Control Theory Second Edition JR Leigh
The Institution of Electrical Engineers
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Control Theory Second Edition JR Leigh
The Institution of Electrical Engineers
Published by: The Institution of Electrical Engineers, London, United Kingdom © 2004: The Institution of Electrical Engineers This publication is copyright under the Berne Convention and the Universal Copyright Convention. All rights reserved. Apart from any fair dealing for the purposes of research or private study, or criticism or review, as permitted under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988, this publication may be reproduced, stored or transmitted, in any forms or by any means, only with the prior permission in writing of the publishers, or in the case of reprographic reproduction in accordance with the terms of licences issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency. Inquiries concerning reproduction outside those terms should be sent to the publishers at the undermentioned address: The Institution of Electrical Engineers, Michael Faraday House, Six Hills Way, Stevenage, Herts., SG1 2AY, United Kingdom While the author and the publishers believe that the information and guidance given in this work are correct, all parties must rely upon their own skill and judgment when making use of them. Neither the author nor the publishers assume any liability to anyone for any loss or damage caused by any error or omission in the work, whether such error or omission is the result of negligence or any other cause. Any and all such liability is disclaimed. The moral right of the author to be identified as author of this work has been asserted by him in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.
British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data
Leigh, J. R. (James Ronald), 19:31Control theory : a guided tour. - 2nd ed. 1. Control theory 2. Automatic control I. Title 629.8'312 ISBN 0 86341 332 3 (hardback) ISBN 0 86341 33g 0 (paperback)
Typeset in India by Newgen Imaging Systems (P) Ltd., Chennai Printed in England by MPG Books Ltd., Bodmin, Cornwall
To the colleagues who have enriched my professional life
Introduction to the second edition
In the ten years that have passed since the first edition of this book was published, the main developments in the subject of control have been: •
Within control theory proper, the rise of H a and similar approaches, allowing a combination of practicality, rigour and user interaction to be brought to bear on complex control problems and helping to close the often discussed gap between control theory and practice. The rise of artificial intelligence (AI) techniques such as a neural networks that, within a computer intensive context, have become inextricably linked into the control subject. The rise in the availability of comprehensive software packages particularly designed for solving control related problems.
In this new edition, I have added two additional chapters devoted to H ~ approaches and to AI approaches, respectively. I have also added a chapter that, placed at the end of the book, briefly reviews the development of control, so forming something of a context for what has gone before. In addition to these major changes, I have reviewed and, where necessary, revised all the earlier material. In the spirit of the first edition, I have added ten additional diversionary 'Interludes' and of course taken the opportunity to update and enhance the references and suggestions for further reading. I very much hope that the resulting new edition is well placed to satisfy the aims of the first edition, which were as stated in the following section.
The structure, content and purpose of the book
This book is drastically different from other control books. It follows no well-tried formula but, thinking as it goes, imitates in a sense the author's discussions with students, supervisees and colleagues. Most of these discussions were interesting because they were concerned with concepts too general or too simple to be included in standard textbook material or alternatively they were too detailed, esoteric or unfinished to be there. The book is structured around a few limited concepts that are central to control theory. The concepts are presented with a minimum of detail and, once sufficient work has been done to establish ideas, the reader is pointed offto specific references. The treatment is augmented by more detailed interludes. These interludes appear in a different typescript and although they are always relevant to their context, they are not necessarily so easy to follow as the mainstream text. However, if they are skipped over, this will not be detrimental to understanding the main thread o f the book. The first three chapters, quite deliberately, contain no mathematics at all. It is intended that these chapters can form a useful introduction to control theory for a wide class o f readers. These chapters largely answer the questions: • • •
What is control theory? What are the main ideas? What are the features that make the subject so fascinating and absorbing?
The features of the book may be summarised: • • • •
Emphasis on concepts. Follow up for the reader by reference links from the text to easily available standard books. The first three chapters are entirely non-mathematical. The large number of interludes stimulates interest. Appearing in a distinctive typescript, they may be omitted without detriment in a first reading of the mainstream text. Very extensive annotated bibliography.
