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кафедра горного дела
ДЕЛОВОЙ АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК Методические указания и контрольные задания для студентов 4 курса заочной формы обучения специальностей и 130404 «Подземная разработка месторождений полезных ископаемых» и 130403 «Открытые горные работы»
Мурманск 2006
2 УДК 811 ББК 81.2. Англ. Д 29
Составитель – Анастасия Анатольевна Енютина, ст. преподаватель кафедры горного дела
Методические указания рассмотрены и одобрены кафедрой горного дела 21 февраля 2006 г., протокол № 6
Рецензент – М.С. Стрелкова, ст. преподаватель кафедры горного дела
Редактор Е.В. Попова
© Мурманский государственный технический университет, 2006
ОБЩИЕ ОРГАНИЗАЦИОННО-МЕТОДИЧЕСКИЕ УКАЗАНИЯ Методические указания и контрольные задания по дисциплине «Деловой английский язык» составлены в соответствии с типовой и рабочей программами дисциплины «Деловой английский язык» для специальностей 130404 «Подземная разработка месторождений полезных ископаемых» и 130403 «Открытые горные работы», а также Государственным образовательным стандартом базового высшего профессионального образования. Настоящие методические указания включают задания для контрольных работ по английскому языку, состоящие из текстов по каждой специальности и письменных упражнений, вопросы для подготовки к зачету и список рекомендуемой литературы. Цели и задачи дисциплины «Деловой английский язык»: 1. Повторение и закрепление грамматического материала, необходимого для практического использования, а также изучение конструкций и явлений, характерных для научно-технической литературы и разговорной речи. 2. Расширение лексического словаря за счет введения специализированной лексики по новым темам профессионального общения, в том числе на основе правил словообразования, за счет синонимии, антонимии и т. п. 3. Закрепление навыков чтения и перевода оригинальной литературы по специальности со словарем с полным охватом содержания и без словаря с целью поиска информации (статьи из газет и журналов). 4. Выработка умения подготовить устное выступление на тему, связанную со специальностью. В результате изучения курса студент должен обладать следующими умениями и навыками:
1. Читать и переводить с английского на русский язык оригинальную литературу по специальности (в том числе газетную и журнальную периодику) с полным охватом содержания с целью извлечения информации, пользуясь словарем. 2. Аннотировать и реферировать оригинальные тексты по специальности. Курс «Деловой английский язык» включает проведение практических занятий, выполнение индивидуальных работ, самостоятельную работу студентов, выполнение контрольной работы.
№ п/п
1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 2 2.1 2.2 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 4 5
Наименование темы
Underground excavation Rock and minerals Mineral prospect Underground mine Mine development Mining methods Речевой этикет Обращение. Представление. Прощание Привлечение внимания окружающих Грамматика Видовременная система английского глагола. Активный залог Вопросительные предложения Хронология: время, даты Составление аннотации. Современные требования к реферату и аннотации Лексико-синтаксические структуры для описания предмета и результатов исследования Всего: Итого:
Количество часов по плану заочного обучения индивиаудидуальных самост. торных работ работы 5 3 15 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 2 2 6 1 3 1 3 3 2 15 1 6 1 1 1
6 3 4
9 65
МЕТОДИЧЕСКИЕ РЕКОМЕНДАЦИИ ДЛЯ ВЫПОЛНЕНИЯ САМОСТОЯТЕЛЬНОЙ РАБОТЫ Самостоятельная работа студентов рассчитана на 44 часа, из которых: 1) 15 часов – работа с текстами по темам 1.1–1.5; 2) 15 часов – работа с грамматическим материалом; 3) 6 часов – изучение особенностей современного делового речевого этикета; 4) 4 часа – изучение требований к реферату и аннотации; 5) 4 часа – изучение лексико-синтаксических структур для описания предмета и результатов исследования. 1. Работа с текстами включает в себя чтение основного текста, работу со словарем, выполнение лексических упражнений различного рода. Выбор тематики продиктован требованиями программы, а также особенностями специальностей 130404 “Подземная разработка месторождений полезных ископаемых” и 130403 “Открытые горные работы”. 2. Работа с грамматическим материалом предполагает его самостоятельное изучение и последующее выполнение письменных заданий. Упражнения расположены по степени нарастания трудностей и рассчитаны на привитие прочных знаний лексики и грамматики, а также на развитие навыков сознательного использования приобретенных знаний в устной речи. 3. Изучение особенностей современного речевого этикета направлено на активное самостоятельное усвоение формул речи по определенной тематике, запоминание речевых клише и их использование в устной речи. 4. Изучение современных требований к составлению рефератов и аннотаций предполагает ознакомление с основными правилами написания рефератов и аннотаций, а также самостоятельное их составление. 5. Изучение лексико-синтаксических структур для описания предмета и результатов исследования включает в себя самостоятельное изучение лексико-грамматических комментариев, фразеологических сочетаний и идиоматических оборотов, систематизирование некоторых языковых явлений и сведений культурно-познавательного характера. Данный вид са-
мостоятельной работы преследует целью развить у студентов умение правильно оформлять мысль средствами иностранного языка.
