshop (Each Workshop is ½ IICRC CEC) • PACR Members: $57 per person • Non-Members: $77 per person PACR will also be hosting a Trauma
Scene Cleanup Workshop in November. Contact the PACR office for more information or go to www.professionalassociationofcleaningandrestoration.org. PACR members are invited to attend the Annual Holiday Party on Friday, December 9, 2011 in Arvada, Colo. Enjoy a night of dinner, drinks, fun entertainment, and networking with PACR members. For more information and to register, contact the PACR office at (877)447-2822 or email Jillian at
[email protected].
October 2011 | www.icsmag.com
CRA News By Jennifer Germond
Jennifer Germond is Member Services Coordinator for the CRA. You can reach her at
[email protected] or call her at 916-736-1100, ext. 302.
CRA News
t’s that time of the year! CRA Membership Renewal time. Those members who renew their memberships before December 31 will benefit in the following ways: • Tax write-off for 2011 • No interuption of member benefits such as savings in training • For those who join the WFCA, a full year to use your WFCA’s benefits
Did you know that becoming a member of the WFCA entitles one to up to an additional $500 in savings per calendar year? WFCA members receive up to 50% off of all industry-related training courses and conventions (such as Connections Events), as well as 100% reimbursement of online course registration fees. Discounted WFCA membership is offered to CRA Members for $175 per person for the calendar year. To find out more about this amazing scholarship program, contact 916-7361100, x302.
CRA Training Courses for October
• Oct. 25-28 AMRT in Santa Fe Springs, CA – Abatix – John Banta • Oct. 27 “6 Up-Sales to Make More Cash” in Sacramento, CA – RestCon – Jessica James
COMING SOON - IICRC WRT and AMRT Courses to be held at Abatix in Phoenix, AZ!
For information about CRA membership, call 916-736-1100, x302, email
[email protected], or visit www.crassociation.org.
Cleaning Specialist | October 2011
The MASTERBLEND EL DIABLO has a 195,000 BTU Diesel heater for consistently high cleaning temperatures of 230˚F and higher with up to 2,000 psi cleaning pressure. Within 30 seconds you will achieve water temperatures of 200˚F plus from a cold start - achieve and maintain your desired temperature. With the El Diablo you get all the heat and power you need, no other truckmount has better heat - who says you can’t have it all!
This feature rich machine was designed for simple operation and ease of maintenance! The El Diablo weighs approximately 700 pounds and can be mounted in either the rear or side of a van. • Powered by a Kohler V-Twin 27 HP Engine • Roots 4.5 Whispair DSL blower (Dual Splash Lubricated) features splash oil lubrication on both the gear end and drive end. NO MORE GREASING THE BLOWER! • The waste tank vacuum regulating system is controlled by a Kunkle Valve which limits relief to 14” of mercury preventing vacuum and airflow loss before reaching full load. This unique vacuum relief system allows long hose runs of 700 feet and dual wand cleaning with the performance you need. • The 75 gallon waste tank is stainless steel and guaranteed for 5 years. The waste tank features an aluminum waste basket for easy maintenance and an automatic pump-out option.
At Last - Pet Odor Deodorizer This new oxidizing odor counteractant is effective on all protein odors from dead body odor to pet urine. The product oxidizes the odor molecule and leaves a pleasant fresh orange scent in its place. Very concentrated and dilutes 11:1 with water (1 gallon makes 11 gallons). Totally effective on all fibers. “AT LAST” something really works!
Powerful portables that go anywhere and do everything! The MasterForce gives you proven performance in a compact package. This lightweight, easy to maneuver and load portable conquers stair climbing with ease. The MasterForce comes in several models and options to choose from.
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