The structure, content and purpose of the book
The policy for citation of references within this book is worthy of explanation: Control is, in general, an integrated rather than disparate subject. Many of the references cited in this text are relevant to a number of different sections and chapters of the book and, on this basis, it is appropriate that references are cited as part of the whole work rather than by individual chapter. A complete list of references is therefore given in Chapter 19. However, the reader will also note that Chapters 8, 16 and 17 contain references that are not only of general use, but are of primary importance to the chapter in which they appear. The intended readership for the book is: •
Students working at any level on control engineering. Despite the multiplicity of available control books at all levels, students still struggle to understand basic concepts. This book is intended as their companion and friend. Students of science, computing, mathematics and management. The book will supply these students with the main concepts of control, thus supporting the auxiliary control courses that are attended by these students. Industrialists, managers and professionals in a wide variety of fields. A large number of professionals from a wide variety of fields wish to understand the fundamentals and the potential of control, to an extent that will demystify the subject and that will allow them more effectively to assess the benefits of control to their particular areas. Engineers already familiar with control. They could actually find the book enjoyable, paralleling the enjoyment that I have obtained from writing it.
Every worthwhile discipline has a strong structure and underlying principles and is possessed of a continuous striving towards improved coherence so that what, at first sight, appeared to be isolated phenomena take their place in the structure in a consistent way. Thus, the science of physics has been brought, by generations of dedicated development, to its present well-unified state. Here, we are concerned with the structure, principles and context of control theory. Control theory is a very powerful body of knowledge indeed. It allows the synthesis of systems having specified characteristics. It can model and include within its control loops any complex object (for instance, an aircraft) that needs to be so included. It can produce adaptive solutions that change automatically as circumstances change. It can combine with pattern recognition, with expert systems and with artificial intelligence (AI) in general. It makes use of computer power to identify problems, to solve problems, to validate solutions and to implement the final solutions. Control has an impressive track record of successful applications across aircraft, ships, satellite and missile guidance, process industries (chemicals, oil, steel, cement, etc.), pharmaceuticals, domestic and computer goods (automatic cameras, etc.), public utilities (e.g. all aspects of electrical generation and supply), automatic assembly, robotics, prosthetics and increasingly it lends its basic ideas to other disciplines. Control theory is built up around a few very simple ideas: such ideas as feedback loop and stability. The writing of this book has been motivated by a belief that it is
The structure, content and purpose of the book
absolutely vital to obtain a robust understanding of these few simple ideas and not allow them to be submerged below a cloud of techniques or numerical detail.
Acknowledgments I would like to thank the following for their help and guidance: • • •
Dr Glen Vinnicombe, for permission to adapt examples and material from his book (Vinnicombe, 2002), for use in Section 16.7 on the v gap metric. Professor Derek Atherton for his many helpful suggestions when the book was at the manuscript stage. The editorial and production staff at the Institution of Electrical Engineers, for their helpfulness and professionalism.
Introduction to the second edition The structure, content and purpose of the book
xvii xix
Control concepts: a non-mathematical introduction 1.1 General systems ideas 1.2 What is control theory? - an initial discussion 1.3 What is automatic control? 1.4 Some examples of control systems Control design ideas: a non-mathematical treatment 2.1 Initial discussion 2.2 Question: Can the best possible control actions be synthesised by some mechanism? 2.3 Requirements for an automatic control system 2.4 Automatic feedback control 2.5 Diagrams illustrating and amplifying some of the concepts described so far and showing relationships to a software engineering context Synthesis of automatic feedback control loops: a more quantitative view 3.1 Feedback loops: further discussion 3.2 What sorts of control laws are there? 3.3 How feedback control works - a practical view 3.4 General conditions for the success of feedback control strategies 3.5 Alternatives to feedback control