КОНТРОЛЬНАЯ РАБОТА В соответствии с учебным планом студенты-заочники (специальностей 130404 «Подземная разработка месторождений полезных ископаемых» и 130403 «Открытые горные работы») выполняют контрольную работу по дисциплине «Деловой английский язык». Работа выполняется на листах формата А4 и сдается на проверку до экзаменационной сессии. Образец оформления титульного листа приведен в приложении. Контрольная работа состоит из трех заданий. Номер варианта соответствует порядковому номеру списка в журнале. Варианты контрольной работы для студентов специальности 130404 "Подземная разработка месторождений полезных ископаемых" (№№ 1–17) TEST № 1 Прочитайте текст и письменно выполните задания к нему. Maintenance An underground mine or construction site is a demanding workplace for all machinery. Dampness and moisture combined with metallic acids form a corrosive environment where rusting occur quickly. Fine ore dust promotes wear and tear on unprotected joints and other moving parts. In a small construction job, maintenance may be handled by one or two persons using the tools in a service container and a small stock of critical components. Some worksites work without a service container. When a construction site has greater volume and several pieces of excavation equipment in use, the size of its maintenance and service operation also increases. The actual operation of the maintenance needs to plan the schedule, labor and size of spare parts stock required .This depends on the use, location of the
site and delivery aspects, excavation plan etc. Today modern mine will use computer programs and have a facilities stock and several servicemen. Equipment quality, standardization, ease of maintenance, regular delivery of spare parts and training of servicemen make the service operation cost-effective and fast. Standardization of equipment results in having several parts of the same type, so it reduces the number of different components that need to be stocked. Задания 1. Переведите текст. 2. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту: a) What does standardization of equipment result in? b) When may maintenance be handled by one or two persons? c) What does the modern mine use? 3. Переведите на английский язык следующие предложения: a) Сырость и мелкая пыль создают в руднике разрушающую обстановку для соединений и незащищенных частей машин. b) Стандартизация оборудования позволяет использовать меньшее количество необходимых деталей. c) Для сервисных работ требуется набор инструментов и необходимых (critical) запасных (spare) частей. TEST № 2 Прочитайте текст и письменно выполните задания к нему. Mine development Mine development is the excavation work done before starting full scale extracting of ore in a mine or stope. In most cases, development excavation continues throughout the life of the mine. Development objects are vertical shafts, horizontal drifts, inclined ramps and steep raises. Drilling and blasting rock excavation is usually used with exсeption of raises. The extent and type of development work required depends on the depth, size and geology of the ore body, on the chosen mining method and expected life of the mine. Caving methods in particular demand substantial development
work, normally 30–40 % but sometimes up to 60 % of total costs. Sublevel stoping also needs extensive preparation work before production can start. Much of this preparation work is done in waste rock, and is an extra cost that the mining operation just has to accept. Mine layouts are 3-dimensional and complicated, and must be designed with great accuracy to achieve maximum mining efficiency. Today computers provide modeling programs that make it possible to plan accurate layouts for optimal mining efficiency. Задания 1. Переведите текст на русский язык. 2. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту: a) What is mine development? b) What does the extent and type of development work depend on? c) What makes it possible to plan accurate layouts of mine? 3. Переведите на английский язык следующие предложения: a) Многие системы разработки месторождения требуют обширной подготовительной работы. b) Максимальная эффективность разработки месторождения зависит от точности проекта. c) Для более точного планирования горных работ используются компьютерные моделирующие программы. TEST № 3 Прочитайте текст и письменно выполните задания к нему. Ramp excavation The introduction of mechanized mining equipment and the need for mobility created the need for ramps, i.e. the inclined and looped tunnels in mine. Ramps are built for haulage and transportation purposes or as access routes to service and maintain equipment. They also usually serve as additional escape routes in emergencies. In shallow ore bodies, the ramp may be the only mine production access, starting at the surface and consisting of several kilometers of twisting tunnel.
When a ramp serves as a transportation and haulage tunnel, it has a large cross section with passing bays, frequently 7 metеr wide and 6 metеr high niches. These ramps often have a slope of 10:1 or 7:1, which is suitable for a loaded haulage truck. In many large, deep mine shafts are used for ore hoisting and general personnel transportation, and ramps are used as service routes, for moving between levels and as alternative route into the mine. The size and length of these ramps depend on the size of the equipment and the distance between levels. Задания 1. Переведите текст на русский язык. 2. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту: a) When does a ramp have a large cross section with passing bays, niches etc.? b) How are ramps used in emergencies? c) How are shafts used in many large, deep mines? 3. Переведите на английский язык следующие предложения: a) Когда наклонные петлеобразные туннели служат для перевозки руды и материалов, они имеют уклоны 10:1 или 7:1. b) Наклонный петлеобразный туннель может быть единственным средством доступа к месту производства в неглубоких рудниках. c) Размеры оборудования и расстояния между этажами определяют размеры наклонных петлеобразных туннелей в случае, когда их используют для сообщения между этажами и обслуживания техники. TEST № 4 Прочитайте текст и письменно выполните задания к нему. Drifting Drift is a horizontal passageway driven into or along the ore body. Mine drifts lead from shafts and ramps to workplaces and are the working areas for drilling, charging and loading. Drift size depends on the size of the equipment passing through and used for the mining operation. Common drift sizes are 3.5m
x 3.5m to 5m x 5m, that are large enough to permit the use of most mining equipment. The number of drifts required and their length is determined by the mining method and the dimensions of the ore body. Although drifts can slope at different angles, and can follow the ore body, they normally incline at less than 7:1. Excavating of drifts and ramps are standing objects in the mine’s schedule. Development work is often done by special teams which use their own equipment. One method used for transporting ore is a conveyer belt running along an inclined, small diameter tunnel. Задания 1. Переведите текст на русский язык. 2. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту: a) What is drift? What are the functions of drifts? b) What is the common size of drifts? c) What is the method for transporting ore? 3. Переведите на английский язык следующие предложения: a) Выбранный метод разработки и размеры рудного тела определяют (determine) количество и длину горизонтальных выработок. b) Обычно горизонтальные выработки имеют уклон 7:1, хотя могут быть наклонены под разными углами. c) Руда транспортируется посредством конвейерной ленты по наклонному тоннелю небольшого диаметра. TEST № 5 Прочитайте текст и письменно выполните задания к нему. Ore, rock and mining methods The underground mine aims to recover minerals contained in the bedrock. The ore body is the volume containing valuable minerals, while the rock around is waste. In geological terms, rock around the ore body is called the host rock. Waste is useless matter, which miners try to leave in place. Waste dilutes the ore, and reduces the grade in run-of-mine ore.
