With expert readings and forecasts, you can chart a course to romance, adventure, good health, or career opportuni ties while gaining valuable insight into yourself and others. Offering a daily outlook for 18 full months, this fascinating guide shows you: • The important dates in your life • What to expect from an astrological reading • How the stars can help you stay healthy and fit
And more!
Let this sound advice guide you through a year of heavenly possibilities—for today and for every day of 2010! SYDNEY OMARR’S® DAY-BY-DAY
ARIES—March 21–April 19
TAURUS—April 20–May 20
GEMINI—May 21–June 20
CANCER—June 21–July 22
LEO—July 23–August 22
VIRGO—August 23–September 22
LIBRA—September 23–October 22
SCORPIO—October 23–November 21
SAGITTARIUS—November 22–December 21
CAPRICORN—December 22–January 19
AQUARIUS—January 20–February 18
PISCES—February 19–March 20
IN 2010
7GK7H?KI @7DK7HO(&Ä Notice that the Leo glyph seems to be an extension of Can cer’s glyph, with a significant difference. In the Cancer glyph, the lines curve inward protectively. The Leo glyph expresses energy outwardly. And there is no duality in the symbol, the Lion, or in Leo, the sign. Lions have belonged to the sign of Leo since earliest times. It is not difficult to imagine the king of beasts with his sweep ing mane and curling tail from this glyph. The upward sweep of the glyph easily describes the positive energy of Leo: the flourishing tail, the flamboyant qualities. Another analogy, perhaps a stretch of the imagination, is that of a heart leaping up with joy and enthusiasm, also very typical of Leo, which also rules the heart. In early Christian imagery, the Leo Lion represented St. Mark.
The Virgo Glyph ? You can read much into this mysterious glyph. For instance, it could represent the initials of “Mary Virgin,” or a young woman holding a staff of wheat, or stylized female genitalia, all common interpretations. The M shape might also remind you that Virgo is ruled by Mercury. The cross beneath the symbol reveals the grounded, practical nature of this earth sign. The earliest zodiacs link Virgo with the Egyptian goddess Isis, who gave birth to the god Horus after her husband Osiris had been killed, in the archetype of a miraculous conception. There are many ancient statues of Isis nursing her baby son, which are reminiscent of medieval Virgin and Child motifs. This sign has also been associated with the image of the Holy Grail, when the Virgo symbol was substituted with a chalice. 112
The Libra Glyph @ It is not difficult to read the standard image for Libra, the Scales, into this glyph. There is another meaning, however, that is equally relevant: the setting sun as it descends over the horizon. Libra’s natural position on the zodiac wheel is the descendant, or sunset position (as the Aries natural po sition is the ascendant, or rising sign). Both images relate to Libra’s personality. Libra is always weighing pros and cons for a balanced decision. In the sunset image, the sun (male) hov ers over the horizontal earth (female) before setting. Libra is the space between these lines, harmonizing yin and yang, spiritual and material, male and female, ideal and real worlds. The glyph has also been linked to the kidneys, which are as sociated with Libra.
The Scorpio Glyph A With its barbed tail, this glyph is easy to identify as the Scor pion for the sign of Scorpio. It also represents the male sexual parts, over which the sign rules. From the arrowhead, you can draw the conclusion that Mars was once its ruler. Some earlier Egyptian glyphs for Scorpio represent it as an erect serpent, so the Serpent is an alternate symbol. Another symbol for Scorpio, which is not identifiable in this glyph, is the Eagle. Scorpios can go to extremes, either in soaring like the eagle or self-destructing like the scorpion. In early Christian imagery, which often used zodiacal sym bols, the Scorpio Eagle was chosen to symbolize the intense apostle St. John the Evangelist.
The Sagittarius Glyph B This is one of the easiest to spot and draw: an upward pointing arrow lifting up a cross. The arrow is pointing skyward, while the cross represents the four elements of the material world, which the arrow must convey. Elevating materiality into spiri tuality is an important Sagittarius quality, which explains why this sign is associated with higher learning, religion, philoso phy, travel—the aspiring professions. Sagittarius can also send 113
barbed arrows of frankness in the pursuit of truth, so the Ar cher symbol for Sagittarius is apt. (Sagittarius is also the sign of the supersalesman.) Sagittarius is symbolically represented by the centaur, a mythological creature who is half man, half horse, aiming his arrow toward the skies. Though Sagittarius is motivated by spiritual aspiration, it also must balance the powerful ap petites of the animal nature. The centaur Chiron, a figure in Greek mythology, became a wise teacher who, after many ad ventures and world travels, was killed by a poisoned arrow.
The Capricorn Glyph 6 One of the most difficult symbols to draw, this glyph may take some practice. It is a representation of the sea goat: a mythical animal that is a goat with a curving fish’s tail. The goat part of Capricorn wants to leave the waters of the emotions and climb to the elevated areas of life. But the fish tail is the un conscious, the deep chaotic psychic level that draws the goat back. Capricorn is often trying to escape the deep, feeling part of life by submerging himself in work, steadily ascending to the top. To some people, the glyph represents a seated figure with a bent knee, a reminder that Capricorn governs the knee area of the body. An interesting aspect of this glyph is the contrast of the sharp pointed horns—which represent the penetrating, shrewd, conscious side of Capricorn—with the swishing tail— which represents its serpentine, unconscious, emotional force. One Capricorn legend, which dates from Roman times, tells of the earthy fertility god, Pan, who tried to save himself from uncontrollable sexual desires by jumping into the Nile. His up per body then turned into a goat, while the lower part became a fish. Later, Jupiter gave him a safe haven as a constellation in the skies.
The Aquarius Glyph D This ancient water symbol can be traced back to an Egyptian hieroglyph representing streams of life force. Symbolized by the Water Bearer, Aquarius is distributor of the waters of 114
life—the magic liquid of regeneration. The two waves can also be linked to the positive and negative charges of the electri cal energy that Aquarius rules, a sort of universal wavelength. Aquarius is tuned in intuitively to higher forces via this elec trical force. The duality of the glyph could also refer to the dual nature of Aquarius, a sign that runs hot and cold and that is friendly but also detached in the mental world of air signs. In Greek legends, Aquarius is represented by Ganymede, who was carried to heaven by an eagle in order to become the cupbearer of Zeus and to supervise the annual flooding of the Nile. The sign later became associated with aviation and notions of flight. Like the other fixed signs (Taurus, Scorpio, and Leo), Aquarius is associated with an apostle, in this case St. Matthew.
The Pisces Glyph E Here is an abstraction of the familiar image of Pisces, two Fishes swimming in opposite directions yet bound together by a cord. The Fishes represent the spirit—which yearns for the freedom of heaven—and the soul—which remains attached to the desires of the temporal world. During life on earth, the spirit and the soul are bound together.When they complement each other, instead of pulling in opposite directions, they fa cilitate the Pisces creativity. The ancient version of this glyph, taken from the Egyptians, had no connecting line, which was added in the fourteenth century. In another interpretation, it is said that the left fish indicates the direction of involution or the beginning of a cycle, while the right fish signifies the direction of evolution, the way to completion of a cycle. It’s an appropriate grand finale for Pi sces, the last sign of the zodiac.
Join the Astrology Community
Astrology fans love to share their knowledge and socialize. So why not join the community of astrologers online or at a conference? You might be surprised to find an astrology club in your local area. Connecting with other astrology fans and learning more about this fascinating subject has never been easier. In fact the many options available with just a click of your computer are mind-boggling. You need only type the word astrology into any Internet search engine and watch hundreds of listings of astrologyrelated sites pop up. There are local meetings and interna tional conferences where you can meet and study with other astrologers, and books and tapes to help you learn at home. You could even combine your vacation with an astrological workshop in an exotic locale, such as Bali or Mexico. To help you sort out the variety of options available, here are our top picks of the Internet and the astrological com munity at large.
National Council for Geocosmic Research (NCGR) Whether you’d like to know more about such specialties as financial astrology or techniques for timing events, or if you’d prefer the psychological or mythological approach, you’ll meet the top astrologers at conferences sponsored by the National Council for Geocosmic Research. NCGR is dedicated to pro viding quality education, bringing astrologers and astrology 116
fans together at conferences, and promoting fellowship. Their course structure provides a systematized study of the many facets of astrology. The organization sponsors educational workshops, taped lectures, conferences, and a directory of pro fessional astrologers. For an annual membership fee, you get their excellent publications and newsletters, plus the opportunity to net work with other astrology buffs at local chapter events. At this writing there are chapters in twenty-six states and four countries. To join NCGR and for the latest information on upcoming events and chapters in your city, consult their Web site: www. geocosmic.org.
American Federation of Astrologers (AFA) Established in 1938, this is one of the oldest astrological orga nizations in the United States. AFA offers conferences, con ventions, and a correspondence course. If you are looking for a reading, their interesting Web site will refer you to an ac credited AFA astrologer. 6535 South Rural Road Tempe, AZ 85283 Phone: (888) 301-7630 or (480) 838-1751 Fax: (480) 838-8293 Web site: www.astrologers.com
Association for Astrological Networking (AFAN) Did you know that astrologers are still being harassed for practicing astrology? AFAN provides support and legal in formation, and works toward improving the public image of astrology. AFAN’s network of local astrologers links with the international astrological community. Here are the people who will go to bat for astrology when it is attacked in the me dia. Everyone who cares about astrology should join! 117
8306 Wilshire Boulevard PMB 537 Beverly Hills, CA 90211 Phone: (800) 578-2326 E-mail:
[email protected] Web site: www.afan.org
International Society for Astrology Research (ISAR) An international organization of professional astrologers dedicated to encouraging the highest standards of quality in the field of astrology with an emphasis on research. Among ISAR’s benefits are quarterly journals, a weekly e-mail news letter, and a free membership directory. P.O. Box 38613 Los Angeles, CA 90038 Fax: (805) 933-0301 Web site: www.isarastrology.com
Astrology Magazines In addition to articles by top astrologers, most have listings of astrology conferences, events, and local happenings. Horoscope Guide Kappa Publishing Group 6198 Butler Pike Suite 200 Blue Bell, PA 19422-2600 Web site: www.kappapublishing.com/astrology Dell Horoscope Their Web site features a listing of local astrological meet ings.
Customer Service 6 Prowitt Street Norwalk, CT 06855 Phone: (800) 220-7443 Web site: www.dellhoroscope.com The Mountain Astrologer A favorite magazine of astrology fans,The Mountain Astrolo ger also has an interesting Web site featuring the latest news from an astrological point of view, plus feature articles from the magazine. P.O. Box 970 Cedar Ridge, CA 95924 Web site: www.mountainastrologer.com
Astrology College Kepler College of Astrological Arts and Sciences A degree-granting college, which is also a center of astrology, has long been the dream of the astrological community and is a giant step forward in providing credibility to the profession. Therefore, the opening of Kepler College in 2000 was a his torical event for astrology. It is the only college in the United States authorized to issue BA and MA degrees in astrological studies. Here is where to study with the best scholars, teachers, and communicators in the field. A long-distance study pro gram is available for those interested. Kepler College also offers online noncredit courses that anyone can take via the Kepler Community Learning Center. Classes range from two days to ten weeks in length, and the cost will vary depending upon the class taken. Students can access an online Web site to enroll in specific classes and inter act with other students and instructors. For more information, contact: 119
4630 200th Street SW Suite P Lynnwood, WA 98036 Phone: (425) 673-4292 Fax: (425) 673-4983 Web site: www.kepler.edu
Our Favorite Web sites Of the thousands of astrological Web sites that come and go on the Internet, these have stood the test of time and are likely to still be operating when this book is published.
Astrodienst (www.astro.com) Don’t miss this fabulous international site, which has long been one of the best astrology resources on the Internet. It’s a great place to view your own astrology chart. The world atlas on this site will give you the accurate longitude and latitude of your birthplace for setting up your horoscope. Then you can print out your free chart in a range of easy-to-read formats. Other attractions: a list of famous people born on your birth date, a feature that helps you choose the best vacation spot, and articles by world-famous astrologers.
AstroDatabank (www.astrodatabank.com) When the news is breaking, you can bet this site will be the first to get accurate birthdays of the headliners. The late astrologer Lois Rodden was a stickler for factual information and her meticulous research is being continued, much to the benefit of the astrological community. The Web site specializes in charts of current newsmakers, political figures, and international ce lebrities. You can also participate in discussions and analysis of the charts and see what some of the world’s best astrologers have to say about them. Their AstroDatabank program, which you can purchase at the site, provides thousands of birthdays sorted into categories. It’s an excellent research tool. 120
StarIQ (www.stariq.com) Find out how top astrologers view the latest headlines at the must-see StarIQ site. Many of the best minds in astrology com ment on the latest news, stock market ups and downs, and po litical contenders. You can sign up to receive e-mail forecasts at the most important times keyed to your individual chart. (This is one of the best of the online forecasts.)
Astro-Noetics (www.astro-noetics.com) For those who are ready to explore astrology’s interface with politics, popular culture, and current events, here is a sophisti cated site with in-depth articles and personality profiles. Lots of depth and content here for the astrology-savvy surfer.
Astrology Books (www.astroamerica.com) The Astrology Center of America sells a wide selection of books on all aspects of astrology, from the basics to the most advanced, at this online bookstore. Also available are many hard-to-find and used books.
Astrology Scholars’ Sites See what Robert Hand, one of astrology’s great teachers, has to offer on his site at www.robhand.com. A leading expert on the history of astrology, he’s on the cutting edge of the latest research. The Project Hindsight group of astrologers is devoted to restoring the astrology of the Hellenistic period, the primary source for all later Western astrology. There are fascinating ar ticles for astrology fans on this site at www.projecthindsight. com.
Financial Astrology Sites Financial astrology is a hot specialty, with many tipsters, play ers, and theorists. There are online columns, newsletters, spe cialized financial astrology software, and mutual funds run by 121
astrology seers. One of the more respected financial astrolo gers is Ray Merriman, whose market comments on www. mmacycles.com are a must for those following the bulls and bears.
Explore Your Relationships (www.topsynergy.com) Ever wondered how you’d get along with Brad Pitt, Halle Berry, or another famous hottie? TopSynergy offers a clever tool called a relationship analyst that will help you use astrol ogy to analyze past, present, or possible future relationships. There’s a database of celebrity horoscopes for you to partner with your own as well. It’s free for unlimited use.
How to Zoom Around the Sky If you haven’t already discovered the wonders of Google Earth (www.earth.google.com), then you’ve been missing close-up aerial views of anyplace on the planet from your old hometown to the beaches of Hawaii. Even more fascinating for astrology buffs is the newest feature called Google Sky, a marvel of computer technology that lets you view the sky overhead from anyplace you choose.Want to see the stars over Paris at the moment? A few clicks of your mouse will take you there. Then you can follow the tracks of the sun, moon, and planets or check astronomical information and beautiful Hubble images. Go to the Google Web site to download this free program. Then get ready to take a cosmic tour around the earth and sky.
Listen to the Sounds of Your Sign Astrology Weekly (www.astrologyweekly.com) is a Web site from Romania, with lots to offer astro surfers. Here you can check all the planetary placements for the week, get free 122
charts, join an international discussion group, and check out charts for countries and world leaders. Of special interest is the chart generator, an easy-to-use feature that will create a natal chart. Just click on new chart and enter the year, month, day, time, longitude, and latitude of your birth place. Select the Placidus or Koch house system and click on show it. Your chart should come right up on the screen. You can then copy the link to your astrology chart, store it, and later share your chart with friends. If you don’t have astrology software, this is a good way to view charts instantly. This site also has some fun ways to pass the time, such as listening to music especially chosen for your sun sign.
Stellar Gifts If you’ve ever wondered what to give your astrology bud dies, here’s the place to find foolproof gifts. How about a mug, mouse pad, or plaque decorated with someone’s chart? Would a special person like a pendant personalized with their plan ets? Check out www.milestonegifts.co.uk for some great ideas for putting those astrology charts to decorative use.
The Best Astrology Software: Take Your Knowledge to the Next Level Are you ready to begin looking at charts of friends and fam ily? Would you like to call up your favorite celebrity’s chart or check the aspects every day on your BlackBerry? Perhaps you’d like to study astrology in depth and would prefer a more comprehensive program that adapts to your needs as you learn. If you haven’t discovered the wonders of astrology software, you’re missing out! Astrology technology has advanced to the point where even a computerphobe can call up a Web site on a BlackBerry browser and put a chart on the screen in seconds. It does help to have some basic knowledge of the signs, houses, planets, and especially the glyphs for the planets and the signs. Then you can practice reading charts and relating the planets to the lives of friends, relatives, and daily events, the ideal way to get more involved with astrology. There’s a program for every level of interest at all price points—starting with free. For the dabbler, there are the af fordable Winstar Express, Know, and Time Passages. For the serious student, there are Astrology (free), Solar Fire, Kep ler, Winstar Plus—software that does every technique on the planet and gives you beautiful chart printouts. If you’re a MAC user, you’ll be satisfied with the wonderful IO and Time Passages software. However, since all the programs use the astrology symbols, or glyphs, for planets and signs, rather than written words, you 124
should learn the glyphs before you purchase your software. Chapter 7 will help you do just that. Here are some software options for you to explore.
Easy for Beginners Time Passages Designed for either a Macintosh or Windows computer, Time Passages is straightforward and easy to use. It allows you to generate charts and interpretation reports for your self or friends and loved ones at the touch of a button. If you haven’t yet learned the astrology symbols, this might be the program for you. Just roll your mouse over any symbols of the planets, signs, or house cusps, and you’ll be shown a description in plain English below the chart. Then click on the planet, sign, or house cusp and up pops a detailed inter pretation. Couldn’t be easier. A new Basic Edition, under fifty dollars at this writing, is bargain priced and ideal for beginners. Time Passages (866) 772-7876 (866-77-ASTRO) Web site: www.astrograph.com
The “Know Thru Astrology” Series This new series is designed especially for the nonastrologer. There are four programs in the series: KNOW Your Self, KNOW Your Future, KNOW Your Lover, and KNOW Your Child, each priced at an affordable $49.95 (at this writing). Though it is billed as beginner software, the KNOW series of fers many sophisticated options, such as a calendar to let you navigate future or past influences, detailed chart interpreta tions, built-in pop-ups to show you what everything means. You’ll need a PC running current Windows versions starting with Windows 98 SE, with 512 Mb RAM, and a hard drive with 170–300 Mb free space. 125
Matrix Software 126 South Michigan Avenue Big Rapids, MI 49307 (800) 752-6387 Web site: www.astrologysoftware.com
Growth Opportunities Astrolabe Astrolabe is one of the top astrology software resources. Check out the latest version of their powerful Solar Fire soft ware for Windows. It’s a breeze to use and will grow with your increasing knowledge of astrology to the most sophisticated levels. This company also markets a variety of programs for all levels of expertise and a wide selection of computer-generated astrology readings. This is a good resource for innovative soft ware as well as applications for older computers. The Astrolabe Web site is a great place to start your astrol ogy tour of the Internet. Visitors to the site are greeted with a chart of the time you log on.And you can get your chart calcu lated, also free, with a mini interpretation e-mailed to you. Astrolabe Box 1750-R Brewster, MA 02631 Phone: (800) 843-6682 Web site: www.alabe.com
Matrix Software You’ll find a wide variety of software at student and advanced levels in all price ranges, demo disks, lots of interesting read ings. Check out Winstar Express, a powerful but reasonably priced program suitable for all skill levels. The Matrix Web site offers lots of fun activities for Web surfers, such as free readings from the I Ching, the runes, and the tarot. There are many free desktop backgrounds with astrology themes. 126
Matrix Software 126 South Michigan Avenue Big Rapids, MI 49307 Phone: (800) 752-6387 Web site: www.astrologysoftware.com
Astro Computing Services (ACS) Books, software, individual charts, and telephone readings are offered by this company. Their freebies include astrology greeting cards and new moon reports. Find technical astrol ogy materials here such as The American Ephemeris and PC atlases. ACS will calculate and send charts to you, a valuable service if you do not have a computer. Starcrafts Publishing 334 Calef Hwy. Epping, NH 03042 Phone: (866) 953-8458 Web site: www.astrocom.com
Air Software Here you’ll find powerful, creative astrology software, plus current stock market analysis. Financial astrology programs for stock market traders are a specialty. There are some in teresting freebees at this site. Check out the maps of eclipse paths for any year and a free astrology clock program. Air Software 115 Caya Avenue West Hartford, CT 06110 Phone: (800) 659-1247 Web site: www.alphee.com
Kepler: State of the Art Here’s a program that’s got everything. Gorgeous graphic im ages, audio-visual effects, and myriad sophisticated chart op tions are built into this fascinating software. It’s even got an 127
astrological encyclopedia, plus diagrams and images to help you understand advanced concepts. This program is pricey, but if you’re serious about learning astrology, it’s an invest ment that will grow with you! Check out its features at www. astrosoftware.com.
Timecycles Research: For Mac Users Here’s where Mac users can find astrology software that’s as sophisticated as it gets. If you have a Mac, you’ll love their beautiful graphic IO Series programs. Time Cycles Research P.O. Box 797 Waterford, CT 06385 (800) 827-2240 Web site: www.timecycles.com
Shareware and Freeware: The Price Is Right! Halloran Software: A Super Shareware Program Check out Halloran Software’s Web site, which offers several levels of Windows astrology software. Beginners should con sider their Astrology for Windows shareware program, which is available in unregistered demo form as a free download and in registered form for a very reasonable price. Halloran Software P.O. Box 75713 Los Angeles, CA 90075 (800) 732-4628 Web site: www.halloran.com
ASTROLOG If you’re computer-savvy, you can’t go wrong with Walter Pul len’s amazingly complete Astrology program, which is offered absolutely free at the site. The Web address is www.astrolog. org/astrolog.htm. Astrolog is an ultrasophisticated program with all the fea tures of much more expensive programs. It comes in versions for all formats: DOS, Windows, Mac, and UNIX. It has some cool features, such as a revolving globe and a constellation map. If you are looking for astrology software with all the bells and whistles that doesn’t cost big bucks, this program has it all!
Buying a Computer with Astrology in Mind? The good news is that astrology software is becoming more so phisticated and fun to use. However, if you’ve inherited an old computer, don’t despair. You don’t need the fastest processor and all the newest bells and whistles to run perfectly adequate astrology software. It is still possible to find programs for elder systems, including many new exciting programs. To take full advantage of all the options, it is best to have a system that runs versions of Windows starting with Windows 98 SE. If you’re buying a new computer, invest in one with as much RAM as possible, at least 1 GB. A CD drive will be necessary to load programs or an Internet connection, if you prefer to download programs online. Mac fans who want to run Windows astrology software should invest in dual boot computers that will operate both the Mac and the Windows XP and Vista platforms.
Ask the Expert: A Personal Reading Could Help
In these changing times, preparing ourselves for challenges ahead becomes a top priority as new issues surface in our lives. This could be the ideal time to add an astrologer to your dream team of advisers. Horoscopes can offer general advice to all members of your sign, but a personal reading can deal with what matters most to you. It can help you sort out a prob lem, find and use the strengths in your horoscope, set you on a more fulfilling career path, give you insight into your romantic life, or help you decide where to relocate. Many people consult astrologers to find the optimum time to schedule an important event, such as a wedding or business meeting. Another good reason for a reading is to refine your knowl edge of astrology by consulting with someone who has years of experience analyzing charts. You might choose an astrolo ger with a specialty that intrigues you. Armed with the knowl edge of your chart that you have acquired so far, you can then learn to interpret subtle nuances or gain insight into your tal ents and abilities. How do you choose when there are so many different kinds of readings available, especially since the Internet has brought astrology into the mainstream? Besides individual one-on-one readings with a professional astrologer, there are personal readings by mail, telephone, Internet, and tape. Well-advertised computer-generated reports and celebritysponsored readings are sure to attract your attention on com mercial Web sites and in magazines. You can even purchase a 130
reading that is incorporated into an expensive handmade fine art book. Then there are astrologers who specialize in specific areas such as finance or medical astrology. And unfortunately, there are many questionable practitioners who range from streetwise Gypsy fortune-tellers to unscrupulous scam artists. The following basic guidelines can help you sort out your options to find the reading that’s right for you.
One-on-One Consultations with a Professional Astrologer Nothing compares to a one-on-one consultation with a profes sional astrologer who has analyzed thousands of charts and can pinpoint the potential in yours. During your reading, you can get your specific questions answered and discuss possible paths you might take. There are many astrologers who now combine their skills with training in psychology and are wellsuited to help you examine your alternatives. To give you an accurate reading, an astrologer needs cer tain information from you: the date, time, and place where you were born. (A horoscope can be cast about anyone or anything that has a specific time and place.) Most astrologers will then enter this information into a computer, which will calculate a chart in seconds, and interpret the resulting chart. If you don’t know your exact birth time, you can usually locate it at the Bureau of Vital Statistics at the city hall of the town or the county seat in the state where you were born. If you still have no success in getting your time of birth, some astrologers can estimate an approximate birth time by using past events in your life to determine the chart. This technique is called rectification.
How to Find an Astrologer Choose your astrologer with the same care as you would any trusted adviser, such as a doctor, lawyer, or banker. Unfortu 131
nately, anyone can claim to be an astrologer—to date, there is no licensing of astrologers or universally established profes sional criteria. However, there are nationwide organizations of serious, committed astrologers that can help you in your search. Good places to start your investigation are organizations such as the American Federation of Astrologers (AFA) or the National Council for Geocosmic Research (NCGR), which offer a program of study and certification. If you live near a major city, there is sure to be an active NCGR chapter or astrology club in your area; many are listed in astrology magazines available at your local newsstand. In response to many requests for referrals, both the AFA and the NCGR have directories of professional astrologers listed on their Web sites; these directories include a glossary of terms and an explanation of specialties within the astrological field. Contact the NCGR and AFA headquarters for information. (See also Chapter 8.)
What Happens in a Reading As a potentially lucrative freelance business, astrology has always attracted self-styled experts who may not have the knowledge or the counseling experience to give a helpful read ing. These astrologers can range from the well-meaning ama teur to the charlatan or street-corner Gypsy who has for many years given astrology a bad name. Be very wary of astrologers who claim to have occult powers or who make pretentious claims of celebrated clients or miraculous achievements. You can often tell from the initial phone conversation if the as trologer is legitimate. He or she should ask for your birthday time and place and then conduct the conversation in a profes sional manner. Any astrologer who gives a reading based only on your sun sign is highly suspect. When you arrive at the reading, the astrologer should be prepared. The consultation should be conducted in a pri vate, quiet place. The astrologer should be interested in your problems of the moment. A good reading is interactive and 132
involves feedback on your part, so if the reading is not re lating to your concerns, you should let the astrologer know. You should feel free to ask questions and get clarifications of any technical terms. The more you actively participate, rather than expecting the astrologer to carry the reading or come forth with oracular predictions, the more meaningful your ex perience will be. An astrologer should help you validate your current experience and be frank about possible negative hap penings, but also suggest a positive course of action. In their approach to a reading, some astrologers may be more literal and others more intuitive. Those who have had counseling training may take a more psychological approach. Though some astrologers may seem to have an almost psy chic ability, extrasensory perception or any other parapsycho logical talent is not essential. A very accurate picture can be drawn from the data in your horoscope chart. An astrologer may do several charts for each client, includ ing one for the time of birth and a progressed chart, show ing the evolution from birth to the present time. According to your individual needs, there are many other possibilities, such as a chart for a different location if you are contemplat ing a change of place. Relationships between any two people, things, or events can be interpreted with a chart that compares one partner’s horoscope with the other’s. A composite chart, which uses the midpoint between planets in two individual charts to describe the relationship, is another commonly used device. An astrologer will be particularly interested in transits, those times when cycling planets activate the planets or sensi tive points in your birth chart.These indicate important events in your life. Many astrologers offer readings recorded on tape or CD, which is another option to consider, especially if the astrolo ger you choose lives at a distance from you. In this case, you’ll be mailed a recorded reading based on your birth chart. This type of reading is more personal than a computer printout and can give you valuable insights, though it is not equivalent to a live dialogue with the astrologer when you can discuss your specific interest and issues of the moment. 133
The Telephone Reading Telephone readings come in two varieties: a dial-in taped reading, usually recorded in advance by an astrologer, or a live consultation with an “astrologer” on the other end of the line. The recorded readings are general daily or weekly fore casts, applied to all members of your sign and charged by the minute. The quality depends on the astrologer. Be aware that these readings can run up quite a telephone bill, especially if you get into the habit of calling every day. Be sure that you are aware of the per-minute cost of each call beforehand. Live telephone readings also vary with the expertise of the astrologer. Ideally, the astrologer at the other end of the line enters your birth data into a computer, which then quickly calculates your chart. This chart will be referred to during the consultation. The advantage of a live telephone reading is that your individual chart is used and you can ask about a specific problem. However, before you invest in any reading, be sure that your astrologer is qualified and that you fully understand in advance how much you will be charged. There should be no unpleasant financial surprises later. The best astrologer is one who is recommended to you by a friend or family member.
Computer-Generated Reports Companies that offer computer programs (such as ACS, Ma trix, and Astrolabe) also offer a variety of computer-generated horoscope readings. These can be quite comprehensive, offer ing a beautiful printout of the chart plus many pages of de tailed information about each planet and aspect of the chart. You can then study it at your convenience. Of course, the interpretations will be general, since there is no personal in put from you, and might not cover your immediate concerns. Since computer-generated horoscopes are much lower in cost than live consultations, you might consider them as either a supplement or a preparation for an eventual live reading. You’ll then be more familiar with your chart and able to plan specific questions in advance. They also make a terrific gift for 134
astrology fans. In chapter 9, there are listed several compa nies that offer computerized readings prepared by reputable astrologers. Whichever option you decide to pursue, may your reading be an empowering one!
Loving Every Sign in the Zodiac
In times of change, we crave the comfort of a loving partner more than ever. If we don’t have love, we want to know how and where to find it; and if we already have a loving relation ship, we want to know how to make it last forever. You can use astrology to find a lover, understand the one you have, or add excitement to your current relationship. Here are sun-sign se duction tips for romancing every sign in the zodiac.
Aries: Play Hard to Get This highly physical sign is walking dynamite with a brief atten tion span. Don’t be too easy to get, ladies. A little challenge, a lively debate, and a merry chase only heat them up. They want to see what you’re made of. Once you’ve lured them into your lair, be a challenge and a bit of a daredevil. Pull out your X-rated tricks. Don’t give your all—let them know there’s more where that came from. Make it exciting; show you’re up for adventure. Wear bright red somewhere interesting. Since Aries rules the head and face, be sure to focus on these areas in your lovemak ing. Use your lips, tongue, breath, and even your eyelashes to the max. Practice scalp massages and deep kissing techniques. Aries won’t wait, so when you make your move, be sure you’re ready to follow through. No head games or teasing! To keep you happy, you’ve got to voice your own needs, because this lover will be focused on his. Teach him how to please, or this could be a one-sided adventure. 136
Taurus: Appeal to All Their Senses Taurus wins as the most sensual sign, with the most sexual stamina. This man is earthy and lusty in bed; he can go on all night. This is not a sign to tease. Like a bull, he’ll see red, not bed. So make him comfortable, and then bombard all his senses. Good food gets Taurus in the mood. So do the right music, fragrance, revealing clothes, and luxurious bedlinens. Give him a massage with delicious-smelling and -tasting oils; focus on the neck area. Don’t forget to turn off the phone! Taurus hates interrup tions. Since they can be very vocal lovers, choose a setting where you won’t be disturbed. And don’t ever rush; enjoy a long, slow, delicious encounter.
Gemini: Be a Playmate Playful Gemini loves games, so make your seduction fun. Be their lost twin soul or confidante. Good communication is es sential, so share deep secrets and live out fantasies. This sign adores variety. Nothing bores Gemini more than making love the same way all the time, or bringing on the heavy emotions. So trot out all the roles you’ve been longing to play. Here’s the perfect partner. But remember to keep it light and fun. Gemini’s turn-on zone is the hands, and this sign gives the best massages. Gadgets that can be activated with a touch amuse Gemini. This sign is great at doing two things at once, like making love while watching an erotic film. Turn the cell phone off unless you want company. On the other hand, Gemini is your sign for superhot phone sex. Gemini loves a change of scene. So experiment on the floor, in the shower, or on the kitchen table. Borrow a friend’s apart ment or rent a hotel room for variety.
Cancer: Use the Moon The key to Cancer is to get this moon child in the mood. Consult the moon—a full moon is best. Wining, dining, old-fashioned courtship, and breakfast in bed are turn-ons. Whatever makes your Cancer feel secure will promote shedding inhibitions in the sack. (Don’t try any of your Aries daredevil techniques here!) Cancer prefers familiar, comfortable, homey surround ings. Cancer’s turn-on zone is the breasts. Cancer women of ten have naturally inflated chests. Cancer men may fantasize about a well-endowed playmate. If your breasts are enhanced, show them off. Cancer will want to know all your deepest se crets, so invent a few good ones. But lots of luck delving into their innermost thoughts! Take your Cancer near water. The sight and sound of the sea can be their aphrodisiac. A moonlit beach, a deserted swimming pool, a Jacuzzi, or a bubble bath are good seduc tion spots. Listen to the rain patter on the roof in a mountain cabin.
Leo: Offer the Royal Treatment Leo must be the best and hear it from you often. In return, they’ll perform for you, telling you just what you want to hear (true or not). They like a lover with style and endurance, and to be swept off their feet and into bed. Leos like to go firstclass all the way, so build them up with lots of attention, win ing and dining, and special gifts. Never mention other lovers or make them feel second-best. A sure signal for Leo to look elsewhere is a competitive spouse. Leos take great pride in their bodies, so you should pour on the admiration. A few well-placed mirrors could inspire them. So would a striptease with beautiful lingerie, expensive fragrance on the sheets, and, if female, an occasional luxury hotel room, with champagne and caviar delivered by room service. Leo’s erogenous zone is the lower back, so a massage with expensive oils would make your lion purr with pleasure. 138
Virgo: Let Them Be the Teacher Virgo’s standards are so sky-high that you may feel intimi dated at first. The key to pleasing fussy Virgo lovers is to look for the hot fantasy beneath their cool surface. They’re really looking for someone to make over. So let Virgo play teacher, and you play the willing student; the doctor-patient routine works as well. Be Eliza Doolittle to his Henry Higgins. Let Virgo help you improve your life, quit smoking, learn French, and diet. Read an erotic book together, and then prac tice the techniques. Or study esoteric, erotic exercises from the Far East. The Virgo erogenous zone is the tummy area, which should be your base of operations. Virgo likes things pristine and clean. Fall onto crisp, immaculate white sheets. Wear a sheer virginal white nightie. Smell shower-fresh with no heavy per fume. Be sure your surroundings pass the hospital test. A shower together afterward (with great-smelling soap) could get the ball rolling again.
