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r e l o t sp . t r u n . u r o P 6 u rP) e l ' u n . u ' o d s ' e r o d o o u r s. o ) r x e w . o P o u o ) '
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Pqrl 3
How lo Write o lligh-scoring Arqumenl EssaY
Task e S; s to thc Argument Writing Your ldea-s (Your [ssa1"s Structurc) O.r"rrrz-* and Handling Flaws in GRE and GI{Ar ;;:"*"ttttg Argumcnts Essa-Y DO's and DON'Ts for Your Argument lf You Ilave More Timc Rcinforccrnent Excrcises and Comrnents Reinforcernent Exercises---Samples
Port 4
Writing Style crndMechcrnics"'""'"""" Your Grerall Voice and Tooe 'i'i-::iti::; Develoi;;ng
a Pet"3i'135' r:
77 80 84 106 107 108 1 1 1
12r 1)Z
Connecting Your Ideas Togethe: Statement or Afgument Refcrences to Yourself and to thc' Your S€ntences Your Facility with the English I-anguage Your Grao-anar and Mecharrics DO's and DOIYTs for lVriting Style
1': 1?' 727
\33 138 r43
Porl 5
Somple Essuys lor 2O Officiql GR'E "" lssues
Psrrt 6
gomple Essuys tor 20 Ofticicrl GRE ' " " ' " ' " " " " " " "! 6 9 Argumenls"""""'
-Ferrl 7
']ar 20 Officicrl GMAT Sumple Essoys lssues
Fsrt I
GIIIJ\T Somple Essays'for 20 Officicrl ""'1"-"""' 211 Argumenls---'-----"
","Vi#'i/f;# Petcrron's u uu-petqrtons.com
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Aldysis of an lssue. This is ihc namc of onc of thc two GIIAT essn\' 'lssuc'(uiing lasks. Throu8hout this book l reler to ii b]'$e sioglc word an uPrterc;lsc'1") Ainlysis oI srr A-rgumcnL This is tirc namc ol thc olbcr GMAT cssr) 'Argumen{_ tasks.Tlrou8hout this book l refer to it b\. the sinSle s'ord (usin8 xn uppcrcase "l-).
During yolr GRE (or GI'l T) sirtinS, thc comPurcrized testinS system s'ill r-andomlyselect your lssuc and Argirmenl qucstions from a la!8c databasc, or'pool." CYouwon l know beforehandwhich panicular qucstions the tcsiing system will.Pres€nl to you.) ETSha5 Prcdisclosedils completc Pool of cssay qucsdons for each of the rsto cxzml. To ger the SreatcstPossiblc benc6t Jrom this book, especirlly -&om the s3mple essaysin Pans 5_8, you should obiein your omciel lisl They're aYrilablc on line, and the GlvtAT list is also aErlable in print (For delar]s,see belo$.)
QurmoHs TnsPootor'GREEssrY .
Thc official list (pool) of GRI Analltical Writin8 quesoons cunenuy consists ol 125 lssucs and 125 Argumcn6. H€r€ ate th.ec different ways to obtlin the comPlet€ list: . vielv the list, free of charge and v,.ithout regis(rition, at the oficial GREWeb site (www.8rc org) Folloq' the lir$i !o thc description of thc GRiEGcneral Test, then locate the description of the Ana\'tical vlitin8 scction. Therc, you'll lind seParateLhks to the lis! of lssues and lisr of A-rguments . Unk ditcc-rlyto th€ lssue and A4lumcnt [sts from my GRE Analyti.wrilitg Wcb sitc (www.s'cs!.oet/-s!cwart/8rewa)' c.l . Thc tq,o lists tntgrl be a ilablc from ETS in Printed form For the latcs! inJomation, check my update Page at this book's llreb site !wlw.wcsi.nc/-srewtn/ws)
Qursrotcs Txt PooLor-GMATEssnY
yexr Thc,oficir-l list (pool) of GMAT essayqucstions (fer the admissions 20Ol-02) consisls of 125 Issuesand 125 Argumeot5 Hcre are tfuee diffcrent ways to obtain the lisr: - DoE:r oad thc lst, 6ec of charBeand without rcgistErion' from thc GM,{C'S ofiicial GMAT Web sit€ (www.mba conr) The list is an availabj€only as a PDF (ponable docummt fortnat) file' not as
Wdunr Shlllsfor the GRE/GMAT TcsLr
a.tt )Ql sltt?tsnuttu/1\
sttzJJwtz/4tc |
's.rrjEtls)r l:qto iq prsodr!o:) siliss) prjols qtl^\ s,irssaJno,(SuuEdLuoJ /iq pur lttletFrJBulJoJslr,JgJo aqt Sulsnlq ,{essau,{o lno; JJoJsutqt ll.nol suoDrpuoJurrx, patl]lnur!s rrpun slsr) SsFU^r)Dsor,€[D o,1Aluuolad Il,nol 'l lxd Jo pur l1 ]v peuodoJ puv ,ptltnrrlr) ,paJo)saJcsz(rssa :no,i ,t og . JossJ)o:d plo^l IDlJadss,arixxf,aqt Jo rJedxr ol tEr1,J(. J)qLl3)utrJlndulor )uJulssxsy Aul)uA\ aql rnoqV . 9ulurnSrv pr'[ srnssl frrrdLr rnoqv . suortJrs ,{rssa onN erp loJ sJlru ptmojg . :urErl ll,nol l.rjtd ul Oururn8rv pln rnssD suoll)rs lxssr qloq qtr^\ Irsnol ,zgc[J.nrrj.[,no,(.Fq,t, .rsuJudrqr $ I urd
t .ruY 'slood IYl)gJo orlr lllo{ qu:run8rv pw sansq Jo Arlrx^ ! or rasuodsJ.rl.poru 3t'lpnrs,{q '}-I surd 14p€r no,(tBq,$..qddEor ,$.oq uj[al lJ.nol 'g-S suBd ur 'utql rDluruo4^u! SBls!] s.ujcxoerFJo euJr_Ds -uo) c(F u.nprraIlB-s,{tssa J}'y,I5 ro gtJD alqrssodrs.q Jno.(asoduloJ pur 'lzJlrr8Jo,urJotsurEjqot,.aorJurxel n,no,('t-I suEduI .uor,r xdrJd lEssaM,{g puc gliS roj .Jnoser ouoJs-pusrs r sv pesilslp sJlooq slql
)tooa $HI WOUi NUtfit tt,nol, J,vtr/ '(SlJ ruo{ rrjt ltrrating uo11ouuolu11y1g9 FDuJorqr rr prqsrqnd Joftrru suons:nborll G6.6lg lnatoaYJWt Jof apn,g p,4!!O acLI :uoFrtrIqndpf,rrrydE 14suoPsedblEssrl\,'I,{t aqr saqqlqnd5;g .(trdr/ur^r.rs-lt!u.tsaa.na.n,$) erls qa^\ Al4lul( JclrrlfEug I}'J^15 lrU cl^ r^oqr paqursrp .l1l Jod oqr pEolu,noo
'8€-92 sr3ed uo srnsst.qt pul] gz-l s!3rd uo sru.tun8rv.ql prnJll,no,{:q)Burl ur soSrd 8t sr e[J aql.srnssl 9ZI pnx nurrrnfuV ,r.,1+ r-relyr4 n.
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Oudine (Issue 2)
PRo A * *r..4t b :.u,ratcnt support to rhs opPosinSPosn'on: Olhcrs miShl ailc ai)ehea\\'mxnufacturin8:rndnf,iu l'tcsourcc jndustfics, whcrc lhe value of l,angible:rssels-'a\\' materials and cepil,l equipmenl-xrc oft€n the most si8nificrnt dcte'minanl of Du5rne55success Then. thc essa)'er?laitrJ az'd)'lllesc examplcs: ' . Hov/ever. such industdes are diminishjng in sjSnificince as ve movc from an industri: societl'ro an iojormatton age
3" Appeal to Broader Considerations
r8xc that any minor Problems piih your position secm trivi'l in light of the broad, and serjous, implicatjons that th€ lssue raises Tbe essayfor lssue I Provides an cxamPle First. $e cssayacknowledges x ccrtain Problem Ivith its Po5inon: ' . . fDlelxys q?icxll-v associrtedwitb burcaucirtic re8lrhtion can thwa.t the purPosc of thc regulrtions, becauseenviroflmcntal Prcblems can quickil'become 8.ave indeed Thcn, the cssay points out thc broad socielal consider:rtion tl:rt Puis iris mitot drawback in its proPer PcrsPective: ' . lsluch delays sccm trivial when \\'e considct thar many enviJon' eotil iroblcmi car4'no! onl-\'a rcal threat to Public health but atso a Polcntial threat (o the veq'survi!'tl of thc bumffr sPecies
/,t" The 'Lesser of Two EYiIs" Method
Argue I.1aLan opposinS Position is no suongel, or PerhaPscveo s/caker' in a ccnaifl rcspect. The essayfor Issue I provides an examplc Fifs! the cssa-lrcknowledgcs a certain weakicss in its Posttron:
...1 .::r
. IDlehys l}?icdly associlted with burcaucraric regdatron can thqan t)rc purPosc of the relxrladons bccausc cnvirotrncntal problems can quickly becomc Sravc indced , !/cal(ocss in thc oPPosiDg gleaicr points out an evcn the e55ay . Then. PosiLion: ' ' Hosrever, givcn thal uniustjfiable r€liuce on voluntecrisdr is the onl! alletutive, governmcnl rcgulatron sccms nccessa' '
