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'i YYZ
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44 86
LEGENDOF THESHADOWWARRIORS In the m.th of rhe we ot lhe Fou KinsdoB, GdltelMa i5 a pl.as land el€b6bn8 a new tu1e,. For lhe inhabildls ot rhe Enote vilage oI Kmstein, how€ver ir i, a place oI sout{endihg tean Five si@tly figara have stepped our ;i a. ancitrt lesen; od into. the lighr of day. The Shadow Wnios de n;in& hDting doM hll!fu b€ingr &d ptftinA rh€m to rhe sword dt YOU {e a kteEn ol th€ was, wddeling rhe 1a.d i. serch of adventure. wher you de hiied ro solle the hysrery oI ihe shadow Waio6. whnt you discovd will atu rhe tfe oJ everyone b rh€ Old World, not l€astyour oM Two d,cc. p.ncil drd ar erasef de a you need to embet o" lhrs hearliopprt adventqe. wdch is .omptele wrth rh owr eldborale ombai srst€m and a sorc sheer lo r@,d y@r Many ddge6 lie ah€ad oI you, a.d yol, succ€s is by no meos. ceriain. Adveluis from yoq darkesr niEhthms &e an6€d dAairel yd, and il's up to tOU to d€& which @le lo tollow, wtuchdeg.c to rGkandwfich foesro fishrl
Fight in8 Fant6! cahlbnn,s
Stcve Jackson and lan Livina3tone Present
FANTASY - The lhtududory RoFrlayinB Came THE RIDDLINC UAVEIT - Fou. L\iling advdture6 'IliE TROLIjfOOTH WARS A l.khhg lanr.sv Noval The ad]a.cd oul
llahring Frlay
oF THE Prr Fighring Fanrrsy Mosh
11T.q\:Th€FrghringF DUNGEO\]XER -
I ustntd W Maftin McKene
bsy l^io.ld
n tnkodu.no
ro tne rl/o.ld oI RolePtaying can6
CONTENTS PublkhdbyuEPq6cr']P rz wiBfib r:n€, Lddd w! 5Tz h3L,n vil6s Poeuii ri., 1, wal rrd Strd, Ns Yqt, Nlw Yo* rft@ UsA Pqdn Sooh ,{EtulE Lrd,ftnsrood, vidotu Aulhrl ! P@8uin3@k ciid! Lrd,doJ john sftd, h*hrm, oibno, c:i:da L3RrB4 Psph Book,tN4 Lq 61-iF l{abq Road,Auddsd rc, N.w z€?lana Posin Booh Ltd R.8kkr.d omG drodvdth,
cq,qi.!srish' rE ud.lth 1@r o skladq-r Tar oryngllr o ser|:i H:n4 reer ftudnfon! .oprtLr o Madn Mcxlnnr, 19el MrP coprnshr (c) L@Hdb!, rf,r All shtsnrrvcd Ttumorl
shr ol the:urhor h* bfr nFnce
riltr!.r ln t^r PrMryhoto Pd{nF Pinr{ in Ensrd by orF Lid, st tG Pk F,
ToloselHawelwhosegreatbindrcss shouedne lhat thaeareaf lust hto sidesto enewbigsfory.
Before embarkingon your perilous adventure,you must work out your own strengths and weaknesses; use the Ad'enturc Shedot pages 1E-19 to record all the detailsof your advenhue.lt will be sensibleto make copies of lhe AdoentureSfuef for further sorties into this adventure.As well as a copyof LheAdoennre Sheel,you wlll also need two dice, a oencil and an eraser, . Skill, Stamina and Luck Roll one die.Add 6 to the numberrolledand enterthe toLalin the sKrrr box on the AdoentureSheet. Roll two dice. Add r: to bhenumber rolled and enfer the total in the steurr.rabox. Roll one die, add 6 and enter the total in the rucr box. For reasons that will beexplainedbelowall your scores will change during the adventure.You must r<eepan accuraterecord o[ lhesescoret and for this reasonyou are advised to write small in the boxes or to keep an eraserhandy.But neverrub out your Jritirl s(ores.A5 ll othet FightirigFantasllGaneboolcs, although you may be awarded additional srrlr, srevrre ard Lucr points, their totals may never exceedtheir I/ritiai scores,
excepf on those very rare occasionswhen the text "-..i{i..11.,r.ll" -^,, .^ Yorr sKrLL score reflects your expertise in combaL, yor.rrdexterity and agrlity. Yqur STAMINAscorereflects how healthy and physically fit you are. Your rucr scoreindicaleshow lucky you are.In all thesecases,the higher your score,the better!