Libra: Look Your Best Libra must be turned on aesthetically. Make sure you look as beautiful as possible, and wear something stylishly seductive but never vulgar. Have a mental affair first, as you flirt and flatter this sign. Then proceed to the physical. Approach Libra like a dance partner, ready to waltz or tango. Libra must be in the mood for love; otherwise, forget it.Any kind of ugliness is a turnoff. Provide an elegant and harmoni ous atmosphere, with no loud noise, clashing colors, or uncom fortable beds. Libra is not an especially spontaneous lover, so it is best to spend time warming them up. Libra’s back is his erogenous zone, your cue to provide back rubs with scented potions. Once in bed, you can be a bit aggressive sexually. Li bra loves strong, decisive moves. Set the scene, know what you want, and let Libra be happy to provide it.
Scorpio: Be an All-or-Nothing Lover Scorpio is legendary in bed, often called the sex sign of the zo diac. But seducing them is often a power game. Scorpio likes to be in control, even the quiet, unassuming ones. Scorpio loves a mystery, so don’t tell all. Keep them guessing about you, offering tantalizing hints along the way. The hint of dan ger often turns Scorpio on, so you’ll find members of this sign experimenting with the exotic and highly erotic forms of sex. Sadomasochism, bondage, or anything that tests the limits of power could be a turn-on for Scorpio. Invest in some sexy black leather and some powerful music. Clothes that lace, buckle, or zip tempt Scorpio to untie you. Present yourself as a mysterious package just waiting to be unwrapped. Once in bed, there are no holds barred with Scorpio. They’ll find your most pleasurable pressure points, and touch you as you’ve never been touched before. They are quickly aroused (the genital area belongs to this sign) and are willing to try anything. But they can be possessive. Don’t expect your Scor pio to share you with anyone. It’s all or nothing for them.
Sagittarius: Be a Happy Wanderer Sagittarius men are the Don Juans of the zodiac—love-’em and-leave-’em types who are difficult to pin down. Your se duction strategy is to join them in their many pursuits, and then hook them with love on the road. Sagittarius enjoys sex in venues that suggest movement; planes, SUVs, or boats. But a favorite turn-on place is outdoors, in nature. A deserted hik ing path, a field of tall grass, or a remote woodland glade—all give the centaur sexy ideas. Athletic Sagittarius might go for some personal training in an empty gym. Join your Sagittarius for amorous aerobics, meditate together, and explore the tan tric forms of sex. Lovemaking after hiking and skiing would be healthy fun. Sagittarius enjoys lovers from exotic ethnic backgrounds, or lovers met in spiritual pursuits or on college campuses. Sagit 140
tarius are great cheerleaders and motivators, and will enjoy feeling that they have inspired you to be all that you can be. There may be a canine or feline companion sharing your Sagittarius lover’s bed with you, so check your allergies. And bring Fido or Felix a toy to keep them occupied.
Capricorn: Take Their Mind off Business The great news about Capricorn lovers is that they improve with age. They are probably the sexiest seniors. So stick around, if you have a young one. They’re lusty in bed (it’s not the sign of the goat for nothing), and can be quite raunchy and turned on by X-rated words and deeds. If this is not your thing, let them know. The Capricorn erogenous zone is the knees. Some discreet fondling in public places could be your opener. Capricorn tends to think of sex as part of a game plan for the future. They are well-organized, and might regard lovemaking as relaxation after a long day’s work. This sign often combines business with pleasure. So look for a Capricorn where there’s a convention, trade show, or work-related conference. Getting Capricorn’s mind off his agenda and onto yours could take some doing. Separate him from his buddies by whispering sexy secrets in his ear. Then convince him you’re an asset to his image and a boon to his health. Though he may seem uptight at first, you’ll soon discover he’s a love animal who makes a wonderful and permanent pet.
Aquarius: Give Them Enough Space This sign really does not want an all-consuming passion or an all-or-nothing relationship. Aquarius needs space. But once they feel free to experiment with a spontaneous and exciting partner, Aquarius can give you a far-out sexual adventure. Passion begins in the mind, so a good mental buildup is key. Aquarius is an inventive sign who believes love is a play 141
ground without rules. Plan surprise, unpredictable encounters in unusual places. Find ways to make love transcendental, an extraordinary and unique experience. Be ready to try anything Aquarius suggests, if only once. Calves and ankles are the spe cial Aquarius erogenous zone, so perfect your legwork. Be careful not to be too possessive. Your Aquarius needs lots of space and tolerance for friends (including old lovers) and their many outside interests.
Pisces: Live Their Fantasies Pisces is the sign of fantasy and imagination. This sign has great theatrical talent. Pisces looks for lovers who will take care of them. Pisces will return the favor! Here is someone who can psych out your deepest desires without mentioning them. Pisces falls for sob stories and is always ready to empa thize. It wouldn’t hurt to have a small problem for Pisces to help you overcome. It might help if you cry on his shoulder, for this sign needs to be needed. Use your imagination when setting the scene for love. A dramatic setting brings out Pisces theatrical talents. Or creatively use the element of water. Rain on the roof, waterfalls, showers, beach houses, water beds, and Jacuzzis could turn up the heat. Experiment with pulsating jets of water. Take midnight skinny-dips in deserted pools. The Pisces erogenous zone is the feet. This is your cue to give a sensuous foot massage using scented lotions. Let him paint your toes. Beautiful toenails in sexy sandals are a special turn-on.
Your Hottest Love Match Here’s a tip for finding your hottest love match. If your lover’s Mars sign makes favorable aspects to your Venus, is in the same element (earth, air, fire, water), or is in the same sign, your lover will do what you want done! Mars influences how we act when we make love, while Venus shows what we like 142
done to us. Sometimes fighting and making up is the sexiest fun of all. If you’re the type who needs a spark to keep lust alive (you know who you are!), then look for Mars and Ve nus in different signs of the same quality (fixed or cardinal or mutable). For instance, a fixed sign (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius) paired with another fixed sign can have a sexy tugof-war before you finally surrender. Two cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) set off passionate fireworks when they clash. Mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces) play a fascinating game of cat and mouse, never quite catching each other.
Your Most Seductive Time The best time for love is when Venus is in your sign, making you the most desirable sign in the zodiac. This only lasts about three weeks (unless Venus is retrograde) so don’t waste time! And find out the time this year when Venus is in your sign by consulting the Venus chart at the end of chapter 5.
What’s the Sexiest Sign? It depends on what sign you are. Astrology has traditionally given this honor to Scorpio, the sign associated with the sex organs. However, we are all a combination of different signs (and turn-ons). Gemini’s communicating ability and manual dexterity could deliver the magic touch. Cancer’s tenderness and understanding could bring out your passion more than regal Leo.
Which Is the Most Faithful Sign? The earth signs of Capricorn, Taurus, and Virgo are usually the most faithful. They tend to be more home- and family 143
oriented, and they are usually choosy about their mates. It’s impractical, inconvenient, and probably expensive to play around, or so they think.
Who’ll Play Around? The mutable signs of Gemini, Pisces, and Sagittarius win the playboy or playgirl sweepstakes. These signs tend to be changeable, fickle, and easily bored. But they’re so much fun!
Financial Tips from the Stars
Getting the most bang from our buck will be our personal challenge this year, as we continue to learn to live within our means and balance our budgets. One of the advantages of as trology is that we can know the natural direction of the cosmic forces in advance and make financial plans accordingly. Over the past few years, we’ve experienced a dramatic shift from the expansive risk taking of Pluto in Sagittarius to the conservative, thrift-promoting Pluto in Capricorn. This influ ence should continue for several years. Financially savvy as trologers also look to the movement of Jupiter, the planet of luck and expansion, for growth opportunities. Jupiter gives an extra boost to the sign it is passing through. Jupiter moves through Pisces, a sign that Jupiter especially favors, so Pisces and fellow water signs, Cancer and Scorpio, receive extralucky rays. Most of us could benefit from using some Piscesinspired creativity, insight, and imagination especially in the area of our horoscope where Jupiter will be giving us growth opportunities. Pisces will give us the imaginative ideas; then Jupiter enters Aries briefly over the summer and for a lengthy stay next year, which should give us the courage and pioneer ing spirit to pursue them.
Aries You’ve got a taste for fast money, quick turnover, and edgy investments, with no patience for gradual, long-term gains. 145
You’re an impulse buyer with the nerve for risky tactics that could backfire. On the other hand, you’re a pioneer who can see into the future, who dares to take a gamble on a new idea or product that could change the world . . . like Sam Walton of the Wal-Mart stores, who changed the way we shop. You need a backup plan in case one of your big ideas burns out. To protect your money, get a backup plan you can follow without thinking about it. Have a percentage of your income auto matically put into a savings or retirement account. Then give yourself some extra funds to play with. Your weak point is your impatience; so you’re not one to wait out a slow market or watch savings slowly accumulate. When Jupiter moves into Aries temporarily this summer, you’ll want to move full steam ahead. However, you may have to reevaluate your goals in the fall. Save your big moves for next year, when Jupiter reenters Aries and you can make real progress.
Taurus You’re a saver who loves to see your cash, as well as your possessions, accumulate. You have no qualms about steadily increasing your fortune. You’re a savvy trader and a shrewd investor, in there for long-term gains. You have low toleration for risk; you hate to lose anything. But you do enjoy luxuries, and may need to reward yourself frequently. You might pass up an opportunity because it seems too risky, but you should take a chance once in a while. Since you’re inspired by Ju piter in Pisces and Aries this year, it’s time to support your long-range goals and ideals by exploring socially conscious in vestments, especially in the clean-energy field and the creative arts. You’re especially lucky in real estate or any occupation that requires appraising and trading, as well as earth-centered businesses like organic farming and conservation.
Gemini With Gemini, the cash can flow in and then out just as quickly. You naturally multi-task, and you are sure to have several projects going at once, as well as several credit cards, which can easily get out of hand. Saving is not one of your strong points—too boring. You fall in and out of love with different ideas; you have probably tried a round of savings techniques. Diversification is your best strategy. Have several different kinds of investments—at least one should be a long-term plan. Set savings goals and then regularly deposit small amounts into your accounts. Follow the lead of Gemini financial ad viser Suze Orman and get a good relationship going with your money! With lucky Jupiter accenting your public image, there should be new career opportunities this year. Investigate ca reers in communications and the media.
Cancer You can be a natural moneymaker with your peerless intu ition. You can spot a winner that everyone else misses. Con sider Cancer success stories like those of cosmetics queen Estee Lauder and Roxanne Quimby, of Burt’s Bees, who turned her friend’s stash of beeswax into a thriving cosmetics business. Who knew? So trust your intuition. You are a saver who always has a backup plan, just in case. Remember to treat and nurture yourself as well as others. Investments in the food industry, restaurants, hotels, shipping, and water-related in dustries are Cancer territory. You’re one of the luckiest signs this year, so keep your antennae tuned for new investment opportunities.
Leo You love the first-class lifestyle, but may not always have the resources to support it. Finding a way to fund your extravagant tastes is the Leo challenge. Some courses in money manage ment or an expert financial coach could set you on the right track. However, you’re also a terrific salesperson, and you’re fabulous in high-profile jobs that pay a lot. You’re the com munity tastemaker; you satisfy your appetite for “the best” by working for a quality company that sells luxury goods, splen did real estate, dream vacations, and first-class travel—that way you’ll have access to the lifestyle without having to pay for it. This year, Jupiter brings luck through fortunate partner ships and travel.
Virgo Your sign is a stickler for details, which includes your money management. You like to follow your spending and saving closely; you enjoy planning, budgeting, and price comparison. Your sign usually has no problem sticking to a savings or in vestment plan. You have a critical eye for quality, and you like to bargain and to shop to get the best value. In fact, Warren Buffet, a Virgo billionaire, is known for value investing. You buy cheap and sell at a profit. Investing in health care, organic products, and food could be profitable for you. With Jupiter in Pisces accenting partnerships, you might want to team up for investing purposes this year.
Libra Oh, do you ever love to shop! And you often have an irresist ible urge to acquire an exquisite object or a designer dress you can’t really afford or to splurge on the perfect antique armoire. You don’t like to settle for second-rate or bargain 148
buys. Learning to prioritize your spending is especially diffi cult for your sign, so try to find a good money manager to do it for you. Following a strictly balanced budget is your key to financial success. With Libra’s keen eye for quality and good taste, you are a savvy picker at auctions and antiques fairs, so you might be able to turn around your purchase for a profit. With Jupiter accenting the care and maintenance part of your life, this is an excellent year to put your finances in order and balance the budget.
Scorpio Scorpios prefer to stay in control of their finances at all times. You’re sure to have a financial-tracking program on your com puter. You’re not an impulse buyer, unless you see something that immediately turns you on. Rely on your instincts! Scorpio is the sign of credit cards, taxes, and loans, so you are able to use these tools cleverly. Investing for Scorpio is rarely ca sual. You’ll do extensive research and track your investments by reading the financial pages, annual reports, and profit-loss statements. Investigate the arts, media, and oil and water proj ects for Jupiter-favored investments this year.
Sagittarius Sagittarius is a natural gambler, with a high tolerance for risk. It’s important for you to learn when to hold ’em, and when to fold ’em, as the song goes, by setting limits on your risk taking and covering your assets. You enjoy the thrill of play ing the stock market, where you could win big and lose big. Money itself is rarely the object for Sagittarius—it’s the game that counts. Since your sign rarely saves for a rainy day, your best strategy might be a savings plan that transfers a certain amount into a savings account. Regular bill-paying plans are another strategy to keep you on track. Jupiter favors invest 149
ing in home improvements and family-related businesses this year.
Capricorn You’re one of the strongest money managers in the zodiac, which should serve you well this year when Jupiter, the planet of luck and expansion, is blessing your house of finance.You’re a born bargain hunter and clever negotiator—a saver rather than a spender.You are the sign of self-discipline, which works well when it comes to sticking with a budget and living fru gally while waiting for resources to accumulate. You are likely to plan carefully for your elder years, profiting from long-term investments. You have a keen sense of value, and you will pick up a bargain and then turn it around at a nice profit. Jupiter favors the communications industry and opportunities in your local area this year.
Aquarius There should be many chances to speculate on forward-looking ventures this year. The Aquarius trait of unpredictability ex tends to your financial life, where you surprise us all with your ability to turn something totally unique into a money spinner. Consider your wealthy sign mates Oprah Winfrey and Michael Bloomberg, who have been able to intuit what the public will buy at a given moment. Some of your ideas might sound farout, but they turn out to be right on the money. Investing in high-tech companies that are on the cutting edge of their field is good for Aquarius. You’ll probably intuit which ones will stay the course. You’ll feel good about investing in companies that improve the environment, such as new types of fuel, or ones that are related to your favorite cause.
Pisces Luck is with you this year! The typical Pisces is probably the sign least interested in money management. However, there are many billionaires born under your sign, such as Michael Dell, David Geffen, and Steve Jobs. Generally they have made money from innovative ideas and left the details to others. That might work for you. Find a Scorpio, Capricorn, or Virgo to help you set a profitable course and systematically save (which is not in your nature). Sign up for automatic bill paying so you won’t have to think about it. If you keep in mind how much less stressful life will be and how much more you can do when you’re not worried about paying bills, you might be motivated enough to stick to a sensible budget. Investmentwise, consider anything to do with water—off-shore drilling, water conservation and purifying, shipping, and seafood. Pe troleum is also ruled by your sign, as are institutions related to hospitals.
Children of 2010
Parents of several children may see a marked difference be tween children born in 2010 and those born more than two years ago, because the cosmic atmosphere has changed, which should imprint the personalities of this year’s children. Astrologers look to the slow-moving outer planets—Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto—to describe a generation. When an outer planet changes signs, this indicates a significant shift in energy, which is the case in 2010. In the first half of the year, Uranus and Jupiter in Pisces continue the visionary and creative influ ence of that sign, which will be reflected in the children born then. However, Uranus moves briefly into fiery Aries in June, which will be accompanied by Jupiter, the planet of expan sion, indicating a very astrologically active summer of 2010. Children born during the warm months will reflect this with more drive and energy. After Uranus retrogrades back into Pisces in mid-August for the remainder of the year, the at mosphere becomes somewhat calmer. Neptune still passing through Aquarius and Pluto in Capricorn should add vision and practicality to the personality of this year’s children. This generation will be focused on saving the planet and on making things work in order to clear the path for the future. Saturn in Libra will enter the mixture, teaching them diplomacy in get ting along with others. Astrology can be an especially helpful tool when used to design an environment that enhances and encourages each child’s positive qualities. Some parents start before concep tion, planning the birth of their child as far as possible to har monize with the signs of other family members. However, each 152
baby has its own schedule, so if yours arrives a week early or late, or elects a different sign than you’d planned, recognize that the new sign may be more in line with the mission your child is here to accomplish. In other words, if you were hop ing for a Libra child and he arrives during Virgo, that Virgo energy may be just what is needed to stimulate or comple ment your family. Remember that there are many astrological elements besides the sun sign that indicate strong family ties. Usually each child will share a particular planetary placement, an emphasis on a particular sign or house, or a certain chart configuration with his parents and other family members. Of ten there is a significant planetary angle that will define the parent-child relationship, such as family sun signs that form a T-square or a triangle. One important thing you can do is to be sure the exact mo ment of birth is recorded. This will be essential in calculating an accurate astrological chart. The following descriptions can be applied to the sun or moon sign (if known) of a child—the sun sign will describe basic personality and the moon sign in dicates the child’s emotional needs.
The Aries Child Baby Aries is quite a handful. This energetic child will walk— and run—as soon as possible, and perform daring feats of ex ploration. Caregivers should be vigilant. Little Aries seems to know no fear (and is especially vulnerable to head injuries). Many Aries children, in their rush to get on with life, seem hyperactive, and they are easily frustrated when they can’t get their own way. Violent temper tantrums and dramatic physical displays are par for the course with this child, requiring a timeout mat or naughty chair. The very young Aries should be monitored carefully, since he is prone to take risks and may injure himself. Aries love to take things apart and may break toys easily, but with en couragement, the child will develop formidable coordination. Aries’s bossy tendencies should be molded into leadership qualities, rather than bullying, which should be easy to do with 153
this year’s babies. Encourage these children to take out ag gressions and frustrations in active, competitive sports, where they usually excel. When young Aries learns to focus energies long enough to master a subject and learns consideration for others, the indomitable Aries spirit will rise to the head of the class. Aries born in 2010 will be a more subdued version of this sign, but still loaded with energy. The Capricorn effect should make little Aries easier to discipline and more focused on achievement. A natural leader!
The Taurus Child This is a cuddly, affectionate child who eagerly explores the world of the senses, especially the senses of taste and touch. The Taurus child can be a big eater and will put on weight eas ily if not encouraged to exercise. Since this child likes comfort and gravitates to beauty, try coaxing little Taurus to exercise to music, or take him or her out of doors, with hikes or long walks. Though Taurus may be a slow learner, this sign has an excellent retentive memory and generally masters a subject thoroughly. Taurus is interested in results and will see each project patiently through to completion, continuing long after others have given up. This year’s earth sign planets will give him a wonderful sense of support and accomplishment. Choose Taurus toys carefully to help develop innate talents. Construction toys, such as blocks or erector sets, appeal to their love of building. Paints or crayons develop their sense of color. Many Taurus have musical talent and love to sing, which is apparent at a young age. This year’s Taurus will want a pet or two, and a few plants of his own. Give little Taurus a small garden, and watch the natural green thumb develop. This child has a strong sense of acquisition and an early grasp of material value. After filling a piggy bank, Taurus graduates to a savings account, before other children have started to learn the value of money. Little Taurus gets a bonanza of good luck from Jupiter in compatible Pisces, supported by Pluto in Capricorn and Sat 154
urn retrograding back into Virgo, a compatible earth sign. These should give little Taurus an especially easygoing dispo sition and provide many opportunities to live up to his sign’s potential.
The Gemini Child Little Gemini will talk as soon as possible, filling the air with questions and chatter. This is a friendly child who enjoys so cial contact, seems to require company, and adapts quickly to different surroundings. Geminis have quick minds that easily grasp the use of words, books, and telephones, and will prob ably learn to talk and read at an earlier age than most. Though they are fast learners, Gemini may have a short attention span, darting from subject to subject. Projects and games that help focus the mind could be used to help them concentrate. Musi cal instruments, typewriters, and computers help older Gem ini children combine mental with manual dexterity. Geminis should be encouraged to finish what they start before they go on to another project. Otherwise, they can become jack-of-all trade types who have trouble completing anything they do. Their disposition is usually cheerful and witty, making these children popular with their peers and delightful company at home. This year’s Gemini baby is impulsive and full of energy, with a strong Aries influence in his life. He will be highly indepen dent and original, a go-getter. When he grows up, Gemini may change jobs several times before he finds a position that satis fies his need for stimulation and variety.
The Cancer Child This emotional, sensitive child is especially influenced by pat terns set in early life. Young Cancers cling to their first memo ries as well as their childhood possessions. They thrive in calm emotional waters, with a loving, protective mother, and usually 155
remain close to her (even if their relationship with her was difficult) throughout their lives. Divorce and death—anything that disturbs the safe family unit—are devastating to Cancers, who may need extra support and reassurance during a family crisis. They sometimes need a firm hand to push the positive, creative side of their personality and discourage them from getting swept away by emotional moods or resorting to emo tional manipulation to get their way. If this child is praised and encouraged to find creative expression, Cancers will be able to express their positive side consistently, on a firm, se cure foundation. This year’s Cancer baby may run against type, thanks to a meeting of Jupiter and Uranus in hyperactive Aries, which might make him much more outgoing and energetic than usual. He should have natural leadership tendencies, which should be encouraged, and the parents’ challenge will be to find positive outlets for his energy.
The Leo Child Leo children love the limelight and will plot to get the lion’s share of attention. These children assert themselves with flair and drama, and can behave like tiny tyrants to get their way. But in general, they have a sunny, positive disposition and are rarely subject to blue moods. At school, they’re the types voted most popular, head cheerleader, or homecoming queen. Leo is sure to be noticed for personality, if not for stunning looks or academic work; the homely Leo will be a class clown, and the unhappy Leo can be the class bully. Above all, a Leo child cannot tolerate being ignored for long. Drama or performing-arts classes, sports, and school pol itics are healthy ways for Leo to be a star. But Leos must learn to take lesser roles occasionally, or they will have some pain ful putdowns in store. Usually, their popularity is well earned; they are hard workers who try to measure up to their own high standards—and usually succeed. 156
This year’s Leo should be a highly active version of the sign, with Saturn in Libra teaching lessons of balance and diplo macy in relationships, while Jupiter and Uranus in Aries amp up the energy level and Pluto in Capricorn demands focus and results. Good use of this energy could produce pioneers, fearless natural leaders who could change the world for the better.
The Virgo Child The young Virgo can be a quiet, rather serious child, with a quick, intelligent mind. Early on, little Virgo shows far more attention to detail and concern with small things than other children. Little Virgo has a built-in sense of order and a fasci nation with how things work. It is important for these children to have a place of their own, which they can order as they wish and where they can read or busy themselves with crafts and hobbies. This child’s personality can be very sensitive. Little Virgo may get hyper and overreact to seemingly small irri tations, which can take the form of stomach upsets or deli cate digestive systems. But this child will flourish where there is mental stimulation and a sense of order. Virgos thrive in school, especially in writing or language skills, and they seem truly happy when buried in books. Chances are, young Virgo will learn to read ahead of classmates. Hobbies that involve detail work or that develop fine craftsmanship are especially suited to young Virgos. Baby Virgo of 2010 is likely to be an early talker, and will show concern for the welfare of others. This child should be a natural communicator and may show an interest in the arts or the legal profession.
The Libra Child The Libra child learns early about the power of charm and ap pearance. This is often a very physically appealing child with 157
an enchanting dimpled smile, who is naturally sociable and en joys the company of both children and adults. It is a rare Libra child who is a discipline problem, but when their behavior is unacceptable, they respond better to calm discussion than dis plays of emotion, especially if the discussion revolves around fairness. Because young Libras without a strong direction tend to drift with the mood of the group, these children should be encouraged to develop their unique talents and powers of dis crimination, so they can later stand on their own. In school, this child is usually popular and will often have to choose between social invitations and studies. In the teen years, social pressures mount as the young Libra begins to look for a partner. This is the sign of best friends, so Libra’s choice of companions can have a strong effect on his future direction. Beautiful Libra girls may be tempted to go steady or have an unwise early marriage. Chances are, both sexes will fall in and out of love several times in their search for the ideal partner. Little Libra of 2010 is an especially creative, expressive child, who may have strong artistic talents. This child is en dowed with much imagination, as well as social skills.
The Scorpio Child The Scorpio child may seem quiet and shy, but will surprise others with intense feelings and formidable willpower. Scor pio children are single-minded when they want something and intensely passionate about whatever they do. One of a caregiver’s tasks is to teach this child to balance activities and emotions, yet at the same time to make the most of his great concentration and intense commitment. Since young Scorpios do not show their depth of feelings easily, parents will have to learn to read almost imperceptible signs that troubles are brewing beneath the surface. Both Scor pio boys and girls enjoy games of power and control on or off the playground. Scorpio girls may take an early interest in the opposite sex, masquerading as tomboys, while Scorpio boys may be intensely competitive and loners. When her powerful 158
energies are directed into work, sports, or challenging stud ies, Scorpio is a superachiever, focused on a goal. With trusted friends, young Scorpio is devoted and caring—the proverbial friend through thick and thin, loyal for life. Scorpio 2010 has a strong emphasis on achievement and success. Uranus and lucky Jupiter in Pisces in their house of creativity should put them on the cutting edge of whichever field they choose.
The Sagittarius Child This restless, athletic child will be out of the playpen and off on explorative adventures as soon as possible. Little Sagittar ius is remarkably well-coordinated, attempting daredevil feats on any wheeled vehicle from scooters to skateboards. These natural athletes need little encouragement to channel their energies into sports. Their cheerful friendly dispositions earn them popularity in school, and once they have found a subject where their talent and imagination can soar, they will do well academically. They love animals, especially horses, and will be sure to have a pet or two, if not a home zoo. When they are old enough to take care of themselves, they’ll clamor to be off on adventures of their own, away from home, if possible. This is a child who loves to travel, who will not get homesick at summer camp, and who may sign up to be a foreign-exchange student or spend summers abroad. Outdoor adventure appeals to little Sagittarius, especially if it involves an active sport, such as skiing, cycling or mountain climbing. Give them enough space and encouragement, and their fiery spirit will propel them to achieve high goals. Baby Sagittarius of 2010 has a natural generosity of spirit and an optimistic, social nature. Home and family will be es pecially important to him, though he may have an unconven tional family life. He’ll have an ability to look past the surface of things to seek out what has lasting value.
The Capricorn Child These purposeful, goal-oriented children will work to capacity if they feel this will bring results. They’re not ones who enjoy work for its own sake—there must be a goal in sight.Authority figures can do much to motivate these children, but once set on an upward path, young Capricorn will mobilize his energy and talent and work harder, and with more perseverance, than any other sign. Capricorn has built-in self-discipline that can achieve remarkable results, even if lacking the flashy person ality, quick brainpower, or penetrating insight of others. Once involved, young Capricorn will stick to a task until it is mas tered.This child also knows how to use others to his advantage and may well become the team captain or class president. A wise parent will set realistic goals for the Capricorn child, paving the way for the early thrill of achievement. Youngsters should be encouraged to express their caring, feeling side to others, as well as their natural aptitude for leadership. Cap ricorn children may be especially fond of grandparents and older relatives, and will enjoy spending time with them and learning from them. It is not uncommon for young Capricorns to have an older mentor or teacher who guides them. With their great respect for authority, Capricorn children will take this influence very much to heart. The Capricorn born in 2010 should be a good talker, with sharp mental abilities. He is likely to be social and outgoing, with lots of friends and closeness to brothers and sisters.
The Aquarius Child The Aquarius child has a well-focused, innovative mind that often streaks so far ahead of peers that this child seems like an oddball. Routine studies never hold the restless youngster for long; he or she will look for another, more experimental place to try out his ideas and develop his inventions. Life is a labo ratory to the inquiring Aquarius mind. School politics, sports, science, and the arts offer scope for their talents. But if there is no room for expression within approved social limits,Aquarius 160
is sure to rebel. Questioning institutions and religions comes naturally, so these children may find an outlet elsewhere, becoming rebels with a cause. It is better not to force these children to conform, but rather to channel forward-thinking young minds into constructive group activities. This year’s Aquarius will have special financial talent. Luck and talent are his and fame could be in the stars!
The Pisces Child Give young Pisces praise, applause, and a gentle, but firm, push in the right direction. Lovable Pisces children may be abun dantly talented, but may be hesitant to express themselves, because they are quite sensitive and easily hurt. It is a parent’s challenge to help them gain self-esteem and self-confidence. However, this same sensitivity makes them trusted friends who’ll have many confidants as they develop socially. It also endows many Pisces with spectacular creative talent. Pisces adores drama and theatrics of all sorts; therefore, encourage them to channel their creativity into art forms rather than indulging in emotional dramas. Understand that they may need more solitude than other children may as they develop their creative ideas. But though daydreaming can be creative, it is important that these natural dreamers not dwell too long in the world of fantasy. Teach them practical coping skills for the real world. Since Pisces are sensitive physically, parents should help them build strong bodies with proper diet and regular exercise. Young Pisces may gravitate to more individual sports, such as swimming, sailing, and skiing, rather than to team sports. Or they may prefer more artistic physical activities, like dance or ice-skating. Born givers, these children are often drawn to the under dog (they quickly fall for sob stories) and attract those who might take advantage of their empathic nature. Teach them to choose friends wisely, to set boundaries in relationships, and to protect their emotional vulnerability—invaluable lessons in later life. 161
With the planet Uranus now in Pisces along with lucky Ju piter, the 2010 baby belongs to a generation of Pisces mov ers and shakers. This child may have a rebellious streak that rattles the status quo. But this generation also has a visionary nature, which will be much concerned with the welfare of the world at large.
Give the Perfect Gift to Every Sign
So often we’re in a quandary about what to give a loved one, someone who has everything, that hard-to-please friend, or a fascinating new person in your life, or about the right present for a wedding, birthday, or hostess gift. Why not let astrology help you make the perfect choice by appealing to each sun sign’s personality. When you’re giving a gift, you’re also mak ing a memory, so it should be a special occasion. The gift that’s most appreciated is one that touches the heart, reminds you both of a shared experience, or shows that the giver has really cared enough to consider the recipient’s personality. In general, the water signs (Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio) enjoy romantic, sentimental, and imaginative gifts given in a very personal way. Write your loved one a poem or a song to ex press your feelings. Assemble an album of photos or memen tos of all the good times you’ve shared. Appeal to their sense of fantasy. Scorpio Richard Burton had the right idea when he gave Pisces Elizabeth Taylor a diamond bracelet hidden in lavender roses (her favorite color). Fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) appreciate a gift pre sented with lots of flair. Pull out the drama, like the actor who dazzled his Aries sweetheart by presenting her with trash cans overflowing with daisies. Air signs (Gemini, Libra,Aquarius) love to be surprised with unusual gifts. The Duke of Windsor gave his elegant Gemini duchess, Wallis Windsor, fabulous jewels engraved with love notes and secret messages in their own special code. 163
Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) value solid, tangible gifts or ones that appeal to all the senses. Delicious gourmet treats, scented body lotions, the newest CDs, the gift of a mas sage, or stocks and bonds are sure winners! Capricorn Elvis Presley once received a gold-plated piano from his wife. Here are some specific ideas for each sign:
Aries These are the trendsetters of the zodiac, who appreciate the latest thing! For Aries, it’s the excitement that counts, so pre sent your gift in a way that will knock their socks off. Aries is associated with the head, so a jaunty hat, hair ornaments, chandelier earrings, sunglasses, and hair-taming devices are good possibilities. Aries love games of any kind that offer a real challenge, like war video games, military themes, or rous ing music with a beat. Anything red is a good bet: red flowers, red gems, and red accessories. How about giving Aries a way to let off steam with a gym membership or aerobic-dancing classes? Monogram a robe with a nickname in red.
Taurus These are touchy-feely people who love things that appeal to all their senses. Find something that sounds, tastes, smells, feels, or looks good. And don’t stint on quality or comfort. Taurus know the value of everything and will be aware of the price tag. Taurus foodies will appreciate chef-worthy kitchen gadgets, the latest cookbook, and gourmet treats. Taurus is a great collector. Find out what their passion is and present them with a rare item or a beautiful storage container such as an antique jewelry box. Green-thumb Taurus would love some special plants or flowers, garden tools, beautiful plant containers. Appeal to their sense of touch with fine fabrics— high-thread-count sheets, cashmere, satin, and mohair. One of the animal-loving signs, Taurus might appreciate a retractable 164
leash or soft bed for the dog or cat. Get them a fine wallet or checkbook cover. They’ll use it often.
Gemini Mercury-ruled Gemini appreciates gifts that appeal to their mind.The latest book or novel, a talked-about film, a CD from a hot new singer, or a high-tech gadget might appeal. A beautiful diary or a tape recorder would record their adventures. Since Geminis often do two things at once, a telephone gadget that leaves their hands free would be appreciated. In fact, a new tele phone device or superphone would appeal to these great com municators. Gloves, rings, and bracelets accent their expressive hands. Clothes from an interesting new designer appeal to their sense of style.You might try giving Gemini a variety of little gifts in a beautiful box or a Christmas stocking.A tranquil massage at a local spa would calm Gemini’s sensitive nerves. Find an inter esting way to wrap your gift. Nothing boring, please!