rerctson s t
1vllttnq Shlusfor tbe GPE/GMAT TQs,s
nqt ro[ s lts n'u!t].lar
s,L J.Vt1't/ildl L t.uosJat t
('auo rxau 5ql,lo 1q3ll ul 'Ja^)aotl 'a)!^pl: 'Jr!l!urxJrxq^re(Uos5q ot ll:rJll sl.rrprr rqr rlrJq^\ 1o rurod s;qr -r:prsuo3) qrr,! saldurrxa esn 01 ljt tng uoplsod Jno,{ .Frsloq ot stue^3 lrJUorslrl pue lurlnr qloq uo ^LrrP 'surt(Il lrt ,{B s:rn3g ll]uolslq undotq_alull.Io selnru aqr dn SuuniuoJ lq Jo s)psll?ls SqlrunoJ)r,{q nslod e:oJs lou [l]a nol. tlt$rnd tDlnyJ ro itprtdoaf Jo e\\t98 x rlll rou sl lxss, rnssl rlll
"ITV-II-.ddorD{, " ag l.uoo
purvdemotrrq.,,,^ s,,"* *"oruo-';i;.1::tt;::Fil:ltJ:::"'J
'bllod us!)roJ Jo sruod rs)uu ttll Jo dsES uutJ lno,{ Jo l)pErr eql fJrn^uor ot sJrld orF 1ou sl sIqI slseqt Jrr,i-Joruts mo,{ alrFrtldrtrtj ot rrruoJ r sa -(rss. tnssl eqt asn ot uollE)dt!|rl atll ls!s)'U 'tf,r{qns Jsln)tuxd ,(uEJo r8pal,6or'Jl ftJJsqJ?r Jnol qlla Japral arll ssaldu4 or lr f.iroc
TsrImIreI ern JrprFu aql eJad$
'otrl^pD slqod 3ul^\onoJ al{t pu.ru q daa{ Jo IrsJno,{ JoJ suollsanb asrqr ra,1!srj?oI zJapral ,q1 uo uolsseldu4 a^lrlsod saldurcxt Jo spul) :)!,qr.ds rtq^r puv ised,& sldurlxr lso(I' lqr :^r!l IIJ,4d ' p.rq rql Jo IIr 5pnlrq or Ar nol plnqqs rng suolDdtsqo Jnol Jo' 'rruruJdxf, rno,{ '3tqptar JJqro Jo Jautlpu)x JnoA vrol{ saldultxa ro/pltx s/osr.ra.rrD!,$ :,rltredv:d mol uoddns plnoqs no,( rxql stcJlpt4 suoDJalp 'fYI;t9 prrr gxt .r{t rpoq uo 'z ucd ut JaIIrrf, P3lou sY Jrt)ulo rqr
unol sndwvxfcNrruoddns
'AJrEJJarxo):q Ja^eu plno,{ uolsl^ JEUosJtdIaql 'srirqproqns eqr rnoqtr,u rrql rruipi rqnop ou _4r_qr-JoslorJ f,^llrr:door ' pJnoa suorluod.ro) lnJsgaJ)nslsour mo Jo sJ^Dn)axa JrJqf, lt,t 'uaqi :tlJJsr rJrera ua^J srq uotllsod &EnuoJ JtIl rrqt sutssc lzsse oqr 'srsrJ f,rJ:If,rds SuFIJ 'aJuruod(Ill lunoutejEd Jo q se^llnf,axa ,bl s.,{nBdtrrotr x Jo uolst^ pur dlusJ.pt I .r]) rrql .n8Jt 1I{3Ix .lnos :)ualx '?lduJcxa rnoqrlrr rol' st uolllsod Sqsoddo arp rtqr srrupr ftsst cq) :s{d ur s5p!^ord z lnsq JoJ ,(?ss: JqI uollsod mol lo s:nl:IA c:oln Jo ,uo lq p.aoprqsr.^o sr uolrlsod Sqsoddo :)q! Jo lgaEI u.rsual E 1i1t{l?n3rv
on4l Jo JelBaJc,
aqJ, '5
Avoid the Trite and Hackneyed
Tn'to avoid usint bxckncvcd.overuscdcxamplcsIo mJI:c Your Poinl Kccp in mind: IIanY GRE lrd GMAT lest lakers will rel'\'hcavil! oo toda] s hexdlrnes and on histon 5 nlosl illuslnous xnd nolorious lisurcs Hcre :lrc somc nxmcsrnd cvcnN rbxt culrcntl]'(in tht vcxr 2002) come to mino: . Osamabin Lrdcn or the:rttackon the W-orldTfld€ Centcr . The Effon and Atlhuf Andcrson accounling scaodals . Recenl American Prcsidentixlscandrls " AdolDh Hitler and drc Jewisir Holocrust . Bill Gatesand Mrctosofi s busitess lmcLice( Examples such as thcse arc the ali_tooobvious ones. Try lo di8 a bit deeper, showing the rcader a broadei, more Iiterate Pcrspec[ve
Oranl' Sparingly
on Youi Personal Experiences Unlcss the specilic direcdve xccompanying thc slatemcnt inskucts othcnwisc, i!'s Perfectly accePtablelo dra9" on your own exPenences at work, co0cge, or clscwhete. llowever, avoid rell'in8 too hcavily on personal cxpeience. Strive to demonstratethrough yout essal'a b'eadti of both real-world cxpcri€nce znd academic LnowledS€'
StriYe to Be a Generalist, Not a Specialist
Unless the sPecific directive lccompan]'i'rg the stalemcnl insruc$ othetwise, avoid harping on one Particular re,son tlrat you belicvc is the most convincilg one or on one examPle that you thinl is most illusL_ltive' Try to rcund out your discussionas.ftr.llyxs you reasonxbly havc timc for' To Fuard agarnstgohB orf on a rangcnt witi a sinSle rsson or eximPle' ir-'r'to adherc to one of thc siruc-turrl templares you'll lcaF'about a.bit I^tcr in Pan 2.
rvllllrg Skllk lor rbc GRE/GMAT Tests
rn)J sroenFd
nr Ljjj
s,salJw!,adt tqt 1u/ t tIS 3u1i!1Ar . tuou2tad
'rrurlsqns .irss! slrit rnql Jruq x ulqr l.q3lq .rors ll!^r s)ldulue /iq ,{ur!rl s)Pnlrur lrqr pux srrlnrtul pruoddns .ri rrllr s!?pt lnJrq8lsul 11r,A! 'purq r.qro rql uO euo ilullquIrJ ssrl:)qur^.u sr rr:rtr lxsse r:8uol r: 'pf,pur^\-3uol )^DJ'.I5 ,Joru aq uxJ lulod tql ol pux JsIJuoJ sl lxql x urqr 'liea\ lrss! uv ,irJlrnb s,^css, atlt uo spuadap lTelI is,ixssi tnssl re3uol ro Jluq lr{)rd sJ.px)r rql op oS ].null !u41 aql q]!^r. psletJosst uoJ)uurJl TrrDtrrrd rqr s! srsodwt lrrasls 8qt$t eqt trqr qt8sal llo uolluFni] ,{fuo aqj -(!ssr rnssl ur roJ tF8ual "lJtJJoJ" Jo paquls).rd ou q rDlll
rno Hr9N{ S/AVSS3 'lJolstaJduJl
c^rrrSoulte^rrtqrsn r 8q^lal lqejoqr 'Jtpror !I$ uo rqgnotnJo urr-DJnol Slnsollsu ro 's:urlaptnBurruf,J o) rDqpE ss?lulua^ru plnoq< no{'lEss3 lnssl f,qr roJ tnl)rurs "rsrq" lo .1trtrllol. ou sI airqr lrtp rtrlJ ${cur crtrDs 8uF$r .qt qSnoq'rlv f,rof,s q€lq x roJ lsalpergl4 &csssrlu lx5tt v uo|qstrJ paaurSroslp 'SuJlqsJtl B s! ){jo,{turrlJ Fuotlrzgr8ro 8 q rurqt luassrd no,{ I srrp! Jsoql pucrsrsPun u) r Jo JlqJ)ldd! tos rq3[u rrplrr !q] 's€pl e^lslrq pur rurlruq Jnol Jo ssJlprt8cll
(runpnu.Lss,Avgstunoll gvtol unol eNEtNvouo
'.{?p uJrx! cJojaq,{Droqs uDq) ael^rJ uf,qt 'sarou alxJ pldutr -xr Jo [o]ua^rn ux qlr^! Suofr I uxd rn pJrsl s:tlsst ssarnmq pco:q llr uo irolrrsod rrJtuts rnol dolr^rp 'I1,1\D 5lfl roJ . I I I I .,{uDErxt 'seloij e)irl 's)ldor rnssl eld-rrlntlt 5rolrq ,{Froqs urf,qt ^rf,l^ej ueqr 's)uof,ql 'sru)na srjnSu tlrgorslq ourEs roJ lq8noqr Jo slooq)s pur ',(qdosolTqd'f,)lrif,s e(p Jo lustrr ,sn u!) no^ sltt tlo prn srnllod '!u.' cql roj . urcuJ srldtr'rr.-5 Suruoddns Jo IeursJl: ur dolr^.p It I 'urErJ Jno,{ aoJaq :slldruExo lad .lnod Jo IrUlsJ? rix dola^Jp ol lll rurp oAEq no.{ I stldutExt alljo^q Jno,{ Jo ltuas.rE ua qlla srnssl plllleJ ICrA,lrsJoJ,{p!9r Jq rrEJ no I1l!dul sl-el sJSEduo seurJr{lcsornJo srsrl ,qr urrSr prru (f,rlleql uouruo:) trcqs lood fnlJllo 5ql u! sanssllurn
svlol lvssSrol 9NtWXOtS v lsodtloc ot A oH lvss3 3nssr9Nruo3s-H9lH
Number of Words Don r wom about !h( vor(l lcngdr of vour rss:rr,.As long as vo!.incorpo. rirc inlo lour essx_r';lll rb( ctcnrcnlsd): j suF!:cslhcrc io lrxn 2, _vour . css .s word ten8rhNitl bc Nppropri:rrc. NOTE: Thc samplc cR[ essa-vs in pan 5 of this book mnSe from 475 ro 675 vords in lcngtb, and the GIUATlssue essaysm p1n 7 mngc from 325 ro 500 words i.o lengrh. But for a lop score of 6, your lssuc cssxynced nor bc as len8ttr),,s my samples, cspecia y rhe longcr oncj. (GRE test taters haac 50 percenr more rime for lhc lssrjc .wnnng r1lk, rimc cnough for aboui 50 pcrccot morc words.)
Number of Paragraphs Therc is no "correcr" o, "bcst" numbcr of par.rgrJphs/rr sc for an lssuc essat. Ncvenheless,an), cRE or GMAT lssue essa),sboutdjrcludc scpaialc inrroducrory and sunrmar.y (o. conctuclinS) paiagraphs. ln addirion, 2ny cM]lT Issue cssry sho:uld coora;a at tcast iuto bod),paiigrlphs, xnd aD, GREIssuc essayshould conr,jn at teast tbrco bodi, ')ai?&"aphs.
