Rapra Review Reports
Report 167
ISSN: 0889-3144
Polyolefin Foams
N,J, Mills
Volume 14, Number 11, 2004
Rapra Review Reports Expert overviews covering the science and technology of rubber and plastics
RAPRA REVIEW REPORTS A Rapra Review Report comprises three sections, as follows: 1. A commissioned expert review, discussing a key topic of current interest, and referring to the References and Abstracts section. Reference numbers in brackets refer to item numbers from the References and Abstracts section. Where it has been necessary for completeness to cite sources outside the scope of the Rapra Abstracts database, these are listed at the end of the review, and cited in the text as a.1, a.2, etc. 2. A comprehensive References and Abstracts section, resulting from a search of the Rapra Polymer Library database. The format of the abstracts is outlined in the sample record below. 3. An index to the References and Abstracts section, derived from the indexing terms which are added to the abstracts records on the database to aid retrieval.
Source of original article Title
Item 1 Macromolecules
33, No.6, 21st March 2000, p.2171-83 EFFECT OF THERMAL HISTORY ON THE RHEOLOGICAL BEHAVIOR OF THERMOPLASTIC POLYURETHANES Pil Joong Yoon; Chang Dae Han Akron,University The effect of thermal history on the rheological behaviour of ester- and ether-based commercial thermoplastic PUs (Estane 5701, 5707 and 5714 from B.F.Goodrich) was investigated. It was found that the injection moulding temp. used for specimen preparation had a marked effect on the variations of dynamic storage and loss moduli of specimens with time observed during isothermal annealing. Analysis of FTIR spectra indicated that variations in hydrogen bonding with time during isothermal annealing very much resembled variations of dynamic storage modulus with time during isothermal annealing. Isochronal dynamic temp. sweep experiments indicated that the thermoplastic PUs exhibited a hysteresis effect in the heating and cooling processes. It was concluded that the microphase separation transition or order-disorder transition in thermoplastic PUs could not be determined from the isochronal dynamic temp. sweep experiment. The plots of log dynamic storage modulus versus log loss modulus varied with temp. over the entire range of temps. (110-190C) investigated. 57 refs.
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Accession no.771897
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Previous Titles Still Available Volume 1
Volume 4
Report 3
Advanced Composites, D.K. Thomas, RAE, Farnborough.
Report 37
Report 4
Liquid Crystal Polymers, M.K. Cox, ICI, Wilton.
Polymers in Aerospace Applications, W.W. Wright, University of Surrey.
Report 5
CAD/CAM in the Polymer Industry, N.W. Sandland and M.J. Sebborn, Cambridge Applied Technology.
Report 39
Polymers in Chemically Resistant Applications, D. Cattell, Cattell Consultancy Services.
Report 8
Engineering Thermoplastics, I.T. Barrie, Consultant.
Report 41
Failure of Plastics, S. Turner, Queen Mary College.
Report 11
Communications Applications of Polymers, R. Spratling, British Telecom.
Report 42
Polycarbonates, R. Pakull, U. Grigo, D. Freitag, Bayer AG.
Report 12
Process Control in the Plastics Industry, R.F. Evans, Engelmann & Buckham Ancillaries.
Report 43
Polymeric Materials from Renewable Resources, J.M. Methven, UMIST.
Report 44
Flammability and Flame Retardants in Plastics, J. Green, FMC Corp.
Volume 2 Report 13
Injection Moulding of Engineering Thermoplastics, A.F. Whelan, London School of Polymer Technology.
Report 45
Composites - Tooling and Component Processing, N.G. Brain, Tooltex.
Report 14
Polymers and Their Uses in the Sports and Leisure Industries, A.L. Cox and R.P. Brown, Rapra Technology Ltd.
Report 46
Quality Today in Polymer Processing, S.H. Coulson, J.A. Cousans, Exxon Chemical International Marketing.
Report 47
Report 15
Polyurethane, Materials, Processing and Applications, G. Woods, Consultant.
Chemical Analysis of Polymers, G. Lawson, Leicester Polytechnic.
Report 16
Polyetheretherketone, D.J. Kemmish, ICI, Wilton.
Report 17
Extrusion, G.M. Gale, Rapra Technology Ltd.
Report 49
Report 18
Agricultural and Horticultural Applications of Polymers, J.C. Garnaud, International Committee for Plastics in Agriculture.
Blends and Alloys of Engineering Thermoplastics, H.T. van de Grampel, General Electric Plastics BV.
Report 50
Report 19
Recycling and Disposal of Plastics Packaging, R.C. Fox, Plas/Tech Ltd.
Automotive Applications of Polymers II, A.N.A. Elliott, Consultant.
Report 51
Report 20
Pultrusion, L. Hollaway, University of Surrey.
Biomedical Applications of Polymers, C.G. Gebelein, Youngstown State University / Florida Atlantic University.
Report 21
Materials Handling in the Polymer Industry, H. Hardy, Chronos Richardson Ltd.
Report 52
Polymer Supported Chemical Reactions, P. Hodge, University of Manchester.
Report 22
Electronics Applications of Polymers, M.T.Goosey, Plessey Research (Caswell) Ltd.
Report 53
Weathering of Polymers, S.M. Halliwell, Building Research Establishment.
Report 23
Offshore Applications of Polymers, J.W.Brockbank, Avon Industrial Polymers Ltd.
Report 54
Health and Safety in the Rubber Industry, A.R. Nutt, Arnold Nutt & Co. and J. Wade.
Report 24
Recent Developments in Materials for Food Packaging, R.A. Roberts, Pira Packaging Division.
Report 55
Computer Modelling of Polymer Processing, E. Andreassen, Å. Larsen and E.L. Hinrichsen, Senter for Industriforskning, Norway.
Volume 3
Report 56
Plastics in High Temperature Applications, J. Maxwell, Consultant.
Report 25
Report 57
Joining of Plastics, K.W. Allen, City University.
Report 58
Physical Testing of Rubber, R.P. Brown, Rapra Technology Ltd.
Report 59
Polyimides - Materials, Processing and Applications, A.J. Kirby, Du Pont (U.K.) Ltd. Physical Testing of Thermoplastics, S.W. Hawley, Rapra Technology Ltd.
Foams and Blowing Agents, J.M. Methven, Cellcom Technology Associates.
Volume 5
Report 26
Polymers and Structural Composites in Civil Engineering, L. Hollaway, University of Surrey.
Report 27
Injection Moulding of Rubber, M.A. Wheelans, Consultant.
Report 28
Adhesives for Structural and Engineering Applications, C. O’Reilly, Loctite (Ireland) Ltd.
Report 60
Report 29
Polymers in Marine Applications, C.F.Britton, Corrosion Monitoring Consultancy.
Volume 6
Report 30
Non-destructive Testing of Polymers, W.N. Reynolds, National NDT Centre, Harwell.
Report 61
Food Contact Polymeric Materials, J.A. Sidwell, Rapra Technology Ltd.
Report 31
Silicone Rubbers, B.R. Trego and H.W.Winnan, Dow Corning Ltd.
Report 62
Coextrusion, D. Djordjevic, Klöckner ER-WE-PA GmbH.