Cancer Cancer is associated with home and family, so anything to do with food, entertaining at home, and family life is a good bet. Beautiful dishes or serving platters, silver items, fine crystal and linen, gourmet cookware, cooking classes or the latest DVD from a cooking teacher might be appreciated. Cancer designers Vera Wang and Giorgio Armani have perfected the Cancer style and have many home products available, as well as their elegant designer clothing. Naturally, anything to do with the sea is a possibility: pearls, coral, or shell jewelry. Boat and water-sports equipment might work. Consider cruise wear for traveling Cancers. Sentimental Cancer loves antiques and silver frames for family photos. Cancer people are often good photographers, so consider frames, albums, and projectors to showcase their work. Present your gift in a personal way with a special note. 165
Leo Think big with Leo and appeal to this sign’s sense of drama. Go for the gold (Leo’s color) with gold jewelry, designer cloth ing, or big attention-getting accessories. Follow their signature style, which could be superelegant, like Jacqueline Onassis, or superstar, like Madonna or Jennifer Lopez. This sign is always ready for the red carpet and stays beautifully groomed, so stay within these guidelines when choosing your gift. Feline motifs and animal prints are usually a hit. The latest groom ing aids, high-ticket cosmetics, and mirrors reflect their best image. Beautiful hairbrushes tame their manes. Think cham pagne, high-thread-count linens, and luxurious loungewear or lingerie. Make Leo feel special with a custom portrait or photo shoot with your local star photographer. Be sure to go for spectacular wrapping, with beautiful paper and ribbons. Present your gift with a flourish!
Virgo Virgo usually has a special subject of interest and would appre ciate relevant books, films, lectures, or classes. Choose healthoriented things: gifts to do with fitness and self-improvement. Virgo enjoys brainteasers, crossword puzzles, computer pro grams, organizers, and digital planners. Fluffy robes, bath products, and special soaps appeal to Virgo’s sense of cleanli ness. Virgo loves examples of good, practical design: efficient telephones, beautiful briefcases, computer cases, desk acces sories. Choose natural fibers and quiet colors when choosing clothes for Virgo. Virgo has high standards, so go for quality when choosing a gift.
Libra Whatever you give this romantic sign, go for beauty and ro mance. Libra loves accessories, decorative objects, whatever makes him or his surroundings more aesthetically pleasing. Beautiful flowers in pastel colors are always welcome. Libras are great hosts and hostesses, who might appreciate a gift re lated to fine dining: serving pieces, linens, glassware, flower vases. Evening or party clothes please since Libra has a gad about social life. Interesting books, objets d’art, memberships to museums, and tickets to cultural events are good ideas. Fashion or home-decorating magazine subscriptions usually please Libra women. Steer away from anything loud, garish, or extreme. Think pink, one of their special colors, when giv ing Libra jewelry, clothing, or accessories. It’s a very romantic sign, so be sure to remember birthdays, holidays, and anniver saries with a token of affection.
Scorpio Scorpios love mystery, so bear that in mind when you buy these folks a present. You could take this literally and buy them a good thriller DVD, novel, or video game. Scorpios are power players, so a book about one of their sign might please. Bill Gates, Jack Welch, Condoleezza Rice, and Hillary Clinton are hot Scorpio subjects. Scorpios love black leather, suede, fur, anything to do with the sea, power tools, tiny spy tape re corders, and items with secret compartments or intricate locks. When buying a handbag for Scorpio, go for simple shapes with lots of interior pockets. Sensuous Scorpios appreciate hot lin gerie, sexy linens, body lotions, and perfumed candles. Black is the favored color for Scorpio clothing—go for sexy textures like cashmere and satin in simple shapes by designers like Cal vin Klein. This sign is fascinated with the occult, so give them an astrology or tarot-card reading, beautiful crystals, or an as trology program for the computer.
Sagittarius For these outdoor people, consider adventure trips, designer sportswear, gear for their favorite sports.A funny gift or some thing for their pets pleases Sagittarius. For clothing and acces sories, the fashionista of this sign tends to like bright colors and dramatic innovative styles. Otherwise, casual sportswear is a good idea. These travelers usually have a favorite get away place; give them a travel guide, DVD, novel, or history book that would make their trip more interesting. Luggage is also a good bet. Sleek carry-ons, travel wallets, ticket holders, business-card cases, and wheeled computer bags might please these wanderers. Anything that makes travel more comfort able and pleasant is good for Sagittarius, including a good book to read en route. This sign is the great gambler of the zodiac, so gifts related to their favorite gambling venue would be appreciated.
Capricorn For this quality-conscious sign, go for a status label from the best store in town. Get Capricorns something good for their image and career. They could be fond of things Spanish, like flamenco or tango music, or of country-and-western music and motifs. In the bookstore, go for biographies of the rich and famous, or advice books to help Capricorn get to the top. Capricorns take their gifts seriously, so steer away from any thing too frivolous. Garnet, onyx, or malachite jewelry, Caro lina Herrera fragrance and clothing, and beautiful briefcases and wallets are good ideas. Glamorous status tote bags carry business gear in style. Capricorns like golf, tennis, and sports that involve climbing, cycling, or hiking, so presents could be geared to their outdoor interests. Elegant evening accessories would be fine for this sign, which often entertains for busi ness.
Aquarius Give Aquarius a surprise gift. This sign is never impressed with things that are too predictable. So use your imagination to present the gift in an unusual way or at an unexpected time. With Aquarius, originality counts. When in doubt, give them something to think about, a new electronic gadget, perhaps a small robot, or an advanced computer game. Or something New Age, like an amethyst-crystal cluster. Aquarius like innovative materials with a space-age look. They are the ones with the wraparound glasses, the titanium computer cases. This air sign loves to fly—an airplane ticket always pleases. Books should be on innovative subjects, politics, or adventures of the mind. Aquarius goes for unusual color combinations—especially electric blue or hot pink—and abstract patterns. They like the newest, coolest looks on the cutting edge of fashion and are not afraid to experiment. Think of Paris Hilton’s constantly changing looks. Look for an Aquarius gift in an out-of-the way boutique or local hipster hangout. They’d be touched if you find out Aquarius’s special worthy cause and make a do nation. Spirit them off to hear their favorite guru.
Pisces Pisces respond to gifts that have a touch of fantasy, magic, and romance. Look for mystical gifts with a touch of the occult. Romantic music (a customized CD of favorite love songs) and love stories appeal to Pisces sentimentalists. Pisces is associ ated with perfume and fragrant oils, so help this sign indulge with their favorite scent in many forms. Anything to do with the ocean, fish, and water sports appeals to Pisces. How about a whirlpool, a water-therapy spa treatment, or a sea salt rub. Appeal to this sign with treats for the feet: foot massages, ped icures, ballet tickets, and dance lessons. Cashmere socks and metallic evening sandals are other Pisces pleasers. A romantic dinner overlooking the water is Pisces paradise. A case of fine wine or another favorite liquid is always appreciated. Write a love poem and enclose it with your gift. 169
Your Pet-Scope for 2010: How to Choose Your Best Friend for Life
With Jupiter, the planet of luck and expansion, in compas sionate Pisces, this is a great time to bring joy into your life by adopting an animal friend. At this writing, 63 percent of all American households have at least one pet, according to a recent survey by the American Pet Product Manufacturers Association. And we spend billions of dollars on the care and feeding of our beloved pets. Our pets are counted as part of the family, often sharing our beds and accompanying us on trips. Whether you choose to adopt an animal from a local shel ter or buy a Thoroughbred from a breeder, try for an optimal time of adoption and sun sign of your new friend. If you’re rescuing an animal, however, it’s difficult to know the sun sign of the animal, but you can adopt on a day when the moon is compatible with yours, which should bless the emotional rela tionship. Using the moon signs listed in the daily forecasts in this book, choose a day when the moon is in your sign, a sign of the same element, or a compatible element. This means fire and air signs should go for a day when the moon is in fire signs Aries, Leo, Sagittarius or air signs Gemini, Libra, or Aquarius. Water and earth signs should choose a day when the moon is in water signs Cancer, Scorpio, or Pisces or earth signs Taurus, Virgo, or Capricorn. If possible, aim for a new moon, good for beginning a new relationship. 170
Here are some sign-specific tips for adopting an animal that will be your best friend for life.
Aries: The Rescuer Aries gets special pleasure from rescuing animals in distress and rehabbing them, so do check your local shelters if you’re thinking of adopting an animal. As an active fire sign, you’d be happiest with a lively animal that can accompany you, and you might do well with a rescue animal such as a German shep herd or Labrador retriever. You’d also enjoy training such an animal. Otherwise look for intelligence, alertness, playfulness and obedience in your friend. Since Aries tend to have an ac tive life, look for a sleek, low maintenance coat on your dog or cat. Cat lovers would enjoy the more active breeds such as the Siamese or Abyssinian. An Aries sun-sign dog or cat would be ideal. Aries ani mals have a brave, energetic, rather combative nature. They can be mischievous, so the kittens and puppies should be monitored for safety. They’ll dare to jump higher, run faster, and chase more animals than their peers. They may require stronger words and more obedience training than other signs. Give them plenty of toys and play active games with them often.
Taurus: The Toucher Taurus is a touchy-feely sign, and this extends to your animal relationships. Look for a dog or cat that enjoys being petted and groomed, is affectionate, and adapts well to family life. As one of the great animal-loving signs, Taurus is likely to have several pets, so it is important that they all get along to gether. Give each one its own special safe space to minimize turf wars. Taurus animals are calm and even tempered, but do not like being teased and could retaliate, so be sure to instruct 171
children in the proper way to handle and play with their pet. Since this sign has strong appetites and tends to put on weight easily, be careful not to overindulge them in caloric treats and table snacks. Sticking to a regular feeding schedule could help eliminate between-meal snacking. Taurus female animals are excellent mothers and make good breeders. They tend to be clean and less destructive of home furnishings than other animals.
Gemini: The Companion A bright, quick-witted sign like yours requires an equally in teresting and communicative pet. Choose a social animal that adapts well to different environments, since you may travel or have homes in different locations. Gemini animals can put up with noise, telephones, music, and different people coming and going.They’ll want to be part of the action, so place a pillow or roost in a public place. They do not like being left alone, however, so, if you will be away for long periods, find them an animal companion to play with. You might consider adopting two Gemini pets from the same litter. Animals born under this sign are easy to teach and some enjoy doing tricks or retrieving. They may be more vocal than other animals, especially if they are confined without compan ionship.
Cancer: The Nurturer Cancer enjoys a devoted, obedient animal who demonstrates loyalty to its master. An affectionate, home-loving dog or cat who welcomes you and sits on your lap would be ideal. The emotional connection with your pet is most important; there fore, you may depend on your powerful psychic powers when choosing an animal. Wait until you feel that strong bond of psychic communication between you both. The moon sign of 172
the day you adopt is very important for moon-ruled Cancer, so choose a water sign, if possible. Cancer animals need a feeling of security; they don’t like changes of environment or too much chaos at home. If you intend to breed your animal, the Cancer pet makes a wonder ful and fertile mother.
Leo: The Prideful Owner The Leo owner may choose a pet that reminds you of your own physical characteristics, such as similar coloring or build. You’ll be proud of your pet, keep the animal groomed to perfection, and choose the most spectacular example of the breed. Noble animals with a regal attitude, beautiful fur, or striking markings are often preferred, such as the Himalayan or red tabby Persian cat, the standard poodle, the chow chow dog. An attention getter is a must. Under the sign of the King of Beasts, Leo-born animals have proud noble natures. They usually have a cheerful, mag nanimous disposition and rule their domains regardless of their breed, holding their heads with pride and walking with great authority. They enjoy grooming, like to show off and be the center of attention. Leo animals are naturals for the show ring, thriving in the spotlight and applause. They’ll thrive with plenty of petting, pampering, and admiration.
Virgo: The Caregiver Virgo owners will be very particular about their pets, paying special attention to requirements for care and maintenance. You need a pet who is clean, obedient, intelligent, yet rather quiet. A highly active, barking or meowing pet that might get on your nerves is a no-no. Cats are usually very good pets for Virgo. Choose one of the calm breeds, such as a Persian. Though this is a highmaintenance cat, its beauty and personality will be rewarding. 173
You are compassionate with animals in need, and you might find it rewarding to volunteer at a local shelter or veterinary clinic or to train service dogs. Virgo animals can be fussy eaters, very particular about their environment. They are gentle and intelligent, and respond to kind words and quiet commands, never harsh treatment. Virgo is an excellent sign for dogs that are trained to do service work, since they seem to enjoy being useful and are intelligent enough to be easily trained.
Libra: The Beautifier The Libra owner responds to beauty and elegance in your pet. You require a well-mannered, but social companion, who can be displayed in all of nature’s finery. An exotic variety such as a graceful curly-haired Devon Rex cat would be a showstopper. Libra often prefers the smaller varieties, such as a miniature schnauzer, a mini-greyhound or a teacup poodle. Pets born under Libra are usually charming, well-mannered gentlemen who love the comforts of home life. They tend to be more careful than other signs, not rushing willfully into poten tially dangerous situations.They’ll avoid confrontations and harsh sounds, responding to words of love and gentle corrections.
Scorpio: The Powerful Scorpios enjoy a powerful animal with a strong character.They enjoy training animals in obedience, would do well with service dogs, guard dogs, or police animals. Some Scorpios enjoy the more exotic, edgy pets, such as hairless Sphynx cats or Chinese chin dogs. Scorpios could find rescuing animals in dire circum stances and finding them new homes especially rewarding, as Matthew McConaughey did during Hurricane Katrina. Animals born under this sign tend to be one-person pets, very strongly attached to their owners and extremely loyal and possessive. They are natural guard animals who will take ex 174
treme risks to protect their owners. They are best ruled by love and with consistent behavior training. They need to respect their owners and will return their love with great devotion.
Sagittarius: The Jovial Freedom Lover Sagittarius is a traveler and one of the great animal lovers of the zodiac. The horse is especially associated with your sign, and you could well be a “horse whisperer.” You generally re spond most to large, active animals. If a small animal, like a Chihuahua, steals your heart, be sure it’s one that travels well or tolerates your absence. Outdoor dogs like hunting dogs, retrievers, and border collies would be good companions on your outdoor adventures. Sagittarius animals are freedom-loving, jovial, happy-go lucky types. They may be wanderers, however, so be sure they have the proper identification tags and consider embedded microchip identification. These animals tend to be openly af fectionate, companionable, untemperamental. They enjoy so cializing and playing with humans and other animals and are especially good with active children.
Capricorn: The Thoroughbred Capricorn is a discriminating owner, with a great sense of re sponsibility toward your animal. You will be concerned with maintenance and care, will rarely neglect or overlook any health issues with your pet. You will also discipline your pet wisely, not tolerating any destructive or outrageous antics. You will be attracted to good breeding, good manners, and deep loyalty from your pet. The Capricorn pet tends to be more quiet and serious than other pets, perhaps a lone wolf who prefers the company of its owner, rather than a sociable or mischievous type. This is another good sign for a working dog, such as a herder, as Cap ricorn animals enjoy this outlet for their energy. 175
Aquarius: The Independent Original Aquarius owners tend to lead active, busy lives and need an animal who can either accompany them cheerfully or who won’t make waves. Demanding or high-maintenance dogs are not for you. You might prefer unusual or oddball types of pets, such as dressed-up Chihuahuas who travel in your tote bag or scene-stealing, rather shocking hairless cats. Or you will acquire a group of animals who can play with one another when you are pursuing outside activities, as Oprah Winfrey does. You can relate to the independence of cats, who require relatively little care and maintenance. Aquarius animals are not loners—they enjoy the compan ionship of humans or groups of other animals. They tend to be more independent and may require more training to follow the house rules. However, they can have unique personalities and endearing oddball behavior.
Pisces: The Soul Mate This is the sign that can “talk to the animals.” Pisces owners enjoy a deep communication with their pets, love having their animals accompany them, sleep with them, and show affec tion. Tenderhearted Pisces will often rescue an animal in dis tress or adopt an animal from a shelter. Tropical fish are often recommended as a Pisces pet, and seem to have a natural tranquilizing effect on this sign. How ever, Pisces may require an animal that shows more affection than their fish friends. Pisces animals are creative types, can be sensually seductive and mysterious, mischievous and theatrical. They make fine house pets, do not usually like to roam far from their owners, and have a winning personality, especially with the adults in the home. Naturally sensitive and seldom vicious, they should be treated gently and given much praise and encouragement.
Your Aquarius Personality and Potential: The Roles You Play in Life The more you understand your Aquarius personality and po tential, the more you’ll benefit from using your special solar power to help create the life you want. There’s a life coach, personal trainer, career adviser, fashion expert, and match maker all built into your Aquarius sun sign.Whether you want to make a radical change in your life or simply choose a new wardrobe or paint a room, your sun sign can help you discover new possibilities and make good decisions. You could tap into your Aquarius power to deal with relationship issues such as getting along with your boss or spicing up your love life. Maybe you’ll be inspired by a celebrity sign mate who shares your special traits. Let the following chapters help you move in harmony with your natural Aquarius gifts. As the ancient oracle of Delphi advised, “Know thyself.” To know yourself, as astrology helps you to do, is to gain confidence and strength. You may wonder how astrologers determine what an Aquarius personality is like. To begin with, we use a type of recipe, blending several ingredients. First there’s your Aquarius element: air. Air signs are mentally oriented. Then there’s the way Aquarius operates: It’s a fixed sign, a builder. Your sign’s polarity adds another dimension: It’s positive, masculine, yang. Let’s not forget your planetary ruler: Ura nus, the planet of awakenings, sudden changes. Add your sign’s place in the zodiac: eleventh—the place of social con 177
cerns, of friends, hopes, wishes. Finally, stir in your symbol, the Water Bearer. This cosmic mix influences everything we say about Aquar ius, from your personality traits to your signature color, elec tric blue. From this combination, we deduce that you are likely to have social and political concerns. Uranus-ruled types are probably quite independent. You might even be rebellious, go against the status quo. But all Aquarius are not alike! Your individual astrological personality contains a blend of many other planets, colored by the signs they occupy, plus factors such as the sign com ing over the horizon at the exact moment of your birth. How ever, the more Aquarius planets in your horoscope, the more likely you’ll recognize yourself in the descriptions that follow. On the other hand, if many planets are grouped together in a different sign, they will color your horoscope accordingly, sometimes making an outgoing sign like yours come across as much more subdued. So if the Aquarius traits mentioned here don’t describe you, there could be other factors flavoring your cosmic stew. (Look up your other planets in the tables in this book to find out what they might be!)
The Aquarius Man: Mr. Charisma You’re a charismatic heartthrob who is always tantalizingly out of reach. But this contradiction makes you even more fas cinating because no one knows the “real” you. Your magnetic attractiveness, contrasted with your air of distance and detach ment, seems to invite others to project their fantasies upon you (and makes you an excellent candidate for public life). Hollywood has had a stable of Aquarius stars who embody the American ideal of virility—Clark Gable (the King), Paul Newman, Burt Reynolds, Tom Selleck, and Ashton Kutcher to name a few.Another embodiment of this mysterious Aquarius persona is Ronald Reagan, an actor who reached the highest office in the land, fulfilling our public image of a president. Often you use your position in the spotlight to accomplish humanitarian goals. It is the rare Aquarius celebrity who does 178
not have a charity or worthy cause that he promotes. Some times you combine self-promotion with altruistic motives, another interesting Aquarius contradiction, where you gain much personal publicity by identifying with a cause. A perfect example is Paul Newman’s successful line of food products, which carry the selling power of his picture on the label, yet whose proceeds go to charity. Another stellar example is New York mayor and former tycoon Michael Bloomberg, who left his vast media company for a far less lucrative political ca reer. Your ideas are sometimes so far ahead of their time that others may call them crazy—but they’re crazy like a fox. You have the knack of extending whatever you do to reach the broadest audience, so listen to those flashes of inspiration and take them to the limit for fame and fortune.
In a Relationship Freethinking Mr. Aquarius is downright old-fashioned about marriage. You’ll guard your private life carefully and usually will not wander, unless your wife is the domineering or manip ulative type who severely restricts your freedom. In that case, you will leave her on the doorstep like Rhett Butler left Scar lett O’Hara, and distance yourself emotionally. No husband is more unhappy than the Aquarius who feels trapped. You need a woman who is “one of the great broads,” as Paul Newman described his wife, which can be a very tall order to fill with a contradictory Aquarius. She’ll have to be a combina tion of saint, sister, and seductress! She must be unpossessive enough to grant you plenty of space, and never succumb to moods. She should have interests of her own yet be supportive of you, share your causes, and, of course, be loyal and faithful. However, she must also be able to tolerate sharing life with a slew of your buddies and with your consuming outside inter ests. You can fully accept, and even prefer, a woman with a life of her own. But her career should relate to, or complement, yours. Otherwise, you’ll never have time for each other.
The Aquarius Woman: Ms. Independent The Aquarius woman is a fascinating challenge! You appear friendly, open, flirtatious, and sometimes a bit wild. But if anyone tries to dominate or confine you, you’ll quickly flash your sharp wit, insightful mind, and powerful will. You can be unsinkable, not caring a bit for public opinion when you are standing up for what you believe in and trying to create a bet ter world for everyone. In fact, no matter how you present yourself, as a conservative, corporate type, or a flamboyant ec centric, you tend to feel that you are championing something greater than your personal goals. You are always in some way an original. Aquarius can be as outrageous and avant-garde as Yoko Ono, or a royal rebel like Princess Stephanie of Monaco, or as zany as Paris Hilton, or as forthright and sisterly as Oprah Winfrey—but all are unique and unpredictable. In the extreme, you love surprise for its own sake. You enjoy deliberately shocking your audience out of its fixed ideas. Never underestimate the Aquarius woman! You’ll soon prove there’s far more to your charisma than the way you look. As an air sign, you are basically idea-oriented and a great communicator. And as an Aquarius, you’ll want to put your ideas to use in making a better world for everyone. Sometimes you become so involved with your cause that you neglect personal relationships, but usually you’ll find a way to include friends and family in your many outside activi ties. Many Aquarius mothers think nothing of bringing their children into their workplace. Sometimes this works out very well, since exposure to different situations can broaden the mind of everyone involved. But there is a downside as well. Sometimes your whole life is lived in public, surrounded by people, leaving no time for intimate moments with those who want to be close to you (some Aquarius actually fear being left alone). The Aquarius woman’s single-mindedness is a two-edged sword. When you think you know what is best for everyone, you push ahead, not hearing the word can’t. However, you are 180
often at your best when you remain detached and objective, open to opposing ideas. Then you can provide much-needed insight and perspective, finding innovative ways to bend the rules to benefit everyone. Because you’re so fascinated by what makes people tick, many Aquarius make wonderful psychologists or social workers. Regardless of your field, your primary interest is in influencing others rather than exploiting them.
In a Relationship An Aquarius invents her own matrimonial roles. You’ll be loyal and faithful, but not always home. Or you’ll bring your outside interests right into the living room, which becomes an office, meeting room, classroom, or film set. Sometimes you focus on outer goals at the expense of your inner life, leaving no time for intimate relationships. Aquarius finds routine of any kind too confining and can invent some ingenious ways of taking care of chores or delegating them. Some Aquarius have large extended families who help share the domestic duties. Marriage to you is a friendly pact where a liberated hus band does his share of housework. In turn, you’ll take over a sizable slice of the financial burden.The Aquarius woman may sing “diamonds are a girl’s best friend,” but she doesn’t mind buying them for herself! Your ideal husband will be proud of your accomplishments and will encourage you to keep your outside interests. You’ll return the favor by giving him a life of delightful surprises and steady devotion.
Aquarius in the Family The Aquarius Parent As a parent, you may feel curtailed by child-rearing duties and by the routine responsibilities of parenthood. But rather than give up your outside activities, you’ll cope by finding an enlightened day-care center, calling on your extended family, or developing a support system that will free you to continue 181
your career or outside interests. As an Aquarius you can even include your children in your work atmosphere. (It was surely Aquarius mothers who persuaded companies to provide day care for children of employees.) Aquarius film stars are known to have trailers on location for their children and find them small roles to play. And it was Aquarius Helen Gurley Brown, former editor of Cosmopolitan, who wrote the book Having It All. You believe it is good for children to be exposed to a wide range of experiences, developing social consciousness along the way. You may often leave your children in the care of oth ers, but you feel that this develops independence. If a clinging, needy child becomes a special challenge to you, you’ll find an innovative solution—perhaps an extended family situation, a joint sharing with other mothers, or sessions with a child psy chologist. Since Aquarius especially appreciates the uniqueness of each human being, you are well equipped to help your chil dren develop independence and creativity by allowing them the freedom to experiment and find out what is truly right for them.
The Aquarius Stepparent Many Aquarius qualities make you well suited to this often delicate position. Your lack of possessiveness will allow your mate to spend guilt-free time with the children. And “gregari ous Aquarius” will happily open your home to activities that include the whole family. You’ll think up some unusual and interesting things to do together. Your objectivity serves you well as a trusted adviser and pal, one who won’t shock easily or pass judgment. You’ll encourage the youngster who is ex ceptional or unusual to develop his or her talents. And you’ll help the shy, insecure child learn how to get along in groups or to express feelings in a creative way.
The Aquarius Grandparent Aquarius who have always been ahead of the crowd may find the world catching up in their grandparent years when their 182
unique qualities are finally appreciated. Young of mind as well as heart, you can astonish the younger generation with your up-to-date ideas. Perhaps you’ll have your own Internet Web site and challenge your grandchild with your skill at computer games. Not one to hang around in a rocking chair, you’ll be off to yoga class, you’ll teach meditation, or you will have your hand in local politics—or at least have some vociferous opin ions about the state of the world.You’re the person who rebel lious youngsters confide in when they want to try something Mother and Dad might not approve of. Shockproof Aquarius grandparents not only offer objective advice, they are also liv ing inspiration to grandchildren who are inventing their own lives.
Aquarius Fashion and Decor Tips: Elevate Your Mood with Aquarius Style! In this year of serious concerns, why not put joy and imagina tion into your life by creating a harmonious environment and expressing your sun sign’s natural flair in everything you do and wear? There are colors, sounds, fashion, and decor tips that fit Aquarius like the proverbial glove and that could brighten every day. Even small changes in decor could make you feel “home at last.” A simple change of color in your walls or cur tains, your special music in the air, a wardrobe makeover in spired by an Aquarius designer or celebrity are natural mood elevators that boost your confidence and energy level. Even your vacations might be more fun and relaxing if you tailor them to your natural Aquarius inclinations. Try these tips to enhance your lifestyle and express the Aquarius in you.
Aquarius Fashion Secrets You’re a trendsetter rather than a follower, often as a result of exaggerating your unusual features, rather than trying to dis tract from them. However, your look is always interesting and attention getting. You’re naturally cool. You can be sensual like Diane Lane, have the hairdo everyone wants, like Jennifer Aniston, or go for shock value like Paris Hilton. You can carry off unique clothes that would look all wrong on anyone else. 184
There’s something about you that can’t be imitated, though many will try. Dare to use unpredictable pattern mixes, psy chedelic colors, avant-garde jewelry and hair that’s either very short or waist length. Find the feature that sets you apart from the crowd—perhaps your unusual eyes, like Oprah Winfrey, Paris Hilton, Charlotte Rampling, Jane Seymour, or Mena Suvari—then play it up to the max. An unusual hair color or head-turning hairstyle is fun for Aquarius to pull off. Aquarius is a fashion experimenter. Adopt a new young de signer or an out-of-the-way boutique in your city. Or decorate your body in an interesting way. Provocative tattoos and body piercings are daring Aquarius statements on Princess Stepha nie of Monaco. Go against the trend. When the style is spare, wear vintage Victorian-inspired dresses. Or wear ruffled skirts when everyone else is in jeans. You’ll soon find that others are following you!
Aquarius Colors Blue-and-white color combinations, unusual mixes of patterns, bright psychedelic colors, and electric blue are lucky colors for Aquarius. You have a flair for using color in a fresh way. A mix of bold colors and patterns that might look outrageous on ev eryone else will make an interesting statement on you. During the sixties, the Aquarius look of bold color mixes, psychedelic tones, and synthetic outer-space metallic fabrics took center stage, with a fashion freedom that has never been equaled.
Your Aquarius Fashion Role Models Look to Italian designer Krizia for unusual patterns and carefree knits. Narcisco Rodriguez does ultrafeminine, care fully constructed clothes that play up the individuality of the wearer. For shock value and unpredictability, you can’t top Paris Hilton. Princess Caroline of Monaco shows off quite a dif 185
ferent, elegant side of Aquarius. For the clean-cut, universal girl-next-door appeal, there’s Christie Brinkley and Jennifer Aniston. Oprah Winfrey shows that one can be stylish at any size.
Aquarius Home Makeover Tips Aquarius usually has an active life outside the home. There fore, your home should provide plenty of space to accom modate people coming and going. You may hold meetings at home or pursue an interest that has special requirements, such as a computer room or a home laboratory. You might have an experimental greenhouse in the bathroom, or turn the dining room into a meditation room, or hold yoga classes in the fam ily room. Unpredictable colors, original furniture, and unusual ob jects are par for the course in Aquarius homes.Your home will always have a touch of the unconventional; perhaps surpris ing lighting effects or startling colors. An Aquarius might fill a huge wall with empty ornate frames, or tie back the curtains with beaded necklaces. You might have the latest technologi cal marvel or something as far-out as an isolation tank in your bedroom. One thing for sure, your home will be uniquely yours and probably much imitated. An airy modern use of colors that is highly original to you suits Aquarius best. You are fearless when it comes to mix ing bold colors and patterns, creating an atmosphere that is unique. Mixes of patterns, bright blue and white, and unusual fabrics personalize your rooms. Let your imagination soar— your intuition will tell you what’s right!
Aquarius Sounds You’re open to the latest, most avant-garde composers. You’ll have the latest electronic sound equipment to play them, or you might record your own music mix for a highly original cus 186
tomized sound.World music that speaks to the soul of all man kind is your kind of sound. Electronic music, New Age Jazz, Roberta Flack, Alicia Keys, Justin Timberlake, Ice T, or your birth-sign composers—Mozart, Schubert, and Mendelssohn— are sure to be in your CD library. Neil Diamond, Natalie Cole, and Eartha Kitt are other golden Aquarius voices. Opera as interpreted by Plácido Domingo or Renée Fleming should speak to your romantic side.
Aquarius Getaways Aquarius vacations often have a spontaneous, unpredictable quality. You’ll value the experience as much as the location. You might find traditional resorts too staid, and you may steer away from status places. Charming country inns might also be the wrong destination—too quiet for you. You’d prefer a rela tively undiscovered place, one related to your latest interests, or an alternative health or meditation retreat to restore your equilibrium. Arizona’s power vortexes or Native American cultures might draw you. Romantic Quebec and Lichtenstein as well as the outdoor life of Sweden or Oregon are other pos sibilities specially related to your sign. Aquarius does well traveling in a group—someone else in the group is sure to be well organized—as long as the group shares your special interest. If traveling alone, you’re sure to make friends wherever you go because you’re not shy and easily attract kindred souls. Cool and trendy places also appeal to Aquarius, especially those with interesting avant-garde art or design. Head for South Beach in Miami, Tribeca in New York, the city and wa terways of Seattle, or Baja California to hit the latest scene. Consider a spontaneous road trip, where you just pack up and go where the spirit moves you in an RV, in a sailboat, or perhaps on a motorcycle. Invite a group of pals to accompany you for all or part of the trip or visit friends along the way. Having fun while not being tied down to a travel agenda is sure to be the perfect Aquarius vacation. 187
The Aquarius Way to Stay Healthy and Age Well This year we’ll be focused on staying healthy to avoid the high costs of health care and to cope with stressful events. Some signs have an easier time than others committing to a health and diet regimen. Aquarius usually dislikes routine and lives to break the rules, so it’s important to design a unique program that incorporates health-building activities into your busy life. Astrology can clue you in to the specific Aquarius tendencies that contribute to good or ill health. So follow these sun-sign tips to help yourself become the healthiest Aquarius possible.
The Diet Trendsetter Aquarius is a sign of reaching out to others, a cue to make your diet program a social one. Sharing your diet with friends might keep you interested and prevent boredom. It worked for Oprah Winfrey, an Aquarius whose yo-yo weight gains and losses became media events. If you know you’ll be going public for a party or wedding, you’ll be motivated to look your best. The trick is to segue from dieting to an ongoing healthy life style. Otherwise you’ll be back up the scale again. Try to find a flexible plan that adapts to individual personalities rather than one that imposes a rigid diet structure. Keep a diet diary or online blog to help monitor yourself, a tip from Oprah.
Air-Quality Control Clean air is a top priority for a health-conscious air sign which is especially vulnerable to airborne allergies and viruses. The effects of air pollution might influence where you choose to live. If you live in a polluted environment, get an air purifier, ionizer, or humidifier. Aquarius tends to travel a lot, or you may fly your own plane, as John Travolta and Lorenzo Lamas do, so protect yourself from infections that flourish in the en closed environments of trains, buses, and planes.
Improve Your Circulation Since Aquarius is associated with the circulatory system, you especially benefit from a therapeutic massage. Find your lo cal day spa and schedule one of their relaxing hands-on treat ments. New Age treatments are favored by experimental Aquarius, so consider alternative approaches to health and fitness. Perhaps the Ayurvedic approach from India or Chi nese massage therapies might work for you. Calves and ankles are also Aquarius territory, and should be emphasized in your exercise program. Be sure your ankles are well supported. Be careful of sprains and strains, especially if you’re a jogger.
Make Your Own Rules You’ll follow a fitness routine only if you can make your own rules and exercise at a convenient time, which could mean odd moments. If your schedule makes it difficult to get to the gym or if you dislike the routine of regular exercise classes, choose from the vast selection of exercise DVDs available. That way, you can easily keep up your exercise routine, even while trav eling on business, since not every hotel has a fitness center. Exercising with friends makes staying fit more fun, so be sure to include a few buddies in your plans. Go for long walks with pals or work out with a group of friends. Try several different 189
kinds of exercise so you can vary your routine from yoga to kickboxing when you get bored. Or set up a gym at home with portable home-exercise equipment. (You’re the type who will combine your treadmill session with a telephone conversation or TV news show.) Use your imagination to devise the perfect routine—one that’s sure to be unconventional.
Stay Young Forever Aquarius is on the cutting edge and usually on top of the lat est trends, even later in life. You won’t let advanced years hold you back! You’re likely to play computer games with grand children and even have your own Web site. You remain young if you stay involved in a cause and pursue your interests.You’ll share your wisdom by teaching a class, lecturing, or writing. Physically, protect yourself against ariborne viruses (get those flu and pheumonia shots) and exercise to prevent circulation problems. Group activities appeal to Aquarius, especially if you are promoting a cause or sharing your point of view in a book club. Getting together with like-minded friends will pro vide you with the mental and social stimulation you require.
Add Aquarius Star Power to Your Career: What It Takes to Succeed in 2010 In today’s tight job market, you’ll need to pull out all the stops to land a great job. Aquarius has a combination of talents and abilities that can make you a natural winner. Tops on the list are charisma and communication skills, which help sell your innovative ideas and help you relate to a diverse public. If you develop and nurture your Aquarius talents, you’ll be more likely to find a career you truly enjoy, as well as one that re wards you financially. Here’s to your success!
