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Aeolian Sediments
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Aeolian Sediments
Aeolian Sediments: Ancient and Modern Edited by K. Pye and N. Lancaster © 1993 The International Association of Sedimentologists ISBN: 978-0-632-03544-1
Aeolian Sediments ANCIENT AND MODERN
Edited by K. Pye and N. Lancaster
, ,
.... �
, ,,
. "
Sood Hills
Anteklpe Is.
::l z
! 0
Time lsecl
Fig. 9. The l.I rri va t or coa rsc grains al the bl.;d-Ioad trap III V• • 48cm s I . Thc so li d li nc indicutes Ihe simulalion rcsuhs unci lhe
dashed linc dcnotes the
cxperil11entally mcasured I.;ur"c.
Parficle dislodgemellt from a jim ,\'{Iml bed
20 16 '"
.: ..
�12 o -'
Fig. 10. TIle arrival of -
EOwI.II R,ve,
o o Ru,lInll "j.I�.
Major dunefield Minor dunefield
" " � . V " Caral Sea
, ..
o ...........
Fig. I .
Localion of major coastal
duncfields in nonhCaSICl'lt AuSlralili.
K. Pye
morc res t r icte d within the Great B a r rie I' Reef Province (Maxwell, 1968). Pye ( 1 983a) divided the Queensland coast into fou r sect i o ns 011 t h e bHSis of Ihe degree of dune development:
1 t h e west coast of Ca pe York Peninsula
and the
lowlands, characterized by extensive beach r i d ges and ch e n i e r pl ai lls wi t h vcry small·scalc clune d eve lo p m e nt (e.g. Rhodes, 1982): 74% of the total
more i m porHHlI than fun her north. and there is
annual wind energy occurs during the dry season
gre•.I1cr overall directional v ari ab i l i ty
( M a y- Nove m be r) ,
The signific:'lIlcc of local v�H'ialions in wind regime en u sed by coastal OriCnll.Hioll and lhe nature of sUI'I'ounclillg rop()graphy is clc
� w >� � 0
N o Z w U
� >� w >-
16, Lithostratigraphy or
palucodutlc systcms preserved within the sOuthern Namib denalion basin.
>w � u
"osits of Southern Africil ( 1959). In: TIl{' Geology of Some Orc Deposit!>· ill SOllthem A/rictl (Ed. Haughton, S . H . ) PI' . 67 t - 728. Spec. Pub!. Geo!. Soc. S. Mr. .
G l.. ll NNIE,
JolHlnncsburg. H"""NA, S.R. ( 1969) The formntion of longitudinal sand dunes by hlrgc helical eddies ill the atmosphcrc. J. AppJ. Meteorol. !oJ. 874- 3 . HOMIKAWA, K . & S I H : N . H . W . ( 1960) Sand movement by wind nctioll - 011 Ihe charactcristics of silnd tmps. JJe(lcli erOSiQI I BOf/l'd Teclt. Mem. IIV. 5 1 Pl'. t LI.llNIII!KGIW, W . K . & RUST, 1. . ( 1 986) Venturi-com· pensnlcd eolian sand Imp for field usc. J. Sed. Pel/'o/.
56. 54 1 -542. JIWllKllYS, H. ( I92S) Some cascs of inswbility ill nuid Pl'Oc. Hoy. Sac. LOlldoll SCI'. A 1 18, 195-208.
KAISl!K, E. ( 1 926) Dic jungell scdimcntllren neubildung
0111 extrelll-aridenklima der Namibwliste. In:
(Ed. Kaiser. E . ) pp. 317-380. Dietrich Reimer (Ernst Vohscn), Berlin. LI\NCASl'llM. N. ( 1983) Linear dunes of the Namib Sand $c,1. Z. Geo/llo,ph. SII{Jp/, 45. 27-49. IIUllllellwti.\·w SiidelVe�'/{/fl'ikas 2
I. COrbCfI
LANCASTlllt. N . ( 1 �85) Winds anti sl.lnd 1TI0W.:IllCnts in the N,imib Sand Set\' EWlh Sill}: PrOt', Lwul}: 1 O. 607 -6 I Y. MI\lUW'IT. J . A . . WOODING, R.A. & JeNNINGS. J . N . ( 1 969) The asymmetry of AU:ill':lliflll dcscn salle! ridges. AIlS/l'lIfiall 1. Sci. 32. 159- 1 60. O'13IU1lN. R. F, ( 1972) The b!l l'clHlIIS of the SOllthern NlHllib: grain size analysis. Prot'. 4(h S. Alr, Ulliv. Ceo};,.. COllf ,
22-3 1 . ROGllI<s. J , ( 1977) Scdirncnl,)lion 0 1 1 tllc conlinent..1 1 ll1i:Ll'gill of the Orongc River and the Namib Desert. Joill/ Ceol.