Report 63
Conductive Polymers II, R.H. Friend, University of Cambridge, Cavendish Laboratory.
Report 64
Designing with Plastics, P.R. Lewis, The Open University. Decorating and Coating of Plastics, P.J. Robinson, International Automotive Design.
Report 32
Fluoroelastomers - Properties and Applications, D. Cook and M. Lynn, 3M United Kingdom Plc and 3M Belgium SA.
Report 33
Polyamides, R.S. Williams and T. Daniels, T & N Technology Ltd. and BIP Chemicals Ltd.
Report 65
Report 34
Extrusion of Rubber, J.G.A. Lovegrove, Nova Petrochemicals Inc.
Report 66
Report 35
Polymers in Household Electrical Goods, D.Alvey, Hotpoint Ltd.
Reinforced Thermoplastics - Composition, Processing and Applications, P.G. Kelleher, New Jersey Polymer Extension Center at Stevens Institute of Technology.
Report 67
Report 36
Developments in Additives to Meet Health and Environmental Concerns, M.J. Forrest, Rapra Technology Ltd.
Plastics in Thermal and Acoustic Building Insulation, V.L. Kefford, MRM Engineering Consultancy.
Report 68
Cure Assessment by Physical and Chemical Techniques, B.G. Willoughby, Rapra Technology Ltd.
Report 69
Toxicity of Plastics and Rubber in Fire, P.J. Fardell, Building Research Establishment, Fire Research Station.
Report 70
Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene Polymers, M.E. Adams, D.J. Buckley, R.E. Colborn, W.P. England and D.N. Schissel, General Electric Corporate Research and Development Center.
Report 71
Rotational Moulding, R.J. Crawford, The Queen’s University of Belfast.
Report 72
Advances in Injection Moulding, C.A. Maier, Econology Ltd.
Report 94
Compressive Behaviour of Composites, C. Soutis, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine.
Report 95
Thermal Analysis of Polymers, M. P. Sepe, Dickten & Masch Manufacturing Co.
Report 96
Polymeric Seals and Sealing Technology, J.A. Hickman, St Clair (Polymers) Ltd.
Volume 9 Report 97
Rubber Compounding Ingredients - Need, Theory and Innovation, Part II: Processing, Bonding, Fire Retardants, C. Hepburn, University of Ulster.
Report 98
Advances in Biodegradable Polymers, G.F. Moore & S.M. Saunders, Rapra Technology Ltd.
Report 99
Recycling of Rubber, H.J. Manuel and W. Dierkes, Vredestein Rubber Recycling B.V.
Volume 7 Report 73
Reactive Processing of Polymers, M.W.R. Brown, P.D. Coates and A.F. Johnson, IRC in Polymer Science and Technology, University of Bradford.
Report 74
Speciality Rubbers, J.A. Brydson.
Report 75
Plastics and the Environment, I. Boustead, Boustead Consulting Ltd.
Report 100 Photoinitiated Polymerisation - Theory and Applications, J.P. Fouassier, Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie, Mulhouse.
Report 76
Polymeric Precursors for Ceramic Materials, R.C.P. Cubbon.
Report 101 Solvent-Free Adhesives, T.E. Rolando, H.B. Fuller Company.
Report 77
Advances in Tyre Mechanics, R.A. Ridha, M. Theves, Goodyear Technical Center.
Report 102 Plastics in Pressure Pipes, T. Stafford, Rapra Technology Ltd.
Report 78
PVC - Compounds, Processing and Applications, J.Leadbitter, J.A. Day, J.L. Ryan, Hydro Polymers Ltd.
Report 103
Report 79
Rubber Compounding Ingredients - Need, Theory and Innovation, Part I: Vulcanising Systems, Antidegradants and Particulate Fillers for General Purpose Rubbers, C. Hepburn, University of Ulster.
Report 80
Anti-Corrosion Polymers: PEEK, PEKK and Other Polyaryls, G. Pritchard, Kingston University.
Report 81
Thermoplastic Elastomers - Properties and Applications, J.A. Brydson.
Report 82
Advances in Blow Moulding Process Optimization, Andres Garcia-Rejon,Industrial Materials Institute, National Research Council Canada.
Report 83
Molecular Weight Characterisation of Synthetic Polymers, S.R. Holding and E. Meehan, Rapra Technology Ltd. and Polymer Laboratories Ltd.
Report 84
Rheology and its Role in Plastics Processing, P. Prentice, The Nottingham Trent University.
Gas Assisted Moulding, T.C. Pearson, Gas Injection Ltd.
Report 104 Plastics Profile Extrusion, R.J. Kent, Tangram Technology Ltd. Report 105 Rubber Extrusion Theory and Development, B.G. Crowther. Report 106 Properties and Applications of Elastomeric Polysulfides, T.C.P. Lee, Oxford Brookes University. Report 107 High Performance Polymer Fibres, P.R. Lewis, The Open University. Report 108 Chemical Characterisation of Polyurethanes, M.J. Forrest, Rapra Technology Ltd.
Volume 10 Report 109 Rubber Injection Moulding - A Practical Guide, J.A. Lindsay. Report 110 Long-Term and Accelerated Ageing Tests on Rubbers, R.P. Brown, M.J. Forrest and G. Soulagnet, Rapra Technology Ltd.
Volume 8
Report 111
Polymer Product Failure, P.R. Lewis, The Open University.
Report 85
Ring Opening Polymerisation, N. Spassky, Université Pierre et Marie Curie.
Report 112 Polystyrene - Synthesis, Production and Applications, J.R. Wünsch, BASF AG.
Report 86
High Performance Engineering Plastics, D.J. Kemmish, Victrex Ltd.
Report 113 Rubber-Modified Thermoplastics, H. Keskkula, University of Texas at Austin.
Report 87
Rubber to Metal Bonding, B.G. Crowther, Rapra Technology Ltd.
Report 114 Developments in Polyacetylene - Nanopolyacetylene, V.M. Kobryanskii, Russian Academy of Sciences.
Report 88
Plasticisers - Selection, Applications and Implications, A.S. Wilson.
Report 115 Metallocene-Catalysed Polymerisation, W. Kaminsky, University of Hamburg.
Report 89
Polymer Membranes - Materials, Structures and Separation Performance, T. deV. Naylor, The Smart Chemical Company.
Report 116 Compounding in Co-rotating Twin-Screw Extruders, Y. Wang, Tunghai University.
Report 90
Rubber Mixing, P.R. Wood.
Report 117 Rapid Prototyping, Tooling and Manufacturing, R.J.M. Hague and P.E. Reeves, Edward Mackenzie Consulting.
Report 91
Recent Developments in Epoxy Resins, I. Hamerton, University of Surrey.
Report 118 Liquid Crystal Polymers - Synthesis, Properties and Applications, D. Coates, CRL Ltd.
Report 92
Continuous Vulcanisation of Elastomer Profiles, A. Hill, Meteor Gummiwerke.
Report 119 Rubbers in Contact with Food, M.J. Forrest and J.A. Sidwell, Rapra Technology Ltd.
Report 93
Advances in Thermoforming, J.L. Throne, Sherwood Technologies Inc.
Report 120 Electronics Applications of Polymers II, M.T. Goosey, Shipley Ronal.