Rrinonrcnl Empnasrs AND YouREssay's Srnuounr The principles of cffccrive rh€rorjc volr leamed earlicr should aiso apply to thc m:rnncr in which vou ?rrangevour iders (and opposing idcas) into pangcaphs. While there are no hard-and.fasrrules. here are a handfut of idcas for you ro pul 'nlo Dracrrce. . Ifvou bcgin vour bod)'para8rnphs 1vith your positjon, stan s,ith the slrongcst ("chicf," "main," or .primxr\r) reason for that position. Then in subscquentpamgraphs (or senrenccs),tum to vour sccondan reaSons. . lJ you begin vour'bo?y paragm'pfrsty aiscussir8 a posirion contrary ro yours, suft vith rhe slron8esr ("chid," -main," or .p.imaor) rcaron for thrt pos t oD-lhc one rhar mos! pcoplc would rhink of 6fiL By,runing righr around to counrer tur .e.alon, you disam . your dcrmctorscaf in )our ess:r}. . ,^mor8 varions opposinS poin15,admir t}lc skonScst one firsr. . Respond innrcdiatel1, ro e3ch conrm'_-\'poin!, in rurrl. Don r pile rhcfi on, t)en risk runmng our of time ro respond to rhcm all.
n uwpeteionla>m
|Yrlttn! SkllLr Ior tbe GIWGLUT Tcsts
tu.'.1trt )t1rt,)./ ,n., rtt
a.u r(tJ s1tt4snutl!r4l
rt\,4 tt,t\9/:lal s,uosJotad I
. 0 6 . 6 _ . f ! . 9 ! . Z Z . s o Ni r : s s 1 1 1 1 4 , 31 1 1 1 l{.l ts gl soN irrss-iJllc trt
:rlxldrurl srq) tro;llirru)s!) n){rxl )Ii : ur:.t pur ( ur:d ur sixssi.nsst 3ur^{oltot:)ql. rur(xl.rruxln):)-
Itlrnqrr e uonrsod rnoi rol uosr.ar rJttlJ :ctdDra^DrDd pr!
rurodr)rulo) (- uortrsod rno,{ Joj rofial
lulnqrJ {pnasa\ :q(h/\D}ttd llua
lrllnq3r (rurodrsrunoJ e uoltrsod rno,{ lol uosrsl wx:A:rldotiotvJ tsl tpa{rp burl AtJrav (r ru.ur)lcl( .rlt q)r^\ ru.ur:rrfjDsrp ro ruruj)erft] rn6,{ trrrldursr slql fuJ I
V aluldural .(uoDrsod.Dqrorqt go-ljoddnsjrq]Jru_r4 ?rn) tu,rofuIunor: r ol (rldujr\? ro uoscrl)r odsJ x 01.sr:Jtr ,lrDnqJji,prjE.,uoFlsod fucruoJ ISufpoddns :ldrur:.e ro .gosxlr I o) sraJsJ "lulodr.rtunoJ,.rur:'l
crlt'osty sru.ru:I. Fuoudo a:r:cpu1sr:;pc.rq .s:lxldru:toqr L,J.:llON
'srsrtr lsow ur tsl'l lx ,,{Jlxuosladno/ loJ rsaq sllo,{l leql rruuol tDtll)u?kolpr .J)qlo Juros Ja^o)slp tgflur nol .,irssaf,nssl a,tllJarr or )lu^i ot IrpJo rn s)trldu.r5l )sarlt Jo ruo ot lptruls alrqpt lou pJeu nol 'osJv ( s,iEssaueltu^lpuxq ltutqns oq^l sJelxt ]s)t:ru, 01 slqElr/1y tos sl uorrdo slw ?srnor JO)- ,{6uproJ)r sqdEriErrd lno,{ e8uzlrrJr pur rurq $lJo,r )xqt ejruJrlrrs x ot q)tr.1ds.rurll rl€noue e^Eq no,{ Sqrllnssv -rJstd olu! 3r4IIrJ lou 3rx s)))td 5qt lerp rf,^oJsrp 'lxssr Jno,{ qSnoJql ,,(! rpluJ 'urq) iprnurur:lruJnj)s nlnJtlrEd t r.nta tno urts lqsftx nol::;qxru ag (srsdfcuEpf,dol5^ap lnru ejolu ! JoJ euJJl)rou, a^rq srrlxl lsel !XD) .r){Er ts.l l!.t,15 ro A)IO x f,r.no,{rer.irrltr . \ (suop-rsodJerIo sx fla^\ sB) uollrsod Jno,{Jo uoddns rn Jlr) 01 puf,lul nol srldu[xo prrt suoslor Jo lcqulnu aqj, . luelrtllls oql q)t^r (oajStslp Jo) lej8x no,( rlJtrlnaor tualxo srll . (Z rrd u-iJr.rljrf, prssnlslp sa .suoIrEJJlddrro .str:dsr .outuoduroc otur u^\op u:loJq oq u') lr Jrq)eq,r .,3.;) tu:ur)rcls arn Jo lnuru arLL . :srorlej Jo lt)!rr^ x uo spurdrp rr5les plnor{s nol f,r?ldua) qrlq,4(\ .srtqdrse! Terrurruls sq,{onoJ eql Jo auo uodn pflnq plnoqs ,t!ss. nol .pulur r.:rc)u?nbos JEruotrqr pnr r)qrl,nu qdlJirlxd rol s.snf,prnfl guroi5loJ oqr qttrrt
lunrlndrss/Avssfuno^ uoJs \ndwl ,^vssl!nss gNtLo3s-Hcrrl v:sodhto3 0^ MoH
PAlli z (or ) ou can u5c thc s:rmeremPlerc to orscusstwo or morc examPlcs disttnct at s) drit lend suPpon lo -vourposroonl Ist Para|raPl': Onc cxamPlc (or arcx) th3t suPpor(s your Pos'uon counicrPoinl -) relJuttal 2nd Para+tul l: i'jl.other cxample (or arca) lhat suPPotls yout positioo -) countcrPoin! _t rebuttxl your 3/d ParaSrallr: A'nDrhcrexample (or ar€a) drat suPporu position -) countcrpoiJ)! + rebutld
The followinS lssue cssi.rsin Part 5 and Pan 7 are ba5ed esscntially on t]) varEuon: I t I GRE EssayNos. 66' 85 GMdT BseY No 74 tlll
TernPlate B '
Try this rcmplate to acknowledgc ote strong ?rgument aS4itaJl your in supporl oflo Posluon but wbere you hlvc more re?sons or cx2mp)cs Positior lst Para?rapb: One rcason(afld/or cxample) in suppon of yout positioo
2fld Para|,"apl,. Another rsson (andlor exmple) in support of yor posilion of yo! 3rd ParagraPlr: Attorherreason (3nd/or ex npie) in suppon positioo Final Paragrapb: -ief
countirrrgument -+ rebutta)
The foUowin8 issue €ssaysjn Pan 5 'nd Pan 7 arc btsed essendallyon t templatc: r t I GRE EssaYNos 4l, 48' 73 t l l t GI1AT Essayr.{os.11 65. 84
':f€mPlate C .
Try *lis t€mplale to acknowledgc ote or ntore strong aiguments 3rup aq uc) t^oqr p qr sll8arljrs aql
r^rrf3dsrtd uno^d! 'ElIg ,soJdirrxarnssl poog q]!,,t!lpEaj ailt JoJ l[IrDadsa .srsnuf,ps.srqusparrurrj , . oq fl,nod plJY'sr:qdosol,rqd.pur:sl.apBrl TErlrllod .qr Jo ndsJB uo t4 or.z .(6661-000I) wnlruslnur tucJrr $orr oql Jo rldo)d Fnurn[u] tsoui OOIcqr s,{r^Jnsqrr,q,r 'uoDf,npo.rd lluueqr (tulul -qrultuJ Tt srry) grStvrnoq.f I ..unnrurfnl{ a+ Jo AorsH" (ApJqnr @o.V3nFU.r Jo) 3r4*qJmd rlplsuoJ osJV slJpl ,{xss}rnsslloJ uorrrrsSgd JEJoImol ol Jo lf,urrEq3AolsrH rrlr ot rn ?um .otnod q)nol r ar,nol JI
oepl^ Pu? ',sodrnd slrn JoJ lrUasn rlr rrqt sclls q.ffr :uJos ot s)lull prpl oJd c^.I .(x^trlgr^r.ts-Aru rs.,|l..na,s,t) crrs qa/Xr J}'I7[9 puE (E^taj€/r:r,s3rs-Aasrsal$...,t|]\^ r) llls qertr gUC di! Jo s8rrE Sur,rp^ IEJI fcuv lql l]/ .sour.rTr .ns {I uouEro) uo dn qsruq ot qrd! f,prl( pl.ro^\ :rn Jo oSrrnE^pr rrfrJ
q% '.,{.Essa snsq I}'1419ro AX9 r o[4 elJLa.r uEr nod rrqr puu n.no,( .l8olortrospu! 'srplod 'Aorsru rrq,$.qrlr$. .slldjns nol tq8lur JpsJno,{ 'c)u3!rs 'ux rn srsmoJ ,{'^rns oSJnoruro4 setouJno,{ SunsnplJI JJo
>JJol[ asrnoS aSoflo) Eo.IJ saloN VSS3lnsst 9NidO3S-H9tHV SSOdtOO 01MOH
. Anal\1icJtNriLrn! (i (xcrcis(5)
. Composinga fult-tcngah lssuccssrl,(l cs:,i1.) For cxch Froup of eicrcis(s. di.ccaions ,or rhxr groun inrmediarelyprcccd( th€ excrcises.,.lr-r,,?to scsand collnnents bcght on J)a{e 59.