SIII'I1, S. AJi-, & V'lill, of Cr'l)e TOIIII/ /11(11', CCQSci. Ullil Rep. 7.
J ,I), ( 1 9H4) Aspects of ,Ire Cellozoic J;c!O/08Y ill rite
Klliseb River \lolley, CC/llm! Namib De,w:,-I , Unpublished
Ph . D . thesis. U niversity of Nnw!. Piclcl'rnorilzb�II'g. ;\ 1 0 P I'. W,\lw. J . D . ( 1 9M7) The 'cllQ'loic succession ill Ihc Kuiscl> V:lllcy. central Nmnib I)escrt. Melli. Ceol. Srl/·v. N(lII r iui(1 9, 1 - 1 24. \\I,\Il!:), J . I & OIWI!'I'I'. L B . ( 1 91)0) Towards an age fOI' amib. In: N(//llib Ecology: 25 YC(ll '�' oj' Nlllllib the ReSl1l1l'dr (Ed . Seely. M . K . ) P I'. 17-26. Tl':lllsvaal Mus. Monogr'. 7. WU..ANOI;i(, P. ( 1 %4) onvectivc instability i n a two layer Ouid heated uniformly from above. Te/lll$ 16. 349-359.
I�IIIJI� 1111. Ass.
( 1 91)3) 16. 6 1 - 69
Intemal structure of an aeolian dune using ground-penetrating radar _ J. S
I-I E N K ,
D _ L _ G A U T I E R , G , R , O L H O E FT (llId J , E , L U
US Geological Slirvey, MS
Box 25046, Deliver, CO 80225, USA
A BS T R A CT A grou nd-pcnctrfll i ng rudar survey was made on u large complex lIcolian dune along the 111�lI'gill of Grcnt Salld DUlles Ntltion�lI Monumcnt.
llol'nclo, to dclillCfltc the intcrnal structures formed by dune
migration in tI complex wind rcgime. Radar waves were partially reflected from !)cdimcnl interfaccs that had di frcring densities or moisture (,'()IIICnts. In this wny bounding surfaces between sels could be intcrpreted frolll chrlllgcs in the uttitudc of sets of rencctors. The radur reflectors wcre rccorded to depths of 1 5 m . but thc best resolution of bounding surfaccs was obtained ill the upper 5 111 of the dune s/lml. Bounding surfilces i ntcl'pl'cted from rdlcclors clcfillc a lIIain dUIiC sct 5-8 111 thick, with foresets
up 10 23 m long, Thicknesses of othcr wcdge-shaped and tubular plnnnr sets wngc from U,75
1 .5 m.
avcraging 1 m : sct lengths mngc from 6 to 12 m. averaging 8 . 5 m . Trough-shnpcd SCtS range ill Ihiekncss from 0.5 10 3 m , averaging l . l m . and I'ange ill wi(lIh frolll S to 22 m, Ilvcraging 10 m. 'nlesc trough smlc lures Illay hove been caused by the lIIigrlllion of seoul' pits associated Wilh smull supcrimposed dUlles, or Illil}' be thc result of seoul' fHl� rormed during rcvc(sing winds. Reversing winds also fOflllcd numcrous subtle boulldingsul'faccs (renetivntioll surfaces) .1I01lg the leudi IIg edge of the dum: as it mignllcd. defining
sets mnging in t hickness frolll 0.5 10 2 m . avcragillg I m. and wilh forescl lengths ranging frolll 15 to 23 Ill. avcr:lging 20 m. This study dClIlonstnHes the usefulness of gl'ound-pel letT of the d unc (small arrow). Southwest winds will cventually remove !his sand and deposit it on Ihe forcsct. The forescl on Ihe bOltom lefl-llllne! side of the figure is about 1 6 m high.
record. The dashed ( i n terpretive) lines on the CI'OSS
seclion indicate reneclOrs that may represent eithcr a sclected set of cross-strata or the gcnend nuitude
of a sedimem package. GreaLer resolution i n the uppcr 5 III or rhc cross-scction meant that
bounding surfaces were inte rpretcd in that port ion.