Volume 11 Report 121 Polyamides as Engineering Thermoplastic Materials, I.B. Page, BIP Ltd. Report 122 Flexible Packaging - Adhesives, Coatings and Processes, T.E. Rolando, H.B. Fuller Company. Report 123 Polymer Blends, L.A. Utracki, National Research Council Canada. Report 124 Sorting of Waste Plastics for Recycling, R.D. Pascoe, University of Exeter.
Report 147 Rubber Product Failure, Roger P. Brown Report 148 Plastics Waste – Feedstock Recycling, Chemical Recycling and Incineration, A. Tukker, TNO Report 149 Analysis of Plastics, Martin J. Forrest, Rapra Technology Ltd. Report 150 Mould Sticking, Fouling and Cleaning, D.E. Packham, Materials Research Centre, University of Bath Report 151 Rigid Plastics Packaging - Materials, Processes and Applications, F. Hannay, Nampak Group Research & Development
Report 125 Structural Studies of Polymers by Solution NMR, H.N. Cheng, Hercules Incorporated.
Report 152 Natural and Wood Fibre Reinforcement in Polymers, A.K. Bledzki, V.E. Sperber and O. Faruk, University of Kassel
Report 126 Composites for Automotive Applications, C.D. Rudd, University of Nottingham.
Report 153 Polymers in Telecommunication Devices, G.H. Cross, University of Durham
Report 127 Polymers in Medical Applications, B.J. Lambert and F.-W. Tang, Guidant Corp., and W.J. Rogers, Consultant.
Report 154 Polymers in Building and Construction, S.M. Halliwell, BRE
Report 128 Solid State NMR of Polymers, P.A. Mirau, Lucent Technologies. Report 129 Failure of Polymer Products Due to Photo-oxidation, D.C. Wright. Report 130 Failure of Polymer Products Due to Chemical Attack, D.C. Wright. Report 131 Failure of Polymer Products Due to Thermo-oxidation, D.C. Wright. Report 132 Stabilisers for Polyolefins, C. Kröhnke and F. Werner, Clariant Huningue SA.
Volume 12 Report 133 Advances in Automation for Plastics Injection Moulding, J. Mallon, Yushin Inc.
Report 155 Styrenic Copolymers, Andreas Chrisochoou and Daniel Dufour, Bayer AG Report 156 Life Cycle Assessment and Environmental Impact of Polymeric Products, T.J. O’Neill, Polymeron Consultancy Network
Volume 14 Report 157 Developments in Colorants for Plastics, Ian N. Christensen Report 158 Geosynthetics, David I. Cook Report 159 Biopolymers, R.M. Johnson, L.Y. Mwaikambo and N. Tucker, Warwick Manufacturing Group Report 160 Emulsion Polymerisation and Applications of Latex, Christopher D. Anderson and Eric S. Daniels, Emulsion Polymers Institute Report 161 Emissions from Plastics, C. Henneuse-Boxus and T. Pacary, Certech
Report 134 Infrared and Raman Spectroscopy of Polymers, J.L. Koenig, Case Western Reserve University.
Report 162 Analysis of Thermoset Materials, Precursors and Products, Martin J. Forrest, Rapra Technology Ltd
Report 135 Polymers in Sport and Leisure, R.P. Brown.
Report 163 Polymer/Layered Silicate Nanocomposites, Masami Okamoto, Toyota Technological Institute
Report 136 Radiation Curing, R.S. Davidson, DavRad Services. Report 137 Silicone Elastomers, P. Jerschow, Wacker-Chemie GmbH.
Report 164 Cure Monitoring for Composites and Adhesives, David R. Mulligan, NPL
Report 138 Health and Safety in the Rubber Industry, N. Chaiear, Khon Kaen University.
Report 165 Polymer Enhancement of Technical Textiles, Roy W. Buckley
Report 139 Rubber Analysis - Polymers, Compounds and Products, M.J. Forrest, Rapra Technology Ltd. Report 140 Tyre Compounding for Improved Performance, M.S. Evans, Kumho European Technical Centre. Report 141 Particulate Fillers for Polymers, Professor R.N. Rothon, Rothon Consultants and Manchester Metropolitan University. Report 142 Blowing Agents for Polyurethane Foams, S.N. Singh, Huntsman Polyurethanes. Report 143 Adhesion and Bonding to Polyolefins, D.M. Brewis and I. Mathieson, Institute of Surface Science & Technology, Loughborough University. Report 144 Rubber Curing Systems, R.N. Datta, Flexsys BV.
Volume 13 Report 145 Multi-Material Injection Moulding, V. Goodship and J.C. Love, The University of Warwick. Report 146 In-Mould Decoration of Plastics, J.C. Love and V. Goodship, The University of Warwick
Report 166 Developments in Thermoplastic Elastomers, K.E. Kear
Polyolefin Foams
N.J. Mills (Metallurgy and Materials, University of Birmingham)
ISBN 1-85957-434-3
Polyolefin Foams
Introduction .............................................................................................................................................. 3
Polymers ................................................................................................................................................... 4 2.1
Polyethylenes .................................................................................................................................. 4 2.1.1 Blends ................................................................................................................................. 4 Ethylene Styrene ‘Interpolymers’ ................................................................................................... 4
EPDM ............................................................................................................................................. 5
Polypropylenes ................................................................................................................................ 6
Processing ................................................................................................................................................. 6 3.1
Melt Rheology Suitable for Foaming ............................................................................................. 6
Foam Expansion ............................................................................................................................. 7 3.2.1 Control of Cell Size and Cell Stability ............................................................................... 7 3.2.2 Control of Density .............................................................................................................. 8 Post-Extrusion Shrinkage ............................................................................................................... 9
Rotomoulding ............................................................................................................................... 10
Microcellular Foams ..................................................................................................................... 10
Oriented PP Foams – Strandfoam ..................................................................................................11
Mechanical Properties ........................................................................................................................... 12 4.1
Initial Response in Compression .................................................................................................. 12
Bulk Modulus ............................................................................................................................... 13
Compressive Collapse .................................................................................................................. 13
High Strain Compressive Response ............................................................................................. 13
Heat Transfer from Gas to Polymer During High Strain Compression ....................................... 14
Creep Response and Air Loss from Cells ..................................................................................... 15
Recovery After Creep ................................................................................................................... 17
Fatigue ........................................................................................................................................... 18
Cushion Curves for Impact Response .......................................................................................... 18
4.10 Impact Response in Shear or Shear Plus Compression ................................................................ 18 4.11 Recovery After Impact .................................................................................................................. 19 4.12 Multiple Impacts ........................................................................................................................... 19 5
Thermal Properties ................................................................................................................................ 19 5.1
Dynamic Mechanical Thermal Analysis (DMTA) ....................................................................... 19
Thermal Expansion ....................................................................................................................... 20
Polyolefin Foams
5.3 6
Thermal Conductivity ................................................................................................................... 20
Applications ............................................................................................................................................ 21 6.1
Packaging Against Impact Damage .............................................................................................. 21
EVA in Running Shoe Midsoles ................................................................................................... 21
Body Armour ................................................................................................................................ 22
Helmets ......................................................................................................................................... 23
Soccer Shin Protectors .................................................................................................................. 23
Automotive ................................................................................................................................... 23
Market Growth ...................................................................................................................................... 24
Acknowledgements ........................................................................................................................................ 24 Additional References ................................................................................................................................... 24 Acronyms and Abbreviations ....................................................................................................................... 26 Abstracts from the Polymer Library Database .......................................................................................... 27 Subject Index ................................................................................................................................................119 Company Index............................................................................................................................................ 135
The views and opinions expressed by authors in Rapra Review Reports do not necessarily reflect those of Rapra Technology Limited or the editor. The series is published on the basis that no responsibility or liability of any nature shall attach to Rapra Technology Limited arising out of or in connection with any utilisation in any form of any material contained therein.