Battles Dunngyour adventureyou wll oflen encounterhostile creatures whichwill attackyo4 and on oLheroccasions you yourselfmay chooseto dmw your sword against an enemyyou chanceacross,In somesifuationsyou may be given a specialoption, allowing you to deal with ihe encounterin an unusualmannetbut in most casesyou will have to resolve baltles as described below You will be told your opponenl'sSKILLand srAMlNA scoresin the pu.ogrrph*here you fir5f meet i{i enter Lhemin the first vacant EncounterBox on your ,4loen ture Sheef.\ou should also make a note of any sPecial abilitiesor instruchonswhich are unique to that ParticularopponenLThenfollow this sequence, r. Roll both dice for your opponent.Add its sKlI-L scoreto the totalrolied,to find its Altack Strength. z Roll bolh dice for yourself,then add your current sK[L scoreLofind your AttackStrength 3 If your ALtack Shength is higher than your op-
ponent's,you havewomded it: proceedLo step4. If your opponenL's Attack Strengthis higher than yours, it has woundedyou: proceedlo step 5 If both Attack Shength Lolalsare Lhesame,you have avoidedor parriedeacholher'sblows, start a new Altack Round{rom slep r, above. subtract2 points 4. You havewoundedyour opponenL: from its srewru score,You may use LUCKhereto do additionaldamageto it (seebelow)-Nowproceed to sLep6. haswoundedyou, subtractz points 5. Your opponenL your from sr,tvrr,t scoreYou may use rucr here Lo minimize the amounl of suurr,Jr lost (see below). 6. Begin the next Attack Roun4 sta*ing again at sLep1. This sequencecontinuesuntil the sr,qvrre scoreof eitheryou or your opponentreaches zero,whichmeans death If your opponent dies, you are {ree to continue with your advenLure.If you die, your quest ends and you must start the advenLureall over again by rolling the diceto createa new character Special Equipment During the cowse of your advenlure you may be fortrmateenoughto geLyour handson specialweapons andproLective amour. Ifyou wield a specialweaponin combaf,any blowsyou landon your opponentw l do greaterdamage your foe will lose more suvrnl
lhan norma! ij you enter baltle wearint armoff, you will be more or lessprotectedfrom any blows which your opponentlands on you - you will lose fewer pointsof sr.rvrrire than normal.InstructionscoverinS all thes€ casesare given in lhe paragraphswhere the specialequipmentis to be found Any rules concemrng specialweaponsthat you read there always take prece denceover the nrlesgiven in the Battless€cliorLabove.
onceyou defeata creature,the next stepsforward to fight you! When you ffnd yourself under attack from more thanone opponentaLthe sameLime,eachadver sary will makea geparateatLackon you in the courseof eachAttack Round but you can choosewhich one Lo fight- Atlack your chosentarget as in a normal battle. Against any addrtional opponents you throw for your Atta& Strength in the normal way; if your Aftack Strengthis greaterthanyour opponent's, however,you you will not inJlict a wound in this insLance; can regard it as if you have parried an incoming blow. If your Attack Strengthis lower than your enemy's,however, you will be woundedin the normal way, Of course, you will haveto settlethe outcomeagainsteachaddi tional adversaryseparately.