Analysis of bounding surfnccs and attitudes of
reflectors i n the cross-section indicatcs thnt
I h is
recorded reflectors that arc i n tcrpretcd as subtle
erosional bounding su rfaces
formcd on
the Icc slope
or the dune. This portion or th e trn nscct is
terizcd by numerOliS bounding su rr"ccs that par
t ia lly bevel pre-cxisting foresel cross-strata. Such bounding slIrfnces may be common in the section from 1 1 5 m to 50 111 , but thc lack of rcsolUlioll with
the lower-frcqucncy antCllll:l (300 MHz) precl udes
large clune, which is probubly typical or dunes along
their interpretation.
histol'y of deposi tion and erosion. From 176 m to
derine a large dune with forescts up to 23 III in length.
The t roughs arc gcncr�llIy wide
ness. The sweeping, tangential natlll'c of the t'cftectOl's
from 0.5 to 3 III in thickncss, averaging I m .
w i t h aeolian ripple Strata were preserved. This largc
strong reflectors t h a t begin l\rlly re p l a ced hHcrally by the lowcr Middle Unit (PMI) and the Judd Hollow To n gue of thc Ci.lrmcl FOl'mation ( J ) in a stepw ise manner best illustrated in Fi g , 4 E : i n other areaS the tnlns g ressi n g marine and sa b kha u n i t s of the J u dd Hollow simply ovel'lie the LowcL' U n i t (c.g. t hc westernmost part. Fig. 40). To the lIorth nlong the axis of the Page S.\I1(\slO lle. the Lower Unit thins 10 lhe north or H a n k sv i l l e . but th e n thickcns again in the San Rafael Swell (se eli o l1 BKW. Fig, 3A), Whe,e il is next seen. north of D u c h esne . it i s thinner l\gni n (section LFK. Fig, 3A) ilnd pi nch es o u t northward, The ma i n part of the Lower U n i t is a finc- to mediu m-grained sa n ds to ne (PL. Figs 3A & 4A. B ,
southCHSl o f Esca l a n te . nile!
cast of Wct.herill
allyon (sccliol1 WLC, Fig, 3A). Elsewhere the Lower U n i t is copped hy OllC of a seri es of surfaces extending inland from the ndv(lnc i ng transgression that form the base of th e Middle U n i t (c.g. new' Judd Hollow. sections BPT-CME. Fig. 40: frolll Escalante to so u t heast of Ea r l y Weed BCllCh, sccriol1s TBX - DFC, Fig, 4E) or by a latcr s\lpcrs �lrfn ce
(S--�L]») that truncates clOWll to the
Lower Unit cast alollg Lak e
Powel l (e.g. sou th ca st H u rricane Wash. s ectio n s H W A - FM R. Fi g , 4 ) . Loc a ll y there is a :) u pcrsu rfa ce or group l'>f Sur faces ( l ower s u rface zone. S--I) wi t h i n this unit (Figs 3A & 4A . D & E) suggeSl ing Ihal it ,'epresents IWO accurn ulHtion cvents. Thi!; s u rfa ce . or an equivalent s urface zone. is clisCO I L l i l1l1olls. tr unca ted by t ro ug hs in the overlyi n g unit (Fig. 40 & E ) , The occurrence of t h i s surf�lcc. or the cqu ivn lc nt ZOne of seve ra l su rl'Hccs. in widely spHced arcas suggests that it may h a ve becil a much more widespread s u rface 01' sur face zo ne before t ru n ca tio n . The exprcssion of t h is su pcrsurface varies fro m are described in the text. In the C'lrmc! Formution units. carbOIHllCS arc :-.howl1 with a brick paltern. siltstones tlnd silty slLndstC)ncs iJrc !'ohowll wilh a dOlled pattern. 1111 I conglolllcfIIlcs with 11 grllvcl pallel'll. Page unit.. consist Illuinly of aeolian slInd..wnc. btl! locally ;llso include contorted to structurclc:.s sandstones.