11 11 12 12 14
19 19 21 22 27 28
How the Laplace transform greatly simplifies system representation and manipulation 4.1 4.2 4A 4B 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 4.10 4.11 4C 4.12 4D 4E 4F
Laplace transform techniques Definition of the Laplace transform Convergence of the integral that defines the Laplace transform Problems with O- and 0 + Use of the Laplace transform in control theory The concept of transfer function System simplification through block manipulation How a transfer function can be obtained from a differential equation Poles and zeros of a transfer function Understanding system behaviour from a knowledge of pole and zero locations in the complex plane Pole placement: synthesis of a controller to place the closed loop poles in desirable positions Moving the poles of a closed loop system to desirable locations - the root locus technique Obtaining the transfer function of a process from either a frequency response curve or a transient response curve Convolution - what it is Determination of transfer functions by cross-correlation Calculation of resonant frequencies from the pole-zero diagram Derivation of a formula for damped natural frequency The root locus of a system with open-loop poles and zeros located as in Figure 4.19 will include a circle centred on the zero
Frequency response methods 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9
Introduction Design using frequency response methods - initial explanation Frequency response of a linear system The Bode diagram Frequency response and stability: an important idea Simple example of the use of the foregoing idea in feedback loop design Practical point - the need for stability margins General idea of control design using frequency response methods Obtaining the frequency response of a system experimentally - a list of difficulties
29 29 29
30 31 31 32 32 33 34 34 38 39 40 41 43 43 45
46 47 47 47 48 48 49
50 51 51 52
Contents 5.10 5.11 5.12 5.13 5A 5B 5.14 6
Design based on knowledge of the response of a system to a unit step input How frequency response is obtained by calculation from a differential equation Frequency response testing can give a good estimate of a system's transfer function Frequency response of a second order system The frequency response of a system with poles and~or zeros near to the imaginary axis Some interesting and useful ideas that were originated by Bode Nyquist diagram and Nichols chart
52 53 55 56 58 58 60
Mathematical modelling 6.1 Approaches to mathematical modelling 6.2 Methods for the development of mathematical models 6.3 Modelling a system that exists, based on data obtained by experimentation 6.4 Construction of models from theoretical considerations 6.5 Methods/approaches/techniques for parameter estimation 6.6 Why modelling is difficult - an important discussion 6.7 Fixing of parameters 6.8 Parameter estimation 6.9 Regression analysis 6.10 Analysis of residuals 6A Doubt and certainty 6B Anticipatory systems 6C Chaos 6D Mathematical modelling - some philosophical comments 6E A still relevant illustration of the diJficulty of mathematical modelling: the long march towards developing a quantitative understanding of the humble water wheel 1590-1841 6F A postscript on the effectiveness of thought experiments 6G Experimentation on plants to assist in model development the tests that you need may not be in the textbook,t
61 61 62
Limits to performance 7.1 Stability - initial discussion 7A Stability theory - a long term thread that binds 7.2 Stability for control systems - how it is quantified 7B The ingenious method of Hurwitz 7.3 Linear system stability tests 7.4 Stability margin 7.5 Stability tests for non-linear systems
83 83 84 86 88 88 88 89
62 64 64 66 67 67 67 68 68 70 71 73
76 79 79
Contents 7.6 7.7 7C 7.8 7.9 7.10 7.11 7D 7E 7.12 7.13 7F
7G 7H 7I
Local and global stability Lyapunov's second (direct) method for stability determination Geometric interpretation of Lyapunov's second method What sets the limits on the control performance? How robust against changes in the process is a moderately ambitious control loop? Limits and constraints on synthesis: summary of points Systems that are difficult to control: unstable systems Cancellation of an unstable pole by a matching zero in the controller Shifting an unstable pole by feedback Systems that are difficult to control - non-minimum phase systems Some interesting theoretical limitations on performance 7.13.1 Sensitivity functions and their interrelation Motivation for the name: non-minimum phase systems 7.13.2 Integral constraints in the time domain 7.13.3 Design constraints caused by Bode's theorem Mapping of complex functions - a few points that underlie classical control theory Derivatives of a complex function G(s) Singularities of a complex function G (s )
Some practical aspects of control design, justification and implementation 8.1
8A 8B