Owururnc (3 Exrncrsrs)
On scmrch paper. crcare an oudjnc for c:rch of thc fouo\\,ing rhrcc lssues. l'our ourlineshouldconrxinnoresfor: . At least one cxamplc andlor rcason in suppon of cach maiD point o A ba.sicposilion or rhesis (for vour introducrion and concluding prragl'lphs) Limir your timc to 5 minures per lssue. L For rh€ foUowin8 Issue,provide n'l ouulnc for ,1,o body para. Sfaphs-thc first one ir suppon of the sarcment,s positi;n, the sccond opposcd to i!: ."ln ant ficld of eDdeavor,an indiviclual,s bcst critics arc tlc individual's own pcers in thar felcl." 2. For abe folo*,in8 Issuc,provide an outlnc for ,rrce body par]graphs. you, probabl), nccd ar tea$ dlr.. p"_goph. ,o comparc diJtcrenrrypcs of professions ". ""c"rion" La ro aef_. the setemeni,s kev rerms, "Professional successusuallv depends on a person,s abiliq, ro respond and adapt to unexpccted problems and changing crrcum.unccs' 3. For rhe folloe/ing lssue, provide arl outline for ,/rrca body paragnphs. you'll probablv nced xt lcast three paragraphsto examine bodl arerj Lisredand to corFider oihcr possible crj. alquesof the s6tcnren!. "Ho$, we reacr ro public scanclals_whether in busincss or potirjcs-.eflccrs our vajues and prioriries ns a socicr),."
paRAGRApHS ?yRrTlNG JNIRODUCTORy (5 Exencrsrs) .. ,;r.-..:tj -'
Fo-rcach of the following Issucs,compose a tq/o.or tffec-senrc.ncc t trodudoq, paraFrrph rh.ll: . Rcvcrls rie comple -r,vofrhe issue . su8teessa Fencral posrrion on tfic issuc o Anrjcjp?tes $e sFucturc of rbc essr],
lYithng Skrls Jor lhc CRE/GMAT IBLI
t ,1nint
0t I 0g f9 0;
n.tt to[ s1t1,ts'ulttth
srsolJwtzBl ,
oN{Arss:l IY,{D lJ o(! ixsst Iyt{D I oN,irsq lv'l^lc 9 oN ;xssJ J\.'t{5 ,< rul;d ||tt
!! oN ^rss3 3llc I 6f oN ,ftss3 aI9 t 'Z tZ oN ,{xsFJgng ,. oN ^xsst !1t9 I E rrEd ll t ')llijJulsolp! ejour st .JmJruls atF ,srrqlo.roJ rllqa .s:uldur)r e^U rtF Jo )uo uo uollcpx^ D sr arrulrlDs oql ,s,{lssf,sseqt Jo )rllos JoJ rrrF adrgqo lqodlrlunoJ
r 01 esuodse: v lpruepr o1_lDurrqal .
uolrrsod lrzrtuor t :q\tasap or-julodeturlo, uoDlsod ! Jo uoddns ut uo$.r ! lJlruept ot_tztod
. .
. isulrl Sl'|raolloj D am ol qsr.,,! ,,(r(ll no,{ .rtrlFno mo,{ q (sqduSucd t{rpnlJuoJ pue AoDnponq aqt lol tdeJxr) qdlrr8Erxd ,{q qdErSr-'td-arn]Jruts s,,,(rssaaql .ultno .s,(tssf,rFrl)u,Golpr iln,lAoliol rql Jo q)ra ro:J 'Z u[d ul lr]tryJ prunu?xr no,{ salxldurol Tgrutrdts lql Jo ,uo or lFtrlrls srrlJojuo) Iooq qlr Jo / prrE -<s!!d rn ,ftssr Aa^! toN
gJ lun.Dnuts s/lvssf Nv cNrztNc {sssDulxf , sJraonoJ Jaq ro srrl Jo srsrrflB arlr JAr5s 01 q-&Ernrur aqt Jo .sseqsilq 'sJllllod in roqtrq^r-rlpr.l D Jo &,Tqlsuodsal lluo 3ql" .-< .,sr5qlo Jo suoltrrtradx) rql ot Brr1ll:o;ro) ulqr ra$er .&Ipnpt^rpur JJrl ro sJqrl5ssElsnur Tmpl^Jpr{ ur .aJJlul p5rJtrns,{Ful oI" ., " uollEArgrjd stl 5lnsu5 ot Jo ut Jo uoprrD oql ,BrlnoJuJ ot lurunle^o8 Jo uollJurg AEssaJau Jou Jfdord ,lF laqrllu sr -e U" ..,ll3pos ol tgeueq lslJllTu8rs Jo aq o) llr{ll lsoLu:)rr s)u)^oJslp put sErpr afLr'qJlq^ q qJjr:s:l JO Sf,artuo tlEJlualso) pFoqs seplsjr^r-rmrx sJrqJrDasru, ,z _.ra!^rosJo rJnpojd p3slu3^p! aql Br4sn,(q JnJssarJnsJo o^rlJrlD[ arouj f,uoorq ,{IrrruJf,ur) sje[unsuoJ JrJ ^luo:)^DraJ:) f,r sldord fYss.Ins ro.^pr!.trr Bsl,(EJ]lodspv" .I .ansq Jad s.lmnur 01 rurrt Jnol tIUn 9
AVSST3nSSteNidOCS-H9tHV :SOdl 03 0l MOH
AunlrncalWrmnc(5 Exenctsrs)
E:ch of the following s! cmcnls is one that mosl tc$ tak':rs would lcnd to a8rceeilh )our t;Nkis rc plx)''lc!i]s advocatel:or eachstnt€mcnt' composc x onc'p:rl:rgmPhrcsponsc in s'hich }ou: ' Providc onc rc$on and/or cxamPlc in suppon of rlrc slatcm€nl 5 posll'on ' Argue agdnst rhc sL:rtcmcnls posilion b)' providrng at leasl onc rcasonand/or examPlt rn you. resPonse,tq to use rh€lorical devices lo conYincethe rcader th;rl your conlnry posi.ion is thc strongcr onc Limit your dme to 8 minurcs
per lssuc. 'l 'AJ adults' \ve prcfel to define ourselvcsmorc by our occupx!'on ' than bl' our af{i[aiion vith soci2l grouPs 2
".{ dcmocmtic socicry is dways berte! off when many peoPle " questionauthorit)
"Pare^6 should be frce io m?ke 3'll impon'nt dccisions tcSstding the formal cducanon of rhcir childrcn ,i. 'Tl)c propcr focus of! colicgc cclucnton shorrld be on career a pcrsonal valuc Prcparationand not on the dcvelopmcnt of syslcm"
piannin8 2nd x Srea' achicvcmentsare thE result of carcful rons susl.linedeffoft r:rthcr than lo sudden bursts of crcrtiviq'or rnsiBht'
lssutEssav(l Essav) A Futt-trNGTH eor.rposl'ro
of Early in Paft 2, I consrrucred,step b)'step, a samPleessal'for each rhcse two simulated lssles: Issue Statement 1 'The bcst way to ensureprotcclion and Prcsermtion of ou'r natural environment is through SovernmentteSdalory measuresWe cannot to rely on thc volunt?,ryeffor$ of individuals and-private.busincsscs achicve $cse objcctives." Issne Statement 2 'kr8e busit(5sei should focus on r€zmwork a5 rhc prirnsl'y m':ns of achi€vingsuccess.'
v/ltin( sklal6tu. GRE./G]ITATTESA
f,lcr!unuluor) :trnSuEl .lxrs.qr
aqt )o.t sltt s Jultual
sttnJ JYht'al s,uosJ '
(sursral]lr:) lr.ds u[tr sr..d .
:Jads)J Jo /quo^1 ololu suorulclou.clxf, . sJaid uro{ rlsrjtruJ ol )^rld.Jal JJouJ:)rr.ldoad poos '3 e) suedxluou
(p.)llourrn sEoBAulllpE u{11 ol aldu{s lool ucl sls'l xaldllloJ .
(enlf, ou a^rq surdh -uou :lqdurSorEur.u.rr !3.)) FJrlaror.p pu! rctrruqtrJl . plrrJ Jo e3prlaorq tseq o,lrq slaad . (e.r3y) I qdvdersd
.ropulx-rs'q"ir$ JoJsa{t',r!q^ o,* ,J'.:*;:3;1::,I#:ll]
s..nsst rr{r 3u.rq3p^r rDql f,rrf,lpq sJou sls*p s,ru.rFno cql .r:ldurxf, roj uollr)Jrp rrrlu Jo u! :rD uo ,{Df,IqJ,!ar ol surld JaTst tsct lqr trrp nsr8ins .tnFno eql .t! or uoplsoddo rn :aqro atn psr tulru.tcls !q: Jo loddns 14 ,uo-sqdErSr.rrd lpoq orat rltl,t.' asuodsaj " roJ al,_no * r.rrrH
(srsrrulxr gJcNrN
qNvsrrdwvs-srsr)urxr rNil?ltlYil, ur5rs,{. Suns:r eqt otr4 ttmq sJUo ,rp ot srrollJunJ 3rlssaJoJd-pJona Jo fsn fiol 3!rDlr.r4l .fsuodsJ Jno,{ rsoduoJ ol Jossrf,oJd pJo.{, c em ,lrssa g19 uautrAprDq E rluqns or urld nol sseFrn .1I!1,,1g;s:rnquj 99:o (fU5) slrnuru, !t ot atult Jno,{ lIruJI .$ldl[rrJ pu! suosEcJ u.Lo mol 3sn ot Lrl
pw uorrrsod rno,{roJrn€rBor s5nbrrsrerTrru..u, T*i-it#rtj
a^lrralla l[sJl,roreql s! rEql lrnrrruqs r SrDdopy . sqdErSr.JudgurDnlruof, pu! ftoDnpolrr! 5^nJalga BuIrIrA\ .
