Tribal Bigfoot

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TRIBAL BIGFOOT David Paulides Sketches by Harvey Pratt

ISBN 978-0-88839-687-7 Copyright © 2009 David Paulides

C ata loging in Publication Datil Paulides, David Tribal bigfoot I David Paulides ; sketches by Harvey Prall. Includes index. Also avai1:1bl e in PDF format. ISBN 978-0- 88839-687-7 1. Sasquatc h~No rth America. I. Title. QL89.2.S2P3862009



All fights reserved. No part of Ihis publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmiHcd, in any form or by any means, e lectronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written penl1ission of Hancock House Publishers. Prinl,"


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Newspaper article A Queer FamilyH H

reported October 20. 1BB3 in the Bear Lake Democrat, Paris. Idaho,


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whistles and then the stones will begin to hit their houses, The people believe that they are still troubled with their nocturnal visits. We need the prayers of the church at home ..

A QUEER FAMILY An atticle from the Bear Lake Democraf, Paris, Idaho, October 20, 1883 (shown on the followi ng page), outlines what appears to be a female with three bigfoot-like offspring in the swampy rural area of Louisiana. They were heard to laugh. "It was a human laugh, eviden tly, but still it was so hollow and unearthlikc that it sent a chill or terror through us all." Their physical description followed, "Their heads were shaped like human beings . .. but the mouth and nose coming together broad and thick . . . they bore the shape and semblance of a bear, being covered entirely with long coarse, black hai r." It 's a vel)' odd stO!)" bu t worth including in the historical perspective.

THEODORE ROOSEVELT Most people interested in bigfoot are also intrigued with the outdoors. Jfyol! have any fascination for wbat wildlife may offer to our souls, then you probably know something about Theodore Rooseve lt. If you don' , know much about this past U.S. president, you are aboullo learn about an interesting person and a bigfoot relationship. Theodore was born October 27, 1858 in New York City. To keep dates in perspective, the Civil War began Apri l 12, 186 1. He loved the outdoors and maybe his life in New York energized his need to get away from the big city. From \877 to August of 1886 Roosevelt took trips and had advent ures thai wcre almost unheard of for a nineteent h century gentleman . In addi tion to graduating from Harvard Universi ty, he took a 30-mile trek through snow and icc in Maine, climbed the Malterhorn, killed two decr wilh one shot, killed a grizzly, hosted a hu nl on Long Island and had his personal boat


stolen, tracked the thieves down and personally turned them over to law enforcement. Roosevelt was a rare man and someone who could have been the Indiano Jones of his time. He loved the outdoors and would ask friends ond acquain tances to join him on hi s trips. While his killing of animals is not politically correct for the twen ty-first century, it docs describe a man that wasn't afraid of much. He loved the exploration of new areas and the challenges that they offered. Just for the record, Roosevelt was sworn in as the 26th president on September 14, 190 I. Even after winning the presidency, he still traveled to Africa and hun ted rhino and Cape buffalo, and fi shed for piranha in South America. He died at age 60 011 January 6, 1919. In 1893 Theodore wrote about many of his exploits in a book titled, The Wilderness HUlltel: a non-fiction work published prior to his nm for president. One stOlY in particular caught the attention of bigfoot researchers many years ago. The story had to do with I1lggcd trappers working together in the mountains that divide the Forks of the Salmon and the headwaters of the Wisdon River. The two trappers weren't having a great year of trapping and decided to work a new area that had stories associated with it of being very wild and dangerous. Roosevelt was told the story of the trappers by one of the men, Bauman. He was young at the time of the cvents, but was up in hi s years Theodore when he told the stOly. The region where the Roosevelt trappers wcre headed had a bad repu tation because the year before a lone hunter went to the area and was purportedly killed and mutilated by a wild beast. He was found by two prospectors weeks later, his body in pieces (tom apart) and scattered in a small area. Bauman and his friend weren't too concerned about the dead hunter and wcnt directly to the area. The area they wcre entering was gloomy with a very thick forest and little sunshine. They got 10 their camp with a few hours of daylight and they went to canvass thc


area afler puning down their packs. They returned to find that something had gone through their packs, thrown items around the area, and even destroyed some of their equipment. They felt at the time that it was probably a hunglY bear and didn't think much about it. Bauman was making dinner while his companion started 10 look closely at the footprints of what entered their camp. After examining many of Ihe tracks made in the dust, the companion told Bauman that the creature that entered their camp was walking 011 two feet, an astounding claim. Bauman then looked at the tracks and said that they even looked a linle like a human footprin t. It was getting 100 dark to examine tracks, so the trappers went to bed. After a few hours Bauman was wakened Ollt of a deep sleep by something, he didn ' t know what. As he opened his eyes his nose caught the odor of a foul-smelling erea tme in the area. His eyes slarted to clear from being asleep when he saw a huge figure standing near his blanket. He grabbed his rifle and fired at the figure. He immediately heard a creature running away into the darkness at a furious pace, breaking tree limbs as it departed. The remainder of the night was uneventful. The next day both trappers stayed together and set their traps and worked the area. After a long day of working they returned to their camp to find it was again tom apart. This time the creaturc walked through a soft marshy area where the prints were extreme ly clear. It was obvious that the creature was walking on two feet and its footprin t was simila r to a human's, but slightly different and a lot bigger. Aftcr the trappers had turned to their sleeping blankets for the night , they heard a large creature walking on the opposite side of the creek. It wasn't far away, but it wasjusl far enough that they couldn'l sec it. The crealure was breaki ng branches and making noise that leI them know it was definitely nearby. They didn't get a lot of sleep that night. They awoke the next morning and decided to gather their traps and leave the valley. They had agreed that while the trapping and wildlife in the valley were plentiful, the disturbances at night were getting to them. Bauman volunteered to go out and quickly gather the three beaver traps while his parlner stayed at camp and got their packs together, along with their pelts. He found the traps full and took time