How efficient is it to control an unknown process by a controller that consists only of a high gain of value C that in the limit becomes a relay controller? An off-the-shelf approach to the control of an unknown process 8.2.1 The three-term controller 8.2.2 Illustration of the value of an integral term in removing any constant error 8.2.3 Illustration of the value of a derivative term to control the degree of damping 8.2.4 How can the three coefficients of a three-term controller be chosen quickly in practice How to learn something from the first part of a step response New York to San Francisco telephony - an early illustration of the spectacular success of feedback in achieving high-fidelity amplifications of signals Converting a user's requirements into a control specification
90 91 92 94 96 98 98 99 1O0 101 102 102 103 104 105 106 108 108
111 113 113 113 114 114 120
122 123
Contents 8.4
124 124 130
Linearisation 9.1 The motivation for linearisation 9.2 What is linearisation? 9.2.1 An initial trivial example 9.2.2 Comments 9.3 Linearisation about a nominal trajectory: illustration 9.4 The derivative as best linear approximation 9A The inverse function theorem 9B The concept of transversality
131 131 131 131 132 133 134 135 136
Multivariable linear processes 10.1 Transfer function representations 10.2 State space representations 10.3 Design of feedback control systems 10.4 Time solution of the state space equation 10A It seems remarkable that an oscillatory solution can be
137 137 138 139 139
10.5 10B 10.6 10C 11
Methodologies for deciding the scope and attributes of automatic control schemes for industrial application (methodologies for economic justification of investment in automation) 8.4.1 Methodologies and illustrations References on methodologies for economic justification of investment in automation
generated by repeated multiplication by a constant matrix (see Figure 10.2) Discrete and continuous time models: a unified approach Generation of a control sequence The concept of controllability for multivariable systems Conservation of dimension under linear transformations
Discrete time and computer control 11.1 Computers as system components - devices that can change their state only at discrete times 11A A simple and informative laboratory experiment 11.2 Discrete time algorithms 11.3 Approaches to algorithm design
11C 11.4
A clever manipulation - how the digital to analogue convertor (zero order hold) is transferred for calculation purposes to become part of the process to be controlled Takahashi 's algorithm Overview: concluding comments, guidelines for algorithm choice and some comments on procedure
141 141 142 143 143 145
145 146 147 148
149 151 152
Contents 1l D 11E 11F 11G l lH 111
Some difficulties in moving from differential equations to approximating difference equations Discretisation A simple matter of quadratic behaviour Continuous is not the limit of discrete as T --+ 0 Non-uniqueness of inverse Z transforms Stability is normally considered to be a property of a system so that for any bounded input a stable system shouId produce a bounded output
State 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 12.5
153 153 154 156 157
estimation: the Kalman filter and prediction State estimation - what it attempts to do How a state estimator works - the Kalman filter The Kalman filter- more detail Obtaining the optimal gain matrix Prerequisites for successful application of the Kalman filter in the form shown in Figure 12.4 12.6 Discussion of points arising 12.7 Planning, forecasting and prediction 12.7.1 Approaches to prediction 12.7.2 Physically based models for prediction 12.8 Predictive control
159 159 160 160 162
Non-linearity 13.1 What is meant by non-linearity 13.2 Approaches to the analysis of non-linear systems 13.3 The describing function method for analysis of control loops containing non-linearities 13.4 Linear second-order systems in the state plane 13.5 Non-linear second-order systems in the state plane 13.6 Process non-linearity - large signal problems 13.7 Process non-linearity - small signal problems
167 167 169
Optimisation 14.1 Initial discussion 14.2 Optimisation - a few ideas that can form building blocks 14.2.1 Discussion 14.3 Time-optimal control 14A Time-optimal control a geometric view 14B The following geometric argument can form a basis for the development of algorithms or for the proof of the Pontryagin maximum principle 14C Construction of time-optimal controls
179 179 179 185 186 188
163 163 164 165 166 166
170 172 174 176 176
191 192
Distributed systems 15.1 The cosy idealisation that a system can be characterised by its behaviour at a point in space 15.2 Alternative approaches to the modelling of distributed systems 15.2.1 The representation of a spatial region as the summation of elemental regions 15.2.2 A 'Fourier type' approach, in which an arbitrary function f on an interval [0, 1] is approximated by a summation of functions fi 15A When can the behaviour in a region be well approximated at a point? 15B Oscillating and osculating approximation of curves