Fighting More Than One Opponent ln some srtuationsyou may 6nd yourself facing more than one enemy-Sometimesyou will treat them as a singleopponent;sometimesyou will be able to fight each in turn, and sometimesyou will have lo fight themall a! the sametimellf they aretreatedas a single opponent,lhe combatis resolvednormally l\rhen you are instructedto fight your opponentsone at a time, the combat is again resolved normally - excepl Lhat
At varioustimesduring your advenfure,eitherin battles or whenyou comeacrossother sihialionsin whichyou could be either Lucky or Unlucky (details of these are given in the palagraphs themselves),you may use LUCKLo mak€ the outcome more favourable to you. But beware!Using LUCKis a risky businessand, if you are Unlu&y, the resultscould be disashous. The procedure, caJledTesfitlgyour Luck, wo*s in the following way: roll two dice. If the number rolled is equalto or lessthanyour cr:rrenlrucr score,you have beenLuckyand the oulcomewill be in your favour If the numberrolled is higher than your current LUCK score,you have beenUnlucky and will be penalized-
Eachtimeyou Teslyorf lrck, you mustsubkact1 point from your cunent LUcK score Thlts you will soon realizeLhat,the moreyou rely on youl tucK Lhemore become. risky will this procedure
.*i Ti,
UsingL ck itl Battles you wllbe told to Testyour Luck, paragraphs In certain of being and you will then 6nd out the consequences Lucky or Unlucky. However,in battles,you always have the oplion of usirrSyour LUc( either to inflict more seriousdamageon an oPPonentyou have just wounded, or to minimize lhe effecfs of a wound you havejust received. lf you havejust woundedan opponent.you rnay Test your Luck as describedabove. If you are Lucky, you have inilicted a sev€re wound; deduct z e.rfrapoints from your opponent'ssrAMlN,{ score,lf you are Un your oPPo lucky,however,your blow only scratches nent,andyoudeductonly l point fromyouropponent's srAMrNA(i e.,insteadof scoringthe normal-zpointsof damage,you now scoreonly r). Whmever you yourself are wounded in combat, you lmayTeslyour Luckto W fo minimizethe wound. tf you are Lucky,your opponent'sblow only grazesyou, deductonly r point kom your srevtr.e If you are Unlucky,your wound is a se ous one and you must a tolal of 3 deductr erlra srAMrNApoinL(i.e.,dedr.rct pointsfrom your own STAMINA) you mustsubtract1 point from your LUCK Remember: *ote eachtime you Testyour Luck-
More About Your Attributes skill Your srrll score will not changemuch during lhe courseof your advenfure.Occasionally,a paragraph may give instructionsto insease or deqeaseyour sKrLL score, but it may not exceed its lnitial value unlessyou are specificallyinshucted to the conkary. lf you ever have to fight a battle with your bare hands (lhat rs to say, you do not have a weapon to {ight with), you must tempomrilysubtract1 from your current sxrn scorefor the durationof the combat. AL variousLimesduring your adventure,you will be told to Testyon Skill.The procedurefor this is exac{ly the sameas that tor Tatixg your Lur,krroll two dice. If the numberrolLedis equalLoor lessthan your current SKILLscorc,you have succeeded in your tesLand the resultwill go in your favour If the numberrolled is higher than your current sKrLLscore,you will have failedthe testand will haveto sufferthe consequences However unlike Testitlgyoltr l!c/r, do not subhactr point kom your sKrrl eachtime you Teslyo,r Str_/l-
your rucK scoremay neverexceedlts Iniliel value_ unlessyou arespecifically told that it can. Equipment and Gold AL.the begrnninSof your adventureyou have very little equipmentfhat is suitablefor a joumey of any kind; but you will be given a charce to visit the markei
over agarn.
your Provisions box, You may stop and eat provisions at any time exceptwhenyou areengagedin a battle. Remember, your srAMrNAscoremay neverexceedits lnirialvalue,so there'sno point in eatingmealsif your sr^MrNAis aheadyat its maximuT|.
Thennote the followinE itemson yolt AdomtureSheetl your sword (n the Weaponbox) and your money (in the Gold Piecesbox). if later on you should come acrossany items which you want to take with you, makea noLeof them in the Equipmentbox (they are keptin your pack)r.rnless the paiagraphtellsyou oiherwise,
Luck Additions lo your LUck scoremay be awardedin the
r4 r5
I Remember,if you ever have lo 6ght without a weapon, subtractr poinl ftom your culTentsxrrl scorefor Lhe duraliono{ the entirebaltle
Armour You start the adventure wearing no armour, but you maybe lucky enoughlo obtainsomelater on. I{ you do get your handson somearmout note it in the Armour box of your Adontwe Sleef- the paragraphwhere you find the armour will lell you the type of armourit is. Of courseyou canwear only one tyPe of armourat any particular time; if you find more and wish to keep il, you will have to discard the armour you are currently wearing. JusLerasethe old armour from Lhe Armour box ol youl Adoenture5fieel and then enter Lhenameof the new armour,along with any inshuctionsLhatgo ib is Sonefor wrth it. Oncearmourhasbeendiscarded, ever You may also discardarmour if you quite simPly just erasethe no longerwish lo weariL.In suchcases, your,4doenlure may carry out Shret You armour fiom Lhisactionat any timq exceptduringa battle. $
The valous typesof armourall work n the sameway, they give you someform of proteclionin baltles but only for a certainlength of time - even the finest Dwarven plate can Lakeonly a certain amount of hammeringbeforeit startsLo buckle Due to its bulk, armouralsohindersyouJmovements, unfo unately In the paragraphwhereyou find the armouryou will also be lold both Lhe total number of hits that lhe armourcan take before it is ruined and exactly how lhe armourwill protectyou Wheneveryou losean Altack Round while you are wearinS amour, lhe armour will auLomalically protectyou whetheryou want it to or notl As a result,you will lose fenrersrAMrNApoints than normal, arrd you may even not have to lose any sTAMINAat alll However,because the armourwill have protectedyou, you must add 1 to the numberof hrts that the armourhas taken As soon as the numberof hits taken by the armour reachesthe total number of hits that iL can Lake,il becomesuselesssLraightaway You may no longer receivethe amour's proLectionand must eraseiL from the Armour 6ox of your A.rlomtute Sheet. The paragraphin which you find Lhearmourwill also lell you lo add aLleast1 to your dice-rollswhenever you have to Testyour Skill,thusreducingyour chance of success in lhe fest. This penaltyis becauseo{ the armouls bulk, and it affects you for as long as the armouris includedon your AdoenLure Sheet.'Nearing armourhasno othereffecton your s(rLLscore.