Where to Look for Your Perfect Job Aquarius works best when given a great deal of freedom. You can’t stand to have someone breathing down your neck or telling you what to do. Routine work never holds you for long. Instead, you’ll job hop until you find the place where your innovative ideas will be appreciated. You do best in a forward-looking job where you can put your innovative ideas to good use. You’ll find the scope you need in a nontraditional company with a younger staff and open-minded management. Or you may want to freelance or start your own business, since you function very well independently. For Aquarius inspiration, look to Oprah Winfrey, who has broken rules of gender and race to become one of America’s 191
most powerful women. Oprah translated her natural Aquarius ability to bring people together and to act as a bridge between cultures into a multifaceted entertainment and magazine busi ness. Media mogul Michael Bloomberg, another great Aquar ius success story, founded a highly original business news network, and since that wasn’t enough, he embarked on a de manding political career as mayor of New York City. Barry Diller, the entertainment tycoon, has had a colorful business career, spotting the hot trends before anyone else and capital izing on them. Though your single-mindedness suits you for research, most of you prefer to come before the public or work with groups dedicated to improving society in some way. Teaching, politics, social work, and psychology attract Aquarius. The high-tech computer and electronic industry appreciates your inventive genius. Artistic types will gravitate to avant-garde arts, elec tronic music, and experimental theater. You might make a ca reer of New Age healing arts or astrology, or you may teach meditation or mind-control techniques. Stay away from jobs that are confining or steeped in tradition.
Live Up to Your Leadership Potential You’re a liberated boss who gives your subordinates all the space they need, who creates an open and friendly atmo sphere, and who provides ample benefits. Aquarius believes minds given free rein do the best work. You’re always open to new ideas and often run your operation in a nontradi tional way. You may get impatient when others can’t keep up with your quick mind or can’t understand those revolution ary ideas. You’re usually miles ahead of everyone else! But your charisma and persuasiveness usually win over traditional types to a new way of thinking. You function well in a crisis, when your marvelous ability to detach from emotional stress and to analyze a problem comes to the rescue. Your focus on the overall well-being of the organiza tion may leave a few threads hanging in your immediate envi ronment, but you’re a whiz at delegating those chores to others. 192
How to Work with Others You function best as the communicator of the group who brings company issues to the outside world or the outside world to your company. You help to facilitate union activi ties and charity benefits. You’re quick to take up a collection for a worthy cause, or campaign with fellow workers against management injustice. However, your ideas are so innovative that you’ll soon make your mark on any team. Your ambitions are directed toward a high-profile spot where you can reach a wider audience rather than mere moneymaking. And you’ll find a way to parlay your skills into a job that engages all your talents and gives you an opportunity to improve the lives of those around you.
The Aquarius Way to Get Ahead Use your special Aquarius talents and abilities to bring you the highest return on your investment of time and energy. Look for a permissive company that lets you be yourself and is open to new ideas. Play up these Aquarius character assets: • • • • • • • •
Intelligence Inventiveness Concentration Charisma Salesmanship Intuition Interest in the community at large Communication skills
Learn from Aquarius Celebrities You know how much fun it is when you find a famous person who shares your sun sign—and even your birthday! Why not turn your brush with fame into an education in astrology? Ce lebrities who capture the media’s attention reflect the current planetary influences, as well as the unique star quality of their sun sign. Who’s in this year may be out next year. You can learn from the hottest stellar spotlight stealers what the public is responding to and what this says about our current values. If one of your famous sign mates intrigues you, explore his personality further by looking up his other planets using the tables in this book. You may even find his horoscope posted on astrology-related Internet sites like www.astrodatabank. com or www.stariq.com, which have charts of world events and headline makers. Then apply the effects of Venus, Mars, Saturn, and Jupiter to his sun-sign traits. It’s a way to get up close and personal with your famous friend, maybe learn some secrets not revealed to the public. You’re sure to have lots in common with your famous sign mates.Are you a bit rebellious, like Princess Stephanie of Mon aco, Janice Dickenson, and Vanessa Redgrave? Or are you a more idealistic Aquarius type, motivated to improve the lives of others, like Abraham Lincoln, Oprah Winfrey, and Paul Newman? Get to know these famous Aquarius better and learn what makes their stars shine brightly.
Aquarius Celebrities Federico Fellini (1/20/20)
Slim Whitman (1/20/24)
David Lynch (1/20/46)
Lorenzo Lamas (1/20/58)
Melissa Rivers (1/20/69)
Telly Savalas (1/21/23)
Geena Davis (1/21/57)
Emma Bunton (1/21/76)
Bill Bixby (1/22/34)
Jeff Smith (The Frugal Gourmet) (12/22/39)
John Hurt (1/22/40)
Linda Blair (1/22/59)
Michael Hutchence (1/22/60)
Ralph Fiennes (1/22/62)
Diane Lane (1/22/65)
Chita Rivera (1/23/33)
Rutger Hauer (1/23/44)
Richard Dean Anderson (1/23/50)
Princess Caroline of Monaco (1/23/57)
Mariska Hargitay (1/23/64)
Tiffany Amber Thiessen (1/23/74)
Neil Diamond (1/24/41)
Nastassja Kinski (1/24/60)
Mischa Barton (1/24/86)
Dean Jones (1/25/31)
Corazon Aquino (1/25/33)
Alicia Keys (1/25/80)
Paul Newman (1/26/25)
Eartha Kitt (1/26/28)
Roger Vadim (1/26/28)
Eddie Van Halen (1/26/57)
Ellen DeGeneres (1/26/58)
Wayne Gretsky (1/26/61)
Mikhail Baryshnikov (1/27/48)
Mimi Rogers (1/27/56)
Bridget Fonda (1/27/64)
Tracy Lawrence (1/27/68)
Alan Alda (1/28/36)
Nicholas Sarkozy (1/28/55)
Sarah McLachlan (1/28/68)
Joey Fattone (1/28/77)
Elijah Wood (1/28/81)
Tom Selleck (1/29/45)
Oprah Winfrey (1/29/54)
Greg Louganis (1/29/60)
Heather Graham (1/29/70)
Gene Hackman (1/30/30)
Vanessa Redgrave (1/30/37)
Dick Cheney (1/30/41)
Jody Watley (1/30/59)
Christian Bale (1/30/74)
Wilmer Valderrama (1/30/80)
Nolan Ryan (1/31/47)
Johnny Rotten (1/31/56)
Kelly Lynch (1/31/59)
Portia de Rossi (1/31/73)
Minnie Driver (1/31/71)
Justin Timberlake (1/31/81)
Clark Gable (2/1/1902)
Princess Stephanie of Monaco (2/1/65)
Lisa Marie Presley (2/1/68)
Tommy Smothers (2/2/37)
Farrah Fawcett (2/2/47)
Christie Brinkley (2/2/54)
Shakira (2/2/77)
James Michener (2/3/1907)
Fran Tarkenton (2/3/40)
Blythe Danner (2/3/43)
Morgan Fairchild (2/3/50)
Betty Friedan (2/4/21)
Alice Cooper (2/4/48)
Clint Black (2/4/62)
Oscar de la Hoya (2/4/73)
Charlotte Rampling (2/5/45)
Barbara Hershey (2/5/48)
Bobby Brown (2/5/69)
Ronald Reagan (2/6/11)
Zsa Zsa Gabor (2/6/17)
Natalie Cole (2/6/49)
Kathy Najimy (2/6/57)
Axl Rose (2/6/62)
Charles Dickens (2/7/1812)
Garth Brooks (2/7/62)
Chris Rock (2/7/66)
Ashton Kutcher (2/7/78)
Lana Turner (2/8/20)
Jack Lemmon (2/8/25)
Ted Koppel (2/8/40)
Nick Nolte (2/8/41)
John Grisham (2/8/55)
Carole King (2/9/42)
Joe Pesci (2/9/43)
Mia Farrow (2/9/45)
Travis Tritt (2/9/64)
Amber Valletta (2/9/74)
Mena Suvari (2/9/79)
Ziyi Zhang (2/9/79)
Judith Anderson (2/10/1898)
Robert Wagner (2/10/30)
George Stephanopoulos (2/10/61)
Leslie Nielsen (2/11/22)
Eva Gabor (2/11/23)
Burt Reynolds (2/11/36)
Carey Lowell (2/11/61)
Sarah Palin (2/11/64)
Jennifer Aniston (2/11/69)
Abraham Lincoln (2/12/1809)
Chuck Yeager (2/12/23)
Arsenio Hall (2/12/58)
Josh Brolin (2/12/68)
Christina Ricci (2/12/80)
L. L. Bean (2/13/1873)
Kim Novak (2/13/33)
Stockard Channing (2/13/44)
Hugh Downs (2/14/21)
Gregory Hines (2/14/46)
Renée Fleming (2/14/59)
Meg Tilly (2/14/60)
Claire Bloom (2/15/31)
Marisa Berenson (2/15/46)
Jane Seymour (2/15/51)
Janice Dickenson (2/15/55)
Ice-T (2/16/58)
John McEnroe (2/16/59)
Michael Jordan (2/17/63)
Denise Richards (2/17/71)
Jerry O’Connell (2/17/74)
Paris Hilton (2/17/81)
Jack Palance (2/18/20)
Toni Morrison (2/18/31)
Sinead Cusack (2/18/48)
Cybill Shepherd (2/18/50)
John Travolta (2/18/54)
Vanna White (2/18/57)
Greta Scacchi (2/18/60)
Molly Ringwald (2/18/68)
Your Aquarius Relationships with Every Other Sign: The Green Lights and Red Flags Are you looking for insight into a relationship? Perhaps it’s someone you’ve met online, a new business partner, a room mate, or the proverbial stranger across a crowded room. After an initial attraction, you may be wondering if you’ll still get along down the line. Or why supposedly incompatible signs sometimes have a magical attraction to each other. If things aren’t working out, astrology could give you some clues as to why he or she is “not that into you.” Astrology has no magic formula for success in love, but it does offer a better understanding of the qualities each person brings to the relationship and how your partner is likely to react to your sun-sign characteristics. Knowing your potential partner’s sign and how it relates to yours could give you some clues about what to expect down the line. There is also the issue of the timing of a new relationship. From an astrological perspective, the people you meet at any given time can provide the dynamic that you require at the moment. For instance, if you’re an independent Aquarius, you might benefit from the financial savvy and practical wisdom of a down-to-earth sign like Capricorn or Virgo at a certain time in your life. The celebrity couples in this chapter can help you visualize each sun-sign combination. You’ll note that some legendary lovers have stood the test of time, while others blazed, then broke up, and still others existed only in the fantasy world of 199
film or television (but still captured our imagination). Tradi tional astrological wisdom holds that signs of the same ele ment are naturally compatible. For Aquarius, that would be fellow air signs Gemini and Libra. Also favored are signs of complementary elements, such as air signs with fire signs (Ar ies, Leo, Sagittarius). In these relationships communication supposedly flows easily, and you’ll feel most comfortable to gether. As you read the following matches, remember that there are no hard-and-fast rules; each combination has perks as well as peeves. So when sparks fly and an irresistible magnetic pull draws you together, when disagreements and challenges fuel intrigue, mystery, passion, and sexy sparring matches, don’t rule the relationship out. That person may provide the diver sity, excitement, and challenge you need for an unforgettable romance, stimulating friendship, or a successful business part nership!
Aquarius/Aries THE GREEN LIGHTS: You’re both visionaries who are turned on by the avant-garde. Aquarius will find Aries a willing and experimental partner who also loves surprises. Both freedom-loving, you’ll give each other plenty of space. Anything goes with this combination. THE RED FLAGS: Aries may resent being surrounded by an Aquarius squad ron of friends and associates, unless both of you are united by common ideals and goals. A bossy Aries and a know-it-all Aquarius could clash. Your cool Aquarius detachment could send Aries looking for attention elsewhere. SIGN MATES: Aquarius Farrah Fawcett and Aries Ryan O’Neal 200
Aquarius/Taurus THE GREEN LIGHTS: This is an uncomfortable but stimulating partnership between the conventional Taurus and the rule-breaking Aquarius. Tau rus takes care of the practical; Aquarius brings inspiration and shakes Taurus out of a rut. THE RED FLAGS: Taurus is predictable; Aquarius is unpredictable. Taurus loves privacy; Aquarius is a people person. Taurus wants to settle down; Aquarius needs space. Taurus is possessive; Aquarius is detached. Resolution of these conflicts might burn you both out. SIGN MATES: Aquarius Sonny Bono and Taurus Cher
Aquarius/Gemini THE GREEN LIGHTS: In this open and spontaneous relationship, the pressure’s off. You two air signs have room to breathe freely. At the same time, you can count on each other for friendship, understand ing, and mental stimulation plus highly original romantic ideas. You’ll keep each other entertained, and your love life will be fresh and stimulating. THE RED FLAGS: Be sure to leave time in your busy schedule for each other. If there is no commitment, you could both fly off. But sharing causes, projects, or careers could hold you together.
SIGN MATES: Costars Aquarius Clark Gable and Gemini Marilyn Monroe in The Misfits
Aquarius/Cancer THE GREEN LIGHTS: The key to this one-of-a-kind couple is basic ideals. If you two share goals and values, there is no limit to how far you can go. Cancer is turned on by the security of a high position, and offers the emotionally cooler Aquarius strong support and caring qualities that touch everyone’s heart. Aquarius Ronald Reagan and his Cancer wife, Nancy, are a case in point. THE RED FLAGS: Cancer is best one on one, while Aquarius loves a crowd. Can cer has to learn to share their love with many. Aquarius has to learn to show warmth and emotion rather than turn off when Cancer gets moody. SIGN MATES: Aquarius President Ronald Reagan and Cancer Nancy Reagan Aquarius Robert Wagner and Cancer Natalie Wood
Aquarius/Leo THE GREEN LIGHTS: Love at first sight often happens between these magnetic zo diac opposites. You both flourish in the public eye and enjoy sharing your life with admiring fans. You enjoy taking on big projects and helping humanity together. Leo warmth is a so cial plus for Aquarius. And your Aquarius vision tunes in to the Leo spiritual side. 202
THE RED FLAGS: Detached Aquarius may not give Leos the devotion they de mand. You may need to devote more time and attention to stroking the Leo ego. Aquarius likes an open relationship, with lots of freedom to roam, though not necessarily to stray. Leo will need to put you on a very long leash. SIGN MATES: Aquarius Bobby Brown and Leo Whitney Houston
Aquarius/Virgo THE GREEN LIGHTS: Aquarius inspires Virgo to get involved in problem solving on a large scale. You are both analytical and inquisitive, and you can both be detached emotionally. You’ll appeal to each other’s idealistic side, fusing interest with good mental com munication. THE RED FLAGS: Virgo has a basically traditionally conservative outlook, while Aquarius likes to stay open to all possibilities and can swing into spur-of-the-moment action.Virgo nerves could be jangled by Aquarius unpredictability and constant need for company. Aquarius could feel confined by the Virgo structured, ordered approach and focus on details. SIGN MATES: Aquarius Carey Lowell and Virgo Richard Gere
Aquarius/Libra THE GREEN LIGHTS: Shared interests and common causes are the keys to keeping the romance on track. You’ll have excellent communication, which combines a sense of friendship with romantic chemistry. You both understand how to be there for each other without making demands and how to mix public with private life. THE RED FLAGS: Libra needs flattery and romance, which Aquarius may be too busy to provide. Remember to send valentines to Libra! And don’t ever forget birthdays. And Libra must remember to let Aquarius fly solo occasionally. Aquarius needs freedom (too much togetherness is confining). SIGN MATES: Aquarius Yoko Ono and Libra John Lennon Aquarius John Travolta and Libra Kelly Preston
Aquarius/Scorpio THE GREEN LIGHTS: Both of you respect each other’s uncompromising position and mental focus. You will probably have an unconventional relationship spiced up by sexual experimentation and the ele ment of surprise. THE RED FLAGS: Scorpio could feel that Aquarius is a loose cannon who is likely to sink the ship. Or both of these fixed signs could come to a stubborn standoff.Aquarius tunes out Scorpio possessive ness. Scorpio looks elsewhere for intimacy and intensity.
SIGN MATES: Aquarius Ashton Kutcher and Scorpio Demi Moore Aquarius Danny Moder and Scorpio Julia Roberts Aquarius Jerry O’Connell and Scorpio Rebecca Romijn
Aquarius/Sagittarius THE GREEN LIGHTS: Your Aquarius unpredictability and concern for humanitarian causes will mesh with Sagittarius adventurous spirit and lofty ideals. You’ll give each other plenty of freedom, and probably invent a unique, unconventional lifestyle. THE RED FLAGS: Dealing with everyday realities could be problematic. This pair may not be able to get things done. You’ll have lots of talk, a fiery debate, but little concrete action. Each may go his own way, or look elsewhere for backup support. SIGN MATES: Aquarius Jennifer Aniston and Sagittarius Brad Pitt
Aquarius/Capricorn THE GREEN LIGHTS: When the Capricorn lone wolf and the Aquarius oddball team up, the romantic route takes an unpredictable detour. Aquar ius discovers that Capricorn know-how and organizational skills can make wild dreams come true. Capricorn finds that an Aquarius shake-up can have productive results.
THE RED FLAGS: Capricorn may push for a traditional relationship, while Aquarius likes to follow a different drummer. After the initial fascination, these two signs may go off in opposite directions unless there are shared goals or a project to get done. SIGN MATES: Aquarius Nicholas Sarkozy and Capricorn Carla Bruni Sar kozy
Aquarius/Aquarius THE GREEN LIGHTS: You’re a charismatic pair, like Clark Gable and Lana Turner on the screen, who gravitate to the public eye. You turn each other on with original ideas and unpredictable romantic ad ventures. With your own sign, you’ll feel the intimacy that comes from good communication and respect for each other’s individuality. You’re two rule breakers who can enjoy a liber ated partnership. THE RED FLAGS: Someone has to be the audience when you hold forth. Two know-it-alls can clash mightily or tune each other out. You could prefer to surround yourself with more admiring fans or someone who lets you have the spotlight. SIGN MATES: Aquarius Diane Lane and Josh Brolin Aquarius Ellen DeGeneres and Portia de Rossi
Aquarius/Pisces THE GREEN LIGHTS: You two neighboring signs can be best buddies.You both need plenty of space and freedom, though in different ways. You’ll have great tolerance for each other’s eccentricities. You can inspire each other to be original, unpredictable, and romantic. You’ll both love to explore unknown waters together. THE RED FLAGS: Intense emotions feed the Pisces Fish, but make Aquarius swim away fast. Your Aquarius detachment could cause Pisces to look for warmer seas. Pisces needs one-on-one intimacy and reassurance, while as an Aquarius you need people who need people in groups. You’ll both have to leave your natural element to make this work. SIGN MATES: Aquarius Oprah Winfrey and Pisces Stedman Graham Aquarius Paul Newman and Pisces Joanne Woodward Aquarius Justin Timberlake and Pisces Jessica Biel
The Big Picture for Aquarius in 2010 Welcome to 2010! This is your year for creative freedom, for thinking way outside the box, and for doing whatever fires up your passions. A number of transits this year will impact your life in major ways, beginning with the actions of your ruler, Uranus. This planet—symbolic of individuality and sudden, unexpected events—is supposed to shake up our status quo, forcing us out of the habits and ruts into which most of us fall at one time or another. Uranus begins the year in Pisces, where it has been for the last seven years. During this period, it has probably created some havoc in your finances and changed your values in some way. On May 27, it will enter Aries, a fire sign much more compat ible with your air-sign sun, where it will be for a period of about seven years. This transit will bring about changes in your rela tionships with relatives, with neighbors, and within your com munity. It will turn retrograde on July 5 and on August 13 will enters Pisces again, where it will be through the end of the year. In early 2011, it will enter Aries again. So for several months you’ll have a taste of the excitement that Uranus in Aries will trigger in your life. Some possibilities: a move, a job change, a change in a relationship with a relative, or a change in your con scious thoughts and in your daily routine. You may attract idio syncratic people into your immediate circle or individuals who excel in a particular field.You will be thinking so far outside the box at times that it’s as if you’re reaching out into the universe itself. No telling what goodies you’ll be bringing back! 208
Saturn, your coruler, begins the year retrograde in Libra. And that’s fine with you. You’re just happy the planet has left earth sign Virgo and is now in an air sign compatible with your sun. By May 30, when Saturn has retrograded back into Virgo, it turns direct again and on July 21 finally enters Libra again, where it will remain until October 2012. As it moves back and forth between your eighth and ninth houses, your joint resources feel a brief pinch again as Saturn may restrict a spouse’s or a partner’s earnings. Once it’s in your ninth house again, what are some of the possibilities? You find the necessary structure or venue to expand your product or services to foreign markets. That manuscript that has been sitting on your closet floor finds a home. Your educational goals come together and you go to college, graduate school, or take seminars and workshops on topics that interest you. Overseas travel won’t be strictly for fun; there will be a serious component to it, perhaps for busi ness. You may have more contact than usual with attorneys— probably something to avoid! But Saturn in Libra forms a harmonious angle to your sun, allowing you to take your vi sions and cutting-edge ideas and pour them into a practical venue that other people understand. Jupiter enters Pisces and your second house on January 17, zooms through it and enters Aries on June 6, retrogrades on July 23, and remains in Pisces for the rest of the year. By Janu ary 2011, it has entered Aries again. What all this means for you is that while Jupiter is in Pisces, in your second house, your earnings should expand, but your expenses may too. You’ll be able to come up with innovative ways to make money, and these methods could be connected to publishing, education, foreign cultures, even through spiritual themes, all areas that Jupiter rules. Once Jupiter enters Aries, you’ll feel more in your element because fire (Aries) is much more to your liking than water (Pisces). This transit should make you quite fearless in pur suing your own path, whatever that may be. Your conscious mind and your daily routine will expand by leaps and bounds. If you’re a writer, you’ll love Jupiter’s transit through Aries, which will last until June 2011. It will expand everything you write and your publishing options too. If you’re a younger 209
Aquarius, it would mean a new brother or sister for you be fore the transit is finished. There’s a possibility of a move to a new neighborhood during Jupiter’s transit in Aries. If it hap pens, the neighborhood will be larger and prettier than where you live now. Pluto begins the year in Capricorn, in your twelfth house, where it has been since late 2008 and where it will be until early 2024. It will actually enter your sign in 2023, but due to a retrograde motion will retreat into Capricorn, then move forward again. Pluto is the great transformer, and during its transit of your twelfth house, it’s likely that whatever is hidden in your life will come to light. Your unconscious patterns will force you to sit up and take notice, and you’ll be called upon to delve into who you really are, within yourself. All the hidden and dispossessed parts of yourself will be surfacing. Medita tion will be extremely helpful. Therapy is an option, and so is any kind of creative activity that allows you to deal with these hidden parts. In the Jungian sense, this transit clears away all the garbage you have pushed underground, and you’re forced to clear it away and deal with it. It’s also likely that people you have known in previous lives will surface. Your psychic abilities will increase. You are changing at the most fundamental levels, Aquarius. All these changes will be subtle because Pluto moves so slowly. In 2010, for instance, the planet travels from three to five degrees of Capricorn, hardly anything at all. Pluto turns retrograde on April 6 and doesn’t turn direct again until Sep tember 13. During this retrograde period, pay close attention to everything that happens. Note repeating patterns. Follow synchronicities; listen to your intuition. Neptune—the planet that symbolizes our illusions, ideal ism, all forms of escapism, and our higher selves—continues its journey through Aquarius. It has been there since 1998, so by now you’re well aware of how it impacts your personal life. There can be psychic experiences with Neptune, so continue to explore your gut feelings, impulses, and dreams. When Nep tune turns retrograde between May 31 and November 6, it es sentially goes to sleep, enters a period of dormancy. Its energy will be turned inward, so you may be scrutinizing your per sonal life in light of your spiritual beliefs or your idealism. 210
Mercury begins the year retrograde in Capricorn, a carry over from 2009 that may mess up your plans during the first two weeks of the year. But on January 15 it turns direct in Capricorn, where Venus is at that time, and suddenly every thing looks much rosier, particularly your love life!
Romance and Creativity There are two notable time periods this year that favor ro mance and creative endeavors. Between January 18 and February 11, Venus is in your sign, marking one of the most romantic and creative periods for you all year. While Venus is in your sign, your sex appeal, charisma, and general selfconfidence are bolstered significantly. You get another boost later in the year, between July 29 and September 14, while Ve nus transits fellow air sign Libra. This should increase the pos sibility of romance in a foreign country or with someone born in another country. Creatively, you’ll get ideas from friends. The second great time period for romance and sex falls be tween April 25 and May 19, when Venus is transiting Gemini and your fifth house of romance and creativity. This transit should bring smoothness and ease to your life in general. But it certainly adds all kinds of spice to your love life, and your muse is up close and very personal.
Career The best career dates this year occur when Venus transits Scorpio, in your tenth house, from September 8 through the end of the year. This period should bring about a lot of com munication with bosses and peers, increased networking, and perhaps some business travel. Other people will be receptive to your ideas. This is the time to make sales pitches. Venus brings ease and artistic sensibilities to your career. With Jupi ter spending part of this year in Aries, in the communication section of your chart, you’ll have the communication skills to push professional matters forward. However, Venus will be 211
moving retrograde between October 8 and November 18, so try to work around those dates. Also notable for your career is Mars transiting Scorpio and your tenth house between September 14 and October 28. This transit gives you plenty of energy and determination to get to wherever you want to be. Another great time falls around the new moon in your sign on February 13. This moon happens just once a year and sets the tone for the next year. It should usher in new opportuni ties for your personal life and for many other areas of your life as well. You’ll feel more appreciated, more recognized, more applauded!
Best Times For Buying or selling a home: June 6 to July 23, while Jupiter is moving direct through Aries. Also, the period from May 27 to July 5 should be good too while Uranus is moving direct through Aries. Family reunions: March 31 to April 25, while Venus transits Aries, in the home section of your chart. Financial matters: February 11 to March 7, when Venus tran sits the financial sector of your chart. Also excellent: Jupiter’s transit in Pisces from January 17 to June 6. Signing contracts: When Mercury is moving direct! Espe cially good between February 10 and March 1, while Mercury is moving direct through your sign. Overseas travel, publishing, and higher-education endeavors: August 6 to September 8.
Mercury Retrogrades Every year, Mercury—the planet of communication and travel—turns retrograde three times. During this period, it’s wise not to sign contracts (unless you don’t mind renegoti ating when Mercury is moving direct), to check and recheck 212
travel plans, and to communicate as succinctly as possible. Re frain from buying any big-ticket items or electronics during this time too. Often, computers and appliances go on the fritz, cars act up, data is lost—you get the idea. Be sure to back up all files before the dates below: April 17–May 11: Mercury retrograde in Taurus, your fourth house of home and family. August 20–September 12: Mercury retrograde in Virgo, your eighth house of shared resources. December 10–December 30: Mercury retrograde in Capri corn, your twelfth house.
Eclipses Solar eclipses tend to trigger external events that bring about change according to the sign and the house in which they fall. Lunar eclipses trigger inner, emotional events according to the sign and house in which they fall. Any eclipse marks both beginnings and endings. The solar and lunar eclipse in a pair fall in opposite signs. If you were born under or around the time of an eclipse, it’s to your advantage to take a look at your birth chart to find out exactly where the eclipses will impact you. Most years feature four eclipses—two solar, two lunar, with the set separate by about two weeks. In 2009, there was a lunar eclipse in Cancer on December 31, so the first eclipse in 2010 is a solar eclipse in the opposite sign, Capricorn, in your twelfth house. This year, three of the eclipses occur either in Cancer or in Capricorn. Below are the dates for this year’s eclipses: January 15: solar, Capricorn. What’s hidden comes to light. New opportunities to work behind the scenes in some capac ity. You become the power behind the throne. June 26: lunar, Capricorn. Emotions stirred concerning your own psyche and motivations. July 11: solar, Cancer, your sixth house of daily work and health. New opportunities surface in this area. December 21: lunar, Gemini, your fifth house of romance, creativity, children. Emotions around these areas. 213
Luckiest Day of the Year There’s at least one day a year when the sun and Jupiter link up in some way. This year, March 2 looks to be that day, with a nice backup on July 26. Now let’s find out what’s in store for you, day by day.
Eighteen Months of Day-by-Day Predictions: July 2009 to December 2010 Moon sign times are calculated for Eastern Standard Time and Eastern Daylight Time. Please adjust for your local time zone.
J U LY 2 0 0 9 Wednesday, July 1 (Moon in Libra to Scorpio 1:20 a.m.) Uranus turns retrograde in Pisces, in your second house. The effects of this movement will be subtle because the planet moves so slowly. However, you may be brainstorming for innovative ways to earn your living. By gaining a clearer understanding of what you value most in life, you’ll figure out what you should be doing to earn your daily bread. Thursday, July 2 (Moon in Scorpio) Your emotional fo cus shifts to career matters. You’re looking for the absolute bottom line, and you may be doing it through research, inves tigation, or intuition. Venus is in Taurus, in your solar fourth house, so although it soothes your home life, you may feel ten sion between professional and personal responsibilities. Friday, July 3 (Moon in Scorpio to Sagittarius 11:12 a.m.) Mercury enters Cancer, in your sixth house. For the next two weeks, your mental focus will be on your work rou 215
tine, relationships with coworkers and employees, and health maintenance. You may explore diets, nutritional programs, and exercise routines. Saturday, July 4 (Moon in Sagittarius) Happy Fourth of July! Whether guests are congregating at your place for the weekend or you have gone out of town, you are gregarious. You’re eager to be with friends and other people whose com pany you enjoy. You just may be the life of the party! Sunday, July 5 (Moon in Sagittarius to Capricorn 11:08 p.m.) Venus enters Gemini, in your fifth house, and doesn’t leave until July 31. This period marks the most roman tic and creative time for you all year. Your sex appeal and selfconfidence soar. You’re attracted to people with fine minds and intellectual interests that are similar to your own. Monday, July 6 (Moon in Capricorn) This moon is some what somber for you—too earthy, too stodgy, too nose to the grindstone. However, this is a good day for planning what you will tackle and do when the moon enters your sign on July 8. You’ll find that it’s easier to think about your long-range goals and plans. Tuesday, July 7 (Moon in Capricorn) The lunar eclipse in Capricorn may bring up issues from the distant past. It could do this through an encounter with someone you meet or through vivid dreams. Use what you discover as creative fodder, and pour those insights into a creative project. Wednesday, July 8 (Moon in Capricorn to Aquarius 12:04 p.m.) The moon in your sign brings you a power day. As you go through the next couple days, practice the art of ap preciation. By doing this, you’re attracting more experiences that you can appreciate. Thursday, July 9 (Moon in Aquarius) With the moon in your sign and Venus in fellow air sign Gemini, you’re in rare form. At the peak of your game, you can accomplish virtually anything you put your energy into. You and friends or you and 216
a partner see eye to eye on just about everything today. On July 11, Mars joins Venus in your fifth house; then your focus really shifts to romance, creative projects, and your kids. Friday, July 10 (Moon in Aquarius) You’re more aware of your finances. If you’re looking at the long-term, consider investing in products that you use. Saturday, July 11 (Moon in Aquarius to Pisces 12:44 a.m.) Mars joins Venus in Gemini, in your fifth house.Any time these two planets get together, there’s palpable electrical energy between you and a partner. In this case, the energy is probably mental or intellectual. So if a relationship begins under these two transits, seduction must begin in the mind! Creatively, you’re on a roll. Sunday, July 12 (Moon in Pisces) Intuitively, you’re able to grasp the logistics about your finances. If that sounds con tradictory, try to think of money as energy. Try to nurture a feeling of abundance in your life; then watch your bank ac count add up. Monday, July 13 (Moon in Pisces to Aries 11:40 a.m.) The Aries moon can be a booster rocket for you at times—lighting up your passions and infusing you with a restlessness that pro pels you into undiscovered terrains. You’re a trailblazer, so get moving! Tuesday, July 14 (Moon in Aries) Another trailblazing day, and the adventures begin in your own backyard. A flirta tion with someone in your community may become dinner at sunset and a long, intimate discussion late into the night. Cre atively, you’ve got all the fodder you need to write that novel or screenplay. Wednesday, July 15 (Moon in Aries to Taurus 6:30 p.m.) You are more aware of the beauty in your home and fam ily life. You may be in the mood to add even more beauty by painting a particular room, adding fresh flowers to your kitchen table, or lighting scented candles. 217
Thursday, July 16 (Moon in Taurus) You could be a bit stubborn, but probably with good reason. If the reason isn’t good, rethink your position or your attitude, and talk to the other person involved to find out what’s really going on. Friday, July 17 (Moon in Taurus to Gemini 11:42 p.m.) Mercury enters Leo, your opposite sign. You may be talking too much. Keep your conversation on the business at hand. The other person probably doesn’t care about your aunt Ma bel or your uncle Herb or why your kids are acting out. Saturday, July 18 (Moon in Gemini) With the moon in fellow air sign Gemini, you’re in the mood for mental stimula tion. Ideas, abstracts, and speculation are all fodder for your rich imagination. So use these things in a creative way. Apply that same creativity to your life in general. Sunday, July 19 (Moon in Gemini) Your emotional fo cus shifts to your work routine and health maintenance. Even though it’s Sunday, you may be working out of your home today, tying up loose ends or setting up your agenda for the coming week. Make time to care for yourself. Monday, July 20 (Moon in Gemini to Cancer 12:52 a.m.) The day’s energy may feel a bit strange. Blame it on the mix of planets lining up—Mercury in Leo, your opposite sign; Venus and Mars in Gemini, and your ruler, Uranus, in Pisces. It’s as if your mind is light-years ahead of your body, spinning tales that your fingers can’t move quickly enough to record. Take a few deep breaths, and move at a more measured pace. Tuesday, July 21 (Moon in Cancer) The solar eclipse in Cancer occurs in your sixth house. On or around this date, expect events that impact your work routine or your health. Uranus forms a harmonious angle to this moon, so the events happen suddenly and unexpectedly, and they add an element of excitement to the whole picture. Wednesday, July 22 (Moon in Cancer to Leo 12:28 a.m.) With the moon entering your opposite sign, you may feel some 218
conflict between what you want and what a partner wants. If you’re not involved, this energy could translate as a conflict among friends or with someone you know doesn’t like you. Best to back off. Thursday, July 23 (Moon in Leo) The stars are lined up in your favor. Your intellect is remarkably acute, and you’re ab sorbing information at an alarming rate. The challenge is how you can use what you’re learning to help someone else. Friday, July 24 (Moon in Leo to Virgo 12:24 a.m.) You may be tending to things you’ve put off doing: making appoint ments with doctors or dentists, going to the gym, or scheduling maintenance on your car. Whatever it is, details count. Your partner’s income may be included in the day’s events. Saturday, July 25 (Moon in Virgo) Plan a party, a project, a trip, or the plot of a novel. Use the energy to connect the dots and lay out your strategy. Another beneficial use of the Virgo moon: tend to taxes, insurance, and wills. Boring stuff, for sure, but necessary in the greater scheme of things. Sunday, July 26 (Moon in Virgo to Libra 2:26 a.m.) This transit is excellent for writers or anyone in the travel business, publishing, education, or the law. The Libra moon heightens your aesthetic sense and allows you to see other people’s point of view. Sounds as if you may be mediating a disagreement. Monday, July 27 (Moon in Libra) You’re quite social, and you manage to light up the lives of the people around you. Whether it’s your wry humor, your insights, or simply the power of your presence, other people gravitate to you. Just be careful that you don’t bend over backward to please others. Tuesday, July 28 (Moon in Libra to Scorpio 7:57 a.m.) Your emotional focus shifts to your career and pro fessional relationships and issues. The Scorpio moon is usually intensely emotional and passionate, so you can expect some of that to seep into whatever you’re doing. A possible romance or flirtation with a colleague or boss is possible. 219
Wednesday, July 29 (Moon in Scorpio) Investigation and research are favored. Whether you’re delving into esoteric is sues or exploring career options, your intuition is highly sen sitized to the issue at hand. Allow your inner guidance to lead the way. You won’t regret it. Thursday, July 30 (Moon in Scorpio to Sagittarius 5:10 p.m.) The moon enters gregarious Sagittarius, in your eleventh house. Like the Aries moon, this moon often seems like an invitation to explore, to travel, and to enjoy whatever you’re doing. You’ve got the big picture. Don’t sweat the small stuff. Friday, July 31 (Moon in Sagittarius) Venus enters Can cer, where it will be until August 26. During this period, your work routine should run smoothly, and there will be a nurtur ing quality to your personality that may be absent at other times. You’re the one to whom employees and coworkers turn with their problems and concerns. You may not be able to solve their challenges, but you can certainly listen.