Polyolefin Foams
solid foam. He emphasised that a range of new foams could be made using random or graft PE copolymers. Extruded foams could be made with fine cells in sheet and tube form, and as could insulation on wire. He showed the effects of gel content on the foam density. Part II describes the shape of the compressive stress strain graph, with the initial elastic region, plateau region, and an upturn at high strains. To explain the graph, he used Skochdopole’s (a.5) model (Figure 2) of the cell air and the polymer structure acting in parallel. He presented graphs showing how the foam flexural modulus depends on a power of the foam density. Both Figure 2 and the power law variation were taken up by Gibson and Ashby 20 years later. Part III emphasises the orientation of the cell faces, and notes that faces shrivel on a hot stage microscope.
1 Introduction Olefins or ‘alkenes’ are defined as unsaturated aliphatic hydrocarbons. Ethylene and propylene are the main monomers for polyolefin foams, but dienes such as polyisoprene should also be included. The copolymers of ethylene and propylene (PP) will be included, but not polyvinyl chloride (PVC), which is usually treated as a separate polymer class. The majority of these foams have densities 910 kg m -3 and polyolefin (POE) elastomers with densities 50% styrene the copolymers are amorphous. As the styrene content is increased from 50 to 70% styrene the Tg increases from –15 °C to 20 °C. Low density foams were made (8) from a blend of 50% of various ESI polymers, 33% of EVA and 17% of azodicarbonamide blowing agent. Thermal analysis showed that the blends, with an ESI having approximately 70% styrene, had a Tg in the range 22 to 30 °C. Dynamic mechanical thermal analysis (DMTA) traces (see Section 5.1) show that these blends
soften over the temperature range 20 to 40 °C, so have high damping in this range. The relative densities of these foams were approximately 0.04; tensile tests show that at 20 °C they have yield stresses in the range 1.5 to 2.5 MPa. Although these values are high, at a slightly higher temperature the foam will be much softer. If up to 40% of ESI is blended with LDPE then foamed, the foam properties are closer to those of LDPE foams. Ankrah and co-workers (33) showed that the ESI/LDPE blends have slightly lower initial compressive yield strengths than the LDPE alone, allowing for the density of the foam. The temperature dependence of the yield stress is similar to that of LDPE foam (Figure 3). Although the yield stress is higher than EVA foam of the same density, the compression set values are lower. The ESI/LDPE foams have improved impact properties, compared with EVA foams of similar density. Analysis of creep tests shows that air diffuses from the cells at a similar rate to EVA foams of a greater density.
2.3 EPDM The majority of these systems are crosslinked, so are thermosets. The term thermoplastic vulcanisates (TPV) is also used (a.8). Copolymers are made from ethylene, propylene and a small fraction of unsaturated diene, so allowing the crosslinking of the foam. For applications such as mouse mats, the foam density is
Figure 3 Variation of initial compressive yield stress of ESI/LDPE foams with temperature, compared with an EVA and a LDPE foam, all corrected to a density of 47 kg m-3 (33)
Polyolefin Foams
quite high, and it is loaded with carbon black to prevent static build up. The optimisation of EPDM processing is complex (168, 169), since the blowing agent decomposition and the crosslinking reactions may influence each other. High-activity zinc oxide is used to accelerate the crosslinking reaction, necessary for the production of weatherstrips.
2.4 Polypropylenes Two technologies exist for making high melt strength PP. It appears that the majority of such polymers have undergone post-polymerisation treatments in which branches are grafted to the main chain. It is also possible to make branched PP directly in the polymerisation reactor. The Dow PP ‘Inspire’ (72) is based on the ‘Insite’ polymerisation technology, but no details are given on either the catalysts or the resulting molecular architecture. Degradation is a possibility for PE and PP foam, since these materials have a high surface area and PP in particular is easily oxidised. The chemical resistance of polyolefin foams should be good, given the good resistance of the solid polymers to acids, alkalis, and solvents. There is far less published on the fire resistance of polyolefin foams than on polyurethanes. Nevertheless there are fire retardant grades (426). The products of combustion are likely not to be toxic. Inflammable blowing agents are a fire risk when they diffuse from the foam during storage (233).
3 Processing Park’s review (303) covers the processes used in 1991, and the blowing agents then available, mainly chlorofluorocarbons (CFC). Eaves and Witten (224) subsequently described the Zotefoams process in which nitrogen is dissolved into crosslinked polyolefin sheets in a high pressure autoclave, then expanded into foams in two stages. Recent research has concentrated on the refinement of existing processes, and the development of rotomoulding and microcellular foam processes. These two processes may not become significant; papers tend to appear just after a process is commercialised, or when its development is abandoned.
3.1 Melt Rheology Suitable for Foaming When low density foams are produced, the polymer melt must undergo high biaxial extension in order to
form the thin cell faces. Its flow properties, or ‘rheology’ must suit the process. Melts of high molecular weight polymers are highly viscous, and there is an elastic contribution to their deformation. The melt must sustain high tensile stresses without cell face fracture; if it occurs, neighbouring cells will join, and repeated fracture will lead to very large cells, then foam collapses. Once the foam has formed, its geometry must remain stable while the thermoplastic cools and solidifies, and in subsequent storage. This means that the diffusion rate of the gas through the cell faces must be low. As diffusion from foams can be very slow, there may be changes in the product dimensions for a long period after initial manufacture. Crosslinked PE is stable during foaming. Crosslinked metallocene linear low density PE (LLDPE) (100) was characterised in terms of melt moduli (C; Equation (4) of Section 2.2): the foam relative density increased as the gel fraction increased. The melt extensional response of the same polymer without crosslinking was unsuitable for foaming (66). However, the addition of 3% of a lightly crosslinked version of the same polymer allowed stable foams to be made. Silane crosslinking of metallocene PE (146) has lower capital cost than conventional peroxide or radiation crosslinking. However the process was unfeasible for PE foams until branched metallocene PE was available. The foams can have densities down to 16 kg m-3. It is also possible to make open cell foams based on low crystallinity PE copolymers that can compete with polyurethane and PVC open cell foams. The polymer gel content, measured using solvent extraction, is used to characterise the degree of crosslinking of polyolefins. There is a theoretical relationship between these quantities if the crosslinking is assumed to occur at random points. For most foam processes the polymer must flow, yet have a high melt elasticity, so the gel content should not be too high. Papers that cover this aspect are available for ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA) copolymers (16) (285) (304) (308), LDPE/EVA blends (285) (308) and low density PE (LDPE) (308). As the gel content increases, so does the elastic modulus of the melt, so by the theory in Section 2.2, the density of the foam will also increase. An increased gel content will increase the tensile strength of the molten polymer, so making the foaming process more stable. One way to characterise thermoplastic melts is by using a ‘Rheotens’ machine (31) which subjects an extruded strand of melt to tensile elongation at a fixed velocity while measuring the tensile force. The typical response (melt tensile force versus draw velocity) for branched PP extends to twice as high a draw velocity, with six times the force, than that for linear PP. Alternatively a
Polyolefin Foams
Rheometrics extensional viscometer gives graphs of extensional viscosity growth function versus time for the tensile extension of a polymer melt rod (230) (401). The graphs for branched PP show an upturn at high times while those for conventional linear PP show a downturn. These differences are reflected in the foam structures produced: a low density foam with polyhedral cells for the high melt strength (HMS) PP, compared with a high density foam with near spherical bubbles for the conventional PP. The effect of butane level and melt temperature on the foam density (which can be as low as 15 kg m-3) was explored (31). The homopolymer foam is rather stiff and brittle, but blends made with a PP block copolymer have reduced modulus and increased toughness; however there is a maximum copolymer content for the production of low density foam.