Uyrootitlghtb and brerkinssto e, Searchins fot thenMa,tE.
Gallantariawas once the most civiLizedland on the face of Titan. Its history began when Orjan the Builderhalted the greal roaming of his tribe, to build a village which he called Lendle. From Lhere,his people spread, building ever more villages, and LendleitselJevolved into a walled ciLy. Oian's sorr Regulus,led lhe people into a new age of weallh, and forged the eight largest towns inbo the nation of Gallantaria with Royal lendle as its capital. Gallantariaconlinued lo expandand could well have covered the entire Old World, were it not for the fact that it bordered other naLionswhose peoples also had lhoughts of expansion. . . Direclly south lay lhe nation of Femphrey,and to the east the comtry of Brice. Though initially relalions were cordial, the people of Brice grew jealous of Gallantaria's wealth and prepared an invasion. Next, Gallantarian colonies in the Northlands rebelled and senLan army dourn into lheir parent country Lowin their independmce,and it did nol take long before the nearby naLionsof Femphrey and Lendleland got caught up in these tenible events. Thus began the War of the Four Kingdoms. extractskom Life on Titan by Emst Kandermann 2T
The treacherous Baron Tag led his own monarch into an alnbush,he himself plunging a poisoned dagger nto King Constains back. War-tom ancl leaderless, Gallantariafell into despair Fortunately help was at hand in the form o{ Tantalon,the court magician,who seizedthe throne'in the nameof the p€ople'.Using a mixture of cunning,wizardry and brilliani strategy,Tantalonbroughl the war to an end single-handedYet, though he exercisedlhe authorityof kingship,he did nof keepthe crown for himself;he wassavingit for another,
greatarlefactto the rulerso{ ihe other countries,on conditionthat they joln his now mi8hiy Alliance. Indeed,Chalanna's wiseand generousleadership has proved to be the soleguiding light, leadrngus into thencxt Age of Humanily. exkacl lrcm ( hala nnlhc Rcla,nerVol lll: TheFruitful Years by Maka Sanscreer
excerptkom Court ksays anclObseranlions: hoodecades of royaLdeconm by Hugo Montpeilier Aged and weary,Tan[alonkilled fwo birdswith one stone,at one and Lhesametime he foundConstain's successor and righfed twelve wrongs by declaring lhe latter to be tasks which the former had to completeto win the crown.Thus a new bloodiine began to mle Gallanfaria,Oian's lineagehaving endedwith lhe betrayedConstain.Law and order were resLoredand an unlikely hero becameking Shangely enough,the coronationcojncidedwith TanLalon's passingaway;but lhe wizard'sdeathand the starl of a heshroyal dynastysignalleda new era for the nation However,Gallantariawas no longer the centreof the Old World. That position had passed lo Femphrey,the realm of King Chalanna,who ruled with his ma8ical'crownof kingd. Chalannalent thrs
Sword For Hire You are a veteranadventurer, Iendingyour sword arm io (almost)anybodywho makesyou the right offer lhoughit mustbe saidyou haveno greallove for gold, requiringonly enoughto gei by. You seekadvenLure and excitementfor their own sakeand look Locorrect lhe world'smany injus[ices. Over the yearsyou have lought for many armiesand havejoined many expedrfionsrnto unknownlands.DurinS the War of the Four