AUGUST 2009 Saturday, August 1 (Moon in Sagittarius) If you’ve been following lunar transits, you probably have a good idea about which moons make you feel the best. Based on your sun sign, the Sagittarius moon is probably pleasurable for you. But if you have a Sagittarius moon or Sagittarius rising in your natal chart—or other planets in that sign—this moon is twice the pleasure for you. At any rate, your social life picks up appreciably. Sunday, August 2 (Moon in Sagittarius to Capricorn 5:09 a.m.) Mercury enters Virgo, in your eighth house, where it will be until August 25. During this transit, your conscious mind turns to the esoteric and the mundane in equal measure. You may be exploring things that go bump in the night, but you may also be working on tax and insurance matters. Monday, August 3 (Moon in Capricorn) You are prob ably aware that the Capricorn moon may not be among your 220
favorites. But it does enable you to spend more time alone, brainstorming with your muse, your financial adviser, or your soul mate. Clear your schedule of pending projects; tie up loose ends. You’re preparing yourself for the moon’s transit of your sign. Tuesday, August 4 (Moon in Capricorn to Aquarius 6:08 p.m.) The moon goes into your sign early this evening. Suddenly, events and emotions shift, and you’re in the driver’s seat. This evening, map out the next few days; then carve out time for yourself. Wednesday, August 5 (Moon in Aquarius) The lunar eclipse falls in your sign. With Jupiter forming a wide conjunc tion to this eclipse degree, and Mars forming a wide but ben eficial angle, this eclipse should be a good one for you. The emotions that surface are positive and expansive. Sounds like some positive news comes your way! Thursday, August 6 (Moon in Aquarius) You’re like a gar dener, but you’re tending the garden of your life and planting seeds that will sprout later this year, when Saturn enters Libra. You and friends may get together this evening to celebrate the culmination of something that is important to all of you. Friday, August 7 (Moon in Aquarius to Pisces 6:35 a.m.) The moon enters Pisces, joining Uranus in your second house. This combination has been happening once a month for sev eral years, so you know what it feels like. It shifts your emo tional focus to your values and to what makes you feel secure emotionally. Is it a certain amount of money in the bank, a stable relationship, a secure family life, or a steady job? You’ll be asking this question over the next few days. Saturday, August 8 (Moon in Pisces) Imagination and in tuition are heightened. In uncertain times, you may be prone to heeding your intuition, so if yours is speaking loud and clear, sink into yourself and listen. You may be feeling certain things about your career, but whatever the issues, they will be clarified between November 7 and December 1, when Mer cury is transiting Scorpio and your tenth house. 221
Sunday, August 9 (Moon in Pisces to Aries 5:24 p.m.) This afternoon, the moon enters Aries, a fire sign compatible with your sun. Like the Sagittarius and Leo moons, this one proba bly feels as comfortable as an old shoe. It enables you to forge through uncharted waters on your own. If others want to join you in this adventure, fine. If not, that’s fine too. Monday, August 10 (Moon in Aries) If you’re feeling restless and energized, you may want to play hooky and go hiking or biking. In other words, you may need to burn off some excess energy. If a friend or partner can accompany you, so much the better! If you do go to work, it’s easy to ignore gossip and rumors. You’re in your own world. Tuesday, August 11 (Moon in Aries) Launch a project or pitch ideas. People will be surprisingly receptive to your cutting-edge proposals, and you won’t have any trouble gar nering the support you need. Your only challenge may be that you’ll want to do everything yourself. Try to delegate. Wednesday, August 12 (Moon in Aries to Taurus 1:51 a.m.) With the moon entering your fourth house, your emotional focus shifts to your home, family, roots, and perhaps parents. You may need to provide support to someone in your home or family. Thursday, August 13 (Moon in Taurus) If you’re stub born, blame the moon. Or tell the people around you that the moon is at fault.There are reasons for it that may have nothing to do with the situation. This stubbornness goes much deeper, into your early childhood. You may want to explore it. Friday, August 14 (Moon in Taurus to Gemini 7:27 a.m.) The moon enters your fifth house, always a good time to have a good time. Whether it’s romance you’re after or just enjoy ment, be sure to practice appreciation for every experience that you have.The more you do, the more likely it is that you’ll have further experiences for which to be grateful. Saturday, August 15 (Moon in Gemini) This is another one of those bonus days. You’re in a flirtatious mood, and 222
someone in your group picks up on this and reciprocates. You discover that you and this person have more in common than you thought. You may be driven by the same creative needs, which could translate into a joint creative project. Sunday, August 16 (Moon in Gemini to Cancer 10:14 a.m.) The moon joins Venus in your sixth house, shift ing your emotional and artistic focus to your work. So even though it’s Sunday, you may be pushing forward on a creative project. Plan for a couple days ahead on this one. You don’t want to miss the deadline. Monday, August 17 (Moon in Cancer) Mercury contin ues its transit through Virgo and your eighth house, and you may be striving too hard for perfection in some area of your life. Some things aren’t destined for perfection. They simply are what they are, and your challenge is to accept that fact and move on. Tuesday, August 18 (Moon in Cancer to Leo 10:57 a.m.) The moon enters your seventh house, shifting your emotional focus to partnerships. You may be trying to outshine a partner, and this creates some tension. It’s wise to just do what you have to do and not worry about what other people do. Wednesday, August 19 (Moon in Leo) Showmanship is key. Whether you’re pitching a new idea, having a business luncheon with an agent or editor, or just trying to convince someone else that your ideas are sound, how you look and act are as important as what you say. So look the part of a selfconfident professional. Thursday, August 20 (Moon in Leo to Virgo 11:01 a.m.) The new moon in Virgo ushers in opportunities in partner ships. You’ll have many chances to strut your stuff, and others will be attracted by your personal magnetism. This new moon should also attract opportunities for communication. Friday, August 21 (Moon in Virgo) In a few days, Mer cury, Venus, and Mars will change signs. This will create a 223
moderate amount of chaos in your life, but it will be the sort of chaos that you find exciting. To prepare for these transits, tend to details so that you clear your desk and tie up all loose ends on any outstanding projects. This goes for improvement projects too. Saturday, August 22 (Moon in Virgo to Libra 12:12 p.m.) The next few days should be quite pleasant, with the moon in sociable Libra. Relationships and your artistic sensi bilities will be your emotional focus. You may have to mediate a disagreement between friends. Practice the art of listening, and don’t take sides! Sunday, August 23 (Moon in Libra) You’re preparing for the week ahead. Whether your energy goes into work issues, your family, or your career, stay focused on the task at hand. Try not to please everyone. Besides, it’s impossible to do no matter how hard you try. Monday, August 24 (Moon in Libra to Scorpio 4:17 p.m.) The moon enters your tenth house. Your emotional focus shifts to career matters and professional relationships and responsibilities. There’s an intensity about this moon that you probably don’t feel comfortable with. However, if you use the energy to explore what’s hidden, you’ll be able to uncover other people’s motives and intentions. Tuesday, August 25 (Moon in Scorpio) Mercury enters Libra and your ninth house, and Mars enters Cancer, in your sixth house. The Mercury transit lasts until October 28, and during part of this time, Mercury is retrograde. But while it’s moving direct, you’re in rare form. Your ideas and interests have an aesthetic edge to them, and you’re more willing to dis cuss relationship issues. You may be considering an overseas trip too. If so, try not to travel between September 6 and 29. Wednesday, August 26 (Moon in Scorpio) Venus enters Leo and your seventh house. Before we get to that, what about Mars’s transit into Cancer? It lasts until October 16 and brings an intuitive awareness to your daily work routine. 224
Venus’s transit into your seventh house should improve any partnership in which you’re involved and may result in a cre ative project with a partner. Thursday, August 27 (Moon in Scorpio to Sagittarius 12:16 a.m.) Here’s another gift from the universe, the Sagittar ius moon day when everyone loves you. You’re in an upbeat mood, and you have your pick of social invitations. But be cause Mars is transiting your house of work, you may feel you have to keep your nose to the grindstone. Friday, August 28 (Moon in Sagittarius) Forget the grind stone for the weekend. Finish up outstanding obligations, and spend the weekend doing what you enjoy. That’s the message of the Sagittarius moon! A possible flirtation with someone you consider a friend could become something more. Saturday, August 29 (Moon in Sagittarius to Capricorn 11:45 a.m.) As the moon enters your twelfth house, you may decide to change your exercise routine. Perhaps you need a better mix of aerobics and muscle building. Or something that’s easier on your knees. Experiment. Find what’s suitable. Sunday, August 30 (Moon in Capricorn) Whether you’re trying to meet a deadline or simply taking a break from your routine, it’s a good day to keep to yourself. Try meditating for ten or fifteen minutes to silence your busy mind. And pay close attention to your dreams. Monday, August 31 (Moon in Capricorn) What a nice end to the month. The moon enters your sign early tomorrow, so you’ll really be in the groove. You’re better able to under stand things that have eluded you for much of the month.
SEPTEMBER 2009 Tuesday, September 1 (Moon in Capricorn to Aquarius 12:43 a.m.) It’s a grand beginning to a busy month. With the moon, Jupiter, and Neptune in your sign, and Mercury in fel 225
low air sign Libra, you’ve got a window of opportunity. Others see you as dynamic and believe your ideas are evocative; the consensus is that you have answers. Are you ready for more responsibility? Ready or not, you’re about to take on more. Wednesday, September 2 (Moon in Aquarius) You get to gether with friends or family members and brainstorm about something that is important to all of you. You and the others may be joining up with a political or spiritual group whose ideas match your own. Your only challenge is time. Thursday, September 3 (Moon in Aquarius to Pisces 12:59 p.m.) The moon joins Uranus in your second house. As usual, this combination brings up financial issues. But this time, you’re able to use your intuition to uncover a new belief about money that will be to your benefit. Friday, September 4 (Moon in Pisces) The full moon in Pisces illuminates a financial or creative issue. Since Mars forms a harmonious angle to this moon, there’s a lot of posi tive activity around this date. You could receive upbeat news, perhaps concerning money you’re owed. Saturday, September 5 (Moon in Pisces to Aries 11:15 p.m.) Mercury turns retrograde tomorrow in Libra. So back up computer files, finalize contracts and travel plans, and pur chase whatever you’ve been considering. Otherwise, the latter part of the day is better than the first part. In fact, when the moon enters pioneering Aries late this evening, you’re ready to rock and roll. Sunday, September 6 (Moon in Aries) Mercury turns ret rograde in Libra, in your ninth house. Communication snafus with overseas business interests are possible until September 29. Also, you may want to keep closer tabs on educational and publishing concerns. Since Libra is such a social sign, there could be some communication mix-ups with friends. Monday, September 7 (Moon in Aries) You may need to communicate more often with relatives and neighbors. Of 226
course, with Mercury retrograde, maybe you should hold off on these discussions until early next month! You could be scouting other neighborhoods, perhaps in search of an ideal spot to move. It’s fine to look, but don’t commit. Tuesday, September 8 (Moon in Aries to Taurus 7:19 a.m.) Feeling flirtatious, are you? Then be sure to schedule time to act on those feelings.Attend a social function.Touch base with friends you haven’t seen in a while. Get out and be seen! Wednesday, September 9 (Moon in Taurus) The Taurus moon may not be one of your favorites. Add it to the list with the Capricorn and Virgo moons. However, if you use the en ergy to work tirelessly at something, you’ll be happier about it. And whatever it is you’re working at doesn’t have to be work. A hobby, a relationship, or a home-improvement project—any of these count! Thursday, September 10 (Moon in Taurus to Gemini 1:18 p.m.) You’re feeling good enough to take on anything and anyone. Your intellect is sharp; your ability to commu nicate is at an all-time high. If you’re involved already, this transit should enhance your feelings toward your partner. If you’re not involved, this transit prompts you to widen your options. Friday, September 11 (Moon in Gemini) Pluto turns di rect. Yes, the effects are subtle, but over time, you’ll begin to see that certain parts of your life are working smoothly. This said, Pluto will be in Capricorn and your twelfth house until 2024, transforming your relationship with your own power as an individual. Saturday, September 12 (Moon in Gemini to Cancer 5:20 p.m.) The moon joins Mars in Cancer, in your sixth house. Emotionally and physically, you’re in synch. So even though it’s a Saturday, you may be doing office time, trying to finish something or lining up your facts. You may be feeling impa tient, so be careful that you don’t speed while driving. 227
Sunday, September 13 (Moon in Cancer) Intuitively, you’re on the mark. You feel the certainty of your decision. But if you have to answer to a boss or another authority figure, you may want to gather facts that support what your intuition knows. On the health front, you may find that a particular diet or nutritional program is bringing you excellent results. Monday, September 14 (Moon in Cancer to Leo 7:40 p.m.) The moon enters your seventh house. As usual, this transit could trigger emotional responses that are out of proportion with what is actually going on. Wait until after the new moon to think about the situation. You’ll have greater clarity then. Tuesday, September 15 (Moon in Leo) In some way, shape, or form, you’re dealing with the public. Or you have to network or attend a social function. The bottom line is that people are watching you. Do your best, and let the details take care of themselves. Wednesday, September 16 (Moon in Leo to Virgo 8:56 p.m.) If you’re the type of Aquarius who would rather not be both ered with details, the Virgo moon is probably an irritant. But if you’re the type of Aquarius who appreciates the intricacies of connecting the dots, this moon helps you do it even better. Thursday, September 17 (Moon in Virgo) You may be exploring the esoteric side of life, such as reincarnation or communication with the dead. Both of these areas belong to the eighth house. You may want to consider signing up for a workshop or seminar dealing with one of these topics. Friday, September 18 (Moon in Virgo to Libra 10:26 p.m.) The new moon in Virgo ushers in opportunities related to taxes and insurance or the esoteric. Saturn and Mercury form close conjunctions with this moon, suggesting new structures and lots of discussion and communication about the events that surface. Saturday, September 19 (Moon in Libra) Relationships, fairness, and balance—those are key. In some way, all of these 228
qualities come into play. You may be taking a closer look at your educational goals or your worldview. In fact, the qualities of Libra mentioned above could help you to redefine what you’re seeking in a larger sense. Sunday, September 20 (Moon in Libra) Venus enters Virgo and your eighth house. This transit lasts until October 14 and should facilitate obtaining mortgages and loans. You may get a break on taxes or insurance. In addition, this transit augurs well for a partner’s finances. People are willing to share their resources. Monday, September 21 (Moon in Libra to Scorpio 1:52 a.m.) As the moon enters Scorpio and your tenth house, you have a booster rocket in the angle that Mars forms to this moon. The combination of Mars and the moon is a power ful tool in enabling your intuition to bring in information you might not obtain otherwise. If that sounds too esoteric for you, experiment and prove it to yourself. Tuesday, September 22 (Moon in Scorpio) On Septem ber 29, Mercury turns direct. So wait until early October to pitch ideas, start projects, or travel. You’ve got plenty to keep you busy in the meantime. Strive to meet current obligations and responsibilities so that in early October you can move full steam ahead on projects and ideas. Wednesday, September 23 (Moon in Scorpio to Sagittarius 7:44 a.m.) Here comes the Sagittarius moon, lighting the way with its optimism, its buoyancy, and the belief that any thing is possible. If you don’t feel that way, take some time to find those feelings within yourself. Without them, you won’t be able to make full use of this lunar energy. Thursday, September 24 (Moon in Sagittarius) You may be planning your social activities for the weekend. Remember that with Mercury still retrograde, there’s a good possibility that your schedule will change. So be flexible. You’re looking at the big picture of your network of friends. Are you satisfied with what you find? 229
Friday, September 25 (Moon in Sagittarius to Capricorn 7:19 p.m.) The moon enters your twelfth house, so it’s time to kick back and take it easy for a few days. Since it’s the weekend, you can do exactly that. Whether you want the time to work on a creative project or just to catch up on your sleep, use the energy in a way that best suits you. Saturday, September 26 (Moon in Capricorn) How nice that you can plan and strategize to your heart’s content. It doesn’t necessarily mean you have to sit down and lay it all out on paper.Thinking about your long-range goals is enough.You may find some insights in your dreams or during meditation. Sunday, September 27 (Moon in Capricorn) If possible, take a look at the various areas of your life, and figure out how to improve them so that you can achieve your creative and spiritual potential. This kind of insightful searching is favored by the moon in the twelfth house. Searching usually leads to answers. Monday, September 28 (Moon in Capricorn to Aquarius 8:07 a.m.) The moon enters your sign. Things probably won’t get completely back to normal until at least Septem ber 30. But you have a sense that order will explode from the chaos, and that’s comforting. Within your own private world, there is always as much order or chaos as you want or need to keep life interesting! Tuesday, September 29 (Moon in Aquarius) Mercury turns direct. This is always a cause for celebration. It means that life moves forward without delays, communication snafus, or computers going haywire. Okay, some of that may still hap pen, but not as much as it has in the past few weeks. Wednesday, September 30 (Moon in Aquarius to Pisces 8:27 p.m.) Checks that have been delayed arrive, or you learn of a new job that pays better or that promises to be more sat isfying than your current position. Imagination and intuition always figure into the energy of this moon, so take both as fast as you can. 230
OCTOBER 2009 Thursday, October 1 (Moon in Pisces) For the next two days, you’ve got the intuitive energy of the Pisces moon at your disposal. You can tap this energy, and use it in whatever way you want. You’ve got Mars in Cancer acting as a support system and booster rocket for this moon, enabling you to in tuit the path you should follow. Friday, October 2 (Moon in Pisces) If you’re feeling some tension in your life, it’s due to the full moon coming up on October 4. Best to roll with the punches and keep your opinions to yourself. Even though Mercury is moving direct, your opinions could be misinterpreted if you voice them. And once there’s misinterpretation, there could be disagreement. Wait until the new moon to resolve this situation. Saturday, October 3 (Moon in Pisces to Aries 6:21 a.m.) The moon enters Aries and your third house, launch ing one of those bonus days that you enjoy. You’re the entre preneur. This pioneering spirit may find expression through a blog, Web site, or some other form of electronic media. Sunday, October 4 (Moon in Aries) The full moon in Ar ies brings completion to a project or sheds light on an issue that has troubled you. Jupiter forms a wide and beneficial angle to this moon, so your insights expand your life in some way. Positive news is likely. Monday, October 5 (Moon in Aries to Taurus 1:34 p.m.) With the moon waning and heading for the new moon in Scorpio on October 18, you’re eager to tie up loose ends so that you can start new projects and explore ideas after October 18. You may be feeling nomadic now, since Mercury is moving direct again; perhaps it’s time to head off for some exotic port. Tuesday, October 6 (Moon in Taurus) You have the emotional energy to keep at something until it’s done or un til you’re satisfied you have taken it as far as you can. This 231
may require that you turn down social invitations or postpone other activities that you have scheduled. But you’re on the right track, and there will always be another party. Wednesday, October 7 (Moon in Taurus to Gemini 6:47 p.m.) Flirtations are usually harmless, but that could change. The moon enters your fifth house early this evening, and suddenly you’re in the mood for romance and fun. Or, if romance isn’t on your agenda, this energy can be poured into a creative project with excellent results. Thursday, October 8 (Moon in Gemini) Networking for information and insight is something you do very well when the moon is in fellow air sign Gemini. You don’t even have to make a conscious decision to do this. It happens naturally as you move through your day, interacting with the individuals around you. Friday, October 9 (Moon in Gemini to Cancer 10:48 p.m.) The moon joins Mars in Cancer, in your sixth house. This duo brings passion and an intuitive awareness to whatever you’re doing today. You may be in a nurturing mood, particularly where coworkers and employees are concerned. Practice the art of listening. Saturday, October 10 (Moon in Cancer) Your energy is focused on your home. You may be refurbishing a room or spiffing up the house in some way. Whether you’re doing this in anticipation of putting your house on the market or just to make the space more livable, you enjoy the process. Sunday, October 11 (Moon in Cancer) You’re nurturing yourself. Whether it’s taking time to work on your own cre ative projects, to spend time with family and friends, or to kick back and read a book, this day is about you. Someone else in your personal environment may need a little nurturing. Monday, October 12 (Moon in Cancer to Leo 2:03 a.m.) Jupiter turns direct in your sign.This is great news.You’re better able to integrate your ideals and expansive ideas into your life. 232
Tuesday, October 13 (Moon in Leo) With the moon in your opposite sign, you may be feeling a little conflicted about things. On the one hand, you want to follow your own path. But on the other hand, you feel you should be more of a team player. This situation will be resolved in the next few days. Wednesday, October 14 (Moon in Leo to Virgo 4:46 a.m.) Venus enters Libra and your ninth house and will be there un til November 7. During this period, you will be a team player, and it won’t be any great hardship. In fact, you’ll find that it feels very right at this time. Venus’s transit eases all activities and issues connected to education, publishing, and overseas travel. Thursday, October 15 (Moon in Virgo) Your partner’s or spouse’s income and resources are your emotional focus. If this area is a bone of contention, avoid discussion until after the new moon in Scorpio on October 18. Then you’ll be able to discuss things more rationally and calmly. Friday, October 16 (Moon in Virgo to Libra 7:30 a.m.) Mars enters Leo and your seventh house, where it will be through the end of the year. During the next several months, a lot of your activities will revolve around a business or roman tic partner or both.With Venus forming a harmonious angle to Mars, your love life should pick up considerably. There will be an edgy sexuality in your romantic relationship, and perhaps some heated discussions about a project in your professional partnerships. Saturday, October 17 (Moon in Libra) The moon joins Venus in Libra, a very nice combination that should make for quite a smooth and intriguing couple of days. If you’re travel ing, romance could be in the offing with a foreign-born indi vidual. If you’re involved already, you and your partner may head out to some foreign locale that intrigues both of you. Sunday, October 18 (Moon in Libra to Scorpio 11:23 a.m.) The new moon in Scorpio attracts opportunities in foreign travel, education, publishing, and spirituality. Neptune 233
forms a close and harmonious angle to this moon, indicating that your spiritual beliefs and your idealism come into play in some way. Also, Jupiter’s wide but beneficial angle promises an element of luck and expansion. Monday, October 19 (Moon in Scorpio) Once again, your emotional focus may shift to your career or to a research project in which you’re involved. There are many possible manifestations for this particular moon, one of the most psy chic and passionate in the zodiac. Use the energy to reach for the impossible. Tuesday, October 20 (Moon in Scorpio to Sagittarius 5:50 p.m.) Late this afternoon, the moon enters Sagittarius. You may be searching for the big picture concerning a friend ship or even a group to which you belong or which you’re thinking about joining. This moon and Venus form a very nice angle to each other, so there’s a touch of romance and creative adrenaline to the day’s events as well. Wednesday, October 21 (Moon in Sagittarius) On Octo ber 29, Saturn enters Libra and your ninth house. This transit happens only once every thirty years, so it’s major. During the next two and a half years, you will become quite serious about exploring your personal philosophy and what you’re seeking in personal relationships. In preparation for this transit, list what you would like to experience during the next two and a half years. Thursday, October 22 (Moon in Sagittarius) You should be feeling the effects of the new moon in Scorpio four days ago. Are new people surfacing in your life? Are you in dis cussions about expanding your business or product overseas? Have you received an unexpected royalty check from a for eign sale? Take stock. Friday, October 23 (Moon in Sagittarius to Capricorn 3:40 a.m.) The moon links up with Pluto, a powerful combina tion that imbues you with a sense of your own power as an individual. Just be careful how you wield your power. It’s best 234
to employ the energy in transforming the parts of your life where you want improvement. Saturday, October 24 (Moon in Capricorn) You may want to spend time alone or with a partner or close friend. You may be working to complete a project or dabbling in your hobby or just prefer to contact people through e-mail. Better yet, it may be time to hit the road for a few days and broaden your perspective through travel. Sunday, October 25 (Moon in Capricorn to Aquarius 3:08 p.m.) The moon enters your sign. What fun you are in for now. With Jupiter moving direct in your sign, Venus and Mer cury in fellow air sign Libra, you’re all about ideas. Regardless of how abstract or outrageous your ideas are, nurture them. Monday, October 26 (Moon in Aquarius) More ideas? Keep generating them. You may want to keep a computer file for future reference. As soon as Mercury enters Scorpio on October 28, be sure to print out your file and start figuring out how to implement some of these great ideas. Tuesday, October 27 (Moon in Aquarius) There are right ways of doing things and wrong ways. As a fixed sign, you may believe that your way is the only way, and someone tries to convince you differently. Listen closely to what this person has to say. It may be that you will have to be more flexible. Wednesday, October 28 (Moon in Aquarius to Pisces 3:46 a.m.) Mercury enters Scorpio and your tenth house, where it will be until November 15. During this transit, colleagues and bosses will be receptive to your ideas, which you’ll explain clearly and succinctly. You’ll gather all the support you need. Thursday, October 29 (Moon in Pisces) Saturn enters Li bra for a transit that will last two and a half years. With the moon and Uranus in the same sign and house, you’ll be feeling that you need to break loose from some sort of restriction. It may all be in your head, but that doesn’t change the bottom line. Time for a change in your routine. 235
Friday, October 30 (Moon in Pisces to Aries 1:57 p.m.) The moon enters Aries, in your third house. Suddenly, you’re besieged by relatives and neighbors. Your e-mail piles up. It seems that everyone wants something from you. Just back off and take a breather for a couple days. The e-mail will still be there when you get back. Saturday, October 31 (Moon in Aries) Happy Hallow een! Whether you have kids or not, dress up and pretend. You’re the leader of the pack, and you’ve got plenty of fol lowers! Rise to the occasion. Don’t worry about what comes next.
NOVEMBER 2009 Sunday, November 1—Daylight Saving Time Ends (Moon in Aries to Taurus 7:45 p.m.) As you enter the final two months of the year, it would be to your advantage to pause and take stock. Have you been able to keep your resolutions from New Year’s? What have you achieved? Are your dreams beginning to manifest themselves in your life? If not, why not? Monday, November 2 (Moon in Taurus) Today’s full moon in Taurus highlights a security issue. What makes you feel most secure emotionally? A work issue is highlighted with this full moon, and it could be a bit challenging. Tuesday, November 3 (Moon in Taurus to Gemini 11:53 p.m.) Late tonight, the moon enters your fifth house, so tomorrow you will awaken energized and ready for romance, fun, and creativity. The rest of the day should be quite productive, with you working long and hard on something that is dear to you. Wednesday, November 4 (Moon in Gemini) Neptune turns direct in your sign. Now that both it and Jupiter are mov ing direct, it will be easier for you to call upon the expansive energy of one and the idealism of the other and integrate both more fully into your life. With the moon in a fellow air sign, 236
the combination of planets may be immediately apparent in your love life or in a creative project. Thursday, November 5 (Moon in Gemini) The key is in formation. Whether the information is related to a creative project, a romance, or one of your kids, be fair in how you use it. After all, information is power, and if you have it, you’re in the driver’s seat. Friday, November 6 (Moon in Gemini to Cancer 2:43 a.m.) Today’s moon forms a harmonious angle to Mercury in Scorpio. You may be discussing your professional options with a colleague or boss or even with a member of your family. If you’re hoping to change jobs or careers in the near future, find out what kind of additional training you may need. Saturday, November 7 (Moon in Cancer) Venus joins Mercury in Scorpio, in your tenth house. Until December 1, you have a terrific window of opportunity to make significant strides professionally. Colleagues and bosses are receptive to your ideas, recognize your tireless work, and applaud your visionary qualities. So even though the approaching holidays may be keeping you busy, take advantage of this transit. Sunday, November 8 (Moon in Cancer to Leo 5:23 a.m.) The moon enters Leo, your opposite sign. Your emotional fo cus shifts to a partner—business or romantic. If this person is making demands on you, it creates a conflict because you may not be ready to give what the person expects. Monday, November 9 (Moon in Leo) In some way, you may be dealing more with the public. Whether it’s because you’re running around or have a scheduled appearance of some kind, be on your best behavior. Others are watching how you act and react and interact. Tuesday, November 10 (Moon in Leo to Virgo 8:31 a.m.) Mercury, Venus, and Mars all form harmonious angles to this moon. So even though none of these planets form beneficial angles to your sun, they are working together to bring about 237
change in your career and in resources you share with others. Your partner or spouse may be worried about financial details. Assure this person there’s nothing to worry about. Wednesday, November 11 (Moon in Virgo) Whether you’re dealing with professional issues, family dramas, or your own feelings, the secret lies in the details. How are you con necting the dots? It might help to have the input of an earth sign—a Virgo, a Taurus, or a Capricorn—about this issue. Thursday, November 12 (Moon in Virgo to Libra 12:23 p.m.) The moon enters your ninth house and brings your attention to relationships, art, and your personal philosophy. If you’re in college or graduate school, this transit helps you to focus on your educational goals. If you’re a writer in search of a publisher, this transit guides you to the right person for your manuscript. Friday, November 13 (Moon in Libra) You may find yourself in the middle of a dispute or disagreement. The par ties involved may ask you to mediate the dispute. If you do so, you have to cast aside your opinions and beliefs and simply listen to both sides and offer an unbiased observation. Saturday, November 14 (Moon in Libra to Scorpio 5:25 p.m.) The moon joins Mercury and Venus in Scorpio, in your tenth house. This trio of planets brings an impressive en ergy to the career sector of your chart. Discussions, passionate emotions, and help from women all figure into activities. Sunday, November 15 (Moon in Scorpio) Mercury enters Sagittarius, in your eleventh house, and remains there until December 5. This transit coincides nicely with the Thanksgiv ing holidays, providing you with the gift of gab that keeps your holiday guests amused. It also helps to keep conversation light and fluffy. Monday, November 16 (Moon in Scorpio) The new moon in Scorpio attracts professional opportunities. Pisces forms a close and beneficial angle with this moon, indicating that 238
events unfold suddenly and unexpectedly, and they take you by surprise. The results should be quite to your satisfaction. Tuesday, November 17 (Moon in Scorpio to Sagittarius 12:23 a.m.) The moon enters gregarious Sagittarius. Your upbeat mood and optimistic approach to everything at tract admirers and supporters whether you need them or not. You’ve got the wide perspective on an issue, and it guides you in your decisions. Wednesday, November 18 (Moon in Sagittarius) Your social life is about to become a whirlwind. Invitations pop up in your in-box; your phone rings constantly. It seems that you’re in demand, but you may be working against a deadline of some kind or may simply not have the time to accept all these invitations. Pick and choose. Thursday, November 19 (Moon in Sagittarius to Capricorn 10:01 a.m.) The moon enters your twelfth house, marking the beginning of a respite, when you’ll be recharging your en ergy and tying up loose ends. You’re preparing for the moon’s transit through your sign, which begins on November 21. And by Thanksgiving day, the moon will be in Aries, so you’ll be in very nice shape for visitors—or for an out-of-town trip. Friday, November 20 (Moon in Capricorn) You may be planning for something in the New Year that requires strategy and determination to succeed. You have the resolve to make this happen, and once you lay down the route for achieving it, nothing will hold you back. Saturday, November 21 (Moon in Capricorn to Aquarius 10:11 p.m.) With the moon entering your sign, your prep arations for the Thanksgiving holiday are under way. If you’re staying in town and the celebrations are at your place, you’ve got the menu prepared. If you’re going out of town, you al ready know what you’re bringing. Sunday, November 22 (Moon in Aquarius) Mercury forms a nice angle to this moon, and of course Jupiter and 239
Neptune are still in your sign, so things are shaping up nicely. You and friends or family members are involved in lively dis cussions and may be taking short trips to a spot you want the others to visit. You’re more conscious of your thoughts, and you notice the flow is generally positive. Monday, November 23 (Moon in Aquarius) If someone around you is in a negative mood, remind this person that negativity only draws more of the same. Then help this indi vidual to appreciate the parts of life that work beautifully. In other words, you’re teaching others how to practice the art of appreciation so they can attract more things for which to be appreciative. Tuesday, November 24 (Moon in Aquarius to Pisces 11:08 a.m.) The moon joins Uranus in your second house of fi nances. You gain insight into the intricacies of economics and come up with an innovative way to bring in more income. If you’re practicing the art of appreciation, it could be that more money is already flowing your way. Wednesday, November 25 (Moon in Pisces) Your imagi nation and intuition are heightened. Use both talents to mani fest your desires. First, you have to know what (or who) you want, so spend some time making a list of your desires. Be as outrageous as you want. And then allow the universe to bring your wishes to you. Thursday, November 26 (Moon in Pisces to Aries 10:11 p.m.) Happy Thanksgiving! Now that the holidays really are upon you, you can sit back and enjoy the people with whom you’re celebrating. When the moon enters Aries, you will be in rare form and busy planning activities for tomorrow. Friday, November 27 (Moon in Aries) Getting a jump on holiday shopping? Even though today is probably the worst day of the year to do that because everyone else has the same idea, you nonetheless enjoy the outing. You and a relative find that you have more in common than you thought. Or perhaps you’re simply more tolerant and flexible. 240
Saturday, November 28 (Moon in Aries) You’re the pio neer. It takes courage to follow your instincts when everyone around you is blindly playing follow the leader. The universe applauds your efforts. Sunday, November 29 (Moon in Aries to Taurus 5:35 a.m.) You have cause to be stubborn. Other people may not like it, but you’re acting on how you feel, so how is that such a terrible thing? Your emotions are your gauge about what is working in your life. Monday, November 30 (Moon in Taurus) You ground your ideas and illustrate how they are practical. Skeptics may need more convincing, but you’re well on your way to getting what you want. Take some time for yourself for review and reflection. You may need it!