3.2 Foam Expansion One challenge has been to use blowing agents that do not harm the environment, and allow the production of closed-cell, small cell size foam. CFC used in the past, such as CFC11 (CCl3F), had several advantages: the heat of fusion of the liquids aided the temperature control of the foams, the low diffusivity of the gases meant that stable cell structures were easy to achieve and the gases are non-flammable. In the last decade the technology of using pentane and butane has been developed. These have the disadvantages of being gases at room temperature, being flammable, and having a high diffusivity through molten polyolefins. The efficiency of azodicarbonamide and sodium bicarbonate blowing agents for PE foams was considered (253). These systems, which generate CO2 gas, are more suitable for compression moulding of foams. Blends of the blowing agents have a reduced exotherm, so are more suitable for polymer systems that are temperature sensitive, such as ethylene copolymers. When a high melt strength PP was foamed using butane (26), the maximum expansion ratio was a function of the extrudate temperature. It increased with increasing temperature while the expansion was limited by crystallisation, then decreased at higher temperatures due to the loss of butane from the extrudate. Direct observations of the extrudate showed how die swell was followed by foaming. Several strategies were used to achieve ultra-low density PP foams (68); branched PP prevents cell coalescence by preventing face fracture, lowering the melt temperature reduced the gas loss during expansion, and optimisation of the die design avoided too rapid crystallisation. Hydrocerol, a mixture of sodium
bicarbonate and citric acid which decomposes to liberate CO2 and a mixture of other products, can be used as a blowing agent (275). The CO2 acted as a blowing agent in combination with iso-butane. Optimisation of the extruder screw speed and the hydrocerol concentration controlled the nucleation density, hence the foam density and mean cell size. Branched PP had a slightly larger cell size than linear PP when CO2 was used as the foaming agent, but there were a significant number of open cells in the foamed linear PP (273).
3.2.1 Control of Cell Size and Cell Stability Cell nucleation is achieved by the use of nucleating agents. Calcium carbonate particles of diameter 3 to 17 μm were used (2) to nucleate LDPE foams and achieve foam densities in the range of 500 to 800 kg m-3. Talc is a more effective nucleating agent for PP foams than calcium carbonate (2), probably due to its platelet geometry; the concentration of nuclei appeared to increase almost exponentially with the concentration of talc, with the smallest particle size 0.8 μm talc being most effective. Low density foams of high density PE (HDPE) can be extruded with fine cells, using CO2 as a blowing agent (204). The melt temperature was reduced to the lowest possible value of 121 °C at the die, to avoid cell coalescence and achieve high expansion ratios. In related research (142), a blend of LDPE and LLDPE, blown with CO2 was extruded at 220 °C. It was necessary to cool the extrudate surface to temperatures as low as 0 °C to stabilise the foam. Gendron and Vachon (36), reviewing Park’s research (274) on PP foam, defined a foamability factor F from the tan δ of the PE melt (at 190 °C and 1 Hz), the average cell diameter D and the foam density ρ as: F = ρΔ(tan δ)0.75 ≤ 1.8
Tan δ is defined as the ratio E´/E´´ of the in-phase to the out-of-phase components of the complex Young’s modulus of the melt; a sinusoidally varying shear strain is applied to the melt, and the sinusoidally varying shear stress leads in phase by the angle δ radians. The condition in Equation (1) is for production of closed cell foam. The optimum processing window has limits on both melt viscosity and melt elasticity (Figure 4). The figure shows how the crosslinking of a polymer, of initially moderate molecular weight, to just below the gel point, produces the optimum structure. The LDPE blown film process is successful with a thermoplastic, since the cooling of the melt bubble is extremely fast (a few seconds), so there is little time
Polyolefin Foams
Figure 4 Influence of melt viscosity and tan δ, measured at a frequency of 10 Hz, on the stability of a LDPE foam (redrawn from (36)). For linear polymers of different molecular weights, crosslinking moves the properties in the direction of the large arrow
for the viscous extensional flow of the melt. However, due to the low thermal diffusivity of foams, it takes in the order of 20 minutes for the PE in a foam to cool from the melt to the solid state. During this time, the melt bubbles must remain stable. The typical gel content in the 30 to 70% range causes the low-shearrate viscosity to be extremely high. However, if the gelation were taken further, the tensile stresses in the expanded foam would be too high (see below for the melt expansion theory). If tan δ is high, so are the tensile stresses when the foam face polymer is subjected to biaxial extension. The foam faces may fracture if the tensile stress exceeds a critical level. The consequence of such fractures is the growth of abnormally large cells, with more than the usual 14 or 15 faces (Figure 5).
Figure 5 Abnormally large cells, with >20 faces, formed by cell face collapse in EVA foam of density 150 kg m-3, with a background of normal cells (a.9)
3.2.2 Control of Density In general the foam density reduces as the amount of blowing agent is increased, with a lower limit set by foam stability. It is possible to model the factors which affect the final density; Mahapatro and co-workers (206) used a regular Kelvin foam model to analyse the expansion of PE foams. The foam has uniform sized cells, each with eight hexagonal faces and four square
faces, all with the same edge length. They found the biaxial tensile stress σf in the molten cell faces to be: σf =
3 pr 2R
where R is the foam relative density, and pr the relative pressure in the cells. The concentration of blowing agent
Polyolefin Foams
determines the molar concentration of gas. The mean biaxial extension ratio λf in the faces is given by: λf =
1.703 3
For the biaxial extension of partly crosslinked PE melt, the tensile stress is given by:
σ f = C λ2f − λ−f4
where C is a melt modulus. The solution, for a particular formulation and process conditions, lies at the intersection of two graphs of face stress versus foam density, one representing Equations (3) and (4) and the other Equation (2) and a relationship between the gas pressure and volume. The rubber-like stresses in lightly crosslinked LDPE foams are of the order of 100 kPa, the biaxial draw ratio is of the order of 4, and the foam density is only slightly reduced from the free-expansion value.