with each beaver to prepare the pelts and clean the furs. It was a long day before Bauman returned to the area of the camp. As he made his approach through the forest , it was abnonnally quiet , no sounds. There was no wind, no sounds made by his walking, nothing as he approached the perimeter of thei r camp. He started to yell for his partner, but there was no response. Bauman en tered their camp and initially didn't sec anything. He still called out for his friend , but there was no sound. At this point he started to walk the area and it was then that he saw his partner, dead, with a broken neck and four fang marks in his neck. The tracks of the creature that had harassed them were surrounding the body. It was obvious that the body had been moved around as though the creature had examined it. The creature had not eaten the body, and the only signs of attack were the fang marks and the broken neck. Bauman was now an emotional wreck. He and his paliner had high-powered rifles and yet his partner did not have time to fire his gu n. Bauman was so upset, he left everything but his rifle and fled the area. He ran all the way to where their ponies were hobbled. He had reached Ihe point of safety and then headed into a local town. I will cnd my version of the story at this point. This story is fascinating for several reasons. It is believed thaI it occUlTed in the I 860s, approximately 100 years before bigfoot obtained intemational rame at Bluff Creek. The stalking of the men by standing on the opposite side of the creek is reminiscent of recent slalki ngs by bigfoot. Thc odor Bauman described is also indicative of a bigfoot presence. Thc trail of going into the camp when people arc gone for the day is also something bigfoot has been known to do. The trappers identifying the creature as walking on two fee t and having a track different than a bear 's and closer to a human 's, is somethi ng that is really unusual and strikes to the heart of the bigfoot identification. Anyone who has studi ed bigfoot knows that the behavior of tile creature in this incident parallels bigfoot on many grounds . But cveryone has to remember that there are no recorded , validated killings of humans by bigfoot. I have personally read many thirdperson accounts of purported attacks by bigfoot, but non e-repeal, none- have ever been validated.



In any research project, one of the first items on the agenda is a historical search of the records for infonllalion about the subject being studied. Many limes the information from 100 yea rs ago is more accurate than the infonnati on gathered today. Newspaper art icles from years ago represent data from a very confined area, usually the region where the newspaper was distributed. Information wasn't dispersed as quickly or as thoroughly as it is today, and many times people in different parts of Califomi a never gOI to read what was happening in another part of the state, and if they did, the news was weeks old . The literacy rate amongst state residents was a fraction o f what it is in the twenty-first cenlwy, so that very often many people couldn' t read an article when it was printed. Unless you lived in a fairly large city, news sometimes came weeks after an event, and sometimes a newspaper never arrived. To think that bigfoot is a fabrication of twentieth-century film footage from Del NOlle County would be a mistakc. Gran ted, the tcnn "big foot" is fairly new, having only been used to describe the creature since J 958. In the late 1800s and early 1900s bigfoot was known as "wild man," "hairy man," and a variety of other tenns that proliferated across the United States and Canada .



Peculiar Foot prints Left by the Man-Animal as He Flees From His Would-Be Captor.

Special Correspondence. Santa Monica. Nov. 18. ~ Is there a w ild man roam ing the mountains of the Santa Monica range? There is, according to the story by Bertrand Basey, who has just come down from the vicinity of Poin t Dume, where he hCls been ading as commissary for the contractors who engClged in the construction of the MCilibu-Rindge rClilwClY. BClsey says thClt there were frequent, losses from the improvised store house. A t first, these were Clttribu ted the thieving proclivities of coyotes Clnd mountCiins squirrels, but CiS it WClS found to be impossible 10 trClp Clny of Ihese animCils further investigation was made, with the result of leCirning thClt the theft was due to some cunning hClnd whose movements were directed by a reasoning mind. He kept CI strict lookout Clnd WClS soon rewClrded by the sight of a brown being fashioned after the form of mCln, ClpproCiching the tent. The thing WClS on Clil fours, WClS devoid of clothing or such covering as might have been provided by the skins of animals, and had a face covered with hair. Basey was about to fire at the intruder when he was deterred by the close resemblClnce of the uninvited visitor to CI mCin. Thinking it might be CI rClilrOCid ICiborer in disguise, he made CI noise as if to fr ighten the thief ClwCly. Suddenly the wi ld man gClve forth Clguttural yell, rose upright on its hind legs and disappeared in the underbrush. Nothing more WClS seen or heCird of the mysterious halfhuman beast, although the railroaders who went to the beach fo r a bath that morning are still wondering what manner of animal had been there before them to leave pecu liar tracks in the sand. The tracks which they photographed were not unlike those that


would have been left by the hands and feet of a man were he pro· vided with long claw·like na ils for each of the five toes and the four fingers and thumb.

This article brings forward many interesting points that lead to this being a bigfoot. The article ment ions impressions of the hands and fecI and how Ihey resembled those of a human , samc as a bigfoot. Bigfoot has bcen known 10 take items whcn Ihe opportuni ty presents itself, as it apparcntly did in Santa Monica. Thc description ofa half human and half beast is a very common cxplanation for what people dcscribe whcn they see bigfoot in the twenty-first centUly.


Point Dume is a peninsula on the California Coast 14 milcs west of Santa Monica very near Malibu. The rcgion is now complctely covered in houscs and people, bu t in the J 800s thcrc was significant open range start ing al the Dumc and heading norlh. DaHy Democrat, April 9, 189t

Woodland, California

WHAT Is IT? An Unheard of Monstrosity Seen in the Woods above Rumsey.