s.n.rxrlduro,s.cnsqrr{r s.zr,€ocr rErrr."o".0.,::t$tJ:il:.[
:lnoqx Z rrEd lr,rpruJE l r^,no,{ t!q.4dllddr o: l:A .cnssr eq1 lnoql suorr{do lEuosJed rno,{ Jo ssrlpjr€5r .lu3rultrts Jql q1r^ luaraaar1oqp ||era^o ssudxa no,( qlJIJ.t uI llsst (rx f,sodu,o) pw .ruaurclsrsr)r{lF rtf,lls sru:rlu)rElls rFoq q\|d tuaural80 fiara^o pJssrd)€ scsuods5l aldrurs ,,(1,{
VSSf3nssteNtuof,s-HgtHv lsodl 03 0.t i oH
Pa.ragriaph2 (DisaSrce) . Pcersmighr b( dishoncst(jerlous)' or comPc(rt'on) . Ou$idcrs rr( nrorc obiectivc . Non-cxpensbring frcsb insights (c.F., lircFrn critic s focus differs from film directo. s)
. tssucrests on dcfinilion ol "best- Ocsl inlomed \'s. mosr obiective) . Kct: Criricism must help you improlc your crifl or advance krowlcdge
l. Anab'sis
Here s an outlllnefor a rcsponsewi$ *ree body prmgraphs. Thc firsi pirrgnph s'ould proyide two mxin reasonswh)'tic tcst takcr tundimcn_ trtlJ' agreeswifi thc stilcmcnt. Thc sccond pamgnph vould considcr possible cxc€ptions, ticn cxplain thcm a.!val'.The third ParaS.aphwould ' . rcco€lizc rhar the issle resrsultimat€ly on thc defitirion of'profcssional ' thxt thc t€st takcr phns to rcl)' on cxafiples succcss."The otltline suESests from a vxiien'of Drofessions,
ParagBph 1 (A8r'ce-z Rcasons) . It,r)'jobs inherentll, unprediclible (e.9., ioumarisrn,medir, . I{rilriplc circcrs .re common today (no job securiry) Paiagiaph 2 (Exceptions) . Exception:Jobs cnsconcedin convention/ladition (c 8, laq', banlinS) . but evolvinSlaws, re$latrons, and tcchnology requlrc adapration . care€rsin th€se areasnot sccure ' A fcw riieoredcalfields might be insulared(€.8., brstory, math. or music deor), . but job circumstanccsoftcn unccndn, so aclaptor pcrish! . new dcvclopmcnts stilt possiblc (€.g.rhisloricrl marh rhcorics, nes' musicil forms)
lzaxngS*tulor *l
I t' tJIs u osrLrlt)nptnn^\ i^\ ^\orl ol $ crturr:.r)rd:ru) rno lro,$.Lu!.r :t-.qar 'mir,rtrru-ii uo-if i5?5-pq.c;:ospr:)trnsilf, 1rurntnss:t4."q:r1n:lucdr'r:q:rq,n-
(spro^r SZ€) Z enssl JoJ asuodsag aldwug ';
I u o.r' t! o sJtt'd
/n d t4 l
stsal J?'t{9/1u aqt Jo[stITS n'rt,lrAj . s,uottttt
(-urur Z) 'qdr.Iif-'td Surpnri'uor x.sodluotr 9 (-uIuJgt) 'rsuods rnoito,ipoq rqt .sodluotr .s ( ulrlJ Z) -qdr-r3Erd /LorrnPorrt,r J.pq r.soduro]
(.umr OZ)dessg .rnoa asodruo3 (-urur l) -:rnbDu)Jo sturod.Ino,{ezrtuoud pux .irwfuO € ('urur Z) (s)uormlruor s,rurunSrv 5ql suoddnslr ll€uoJrs ,4doqruluuat)p o) ,Jurpl^a s,luarunSrvfII] srJltu8xapux.qpuapl .Z suorml)u!5 nt..qpucpt put 'lueurniry .qr p!.I .l (urrlZ)
S) ^Essg Jno
xsvr eNtltu/yrlNlwn9uv IHr oI sdtlg 8 :(pe4sflps.rrd arx prlsr3Sns) qtrrorddr srwlt detsj s.np ,roJloy .rnnn :u4.lnurtu{g inol qrtp!^d s:l*l rJJrIr JJxqqduoJJr no,{ elns o)fljur ol _-t. :: ' " -' 1J8d ul ,5rq qser lcqr so srDoJ Il,notr '(cEBrn 'xnorts SEEE8S) qsn8tr{ rEu.rJ.r DuE Trtpucts Jo stuaural: ' .aqlToiloinso) >tr|rroaprllrJrsuourrp otrpses osrl,Jlinol,.i:lloN srldurr,.r Surlroddns pu? grrogzlr punos rTtljd sr.pr rno,{ rroddns .€ JouuEur anbr-tuJ mo,{ ssrJdxe prJr 'dola^ap ,ezru!3lo .Z stu5urur,{ri
s,lulrrn3rc rqr oqru'Jarto .I
).JrIl ,s.qt qslldrxoJJrol p.5u no,{ ',kssr l**"*
suplmq-lJp{s Jo srussr qSnorqrprurzol3^,nol rlqa eJrlrr-rd.r;t;"t;
^:l',,: [l f"ffifjl]iT,l".;T'J.ffffi-'iHj"-T: l{ . avsslt INlII^In9rrv DNIUO)S-HCIH V !ilNUN OI I0.OH
E *rrrd
Refine Your Essav (5 mia.) ?. Ilcvics':rndrclisr tbr cohercnccrnd l)rl:tncc.(] niin.) tj. P.oofrcrd for significinr mcch:rnicit p.obtcms. (2 min.) NOTE: Thc sussesreddmc lirmrr tor crch srcp ire mcrcl). guidelincs. nor hard-and,fasrrulcs. -Al you prrcticc codrposing your olvn ,trgumenr essavsundcr dmcd conditjons, stan with my Suidclircs. thcn dcvelop a pacc thar works bcsr for vou.pc.sonaliy. ln thc foLlowhg pages.I'lt wrtk vou r.llrou8hcacb step in rum, applyin8 the followinS simulared rgumenr:
Thc following ippexrcd jn r mcmo from rhc maiagcr of Uppcrcu6 hair ' : , . . 1 r ' 'i 'Accordins ro r ralionwjde dcmographjcsrudy,more and morc peopte rodayxre moving from suburbsro downroq,n areis. ln orclcrto boost saggingprolirs at Upp€rcut5,Ivc should ralrsrrJf.ql ssntrsp puE lJpu.p! 's3s]r).xf, oal lsu es:qr lo qJct ul
z-l..srsl)l3xl AVSSS lN3v\lneUVgNltloas'HglH v 3!llM ol '^ oH
5 . WorLforcc Sysrems,I consulrin8nrm spccializingin workplacc producriviq lnd etficienq., rcpons riar ncarl\'70 pcrccnt of MDiacchs cmplor'ceswho cnrolled in WorMorce Sysrcms one-wcck scminar lasl lcir chin] to bc morc conrcnr with rhcir curcnl iobs than prior to cnrollin8 in drc seminir. Br,rcqui.ing managcrsa! aI large corpo.arionsro cnroll in thc kinds of seminarsrhat Workforcc Systemoffers, productivin in our econom)'s privarc s€cror is ccrl-lrin to improve. A s'gnijlcarr pcrccnrr8e of dlis counr)'s rcsidcnrssho reccive unemplovmcnt benefiGfrom rie state repon that thcy would prefct to work bur have difficulcyfindrn8 work for which rhey are qua.lificd. In ordcr ro.educc rhc st.ain ofl our counr),s SrateEmploymcnt Dcvclopment ofiice, which is currenily uodcrstaffed,the countl' should eslablish?n adulr joStrainins progr]m.
7-8 Exrncrses ln cach of thc ncxr rwo cxcrciscs,jdenti4'and discussthe r?cessaDr cond{tlon or sulficicrrt{ozdllton lssumprion. Also nore othcr posslblc problcms you would anriciprre discussingin r hjtl-tcngth Argrrmcnt cssay. 7- Thc juvenile ,usricc dcp3r..n€nrof onc of rbe nadon's lar8csr cirics reccntly lcponed rhar chnd.cn who cngagejn rnv of thc ciry's or8rniz€d spons progJams arc iess lik€b' ihan othcr childrcn to bc ' convic.cd of a felony crimc larc. ir life. Th€reforc, rhc fcdcirl SovcrfDcnt can reducc tic national crimc rarc by mand*ing daily physicel-cducationclxssesar cvcry high schoot in $c nation. L RivenowD's hisloric Hill disrrict used to be onc of r})e ciq"s 6ain tourist aftnctions. Sircc thc consrrucrion ot a ne!{'shopping ccntcr iI,I thc distficr, the disricr's quaint oldcr shops and rcstaufantl have had diLrculry anracring parons. ln oldcr ro prcscrve thc hisro.ic valuc of . lbc Hill disrricr's oldcr buildings ard ro prcvcnt furthcr ioss of rcvcnuc from touris6, t}le ci(y lnusr imposc a mot"rorium on t}le conshrction of any ncw srrucrurcsin the Hill disric('
ixgncrsrs 9-l 0 In cich ofthc Dcxt rwo cyercises,idcntify and discussthc potcntial groutmember problez. Also note othcr possiblc problcrni you would oticipatc discuisioS in e full-lcnSl}r Argument cssil.. 9. r,rtciaDt Industries.our state'slargesrprivatc lusirlss, the avcragc produclion worker is now 42 years old. Rcccntly, Giant's rcvenu€ from thc salc of textil€s and paper, ,whic}| together account fot thc d.eiority of Gialrfs rn nufacruring business, has dedincd si&ntficrntly. Sincc an increasingperccn6Sc of ncs' 8raduaresfrom our sratc's
Wtlttflg SEIttlor.tbe GRE/G]IUT TesE
u():, etosJrtd
a.tt ro.l nt'.ts nuDOAt
v!'JJVllt9/:1dj) t,uosJ2tad .