3.3 Post-Extrusion Shrinkage The Zotefoams process (224), using crosslinked PE and nitrogen as the expanding gas, provides the best control of cell diameter. The block is cut into sheets when cold, giving full control of the sheet thickness. If the foam is not crosslinked, the post-extrusion shrinkage is worse, due to the nature of the blowing agents used. The diffusion rate of CFC (used in the past) out of PE foams was much lower than the diffusion rate of air into the foam, so the product dimensions were stable. However, pentane or iso-butane escapes faster from the foam than air enters, so there is a risk of collapse of the foam dimensions. Yang and co-workers (a.10) modelled the diffusion of gas from LDPE foam of density 22 kg m-3, with diffusivities of 1.73 x 10-6 m2 h-1 and 0.26 x 10-6 m2 h-1 for air and isobutane, respectively. For LDPE alone there was a 40% shrinkage of thickness soon after extrusion and a gradual thickness increase that was incomplete after one year. However, the addition of glycerol monostearate lead to a sheet with a stable thickness after five days of storage. If the LDPE was blended with an unspecified ethylene-styrene interpolymer (ESI), this roughly halved the thickness changes, but did not alter their time scale. The effect of the ESI was attributed to the increase in polymer Young’s modulus. In a further paper (a.11) they explored the effects of foam density, cell size, and polymer modulus on the rate of diffusion induced dimensional changes for LDPE foams blown with isobutene.
Ageing modifiers (stearamides, mono-glycerides) are used (147) for extruded LDPE foam, blown with isobutene. Shrinkage of the length of extrudate occurred over a period of about a month. Some of these modifiers have anti-static properties, important when a flammable gas is used as the blowing agent. A distilled monoglyceride was the most effective at stabilising the dimensions. Bouma and co-workers (255) considered a range of alkane blowing agents. Nauta (a.6) provides details of the science. Table 1 gives the permeabilities of LDPE films measured in units of Barrer = 10-10 cm3(STP)·cm/(cm2·s·cm Hg). Films were used rather than foam, since it is impossible to accurately know the geometry of the polymer in the latter. However the orientation of the polymer crystals in the film may differ from those in foam faces. The permeability of n-butane is five times greater than that of air through LDPE film without the additive, but only one-third of the value when the stearyl stearamide is added. A film of this occurs on the surface of the LDPE film. It is assumed, that in LDPE foams, the stearyl stearamide has had time to migrate to the cell faces surfaces, where it acts as a barrier to butene. Heat treatment of the LDPE film (1 hour at 83 °C) reduces the diffusivity of the PE to butene, but not to air. It hardly changes the solubility of butene in the PE. Volume changes, due to the diffusion of the gases from a 5 mm thick foam sheet of density 28 kg m-3, with cell diameter 0.45 mm and face thickness 4 μm, was measured: results are shown in Figure 6 (a.6). Modelling of the process could reproduce the experimental data. The volume contraction due to the loss of butene occurs in less than 1 hour, while the volume expansion due to air ingress is not complete after 3 days, for this thin slice of foam. When PE is extruded as 75 mm or thicker planks, the processes become slower. Assuming that Fick’s law applies to the diffusion, the time, for a certain % gas loss,
Table 1 Permeabilities and diffusion coefficients for LDPE films Permeability (Barrer)
Permeating gas
Diffusion coefficient at 30 °C, heat treated (10-6 mm2 s-1) LDPE
LDPE + 2% SS
1. 9
SS: stearyl stearamide
Polyolefin Foams
Figure 6 Volume changes due to diffusion of butene from, and air into, a 5 mm thick foam sheet of density 28 kg m-3 , with and without stearyl stearamide additive (redrawn from a.6)
increases with the square of the thickness of the foam sheet. When the crystallinity of polyethylenes is increased, the gas permeability through the film decreases. The factors involved are the tortuosity of the gas path through the amorphous phase, and the effect of the crystals in restricting the mobility of the amorphous polymer chains (chain immobilisation factor). The logarithm of the permeability of nitrogen, argon and carbon dioxide decreased almost linearly with increased crystallinity of PE, with the ratio of the gas values remaining almost constant for a particular PE.
3.4 Rotomoulding The rheology (or molecular weight distribution; MWD) of PE needed for rotomoulding is different than that for foam extrusion, and the final structure is closer to that of ‘structural foam’ injection moulding, with isolated bubbles. The rotomoulding of a 32 mm diameter cylinder from LLDPE was investigated (198). EVA was added so that the low viscosity melt would form a solid skin, and sodium bicarbonate was used as a blowing agent. The foam expansion was only by a factor of eight, and the mould was nearly filled with the foamed polymer. Significant cell coarsening occurred in the 20 minutes during which the polymer was heating. A density variation was typically found (160) through 10 mm thick moulded parts, which affects the mechanical properties. The oxidative degradation during the 40 minute cycle is most severe
near the inner surface. Consequently the polymer needs to be stabilised. Rotomoulded PE parts have a low sound transfer, high bending stiffness and good thermal insulation (87). If 2 to 3 mm diameter pellets were used in place of the usual 0.2 to 0.4 mm powder for the process, there were severe thickness variations in the product. Compared with fully-dense rotomoulded parts, the use of foam improved the impact strength, but reduced the tensile strength, and increased the cycle time.
3.5 Microcellular Foams The microcellular foaming process was developed by Suh (a.12), who defined microcellular foams as having a cell diameter 31 °C, and pressures >7.2 MPa) is
Polyolefin Foams
introduced into molten polymers in the screw of an extruder, consequently there is no longer a polymer phase change on foaming. Because of the shear mixing of the extruder, the diffusion distance in the polymer/CO2 mixture can be of the order of 0.1 mm. Consequently the dissolution time can be reduced to the order of seconds. In the foaming stage, pressure release on passing through a die must be rapid. Suh compares the effect of two nozzles, for the same flow rate of 2 x 10-7 m3 s-1. The pressure drop through the die causes the foaming process, in which some bubbles nucleate before others (Table 2). If the bubble nucleation time is much smaller than the time for gas to diffuse to a growing bubble, further bubbles will nucleate rather than existing bubbles grow. If there is gas diffusion to a bubble, this depletes the surrounding melt of gas and prevents nucleating in this region. The high pressure release rate is necessary for fine bubbles. There is however an influence of the polymer. Suh shows that PE can be saturated with CO2 at 54 °C at a pressure of 3.4 MPa. When such a PE was foamed in the melt at 150 °C, the cell diameter could be as low as 0.1 μm, whereas if the semicrystalline PE was foamed at 20 °C the cell diameter was 1.5 μm.