Moo,"" Meso MNW ,
Tse Esgizzi
LeII:TllKSON, P., /\I'UTO . M.V., GIHiSAMAN. R . . & VOOKIIl!I!S . B.J. ( 1 98.1) I>alcogeograph)' of Middle J urassic continclllnl, shoreline. un{1 sllallow marine sedi mentation, southern Utah. I n : Mcsozoic P(lleogeosmpfly 0/ rhe W(!s/-cc/II1'fI1 US ( d. Reynolds. M , W , & Dolly. E.I . ) PI'. 77- \ 00. Rocky MOlJllt,lin IJaleogcog,.uphy Symposi Ll 1l 1 2 . Ro!,!ky MIn Section. Soc. Eeoll, PalcolHol. Miner'a!.. Dc nver. 131.,\Kt�Y. R.C" PIiTUKSON, F. & KocuK�K, G . ( 1 988) Syn thesis of latc I)aleo�oic and Mesowic eolian dcposits of t hc Wcstcl'n I merior of Ihe United States. I n : Late Palem.oil ' fllld Mesoz.oi(' Colian O(!po.I'its oJ !lw WCSlel'lJ lllferiOl' of ,lie Ulli/cd Simes (Ed. Kocurek . G . ) PI'. 3- 125,
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Unpublished MS lhcsi�, Northern ArizQnu Uni\'cl'�ity, Flagstaff. CAI'U'ro, M. V. ( 1 9HO) O(!pO.l'iliolUll lJi.l'IOIY of Middle JlIl'lISSit; claslic shO/'elillc .1'CfllleIlCf!S ill SOw/llveSlem Uwll . Unpub lishcd MS thcsis, Nonhcrn Arizona Univcrsity. DI!YNOUX. M" KO(:UKI!K, G, & P�OU�T, J,·N, ( \ 989) Latc Protcrozoic pcriglaci,11 aeolian deposits 011 the West African Platform. TaQucicni Basin. western Mali. Sedimf!lIIofogy 36, 53 1 -)49,
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Page sll'aligmp"y
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O L _ -'-
_ _
� �
� �
Large trough sets
trough S619
9. Chcescbox
llHgO planar sols
Sand flat
.lnYOIl sect ion .
(hut aeol i n n deposition in the Cedar Mesa was cpi�
s od ie and the dcAmioll surfaces were fOfmed during
regional erosional evelllS, In this st udy !
tI�is type of
su rfa ce wilt be rercl'I'cd to as a dej!{I(ioll .nil/ace
fo l lowing the usc by Loopc
( 1 985).
, L--h���nf+H�
exte nsi ve erosion surfaces arc associ mcd
with l h e m�\I'gins or t h e dune sea and Occur be tw een the dcAnli()llilry su rfaces (Lnngforcl &
h an , 1988).
These SlIrfnccs rep rese n t more localized aeol i a n CI'O� s i on nnel me associated with non-a eo l in n (ftuvial)
d eposi ts . Coexistence of non-aeolian und neol ia n
� � Small
Lerge trough sets
trough sets
dcpositiotl lllay be demonstrated. illdict H i n£, that t h e
l ess extensive su rfaces formed duril1g pc ri ods of
CI'05iol1 Wilhil) an aCli ve l y uggr.\d i ng erg (L '" � '" 0
R , P, Lansford fwd M. A . 0.26
� •
� � ,
• •
However. the uppermost unit is less biot u rbated, and bec;.)usc bioturbated in te rva l s lend to be com posed of nne- (md very fine-grained sandstone. 1'he d i fference in grain size Illay result from d i fferellli
Elsevier. Amsterdalll. SNt:lt. A, ( I �8S) I)CI'Illii.lfi dune pHucrns in nonhwestcrn E U I'opc Ch'lllcll£C(1. J. Sed. Petrol. 58. 44-5 1 . STlllH.l!. R.P. ( 1 9S3) Longi wdin'll (Irtl,1 i n the PCI'mian Yellow SlLnds of north�e('st Ellglond. In: Eolion Sedimellts (llId PrO('(!s.H!S (Ed. Brookficld. M.E. & A h lbrtlnclt. "['.S.) 543- 550. Dev. Sc(limclll. 38. Elsevicr. Amsterdam.