Ore closed to the surface ground is mined by open pit techniques. Waste rock is then separated from ore by loading and trucked to the waste dump instead of the concentrator. Ore bodies contained in rock deeply below the surface are exploited by underground mining, and here techniques are more complex. The mining method adapts to the ore body and rock conditions, shape, dimensions, strength and stability. The task is maximum recovery and at the same time to avoid waste rock. Mining method aims for economical and efficient ore recovery, also keeping safe working conditions. Задания 1. Переведите текст на русский язык. 2. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту: a) What does bedrock contain? b) What does mining method adapt to? c) What is the task of mining? 3. Переведите на английский язык следующие предложения: a) Пустая порода разубоживает руду и снижает ее качество. b) Порода, содержащая рудное тело, называется вмещающей породой. c) При открытой разработке пустую породу перевозят в отвал, а не на обогатительную установку. TEST № 6 Прочитайте текст и письменно выполните задания к нему. Shaft The mine’s shaft is a long, narrow vertical opening sinking into the earth. The shaft is the access to underground levels, and the mine’s main artery for anything going up and down. Down in mine, drifts and ramps build a network of openings, which connect stopes and workplaces, allowing miners and equipment to travel between workplace. The shaft is the first component in the development programs for the deep mine. The shaft shall be excavated to the depth of at least 500 m. The deep shaft
is important for the mine’s life, to secure many years of production, before ore reserves are finished. Extending the shaft in an operating mine is very costly and difficult project. Shaft sinking requires both expert labor and specialized equipment, therefore is better to be done by contractor, than by local personnel. The shaft can be circular, rectangular, or elliptical in profile. The circular shaft is simple to excavate and resist rock pressure better than other sections, thus it is often preferred for a mine. Задания 1. Переведите текст на русский язык. 2. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту: a) What openings connect stopes and workplaces? b) What does the shaft sinking require? c) Why is the circular shaft often preferеd by miners? 3. Переведите на английский язык следующие предложения: a) Для углубления ствола требуется работа экспертов и использование специализированного оборудования, поэтому это очень трудная и дорогостоящая работа. b) Чтобы обеспечить долговременную работу рудника и доступ к запасам руды, ствол должен быть пройден до глубины не менее 500 м. c) Стволы прямоугольного сечения используются редко. TEST № 7 Прочитайте текст и письменно выполните задания к нему. Core drilling The core drilling first was used in 1863 in Switzerland and today it is widely used within the mining industry. Core drilling is made with special drill rigs, using a tube drill string, faced with a bit with diamond insert, to resist wear when drilling hard rock. The open-centre bit cuts a cylindrical core of rock, which is stored in a core barrel inside the tube, and retrieved as sample of the rock.
The core is retrieved from the core barrel by pulling up the complete tube string. All tubes are then disconnected and stacked close to the drill rig. Alternatively, a wire-line arrangement can be used, which recovers the core barrel by pulling a wire inside the tube string. The core is inspected and can be splitted into halves. By inspecting the core, it is possible to predict rock quality for next round and, for example, prepare to support poor rock. Samples of special interest are sent to laboratories for analysis for the content of valuable mineral. Cores from the exploration drilling are stored in special boxes, and kept in archives for long time. The information obtained by core drilling is important, and represents substantial capital investment. Задания 1. Переведите текст на русский язык. 2. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту: a) How is core drilling made? b) What is happened with cylindrical core? c) Where and when was the core drilling first used? 3. Переведите на английский язык следующие предложения: a) Образцы породы из керна анализируются на содержание ценного минерала. b) Пробы кернов долго хранятся в архивах, так как полученная информация очень важна и представляет собой значительные капиталовложения. c) Бур с пустым центром вырезает керн цилиндрической формы, который является пробой пород и позволяет изучить ее свойства. TEST № 8 Прочитайте текст и письменно выполните задания к нему. Drilling pattern design The drilling pattern ensures the distribution of the explosives in the rock, the desired blasting result, and the optimum drilling and blasting economics.