Table 2 Die dimensions and residence time for microcellular foam extrusion Radius, Length, mm mm
Residence time, s
Pressure drop rate, GPa s-1
The small cell size only has limited effects on properties, but can have advantages for further processing. If foamed sheet is to be thermoformed, it must have a cell diameter much less than the sheet thickness to avoid failure. The Young’s modulus and compressive strength are hardly affected by the cell size. Properties such as thermal conductivity are functions of cell size, due to the influence on radiation heat transfer. These foams have been commercialised by Trexel, both for the extrusion of sheet, and for injection moulding (63). PP foam sheet, of density in the range 0.57 to 0.75 g/cm3 and cell size 80% closed cells, low foam densities and small cell sizes (typically 20 kg m-3 density and 0.9 mm cell diameter) were required. After extrusion the bundle of extrudates are fused together, by low-friction plates which press on the extrudate sides, consolidating them into an hexagonal array. The anisotropic material produced competes with paper or metal honeycomb. Slices, cut across the extrudate, have the strong direction normal to the slice surface, which is optimal for the cores of sandwich structures. The latter rely on high modulus
Polyolefin Foams
skins to provide the bending stiffness; the role of the core is to keep the skins at constant separation, which means that they must have a high compressive strength normal to the sheet, and a high shear modulus to prevent easy shear of the sandwich structure. Strandfoam cannot be produced with a varying cell axis direction. This means that it is unsuitable for curved products such as helmet liners, for which the high yield stress direction must vary in the product. In automobiles it is used for occupant protection; complex shapes can be sawn from block, cut by abrasive wires, or thermoformed.
4 Mechanical Properties Foam mechanical properties are often explained using Gibson and Ashby’s (a.13) approach. Their oversimplified microstructural models based on twodimensional honeycomb structures, are almost analogies; the model geometry bears little relation to that of polyolefin foams. They give power law relationships between properties such as the Young’s modulus of the foam, EF, the relative density of the foam, R, and the corresponding polymer property. They characterise polyethylene foam as elastomeric, stating that the compressive response has three regions: initial elastic, a plateau region due to elastic buckling, and a densification region at high strains. However PE (or PP) foam is neither elastomeric, nor does it have a plateau region in compression. The initial compressive response will be considered first. As all polyolefin foams are viscoelastic (see Section 4.6 on creep), as are the polymers from which they are made, and the response is non-linear with strain, the concept of a Young’s modulus is an approximation. Although it is convenient to use such a concept, it must be treated as both time and strain dependent.
4.1 Initial Response in Compression For closed cell foams Gibson and Ashby predict three contributions to the Young’s modulus of the foam: EF = C1 RE2 EP + C2 RF EP + p0
1− 2ν 1− R
which come from the bending of cell edges, the stretching of cell faces and the compression of the cell gas. p0 is the atmospheric pressure, ν is Poisson’s ratio, R is the relative density, RE and RF are the volume
fractions of polymer in the edges and faces, respectively, while EP is the Young’s modulus of the polymer. The constants C1 and C2 in the equation are found by fitting the equation to experimental data (presented as log – log graphs, as done by Benning (a.2-a.4)). C1 turns out to be approximately 1.0 for open cell foams; this value is then repeatedly used in equations, suggesting to some readers that it is a prediction of the GibsonAshby model. This approach suggests that polyolefin foams are linear elastic materials, with Young’s moduli that are independent of time and temperature. Clutton and Rice (383) used Equation (5) to fit the data for the Young’s modulus of LDPE and EVA foams and deduced that there is a 13% fraction of the polymer in the cell faces! This false deduction is at variance with observations of the microstructure. Micromechanics theories for closed cell foams are less well advanced for than those for open cell foams. The elastic moduli of the closed-cell Kelvin foam were obtained by Finite Element Analysis (FEA) by Kraynik and co-workers (a.14), and the high strain compressive response predicted by Mills and Zhu (a.15). The Young’s moduli predicted by the Kraynik model, which assumes the cell faces remain flat, lie above the experimental data (Figure 7), while those predicted by the Mills and Zhu model, which assumes that inplane compressive stresses will buckle faces, lie beneath the data. The experimental data is closer to the Mills and Zhu model at low densities, but closer to the Kraynik theory at high foam densities. Polyolefin foams are easier to model than polyurethane (PU) foams, since the polymer mechanical properties does not change with foam density. An increase in water content decreases the density of PU foams, but increases the hard block content of the PU, hence increasing its Young’s modulus. However, the microstructure of semi-crystalline PE and PP in foams is not spherulitic, as in bulk mouldings. RodriguezPerez and co-workers (20) showed that the cell faces in PE foams contain oriented crystals. Consequently, their properties are anisotropic. Mechanical data for PE or PP injection mouldings should not be used for modelling foam properties. Ideally the mechanical properties of the PE/PP in the cell faces should be measured. However, as such data is not available, it is possible to use data for blown PE film, since this is also biaxially stretched, and the ‘texture’ of the crystalline orientation is known to be similar to that in foam faces. Simone and Gibson (a.16) predicted the effect of wrinkled cell faces (in aluminium closed cell foams), on the Young’s modulus, by FEA of a modified Kelvin
Polyolefin Foams
Figure 7 Young’s modulus for LDPE foams versus relative density, compared with predictions for the Kelvin foam (a.15)
foam. This showed that the Young’s modulus could be reduced by a factor of 10 from the flat face version.
4.2 Bulk Modulus The faces in low density LDPE foams are partly buckled or wrinkled, as a result of processing (a.17). This affects both the bulk modulus and the Young’s modulus. The foam bulk modulus KF is predicted, using the Kelvin closed cell foam model, to be: KF =
2E R + pa 9( 1 − ν )
where the 2nd term on the right-hand side is the contribution from the cell air. However the experimental values are a factor of four lower, due to the cell face wrinkling.
4.3 Compressive Collapse Gibson and Ashby (a.13) propose separate models for elastic collapse by cell edge buckling and plastic collapse by stretching of cell faces. The latter model gave a scaling relationship between the (initial) collapse stress σ*pl and the relative densities: σ *pl = C5YRe1.5 + C6 YR f
where C5 and C6 are empirical constants, Y is the polymer tensile yield stress, and Re, Rf are the volume fractions of cell edges and faces. A fit of Equation (7) to scattered data, for PS, PVC and rigid PU foam yield stresses versus relative density, lead to the tentative conclusion that C5 = 0.3 and C6 = 0, implying that the cell faces have no effect on the collapse stress. In reality, the microstructure of LDPE foams remains very similar as the density increases from 18 to 100 kg m-3, the main changes being in the cell face thickness. The fraction of polymer in the cell faces is greater than 70%, and the initial compressive yield stress of LDPE varies approximately with the 1.5th power of the density (a.15). This does not mean that the model behind Equation (7) is appropriate.