Five yearson, you are now backin Royal Lendle;but the peoplewho oncesangyour praiseshaveforgolten you lt's taken only four days for you fo becomebored with lhe city so, hopeful of bumping into someone you decideto take yourself Lo a tavem inLeresting, namedthe First Step to slakeyour thirst. It is highly likely that someonein herewill be lookingfor a person with your parliculartalents Indeed,you are on th€ point of drainingyour secondtad<ardof Lendalewhen you feel a frantic taFprngon your shoulderand you tum to facea worried-lookingman. yor.rwould say fhat he is a fudgingby his appearance, farmerliving on fhe country'sborderland.His words tumble out in hunied anxiety 'Please,CapLain,you musthelpus in KamsteinOur homesarebeingravaged by an unstoppablefoe and our peopleare being cut down llke deadwheat Threeof us thai'sme, Mendokan,and fwo of my fellow villagers- havecometo the city seekinghelp,buf the authodtieswon'f listento us They think we're making it ali up They don't believe that we're being atfackedby the Shadow Warriors.' Il cannoLbel The ShadowWarriorsaremerelybogey men,usedby mothersto maketheir naughtychrldren behave; every Gallantarianchild knows the short nursery-rhtmethal Lellsof them. Beforeyor.rhavelime to respond,Mendokanconbinues. No one will help us Evenmercenaries we approached have)aughedin our faces.Then,when we heardyou werehele. . You'reour lasLhope.Will you helpus?' z4
While his words have hardly been a glowing tribute to your skills, you car see that the man is tenified and in dire need of help. You're very doubtful about this ShadowWarrior business,though. It is much more likely thaf the peopJeof Kamsteinarebeing tenorized by a gang of brigandsgot up in frighteninScostumes St l, you haveheardof Kamstein,it's a m€re speckof dusl on the maps,there'svirtuallynothing ther;. What couldraiderspossiblywant from sucha place?Perhaps they just enjoy prckingon scared,helplesspeasants? Whateverthe reason,iL enragesyou to hear of such wantonviciousnessYou makeup your mind to go to Kamsteinon the spot. you'll defend the viltage and teachLhese'ShadowWarriors'a lessonthey'll nev€r forget Tum to r
Though he is relieved that you have agreedto help his village,Mendokannow beginsLolook embarrassed He says,aVe areonly a poor and simplepeople All we can pay you is two hundred Gold Piecesand,what is more, the village eldershave decreedthat you are lo be paid afterlhe job is done.'Heigh-ho,sucharc the limeslStill, you won't go ba& on your word, so you agreelo his termsand Mendokansmilesoncemore in relie( Now he must go and find his fiiends so that they canprepare to leavefor Kamstein,you yourselfwill have to buy Provisionsand other equipmentnecessaryfor Lhejourney and your adventure.You shakehandswith Mendokanand arrangeto meet his party on the Main Trade Route south of the city, in two horxs' time. The farmer thenhurriesout of the tavern- just asa gaudilydressed fellowstrollsin and elbowshis way towardsyou. This is Bartolph,an infamousgambler,he skuts Lhrough even the mosl dangerousparts of the city wearing expensivesrlks,as a sign of his successat cormtless gaming tables 'l haven't seenyou in here for some fime,' he sayswilh a sly gnn. 'Care to try your luck?' Although you shouldn'tbe wastingany Limehere,a win would mable you to buy more equipmentand Lhus prepareyou for the roadaheadIf you acceptBartolph's challenge,tum to 86. If yor-rwould raLherleave, tum to to. 2
The leap is not going to be an easyone Testyour $kill If you succeed, Lumto z4;but if you fail,tum to r3r.
4-5 4 Though yor-t evil Ioe has{allen,he has struck you with a cruel-blade, a magicaldaggerthal infliclscutswhich continue to deepen even after the weaDon itself has beenwifhdrawn. The wounds grow and ;orseD resulting in a slow and painful dealh. Fortunately you know the proper heatment for such ill you musL seal Lhe cruel-wormds with hea! only then will they heal normally. If you havg a lanLem(andoil), you must light it and pressits hot glassagahst your injured flesh (deduct one skin of oil fiom your AdoentuteSluet). However, this cure is so painful thal it may kill you (deduct6 points from your sravrre). lI you do nol have a lantem (oil alone is no good), you will surely die. If you survive the despente remedy, tum lo 40.