Several varying factors must be taken into account when designing the drilling pattern: the rock drill ability and blast ability, the type of explosives, blast vibration restrictions, and accuracy requirements of the blasted wall etc. Since every mining and construction site has its own characteristics, the drilling pattern is designed specially to it. Many mines and excavation sites still plan their drilling patterns manually, but modern computer programs are also widely used, and they facilitate to modify the patterns and predict the effect of changes on drilling, charging, loading and production. Drilling pattern design in tunneling and drifting is based on the following factors: tunnel dimensions, tunnel geometry, hole size, final quality requirements, geological and rock mechanics conditions, availability of explosives and means of detonation, expected water leaks, vibration restrictions, drilling equipment. Miners typically have several variations of drilling pattern to take into account the changing conditions along each tunnel. Drifting in mines is carried out with 5 to 10 drilling patterns for different tunnel sizes (production drifts, haulage drifts, draw points, ramp etc.). When designing a drilling pattern, the main aim is to ensure the optimum number of correctly placed and accurately drilled holes. Задания 1. Переведите текст на русский язык. 2. Ответьте на вопросы к тесту: a) Why are the rock drill ability and blast ability very important for drilling pattern design? b) How do computer programs help in designing a drilling pattern? c) What is the main aim when designing a drilling pattern? 3. Переведите на английский язык следующие предложения: a) Выбор (choice) бурильного оборудования и количества ВВ в значительной степени зависит от буримости и взрываемости породы. b) При буровзрывных работах должен учитываться ряд (number) важных факторов. c) Для каждого рудника проектирование буровзрывных работ осуществляется индивидуально.
TEST № 9 Прочитайте текст и письменно выполните задания к нему. Drainage and pumping Mine working place must be kept dry. Water can flow into the underground mine from the water-bearing strata or from the surface through the fissures and voids in the rock. Flushing water from rock drilling also accumulates in drift bottoms. Surface water is kept out of the shaft by building around the shaft sills of the material taken out during sinking. Ground water leaks continuously, through fissures in the rock. Ditches are dug with some slope, the water collected and channeled by self-flowing to water basins at lower levels. The quantity of the mine waters changes with season of the year and with the advancing of mining operation. In the mines with the threat of flooding, the special isolating measures are taken. There is a pump station with its high-pressure pumps, which lifts underground water to surface through the pipe system. The water pumped from the shaft is carried far away from the shaft to prevent the water from returning. Water within a comparatively short distance from the surface can be drained from the shaft by sinking a well or small shaft adjacent to the main shaft. Sump is a water basin at the bottom of a shaft, in which water is also collected and from which it is pumped. Задания 1. Переведите текст на русский язык. 2. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту: a) Where from can water flow into the underground mine? b) How do ground waters move down to the water basin? с) What is sump? 3. Переведите на английский язык следующие предложения: a) Осушение рудника – очень важная часть горных работ. b) Воды поступают в рудник через трещины и пустоты породы. с) Источники воды в руднике – поверхностные воды, грунтовые воды и промывные воды.
TEST № 10 Прочитайте текст и письменно выполните задания к нему. Ventilation Ventilation of the mine is vitally important task. A sufficient amount of air must be provided to keep the lower levels of mine well ventilated. Air quality in mine workings must be kept at acceptable health standard. The air in mine is regularly contaminated by smoke from blasting and exhaust from diesel powered machines. The mine needs a ventilation system, and usually it is induced ventilation with high-pressure fans on surface, blowing fresh air down through the intake shaft. There is a network of ventilation ducts in the mine. To regulate the direction of airflow for its needed distribution into the underground workings, special devices are installed. They are ventilation doors, ventilation dam (stopping) to control the airflow, passing through active work areas. Then an exhaust airway channels the polluted air away from under-ground workings. It is very important to provide enough of fresh air directly to the stope, and prevent the loss of fresh air by shortest way between intake and exhaust airways. The duty of special ventilation department is the control of mine atmosphere, inspection and maintenance of ventilation devices, isolation of ventilation ducts against air loss. Задания 1. Переведите текст на русский язык. 2. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту: a) Why is ventilation of mine so important? b) What is air in mine regularly contaminated by? c) What are the main components of mine ventilation system? 3. Переведите на английский язык следующие предложения: a) Вентилятор – любое устройство или машина, создающее поток воздуха для проветривания. b) Основными загрязнителями (pollutants) рудничной атмосферы являются дым от буровзрывных работ и выхлопные газы.
c) Вытяжной воздуховод удаляет загрязненный воздух, а приточный обеспечивает доставку свежего воздуха. TEST № 11 Прочитайте текст и письменно выполните задания к нему. Rock bolting Rock bolting is one of the most common methods of rock reinforcement. Rock bolting is also an inexpensive and uncomplicated way of limiting rock deformation and holding rock pieces together. The main idea of rock bolting is to increase the ability of the rock to support itself and resist stress. Bolting is normally done during or immediately after excavation, but it can also be done before excavation, especially when large rock masses need to be bolted. The amount of bolting, the frequency and type of bolt depend on the rock conditions, purpose, and lifespan of the excavated space. Bolts can be divided into categories according to the way they behave in the rock, grouted bolts and anchored bolts. They are also classed as temporary or permanent. Anchored bolts are meant for temporary rock support. The bolt has an expanding anchor in its end. After insertion in the hole, it is rotated or pressed against the bottom of the hole. This expands the wedged bolt end, anchoring it firmly against the sides of the hole. Задания 1. Переведите текст на русский язык. 2. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту: a) What is the main idea of rock bolting? b) When is the rock bolting usually done? c) What categories of bolts do you know? 3. Переведите на английский язык следующие предложения: а) Наиболее популярный и эффективный вид цементации – полимер. b) Количество креплений, частота их установки и тип болтов зависят от качества породы, а также целей и продолжительности использования разрабатываемой площади.