4.4 High Strain Compressive Response When a closed cell foam is uniaxially compressed, it can be assumed that the compressive stress is a sum of the stresses taken by the polymer structure and that taken by the cell gas. For a foam with zero lateral expansion when uniaxially compressed, and isothermal gas compression, the latter contribution σG is given by (295): σG =
pa ε 1− ε − R
Polyolefin Foams
where pa is atmospheric pressure (the gas pressure in the undeformed foam cells, if the foam has been stored at atmospheric pressure for some time), ε is the applied compressive strain, and R the foam relative density. The variable ε/(1-ε-R) will be referred to as the gas volumetric strain. If the polymer contribution σ0 is a constant value, plus a contribution proportional to the gas volumetric strain, the total stress is: σ = σ0 +
p0 ε 1− ε − R
p0 is now the ‘effective gas pressure’ in the cells. σ0 can be evaluated by fitting a graph of stress against the gas volumetric strain, and extrapolating to zero strain (295). Clutton and Rice (383) did this and found that the value of p0 often did not equal 101.3 kPa (standard atmospheric pressure). The loading response has two regions: the initial ‘elastic’ one, and a post-yield region where the hardening is dominated by the cell gas compression. There is no division of the post-yield region into a plateau and a densification region. The post-yield data for Instron loading of expanded polystyrene (EPP) foam of density 43 kg m -3 in Figure 8 (254) can be fitted by σ0 = 200 kPa, p0 = 159 kPa. As the unloading response is separate from the loading response, these foams cannot be considered as ‘elastomeric’. Mills and Zhu (a.15) used a Kelvin foam model, in which face tensions restrain the bending of cell edges
that are oblique to the compressive stress axis. The cell faces are assumed to wrinkle if they are subjected to compressive in-plane stresses, hence they cannot support such stresses. The model predicts the compressive collapse stress of a LDPE foam of relative density of 0.025 to be about 30 kPa; this value declines slightly at compressive strains >30%. However, the majority of the stress at 50% strain is taken by the compressed cell air. Consequently the predicted compressive stress-strain graph is close to the experimental one measured under impact conditions. Predictions for stiffer foams, such as polystyrene, are less accurate. As the model relies on at least 40% of the polymer being in the cell edges, its results are extrapolated to foams with about 10% of the polymer in the cell edges. The model predicts that cell faces will yield in tension when the foam compressive strain is >10%. Techniques such as X-ray computerised tomography are needed to explore the wrinkling and stretching of cell faces in the interior of the foam, to confirm the deformation mechanisms in the model.
4.5 Heat Transfer from Gas to Polymer During High Strain Compression Mills and Gilchrist (270) analysed the heat transfer that occurs when closed cell foams are subjected to impact, to predict the effect on the uniaxial compression stressstrain curve. Transient heat conduction from the hot compressed gas to the cell walls occurs on the 10 ms
Figure 8 Compressive stress versus gas volumetric strain curve, for EPP foam of density 43 kg m-3 (254). The loading curve is fitted with Equation (9)
Polyolefin Foams
timescale of an impact. If the heat transfer is only by conduction in the gas, the predicted air temperature rise and the effect of cell size are too great, hence there must be heat transfer by gas flow in the deformed cells. For compression tests on a one minute timescale, isothermal conditions prevail for all cell sizes. As gas heating becomes significant, the strain hardening rate increases. The hysteresis (difference between the loading and unloading stress-strain curves) due to heat transfer is predicted to be a maximum for cells of a certain diameter. Poisson’s ratio, measured at high compressive strains, was found to be near-zero for polystyrene and polypropylene bead foams, but about 0.2 for LDPE foam. The larger the Poisson’s ratio, the less is the gas compression contribution to strain hardening. Figure 9 shows, when a low density LDPE foam (with zero initial yield stress) of cell diameter 1.0 mm is impact compressed to 81% strain, the predicted air temperature rises by a maximum of 93 °C but the polymer rises by a maximum of 8 °C. If these foams are subjected to an extreme impact, such as when they bottom out between a hemispherical striker and a flat support table, the temperature rise will be higher, resulting in PE melting and cell fracture – a hole occurs in the protective product surrounded by PE that has melted.
4.6 Creep Response and Air Loss from Cells When products are stored in warehouses for long periods, the foam packaging must not creep by more than about 10%, or the impact protection will
deteriorate. The creep compliance J(t) is defined as the creep strain e(t) divided by the constant applied stress. For EVA and LDPE foams, the creep compliance function, for low stresses, could be described by: J (t ) = J 0 t n
where J0 and n are constants. As a similar relationship applied for the creep of the solid polymer, the foam creep is controlled by the polymer viscoelasticity for this region. At strains >10%, when the polymer structure has begun to collapse, gas loss, by diffusion through the cell faces of closed cell foams, may contribute to the creep. The effect of this on the creep of LDPE and EVA foams was determined (266). The foam diffusivity for air was predicted from the polymer permeability P and the foam density ρ using: DF =
6 P pa φρ
where pa is atmospheric pressure and φ the fraction of polymer in the cell faces. Consequently, the lower the foam density, the higher is its diffusivity. As the initial yield stress of the foam falls with approximately the 1.5th power of density, low density foams largely depend on their cell air for their compressive resistance. The combination, of this and the high foam diffusivity for air, means that they are poor at resisting creep when
Figure 9 Predicted temperature rises in the air and polymer, compared with the compressive stress level, when a LDPE foam with cell diameter 1.0 mm is impact compressed to 81% strain (270)
Polyolefin Foams
stored for long periods under load. Low density foams made from low crystallinity polymers such as EVA (which have high permeabilities), will have particularly high permeabilities. These foams will have high creep rates if the stresses cause creep strains >10%. The foam was assumed to have a yield stress σy, with a time dependence given by:
σY =
εY t− n J0 F
block half thickness = 8 mm, cell pressure (p0) = 100 kPa, initial yield stress = 120 kPa, yield strain = 0.1, 1 s compliance = 600 x 10-9 Pa-1, compliance slope (n) = 0.06, relative density = 0.26, fraction of polymer in cell faces (φ) = 1.0, Poisson’s ratio = 0.07, and foam diffusivity = 100 p m2s-1.
The creep stress was assumed to be shared between the polymer structure yield stress and the cell gas pressure. A finite difference model was used to model the gas loss rate, and thereby predict the creep curves. In this model the gas diffusion direction was assumed to be perpendicular to the line of action of the compressive stress, as the strain is uniform through the thickness, but the gas pressure varies from the side to the centre of the foam block. In a later variant of the model, the diffusion direction was taken to be parallel to the compressive stress axis. Figure 10 compares experimental creep curves with those predicted for an EVA foam of density 270 kg m-3 used in running shoes (90), using the parameters:
The predicted creep curves, and the slope increase after 105 s are matched. However, the separation of the predicted curves, for 50 kPa increments of creep stress, is too large for the range 100 to 200 kPa, when the creep strains are in the range 10% to 40%. The polymer structure contribution to the creep stress probably is not constant for 0.7 > ε > 0.1, as assumed in the model. The predicted creep rate slows when the strain exceeds 70%, not 65% as in the experiments. Hence the effect of cell face touching at high strains, may be slightly different from that assumed. Although there is significant gas loss when high compressive stresses are applied continuously for several hours, these conditions do apply to running, where the stress peaks last
Figure 10 Creep curves for EVA foam of density 275 kg m-3, and the modelling predictions (parameters in text) at the compressive stress levels in kPa shown (254)
Polyolefin Foams
0.1 second. Consequently gas loss is not a cause of fatigue deterioration of EVA foam in running shoes. The isochronous stress-strain curves for the creep of PP bead foams (254) were analysed to determine the effective cell gas pressure p0 and initial yield stress σ0 as a function of time under load (Figure 11). p0 falls below atmospheric pressure after 100 second, and majority of the cell air is lost between 100 and 10,000 s. Air loss is more rapid than in extruded PP foams, because of the small bead size and the open channels at the bead boundaries. σ0 reduces rapidly at short yield times