An introduction to robust control design using H ~ methods 16.1 Motivation 16.2 Hardy spaces (Hp, p > 0 spaces) and their relevance to control problems 16.3 A simple view of H ~ control loop design 16.3.1 Guaranteed stability of a feedback loop 16.3.2 Robust stability of a closed loop 16.4 Total internal stability and design for disturbance rejection 16.4.1 Setting the scene 16.4.2 Robust stability 16.4.3 Disturbance rejection 16.5 Specification of the AG envelope 16.6 Deriving Hoo norms from dynamic process models 16.6.1 Singular values and eigenvalues 16.6.2 Eigenvalues of a rectangular matrix A 16.6.3 Singular values and their relation to eigenvalues 16.6.4 Relations between frequency and time domains 16.7 A promising visualisable design tool that works within the Hoo frame: the v gap metric 16.7.1 Introduction 16.7.2 Simple illustration of the use of the v gap metric 16.7.3 More about the two metrics 6v and bG,o 16.7.4 The insight provided by the v gap metric 16.7.5 Taking into account the weights shown in Figure 16.13 to allow loop shaping 16.7.6 A discussion on the two metrics 6v and ba,D 16.8 Adaptivity versus robustness 16A A hierarchy of spaces 16.9 References o n Hp spaces and on H ~ control
201 201
195 196 196
197 198 199
201 204 204 205 206 206 207 208 210 211 211 212 213 213 214 214 215 215 217 218 218 219 220 222
Neural networks, fuzzy logic, genetic algorithms, learning systems, intelligent systems 17.1 Introduction 17.2 Artificial neural networks (ANN) 17.2.1 Motivation 17.2.2 A basic building b l o c k - the neuron 17.2.3 Simple properties of a neuron demonstrated in the two dimensional real plane 17.2.4 Multilayer networks 17.2.5 Neural network training 17.2.6 Neural network architectures to represent dynamic processes 17.2.7 Using neural net based self-organising maps for data-reduction and clustering 17.2.8 Upcoming rivals to neural networks? - support vector machines (SVMs) and adaptive logic networks (ALNs) 17.2.9 Neural nets - summary 17.3 Fuzzy set theory and fuzzy logic 17.3.1 Introduction and motivation 17.3.2 Some characteristics of fuzzy logic 17.3.3 References: early pioneering work 17.4 Genetic algorithms 17.4.1 Basic ideas 17.4.2 Artificial genetic algorithms 17.4.3 Genetic algorithms as design tools 17.4.4 GA summary 17.4.5 References 17.4.6 Rivals to GAs? Autonomous agents and swarms 17.5 Leaming systems (systems that learn) with or without supervision 17.5.1 Basic ideas 17.5.2 Learning versus adaptivity 17.5.3 Structural characteristics of an abstract learning system 17.6 Intelligent systems 17.6.1 The properties that an intelligent system ought to possess 17.6.2 Selected references 17A The idea of a probing controller
Review - the development of control theory and the emergence of artificial intelligence (AI) techniques 18.1 A rapid review of how control theory developed
225 225 226 226 227 227 229 230 231 233
234 234 235 235 237 238 238 238 239 240 241 242 242 242 242 243 243 244 244 246 246
249 249
Con~n~ 18.2 18.3 18.4 18.5 18.6 19
The emergence of AI techniques Control applications are now embedded within an IT infrastructure Summary How intelligent are AI (artificial intelligence) methods? What is intelligent control?
References and further reading 19.1 Library books 19.2 Other sources 19.3 Mainstream control literature 19.4 Older mainstream control books 19.5 Methodologies for economic justification of investment in automation 19.6 State estimation 19.7 Non-linear systems 19.8 Optimisation 19.9 Distributed parameter systems 19.10 Hp spaces and Hec (robust) control 19.11 Neural networks and support vector methods 19.12 Fuzzy logic and fuzzy control 19.13 Genetic algorithms, genetic programming and other parallel evolutionary search methods 19.14 Intelligent and learning systems 19.15 Adaptive and model-based control 19.16 Stochastic aspects of control 19.17 Some other control topics 19.18 General mathematics references 19.19 Ordinary differential equations 19.20 Differential topology/differential geometry/differential algebra 19.21 Theory of equations 19.22 Operator theory and functional analysis applied to linear control 19.23 Books of historical interest 19.24 Miscellany 19.25 Useful tables 19.26 Alphabetical list of references and suggestions for further reading
xv 252 253 253 253 254 255 255 255 256 256
257 257 257 257 258 258 258 259 259 259 259 260 260 260 261 261 262 262 263 264 264 264
Chapter 1 Control concepts: a non-mathematical introduction
General systems ideas
The objects under study in control theory are systems. A system is any set of elements connected together by information links within some delineated system boundaries. Referring to Figure 1.1, note that the system boundary is not a physical boundary but rather a convenient fictional device. Note also how information links may pass through the system boundary.