c) Анкерные болты используются для временного крепления. TEST № 12 Прочитайте текст и письменно выполните задания к нему. Advantages of mechanized bolting Although mechanized bolting has been available only since 1970s, it has had a significant effect on safety in underground excavation. The operator is situated further from the unbolted roof, under a safety canopy that protects him from falling rock. Mechanized equipment now handles the full bolting process from drilling to bolt installation, while the operator just has to control the process. Operators are now less exposed to hazardous materials and the need to work in uncomfortable position is much reduced. Manual installation of long bolts and cable bolts, or bolting for high roofs or over empty spaces requires special platforms and extensive work in difficult working positions. Mechanized bolting equipment can be built to match the environment. Although safety was and remains the major reason for developing and using mechanized bolting equipment, the superior installation technology of mechanized bolting rigs produces higher bolting quality. Thanks to powerful mixers and pumps and effective methods of grouting, the bolts are securely fixed and grouted to their full length, providing a good reinforcement structure. Bolts that have been mechanically installed and cored out for research purposes have proven that they are well installed and fully acting. Задания 1. Переведите текст на русский язык. 2. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту: a) Since when has mechanized bolting been available? b) What does mechanized equipment now handle? c) What equipment provides now secure fixing and grouting? 3. Переведите на английский язык следующие предложения:
a) Механизированное крепление, которое стало применяться с 1970-x годов, значительно повлияло на безопасность подземных работ. b) В настоящее время для оператора созданы комфортабельные условия работы, которые позволяют ему только контролировать процесс крепления. c) Превосходная технология и механизированные установки обеспечивают высокое качество крепления. TEST № 13 Прочитайте текст и письменно выполните задания к нему. Loading and haulage The need for mechanized underground mining and development operations has led to the ever-growing use of trackless equipment. There are multiple trackless choices available in loading and haulage today. Front-end loaders and LHD (Load-Haul-Dump) machines are the two most used alternatives. The LHD have proven to be the most successful alternative, especially in underground mining. The LHDs have the capability to climb steep terrains, move fast over long distances and their outer dimensions are favorable to underground mining operations. LHD technology has increased the productivity and mechanization level in different applications. Front-end loaders have been more popular in surface excavations. In addition, the constructing industry, in large excavation has used more front-end loaders than LHD. However, LHD technology gives the advantage of using same loading units at different excavation sites in underground construction, and thus makes it more versatile and powerful in these applications. Задания 1. Переведите текст на русский язык. 2. Ответьте на вопросы тексту: a) Why is trackless equipment in growing use now? b) Why is LHD more successful alternative? c) What advantages does LHD technology give?
3. Переведите на английский язык следующие предложения: a) В строительной промышленности и при открытой разработке месторождения фронтальные погрузчики используются чаще, чем LHDпогрузчики. b) Возрастающее использование погрузочного оборудования возможно благодаря его большому выбору. c) LHD-погрузчики наиболее благоприятно использовать при подземной разработке, потому что они способны преодолевать (climb) крутые участки склонов. TEST № 14 Прочитайте текст и письменно выполните задания к нему. Load-Haul-Dump (LHD) machines in mining Diesel-driven LHDs are versatile and flexible in mining. They are used in several tasks in addition to production and development, such as cleaning the roads, material haulage etc. The loading system and the use of LHD machines greatly depend on the mining method. Loading from a stope into a primary crusher is usually done in one or two stages. The most common ways of loading and transporting in an underground mine are: • Loading with an LHD from a stope or through draw points into the ore pass. The haulage distance is usually between 50 and 400 meters. Further loading with LHDs from the ore pass into the crusher, or chute loading into a train or a conveyor belt, which transports the ore straight to the crushing plant or into the ore pass which leads to the crushing plant • Loading from a stope straight into the crusher or into the ore pass that leads to the crushing plant. Tramming distance is usually between 50 and 400 meters, but longer distances are also used. • Loading from a stope into dump trucks, which transport the ore to the crusher or to the ore pass leading to the crushing plant. Tramming distance is usually under 100 meters. • Loading from a stope into a train or a conveyor belt, which transports the ore pass, or straight to the crushing plant.