Mr. Smith, a well·known citizen of Northern Capay Valley, called on us to·day and tells us the following strange story, which we would be loath to believe if it were not for the fact that he is an old acquaintance of this office, and has always borne a spotless reputation, Several days ago, Mr. Smith toge ther with a party of hunters, were above Rumsey hunting. One morning Mr. Smith started ou t early in quest of game, he had not gone far when his attention was attracted by a peculiar noise that seemed to come from an oak tree that stood near by. looking up, Mr. Smith was


startled to see gazing at him what was apparently a man clothed in a suit of shaggy fur. Having heard of wild men, Mr. (Smi th) natura lly was placed on his guard, but think ing that he would see "what virtue there was in kindness," he called to the supposed man to come down, as he was filled with nothing but the kindest motives. Th is speech did not have the desired effect, rather the opposite, for the strange thing gave grunts of unmistakable anger. Believing that discretion was the better part of valor, our informant stood not upon the order of his going, but went at once in a bee -line for the camp. After placing some distance between himself and the strange creature, the hunter turned around just in time to see it descend the tree. Upon reaching the ground, instead of standing upright as man would, it commenced to trot along o n the ground as a dog or any other animal would do. Smith then realized that it was no hermit he had seen, but some kind of monstrosity, such as he had never heard of, much less seen before. The hunter stood amazed and spellbound for a moment, but soon gat hered his scattered sense again and was soon making his best speed to camp, where in a few breathless words, were telling his companions of what he had seen. They were disposed to laugh at him at f irst, but his sincere ness of manner and his b lanched cheeks soon proved to them t hat he had seen something out of the usual order of th ings. A hasty council was held, and the party decided to go in search of the monster, so taking their guns and dogs they were piloted by Mr. Smith to w hom they soon came in sight of the unnamed animal. In the meant ime it had commenced to devour t he contents of Mr. Smith's game bag that he had dropped in his hasty re treat. The creature would plunge its long arms or legs into the bag and pulling forth the small game that was in it. transferred it to its mouth in a most disgusting manner. An effort was made to set the dogs upon it, but they crouched at their masters' heels and gave vent to the most piteous whines. The whines attracted the attention of the nondescript. and it commenced to make the most unearth ly yells and screams, at the same time f leeing to the undergrowth, some half a mile distant, upon which the whole pa rty


immediately gave chase. They soon gained upon the strange beast, and it, seeing thaI such was the case, suddenly turned, and sitting upon its haunches. commenced to beat its breast with its hairy fists. II would break off the great branches of trees that were around it, and snap them as easily as if they had been so many toothpicks. Once it pulled up a sapling five inches through at the base, and snapping it in twain, brandished the lower par t over its head, much after the same manner a man would sling a club. The hunters seeing that they had a creature with the strength of a gorilla to contend with beat a hasty retreat to camp, which soon broke up, fearing a visit from their chance acquaintance. Mr. Smith describes the animal as being about six feet high when standing, which it did not do perfectly but bent over, after the manner of a bear. Its head was very much like that of a human being. The trapeze muscles were very thick and aided much in giving the animal its brutal look . The brow was low and contracted, while the eyes were deep set, giving it a wicked look. It was covered with long, shaggy hair, except the head, where the hair was black and curly. Mr. Smith says tha t of late sheep and hogs to a considerable extent have disappeared in his vicinity and their disappearance can be traced to the hiding place of the "What Is It." Among those who have suffered are Henry Sharp, Jordan Sumner, Herman Laird. and J.C Trendle. Here is a chance for some energetic young man to start a dime museum and acqui re a fortune wilh a very few years. Anyone wishing to learn more about this peculiar monstrosity can do so by call ing on our informant who will no doubt take a delight in piloting them to the dangerous vicinity of the late scene of action .



Daily Democrat June 25,1891

Woodland, California "THE WHAT Is IT" Seen Once More- It Has Not Reformed Yet.

Once more the wild and wooly "What Is It" has been seen. It does not seem to have reformed as yet, as it is as frisky as ever. This time the person who saw it was a Mr. Herman Gilbert, who was up in the head of Capay Valley looking for a suitable piece of government land that he might homestead. He says that he was near Rumsey, where he was stopping with some friends. On last Monday morning he started out with his bro ther-in-law, expecting to be gone a day or so. as he wished to combine business w ith pleasure. They came to a nice little valley about half a mile long on Tuesday afternoon, and as it was cool, well watered and full of nice green grass, they determined to pitch their tent there. This they did, and about hal f an hour later Mr. Gilbert went to the spring near by to water the horses, and was surprised to see around it t racks very much resembling that of a man, but thought nothing of it. Incidentally, when he returned, he mentioned it to his brother-in-law. He then, for the f irst t ime, heard of the terror, and sugges ted that the two return and track the mysterious animal to his lair. This they did, and as they followed the foot prints, they found that they led to the other end o f the va lley. Just as they came to the end of the defile and were about to turn down th e mountainside, they heard a peculiar cry, hal f-human and half-brutish and quite near th em. As may be supposed, they wended their way very careful ly and slowly. Before they had gone ha lf a mile, they came upon a path. The gentlemen we re too sharp to wa lk in it, and followed the direction it took by walki ng in the underbrush near by. Just as th ey reached the bottom of the mountain, they came upon a deep ravine and there, walking up and down, they could be see "his nibs" himself. Mr. Gilbert says that the beast seemed to be mad a something and would beat its breast, which was covered wi th


gore, and the sound made thereby was like d istant thunder. It had lost some hair since last seen, so the gentlemen should judge, for the cuticle was plainly d iscernable and was of a dark color, much like that of a horse. Near by was a crude cave where the anomaly lived. About it could be seen bones from which flesh had been eaten. The stench arising from the decaying matter was horrible. The muscles of the creature were very powerful, and the animal made an exhibition of its strength once by lifting a huge rock that would weigh at least three hundred pounds and throwing it, wit hout any apparent effort, a hundred feet. After watChing, the nWhat Is It n for some time the men crept quietly back and as soon as possible left the locality, determined not to make any closer acquaintance w ith the Capay curiosity.