-rir(l rJrl(xl ur uorl)np.)l l: uirs i^lxl Itrlr s)oo rrlr :rrr:st:r.:r:.:;rqxr s,l.llr :rrll pux srri,i r)qr lsnl ,qr luDnp .p.sr.riur ui.\, r{r.rlurs rqt p:'tlrur -rr sxr{Irsr' trutsrp ss.ursnq ,tp 5u'ltorrrd sr))r-]lo):)rt(xtto J]qr.unu )rn ^lorq ra lJrroj saprs.fl s.rrllqrssod^r.r rrsnlrsrl or'sqrnqns iu!,,{lrnour uolt lt:d LUoi:iurcr:JJUIro urruu^roDarrrouoJ> lllauai I sr qJns srolJtt o) prrlsul ,np aq lrlfruJ u^\op^!ols ss.nrsnqlql !:t)q rql roj )lqtsuods)J s! Jrulloj srlr lxqt )urnssx or rrr.n!nsr tr ..ltua^al lrl)r ul aull)rp )ql rrojaq prlln)lo uorDnpal il:)lot.r:)rl(xl.ql asnrJ)q tsnl :ur)lqord ,qt silpurq r'$ :suodsaj r: s,aja11.:cuanb:s lrjoduJ)t ,l:)!u qt!^t tJrJJa pul osnrtr JsnjuoJ rq8[! 1u:$ngjv s.rql
'I srs^]vNv
'strurllui )lqrt)lrr 'olrL.r 'DaTlor ot SuIIlt^\ II.S)J prrl srsseusnq JoJ s)rprsqnsot s€u!^zs.rI1 lldd? pur t3rr slqt tn Bqpurds c)np5r pFoqs &sno) )rp 'aldrlJ! ejt rsnlrr 3ln]cpounrro)Jr! roJ sernos -ir rurrnr rno r)urs 8u.rutf,trpurf,q slq rsnj.r stqxtJb5ruou Jo rurnlo^ .IIl llq,lA 'llrpEsts pf,sc:Drr srq Aunol ulnqlrrtg ur prrnr) 'sl!:d r^U tscl .rlr iulmo -ord sJxuarruI alqqrb)l Jo aurnlo^ eqt
's']r^Jrs pur spoo6 uSrJJoJuo buopurdrp slr:nulluoJ ot pJuDsepsr lJrlmof, Jno 'spoo3 pruodurl uo sJJLnl )sod { ot Srqlll,{.sn su.rJaguouruJa^os fElaptl mo e)!Ic.uonllFl JoJ pf,tmlpr 'o8c $rJ{ urt lxlot frnniJ! aqt urqt ssal st] \ srgluno:) raqro ot &tunor slqt lUot bruoai! spooSJo rnlx^ prrllf,rD Inol 'II 5rF 'Jl],{ :s!l 'luarrurr^o8 JErepaI eqt ,{q uodrl ruerej x ot trlpJoJ)y .,(!sserusurntuV rll3uf,t,Ilry ! ur BurssNslp .:rdttrrru! plno^r no,{ suf,lqoJd alqtssodr.lno )lou osJy ..szrrtqord pqu:rod smJslp pur Slruap! 's:sruaxa oal Diou 3rp Jo rpte ul 16r1s-azrr.7
zI-l I srsDxl 'lul.tn -ord Sqsnu x rFra drusrurlsrssrJrSrJUiIursSord .)3apt ltlJossr nr )r!td!r plnoqs eScIIol hfunururo:) >loorqftl) ,spuert ruom:) f,srqr Jo !3s|rft^p! awr aq ol Japro qI 'slooqrs JEJlprtrrs.uoD?uJno ol suonrJ.rJdd! Jo raqum! IElot orp u-rrsrol:)ul rlt lq prruxduorJp sE^l slooqrs aq s.uooru rno ol sttrtJllddr Jo Jrqurnu Jlrol eqr u'! eull]f,p s,$r:I rs-Elrrqr es)^r)sqouofibrnpg lo tDlunof.rF Jo ensq turf,ar y 'Ot 'rrus no ln cjll Jo ,{:lpnb p3rnp) ! pu! f,rnln:gss:urmq prods:pr,rs ur 3rnllnslj urm rII ':}J!r) leqr s! sra)po^\ turrrnJ Jno a)xldar ot luJr:) -gInst'I 3q aJrotpo^t rno Jo tzrs .q] qr!rt^\ ul srsur r: lrrj loos JII.a 'setr|s r:rIlo rrl sqoJ3qpqt arr srtrsr^run puu s.8)nor mr\! :rrs Jno
encc. Sinccrhc xrgumcnrfuils ro prove rhxr rlrc policcjorcc reducrion is thc acrualcauscofthe rcriil busrnessslump, or cven conFiburcd ro it. lh€ xrgumenr'sproponcnr cannor jusrifixbl! irfe. !lr:rr:r policc.forcc Incrc:isc voold scn'cro revcrs(lh.t sl('ntp.lcr rlonc tl)rr ir ,rvoutd rc!; nlize thc ciqrs cconom!in fcncrxl. In a tull-lcngrh (JGminurc) cis;n, \'ou mighl nlso rddrcss rbc foljoq,ing qu€stionsabour rh€ Argunlcnr's rcasonin(: . A th,zsbol.l proble : Does rhc cin hxvs xn economic problem to bcSin with? Os it flir ro issumc dr:lr rbc ciqJs cconomy is suflcring mcrcly bccauserer:.il revcnuesin onc paniculnr disrricr hrvc declincd?) . Wouid the propos€d course of acrion rq.lcc to attln t}}e stated obiecr'vc?(Pcrhapsaddilionxl me?surcs,such as renovating rhc disuict or parrollinSit xr nigbr, would also be nceded.) . Is t])e proposed course ofaction ecas.raryro atrrin the stated objecrivc?(A ciq' mjthr reviLatizeit5 economy itrrough othcr msrns instcad.)
2. ANA.ysrs This Argument might conhee causeind effecr wir}l mcre correlation, a rcsponsc that handl€srhc problcm: .Hcre's Th€ argumcnt unJairb,assumeschatXcnon's workcr producriviry is simpl)' I function of whar :r vorkcr ca.s for lunch. Altlough rhis miSht bc thc case,r merc correlaion bcrwecn lunch dier rnd productjviry does flor sufficc to esBblish a causc-and,c$-ec!-relatiog: ship. Thc arSumenasaurlor musr also consider xnd €limina(c ill olhcr rcasonablecxplanationsfor r})c diJfcrcnceirl produciiviry lcvcls bctwccn the rwo Smups ofworkers, P€rhapsthc mosr plausible sftcmxrivc cxplanrrjon is thar vo.kcrs who bring rhcir own lunch arc morc producdve bccauscthcy spend lcss timc cating lurch and Dorc timc irorkinS. ln shon, lacking bcncr cvidcncc thrr ar Xenon producrivjty dep€ndsprimarilv on luncb dier, ,rsscningthat dranging - thc cafcrcria's lw)ch mcnu will improvc a,rorker producrivity anounts ro lnlc morc than conjccrure_ :In a trnl-lcn8th (lcminurc) 6say, you migh. atso addrcss rhc followtr8 ,qucsdons3bour rhc Arglmenr's reasoning: . A tbr.shold problcm: Arc ca.fercria lunchcs acrually much diffcrcor from lurches rhat workcN brinS from homc? (If nor, rh€n thc enrire arSumcnris poindcss,) . Wolld t})c proposcd cou.sc of acrion .r//ce to arrain rbc scatcd objectivc?(€.8., workers who prefcr catctcrir dining mjghr cboosc
Pal.tso't s
wtltint SkIk lor tba AR-E/G UT Tests
nlt) .nt s t.t! Du't'i/1\
( su':5w 5toos rFnorqr nu)r Drrxsf,nru^,,b$dord uo,Irssrrd pIc^\ -u^lop rrt-rrtunor urf, /t!l IDO sdrqrrd) tstulJ pur s.ntr^ ?i!)dord u! rlrlrrp c ilr>^)rd o) Jrpro rn lf:llnr a)u )$ esru)r ol 4/r.rrrJa, )t sl . l prorrruln::*a 1rr1_.0,o*,,_",*"li]ji rql::cgr::ddcpur pur:s:;pun sn *'oo)qq uta nq Sulpn)s '^1fl
:rr J)puns)rr,1u lrnbr o* ,.:.1'^::-to .qr.:ds i,r.,",,n.., q.ni;I::i"[ffi:';'"iil#r"TJfiff:
rrorD x SqrdopElq uosselslrn ilddc.{rDr ra ,Arlros ! sr./(JrrU)doH s0e6r f,.n suunp .s.n ;qr 'r r:lu.rr^)dx3 .,.F,q,qo;;-.; ;; ;:;;, rildE sr .rrEJxlqEp'^u Arr'rorx f,rslsJf)t or ,ra_r'ry i1r,.], il.loi; 's.uo ;. J!.'onr,{lrzFDrutd.srnsgr
f!!: 'n m rr,xrl"", .tuorsl,l ;Tf."l":":]ililf
pro^xor aoq ,tr'os r sx sn qrx' rntr lsrd .,r, Jo .;,1orr* .;;;;oo;-*"-"
rq rq nrsrLU ss.r,,snq r*, .,,,^.,,r^,rT";,l]I:jH
::^,:l iT:nl:o-. ^rp^rJ^, 'p rrEno't) r33 sn dtrq ..J rsrd rqr Jo "r:"",;;;:,"";",; rnoqr Surtj[rl .uoqs uI .ej!f q sn t^:'-":tt^o "^o 43rr'l rJq ot uollt^por'. )pr^ord u"' -^r1s:a,rpr .yo ,r",
:,,,;p"..,..,,.,". ro-*;,#;Ll"irr:il:'i:.:i.fffi, T#::.; uolrq fr* looqrsur_r1l ,(spA5n, ,,rurp*, ,",,",rrf;#;;;j
f .uf,:) uorsDep ' ur sJr{l .Xtuouojts!
o,,r"o, " *,0,..p-oq",i" :l1ffi 1T]J';:Hliil"iiiJ,] l.:".Td
p^ur a3'noJ rql ,,(q p.rrds* tuJprus ! ..ldu,rxr r", ;";.;;;;:; )srd rqr sluerrr!^olqrr Jo wurnq lxar8 rnoqr Bgnr:r:1 .,!i^ *s.q ";--" .sa^I mo :^Jl or ,jorl .pr)ap sn dlcq qrru^ljo ff?_rnnrisr:d pur uonErrJrDlc.;nrE^ rrqrsn pur: .Burar roJ sr".*, .iq_r*"_" ;"",r',.J_ sspr^ord ftorslq Burlprus ,l4]lr o-f p:rllrrll st str^n lrpl,o^' '"no or f,),'E lT rJrr nr r!* o*.^or*'.o^'ttt""!.llo lou sl aorslr{ llql ns!33ns _*.,*0. ,tt"-^ ]o"o_r"u-""'^"o" u srr!'"rryo'.n .{ruo ,rq";"";,;;;;[ ;TjJ#,il1;j,ffi.il.:,#^I"
asr,rrl lrfruO JnO ot rlre^rJay &orql{
gP .oN lnssl 'uorsr^
! 'r,orssr(UJo f,su.s x rnolF!,1
u!trr suol 'qr roJ urr:rP t ro
- ;:l:_'*-","i.*.*^ Gti,'l:;:H:i:il#ili T.i'#Ji iuT
Ir ssllrns
ulJr)-Buot ol (l')rd l t, . .,,or-a.,i-r,,.,r":;; I; :;",. :,"jil;;:1",:,:il.1"il ;
- - .rt "q.q" o, p)r"":'r rq fips]r6!u,,s'rrsruJy r*.u'
n* ..,r.,"1t]i"O,ji
slnsstu9 tvt3ulo ozuoj SAVSS;3tdl{vs
PART5 Ho\\'recr.lionr hi\r(,n. $ ( l ( r r n i. n , , r r n r : r t . ,c u . n 1 . . , \r ( | | ! j l r ( : x (l
,i,(,,nF jj,"illl. ri' u,,,,cr\r ,l',,,";_ ,:,;,j,1;Ji. :,' ; rnndo, nrrn .,,,.^:;:;;;;i
;:,,:;,,: l;i."::';1,i"i,"'l:.:: -::.:11
rn entithrcncd 6r i !,sir ro rr)c sfoccn.sro!( ,,,r,)rn r n lr)on)r.e :]n(ricnc, )ontagc ro d)c mrnr
rno';;;.;.;;:,,;. .;:il:T"llijii.l"' ,ll,ilIl;,'lllll-ll .::":y:(:"gnceri porsib (,di'' c ;.:'.;; "' ; frccdonr ilj.ill.i ro So rbour orrr 0.," ,_."', ir[ci] :rs \.(;i;,,#,.'JlJ,il:
choosc ont]. b) "cn' lF(," ",.-:;;", ;:',;;' " ! i r r F I;:;:l: I i ' u ' \ c.il r " ' _ a n s1.":: cn. l:".:::y:: o c l ( v a r c o u r::: e v Ti'ci' cnoif cl)orcs ," """, ,,L,,(r. unucrsriodurco,,. n^r,r,-.,,.-_.,
nror( inrcresrjnE.rod n)oft
en,nr.hr. ""^-:--^,._ enJol?bte expericnccs.
ro ,ccornizc ' rhJr m x ourucrivi,ics acllvltrcsand and ]:"::,:^,j.^:l:l*l Jccrs,ons-lrom our Frana*, ,o -,"_ .* -"i, 'rrur' .rote-l)'sLon c:rt i'sp.rc, infortr, Fuidc.anJ n,,h,.. l^ ,,.--'.