Задания 1. Переведите текст на русский язык. 2. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту: а) In what tasks are LHDs used? b) What is a haulage distance in loading with an LHD from a stope or through draw points into the ore pass? c) What loading types can you call? 3. Переведите на английский язык следующие предложения: а) Система погрузки и использование LHD в значительной степени зависят от системы разработки месторождения. b) Существуют различные способы перевозки и погрузки руды при подземной разработке. c) Дизельные LHD-погрузчики широко применяются в горной промышленности. TEST № 15 Прочитайте текст и письменно выполните задания к нему. Trucking in Ramps While ore production in a mine continues, ore reserves are gradually mined out, from one level to the one below. When mining passes the lowermost haulage level, trains can no longer be loaded through chutes, and dump into crusher. Developing a new haulage level another 400 m down and extend the shaft, move the skip station down is a time-consuming and costly adventure. To access lower levels, miners use the trackless machines. Ore production can continue downwards with the ramp as access to lower levels. Here the ramp substitutes for the shaft. The ore carried uphill on the mine trucks, through the ramp, finally dumping into the old haulage level storage pocket, passing the crusher on its way to skip filling. The loaded trucks travel the ramp at low speed, in first gear, full engine power. Carrying ore on trucks is costly mode of vertical transport, furthermore, diesel engine are heavy polluters of the underground air. However, there is no
alternative. If the ore flow from below stops, there is nothing to feed the concentrator, the mine is forced to close. Year after year, the ramp extends one loop after the other, further down in the ground. Costs for trucking the ore uphill increase, diesel smoke further burdens the mine’s ventilation plant. Задания 1. Переведите текст на русский язык. 2. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту: a) Why is developing of mine another 400metres down difficult? b) Why can we say, that the ramp constitutes for shaft? c) What are the disadvantages of carrying ore on trucks? 3. Переведите на английский язык следующие предложения: а) Дизельные двигатели самосвалов загрязняют рудничный воздух и оказывают дополнительную нагрузку на вентиляционную установку. b) Наклонный подъездной путь, используемый при транспортировке (transport) руды, удлиняется петля за петлей каждый год. c) Доступ к нижним этажам возможен только при использовании самосвалов. TEST№ 16 Прочитайте текст и письменно выполните задания к нему. Blasting Blasting and drilling are closely linked in mining and excavation today. Like drilling, blasting methods have been progressively improved. New explosives and detonating equipment have entered the market, making blasting more predictable and accurate in most restricted areas. In underground and surface mining, the main purpose of rock blasting is to fragment and heap the excavated rock to make loading and haulage as easy as possible. The geological and mechanical conditions of the rock and some limitations (populated areas, industrial plants, hospitals etc) should determine the final blasting procedure, the blasting geometry, the type of explosive chosen and
detonators. In a remote area, blasting may be restricted by the limited availability of explosives and blasting equipment. Blasting is affected by the following variables: • rock geological and mechanical properties; • environmental and safety aspects; • properties and availability of explosives; • blasting geometry; • detonator availability. The rock conditions present factors that cannot be altered. Blasting safety can sometimes be enhanced by removing people, or isolating delicate equipment and structures. The surroundings should always be taken carefully into account. Explosives, ignition and blasting geometry are changeable factors. Задания 1. Переведите текст на русский язык. 2. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту: a) What variables of blasting can be altered and how? b) How have new equipment and blasting materials changed the quality of blasting? c) What may be limiting factors for blasting in remote areas? 3. Переведите на английский язык следующие предложения: a) Бурение и взрывные работы тесно (closely) связаны. b) Мы можем увеличить безопасность взрывных работ посредством эвакуации населения и изоляции хрупких структур. c) Мы не можем изменить горно-геологические условия, которые влияют на взрывные работы. TEST № 17 Прочитайте текст и письменно выполните задания к нему. Explosives and ignition An explosive is a chemical compound that can be ignited by thermal or mechanical means and, once ignited, decomposes rapidly in a detonation. On
detonation, an explosive suddenly releases an enormous amount of heat and pressurized gases, which expand rapidly and powerfully in the rock. The explosive energy leads not only to rock fragmentation and to displacement, but also produces ground vibration and air blast. Surface blasting in quarries offer sufficient free space for the blast to expand freely and the drilling patterns are therefore not very complicated. Blasting typically advances in more or less straight rows. In underground drifting, only one free surface is normally available for the blasted rock to expand. This means that the blast must be strong enough to throw the rock forward, sufficiently well controlled to prevent any excessive cracking and breaking of the surrounding rocks. Special explosives are often used to ensure the smooth blasting of holes closest to the walls and roof. Shaft sinking and traditional raise driving are special and even more restricted cases of blasting. The explosives used in underground excavation must be easy to store, safe and non-toxic as possible. Blasting is often performed immediately or within a couple of hours of the holes being charged, so the explosives, which are left in holes, must still be effective, water resistant and stable. Задания 1. Переведите текст на русский язык. 2. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту: a) What is explosive? b) What are the requirements to the explosives, used in underground blasting? c) Why is not drilling pattern for surface blasting very complicated? 3. Переведите на английский язык следующие предложения: a) Кроме смещения породы и раздробления ее на куски, взрывание производит вибрацию грунта и взрывную волну. b) Подземное взрывание должно тщательно контролироваться, чтобы предотвратить чрезмерное растрескивание и разрушение окружающей породы. c) При подземных взрывных работах необходима хорошая вентиляция для удаления токсичного дыма.
Варианты контрольной работы для студентов специальности 130403 "Открытые горные работы" (№№ 18–22) TEST 18 Прочитайте текст и письменно выполните задания к нему. Open-cast (open pit) mining Open-cast mining is the process of surface mining in which large quantities of mineral-bearing rock are scooped out to produce, in effect, a very large hole, with terraced sides. The largest, in Bingham Canyon, USA, is 1.5x1.6 miles x 0.5 mile deep. Two basic types of open-cast mining are quarrying, in which the rock is cut unto large blocks and usually transported away from the site in this form, and metal mining, where the large quantities of rock are ground to the powder on site and the metal-bearing minerals are removed. In this way, large quantities of poor ores may be processed in order to obtain relatively small amounts of the valuable minerals. This method also leaves a very large amount of useless ground-up rock. Open-cast mining is used for the recovery of deposits, which are situated close to the earth surface and have the gentle dipping. It is generally considered that open pit mining is more advantageous than underground mining in: • (higher) productivity of labor; • (greater) production; • (lower) cost of mining; • (better) recovery; • (better) grade control; • (better) flexibility of operation; • (better) safety; • (better) working environment. When mineralization in an open pit mine extends to a greater depth, the rapidly increasing amount of overburden imposes economic limits beyond which mining must be abandoned. Under such circumstance, the mining operation is usually converted from open pit to underground mining.