Both of the above articles, written about an area near Woodland, California, speak of a creature identical to bigfoot, and this was in the late 1800s. The throwing of a giant boulder is noted in sightings and incidents even today (refer to my first book, The Hoopa Project). The description is again "half~human" with great strength and a stench associated with its living area. Since the creature was in the area of the camp, the stench could have actually bcen the creature. Woodland is northwest of Sacramento in the San Joaquin Valley. It is almost directly north of Davis, Califomia. This area is now all agricultural with the nearest mountains being ncar Lake Benyessa, a very popular location for boating and fishing. The firs t article's description of deep~set eyes, hair over the enli re body, and a massive body is an almost perfec t description of a bigfoot. When the hunters attempted to release their dogs on the creature the dogs cowered and wouldn '( attack , a very normal response when people have accidentally walked up to a bigfoot with their dogs . There is somethi ng about the scen t or some other factor that bigfoot releases thai causes dogs not to want anything to do with the creature. It is a rare occurrence when a dog vol untaril y attacks or even advances on a bigfoot. Rumsey. California is approximately 25 miles northwest of Woodland and si ts at the base of 3,000-4,000· foOI mountains. It is


also only 14 milcs from a very largc body of water, Clear Lakc. Thi s is another area that is predominantl y agricultural, but is much closcr to moun tain s and forests. The area of Rumscy and Woodland gC I vcry hot in the summer with tcmperat ures rcgul arly in the high 90s to low 100s . Morning Herald, November 10, 1870

Titusville, Pennsylvania THE WI LD M AN O F C A LI FORNIA

A correspondent of the Antioch Ledger, writ ing from Grayson, California, under date of Oc tober 16, says: HI saw in your paper, a short t ime since, an item concerning the 'gorilla' which is said to have been seen in Crow Canyon and shortly after in the mountains of Orestimba Creek. You sneered at the idea of there being any such 'critters' in these hills, and were I not be tt er informed I should sneer too, or else conclude that one of your recent prospecting parties had got lost in the wilderness, and didn't have sense enough to find his way back to Terry·s. I positively assure you that this gorilla, o r w ild man as you choose to call it, is no myth. I know tha t it exists, and that there are at leas t two of them, having seen them bo th at once not a year ago. Th eir existence has been reported at times for the past twenty years, and I have heard it said, that in the early days, an ourang-outang escaped from a ship on the sou thern coast; but the crea ture I have seen is not that animal, and if it is, where did he get his mate? Import her as the Web-foot did their wives? Last Fall I was hunting in the mountains about twenty miles south of here, and camped five or six days in one place, as I have done every season for the past fifteen years. Several times I returned to my camp, after a hunt, and saw that the ashes and charred st icks from the fire-lace had been scattered about. An old hunter notices such things, and very soon gets curious to know the cause. A lth ough my bedd ings and traps and little stores were not d isturbed as I could see, I was an xious to learn who or wha t it was that so regularly visit ed my camp, for clearly the half-burnt sticks and cinders could not scatter themselves abou t. I saw no track near the camp,


as the hard ground. covered with dry leaves. would show none. So I started on a circle around the place. and 300 yards off, in damp sand. I struck the track of a man's feet, as I supposed-bare, and of immense size. Now I was curious, sure. and resolved to lay for the bare-footed visitor. I accordingly took a posi tion on a hillside, about sixty or seven ty feet from the fire. and securely hid in the brush. I waited and watched. Two hours or more I sat there and wondered if the owner of the feet would come again, and whe ther he imagined what an interest he had created in my inquiring mind. and finally, wha t possessed him to be prowling about there with no shoes on . The f ire·lace was on my right, and the spo t where I saw the track was on my lef t, hid by brushes. It was in t his direction that my attention was mostly directed, thinking the visitor would appear there, and, besides, it was easier to sit and face that way. Suddenly I was startled by a shrill whistle, such as boys produce wi th two fingers under th eir tongue, and turning quickly, I ejacula ted, NGood God" as I saw the object of my solicitude, standing beside my fire, erect and looking suspiciously around. It was in the image of man, but it could not have been human. I was never so benumbed with astonishmen t befo re. The creature, whatever it was, stood ful l f ive feet high, and disproport ionately broad and square at the shou lders. with arms of great length. The legs were very short, and the body long. The head was small compared with th e rest of the creature, and appeared to be set upon his shoulders wit hout a neck. The whole was covered with dark brown and cinnamon-colored hair. quite long on some parts. that on the head stand ing in a shock and growing close down to t he eyes, like a Digger Indian's. As I looked, he threw his head back and whistled again, and then stooped and grasped a stick from the fire. This he swung round and round, until the f ire on the end had gone out, when he repeated the maneuver. I was dumb, almost, and could only look. Fift een minutes I sat and watched him, as he whis tled and scattered my fire about. I could easily have put a bullet through his head, but why should I kill him? Having amused himself, apparently all he desired. with my fire, he started to go, and having gone a short dist ance, he returned, and was joined by ano thera female, unmistakably-when they both turned and walked past


me, within twenty yards of where I sat, and disappeared in the brush. I could not have had a better opportun ity for observing them, as they (were) unconscious of my presence. Their only object in visiting my camp seemed to be to amuse themselves with swinging lighted sticks around. I have heard this story many times since then, and it has often raised an incredulous smile; but I have met one person who has seen the mysterious creatures and a dozen who have come across their tracks at various places between here and Pacheco Pass."