"'i'"'' *'* nnr"harvs's," -0. ...''ii.."l-, lillJi'" HT::-'l.rbc hum,"_r',d,;",,u ;;; u;;;,:.,.,.,"J,rT": j;:. :,
lssue No. 55 Has Techlology laileg to Hetp Humanity progrcss?
Hrve tcchnological irno"",io". ", "r,i" ,,". jcenruryfriled ro ",. ,/\r bDngabour -"_^. r^. ,,^-^._.._-- ---.,"
';,3T i:;:.:T:i ffjj:T:j:::::a:.._*..,,..""i..",""*iffi-;; prcvcnr ; ;; ;;;;""""
::13'l:fl':Iii. llmalcl' ;;:.::;l *l.trll,t:1":. ::.ountfo.rhe.,.,,r"".,,.o"".,,",i.
H: ;"';il'";';':',::i'",i: lil:1TT::::*.'::,'o'r,u""*oru,;on" e-ar tcasrin rhe dcvetopedwortd
fJ:"#.*1.,.:Jr:[#r**iti.;H:::T ":ffi::':"l:
l'*.#HF*:::-Tff: ".x-'::'iJ!"*:':l-"-' ffi ;Jii::ij$l.rlliTl
,...ilil*','Ji;ITIiXiy:L: :;:::l,T::il::ill]:ffi:Il;
€nrbtescompurersro map f:nh,s Seorr
t.}j:i.":;; m ::.*".f r_llf; *#; *#::JT'J,ff hlr,naniry,srhebencnci,"r*:;;;;;T:.fl ,"Jt:.1.].l.i:,'l,"T"I1] ff:ff.#,::i-
,cch,orosy_rr.omprosrh*o _o .o_ ,,?",0*o i
reducc hum'n "*JT J:.1'": *:','n'::i:: "::?:1"* hc,pins,o
$i#"!:nr**r.;#r##i:.:r,nl pcoplc
and mx,mcd hv xromrc bl:rsls. t4ore
Sk ts lot tbc
tr,, ) trr'e)t.1t .r.u.,:
) t t r . 1 1 1s11 t t . 1 \r
f,ir!ru:rtrsrnO i)rD:t^\()ur1rqtrurrrs rn() ut s{.rfior(t ,^\ ^rou .trrdrurxe r ' , 1 r ) p r < u o ) t r . \ r t t , : r r r . t ^ r u ( , s r r t , J ( rur ( l : ) l . r . , u u ( l r!ur< srrlt
rrrnorqr ,ir.('sns'n\ r*lr qrudr,)rxtr*p puLr sn,.1ilffllil'oHl:i
)rI ur sr^l)srn(' Ji^o)(rp ostx ,^\ ]nq .qtr^\ :lqDlxlu()r l(nr a.lr pur: Jrr: r^\ ()tt^\r)^orslp.^! op,ituo iou sdlllsuortrtrr tt..inorrll..ru)Jr.lop! n:lrt.J J() lirrxd pux urd rrr tEqr srf,tunoru: lt]r]os pllj^!,1^rl] to stros )ql Jo /il'n\ ;q ;tuo rno r;^oJsrp .^ sru?rsf,toprsy .m!3r pu, urrin u^!op .Su,llq ,iq llu^ or ^rort urrrt r^\'srnqut s\..pooqrlnpEr{Snorqtpoc,qptlllr,itlu: LUoltsur:urnrl .- r-u:u:dx. lrn,Uaar rno q)r^rsprorrc uo.ru:ruo) )rtt .qr,^ urli:q ot .Jo^x:pu) uEurnqJo su{llr II! ui ,sslrSord rtut Dul: fu^oJslD ;cj uolEphot Ar^ rqr sJp!^ord :o::>pur.-1r:9: ,t.nrl t"rr,-a " ,o ,"q, m.@o_trr ^ro)stq.ltpuo)9s .raru)g.dx: rno l[uosrrd A,^.pJo"rr r, ,_3 suorrjr oal roJ .uo!lu.tuo) sfr.ll qrJA !rr8i: .s:rytsnu qfno:rp ltiuo:rs t ;tuo.pEaj r! ss)rgojd pu! A.^o)s!p rEqr spuetuoJ lr4rads cql
2ssa:3o.r4 puu Lra,rorslg roy &cssarap
gg .oN rnssl .,,b!r.'!Lunq roJ ss3riord rx.lr rnoqE rqSnorq peepul o^Dq suorrB^ouut lc)JSololrqrrl luaJlr-la^fl loJuroJ pux 8rrh.rJ prpurts Jtu ouof,a Jo Jo su.urt rrl-,{J,dolJ!u Jrot! "ss!3ojd" cuurp 5116. ."rna^oH ']rrdr.aj tr slql rI Dr.r.roJsl luaur)lrls aqt .snql .latp rr[c Surraorr,S,re rpaua6lo uoqs uoltx^otrl,r fDr€olourl):t ou rl)rurtd .ernlru uxurnri uro{ 5rruds ;larDu4lln sJutrlor^ pnn .,,bla^od .rDA sx q)ns srxelqord gullnpua .r]lns uI
rrrur)suor qroqpuE:le^oi ,orurof,o* ,.,"n
,"'illi,fil]ljt:'^'## .i!rl suo'rnlo^f,r rrtndtuor prrl: llgrsnputrlapouj aqt q)oq .srurlrq uo ssrl)riru.^.N .sravoaoJ pur ,,r.rJrmu:ulo) ,ll,urrj ruolJ,l"^i uonurrri
pux Junl lno sJlrjs pux ploFJ^O UoDlurloj:ul spa)lq l5uDI' 5rjl puy .Iro^t rreqt rlloiJ sDlroa ourl-llqurassE uoDlurltu Jo }qr q ,.q,orrV .qrt".q ,ttqna or tr9Jrrt stl pux uo.rrnJlod lnucruuo.4au: s1iguSojd 1ru:snpu;o rrnpo:dlq 'slsor rnoqrla ,*_"u_.:o euo:r- rou suq s.::sora q:oq....,nor . f
orssrJ)rlEs!^run :p!r! r^!q puD:sarJrua^ prJ=r",o,,iloijir""l']'"L'-r# "{" uirc)p rq1 p)pm Jo r' jT e^ELt :slsEr !^trDrdrr SLTulo}rd :^.: rlrn) Jno dn ^q s:{ prdlsq !^rq srrrndlllor .ttrurr:.r .srru)ru.^uo) rol4 a Erorrrld r prnddns p(f .qr^o.€ r.LUouor) _.-11:^.* nr)!lnunj< 'sqol ssJDlmor prrrJrr SrruruJEmt'!ur :un_llqLu)ssrpur uonrnnold Isrl< J. )u:^p! f,q.L suoptu podolr^:p Jo ta^.t ]lojruor pu! 3ur^nJo prlpuEr( tTIlr^o ,qr pr:)tr[qu) slq uoox^oum Fa€olour.ltrer AruusJ,rltsltur^! .))u)lor^ pw ',or9^od .Jra 8Llrur^:rd ln suol]Erru'Jls.lSolorrqJJt ,qpuEtgqle:oN -ilruE(Unq loJ srssol 1au ot lrmouJr r'!r LrsluJrqro,q ul ,sf,rur^pr" pJl,El_os Itrlr rno srurod r))qfnlts urrunrt roj suodura lrJrusqr to *. t_*.jtr",
slnssrSaJ9 tvt:)ljio ozuoJs^vsstltdnvs
mcthod is css€ntiallr a clll for progrcss rh.ouph rrial and error. Anv ncs, rhcon musr be tcsrrclbr empirjcal obscn'lrion rnd musl $,ithsran.lrigorous scicnrificscrurin\'.Mo.eovcr.lhe hisro4'of thcor€ricalscicnccis csscntiallt. x hislon of rriil nnd c.r.)r. Onc modcm c)ilmplc inlotvcs nvo conrrirl, tbcorics of ph\,sics:w:r\'( theon,xnd qurnrum rhcon. DurinF thc trsr quancr<enrun. scicoiisrshar.ebeen srnrgglirgro disprovc onc or thc othcr-o. ro reconcilcrhcm. s ir rums our,? nrw sc!r, rhe aurbor circs ric fact rhar rhc incidencc of sick tcavc in L€evilc is lcss lhan rn ^1a5onCirl.. This cvroencc wo|l]d lencl suppon ro rhc ar'guftcnr od_vif the ponion oI loczt residcnrs employ€d bl, locaj businesscs vcre ncrrl), drc san)cin bodr roNns :1.