Figure 1.1
The structure of a system
Since control theory deals with structural properties, it requires system representations that have been stripped of all detail, until the main property that remains is that of connectedness. (The masterly map of the London Underground system is an everyday example of how useful a representation can be when it has been stripped of all properties except that of connectedness.) Connectedness is a concept from topology. Topology, the discipline that studies the underlying structure of mathematics, offers fascinating reading to aspiring systems theorists. Recommended reading is given in the Bibliography. Clearly, a system is a very general concept; control theory is most interested in certain classes of system and to make progress we delineate the classes. First it is interested in dynamic systems - these are systems whose behaviour over a time period is of interest. Thus if a system were concerned with population aspects, a similar dynamic system would be concerned with population growth. Secondly, it is most interested in and most powerful when dealing with linear systems. A linear system is characterised by the property shown in Figure 1.2. The upper part of the figure shows a system's response to some arbitrary stimulus. The lower part shows how, in the presence oflinearity, the response to a scaled-up version of the stimulus is simply a scaled-up version of the previous response, with proportionality being preserved. Finally, it is interested in feedback systems - these are systems where information flows in one or more loops, so that part of the information entering an element may be information that previously left that element (Figure 1.3). Systems are often visualised in the form of block diagrams, illustrating the main functions, their supposed interconnection and (possibly) their interconnection to the environment of the system. Thus, a simple representation of the human temperature regulation system might be as shown in Figure 1.4.
magnitude stimulus to system
linear system
systems response
time magnitude stimulus as above but magnified
Figure 1.2
magnitude linear system
Linear system characteristics
response is as above but magnifiedk times
Control concepts
system boundary
Figure 1.3
A simple feedback system
Figure 1.4
A simple representation of the human temperature regulation system
1.2 What is control theory? - an initial discussion Many areas of study are fortunate in that their titles trigger an immediate image of their scope and content. For instance, the names 'human anatomy', 'veterinary medicine', 'aeronautical engineering' and 'ancient history' all conjure up coherent visions of well-defined subjects. This is not so for control theory although almost everyone is interested in control in the sense ofbeing able to achieve defined objectives within some time frame. Rather specific examples occur in the named professions of 'financial controller' and 'production controller'.
Control theory
Control theory applies to everyday situations, as in the examples given above, just as well as it applies to the more exotic task ofmanoeuvring space vehicles. In fact, the concepts of control theory are simple and application-independent. The universality of control theory means that it is best considered as applied to an abstract situation that contains only the topological core possessed by all situations that need to be controlled. Such an abstract situation is called a system. The argument is that if we know how to control a highly general situation called a system then we shall be able to control any and every particular situation. This is the viewpoint of control theory and it is this viewpoint that gives it its extraordinary power. Thus any situation, delineated from its environment for study, is called a system. When control theory wishes to study temperature regulation in the human body, it concems itself with a system involving blood circulation, heat generation and heat loss mechanisms and decision-making by the brain. Systems can usefully be defined in almost any discipline - they are not confined to science or engineering. Control theory concems itself with means by which to alter the future behaviour of systems. For control theory to be successfully applied, there needs to be available: (i)
A purpose or objective that is linked with the future state of the system. (Clearly the past cannot be influenced nor, since no response can take place in any system in zero time, can the present.) The objective of any control system in every case is connected with the performance of the system over some period of time - the accountant and the industrial manager want to see long periods of smooth and profitable operation. Sometimes this leads to conflicting requirements, in the sense that short term objectives are frequently in direct opposition to long term objectives. In general terms this objective can be considered to be the desired behaviour of the system. A set of possible actions that offers an element of choice. (If no variation of actions is possible, control cannot be exercised and the system will follow a course that cannot be modified.) (Unless a trial and error strategy is to be adopted) some means of choosing the correct actions (ii) that will result in the desired behaviour (i) being produced. In general terms, this requirement is met by a model capable of predicting the effect of control actions on the system state. Such a model may be implicit and not even recognised as a model or it may consist of a large and complex set of equations. For the accountant, the model is a balance sheet together with inherited wisdom. For the military commander, the model is a map of local terrain and a knowledge of the types and deployments of men and equipment. For the control of quantities that can be measured by sensors, mathematical models in the form of stored curves or sets of equations will usually be used.
We see then that to achieve successful control we must have a defined objective and be able to predict adequately, over some sufficient time scale, all the outcomes of all the actions that are open to us. For instance, a national power station building programme can only be planned once predictions of the future demand for electricity are available. Figure 1.5 summarises the three requirements needed for successful control.