This article is fascinating , as it could have been writtcn abou t a bigfoot sighting in 2008. The wi tness was very wise to sit and wai t for the creature's return. From the witness's own statemcnt, the creature is not an orangutan , and the prints he found ncar the rire match those of a barefoot human, exactly how bigfoot tracks arc described. The whistling that he heard is oftentimes heard subsequent to a sighting. When the male creature whistled several times, it would appear that it was an indicator that all was safe and the female or family eould enter the camping area. This does indicate that the male leads the group into unknown areas. The description of short legs, large torso, no neck, and an appearance that the head was placed on the shoulders is also an exact match to many of the sketches we've done of the hominid. The sight of the creatures playing with the ri re is funny. It 's obvious from our studies that bigfoot does like to play (Kirk Stew3li sighting of bigfoot playing with another in a lake, chapter 9). Fire may be something they haven't seen often and is a new entity that they don't quite understand. Grayson, Cali forn ia is located in the San Joaquin Valley 16 miles west of Modesto, just cast of Interstate 5, very near the mou ntains on the western side of the valley. Pacheco Pass is the predominant means for vehicular travel between drivers traveling between Los Angeles and San Jose. The pass crosses a range of mountains that go to just over 4,000 fee t and are mostly con taining oak and madrone trees.



Independent, April 25, 1876 Helena, Montana THE MI SS IN G LI NK.

InreNiew of a California Hunter With a Gorilla-Like Wild Man. A correspondent of the San Diego (Cal.) Union writes as follows concerning a Nwild man" recently seen in the mountains of that country. "About ten days ago Turner Helm and myself we re in the mountains about ten miles east of Warner's ranch of a prospecting tour, looking for the extension of a quartz lode which had

been found by some parties some time before. When we were separated, about a half a mile apart-the wind blowing very hard at the t ime---Mr. Helm, who was walking along looking down at the ground suddenly Heard Somebody Whistle. looking up he saw 'something' sitting on a large boulder about fifteen or twenty paces from him. He supposed it to be some kind of an animal and immediately came down on him with his needle gun. The object immediately rose to its feet and proved to be a man. This man appeared to be covered all over with coarse black hair, seem· ingly two or three inches long, like the hair of a bear; his beard and the hair of his head were long and thick; he was a man of medium size, and rather fine features-not at all like those of an Indian, but more like an American or Spaniard. They stood gazing at each other for a few moments when Mr. Helm spoke to The Singular Creature first in English, and then in Spanish, and then in Indian, but the man rema ined silent. He then advanced toward Mr. Helm, who not knowing what his intentions might be, again came down on him wi th the gun to keep him at a distance. The man at once stopped as though he knew there was a danger. Mr. Helm called to me, then The Wild Man went over the hill and was soon out of sight and made good his escape. We had frequently


before seen this man's tracks in that part of the mountains, but had supposed them to be tracks 01 an Indian. Mr. Helm is a man of unquestioned veracity.

Warner Ranch is located approximately 30 miles frolll the Pacific Ocean between Los Angeles and San Diego. It is only five miles for the boundary of the Rincon Indian Reservation. The topography of this location is vcry similar to the Grayson sighting, same temperatures, same rolling hills, and same trees. The description of the creature is an almost idcntical match for bigfoot: hair covering the body two to three inches long, an appearance of a man, all sou nds vcry much like a bigfoot sighting that was documented in 1876. It appears the newspaper reporter fel t that Mr. Helm was quite the honest person : "unquestioned veraci ty."

NORTH AMERICA SIGHTINGS The earliest documented sighting I could find was in 1832 in the Amwa! Regisfel: printed in Minnesota (see article nex t page). The article was found in the Track Record # II 0 (pg. 17). It is the first accoun t I have ever seen where a creature described as big foot was called an Indian. This is a provocative identification beca use it is our belief that big foot associates closely with Native Americans, thus the many sightings arollnd their reservations. One of Ihe earl iest known newspaper articles regarding a crcature that matched bigfoot's description came out of the Memphis Enqllirer on May 9,1851. (Quotcd from "The Track Record" #85 [pg. 12]). U NKNOWN CREATURE SIGHTED IN ARKAN SAS Wild man 01 the woods. During March last, Mr. Hamilton of Greene (ounty,


while out hunting with an acquain-

tance, observed a drove of cattle in a state of apparent alarm, evidently pursued by some dreaded enemy, Halting for the purpose.


~44 if



Ezptdilitm of Dis- Aoja South, towards th~ head

crm'T!I._Thc .expeditior. &cr.t OU~ by the Amencan gol'crnment in 1BO?Q:.,2 J; to "esplQre tho roc:kf, and. I10rlh of the Nu_ menn line, bas "at length been tI lu';uu. oi, lUur"*of>l:>:!eo,,", 1I["k:~..,i.o . Yeal"!. The cOinpany 'landed lI.t Green Bay, . and wintered; , went . hX Prairi';. dt.J 'c CUIII w'hl UB'!!: wbo

ot tall.:. n".\ :;c1.lo,1Il 1l"':..~ 1 :lUr 50\(111\ wbUlCn'r "X~~J)L ~ low j,,,w! IIl.:e