s.hoarcrocar rcsidcnls w€rencairvrh:".#: i;':."r,"i:;:
rcl]Llg on rllrs cvjdencc, Lhe auiho,lssumcs Urar dr€ portion of sick cmplovecs who.cr!a y u-ke sick teavc is ncarl),rhc samc in bor.b towns. In shon, wjlhout shovjng rhxr thc wo tc
2urhor caonor dn*.an"*,,"0,. .","o,nllllil,jlTl'"[,liii,X.1'l;*i ros.ff rcsidcnrs_or
abour the impacl of roR,n sDc on hcrlrh. Thc ruLhor:tso cires rhe fac( $at ilason Ciq,has 1.ivcrin]es as man} . .Phrsici2rspcr rcsidenrrlan Lcevlle. Howcvef. "r" "r.U* "f f"..r, beridcs tbc bcatth of rhc rowns, ,esidenrs nx8h! cxplain this dispa.itl,. For ex2mplc, perhaps Leevile rcsidenls choos( ro lravet to i,jason Ciw for phvsician vishs. ai/,ihour roLns our such cxplanalions, thesc pnysician, rcsidcnt ririos prove norhirS aboui rhe compr:nve hcetth of Leeville and M.son crn rcsrdcnb-or abourLheimprcr ol rovn sl7eon hc:trh. rrnalr}. rhc :rurhor crres rbe frct |J),tl rhc a!cmFe :lse oj Lceville rerrcientsjs higher than rhar of Ma5on Cit1,,esictenrs.Hoq,evcr, anl numbcr of f2crorsnu6trrexpldn L\js drsp3ntr.. For "*-0.. *,n"o, i.lrn-,.'" . whir. Mrson oq. r,,,.r(15 vounae! worr.lns pcopre :.^:T:i^::T-Trr., *"1'." pc.hrps recvirc ,s compriscd_,,.r. .r,""".. ru,r." i.,q ::.1:", rcs'dcn6 whosc lon6cuq.$ aroOur:ilc chic0r ro .tr,omcr Llcsqlc in M or Ciq,. h any cvcnr, iie auihor cai,'rot JusLdyrhe conclusion thar rhjs dispa.i$ in avcrl8c age is due ro thc di(crcncc in sizc Ucnccn rfrc no h conclusion, rhe ;]rSumcnr rhrr smal,lo*n !!in8 promorcs 8ood. . hcaldr and torgevjn. 's nnpcrsuasive as,r srrncls. To srcngthen rhc Ut" au$or musr provjde cleai evidcnce *T-" dr: rhe ovcrrtr popuriUonofLrcliltc, nor iusrcmplovccsin Lccviltc,js hcrtrbi€rthanrhit of
\t/ntinR Skilk for tbc CliL/GluT TcsLt
I b.1 :s&) t rod..1
tdrt ) I
,0,'rr rttrtrrrror""'!t'i!tr?
f *:iij*;jl":"*.".#r ::ilt!i:::i;';::::irff o) ,{lr)i-tlssrl ro ,lotu 5rr s:urprus uo1
rru;n;:*l1l*i*:i:f d.j:h;i:i:lr'::I;:i.,:r-:
s,uorr^ort ^toltoJ sa8rllor rrr.o
I"'ontpn" trqr uo q)utdll
'"o,'^o,r r" r-]-l'lllpucuruor:r
r j,,j.l,,il,xlti,;. :::,";ru:*;*1{iri:i:*'{l j#i :flffih:T*1##*;{r:n',r"*ins:.r#
,.:ffi i*# :"rj'n*r: [jl+]furif L:rr.*;r*;r j li,ffi:'ni:Ii,:*T;Itj:T#, :.:'"'::i$'"""#ffi trri l::T-1**u.
uour8ur .ror .Idord
uoDlrnpr fEultoJtrr{1 Au.r\TFr! Jo ro "* ,.pr; s'r,,,"'r- ur p".-; ";';;;";
; o r.r s,oua,,.*.";":J,%;l'rT,?t;ffi .rr_r_arrqrssod ! q
1Jl 3s!:rr.p
;fr #;'.::H;!;::*::
i::":1'111:-'t"".1":,",r",..*'fl ::ffi ,".T;i#T"TJ,ff ::I:;T:,T ;* J*;##i
r'-rsr€srqorJoxnsq ur or sdrqrad:np_ro:LD.n.*, 1*q". iaq sffi] )trdstrp !trspr:rr' u.^. .-'fo
Jo pa.]l tqSrur : ro11rs,, r
)! moljrds
sroJcrrrp sl plr|: srtr
j :j:j::yt".',";;;';',;,;-;:ill?.'j"j;':'::;",:'fr rnr."rr ot s, uotrru *.ra ,fnrnl Jr .r".r..n ,**.;;; stNS|,,\lnedv 1vr\g.tvlclijo oz iloj s VSsll.td,.{vs
ngc clo sPend 3 siSnificanl midc more ncxible so thxt childrcn of Prc'school Ncnhcr :tsscflion js Paniculrdy ponion of crch di! s irh xr lcxsr onc Prren! clcn lcss pcrsuasivc :rs convincinE. rnd considcrcd to8ethcr' thc\'rr( discussed bcloN is lhrl it hils Io distinFuislr A thrcshold problc \'ith lht iLrStrmcnl s'illr thoscvilhour childrcn A scicntist b e c w c c n s c i c n t i s l sw i L l r c h i l d f c n 1 n d flccd Ior di-\'-cirrc s€rviccs or for no vounS childrcn obriousll h:ls no intetcsts of ttqui'ements that accommodatc rhc sPeciil .".-._r4""t..n1.t, conclusions so rhat thel rpPl) p:lrcnls. Thus, thc author musl nlftos'borh
only ro scienlisls vitb childrcn "ll-'^ltsPin ftom Lhe *-"0 Consideri!8 rhe xuthor's fi$t 2ssenion care ror proPcr for ensuring audor fails ro considcr tnd tulc oLr!othcr oplions For insoncc' a scientis( vhose sPousc ,.ian,iro anifO,.n a*i"8 the !'ork&v wrth $cir child mish( lery.wcU (or pattneO has timc dunng 'acn or\'Io sPcnd rncruoug drJ c're Be'rdc5 rnan) s(ienrisr-Parcntr' to'o-ott'ot" ).oL. providc child mig}rt hxve friends or reladves $/ho c'n ".'.t*", ."""*r.o*."i opions ro cnsurc day c c .rc. Thus. to thc cxlent tir sc'ent$ts nlvc othcr is unw Ttnlco fo! their children. rhe ?uthor's lt$I con.lusion considered scP'_rr!€ly ftom thc A5 for rhe 2uthor's secono asscrdon' il is impontnt tot-t-.-* n vhl filst on€, tbc xuthor ftils to cxpl spcnd a signillcant .n drcn of scicnlists in PaniculI' ro ,., ""t. t.r.*t. explanaion' I daY wift a parcnt- bckin8 a convincl'rg ionion of ctct carccr'advanccment requremcnrs camror acccpr ttre authot's asscrdon lhat of allowit8 signilicen( nr^d. morc fl€xible mcrcl)'for thc s'ke -*r-o. parcnt'child conoct each workdal -
howeler' tit "lry.Tl Consideritg thc tNo assenronsrogeller' thc second x5senion scrvcs to bccomcs cvcn lcss conviicinS ln cssence' sicrificant rime rtrc tlrst onc ll the ctritdrcn of scientistsspend ;;.;. to ihe sci€ntist-Parents c?rccr' each dry q,ith a Plrent, without comPromise dircct contradiction to then all'day child catc worro secm u'neccssalv-in musl eitier reconcilc thc two *rc authoris first assenion Thus' *tc author or chooseonc asscdioflovcr the othc. ass€nroos but arso ]n a notshell, the ar$rment is not onlt Poorl]'supPofted v',ith ihe author's firs! paBdoxical. lcfore I can ettner ?gfee or disxSrce whll perccnllse of *'*tl::. :: assenlon,I would nccd ro xioq
*.',,r:1:1,:l"t' chndren prcschoor i. who are J:','"lil,:'#,:::: i1:: arar tflsicd
th€ author'sc€msto rer)' on ccnzin nornxtivc ;;;; ;.'";.oinirctaiionships'lssuroptionsthat thc.aurho' i".t o-t'tt-o ;il;; I can ?grcc wirh llrc docsn't begin ro addressbut must do so beforc B€forc I a wholc is iliogiczl on i$ face asscftion. Moreovc.' the arErrmenr a5 must cihcr abandon onc or tllc -" O.ra - !!kc it scrious\" thc anthor
'"'*": " orhcr ?sscniono' exprainwhv scicntis6a5 s"'p vith thcir id]i:t--T^t: da-v Pre_scnoor "t *t *.y -t spendsiSninc"nttirDc crch .--." care child 2ll-dxv to acccss !e!dv .it or.. -o * ,n' srmetime havc
))uJ,, rurarLn, r, cq,suosr,r ,.*;' jff :::*'.',iX:';:H*,.:,:
'^nrr) Stnaol€ rol :tqEo^xlm u.:q rf,rEE "34 'qr stq sm'( u!^trlc lsed ct4 lo )uo lJUo rl.,,.0 ao"a.o ,*o .ur'r.^" ;!ruduour. r'"--.r.rn, ",",n,*"_"#';il,i""H]::,fi,T:t **
suoura-I Jo acFr.I ErnrsJetsl arll
'oN rNlrYneuv
):tD--!aptrr'j orsrola..ruror n, sr^.x6r,{r:u.:'*"#:iltr:,T:# ::J:
[,*,rT::::ffi :1"x"'"";xH:ni*.T^i.i"_-..#""."d.:
X*[tjxn:: ITii:S5i,:,::.';,fi#n1:.FJr
::f**r,;,x;;:i i'Y:l?j"Ilfl'"""i,"#fi rfr:1j...i:.1,#:Ii,:,, "H.,."':"tr"-il*:,:tifi:; [;,","f i otroc uo .3l.rri SurrrEd tr^3[]Inu, r Jo uotrh.Dsuotrprsodord f,lll .^oJdd! plnoqs Arl) re t::ns )tro(l s,&t:, J:^fu punor. l:)rx )ql Jo lluouor. 5qr u.q)8uf,rrs o) rrpro ur lrql slDssE fxuorpr slqr .lo roqrnr rqf
dtlf, ,re^Dr :o; a8u.w9 Frrrx.red aup .t,p
It I
.oN lN3wnery
.alr^,(!g t! stuo trqr ol nrltuns n!:plrts Jo rot ?q.q r)qlo prJt r)fiuuo]lid trturprJx aqt uo slurlusjmbJj r'lrol_TrmJooqtrs Jo- s)r{Jr t!tr6olaqr,{sd :qr lnoqr_,{prus )t]lrurrtrs elqql:J ! ruoJj sdrqr:d-rru.pr^a )iqrp.D ,{tddns prnoqs rortrnD s,Ego!p! ,tn .a?r^lrg roj losu.cluior lu-rod rood to E si 3^r.s Lr.a lqSgr qotqa ,tooq:s :tSurs Ir^! r ruo{ suodrr :lqdolsJnb uo Arn,(l:l p!.rsul .^{rr^,{rg Jo It sass.Jrns rDJrrrlrs u! llnsrj plno,ll lrlod n:ltu{s I trqt (Z) Jo rloJy rr sessaJJns DelrJ rtll pur bJlod rr.uoJ]r'ln-Joor{rs g,uloJy u)ralJq d nl (u ot)xlrr rrrJja-pux.esnxJ Jx:ltr r (I) Jrrft!! gslJqyrsror sIq tEuo)fpa aqt .spurrstr sr.dn ujns ol 'e^,rJnpordrrrunor 3q or rno urru rqsru uoDroun,r-ilor., s.rorFnc eqt urr{l ios l] .looqrs t! ro!^!qaq r^,]dru$p AIntrqrqxr ,{q ro