To say that an uneasy silence descendson the bar buLyou do your bestLo would be an understaLement, ignorelhe group.lf you want to buy d tankardof ale iL will cost you a Cold Piece(crossr Cold PieceoFFyour AdoentureSheet)and as it goes do\^.n you can feel it doingyou good (reslore2 sr,a.MINA Points)You stand by lhe bar,Lsteningin on the motleygrouP'sconversation.The veteransbelievethat the Orc is a monk from
Orc (turn to rJ2), or try to Proveto the othersthat he monl (Lurnto 3ro)? is an Orc andnot a Femphreyan
SuccessivebuffLs of sheetlightning enableyou to see that, all across the marsh, creatures resembling pumpkin-headedscarecrowsare stFing They ar€ the Haggwort, Iormed of the earth and roused by the growing corruption in the land. Groaning, Lhemindless hulks rise and make lheir sluggish way towards Hustings,their pawsgrippinga variety of murderousweapons They are great fighters, but they suffer one weakness:they are animatedby mystic fires which are held under pressurewithin their heads;any cut to the head,no matter how liny, wlll free the energy,and the suddenreleasewill causethe Haggworfs headto explodel HusLingsmust be wamed of lhe irnminent atLa&, buLa Haggwortstandson lhe road,in your way Wrll
6-1 Attackit?
Tum fo 36 Headout on to the moorsin a bid to sneakroundit? Turn to roE Pul on a Chameleon Cloak- if you haveone? Tum to 260
6 The mysticbolt shootspastyour headand crashes into Lhewoman,tuming her into a warty, croakingfrogl It seemsLhat one of lhe very sorcerersshe had been objectingto was watchingover the proceedingsand decidedto end lhem To your dismay,the onlookers fall aboutwith laughter,while the hog hops away to begina new life.Will you now go ard listento the old beSgar(turn to 2r9) or to fhe man rn black(lum to 47)?
8 The ShadowWarrioryou facecarriesno weapon;rt rsa maslerof the martialarts,and ifs deadly,rotLedhands move with blurnng speed.Each Attack Round, the Wanior haslwo atLacks. Treatthrscombatasi{ you are fighting two opponeniswrth identicalratings at the
7 You open a small vial of Metal Rot and empLyits contentsall over the squareiron panel which houses the lock to your cage(ooss the vial olf yow Adomture Sreef). The thickgurglingfluid doesits work in seconds, and lhe lock dissolvesinto thin air Not havinghearda thing,the jaileris caughtunawareswhenyou sneakup behindhim and knockhim unconscious. You stepover his mountainous body andslipout o{ lhe jail.Now you will haveio leaveRoyal LendJebeforeyou are caught again W lyou leavethe cjty by the SouthCate,which op€nsskaighfout on io theMain TradeRoute(hlm to z7z),or by the nearerEasiGate(tum to 60)?
first SHADOW WARRIOR sKrLr9 sraMrNA9 If you defeatthe Wamor lum fo jr t.
9 You watchas the convoy of wagonsdisappears in the distance,before you follow in its wake. Progressis slow and you spenda restlessnight, knowing that if you hadgonewrth the circusyou wou.ldbe in Shattuck by now. In the momrngyou wake(restorej srAMrNA points)and continueon your joumey.
AnoLherday passesbefore you reacha large stone bridgeon lhe northernoutskiftsof ShathrckTheCircus of Dreams sLandsnear by, its evening show in full
to4ll II
(turnto 2r6P
prove your worth. lf you will accepthis task tum to J82.If you do not, tum to lgE.
\t-L5 r5 Wrile dovr.nhow many Gold Piecesyou wish to gamble,thenroll one die.On a roll of 2 {, tum to t4, if you roll a 1, tum to r7j.
There'sno time to rest.NiSht tums into day as you leaveHustingsfar behindand get your first view of the Wiichtooih Lire, a sprawlingmassof '-mscalable mountan peaks,monster-filledcavesand treacherous who cansaylhdt they've narrowpa;ses. Adventurers 'crossedthe Line'are lhe most resPe andcaravars. anda groupol odd lookirg foll. Tli. rs lhe Cirr.usol Drean-s,and the Lroupeis about to move on It occursto you Lhatyou could savesomeLimeon your lourneyby riding wifh them;it would alsogive you a chanceto follow up any suspicions you may hav€aboutthe circus'srecentyisit to Gornt. Do you want Lo hurry along and ask the troupefor a lift (tum to 358)or keepyour distanceand continuewalkingalone(turn to 9)?