:"''''IS'om l"c



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~I'llcic. ,,{ '"C\> l ; l~.,. 11,,, UOOL' t~." 0")." ",hi,·), ,e 1U:'"11/";,,lc,1 w;(h "CII :1 sh~rl" shoot;;,· ,,0 ))"ld Monnlnin, nn,1 :hnl shortly ~!t I!,e Ir;! i" '''' r;n~,1 in .I,.;:,..... (;C' (i.CI .'TO DAll.Y MIt: "",n'''' ""Of !loc,.... T""". 110 "m. """ &1001 'rk 01 M••""" ... Loui,unnc (.. c). Wh•• firn ""'" in II>: nci,hb>d lie \l"' """',,''''' tl)' a "hilc 111:'" ""'" ~ lo, ooli3. ",,",».1 Upoll' f,lIc" ""Iin~ P;h< 0" bc ' n~ .pp'< ,,'" """ JIO ''''''0. II" "",no f• ." "0 "'~g" 0' M H,I ""ohlles. bul ""''''' '0 .n'ort:lin,n ~b:;nt;s_ Ik .pp."Orod 10 I>.: ohou! 2S )OJ' "'''''' ,,00. ,lid "or d1 'Olll f.~'" oc, bod~, b." opp.1".,I) I"" b.:3, h...d r.oI do,,~"""h 100" hot. Tbr; )",1. Oil< I"" bc~, "OIlld pilI hc, ,kill" occ:t""",IJ) '0 «!l'o.:I """IJ h.:In& h" held b) 1I10') ofo \\ond,.. rful ",,,,,,",. " Iu, """nil) ml: h>o o=ped..otI i. , 0, 101&0 A "'P h.:td I>.:on "" (Of hi m. co •• i"in, ofan in,"",n", be .. \\llh ilS open end phc:'"~ fOIl"" full)' ftfl,) of! No clIO ,uppose: """Id ",:obi< 10 brc"Jk ,I", im""'"10 IlIO,oo:I '''000''',_" I~O 0'11«1 in "".", C>';I."", .......,tom..M h>d 101... t. 1.0..:,_.

c- n •• i. bod.. or ,,., ""~'DP ""h 'lI< ''''n hl h", »l1""""'no;I .. ~.,, ~"" '","Ii~h" 'IId No. """' ,., mIt'"~ " 1".1",_10 rot ..... """", But'''''' Iu, I«JI>' toS 00 n' h,,1II r"". and ...,"'" '" "'. """"" ' . . r.. 1eI r,,«1 . ~~ , E """" ~ ,,,,,. "" juml'l"l op .pi.,nc!~. fi,c.I,

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,.... he !Cd "''' ,iii: '''. ,.

,. '" .oh,oi.;al to,,,,,,,, I'J A """""'~ ..... ,, ,n C~,,:Id:I ?J >,ell.'SO ~ .boul a "ule 0.10,,,.. In lhe 1920·, 01 10',." ptJo'o ,,~. lalen of3 S'd:l,h:ollood!xc".hoI,1Id killed (1.0) pllOlo [,um SA' Don·( ~no\\' if "n~ of Ih" "uffi, good or 001. bill J"'I """e(h;n; re:odc" CUI~'· kno,,· ~booJI • R:o)"l AI.., "e ' epon. of. l~crO' 1"lrt'1l11~ h,'rhl\""r"Il" Autin"," ... \\1111 .. , 11 .. 11 t( IoI"r, ,'lIl!nrl!"'I\'" ,'h."n (,,,. " .. ; ... ·.lIl"I' 'h .. " i·l.r'~"II" .. J hi III.· ro',':;'"·'·H'"!!. (,n tllC ,I, .. /t'ri • • 1,,1" .. ( 11 ..... ".1(1) .. 1\ \~"'I'lIi'u, Ihul Ih,·


t.\l'~'·, III ')H""j I'rhw!l"dh hIli" :-"'(\'" HIl"l~

,,",'Tt: '.'



·1\11 t". t

f'o·"I""IC,',1 "'Ht 1111 ,,{ " '''' 11"r f I' . , " III ~ '" II.i"

1(,·j .. liT4!~fIllu8'h lllrilv0, 152, 182-\8l,186-187,lIlI,Il3-119, 144-246,249,161,271,300-301, 165,41B,433 VIootin963, 91, 113, 179, 185-181, 1&1, 191, m,m I'I'h~tIe 24,36-38. SO, 191 red e)\'! 108, 111,m,m, 403 golden (olor 169, m,106,lll, 339, 341-143, 3>0-151, 416-411, 451-4ll Bigfoot Oilc~ Pro~ 107-los. 118 BilcarO, Tom 211 BI.!(k Foot River 13 blad::berry 84, 214 bfood 147, 185-186, m, 18S. 429, 4)8..459,463,466,461 8i1Je Cte6. CA87, lIl7,lao, 186, 288. 296, 303,309, B4,451 Blue lake 91, m Blue Moontlin~ O( 410 8Mf{reek 17. sa, 63, 8.\, 87, 94, 139, 163, 161,180,191-193, 195-1'/16,.106-207, Ill, m, 232,216,247, 1>6, 116, 280, 286, ISS, 195-196, 193-199, 302-304, m-m, 313-329. J3\, 114, m, lSI, 159,414-417,433-434,448,451,457 BtuH Ctm. Resort m, m, 364-1.5 Bobbililk, Bil 375, 37/-382,387-3&1 8oInw1. (fIr~ 170-114 Boriald 106 Soufder {re6. (A 106, 115 8our9u ignon. RoLmd 70 Bowy, MN 376 Sowmal. M.lnhfw 17-19 Bt~, AIlI.'n34J-34I, 34!1-3>O Bt~. AJIiP m,343-347, 34!1-3>O Brodshaw, fred 181 Btewster, MeI66 Briti!ll (okJrnbil >6, 59, 61, 69, ai, 85,81, 430,4J5 Brookin9$, OR lIl,17J-215 Brown. Sal)' 267 brush dioce 434 1(4115, ~,