ST�El.I!. 13 . R . ( 1 987) Depositionsl ellvironmcllts of the White Rim SillldstOllC member or the lItler FOl'l1llllioll. ilnyolilunds National Pilrk Utah, BIII/. US Ceol. Sill'll. 1592· /3 . 20 PI '. T,\LUO·I'. M , R , ( 1 91:i5) MujoJ' bounding SlI J'f,h::CS in ueolian s.tllldstOIlCS, n climatic model. Sedimellt% gy 32, 257-265. THOMI'SON. D . O , ( 1 969) Dome-shlipcd colion dunes in thc Fl'odshitlll Mcmbc� or thc so-called 'Kcu per' Stindstonc FOI'Ill�llion (Sc)'t hian -Fr�lslli;lll : Tri;1ssie) at Frodsham, tlcshire ( Engll1lld). Sed. Ceol. J , 263-289. W/\SSON. R . J . ( 1 9�3) Dune sediment type. sand colour. sediment prOVel1tL llCC :111edded murine. nuvi:tl and aeolian deposits. We 11:\ve rCCOllstructcd tile tlre,'ll distribu t ion ond rClntivc water depths of murine depositional ellvironmen ts on the basis of l ithology find facies slfIeking order within fourth-order cycles (cswblished through Mtl,'kov eh.lin mlulysis). stimates of water depths for facies make it possible to subdivide fOlll'Jh-order cycles into t ransgressive and regres�ivc fifth-order cycle sels. Fourth-order cycles nrc most often diseonfol'n1l1bly overltlin b)' no n marine low-stand deposits. The facies associations within fou rt h-order cycles suggest superimposition on a third-order cycle, Thil'd-ol'
U A . h owever .
I n the Parado x Basin of southeast Utnh, imcr· bcdded ca r bo nule ;mel siliciclnstic Slrata of the Late Pcnnsylvanian ( i a te sl nrbonifcrous) upper member of the I l c rm osa Form a t ion ( Fig, I) record cyclic trallsitions from tnarine 1O te rrest r ia l depositional processes. I· l i t e ( 1 960) and Go l d h u m m e r el al. ( 1 989) nOled cyc lic it y of II si m i l a r sc�\lc ill the e va por i t e domin:.ltcd M iddlc PCllnsylv:tnian Pamdox MCll'lbcr of the Hermosa Form a t io n and other workers have rcported cycl ic Pennsylvanian strata from other rcgion s und continents (e.g. Wanlcss & She p a rd , •
Prese nt address: Exxon P roduction Rescilrch Company.
Box 2 1 R9. I-Iouston. TX 77252·2 189. USA.
Aeolian Sediments: Ancient and Modern Edited by K. Pye and N. Lancaster © 1993 The International Association of Sedimentologists ISBN: 978-0-632-03544-1
A rcilley lIJ/d D./3. Loope
'} . 'D ,
M al i n ky ( 1 985), ( 1 988) have argued Ime
Cedar Mesa Ss,
,).'" '�
M id-cont inent
Rocky Mountain cyclothe11l�. I::"u rthernlol'e, B oa rd m n n & I leckel ( 1 989) ha ve correlated Texas
Mid-co n t i n e n t ,
extending the evidence for an inter-regional al locycl ic
Rico Fm. and eouivalents
( 1 986) and Goldstein
for glacio-custatic control of
, ,'
mcchnn islll for cyclicity. Clearly. however. subsidence dUl'ing Middle to
LaIc Pcnnsylvi:1nian time p rov i dcd accommodation space for t hese strata. Could 'jerky' subsidence
the C;,lUSC of sOllle (or all) of the cyclicity? As pointed Out
upper member
H a rdie
( 1 986)
Koerschncr &
jerky subsidence alone Chic and strutigraphic setting
At t h a t
time, the Pa rad ox Basin was an elo n ga te northwcst - southeast t l'ough
A rca (Blakey. 1%0) (Fig. 2). The Paradox Basin was actively subsiding during Pe n nsy l van i a n t i me. cnus i ng i ncre ased deposition lOwards the basin ax i s . The up pe r Hel'lnosCi increases in th i ck ness from 250m Hlollg the sou t hwesl basin margin (Lewis & arnpbcll. 1965), to more Ih H Il 1 600 III alon g t he basin axis ( Fl'tlhmc & Va ugh n , 1 983).