DECEMBER 2009 Tuesday, December 1 (Moon in Taurus to Gemini 9:24 a.m.) Venus enters Sagittarius, and Uranus turns direct. Venus will be transiting your eleventh house until December 25; during this time, a romance may surface with a friend or someone you meet through friends. You may also be working on a creative project with a friend or with a group to which you belong. Uranus’s direct motion will spell good news for your finances. Wednesday, December 2 (Moon in Gemini) The full moon in Gemini highlights a romance or a creative project or even something to do with your children. Both Mars and Saturn form wide but harmonious angles to this moon, sug gesting a lot of activity. Thursday, December 3 (Moon in Gemini to Cancer 11:01 a.m.) With the moon transiting your sixth house, you should be paying close attention to work issues, employees, and coworkers. However, that may be somewhat challenging, what with the proximity of the holidays and guests arriving early from out of town. Keep your own counsel. 241
Friday, December 4 (Moon in Cancer) If possible, knock off from work early and get a jump start on your weekend. For the next few weeks, you’ll be clearing up issues and projects, all in preparation for the Mercury retrograde on December 26. That will be your time for revisions and review. Try not to start anything new until after the New Year. Saturday, December 5 (Moon in Cancer to Leo 12:08 p.m.) Mercury enters Capricorn and your twelfth house. This is usu ally a reflective period, when you delve into your deeper, un conscious self. It’s an excellent time for dream recall work, so keep a journal handy. Your dreams will illuminate a concern you have. Sunday, December 6 (Moon in Leo) With the moon and Mars in Leo, your opposite sign, a partner—business or romantic—may be putting pressure on you about something. Instead of blowing up about it, listen to what this person says, and then mull it over for a few days. Monday, December 7 (Moon in Leo to Virgo 2:07 p.m.) The moon enters your eighth house, shifting your emotional focus to your partner’s income or resources that you share with others. These resources can be anything from money to time and energy. You may be making end-of-the-year ap pointments with doctors and dentists. It’s not too early to start thinking about your New Year’s resolutions. Tuesday, December 8 (Moon in Virgo) If possible, tend to details in everything you do. There may be something you have overlooked or forgotten to do regarding a work project or a family issue. Consider scrutinizing your bank statements. Wednesday, December 9 (Moon in Virgo to Libra 5:48 p.m.) The moon enters your ninth house, shifting your emotional fo cus to your personal philosophy. You may find yourself think ing a lot about personal beliefs. Thursday, December 10 (Moon in Libra) Balance in re lationships is critical. And while the balance you’re seeking 242
may prove elusive, it’s good that you’re thinking about it and perhaps trying to restore it. Have you disowned your own power? Friday, December 11 (Moon in Libra to Scorpio 11:32 p.m.) The moon enters your tenth house. This could have you working on something you have to present or complete by next week. Don’t go overboard. You’ll get the work done by using your free time efficiently. Saturday, December 12 (Moon in Scorpio) Regardless of what you’re investigating or researching, you’ll do it faster by allowing your intuition the freedom it’s demanding. You may be organizing an office party for next week or shopping for the holidays. Sunday, December 13 (Moon in Scorpio) Follow your hunches. Sometimes, these feelings may sweep over you as im pulses to try something new. Follow your impulses, regardless of how crazy they may seem. Monday, December 14 (Moon in Scorpio to Sagittarius 7:25 a.m.) You may be in a jubilant mood. But if you aren’t, find at least one thing to be happy about. Then watch your mood lift. You do have more information at your fingertips, and you can easily make an informed decision. Just do it. Tuesday, December 15 (Moon in Sagittarius) With both Venus and the moon in your eleventh house, your love life should be humming along quite pleasantly. Your special per son supports your wishes and dreams. Perhaps it’s time to commit to this relationship. If you’re involved already, you and your partner may be socializing quite a bit until the New Year. Wednesday, December 16 (Moon in Sagittarius to Capricorn 5:32 p.m.) The new moon in Sagittarius ushers in oppor tunities in terms of friendship, publicity, promotion, and for realizing your wishes and dreams. With Venus forming a wide conjunction to this moon, it should be quite a romantic day. 243
Thursday, December 17 (Moon in Capricorn) The moon joins Mercury in your twelfth house. Your emotions and your conscious mind are in agreement about retreating and chilling out. Well, maybe not chilling completely. You’ve always got things to do. You just may be doing less with these two planets in your twelfth house. Friday, December 18 (Moon in Capricorn) You’re wind ing up your holiday shopping, perhaps with a close friend or family member. Look for gifts for the special people in your life. These gifts don’t have to be outrageously expensive, but they should be tailored to the other people’s needs and per sonalities. Saturday, December 19 (Moon in Capricorn to Aquarius 5:39 a.m.) The moon enters your sign early this morn ing, and by the time you’re up and ready to greet the day, it’s embracing you already, urging you to get out and spend time with people. Whether it’s family, friends, or complete strang ers, your enjoyment is absolute. Sunday, December 20 (Moon in Aquarius) Mars turns retrograde in Leo and will remain that way into the New Year. This movement could play havoc with your partnerships un less you strive to make it otherwise. Mars represents your sexuality as well as your aggression, so both are likely to be issues. Monday, December 21 (Moon in Aquarius to Pisces 6:42 p.m.) Imagination and intuition are featured. You’ll need both today. As Christmas closes in, you may realize you still need a couple gifts for someone. Shop as though you are this person. Tuesday, December 22 (Moon in Pisces) If you’re fret ting about money and the expenses of the holidays, stop! Worrying doesn’t change anything. Besides, your finances probably aren’t in as bad a shape as you think. When the bills come due in January, you’ll have the money you need and then some. 244
Wednesday, December 23 (Moon in Pisces) Your thoughts are turning to what is hidden in your life. One of the best ways to access these concealed things is through dreams. Before you fall asleep, simply give yourself a suggestion that you will have a dream that will provide insights into your concerns. Thursday, December 24 (Moon in Pisces to Aries 6:40 a.m.) Christmas Eve’s lunar transit into Aries is certainly fitting. It highlights relationships with relatives and neighbors. You’re the one everyone is looking to for guidance. So even if you don’t feel particularly wise, act the role! Friday, December 25 (Moon in Aries) Venus enters Cap ricorn, where it will be till mid-January 2010. This transit could attract a secretive love affair or perhaps a relationship that for your own reasons is private. This is also an excellent time to enter therapy, practice meditation, and work with your dreams. Saturday, December 26 (Moon in Aries to Taurus 3:27 a.m.) Just as Mercury and Venus were getting along in your twelfth house, Mercury turns retrograde. So, if you’re traveling this holiday season, is there any chance you do it before Decem ber 26 and after January 15, 2010? Sunday, December 27 (Moon in Taurus) The moon en ters your fourth house, highlighting your home and family life, which is certainly appropriate for the holidays. You real ize that with both Mercury and Mars moving retrograde, your plans for New Year’s Eve may change abruptly. So remain as flexible as possible. Go with the flow. Monday, December 28 (Moon in Taurus to Gemini 8:15 p.m.) The moon enters your fifth house, bringing romance and fun to the forefront of the day. If you have children, ex pect success and achievement. Tuesday, December 29 (Moon in Gemini) Invitations for New Year’s Eve are flowing in. However, regardless of which invitations you RSVP, the situation will change because 245
there’s a lunar eclipse on December 31! That said, proceed with whatever you’re planning, but stay flexible and have backup plans! Wednesday, December 30 (Moon in Gemini to Cancer 9:46 p.m.) The moon enters your sixth house. Cancer is the sign of the nurturer, and you may be doing more than your fair share of it. Whether you’re nurturing family members, friends, or yourself, you realize there is a lot to be grateful for and that more of it is coming in the New Year! Thursday, December 31 (Moon in Cancer) The lunar eclipse in Cancer brings up feelings about home, family, and the past. Your own nurturing instincts are triggered. Nonethe less, you’re excited about what 2010 will bring. HAPPY NEW YEAR!
JANUARY 2010 Friday, January 1 (Moon in Cancer to Leo 10:42 p.m.) The year begins with an air of mystery and the potential for a jour ney into the unknown. Secrets, intrigue, and confidential infor mation play a role. Maintain your emotional balance. Avoid confusion and conflict. Gather information, but don’t make any immediate decisions. Saturday, January 2 (Moon in Leo) Loved ones and part ners play an important role in your day. You get along well with others now. You can fit in just about anywhere. You feel a need to be accepted, but be careful that others don’t manipu late your feelings. Sunday, January 3 (Moon in Leo to Virgo 10:53 p.m.) Vi sualize the future, set your goals, and then get to work. Make room for something new for the New Year.Accept what comes your way now. It’s all part of a cycle. Use the day for reflection, expansion, and concluding projects. Don’t start anything new today. 246
Monday, January 4 (Moon in Virgo) Your experiences are more intense than usual. Security is an important issue with you right now. It can affect your feelings about your belongings and things you possess, as well as things that you share with others. Deal with mortgages, insurance, and invest ments. Tuesday, January 5 (Moon in Virgo) Focus on problemsolving and attending to details today. Seek perfection and order in whatever you’re working on. Be of service to others who come to you for help. But don’t overlook your own needs. Exercise and watch your diet. Wednesday, January 6 (Moon in Virgo to Libra 12:59 a.m.) It’s a number 3 day. You’re innovative and creative, and you communicate well now.You get along well with others. You’re warm and receptive to what others say. Enjoy the har mony, beauty, and pleasures of life. Intuition is highlighted. Thursday, January 7 (Moon in Libra) The moon is in your ninth house today. You’re a dreamer and a thinker. You may feel a need to get away now, a break from the usual rou tine. You yearn for a new experience. Plan a long trip. Sign up for a workshop or seminar. Friday, January 8 (Moon in Libra to Scorpio 6:01 a.m.) Change and variety are highlighted now. Think freedom, no restrictions. Think outside the box. Take risks; experiment. Get a new point of view. Promote new ideas; follow your cu riosity. Saturday, January 9 (Moon in Scorpio) Your life is more public today. You get a boost in prestige. Others appreciate what you’ve done. You’re more responsive to the needs and moods of a group and of the public in general. However, avoid becoming overemotional in public. Sunday, January 10 (Moon in Scorpio to Sagittarius 2:10 p.m.) Knowledge is essential to success. You investigate, analyze, or simply observe what’s going on now. You quickly 247
come to a conclusion and wonder why others don’t see what you see. You detect deception and recognize insincerity with ease. You work best on your own today. Monday, January 11 (Moon in Sagittarius) The moon is in your eleventh house today. Friends play an important role in your day, especially a Gemini and a Libra. Focus on your wishes and dreams. Examine your overall goals for the year and beyond. Those goals should be an expression of who you are. Tuesday, January 12 (Moon in Sagittarius) You see the big picture now, not just the details. You’re restless, impulsive, and inquisitive. There’s passion in relationships, but making a commitment can be a problem. Spiritual values arise. Worldviews are emphasized. Wednesday, January 13 (Moon in Sagittarius to Capricorn 12:54 a.m.) Saturn goes retrograde in your tenth house today and stays that way until the end of May. You could face delays and obstacles related to your career goals. A bonus or advancement could be delayed. Hard work is called for in the coming months, but don’t expect a lot of recognition just yet. Be careful mixing your personal and professional lives. Thursday, January 14 (Moon in Capricorn) The moon is in your twelfth house today. You might feel a need to with draw today and work on your own. Think carefully before you act today. There’s a tendency now to undo all the positive ac tions you’ve taken. Avoid any self-destructive tendencies. Be aware of hidden enemies. Friday, January 15 (Moon in Capricorn to Aquarius 1:17 p.m.) There’s a solar eclipse today, and that means it’s the beginning or end of something. An external event, something outside of your life, plays a role. Also, Mercury goes direct to day in your twelfth house. That means that something hidden in your life, probably from the past, surfaces now. Your confu sion and refusal to recognize it are over. Now you can deal with it and move ahead. 248
Saturday, January 16 (Moon in Aquarius) The moon is in your first house today. You’re sensitive to other people’s feelings. You may feel moody one moment, happy the next, then withdrawn and sad. It’s all about your emotional self and your health. Your feelings and thoughts are aligned. Sunday, January 17 (Moon in Aquarius) With Jupiter moving into your second house today, your financial picture expands from now until June 6. It’s a good day to consider major purchases like a car or even a house! Your expenses are greater during this period, but so are your earnings. Monday, January 18 (Moon in Aquarius to Pisces 2:18 a.m.) Venus moves into your first house today. Your selfawareness and your appearance are important now. You’re dealing with the self, and you feel great affection for the per son you are becoming. You’re physically vital, and relations with the opposite sex go very well now. You’re also more ap pealing to the public. Tuesday, January 19 (Moon in Pisces) The moon is in your second house today. You tend to equate your financial assets with emotional security now. You identify emotionally with your possessions and your values. You feel best when sur rounded by familiar objects. It’s not the objects themselves that are important, but the feelings and memories you associ ate with them. Wednesday, January 20 (Moon in Pisces to Aries 2:37 p.m.) It’s a number 8 day, your power day and your day to play it your way. You’re in the power seat. You have a chance to expand and to gain recognition, fame, and power. You at tract financial success, especially if you open your mind to a new approach. Thursday, January 21 (Moon in Aries) The moon is in your third house today. Take what you know and share it with others. However, keep conscious control of your emotions when communicating. Your thinking is unduly influenced by 249
things of the past. Relatives or neighbors could play a role in your day. A short trip works to your benefit now. Friday, January 22 (Moon in Aries) It’s a great time for initiating projects, launching new ideas, and brainstorming. Like yesterday, emotions could be volatile. You’re passionate, but impatient. You’re also extremely persuasive now, espe cially if you’re passionate about what you’re trying to convey. Saturday, January 23 (Moon in Aries to Taurus 12:41 a.m.) Relationships are key to your day. A new love inter est or partnership could be forming now. There could be soulsearching about a current relationship. You’re particularly emotional and sensitive today. Cooperation is highlighted. Don’t rush or show resentment. Let things develop. Sunday, January 24 (Moon in Taurus) Spend time with your family and loved ones. Stick close to home. You’re deal ing with the foundations of who you are and who you are be coming. It’s a good day for dream recall. Retreat to a private place for meditation. Monday, January 25 (Moon in Taurus to Gemini 7:12 a.m.) It’s a number 4 day. Your organizational skills are highlighted. Emphasize quality in whatever you’re doing. Control any im pulses to wander off task.Take care of your obligations.You’re building foundations for an outlet for your creativity. Tuesday, January 26 (Moon in Gemini) Creativity is highlighted now. So is romance. Be yourself. Be emotionally honest. In love, there’s greater emotional depth to a relation ship now. You’re emotionally in touch with your creative side now. You feel strongly attached to loved ones. Wednesday, January 27 (Moon in Gemini to Cancer 10:02 a.m.) It’s a number 6 day. Service to others is the theme of the day. You offer advice and support. Do a good deed for someone. Visit someone who is ill or someone in need of help. Be understanding and avoid confrontations. But don’t forget to dance to your own tune. 250
Thursday, January 28 (Moon in Cancer) Yesterday’s energy flows into your Thursday. Diplomacy is called for in dealing with others. You’re the one others go to for help. You improve, edit, and refine their work. Help others, but don’t deny your own needs. Keep your resolutions about exercise and watch your diet. Attend to details related to your health. Friday, January 29 (Moon in Cancer to Leo 10:10 a.m.) It’s another 8 day, your power day. Focus on a power play. Business discussions go well, especially if you open your mind to a new approach. You’re playing with power, so be careful not to hurt others. Saturday, January 30 (Moon in Leo) There’s a full moon in your seventh house today. You gain insight and illumina tion now—or you hear news—related to a partnership. You get along well with others now. You put a lot of energy into a relationship, and it pays off. Just be careful that others don’t manipulate your feelings. Sunday, January 31 (Moon in Leo to Virgo 9:23 a.m.) It’s a number 1 day, and you’re at the top of your cycle. Be in dependent and creative now. Trust your hunches. You make connections that others overlook.You’re determined and cou rageous today. Stress originality. In romance, something new is developing.
FEBRUARY 2010 Monday, February 1 (Moon in Virgo) The moon is in your eighth house today. Security is an important issue with you right now. It can affect your feelings about your belong ings, as well as things that you share with others. If you are planning on making a major purchase, make sure that you and your partner are in agreement. Otherwise, you could encoun ter intense emotional resistance. You could be dealing with taxes or insurance today. Tuesday, February 2 (Moon in Virgo to Libra 9:42 a.m.) It’s a good day to finish whatever you’ve been working on and 251
get ready for something new. Clear up odds and ends. Take an inventory of where things are going in your life. Use the day for reflection, expansion, and concluding projects. Spiritual values play a role. Wednesday, February 3 (Moon in Libra) You’re feeling restless today, looking for something new, a fresh start. Longdistance foreign travel could play a role. You plan a trip and take an armchair journey. Higher education is highlighted. It’s a good day to sign up for a workshop or seminar. Thursday, February 4 (Moon in Libra to Scorpio 12:56 p.m.) Work on a joint project today. Cooperation and partnership are spotlighted, and help comes through friends. Be kind and understanding. Don’t make waves. Don’t rush or show resent ment. Follow your hunches. Friday, February 5 (Moon in Scorpio) With the moon in your tenth house today, professional concerns are the focus of the day.You gain an elevation in prestige, possibly an advance ment in your career. You’re more responsive to the needs and moods of a group and of the public in general. Saturday, February 6 (Moon in Scorpio to Sagittarius 8:04 p.m.) It’s a good day to attend to details and get orga nized. Persevere to get things done today. Don’t get sloppy. Do things like clean your closet, clear your desk, and straighten up your garage. Tear down the old in order to rebuild. Be me thodical and thorough. Sunday, February 7 (Moon in Sagittarius) The moon is in your eleventh house, which rules your sign. Friends play an important role in your day, especially a Libra and a Gemini. Your sense of security is tied to your relationships and to your friends. You join a group of like-minded individuals, and work for the common good. You get along well with others now. Monday, February 8 (Moon in Sagittarius) Don’t limit yourself today. You’re restless, impulsive, and inquisitive. Look beyond your immediate concerns. What’s the big pic 252
ture? Focus on how you can grow and expand. Spiritual values arise. Worldviews are emphasized. A publishing project gets a boost now. Tuesday, February 9 (Moon in Sagittarius to Capricorn 6:45 a.m.) Look behind the surface today to find the reasons others are changing their tune. You work best on your own. Knowledge is essential to success. Gather information, but don’t make any absolute decisions until tomorrow. Go with the flow. Wednesday, February 10 (Moon in Capricorn) Mercury moves into your first house today. You’re very expressive and happy to talk about your ideas and about yourself now. You have the ability to make connections between differing subjects that others overlook. You can also adapt quickly to changing circumstances, and easily pick up new and useful in formation. Thursday, February 11 (Moon in Capricorn to Aquarius 7:25 p.m.) With Venus in your second house today, you love the material world and everything about it. You feel very good sur rounding yourself with luxury items. You equate financial suc cess with happiness and sexual prowess. You can make money now through your artistic abilities. Friday, February 12 (Moon in Aquarius) There’s a new moon in your first house today. That means new personal opportunities related to whatever you’re doing or thinking about doing arise. Your appearance and personality shine. The way you see yourself now is the way others see you. You’re physically vital, and relations with the opposite sex go well. Saturday, February 13 (Moon in Aquarius) You find strength in numbers. You find meaning through friends and groups. You work with others for the common good, but you also stay focused on your individuality, your wishes, and your dreams. Make sure that your goals are an expression of who you are. 253
Sunday, February 14 (Moon in Aquarius to Pisces 8:24 a.m.) You’re innovative and creative, and you communi cate well today. Your attitude determines everything. You’re warm and receptive to others, and your popularity is on the rise. Spread your good news. Play your hunches. Monday, February 15 (Moon in Pisces) The moon is in your second house today. You could be facing some fluctua tion in your income, making for some emotional experiences related to money. Look at your priorities in handling your income. You identify emotionally with your possessions or whatever you value. Tuesday, February 16 (Moon in Pisces to Aries 8:31 p.m.) It’s a number 5 day. Approach the day with an un conventional mind-set. Change and variety are highlighted now. Think freedom, no restrictions. Think outside the box. Take risks; experiment. Wednesday, February 17 (Moon in Aries) The moon is in your third house today. Your mental abilities are strong now, and you have an emotional need to reinvigorate your studies, especially regarding matters of the past. Alternately, past is sues with siblings resurface. Speak your mind and tell others what you know, but stay in control of your emotions. Thursday, February 18 (Moon in Aries) It’s a great time for initiating projects, launching new ideas, and brainstorm ing. But keep in mind that your emotions could be volatile. You’re passionate, but impatient. Avoid reckless actions and self-deception. Friday, February 19 (Moon in Aries to Taurus 6:56 a.m.) You’re in the power seat today, so focus on a power play. You can go far with your plans and achieve financial suc cess, especially if you pursue a new approach. Business discus sions go well. You could pull off a financial coup. Saturday, February 20 (Moon in Taurus) The moon is in your fourth house today. Spend time with your family and 254
loved ones. Stick close to home. Work on a home-repair proj ect. Beautify your home. You feel a close tie to your roots. A parent could play an important role in your day. Sunday, February 21 (Moon in Taurus to Gemini 2:47 p.m.) It’s a number 1 day, and you’re at the top of your cycle. In romance, something new is brewing, if you’re pursu ing it. Trust your hunches. Intuition is highlighted. You get a fresh start. You’re inventive, and you make connections that others overlook. You’re determined and courageous today. Monday, February 22 (Moon in Gemini) The moon is in your fifth house today. You’re emotionally in touch with your creative side now, but your emotions tend to overpower your intellect. There’s greater depth to a love relationship now. You might be somewhat possessive of loved ones, particularly chil dren. Tuesday, February 23 (Moon in Gemini to Cancer 7:29 p.m.) Your attitude determines everything today. Spread your good news, and take time to listen to others. You com municate well. You’re warm and receptive to what others say. Remain flexible. Wednesday, February 24 (Moon in Cancer) With the moon in your sixth house, it’s a service day. You improve, edit, and refine the work of others. Help others, but don’t deny your own needs. It’s a good day to clarify any health or work issues. It’s best if you follow a regular schedule now. Thursday, February 25 (Moon in Cancer to Leo 9:09 p.m.) Approach the day with an unconventional mind-set. Release old structures; get a new point of view. Promote new ideas; follow your curiosity. Freedom of thought and action is key. Friday, February 26 (Moon in Leo) The moon is in your seventh house today. Loved ones and partners are more im portant than usual. You get along well with others now. You can fit in just about anywhere. Be careful that others don’t 255
manipulate your feelings.A marriage or a contract plays a role in your day. Saturday, February 27 (Moon in Leo to Virgo 8:53 p.m.) You work best on your own today. Avoid confusion and con flicts. Maintain your emotional balance. Express your desires, but avoid self-deception. Gather information, but don’t make any absolute decisions until tomorrow. Go with the flow. Sunday, February 28 (Moon in Virgo) There’s a full moon today in your eighth house. You gain insight and illumination related to a mystical matter. It could involve the life after death or past lives. Also, with Pluto trining your eighth house today, you’re in the power seat related to shared resources. You could benefit from a partner’s boost in income, possibly related to an inheritance.
MARCH 2010 Monday, March 1 (Moon in Virgo to Libra 8:32 p.m.) Mer cury moves into your second house today. Your mind is fo cused on finances now, and it’s a good time to come up with moneymaking ideas and get contracts. That’s especially true if your ideas are related to your values. Also, your mind is quick to assess the value of anything you’re interested in purchasing. If bargaining is possible, go for it! Tuesday, March 2 (Moon in Libra) You’re a dreamer and a thinker, and you yearn for new experiences. Any publishing project goes well now. Publicity and advertising are empha sized. Plan a long trip or sign up for a class that interests you. Wednesday, March 3 (Moon in Libra to Scorpio 10:12 p.m.) Your intuition focuses on relationships. The spotlight is on co operation. Don’t make waves. Don’t rush or show resentment. Let things develop. Marriage plays a key role now. Thursday, March 4 (Moon in Scorpio) The focus today turns to your career. Business activities are highlighted, and 256
you’re at center stage now. You gain a boost in prestige. Your face is in the public, but don’t make any emotional displays in public, and avoid crossing the line between your professional and personal lives. Friday, March 5 (Moon in Scorpio) Groups and social events are highlighted now, especially related to your profes sion. You have a greater sense of freedom now. You’re dealing with new ideas, new options, and originality. You get a new perspective. Play your hunches. Look beyond the immediate. Bust old paradigms. Follow your dreams. Saturday, March 6 (Moon in Scorpio to Sagittarius 3:37 a.m.) It’s a number 5 day. Approach the day with an un conventional mind-set. Release old structures; get a new point of view. Take risks; experiment. You’re versatile and change able now, but be careful not to spread out and diversify too much. Sunday, March 7 (Moon in Sagittarius) Venus moves into your third house today. Your artistic and creative abilities are emphasized. You write from a deep place today. You get along with family members and are very persuasive. You remember details from the past to bolster your point of view. Monday, March 8 (Moon in Sagittarius to Capricorn 1:15 p.m.) It’s a number 7 day. You could be venturing into the unknown today. You investigate, analyze, or simply observe what’s going on now. You quickly come to a conclusion and wonder why others don’t see what you see. You detect decep tion and recognize insincerity with ease. Knowledge is essen tial to success. Avoid confusion and conflicts. Tuesday, March 9 (Moon in Capricorn) The moon is in your twelfth house today. It’s a good day to withdraw and work behind the scenes. Think carefully before you act. There’s a tendency now to undo all the positive actions you’ve taken. Avoid any self-destructive tendencies. Be aware of hid den enemies. 257
Wedneday, March 10 (Moon in Capricorn) With Mars turning direct in your seventh house today, be aware that dur ing the next three months problems might arise related to a partner, either personal or business. Watch out for aggressive behavior on your part related to partnerships. You feel a need to be accepted. You’re looking for security, but you tend to try to force the issue. Thursday, March 11 (Moon in Capricorn to Aquarius 1:44 a.m.) It’s a number 1 day, and you’re at the top of your cycle. You get a fresh start. Get out and meet new people and have new experiences. You’re determined and courageous. In romance, something new is developing. Friday, March 12 (Moon in Aquarius) The moon is on your ascendant today. The way you see yourself now is the way others see you. Your appearance and personality shine. You’re physically vital, and relations with the opposite sex go well. Saturday, March 13 (Moon in Aquarius to Pisces 2:44 p.m.) It’s a number 3 day. Enjoy the harmony, beauty, and pleasures of life. Beautify your home. Remain flexible. Intuition is high lighted. Your popularity is on the rise. You communicate well. You’re warm and receptive to what others say. Sunday, March 14—Daylight Saving Time Begins (Moon in Pisces) The moon is in your second house today. Expect emotional experiences related to money. You identify emo tionally with your possessions or whatever you value. Watch your spending now. You feel best when surrounded by famil iar objects. It’s not the objects themselves that are important, but the feelings and memories you associate with them. Monday, March 15 (Moon in Pisces) There’s a new moon today in your second house. A doorway opens related to fi nances. A moneymaking plan emerges. You can move ahead on your plans. However, watch your spending, and look at your priorities in handling your income. 258
Tuesday, March 16 (Moon in Pisces to Aries 3:32 a.m.) It’s a number 6 day. Do a good deed for someone. Visit someone who is ill or someone in need of help. Focus on making people happy. Be sympathetic, kind, and compassionate. A domestic adjustment works out for the best. Wednesday, March 17 (Moon in Aries) Mercury moves into your third house today. You express yourself well. Your mind is active, and you quickly adjust to new situations, es pecially related to relatives. Take what you know and share it with others. A short trip works to your benefit now. Thursday, March 18 (Moon in Aries to Taurus 1:30 p.m.) You’re in the power seat today. Unexpected money comes your way. Business dealings go well. It’s a good day to buy a lottery ticket. You can go far with your plans and achieve financial success. Friday, March 19 (Moon in Taurus) It’s a good day to stick close to home and work on a home-repair project. You could be dealing with parents now. Spend time with your fam ily and loved ones. You feel a close tie to your roots. Saturday, March 20 (Moon in Taurus to Gemini 9:29 p.m.) It’s a number 1 day, and you’re at the top of your cycle. You can take the lead now, and get a fresh start. Don’t be afraid to turn in a new direction. Trust your hunches. Intuition is high lighted. Sunday, March 21 (Moon in Gemini) The moon is in your fifth house today. Your emotions tend to overpower your intellect. Be yourself. Be emotionally honest. Your creativity is highlighted now. In love, there’s greater emotional depth to a relationship. Monday, March 22 (Moon in Gemini) You’re versatile and adaptable to changing circumstances today. Your mind is active, and you tend to jump from one subject to another. Get out and have fun.A change of scenery does you good, possibly a trip to visit relatives. 259
Tuesday, March 23 (Moon in Gemini to Cancer 3:16 a.m.) It’s a number 4 day. Tear down the old in order to rebuild. Be methodical and thorough. Revise and rewrite. You’re in the right place at the right time. Missing papers or objects are found. You can overcome bureaucratic red tape. Wednesday, March 24 (Moon in Cancer) The moon is in your sixth house today. It’s a service day. Others rely on you now. You’re the one others go to for help. You improve, edit, and refine the work of others. It’s also a good day to take care of any health matters. Thursday, March 25 (Moon in Cancer to Leo 6:40 a.m.) Yesterday’s energy flows into your Thursday. Do a good deed for someone. Visit someone who is ill or someone in need of help. Focus on making people happy. Your advice and support are appreciated. Be understanding, and avoid confrontations. Friday, March 26 (Moon in Leo) The moon is in your seventh house today. Relationships hold the key to your day. You get along well with others now. You can fit in just about anywhere. Loved ones and partners are more important than usual. There could be a legal matter involved. Women play an important role. Saturday, March 27 (Moon in Leo to Virgo 7:58 a.m.) It’s another power day. You attract financial success. Business dis cussions go well, especially when you take a new approach. You could pull off a financial coup. Be aware that you’re play ing with power, so try not to hurt anyone. Sunday, March 28 (Moon in Virgo) With the moon in your eighth house, you take an interest in a spiritual or meta physical subject. You dig deep for information about life af ter death, astrology, or past lives. You could become part of a group or movement dedicated to raising people’s awareness. Monday, March 29 (Moon in Virgo to Libra 8:22 a.m.) It’s a number 1 day. You’re at the top of your cycle again. Trust your hunches related to a new project. You get a fresh start. 260
You make connections that others overlook. You’re deter mined and courageous today. In romance, something new is developing. Tuesday, March 30 (Moon in Libra) You have an op portunity now to pursue a long journey or higher education. An interest in ideas, mythology, philosophy, or religion plays a role. Your mind is active, and you yearn for new experiences. Wednesday, March 31 (Moon in Libra to Scorpio 9:42 a.m.) You feel very happy and comfortable in your home now. Spend time beautifying your residence, adding artistic touches. You feel close to your roots, and you have a strong connection to the land.