OOgwon'mJIS 8IJrnt RnI1, (A 165, 300, 431 {lin 17-19 C~lal'fli! CO!I1t" (II no, 164 (aifornia Biqlool ~ 52-Sol, S6-6 I, 85, 188,119,131 C,taomi, HiglII'Ily Patrol 18.\-186, 19S-19'J,m {ililomi.l Stll~ Ratoaa MuIalm 1% CanoJd'ran RiI'eI 398 ( ."oJd'rall! 10, 41-43, 63, 84-85, ga, 10J, :146,408 (ann(lr1 Air FOlu BI!f 411 (1M' Villley, (A 30, lJ-14 Cap~CAI06- I OI

Carpenter, Debbie 31 1, 361-368. 1I0 {arroll Aaron 79, m, 136-2lI, 248 {arter lam 46J-465 CoJ!l Coonty, MN 114-l7S Ci!! W~, MN l84,lS6 {/.Ilidy, r.. 1l C/.Itlt (rags S4-SS (M116 CM iw1ction, ClI~ 224, m, 274, m Ceci.GIen 142- 143 Cllinthe~!.J Wildernrn Ale" CA 54, 1l9,


Chelr.ey'l Re!01386 (hfyeMe AliP"hoe NatiQn! 63,38$-390, 395, 400-401, 4os. 4111-4 \1 (heyeMe River 6H8, dlickern 113,2>0. 191 (rnel \tCllce\ 411, 434, 457 ChN 59, \41 Choctaw Trft 411 dIromo!ome m (ho!I;a MO!I1tairl~ AlGol (inn.1tw SarTI!, \'/1IIow CIm.1J8-J39 (lid.!rnil Rivel, OR 79 Clallim Tribe, WA 4)8..4;9 (Ie.Jr lake, (A 15 {1t.oIow 16 Clinton, 0I;1.Jhomi 195, 41 I Coalngi, CAm Coxtt, Wyomilg 101 CoIegrCNe, Damon 08, 298. 472 CoIlrgo! 01 1M Redwoods. [WK.!, (A 110, 261, /9.1 CoIlrnbia Riier 418--119 CoodIo, Oklahoma l8!1-391, 395, 40 \-404, 406,408,410 Corninq. (A 161-164, 1'i2 CtrrolilO!,CAII5,IlIl (OWl, Travi! 131,17J-218. 308 Ctindili. JO!Ii 108 Ctandlll, Xerrie 108-109 C'iter lake 74, 90 Cl!'I{l!IIt City, CA 220-1l1, 214, m,w, 144, 146-147,IS4-lSS, 2sa,162-161, 166, 219, 186, 290 (rfltone, (0 80

Crew, lelry 434 Crodelllfmilel 261-272,276, 306, 141, 4,1-4,1 C,OI\WIl"~, fm 154-I~ C,awe, Ray 9,10, 61, 64, &8. 81. 8'J, 181, 103, m, 418, 414, 431, 463, 470 U)'Ptoanlhrop:liogy 41, Cryptolog~ Voi 269 Cuthbemon, Mik~ 158-162

rIKtric" liiiJre 393 ~.J1ion \4, 60-61, 16, 101, 106. 11/, I II, 11 9,119, 111-Ill,135, 131-139,141, 148, lSI, 157, 160, 163, 177, 194, 109, 117, 116,IS6, IBI,191,194, 344,



~183 E~l~l l0

EureU, CA 163. 165, 170. 175, 194,119, lfil, 1'J119',l'!9-101, 321-m. ll4-m, 319, HI. 41>, 4)4 Ewi'IoJ~,CA138

Dahl O~~!lP 184-l86,388

CWy Atfvrx.I~, New.r\; 4&-49, II

D~DKm ~itley, AI

f,juenb¥J1, ~er 79-$0, 43" 464 failh. Sll61 folOJkenberry,'" 136, 318-319, 41~23 Frltoo. CA 102, 101-1(19, 111-112, 114, 110, lIS, 118 fo:ld1etown, (A 129-134

oko.>r 9, 13,14,68, II, 8H9, 93-94, 109,

fllH,ldatIo 64

115-117, II!l- Il0, m, 1l4-IlS, Il9, 143,146-148, 1>0, 1S)..I)4, IS&- IS7, 168. 171. 199,205-106, m, 238. 144-14,,149, III, 115. 169,IBl,19), m,J14,14J, 34" 348, 314, 361->63, l74,386, 397, 403-404, 414, 421-412, 447,413,461,4)] ()eff MoH, Mil 314 Del tlorle COilyl Redw\ 411l-411,

frlh Llkr. Humboldt COUllI)', C>\ m, 114,,3J O~ rrip/i(~le ~)2S8.


Davis, CA 14, 463




DiIcMry Ch.lmeI414 DIIA 6. 9, 41. 12, 18, 188, 21l. 111-2S.1, 154, m-m, 439, oW-44l,4\8, ~J46a

dogs 14, 47, 73-74, 98, 103. II" 14&-147, I>0, ISS, 1,9, 2(19,119.126, 348, 400, 401 , 411,46, Dovf:! 5t.lte Univertity 418, 466 ~lodQe96