The estimated percentage of the total ore production from open pit operation in Western World are: crushed stone – 96 %, iron ore – 80 % ,copper ore – 70 %, hard coal – 50 % The above figures indicate that open pit mining is very important in mining industry. Задания 1. Переведите текст на русский язык. 2. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту: a) What is the percentage of total production of the crushed stone by open pit mining? b) Under which circumstances is the mining operation usually converted from open pit to underground mining? c) When is open-cast mining used? 3. Перевести на английский язык следующие предложения: a) Существуют два основных вида открытой разработки – добыча руды в карьере и разработка рудоносных пород. b) Если оруденение уходит на большую глубину, открытые горные работы трансформируются в подземную разработку. c) Открытая разработка месторождения имеет много преимуществ по сравнению с подземной разработкой. TEST № 19 Прочитайте текст и письменно выполните задания к нему. Reclamation Open pit mining is a temporal use of the land surface. The time span of mining can be very short as in road building or very long as in some of the massive open pits for copper. During the mining process there will be a time when mining ceases. Usually good mine design and good mining practice require that attention be paid to the post-mining use of the land formerly used by a mine. Reclamation is defined as those operations that prepare mined land for postmining use. Reclamation also includes those steps that stabilize mined land in its environment. Reclamation is not a single step supplementing mining, rather it
is a series of integrated operations that begins with initial mine planning, continues through the extraction phase, and does not end until the new, postmining land use begins. The operations of reclamation depend upon applied scientific disciplines that make up the environmental sciences. They include soil mechanics for ground stability, soil science for soil productivity, hydrology and hydrogeology for surface and ground water flows, agronomy for revegetation, ecology for baseline studies, and the social sciences for land-use planning. Technical requirements of reclamation will vary depending upon the degree of needed restoration and the way, which the reclaimed area will be used in. For example, the pit may be filled by the waste rock then the removed and stored topsoil is returned back and revegetated, so the area can get recreational use as park and golf field. Otherwise, the pit may be filled with ground waters forming the small lake and the area then may be turn into water-based recreational area. Задания 1. Переведите текст на русский язык. 2. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту: a) What is reclamation of land? b) What sciences do operations of reclamation depend on? c) What is water-based recreational area? 3. Переведите на английский язык следующие предложения: a) Открытые горные разработки не постоянный (constant), а временный способ землепользования. b) Технические требования рекультивации зависят от необходимой степени восстановления земли и способа ее использования. c) Отработанный карьер заполняется породой, затем сохраненной почвой (soil) и засевается травой.
TEST № 20 Прочитайте текст и письменно выполните задания к нему. Bench height and berm width The height of the bench is controlled by the selected loading equipment, required degree of selectivity, economics and overall design. For economic reasons the bench should be rather high to make drilling and blasting operation cheaper per ton of material. The loading equipment will finally determine the maximum height of the bench and also the minimum to some extent. Operating benches are generally 35 to 40 m minimum width to give sufficient working room for loading and hauling equipment. But the bench widths left behind, here called berm, are typically between 5 and 15 m. The width of the berm is designed to be as small as possible, consistent with access requirements and the ability of the berm to catch and retain falling rock. If the rock is not homogeneous, but contains structural discontinuities, local (bench) failures like plane or wedge failures might occur. These can be predicted as a result of the slope stability study and the width of the berm can be selected to keep falling debris. At the crest of the berm there shall be a safety wall to help catch falling rock and to direct rainwater to drain along the berm instead of into the pit. For this reason, there may be a slight inclination of the berm alongside the pit wall (about 1 %). Задания 1. Переведите текст на русский язык. 2. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту: a) What is the height of the bench controlled by? b) How wide are operating benches? c) What is called berm? 3. Переведите на английский язык следующие предложения: а) Если порода содержит структурные нарушения, она не является однородной. b) Местные обрушения могут быть предсказаны в результате изучения устойчивости склонов.
c) Барьер (safety wall) по краю бермы помогает удержать обломки породы и направляет дождевые воды в сторону от карьера. TEST № 21 Прочитайте текст и письменно выполните задания к нему Stripping ratio The ratio between waste quantities and ore quantities is called stripping ratio. It is controlled by economic considerations and can be used to compare different alternatives. There are three kinds of stripping ratios: the overall stripping ratio, stripping ratio during a year, the incremental stripping ratio. The overall stripping ratio is defined as: Overall stripping ratio = Total waste / Total ore. The yearly stripping ratio in an operating mine varies from year to year and can be found in the annual mining plans. The incremental stripping ratio is defined as: Incremental stripping ratio = Additional waste / Additional ore. Waste removal must often be performed many years before the corresponding ore production will be reached. Waste rock therefore means that the mining company must invest a lot of money in the mine, an investment which is hopefully paid back later by high revenues. To reduce interest cost and to maximize the profitability of expanding of mine, it is important to delay waste stripping as long as possible. Therefore, it is wrong to mine waste at the same time as ore mining is done at the same level in the mine. Instead, the waste volume should be split up into several pushbacks. Waste rock within a new pushback should be started as late as possible to save interest costs. But the waste rock must of course be removed in such a time that ore mining at deeper and deeper benches is guaranteed. Задания 1. Переведите текст на русский язык. 2. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту: a) What is called stripping ratio?