APRIL 2010 Thursday, April 1 (Moon in Scorpio) The moon is in your tenth house today. Your life is more public, and you tend to be more emotional in the workplace. But avoid emotional displays in public. You’re more responsive to the needs and moods of a group and of the public in general. Business deal ings are highlighted. Friday, April 2 (Moon in Scorpio to Sagittarius 1:54 p.m.) Mercury moves into your fourth house today. Learning experiences now are centered in the home. Your home life takes on more importance for intellectual pursuits. There’s lots of discussion, but not heated arguments, about domestic matters. Saturday, April 3 (Moon in Sagittarius) The moon is in your eleventh house today. Relationships with friends expand now into new areas. You find strength in numbers. You find meaning through friends and groups. Social consciousness plays a role. Sunday, April 4 (Moon in Sagittarius to Capricorn 10:08 p.m.) It’s a number 4 day. That means the emphasis today 261
is on your organizational skills. In romance, your persistence pays off. You’re building a foundation for the future. Be me thodical and thorough. Fulfill your obligations. Emphasize quality. Monday, April 5 (Moon in Capricorn) The moon is in your twelfth house today. It’s a good day to lie low and work behind the scenes. Think carefully before you act. Avoid any self-destructive tendencies. Things from the past play a role in your day. Take time to reflect and meditate. Tuesday, April 6 (Moon in Capricorn) With Pluto going retrograde in your twelfth house, a pursuit of mystical matters can turn dark or appear that way to other people. If you’re pursuing concepts about life after death and past lives that contradict traditional religious beliefs, others might think that you’re on a wayward path. Wednesday, April 7 (Moon in Capricorn to Aquarius 9:51 a.m.) You work best on your own today. Secrets, intrigue, and confidential information play a role. You investigate, analyze, or simply observe what’s going on now. You detect deception and recognize insincerity with ease. Maintain your emotional balance. Thursday, April 8 (Moon in Aquarius) The moon is in your first house. You’re sensitive to other people’s feelings. You may feel moody one moment, happy the next, then with drawn and sad. It’s all about your emotional self. Your feelings and thoughts are aligned. It’s all about your health and your emotional self: how you feel and how you feel about yourself. Friday, April 9 (Moon in Aquarius to Pisces 10:48 p.m.) Finish what you started. Visualize the future, set your goals, and get to work. Look beyond the immediate. Clear up odds and ends. Take an inventory on where things are going in your life. But don’t start anything new today. Saturday, April 10 (Moon in Pisces) The moon is in your second house today. It’s best to put off any big purchases for a 262
while. Take care of payments and collections. It’s a good time for investments. You tend to identify emotionally with your possessions or values now. They give you a sense of security. Sunday, April 11 (Moon in Pisces) It’s a day for deep healing. Imagination is highlighted. Watch for psychic events and synchronicities. Keep track of your dreams, including your daydreams. Ideas are ripe. Compassion, sensitivity, and inspiration are highlighted. Monday, April 12 (Moon in Pisces to Aries 10:31 a.m.) Your attitude determines everything today. You communicate well now. You’re curious and inventive. Ideas bubble forth. Your imagination is keen now. Your popularity is on the rise. You work well with others. Tuesday, April 13 (Moon in Aries) The moon is in your third house today. You have an emotional need to pursue studies of subjects that interest you. Your intellectual curi osity requires continued nurturing and growth. Meanwhile, you’re dealing with the everyday world. Expect a lot of run ning around today. Accept an invitation. Wednesday, April 14 (Moon in Aries to Taurus 7:55 p.m.) There’s a new moon in your third house today. New opportu nities related to relatives or your everyday world come your way. Your mind is active now, ideas are spilling out, and you get a fresh start to pursue them. However, keep conscious control of your emotions when communicating. Thursday, April 15 (Moon in Taurus) You’re dealing with the very foundations of who you are and who you will be. Make an effort to change a bad habit. It’s best today to work on your own. Spend time with your family and loved ones; work on a project to beautify your home. Friday, April 16 (Moon in Taurus) Health and physical activity are highlighted. It’s a good time for gardening, culti vating ideas, or doing practical things. Try to avoid stubborn behavior when others question your actions. While you main 263
tain a commonsense, down-to-earth perspective on life, you also long for the good life with its material blessings. Saturday, April 17 (Moon in Taurus to Gemini 3:09 a.m.) Mercury goes retrograde in your fourth house to day. Watch out for miscommunication or misunderstand ings with family members over the next three weeks. Leave enough time for delays in any trips you’re taking now. There could be delays with home-repair projects. You could encoun ter glitches with your home computer. Sunday, April 18 (Moon in Gemini) With the moon in your fifth house today, sex for pleasure is highlighted. It’s also a good day to take a chance or experiment. You move ahead on a creative project. Children and pets play a role in your day. Monday, April 19 (Moon in Gemini to Cancer 8:40 a.m.) It’s a number 9 day. Complete a project now. Clear up odds and ends. Take an inventory of where things are going in your life. Look to the future, and set your goals. It’s a good day to make a donation to a worthy cause. Tuesday, April 20 (Moon in Cancer) The moon is in your sixth house today, and the emphasis turns to your daily work and service to others. Attend to the needs of someone in your home life now. Be careful not to overlook any seemingly mi nor matters that could take on importance. Keep up with your exercise plan, and watch your diet. Wednesday, April 21 (Moon in Cancer to Leo, 12:43 p.m.) Your popularity is on the rise. You communicate well. You’re warm and receptive to what others say. Your attitude deter mines everything today. You’re innovative and creative. Re main flexible in your schedule. Expect an invitation from a friend. Thursday, April 22 (Moon in Leo) The moon is in your seventh house today. You get along well with others now. A relationship plays an important role in your day. Loved ones 264
and partners are more important than usual. But don’t allow anyone to manipulate your feelings. Friday, April 23 (Moon in Leo to Virgo 3:25 p.m.) It’s a number 5 day. Freedom of thought and action is highlighted. Change your perspective. Promote new ideas; follow your cu riosity. You can overcome obstacles with ease. Variety is the spice of life. Saturday, April 24 (Moon in Virgo) With the moon in your eighth house, you could attract people with power to you today. Your energy is more intense than usual, and drama plays a role. Your emotions could affect your feelings about belongings that you share with others. An interest in meta physics or related rituals grabs your attention. Sunday, April 25 (Moon in Virgo to Libra 5:18 p.m.) It’s a great time for romance. You could feel enchanted with someone in the workplace. You’re emotionally in touch with your creative side now. Monday, April 26 (Moon in Libra) The moon is in your ninth house today, the home of higher learning. Plan a trip or sign up for a seminar or workshop. A foreign country or per son of foreign birth could play a role. Publicity and advertising are emphasized. Tuesday, April 27 (Moon in Libra to Scorpio 7:30 p.m.) It’s a number 9 day. Make room for something new. Clear your desk for tomorrow’s new cycle. Accept what comes your way now, but don’t start anything new. It’s all part of a cycle. Use the day for reflection, expansion, and concluding projects. Wednesday, April 28 (Moon in Scorpio) There’s a full moon in your tenth house today. You hear news or gain in sight into a professional matter. You gain recognition for what you’ve done. You get a promotion or a raise. You’re particu larly warm now toward coworkers. Thursday, April 29 (Moon in Scorpio to Sagittarius 11:36 p.m.) You could be undergoing some soul-searching re 265
lated to a relationship now. Help comes through friends and loved ones. Don’t make waves. Don’t rush or show resent ment. Let things develop. A partner plays an important role in your day. The spotlight is on cooperation. Friday, April 30 (Moon in Sagittarius) The moon is in your eleventh house, the native home of your sign. You work well with others, especially in a group. Friends play a surpris ingly important role, especially a Gemini and a Libra. Focus on your wishes and dreams. Examine your overall goals, and make sure that they’re still an expression of who you are.
M AY 2 0 1 0 Saturday, May 1 (Moon in Sagittarius) The moon is in your eleventh house. You have deeper contact with friends now. You find meaning through friends and groups. You work for the common good, but keep an eye on your own wishes and dreams. Sunday, May 2 (Moon in Sagittarius to Capricorn 7:00 a.m.) It’s a number 3 day. You’re innovative and creative; you communicate well now. Your charm and wit are appreci ated. Your attitude determines everything today. Remain flex ible and open to sudden opportunity. In romance, you’re an ardent and loyal lover. Monday, May 3 (Moon in Capricorn) The moon is in your twelfth house today. You might feel a need to withdraw and work on your own. Watch what you say now, and think carefully before you act. There’s a tendency to undo all the positive actions you’ve taken. Avoid any self-destructive ten dencies. Be aware of hidden enemies. Tuesday, May 4 (Moon in Capricorn to Aquarius 5:52 p.m.) Think outside the box. Approach the day with an unconventional mind-set. Release old structures; get a new point of view. Freedom of thought and action is key. You can overcome obstacles with ease. 266
Wednesday, May 5 (Moon in Aquarius) The moon is in your first house today. It’s all about your health and your emotional self: how you feel and how you feel about yourself. You’re dealing with your emotional self, the person you are becoming. You focus on how the public relates to you. It’s dif ficult to remain detached and objective now. Thursday, May 6 (Moon in Aquarius) The way you see yourself now is the way others see you. You’re recharged for the rest of the month, and you’re more appealing to the public. You’re physically vital, and your appearance and personality shine. Friday, May 7 (Moon in Aquarius to Pisces 6:34 a.m.) It’s your power day and your day to play it your way. You can go far with your plans now. You have a chance to expand and to gain recognition, fame, and power. You’re playing with power, so try not to hurt anyone. Saturday, May 8 (Moon in Pisces) Expect emotional ex periences related to money. Money and material goods are important to you now and give you a sense of security. You feel best when surrounded by familiar objects in your home. It’s not the objects themselves that are important, but the feel ings and memories you associate with them. Sunday, May 9 (Moon in Pisces to Aries 6:30 p.m.) It’s a number 1 day. Be independent and creative; refuse to be discouraged by naysayers. Express your opinions dynamically. Get out and meet new people and have new experiences. You’re determined and courageous today. Monday, May 10 (Moon in Aries) A short trip works to your benefit now. Your mental abilities are strong now, and you have an emotional need to reinvigorate your studies, es pecially regarding matters of the past. You’re attracted to his torical or archaeological studies. Tuesday, May 11 (Moon in Aries) Mercury goes direct in your fourth house today. Misunderstandings and miscommu 267
nications with family members recede into the past. Also, you can move ahead now with a home-repair project that’s been delayed. New learning experiences take place in the home, and discussions remain calm. Wednesday, May 12 (Moon in Aries to Taurus 3:49 a.m.) Hard work is called for now. Persevere to get things done to day. Emphasize quality. Be methodical and thorough. Revise; rewrite. You’re building a creative base for your future. Thursday, May 13 (Moon in Taurus) There’s a new moon in your fourth house today. You can expect new opportunities related to your home. A parent could play a role. It could in volve any plans for home renovations or the purchase or sale of a property. Spend some quiet time alone, and watch what happens. Friday, May 14 (Moon in Taurus to Gemini 10:19 a.m.) Diplomacy wins the way. You offer advice and support. Do a good deed for someone. Visit someone who is ill or someone in need of help. Be understanding and avoid confrontations. Saturday, May 15 (Moon in Gemini) The moon is in your fifth house today.Your emotions tend to overpower your intel lect today. You’re more involved with creative facets of your life. You also feel strongly attached to loved ones, particularly children, and you could be somewhat possessive. Sunday, May 16 (Moon in Gemini to Cancer 2:47 p.m.) It’s a number 8 day, another power day. So you’re in the power seat today. You pull off a financial coup. Business dealings go well. Open your mind to a new approach that could bring in big bucks. Monday, May 17 (Moon in Cancer) The moon is in your sixth house today. You’re the one others go to for help. You improve, edit, and refine the work of others. Help out, but take care of your own needs. Keep your resolutions about exercise, and watch your diet. Attend to details related to your health. 268
Make a doctor or dentist appointment. Your personal health occupies your attention now. Tuesday, May 18 (Moon in Cancer to Leo 6:07 p.m.) It’s a number 1 day, and you’re at the top of your cycle again. Take the lead and get a fresh start. Don’t be afraid to turn in a new direction. Trust your hunches. Explore and discover. In ro mance, something new is developing. Wednesday, May 19 (Moon in Leo) Venus moves into your sixth house today. Romance in the workplace is high lighted. Maybe it’s a flirtation, but it could turn more serious. Alternately, the workplace is harmonious, and you enjoy be ing there now. Artistic endeavors play a role. Thursday, May 20 (Moon in Leo to Virgo 8:59 p.m.) Your attitude determines everything today. Spread your good news, and ease up on routines. Others understand your point of view. You’re warm and receptive to what others say. Expect an invitation from a friend. Friday, May 21 (Moon in Virgo) The moon is in your eighth house today. An issue related to a mortgage, a loan, an insurance policy, or an inheritance plays a role. Shared prop erty or resources are highlighted. It’s also a good day to take time to explore a metaphysical subject, maybe astrology or research related to psychic abilities. Saturday, May 22 (Moon in Virgo to Libra 11:50 p.m.) Change and variety are highlighted now. A change of scen ery works to your advantage. You could be looking for a new place to live. Promote new ideas; follow your curiosity. Free dom of thought and action is key. Sunday, May 23 (Moon in Libra) The moon is in your ninth house today. Your mind is receptive now; your thoughts run wild. You’re a thinker, and your ideas tend to rattle the status quo. You jump easily from one thought to another. My thology, philosophy, or religion interests you. 269
Monday, May 24 (Moon in Libra) Romance is high lighted. Relationship issues are prominent in your day. Mu seums, art, music, and creativity all figure in your day. Your senses of creativity, personal grace, and magnetism all play a role. Tuesday, May 25 (Moon in Libra to Scorpio 3:18 a.m.) It’s a number 8 day, your power day. It’s a good day to buy a lot tery ticket. Unexpected money arrives. You can go far with your plans and achieve financial success. Business discussions go well. You’re playing with power, so be careful not to hurt others. Wednesday, May 26 (Moon in Scorpio) The moon is in your tenth house today. Professional concerns take on more importance. You could get a promotion, a raise, or a pat on the back. You’re more responsive to the needs and moods of a group and of the public in general. You move up the ladder. Thursday, May 27 (Moon in Scorpio to Sagittarius 8:16 a.m.) With a full moon in your eleventh house, you hear news about friends or a group. You gain illumination about your dreams and goals. Also, Uranus moves into your third house for the next seven years, suggesting much spontaneous actions based on unorthodox thinking that some could con sider disruptive or rebellious. Friday, May 28 (Moon in Sagittarius) You find strength in numbers. You find meaning through friends and groups. Fo cus on your wishes and dreams. Examine your overall goals. Your individuality is stressed, but your sense of security is tied to your relationships and to your friends. Saturday, May 29 (Moon in Sagittarius to Capricorn 3:44 p.m.) It’s a number 3 day. Have fun today in preparation for next week’s discipline and focus. Take time to relax and recharge your batteries. Your charm and wit are appreciated. Sunday, May 30 (Moon in Capricorn) Saturn goes di rect in your ninth house today. You take a stable, practical 270
approach to higher education, especially philosophy and re ligion. You start to question alternative beliefs, including the validity of astrology, over the next few months. You become more comfortable with orthodox thinking. You’re likely to take a conservative view on issues, especially related to for eign lands. Monday, May 31 (Moon in Capricorn) Neptune goes retrograde in your first house today. You could become grad ually subject to some subliminal influences that affect your personality. There could be a tendency toward delusional thinking. Best to avoid fantasy thinking, at least in the sense of self-projections that are highly unlikely. Better to focus on the present moment.
JUNE 2010 Tuesday, June 1 (Moon in Capricorn to Aquarius 2:08 a.m.) You can influence people now with your upbeat attitude. Expect an invitation from a friend. Remain flexible. Play your hunches. Have fun today in preparation for tomor row’s discipline and focus. Wednesday, June 2 (Moon in Aquarius) With the moon on your ascendant, you are in front of the public now. Your appearance and personality shine. You’re recharged for the month ahead, and this makes you more appealing to the pub lic. You’re physically vital, and relations with the opposite sex go well. Thursday, June 3 (Moon in Aquarius to Pisces 2:34 p.m.) It’s a number 5 day. Variety is the spice of life. Think outside the box now. Take risks; experiment. Let go of old structures; get a new point of view. You’re versatile and changeable, but be careful not to spread out and diversify too much. Friday, June 4 (Moon in Pisces) The moon is in your sec ond house today, your money house. It’s a good day for in vestments and for paying what you owe and collecting what 271
others owe you. Look at your priorities in handling your in come. Watch your spending. Saturday, June 5 (Moon in Pisces) It’s a day for deep healing. Turn inward for inspiration, universal knowledge, and eternal truths. You respond emotionally to whatever is hap pening now. Gather information, but don’t make any absolute decisions until tomorrow. Go with the flow. Sunday, June 6 (Moon in Pisces to Aries 2:51 a.m.) This summer things turn in your favor, and you’ll remain mentally active and optimistic. You’re philosophical, and you pursue spiritual goals. It’s a great time for writing, publishing, and all types of communication. In addition, you get along well with brothers and sisters over the coming months. Monday, June 7 (Moon in Aries) Mars moves into your eighth house today. Your ability to investigate important mat ters is strong over the coming seven weeks. You’re also very persuasive now, especially when you’re promoting your own ideas. However, watch your temper, if you encounter resis tance. It’s also a good time for long-distance travel. You’re in an adventurous mood this summer. Tuesday, June 8 (Moon in Aries to Taurus 12:42 p.m.) It’s a number 1, and you’re at the top of your cycle.You make con nections that others overlook. You’re determined and coura geous today. In romance, something new is developing. You get a fresh start. Refuse to deal with people who have closed minds. Wednesday, June 9 (Moon in Taurus) The moon is in your fourth house today, and that means it’s a good time to stick close to home and take care of domestic matters. It’s a good day to work on a home-repair project. A parent could play a role in your day. You’re feeling close to your roots. Thursday, June 10 (Moon in Taurus to Gemini 7:12 p.m.) With Mercury moving into your fifth house today, there’s lots of discussion about your artistic and creative tal 272
ents. You speak and write well now. You’re also very analytical this month, easily dissecting matters that interest you, includ ing romance. Friday, June 11 (Moon in Gemini) A change of scenery feels good now. Perhaps it’s a trip to visit relatives. Contact with siblings and neighbors plays a role in your day. You’re restless, but you also communicate well. You see both sides of an issue, and you might have an urge to express your opinions in writing. Saturday, June 12 (Moon in Gemini to Cancer 10:51 p.m.) With a new moon in your fifth house today, you’re finding new opportunities related to a creative endeavor. You’re emotion ally in touch with your creative side now. You’re also strongly attached to loved ones, including children. Sunday, June 13 (Moon in Cancer) The moon is in your sixth house today. It’s another service day. You’re the one oth ers go to for help. You improve, refine, and edit their work. Attend to daily details and be of service. Help your coworkers, but don’t overlook your own needs. Make appointments that you’ve been putting off. Monday, June 14 (Moon in Cancer) Venus moves into your seventh house today. Relationships are harmonious now. You get along well with others. As always, friends are impor tant to you. You can make a relationship work. Tuesday, June 15 (Moon in Cancer to Leo 12:55 a.m.) Now the moon joins Venus in your seventh house. You get along well with others and easily can fit in just about anywhere. Co operation is highlighted. Loved ones and partners are more important than usual. It’s difficult to go with the flow. Wednesday, June 16 (Moon in Leo) Partnerships are highlighted. Women play a prominent role in your day. A con tract could be at issue now. You comprehend the nuance of a situation. 273
Thursday, June 17 (Moon in Leo to Virgo 2:41 a.m.) It’s a number 1 day, and you’re at the top of your cycle again. It’s your day to take the lead on a new project. Ignore the nay sayers. Trust your hunches. You attract creative people. You’re determined and courageous. Stress originality. Friday, June 18 (Moon in Virgo) It’s a good day to deal with shared possessions or resources. Security is an impor tant issue with you right now. If you are planning on making a major purchase, make sure that you and your partner are in agreement. Otherwise, you could encounter intense emotional resistance. Mortgages, insurance, and investments play a role. Saturday, June 19 (Moon in Virgo to Libra 5:13 a.m.) You communicate well. Your charm and wit are appreciated. Your popularity is on the rise. You’re warm and receptive to what others say. Your attitude determines everything today. Spread your good news. Sunday, June 20 (Moon in Libra) The moon is in your ninth house. It’s a good day to plan a long trip. You’re a dreamer and a thinker.You may feel a need to get away now, a break from the usual routine. You yearn for a new experience. Alternately, sign up for a new class or workshop on a subject that interests you. Monday, June 21 (Moon in Libra to Scorpio 9:14 a.m.) Approach the day with an unconventional mind-set. Let go of old structures that no longer apply to your life. Think outside the box. Change and variety are highlighted now. Follow your curiosity. Tuesday, June 22 (Moon in Scorpio) The moon is in your tenth house today. Professional concerns are the focus of the day. You’re more emotional and warmer than usual toward coworkers. However, be careful not to cross the boundary be tween your personal and professional lives. You’re in the pub lic eye now, so avoid overwrought emotional displays. Wednesday, June 23 (Moon in Scorpio to Sagittarius 3:11 p.m.) It’s a number 7 day. Secrets, intrigue, and confiden 274
tial information play a role. Be aware of decisions made behind closed doors. You work best on your own today. Knowledge is essential to success. Go with the flow. Express your desires, but avoid self-deception. Maintain your emotional balance. Thursday, June 24 (Moon in Sagittarius) The moon is in your eleventh house today, your native home. Your friend ships expand now as new people come into your life. You find strength in numbers and meaning through friends and groups. Focus on your wishes and dreams. Examine your overall goals. Those goals should be an expression of who you are. Friday, June 25 (Moon in Sagittarius to Capricorn 11:22 p.m.) Mercury moves into your sixth house today and stays there for the next three weeks. Your daily work now in volves more mental activity. There’s a tendency to think or worry too much about your work, your health, and your diet. Try to relax and go with the flow. Take a yoga class to offset this current energy. Saturday, June 26 (Moon in Capricorn) There’s a lunar eclipse in your twelfth house today. You react emotionally now to an event in your life that might involve something from your past. You might feel a need to withdraw today. Un conscious attitudes can be difficult. Keep your feelings secret. Turn inward; calm your mind. Sunday, June 27 (Moon in Capricorn) Yesterday’s energy flows into your Sunday. Again, take time to reflect and medi tate. Think carefully before you act today. There’s a tendency now to undo all the positive actions you’ve taken. Avoid any self-destructive tendencies. You communicate your deepest feelings with another person. On the upside, it’s a great day for a mystical or spiritual discipline. Your intuition is heightened. Monday, June 28 (Moon in Capricorn to Aquarius 9:53 a.m.) Your energy takes a much more positive turn today as a somewhat troubling weekend ends.Take time to relax and recharge your batteries. Play your hunches. Foster generosity. Your attitude determines everything today. 275
Tuesday, June 29 (Moon in Aquarius) The moon is on your ascendant today. You’re feeling physically vital and re charged for the month ahead. You’re assertive and outgoing. Your appearance and personality shine. You get along well with the opposite sex. Wednesday, June 30 (Moon in Aquarius to Pisces 10:11 p.m.) It’s a number 5 day. Change and variety are high lighted now. Variety is the spice of life. Think outside the box. Take risks; experiment. Release old structures; get a new point of view. Promote new ideas; follow your curiosity.
J U LY 2 0 1 0 Thursday, July 1 (Moon in Pisces) Expect emotional ex periences related to money and your values. It’s a good day for investments, but be practical. Don’t make any major pur chases now. You seek financial and domestic security, and you feel best surrounded by familiar objects. Enjoy your ride, but hold off for now on buying a new car. Friday, July 2 (Moon in Pisces) You respond emotion ally to whatever is happening now. You have a sense of duty. Turn inward for inspiration, universal knowledge, and eternal truths. Your values are highlighted. Saturday, July 3 (Moon in Pisces to Aries 10:45 a.m.) Yes terday’s energy flows into your Saturday, and now you feel a strong sense of commitment to helping others. Do what you can, but don’t overlook your own needs. Be sympathetic and kind, generous and tolerant, but don’t scatter your energies. Sunday, July 4 (Moon in Aries) The moon is in your third house today. You have an emotional need to pursue ideas and subjects that interest you. Your intellectual curiosity requires continued nurturing. Meanwhile, you’re dealing with the ev eryday world. Expect a lot of running around. Keep your cell phone turned on. 276
Monday, July 5 (Moon in Aries to Taurus 9:30 p.m.) With the moon going retrograde in your third house today, you could experience some mental confusion or erratic thinking over the next five months. Others could see you as acting re bellious, but not gaining much traction with your behavior. What you might perceive as enlightening thinking, others— especially brothers and sisters—see as dangerous. In the com ing months, you could take short, unplanned trips that might result in some confusion and delays. Tuesday, July 6 (Moon in Taurus) The moon is in your fourth house today. Spend time with your family and loved ones. Stick close to home. A parent could be involved in your day.You feel close to your roots now. See if you can remember a dream from last night. Wednesday, July 7 (Moon in Taurus) Try to avoid stub born behavior when others question your actions. You could be somewhat possessive and fixed in your opinions. While you maintain a commonsense, down-to-earth perspective on life, you also long for the good life with its material blessings. Thursday, July 8 (Moon in Taurus to Gemini 4:51 a.m.) Focus on getting along with others today. Cooperation is high lighted. It’s a good day to work closely with a partner. Don’t rush or show resentment. Let things develop. Friday, July 9 (Moon in Gemini) Mercury moves into your seventh house today. Yesterday’s energy flows into your Friday. You work well with others, and are in a position to ar bitrate disputes. You can see both sides of the story. You ex press yourself well, and others easily accept your ideas. Saturday, July 10 (Moon in Gemini to Cancer 8:38 a.m.) With Venus in your eighth house today, the energy of the last couple of days flows into your Saturday. You benefit through a partnership or marriage. You and your partner work together on finances, and you are rewarded for the guidance you pro vide. An inheritance could play a role. 277
Sunday, July 11 (Moon in Cancer) There’s a solar eclipse in your sixth house. That means it’s the beginning or end of something related to your daily work or health.You could also have an emotional reaction related to an event not directly related to your life. You feel a need to help out and offer your services. Monday, July 12 (Moon in Cancer to Leo 9:54 a.m.) Yes terday’s energy flows into your Monday. Be sympathetic and kind, generous and tolerant. Do a good deed for someone. Visit someone who is ill or someone in need of help. Focus on making people happy, but avoid scattering your ener gies. Tuesday, July 13 (Moon in Leo) The moon is in your sev enth house today. The focus turns to relationships, business and personal ones. You feel a need to be accepted. You’re looking for security. Be careful that others don’t manipulate your feelings. Women play a prominent role now. Wednesday, July 14 (Moon in Leo to Virgo 10:15 a.m.) It’s a number 8 day, your power day. You attract financial success, especially if you look for a new approach. Think outside the box. Business discussions go well. You have a chance to ex pand and gain recognition. People in power are watching. Thursday, July 15 (Moon in Virgo) With the moon in your eighth house, your experiences are more intense than usual. Security is an important issue with you right now. It can affect your feelings about your belongings and things you pos sess, as well as things that you share with others. Make sure to avoid any tendency toward jealousy or greed. Friday, July 16 (Moon in Virgo to Libra 11:25 a.m.) It’s a number 1 day, and you’re at the top of your cycle. You make connections that others overlook. You’re determined and courageous today as you get a fresh start. Explore, discover, and create. Express your opinions dynamically. Do something you’ve never done before. 278
Saturday, July 17 (Moon in Libra) The moon is in your ninth house today. You could be launching a long-distance journey or just dreaming of one. You also feel good about pursuing higher educational goals. Ideas, philosophies, reli gion, and art interest you. A foreign country or a foreign-born person could play a role. Sunday, July 18 (Moon in Libra to Scorpio 2:43 p.m.) Your attitude determines everything today. You’re curious and in ventive, and you communicate well. Ideas bubble forth. Your imagination is keen, and others appreciate your wit and hu mor. Monday, July 19 (Moon in Scorpio) The moon is in your tenth house today. Business dealings are highlighted. You get an elevation in prestige. Your life is more public today, and you’re more emotional and warm toward coworkers. But don’t blur the boundary between your personal and profes sional lives. Tuesday, July 20 (Moon in Scorpio to Sagittarius 8:49 p.m.) Change and variety are highlighted now. Find a new point of view that fits your current circumstances. Follow your wishes and dreams. Release old structures; get a new point of view. It’s a good day to take a risk or experiment. Promote new ideas. Wednesday, July 21 (Moon in Sagittarius) The energy shifts subtly today as Saturn goes direct in your ninth house and stays there for the next two and a half years. During this time, you tend to follow a down-to-earth philosophy, and you might favor traditional religious beliefs. Whatever is orthodox to you feels best. Ironically, you’ll probably doubt the validity of astrology. Thursday, July 22 (Moon in Sagittarius) The moon is in your eleventh house today, your native house. You work for the common good, but keep an eye on your own wishes and dreams. Examine your overall goals. Those goals should be an expression of who you are. 279
Friday, July 23 (Moon in Sagittarius to Capricorn 5:40 a.m.) It’s a number 8 day. Focus on a power play. You’re in the power seat now. Business discussions go well, and you have an opportunity to go far with your plans and achieve fi nancial success. Be aware that fear of failure or fear that you won’t measure up will attract tangible experiences that rein force the feeling. Saturday, July 24 (Moon in Capricorn) The moon is in your twelfth house today. You might feel a need to withdraw. You hide your emotions and moodiness. Things affecting the past play a role. Avoid any self-destructive tendencies. There’s a tendency now to undo all the positive actions you’ve taken. Sunday, July 25 (Moon in Capricorn to Aquarius 4:39 p.m.) There’s a full moon in your first house today. You can now be the person that you’ve always wanted to be. The way you see yourself is the way others see you. You focus on how the public relates to you. Your feelings tend to fluctuate by the moment. Monday, July 26 (Moon in Aquarius) The moon is on your ascendant today. Your face is in front of the public. Your appearance and personality shine. You’re physically vital, and relations with the opposite sex go well. You’re re charged for the month ahead, and this makes you more ap pealing to the public. Tuesday, July 27 (Moon in Aquarius) With Mercury mov ing into your eighth house, you’re pursuing a mystery now, in tent on getting to the bottom of it. You investigate, dig deep, and ask a lot of questions. You’re intent on finding the truth. The greater mysteries in life play an important role. Wednesday, July 28 (Moon in Aquarius to Pisces 5:00 a.m.) Persevere to get things done today. Your organizational skills are called upon. Control your impulses. Fulfill your obligations. You’re building foundations for an outlet for your creativity. 280
Thursday, July 29 (Moon in Pisces) Mars moves into your ninth house today. You energetically promote your ideas now. You could take a strong interest in a religious issue or a phi losophy. Your enthusiasm bubbles over, especially related to higher education. You’re also in an adventurous mood when it comes to long-distance travel. Take your choice! Friday, July 30 (Moon in Pisces to Aries 5:42 p.m.) It’s a number 6 day. Service to others is the theme of the day. Di plomacy wins the way. You offer advice and support. Be un derstanding and avoid confrontations. A domestic adjustment works out for the best. Saturday, July 31 (Moon in Aries) The moon is in your third house today. Your mind is active now, and you communi cate well with others. However, keep conscious control of your emotions when communicating. Your thinking is unduly influ enced by the past. A short trip works to your benefit now.
AUGUST 2010 Sunday, August 1 (Moon in Aries) It’s a great time for initiating projects, launching new ideas, and brainstorming. Emotions could be volatile. You’re extremely persuasive now, especially if you’re passionate about what you’re doing or sell ing or trying to convey. Watch your step to avoid accidents. Athletics are highlighted. Monday, August 2 (Moon in Aries to Taurus 5:13 a.m.) Domestic purchases are highlighted. Focus on making people happy. Do a good deed. It’s a service day, so direct your en ergy toward helping others. Be generous and tolerant, even if it goes against your nature. Tuesday, August 3 (Moon in Taurus) Try to spend more time at home with loved ones now. Beautify your surround ings with a home-repair or redecoration project. Show that you care. It’s a good day to retreat to a private place for medi tation to put everything into perspective. 281
Wednesday, August 4 (Moon in Taurus to Gemini 1:54 p.m.) It’s your power day, and a good day to buy a lot tery ticket. You attract financial success. Unexpected money arrives. You pull off a financial coup. Thursday, August 5 (Moon in Gemini) The moon is in your fifth house today. It’s a great day for pursuing a romance. There’s greater emotional depth in whatever you pursue. Be emotionally honest.You have the ability to tap deeply into the collective unconscious. Children and pets could play a role. Friday, August 6 (Moon in Gemini to Cancer 6:50 p.m.) You’re especially intuitive today, and you enjoy the arts or a discussion about your philosophy of life. A long trip now could result in a romantic encounter. The same could be said about any pursuit of higher education. Saturday, August 7 (Moon in Cancer) People are depend ing on you, and that can be a burden. Stop worrying. You’re better off than you might think. You’re restless and looking for change in your daily routine. A new job could be in store. Don’t forget to exercise and watch your diet. Sunday,August 8 (Moon in Cancer to Leo 8:23 p.m.) You’re innovative and creative, and you communicate well. You can influence people now with your upbeat attitude. Spread your good news. Take time to relax and enjoy yourself. Have fun today in preparation for tomorrow’s discipline and focus. Monday, August 9 (Moon in Leo) New opportunities re lated to partnerships come your way. It’s a good time to start a new project with a partner or to form a partnership. A legal matter comes to your attention now, and a woman could play a role. You get along well with others, but don’t let anyone manipulate your feelings. Tuesday, August 10 (Moon in Leo to Virgo 8:02 p.m.) It’s a number 5 day. You can overcome obstacles with ease now, especially if you approach the day with an unconventional 282
mind-set. Freedom of thought and action is key. A change of scenery works to your advantage. Wednesday, August 11 (Moon in Virgo) The moon is in your eighth house today. It’s a good day for dealing with mort gages, refinancing, insurance, and taxes. Jointly owned prop erty or resources are spotlighted. Alternately, you could take a deeper look into a metaphysical subject. Thursday, August 12 (Moon in Virgo to Libra 7:44 p.m.) Secrets, intrigue, and confidential information play a role. Be aware of decisions made behind closed doors. You investigate, analyze, or simply observe what’s going on now. You detect deception and recognize insincerity with ease, and you wonder why others don’t see what you see. Friday, August 13 (Moon in Libra) The moon is in your ninth house today. Your mind is receptive now, and you’re open to many ideas and concepts. Mythology, philosophy, or religion interests you. Your ideas now probably challenge the status quo. You also could be guiding others in their intellec tual development, making use of all you’ve learned. You can create positive change through your ideas. Saturday, August 14 (Moon in Libra to Scorpio 9:27 p.m.) Look beyond the immediate. Visualize the future, set your goals, and get to work. Spiritual values surface. Fin ish whatever you’ve been working on, but don’t start anything new today. Use the day for reflection, expansion, and conclud ing projects. Sunday, August 15 (Moon in Scorpio) Business is high lighted. You focus on your career now. You gain responsibili ties and prestige. However, you tend to put so much energy into your professional life that there’s a danger that you’re overlooking the domestic scene. It’s best not to bring your ca reer concerns home now. That’s your challenge today. Monday, August 16 (Moon in Scorpio) Expect intense emotional experiences today, especially related to the work 283
place and your career. Be aware of things happening in secret and of possible deception. Control issues might arise. Forgive and forget; try to avoid going to extremes. Tuesday, August 17 (Moon in Scorpio to Sagittarius 2:35 a.m.) Enjoy the harmony, beauty, and pleasures of life today. It’s a good day to beautify your home. Intuition is high lighted. Your attitude determines everything. Wednesday, August 18 (Moon in Sagittarius) The moon is in your eleventh house today. Friends play an important role in your day, especially a Libra and a Gemini. You find strength in numbers and meaning through friends and groups. Social consciousness plays a role. You work for the common good, but keep an eye on your own wishes and dreams. Thursday, August 19 (Moon in Sagittarius to Capricorn 11:18 a.m.) Freedom of thought and action is key today. Promote new ideas; follow your curiosity. Your mind is active and focused. Variety is the spice of life. But be careful not to spread yourself too thin. Friday, August 20 (Moon in Capricorn) Mercury goes retrograde in your eighth house today and stays there until September 12. Over the next three weeks, you can expect some communication problems with a partner or spouse, especially over shared resources. A mortgage, insurance, investments, or taxes could be involved.You could be facing delays and confu sion related to travel and also computer glitches.. Saturday, August 21 (Moon in Capricorn to Aquarius 10:38 p.m.) It’s a number 7 day. You work best on your own to day. Gather information, but don’t make any absolute deci sions until tomorrow. Go with the flow. Avoid confusion and conflicts. Keep any secrets entrusted to you. Sunday, August 22 (Moon in Aquarius) The moon is on your ascendant today. The way you see yourself now is the way others see you. Your appearance and personality shine, 284
and your feelings and thoughts are aligned today. Dealings with the opposite sex go well now. Monday, August 23 (Moon in Aquarius) Your selfawareness and appearance are important now. You’re dealing with the person you are becoming, so your feelings fluctuate from minute to minute. You are sensitive and responsive re garding the needs of others, so you can be influenced by those around you. You focus on how the public relates to you. Tuesday, August 24 (Moon in Aquarius to Pisces 11:11 a.m.) There’s a full moon in your second house today. It’s a time of completion. You reap what you’ve sown now related to fi nances or your values. You equate your financial assets with emotional security now. Your sense of self-worth increases. Wednesday, August 25 (Moon in Pisces) Imagination is highlighted. Watch for psychic events and synchronicities. Keep track of your dreams, including your daydreams. Ideas are ripe. Your imagination is strong. You have a vivid fantasy life. You respond emotionally to whatever is happening now. Thursday, August 26 (Moon in Pisces to Aries 11:49 p.m.) Have fun today in preparation for tomorrow’s discipline and focus. You can influence people now with your upbeat atti tude. In business dealings, diversify. Insist on all the informa tion, not just bits and pieces. In romance, you’re an ardent lover and loyal. Friday, August 27 (Moon in Aries) The moon is in your third house today. You write from a deep place. It’s a good day for journaling. Your mental abilities are strong now, and you have an emotional need to reinvigorate your studies, especially regarding matters of the past. You’re attracted to historical or archaeological matters. A female relative plays a role. Saturday, August 28 (Moon in Aries) You’re extremely persuasive, especially if you’re passionate about what you’re doing or selling or trying to convey. Emotions could be vola 285
tile. You’re passionate but impatient. It’s a good day for brain storming and coming up with fresh ideas. Sunday, August 29 (Moon in Aries to Taurus 11:36 a.m.) It’s a number 6 day, a service day. Be understanding and avoid confrontations. Diplomacy and compassion win the way. Fo cus on making people happy, but avoid scattering your ener gies. Be sympathetic, kind, and understanding. Monday, August 30 (Moon in Taurus) The moon is in your fourth house today. You’re dealing with the foundations of who you are and who you will be. Retreat to a private place for meditation. It’s a good day for dream recall. If possible, spend time with your family and loved ones. Stick close to home. Tuesday, August 31 (Moon in Taurus to Gemini 9:20 p.m.) It’s your power day and your day to play it your way.You could pull off a financial coup, especially if you open your mind to a new approach that could bring in big bucks. You’re playing with power, so be careful not to hurt others.