L'lcflo!n C,eeI:, Silt.iyoo.r COUIIty 208-216, 218-220,223-127,229,131 notan 1RYi170,1~m, 334, 416-417,


lone, (A \19 ~liIfId uke, OtIllotle County, (A m ron Gale ~ 198 Irwil. Kieler 99 1la!C.I County, Mil 316 tvMlOs, m ~r('ll Ridge. TmRy (ounty. (), 161 Pfoo, [arLl63 Pe1er 425, 439 piuo:qaphs 14-16 Pt,moolh, (), 119

s.;"lI1fI1to, (), 14, 116, 129, 131-132,

134. 164. 193. 1%. 343 Sage HtnP,I\61 SaLltikl459 Sai\lllOOiln 76 1oIim1:t1 I>. 19. 71-72. 124. 161. 198. 219,120.136, m, mtilik lr~ 458-459 Serahtl:ch459 Seiad Valley, CA 102 5eqIOia NilOOn.1 Part. (), 248


lhamar1 13, 11 Sharp. Henry 11 '>hatt! County. {A 1ll. 198 Shatto lab 55, 61 Shatla 00 55 Shatto Tribe 338 Shatla Trinity N.nional f(ffllll~ 139 5hawn~. OK 391 Sheldon, Marion 100 'illermar1, Donald 114-375 Sieoa NeYad.J J,4(llJntoltt 12, 13, Il l, Ill, 289. 42t, 4(,2-463. 469 Sig1aI {noel: CilOWoood. AK 41J Simplon GrO\'\' 271 5inpIon. Sl!'VIM 101-10/ SilkijooCoooty 12-54, 17, 59, 81. 125, 198-104,21/.220.197. 410. 437, 446 Silkijoo foOO Campgroood 274 Silkijoolwildell1fll area)87,21l,118, m. 227, m,116.l4S-l47.21I-lSIi.259, 262,216, m. 413, SitU. AK 77 Six Milt lake. MIl l/I, 382. 3S4. JS6. SiJ: R~Nalionll fOl~1196.201. 2'l4 Sl:1ggI Storr 301 ~nia {OlIn!),. WA433 SI:.n~am 18 Sl:tetum. Chal~ J4 !mth 00, CA 51-57,220-211, IJI-2J7.16J, 266, 269. m. m.181. 281-1SA. 4\1 Smith. PIlil 35>. 161


Smoot Abuilam 18 S~OYe LAb, OntMio, Can~ 465-468 s~a~,CA2n

Sooth CaNdian ~ m, 391-3%, 399 Sooth Mota 67-t8 Sooth MatmiDan River, YIAon 9'J Soo!l>WebeI, Utih18 Soothe"n Pacili( RaiM'oad 192-195, m SpeIJOPOO'o!, TIIeOOot~ 191 Sparb, Raymond 420 Speorm.Jn, Cirij'C00169 Spe~m.Jn, ~wk 69 SJrow, Ow,e 145 5t louis. M04S4 I!eellie~d I, 59, 109, 124-125, 165, 198, m-llO.236, m,292, 195, 339 Slewut ~n 37, 79, 86, 88, 223, m, m, 240-243, m,262.167, 2/6, m Stewat!, Sul.!n 241,261 Stout GrOYf, Smi!I1Ilive1, CA 281


Silil72 SUi...berIY l.M:e, MN 316 Srump!. Mollie 201-203 S~er, Jordan 31 Sup.lruch. Emily 74, &I Suppi/I, Garren 64 Sush-Nik Riw< 71 SuIter Creek, CA 129 5weethcmt, OR 72 5vMd1er, Oar~ 75 IyI1thetk hair 151-152 ToKOm.J, WA 64 Tee\eemoo414,457 TtIli>. Yukon 100

nKm Thermopolis. wY 101 TIIOIN~ Glenn 197 ~IOJlCreek,(A

ihoor.plOO, David 20-21

lhooipIon. Lot'! 296-298, 416--421, 419,


rllrl6-SrlflrWd 1leLtl{MPer~} JO.2, 415 Tis/l 1."9 (ampgrourHil341 ri!l1 TM19 Creek, Humboldt COUIIty, U\ 301 T:)tl10 Weit(hpec, (A 141, 205,l%, m, 314, 330,356-357,431, 436,45 \ Western Bi9!oot SOCiety 89, 191, 419 I'olleat liHl 395, 397 I'dliIlif 24, 16-.lB, 88,291 WrutNKer. Dafl!l 2(l.1..207 Wrutellfid. Swarl J16. 4\ 1-419 1l1Irr~5wn~per 100 'MI~e/Iorsr,

Ylion 96. sa

whoop whoop IOUnd 135.157, 407 ~HvnIt(ff~}25

wikJN,n 29,15, 41

wactwood Store SS, 140, 143, 184. Wtktwood, U\ SS, 139, W), 142-143, ISS, 184,186 WJhlite, T(W!l ISO Wdliam~ Ja~ 111-11. VIllkmCreelc 162-\66,170-171, 176, 17~ISO, 181,104-105,194-m, m-30J. 311, m-m, 329-331, m, m-m, 143, 341-346, 3SQ, 351, 354, 3)1,425. 431 WlIIluillflalll Ila, lS1-158 Wildon RM'115 WiltlOO, Charlie 31J Wood. !!tOlllll,ll1, JJ4, 351-365 Woodland. U\ 30, H-J5 wooxt'fl9, M~ 93 w,.at~ Jan 129-m,140,214, m W)'t:oIl,MiU141 Wynoochee RtlefVition 71 Wyomil993, 10\-102, 443 yak .... lnc£olIlsG.! YiK'tna, WA 304, 322, 314 YrIowfaq\e, Gerald 411 ~ro59

Yola.1S 12-13,\1-16 Yolla ~R.JngeJ Diwict 140, 118, 181 Yolla ~ (wilderness oreal 54, 17l, JJO Young, Sob 141, 144, 1\4-15) Young\ Valley, U\ 257, 259 Yret.!, U\ 12, 198 Yukon T~ffilory, (.nada 96-99, 100, 101,


Yurek Nati