F A C I ES A N A L Y S I S I nt e r prctat i o n of the preferred facies succession, and therefol'e cycles w i th i n the uppel' i-Iel'lllOStt , req u i res the estnb l ishm en t of critcrin th a t first allow facies di fferentiation. O u tcro p .111(1 su bsu r fa ce sections were constructed wi t h 'tol'Y pr. 77-82.
Nalionnl Academy Press. DALItVMI'Lll. R . W . . NAItIJONNI!. G , M , & S�tlTI I , L. ( 1 986) Eolian aClion and the distribuliorl of fimbrial1 shales i n Nonh Amer'ic,. . Geology 1.3, 607-6 1 0 . DItIES!!. 5 . G . .& DOTl', R . H . , J II . ( 1 984) Model fOI' $nnd� slone-carbonate 'Cyclothems' based 011 upper' member' of MOI'gnll Formation (Middle I" cn nsylvilninn) of Ilot'lilcrn Utah and Colorado. /)HII. Am. Ass. Pel/·ol. Geol. 6H,
ENOS. P. ( 1 983) Shelf. In: Carbol/me Deposi/ion(ll £11L'ironlllellt.l· (Ed. Scholle. P . A . Bebout. D . G . & Moorc.
e . I' I . ) Pl'. 267-295. Mem. A m . Ass, retl'Dl . leol. 33. ENOS. I'. & PeRKINS, R , D , ( 1 977) QUfLtcrn[lI'Y sed i ment tllion in soutll Flo,·ida. Melli. Ceol. Soc:. Am. 147, 198 PI'· FI\ IIHlIll DGE. R . W . & JOHNSON, D . L . ( 1 978) Eolianite. I I I ! TIll: £m;ydoptuli(i of Sedimt:II(ology ( E d . Foi ,·bl·idgc.
R.W. & Boul'geois, J . ) PI'. 279-283 . l owden . H \ltchill SOil & Ross, Stroudsburg. FRAI-IMU, C.W. & V,\UCillN. E . B . ( 1983) Paleoz.oic gcology llnd seismic s l fi.Higrnphy of the northcrn Uneompahgrc fro i l l . Gnlnd ounty. Ulah. I n : Rorky MOIlllftlin Fore lalld iJflsiw' and Uplijis ( d. Lowell. J . D . ) PI'. 201-21 1 . Rocky Mcuntl.lin A�sociilljOIl of Geologists. Fk,\ KBS. L.A. ( 1 979) Clima(es tlll'ollgholll Ceologh' Time. Eisevicr, New YOl'k. 3 1 0 pp. GOI.DIIAMM !I( I , R . K .. DUNN. P, A. & HAkDII.!. L.A, ( 1 987) Higll-frequcl1c)' glo..:io-eu!'tillic sea level oscill�ltiolls with Mihll1koviteh chfll·actel·istic.:s rccol'Cled ill Middle Triassic platform cfll'bolHHCS in Ilorthern I tilly. Alii. J. Sci. 287.
853- 892. GOLDHA MMER. R.K .. OSW,\LI), E.J, & DUNN. P . A . ( 1%9)
Tile hicrnn.:hy of strutigraph i..: forci n g - a n cX
Mal'i/le c((r!Jo/wle cycles A/)str. Progl'tllllS 23. A66. LOOI'I!. D.S. & H"VllIU.AND, Z.E. ( 19S8) Giant dcsiccatioll fissuJ'cs filled with clilcureous colian sand, Hermos;, l�orl'r'l (ltiorl (Pcllnsylvllniii n ) . sOuthcastcrn Uwh. I n : LMe Paleozoic (llId Mesozoic £0/;(111 Deposits oj' tlte Wesrenr hrrerior of rlre Unired Sillies (Ed. Kocurek, G . ) pp. 403-413. Sed. Geol. 56. Lool'l!, 0 . 1 3 . & WATKINS. O . K . ( 1 989) Pcnnsylv'lIlian rossils replaced by rcd chert: early oxidalion of p}'1'itic precursors, j, Sed. Petrol. 59, 375- 386. MACK. 1 , 1 = 1 , & RASMU SSEN . K . A . ( 1984) Alluvhll ran scdimcntmion or thc Cutler Formation ( Pcrmo� PCllllsylv