SEPTEMBER 2010 Wednesday, September 1 (Moon in Gemini) The moon is in your fifth house today. Your emotions tend to overpower your intellect, especially related to romance. You feel strongly attached to loved ones, particularly children, and you can be somewhat possessive now. It’s a good day to take a chance or experiment. You’re emotionally in touch with your creative side now. Thursday, September 2 (Moon in Gemini) You commu nicate well, and you’re mentally quick now. You see both sides of an issue, especially one involving friends. It’s a good day for socializing. Visit a bookstore or a café with friends. Get out and have fun. 286
Friday, September 3 (Moon in Gemini to Cancer 3:51 a.m.) It’s another power day, and you’re in the power seat. Be courageous. You have a chance to expand and to gain rec ognition, fame, and power, but be aware that you’re playing with power, so try not to hurt anyone. Saturday, September 4 (Moon in Cancer) People look to you for help today. You’re the go-to person. You can improve whatever others are working on. However, keep your resolu tions about exercise and watch your diet. Attend to details re lated to your health. Make a doctor or dentist appointment. Sunday, September 5 (Moon in Cancer to Leo 6:46 a.m.) It’s a number 1 day, and you’re at the top of your cycle.You get a fresh start and attract creative people to your cause. Avoid the naysayers, and don’t be afraid to turn in a new direction. In romance, a flirtation could turn serious. Monday, September 6 (Moon in Leo) The moon is in your seventh house today. You get along well with others now. You can fit in just about anywhere. However, be careful that oth ers don’t manipulate your feelings. Women play a prominent role. Tuesday, September 7 (Moon in Leo to Virgo 6:54 a.m.) It’s a number 3 day. You communicate well. You’re warm and re ceptive to what others say. Spread your good news. Ease up on routines. Your charm and wit are appreciated. Play your hunches. Wednesday, September 8 (Moon in Virgo) With Venus moving into your tenth house today, you win praise in the workplace from superiors and fellow workers. You’re creative now and show talent in the arts. With the new moon in your eighth house today, new opportunities related to any explora tion of metaphysical subjects arise. Thursday, September 9 (Moon in Virgo to Libra 6:02 a.m.) Promote new ideas; follow your curiosity. Approach the day with an unconventional mind-set. Release old structures; get 287
a new point of view. It’s a good time for travel, adventure, and meeting new people. Friday, September 10 (Moon in Libra) The moon is in your ninth house today. You’re feeling restless now. You yearn for a new experience. You’re a dreamer and a thinker. It’s a good day to plan a long trip or sign up for a seminar or work shop on a subject that interests you, especially if it involves a foreign culture or country. Saturday, September 11 (Moon in Libra to Scorpio 6:22 a.m.) It’s a number 7 day. Look beneath the surface for the reasons others are changing their tune. Be aware of deci sions made behind closed doors. Secrets, intrigue, and confi dential information play a role. Sunday, September 12 (Moon in Scorpio) Mercury goes direct in your eighth house today. Any confusion, delays, or miscommunication related to joint finances are over now. You handle mental work very well, especially dealing with com puters and electronic devices. The glitches you’ve experienced are in the past. A matter related to taxes, mortgage, insurance, or investments becomes much more clear now. Monday, September 13 (Moon in Scorpio to Sagittarius 9:52 a.m.) With Pluto going direct in your twelfth house, you experience more dynamic energy in your subconscious mind. Your dreams are vivid. You can easily develop a meditation practice or expand a present one. It’s all related to underlying change and transformation. You’ll be feeling best working be hind the scenes. You also gain a better understanding of your past, especially your childhood. Tuesday, September 14 (Moon in Sagittarius) With Mars moving into your tenth house today, there’s lots of action and energy related to your professional duties. You’re courageous and determined, and you tend to work independently over the next few weeks. However, it’s best to avoid impulsive or stub born behavior. 288
Wednesday, September 15 (Moon in Sagittarius to Capricorn 5:30 p.m.) It’s a number 2 day. Cooperation is highlighted. You work well with others. Your intuition focuses on relation ships. Don’t make waves. Don’t rush or show resentment. Let things develop. Show your appreciation for others. Thursday, September 16 (Moon in Capricorn) The moon is in your twelfth house today. It’s a good day to work behind the scenes. Hide your moodiness from others. Take time to reflect and meditate. Unconscious attitudes can be difficult. Things from the past, even your childhood, play a role. Friday, September 17 (Moon in Capricorn) Your am bition and drive to succeed are highlighted today. Your re sponsibilities increase. You may feel stressed or overworked. Maintain emotional balance. Don’t ignore your exercise rou tine. Self-discipline and structure are key. Saturday, September 18 (Moon in Capricorn to Aquarius 4:35 a.m.) The energy shifts today. Release old structures; get a new point of view or a change in perspective. Take risks; experiment. Freedom of thought and action is key. Sunday, September 19 (Moon in Aquarius) The moon is on your ascendant today. Your appearance and personal ity shine. Your feelings and thoughts are aligned today. You’re physically vital, and relations with the opposite sex go well. Monday, September 20 (Moon in Aquarius to Pisces 5:15 p.m.) You work best on your own today. You investigate, analyze, or simply observe what’s going on now. You quickly come to a conclusion and wonder why others don’t see what you see. You detect deception and recognize insincerity with ease. Tuesday, September 21 (Moon in Pisces) The moon is in your second house today. Expect emotional experiences re lated to money. You feel best when surrounded by familiar objects now. It’s not the objects themselves that are important, but the feelings and memories you associate with them. Put 289
off making any major purchases for a couple of days. Look at your priorities in handling your income. Wednesday, September 22 (Moon in Pisces) It’s a day for deep healing. Your imagination is strong. Turn inward for in spiration, universal knowledge, and eternal truths. Keep track of your dreams, including your daydreams. Ideas are ripe. You have a vivid fantasy life. Thursday, September 23 (Moon in Pisces to Aries 5:47 a.m.) There’s a full moon in your third house today. You gain insight or illumination related to a matter from the past. It could involve brothers or sisters. Your mind is sharp now; you communicate well. However, keep conscious control of your emotions when you’re making your point. Friday, September 24 (Moon in Aries) It’s a great time for initiating projects, launching new ideas, or brainstorming. You’re extremely persuasive now, especially if you’re passion ate about what you’re doing. It’s also a good time to pursue something thrilling. Saturday, September 25 (Moon in Aries to Taurus 5:17 p.m.) Take time to relax, enjoy yourself, and recharge your batteries. Others are drawn to your upbeat attitude now. Fos ter generosity. You’re also warm and receptive to what others say. In romance, you’re an ardent and loyal lover. Sunday, September 26 (Moon in Taurus) With the moon in your fourth house today, it’s a good day to spend time with your family and loved ones. Stick close to home, if possible. You’re dealing the foundations of who you are and who you will be. You might buy something to beautify your home. Monday, September 27 (Moon in Taurus) Health and physical activity are highlighted. Cultivate new ideas, but make sure that they’re down-to-earth. It’s a good day to use common sense. Avoid stubborn behavior. 290
Tuesday, September 28 (Moon in Taurus to Gemini 3:12 a.m.) It’s a number 6 day. It’s a service day, so direct your energy toward helping others. Be generous and tolerant, even if it goes against your nature. Domestic purchases are high lighted. Focus on making people happy. Do a good deed. Wednesday, September 29 (Moon in Gemini) The moon is in your fifth house today. You’re emotionally in touch with your creative side now. You’re feeling joyous and creative. Sex for pleasure is highlighted. You feel strongly attached to loved ones and protective of children. Be aware that your emotions tend to overpower your intellect today. Thursday, September 30 (Moon in Gemini to Cancer 10:47 a.m.) It’s your power day and your day to play it your way. You can go far with your plans. You have a chance to expand and to gain recognition, power, and fame. Expect a windfall. Financial gain is at hand.
OCTOBER 2010 Friday, October 1 (Moon in Cancer) The moon is in your sixth house today. You improve, edit, and refine the work of others. Help others, but don’t deny your own needs. Keep your resolutions about exercise, and watch your diet. Attend to de tails related to your health. Saturday, October 2 (Moon in Cancer to Leo 3:22 p.m.) It’s a number 8 day, your power day! You attract financial success. Business dealings go well. You’re being watched by people in power. It’s a good day to buy a lottery ticket. Sunday, October 3 (Moon in Leo) With Mercury moving into your ninth house today, you’re thinking a lot now about higher-education options or long-distance travel. You might be sharing ideas with a foreign-born person or studying a for eign land. The next couple of weeks will be an opportune time for working on a writing project or teaching. 291
Monday, October 4 (Moon in Leo to Virgo 5:00 p.m.) You’re at the top of your cycle today. It’s a good day to get out and meet others to exchange ideas. You get a fresh start. Trust your hunches. You make connections that others overlook. In romance, a flirtation could turn serious. Tuesday, October 5 (Moon in Virgo) The moon is in your eighth house today. Your experiences are more intense than usual. It’s all about your feelings concerning belongings and things you possess as well as things you share. Security is an important issue with you right now, but avoid any feelings of jealousy. You could take a close look at a metaphysical subject now, such as astrology or numerology. Wednesday, October 6 (Moon in Virgo to Libra 4:52 p.m.) You can influence people now with your upbeat attitude. Fos ter generosity. Take time to relax, and recharge your batteries. Also, pay attention to any intuitive hunches, especially about other people. Your charm and wit are appreciated. You’re an ardent lover today. Thursday, October 7 (Moon in Libra) There’s a new moon in your ninth house today. New opportunities arise related to foreign travel or higher education—or even a combination of the two. You could get a chance to publish something you’ve written now. Friday, October 8 (Moon in Libra to Scorpio 4:52 p.m.) With Venus going retrograde in your tenth house today, you could face delays with forming any partnership to further your career.Any tendency now to blur the distinction between your personal and professional lives could lead to confusion. Saturday, October 9 (Moon in Scorpio) You could en counter intense emotional experiences today as you dig deep for information. Be aware of things happening in secret and of possible deception. You could gain recognition in the work place for whatever you discover.Avoid any emotional displays in public. 292
Sunday, October 10 (Moon in Scorpio to Sagittarius 7:09 p.m.) Yesterday’s energy flows into your Sunday as you continue your investigation. Gather information, but don’t make any absolute decisions until tomorrow. When you come to a conclusion, you wonder why others don’t see what you see. You detect deception and recognize insincerity with ease. Monday, October 11 (Moon in Sagittarius) The moon is in your eleventh house today. Friends play an important role in your day, especially a Gemini and a Libra. While it was better for you to keep to yourself yesterday, today you find strength in numbers. You find meaning through friends and groups, especially a group of like-minded people working for the common good. Tuesday, October 12 (Moon in Sagittarius) Use the day for reflection, expansion, and concluding projects. You see the big picture now, not just the details. Visualize the future, set your goals, and get to work. Think abundance. It’s a good day to make a donation to a worthy cause. Wednesday, October 13 (Moon in Sagittarius to Capricorn 1:17 a.m.) You’re at the top of your cycle again. You get a fresh start now. Be independent, and avoid negative people. Surround yourself with creative and adventurous ones. Trust your hunches, and don’t be afraid to turn in a new direction. Thursday, October 14 (Moon in Capricorn) The moon is in your twelfth house today. You can communicate your deep est feelings to a trustworthy friend. But otherwise it’s best to keep your thoughts and your feelings to yourself. You feel comfortable now working behind the scenes. Take time to re flect and meditate. Friday, October 15 (Moon in Capricorn to Aquarius 11:24 a.m.) Your attitude determines everything today. Spread your good news. You’re innovative and creative, and you com municate well. Enjoy your friendships.. It’s a good day to get together with a group of like-minded people to share your ex periences. 293
Saturday, October 16 (Moon in Aquarius) The moon is in your first house today. It’s all about your health and your emotional self: how you feel and how you feel about yourself. Your feelings and thoughts are aligned. You get recharged for the remainder of the month and beyond. Sunday, October 17 (Moon in Aquarius to Pisces 11:52 p.m.) It’s a number 5 day. Change and variety are high lighted now. Think freedom, no restrictions. Find a new point of view that fits current circumstances and what you know now. It’s a good day to take a risk or experiment. Monday, October 18 (Moon in Pisces) Money and ma terial goods are important to you now and give you a sense of security. You identify emotionally with your possessions or whatever you value. Put off making any major purchases now. Look at your priorities in handling your income. Tuesday, October 19 (Moon in Pisces) Compassion, sen sitivity, and inspiration are highlighted. Universal knowledge, eternal truths, and deep spirituality are the themes of the day. You respond emotionally to whatever is happening now. It’s a time for deep healing. Wednesday, October 20 (Moon in Pisces to Aries 12:24 p.m.) Mercury moves into your tenth house today. Your speaking and writing skills flourish now, especially on topics related to your profession. You gain recognition for your ef forts. It’s a good time to plan your next steps and line up the proverbial ducks to achieve your next goals. Thursday, October 21 (Moon in Aries) Your mental abili ties are strong now, and you have an emotional need to rein vigorate your studies, especially regarding matters of the past. Take what you know, and share it with others. You make your point, but keep conscious control of your emotions. A short trip works to your benefit now. Friday, October 22 (Moon in Aries to Taurus 11:31 p.m.) With the full moon in your third house today, it’s a time of 294
completion. You reap what you’ve sown related to matters from the past, especially related to brothers and sisters. You could be getting involved in a challenging mental activity, such as online gaming, a debate, a game of chess, or anything that challenges your mental prowess. Saturday, October 23 (Moon in Taurus) The moon is in your fourth house. You feel close to your roots now. Spend time with your family and loved ones today. Stick close to home, if possible. Attend to a matter related to a parent. It’s a good day to work on a home-repair project. Sunday, October 24 (Moon in Taurus) It’s a good day to cultivate new goals, especially if you can keep them practical and within reach. Try to avoid stubborn behavior when others question your actions.You could be somewhat possessive now. Health and physical activity are highlighted. Monday, October 25 (Moon in Taurus to Gemini 8:48 a.m.) Yesterday’s energy flows into your Monday. The emphasis today is on your organizational skills. You’re build ing a foundation for the future. Control your impulses to wan der off to another task; fulfill your obligations. In romance, persistence pays off. Tuesday, October 26 (Moon in Gemini) You’re emotion ally in touch with your creative side now. Be emotionally hon est. In love, there’s greater emotional depth to a relationship now. It’s a good day to take a chance or experiment. You’re more protective and nurturing toward children. Wednesday, October 27 (Moon in Gemini to Cancer 4:15 p.m.) It’s a service day and a good day to go out of your way to help others. Do a good deed for someone. Be sym pathetic, kind, and compassionate, but avoid confrontations, which tend to scatter your energies. Thursday, October 28 (Moon in Cancer) Mars is in your eleventh house today. That’s your native home. You work well with a group of people, especially for a worthwhile cause, but 295
you maintain your independence. You organize and initiate the action now. Avoid being overaggressive in pursuit of your goals. Friday, October 29 (Moon in Cancer to Leo 9:39 p.m.) It’s your power day today, and you can go far with your plans for financial security. You could pull off a financial coup. Appear successful now, even if you don’t feel that way. Remember that you’re playing with power, so avoid using it to hurt others. Saturday, October 30 (Moon in Leo) The moon is in your seventh house today. You could be negotiating or signing a contract now, possibly for the sale of your house. You’re tak ing the initiative with your partner and emotions could get volatile. You feel a need to be accepted. You’re looking for security, but you have a hard time going with the flow. Sunday, October 31 (Moon in Leo) You’re at the top of your cycle as the month ends. Take the lead; get a fresh start. Your intuition is heightened. In romance, something new is brewing. You make connections that others overlook. You’re determined and courageous today. Stress originality.
NOVEMBER 2010 Monday, November 1 (Moon in Leo to Virgo 12:51 a.m.) The moon is in your eighth house today. It’s a good day for dealing with mortgages, refinancing, insurance, and taxes. Jointly owned property or resources play a role in your day. Take care of details. Get everything in order. Tuesday, November 2 (Moon in Virgo) Focus on personal needs today. Make medical or dental appointments. Exercise and watch your diet. Take time to write in a journal. You write from a deep place now with lots of details and colorful de scriptions. Make an effort to help someone now with no ex pectations of a return favor. Wednesday, November 3 (Moon in Virgo to Libra 2:19 a.m.) It’s a number 1 day. You’re determined and courageous. Trust 296
your hunches. You make connections others overlook. Be in dependent and stress originality. Thursday, November 4 (Moon in Libra) You’re a dreamer and a thinker now. You probably feel a need to get away. You yearn for a new experience. You can create positive change through your ideas. You also tend to keep everyone in balance around you. Friday, November 5 (Moon in Libra to Scorpio 3:16 a.m.) You’re creative and express yourself well today. Your artis tic talents are highlighted. You can influence people now with your upbeat attitude. Your charm and wit are appreciated. Foster generosity. Saturday, November 6 (Moon in Scorpio) With Neptune going direct in your first house today, you’ll become consider ably more intuitive over the next couple of years. However, avoid any self-delusions about who you are. There’s a new moon in your tenth house today that suggests new opportuni ties related to your workplace or profession. Sunday, November 7—Daylight Saving Time Ends (Moon in Scorpio to Sagittarius 4:28 a.m.) Travel and variety are highlighted today. You’re also more comfortable than usual in front of an audience. Freedom of thought and action is key. But so is moderation; avoid excess in whatever you’re doing. You’re both adaptable and courageous. Monday, November 8 (Moon in Sagittarius) With Mer cury moving into your eleventh house, there’s lots of chatter now with friends or a group over the next couple of weeks. You get along well with others and share your ideas, but you’re somewhat impersonal now. Your ideas can be quite unusual now, and you attract others with a variety of points of view. Tuesday, November 9 (Moon in Sagittarius to Capricorn 9:37 a.m.) Secrets, intrigue, and confidential information play a role in your day. You work best on your own today as you dig deep for answers. You investigate, analyze, or simply observe 297
what’s going on now. You quickly come to a conclusion and wonder why others don’t see what you see. You detect decep tion and recognize insincerity with ease. Wednesday, November 10 (Moon in Capricorn) Like yes terday, it’s a good day to work behind the scenes. It’s best to stay out of the public view for a couple more days. Think care fully before you act today. There’s a tendency now to undo all the positive actions you’ve taken. Avoid any self-destructive tendencies. Be aware of hidden enemies. Thursday, November 11 (Moon in Capricorn to Aquarius 6:33 p.m.) It’s a number 9 day. Clear your desk for tomor row’s new cycle. Accept what comes your way now. Use the day for reflection, expansion, and concluding projects. Don’t start anything new today. Friday, November 12 (Moon in Aquarius) With the moon on your ascendant today, the way you see yourself now is the way others see you. Your appearance and personality shine. You get a fresh start. Your feelings and thoughts are aligned today. Relations with the opposite sex flourish. Saturday, November 13 (Moon in Aquarius) Your indi viduality is stressed today. You’re dealing with new ideas, new options, or originality. You get a new perspective. Play your hunches. Look beyond the immediate. Bust old paradigms. Help others, but dance to your own tune. Sunday, November 14 (Moon in Aquarius to Pisces 6:25 a.m.) Enjoy the harmony of the day and the pleasures of life. Beautify your home. You’re warm and receptive to what others say. Take time to relax and enjoy yourself. Monday, November 15 (Moon in Pisces) The moon is in your second house today. Money and possessions are impor tant to you now and bring you a sense of security. There’s hap piness at home now, as long as finances are stable. Look at your priorities in handling your income. 298
Tuesday, November 16 (Moon in Pisces to Aries 7:00 p.m.) You can overcome obstacles with ease today. It’s a good time to consider working on your own. Pursue independence. You’re courageous and adaptable. A change of scenery would work to your advantage. Wednesday, November 17 (Moon in Aries) The moon is in your third house today. You dig into the past, exploring his torical matters, or your own past. You write from a deep place. It’s a good day for journaling. A short trip works to your ben efit now. A female relative plays a role. Thursday, November 18 (Moon in Aries) With Venus go ing direct in your tenth house today, you could find yourself in a love relationship with someone at work or in your profes sion. Be aware that others are likely to know about it. Mean while, Jupiter goes direct in your third house today, suggesting that you can expand your ability to communicate through speaking or writing over the coming months. Also, you’ll be getting along well with relatives. Friday, November 19 (Moon in Aries to Taurus 6:05 a.m.) It’s your power day and your day to play it your way. Open your mind to a new approach that could attract financial suc cess. You have a chance to expand and to gain recognition and power. Saturday, November 20 (Moon in Taurus) The moon is in your fourth house. You’re dealing the foundations of who you are and who you will be. Spend time with your family and loved ones. Stick close to home. Work on a home-repair proj ect. Beautify your home. Sunday, November 21 (Moon in Taurus to Gemini 2:46 p.m.) There’s a full moon in your fourth house today. It’s harvesttime on the home front as yesterday’s energy flows into your Sunday. You reap what you’ve sown. A home-repair project could be near completion. You feel close to your roots. Monday, November 22 (Moon in Gemini) The moon is in your fifth house today. Be yourself. Be emotionally honest. 299
Follow your heart on a creative project. You can tap deeply in to the collective unconscious for inspiration. In romance, make an effort to avoid being overpossessive. Tuesday, November 23 (Moon in Gemini to Cancer 9:14 p.m.) You can influence people now with your upbeat at titude. Your charm and wit are appreciated. Foster generosity. In business dealings, diversify now. Insist on all the informa tion, not just bits and pieces. Wednesday, November 24 (Moon in Cancer) The moon is in your sixth house today. Exercise and diet play a role to day. Attend to details related to your health. Make a doctor or dentist appointment. Help others, but don’t deny your own needs. Friends play a role today. Meet them at the gym. Thursday, November 25 (Moon in Cancer) You could be feeling moody now, and if so, it’s best to keep it to yourself. You’re sensitive to other people’s moods. Do something with your children or loved ones. Friday, November 26 (Moon in Cancer to Leo 2:01 a.m.) Yesterday’s energy flows into your Friday. Diplomacy wins the way. You offer advice and support. Be sympathetic and kind, generous and tolerant. Focus on making people happy. Saturday, November 27 (Moon in Leo) Partnerships are highlighted today.You get along well with others now.You can fit in just about anywhere. Women play a prominent role in your day.You feel a need to be accepted.A legal matter comes to your attention now. Sunday, November 28 (Moon in Leo to Virgo 5:34 a.m.) It’s another power day. You can go far with your plans and achieve financial success. Focus on a power play, but be aware that you’re playing with power, so try not to hurt anyone. Un expected money arrives. Monday, November 29 (Moon in Virgo) You can gain fi nancially now through a marriage or any type of partnership. 300
Things might seem easy now, but don’t just lie back. Get mo tivated. It’s a good day for dealing with mortgages, insurance, and investments. Tuesday, November 30 (Moon in Virgo to Libra 8:16 a.m.) Mercury moves into your twelfth house today. Subconscious influences weigh heavily. Your thoughts and decisions are based on your feelings rather than on logic. It’s a good time to confide in a close friend, but avoid conflict and confronta tions.
DECEMBER 2010 Wednesday, December 1 (Moon in Libra) The moon is in your ninth house today. Your mind is active, and you yearn for new experiences. You can create positive change through your ideas now. A publishing project takes off. Publicity and advertising are emphasized. Thursday, December 2 (Moon in Libra to Scorpio 10:44 a.m.) It’s a number 1 day. You’re at the top of your cycle again. It’s a great time to initiate a new project. Get out and meet new people and have new experiences. Creative people play an important role. Friday, December 3 (Moon in Scorpio) The moon is in your tenth house today. You get along well with coworkers. It’s a good day for sales and dealing with the public. You’re well oriented toward problem-solving, but you’re also versa tile and adaptable. Saturday, December 4 (Moon in Scorpio to Sagittarius 2:00 p.m.) People appreciate your sense of optimism and your upbeat point of view. You express yourself well today and share your good news. Make time to listen to others. Relax and enjoy yourself, and get ready for tomorrow’s challenges. Sunday, December 5 (Moon in Sagittarius) With Ura nus going direct in your third house today, over the coming 301
months, your thoughts are often spontaneous, and your be havior is somewhat erratic, especially around brothers and sis ters, who notice a rebellious streak. There’s also a new moon in your eleventh house, suggesting that it’s a good day to get together with friends. Monday, December 6 (Moon in Sagittarius to Capricorn 7:17 p.m.) It’s a good day to experiment or take a risk. Approach the day with an unconventional mind-set. You’re versatile and changeable. Travel and variety are highlighted today. Tuesday, December 7 (Moon in Capricorn) Mars moves into your twelfth house now. It’s a good time to take an ac tive interest in your inner life and to seek therapy or practice meditation. Watch your step to avoid accidents. Wednesday, December 8 (Moon in Capricorn) The moon is in your twelfth house today. Think carefully before you act. Hide your moodiness. There’s a tendency now to undo all the positive actions you’ve taken. Avoid any self-destructive ten dencies. Be aware of hidden enemies. Thursday, December 9 (Moon in Capricorn to Aquarius 3:32 a.m.) You’re in the power seat today, so focus on a power play. You have a chance to expand whatever you’re doing. You can go far with your plans and achieve financial success. It’s a good day to buy a lottery ticket. Friday, December 10 (Moon in Aquarius) Mercury goes retrograde in your twelfth house. The energy shifts today. You can expect some delays regarding your plans. Your feelings dominate logic. Group activities can be particularly challeng ing now and over the next three weeks, and you feel best work ing behind the scenes and keeping your thoughts to yourself. Saturday, December 11 (Moon in Aquarius to Pisces 2:41 p.m.) You’re at the top of your cycle now. Be independent and creative. Take the lead. You get a new beginning. Refuse to deal with people who have closed minds. 302
Sunday, December 12 (Moon in Pisces) The moon is in your second house today. You feel strongly about a money is sue. Finances and material goods are important to you now and give you a sense of security. You identify emotionally with your possessions or whatever you value. Monday, December 13 (Moon in Pisces) Imagination is highlighted. Watch for psychic events and synchronicities. Keep track of your dreams, including your daydreams. Ideas are ripe.Turn inward for inspiration, universal knowledge, and eternal truths. Tuesday, December 14 (Moon in Pisces to Aries 3:15 a.m.) It’s a number 4 day. Your organizational skills are highlighted now, but try not to wander off task. Emphasize quality. You’re building a creative foundation for your future. Tear down the old in order to rebuild. Be methodical and thorough. Wednesday, December 15 (Moon in Aries) The moon is in your third house. You get your ideas across as you go about your daily activities. Be aware that your thinking might be unduly experienced from the past. Take what you know, and share it with others. But avoid getting overemotional, espe cially when dealing with neighbors or relatives. Thursday, December 16 (Moon in Aries to Taurus 2:49 p.m.) It’s another service day. Be diplomatic, especially with someone who is giving you trouble. Do a good deed for someone. Visit someone who is ill or someone in need of help. Be sympathetic, kind, and compassionate, but avoid scattering your energies. Friday, December 17 (Moon in Taurus) The moon is in your fourth house today. It’s a good day to come up with a plan for remodeling, renovating, or just beautifying your home. Take the day off, if possible, or work at home. Spend some quiet time in meditation. Saturday, December 18 (Moon in Taurus to Gemini 11:38 p.m.) It’s a number 8 day. You can go far with your plans 303
and achieve financial success. Be aware that fear of failure or fear that you won’t measure up will attract tangible experi ences that reinforce the feeling. You pull off a financial coup. Sunday, December 19 (Moon in Gemini) You’re very ap pealing to the opposite sex. Your love life takes off. It’s also a perfect day for working on a creative project or for taking children out for a special event. There’s an idealistic turn to whatever you do for pleasure. Monday, December 20 (Moon in Gemini) It’s a good day for a change of scenery, such as a trip to visit relatives. Or just chat with your neighbors. You communicate well, but you’re mentally restless. It’s also a good day to work on a writing project, providing you can stay focused. Tuesday, December 21 (Moon in Gemini to Cancer 5:22 a.m.) With a full moon in your fifth house today, you gain insight and illumination related to a creative project. Mean while, there’s also a lunar eclipse today, and you react emo tionally to some event in your life. It could involve a spouse, a child, an animal, or a creative project. Wednesday, December 22 (Moon in Cancer) With the moon in your sixth house today, the emphasis turns to your daily work and service. Focus on helping friends or associates. Be careful not to overlook any seemingly minor matters that could take on importance. Keep up with your exercise plan, and watch your diet. Thursday, December 23 (Moon in Cancer to Leo 8:51 a.m.) It’s time to get things organized. Revise; rewrite. Clean a closet, the garage, or the attic. Be methodical and thorough. You’re building a creative base for the future. Be practical with your money. Friday, December 24 (Moon in Leo) The moon is in your seventh house today. The emphasis is on partnerships and working together. It could involve a personal or professional relationship. You comprehend the nuance of a situation, but 304
it’s difficult to go with the flow. Be careful that others don’t manipulate your feelings. Saturday, December 25 (Moon in Leo to Virgo 11:15 a.m.) It’s another service day. Be understanding and avoid confrontations. Go with the flow. Diplomacy wins the way. Focus on making people happy, but avoid scattering your energies. Be sympathetic, kind, and compassionate. Merry Christmas! Sunday, December 26 (Moon in Virgo) The moon is in your eighth house today. Your experiences are more intense than usual. You could be getting involved in a cause aimed at improving living conditions for large numbers of people. Sex, death, rebirth, rituals, and relationships play a role. So does a pursuit of a metaphysical subject, such as life after death. Monday, December 27 (Moon in Virgo to Libra 1:39 p.m.) It’s your power day. You get an opportunity to ex pand and grow. Be courageous. You’re playing with power, so be careful not to hurt others. Be aware that others in power may be watching your moves. Tuesday, December 28 (Moon in Libra) The moon is in your ninth house today. You’re setting off on a journey now. You’re full of ideas on matters such as philosophy, religion, the law, or publishing. You also have a strong interest in for eign travel or a foreign nation. Higher learning is highlighted and so is long-distance travel. Wednesday, December 29 (Moon in Libra to Scorpio 4:50 p.m.) You’re at the top of your cycle today. You get a chance to prove yourself again. Don’t be afraid to take a risk by following a new path.Trust your hunches. Explore, discover, and create. Refuse to deal with people with closed minds. Thursday, December 30 (Moon in Scorpio) Mercury goes direct in your eleventh house. You communicate well now. The time of confusion and miscommunication is over. You get your ideas across and remain unemotional. Things move more 305
smoothly now. Delays are over. Everything works better, in cluding computers and other electronic equipment. Friday, December 31 (Moon in Scorpio) The moon is in your tenth house today. Your focus turns to professional matters, whether it’s career or education. You could be deal ing with a matter related to your reputation. You get a boost in prestige now, and you are well received by others. Avoid drinking too much tonight or making overemotional displays in public. HAPPY NEW YEAR!
SYDNEY OMARR Born on August 5, 1926, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Sydney Omarr was the only person ever given full-time duty in the U.S. Army as an astrologer. He is regarded as the most erudite astrologer of our time and the best known, through his syndicated column and his radio and television programs (he was Merv Griffin’s “resident as trologer”). Omarr has been called the most “knowledge able astrologer since Evangeline Adams.” His forecasts of Nixon’s downfall, the end of World War II in midAugust of 1945, the assassination of John F. Kennedy, Roosevelt’s election to a fourth term and his death in office . . . these and many others are on the record and quoted enough to be considered “legendary.”
ABOUT THE SERIES This is one of a series of twelve Sydney Omarr® Dayby-Day Astrological Guides for the signs of 2010. For questions and comments about the book, go to www. tjmacgregor.com.