400 400
d,a1 ) \'r
You dodgeVoivod s bon€-crushing gauntletsandthrust LheSpearof Doom deepinto his armouredbody He criesaloud with shock,and you are flung backby an explosionof Life-force. Astonishment numbsyour mind as you Lietherein the dirt and witnessev€nlsalmosl beyond your comprehensior The shambling Undead fall ba& into therrgraves,andall6ve ShadowWarriors reappear,only to be pulled sk,.wardsin a whirl of Lifeforce.The five fleetingshadowsare scattered, howling on the wind, never to return You look backtowards Voivod andseelhat his armoulhasdissolved, revealing an emaciatedold man He stumblesforw-" ..y"rg, 'LifelI had forgotten The smellof the 0owers,the f e e lo f t h eb re e z eI . . . I . . . ' The Sistersof Time, fhe Homed Cod and lack-in+heGreenall appearbeforeyou. As one, they say, You have done well, forsakingthe hand of vengefuldeath for thal of forgiving life By this act you haverighted all the wrongs and made whole all the cormptrons. Voivod, Warlord oi fhe Apocalypse,is human once more.Takehim and reacquainthim with th€ ways of life-' Then they are gone. You stand there on the windswept battle plains, and put your armroundLheold manwho is cryingwith lhe srmplejoy of beingalive
to ount u-t. *.i", rion country ".r"lii...t
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2r7-22t town and investigat€the fower you saw eadier, fum to r4r.
With only a brief interval for somemuch-neededsleep (restore 2 srAMlNA points), you mntinue westwards
enougl; they aresitting with a Man-Orcassassin who, seeingyou, shouts,'l fawt I cudsmellsumfink.I!,sa Ga.llantreean.' One of the veteransdrawls,?all lezz kjck the backstab, bin' worm outta here.'
goadsthe veteranson to violence(tum to 265)? 2zB Not a singleone of fhe circusfolk hearsor seesyou as you imitatea dese* lizardand wriggle towardsthem.
t6-ij 56 The door opensinto a smalistorageroom.Among the earthenwareand bric-a-brac,you find two meals of Provisions, whichyou may take Restore1 rucK Poinl for thischanceffnd.Now you wlll haveto go backinto lhe hall and chooseanotherroule. Will you go north (tum lo 374),south(turn Lo6E),or east(tum to 89)?
i8 Cuppingyour hands,you scoopthe water up io your hps The magicalliquidmakesyour headspinasit takes immediaLe effect Roil one die and follow the instruc iionsrn the tablebelow.
R ol l
Nothing happens Restore2 STAMIN^poinls
The crowd'sreaciionto your gambleis good - in fact rt rs loo good,andyoir find yoLrrself in the middleof a greedcrazedcrush Cityguardsraceforwardto breakup Lhestampede,a sLampede which lhreatensLo squash you If you like,you cancallouf to lhe guardsfor help andgive yourselfup (turn to r99) Olherwise,you will have to Lakeyour chancesamong a heap of clawing and graspingbodies If you choosethc lalter course, thal many roll one die and deductfrom your STAMINA ponts If you survive,you may sneakout $rough one of lhe over the square's now [nguardedexits.Wil] you escaPe greenandplcasanlSroundsof a smalltemple,bordered lane by a low wall (turn to 164),or run do 'n a narrora/ (tumto rr8)?
J 4 5
Restore 1 LUcK and 2 STAMINAPomts point s R estorer LU C Kand 4 S TA M I NA points and sraMIN^ 2 LUCK Restore 4 R estore1 sK rLL,2LU cKand 4 sTAM I NAPoint s
You may drink ftom Lhewell only oncebeforemoving on, either norLhwards(Lum to j49) or back to the south(turn to 44). 59 You open the safeand find ro Cold Pieces,which you may take (add them to your hoardon yolr Adtenlure Sheetl.lou areabout to go over to examineihe book when you hear a norseoutside You decideyou had belter leave the wagon before you are discovercd Relurn to 2tj ard choosean oplion you have not pickedbefore oo Mere sLreets awayfrom the hugeEastCale,you come upon a rarify on the streeLs of RoyalLendle a rubbish