b) Where can the yearly stripping ratio in an operating mine be found? c) What is called incremental stripping ratio? 3. Переведите на английский язык следующие предложения: a) Мы можем сократить расходы на выплату ссуды, если как можно позже начнем выемку пустой породы. b) Инвестиции, вложенные в разработку рудника, впоследствии возвращаются в виде доходов. c) Правильно ли начинать выемку пустой породы одновременно с выемкой руды? TEST № 22 Прочитайте текст и письменно выполните задания к нему Planning and design of open pit mines. Slope angles The planning process actually starts at the exploration phase. However, mine planning must be correlated with all phases of a mining operation. Mine planning includes ore reserve calculations, determination of rock properties and structural defects, concentrating characteristics of the ore, marketing considerations, capital expenditures and the cash flow of the venture and its present value. Elements are closely related and influence each other in such a way that they must be considered as a whole. If more than one deposit is being mined in an area, their planning should be integrated. There are three factors guiding the geometric design of an open pit mine: slope angles, bench height and berm width, haul road design. Behind the final choice of these criteria lies an optimization of operational and economic considerations. Slope angles. On purely economic grounds, a very steep overall slope is preferable, the steeper the slope the less waste rock needs to be stripped. On the other hand, for operational and safety reasons, the slope angle will have to be limited. There is a definition of several slope angles – overall slope angle, bench face angle (between the level of berm bottom and its wall) and interrupt slope angle (between the horizontal level and wall of the ramp) . It can be seen that the overall slope angle depends not only on the bench face angle but also is affected by haul road width, bench height and berm width, which are chosen according to the selected equipment. This in turn is a function of methods used and production
rate. In general, the bench face angle is normally 70–90°, interrupt slope angle is 53°, and the overall slope angle (or the angle of the final wall) is normally 40–60°. Задания 1. Переведите текст на русский язык. 2. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту: a) What does mine planning include? b) What are the angles of the slopes? c) Why is very steep overall slope preferable? 3. Переведите на английский язык следующие предложения: а) Чем круче склон, тем меньше пустой породы надо извлечь. b) Элементы планирования рудника должны рассматриваться вместе, так как связаны между собой и влияют друг на друга. с) Подсчеты запасов руды и определение свойств породы очень важны при планировании рудника.
ВОПРОСЫ ДЛЯ ПОДГОТОВКИ К ЗАЧЕТУ ПО ДИСЦИПЛИНЕ «ДЕЛОВОЙ АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК» 1. What is mine development? 2. What does the extent and type of development work depend on? 3. When does a ramp have a large cross section with passing bays, niches, etc.? 4. How are ramps used in emergencies? 5. How are shafts used in many large, deep mines? 6. What is drift? What are the functions of drifts? What is the common size of drift? 7. What is the method for transporting ore? 8. What does bedrock contain of? What does mining method adapt to? 9. What is the task of mining? 10 What openings connect stops and workplaces? 11. Why is the circular shaft often preferеd by miners?
12. How is core drilling made? Where and when was the core drilling first used? 13. Why are the rock drillability and blastability very important for drilling pattern design? What is the main aim when designing a drilling pattern? 14. Where from can water flow into the underground mine? How do ground waters move down to the water basin? What is sump? 15. Why is ventilation of mine so important? What is air in mine regularly contaminated by? What are the main components of mine ventilation system? 16. What is the main idea of rock bolting? When is the rock bolting usually done? What categories of bolts do you know? 17. Since when has mechanized bolting been available? 18. What does mechanized equipment now handle? What equipment provided now secures fixing and grouting? What advantages does LHD technology give? 19. Why is developing of mine another 400 meters down difficult? Why can we say, that the ramp constitutes for shaft? 20. What are the disadvantages (недостатки) of carrying ore on trucks? 21. What variables of blasting can be altered and how? How have new equipment and blasting materials changed the quality of blasting? What may be limiting factors for blasting in remote areas? 22. What is explosive? What are the requirements to the explosives, used in underground blasting? Why is drilling pattern for surface blasting not very complicated? 23. What is the percentage of total production of the crushed stone by open pit mining? 24. Under which circumstances is the mining operation usually converted from open pit to underground mining? When is open-pit mining used? 25. What is reclamation of land? What sciences do operations of reclamation depend on? What is water-based recreational area? 26. What is the height of the bench controlled by? How wide are operating benches? 27. What is called stripping ratio? Where can the yearly stripping ratio in an operating mine be found? What is called incremental stripping ratio?
РЕКОМЕНДУЕМАЯ ЛИТЕРАТУРА 1. Англо-русский словарь (любое издание). 2. Баракова, М.Я. Английский язык для горных инженеров / М.Я. Баракова, Р.И.Журавлева. – М. : Высшая школа, 2001. 3. Гузеева, К.А. Английский язык : справочные материалы / К.А. Гузеева, Т.Г. Трошко. – М. : Просвещение, 1992. 4. Поуви, Д. Здравствуй и прощай : английский речевой этикет : учеб. пособие / Д. Поуви, А. Иванов. – СПб. : отделение изд-ва “Просвещение”. 1998. 5. Славина, Г.И. Аннотирование и реферирование : учеб. пособие по английскому языку / Г.И. Славина, З.С. Харьковский, Е.А. Антонова, М.А. Рыбакина. – М. : Высшая школа, 1991.
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