Control concepts
ity t o ~ te and ) actions /
~ [ I \
Figure 1.5
t a c t ~ or to make modificationsthat when applied ) to the system will result in the / desired behaviour(i) being obtained /
The three elements needed for successful control design
A major problem in control using a long term horizon is uncertainty of the long term accuracy of models, compounded by the likelihood of unforeseen events. That is to say, the possibility must be faced that, once uncertainty rises above a particular level, no meaningful control can be implemented and that policies that look ahead to anticipate future contingencies may call for immediate sacrifices that will never be repaid by the creation of more favourable future environments. Feedback control, in which an error initiates corrective action, can be used only where corrective actions take effect relatively quickly. It is clearly unsatisfactory to wait until electricity demand exceeds the maximum possible supply level before starting to build a new power station. On the other hand, it is usually perfectly feasible to control the speed of a motor by an error-driven feedback correction. None of the processes that we are called upon to control can be made to change its state instantaneously. This is because all processes have the equivalent of inertia. Suppose that we have the task of moving a large spherical boulder from A to B by brute force (Figure 1.6). Clearly, considerable initial effort must be expended to get the boulder rolling and a similar effort must be expended to bring it to rest. In the case illustrated, it will be all too easy to overshoot the target or to spend too long arriving there if any miscalculation is made. The difficulty of achieving control in this situation is entirely typical and occurs because of the energy that needs to be stored in and then removed from the boulder to allow the task to be achieved. Only when we possess a prior
Controltheory initial position of boulder
required final position of boulder
Figure 1.6
The problem of moving the boulder
quantitative knowledge of the energy storage mechanism can we hope to achieve fast and accurate control. A system with internal energy storage is called a dynamic system. Thus, we can see that one of our chief problems is to synthesise actions that, when applied to a dynamic system, will produce the response that we are seeking.
W h a t is automatic control?
Control theory was developed to support the emergent activity of automatic control. It is therefore a useful motivation to turn our attention to automatic control. Historically, the discipline of automatic control was concerned with the replacement of the human worker of Figure 1.7 by the automatic controller of Figure 1.8. Although automatic control is nowadays a complex discipline, no longer primarily concerned with the replacement of human operators, it is a useful starting point to consider what sort of skills are necessary to move from an existing, manually controlled situation to a new automatically controlled situation, as in Figure 1.8. (1)
(2) (3)
A central idea of control theory is the control loop. All control loops have the same basic form, regardless of the particular application area. Thus, control theory uses an application-independent notation to convert all control problems into the same standard problem. We can consider that control theory concentrates on studying the universal situations that underlie all applications of quantitative control. In broadest form a control loop appears as in Figure 1.9. The decisions govern actions that are taken. The effect of the actions is reported back by the information channel. Further decisions are taken and the loop operates continuously as described. A control loop provides an extraordinarily powerful means of control but, at the same time, the existence of the loop always brings the possibility of the potentially very destructive phenomenon of instability. All control loops are error-driven, where error is defined as the difference between the behaviour that is desired and the behaviour that is measured. An important performance measure for a control system relates to rate of error reduction. Often, performance is quoted in terms of the highest frequency that the control system can follow, when required to do so.
Control concepts systemto be controlled
(factoryprocess aircraft ship military hardware consumerdevice) levers of power
measured behaviour process operator
Figure 1.7
A manually controlledprocess
automatic controller
process supervisor
systemto be controller
measured behaviour
Figure 1.8
The process of Figure 1.7 now under automatic control
information on result o f actions
Figure 1.9
A control loop in its broadest form
Control theory
(4) All control loops tend to become unstable as higher and higher performance is sought. A good understanding of the topic of stability is central to understanding control theory.
Some examples of control systems
Four control systems are illustrated in Figure 1.10. All can be seen to have the form of Figure 1.11. A user, uninterested in the mechanics of all this, will see the simpler view of Figure 1.12. We refer to this single block (that has the control loop hidden inside) as the control system. The following further points are important: (5)
Control system performance can only be meaningfully specified in relation to the (total) control system of Figure 1.12.
desired inflation rate • ?
interest rate / • central bank
] economy [
steam flow desired ~ speed " ~
desired temperature inside building ~
[ ]
steam ] engine ]
hot water flow radiators and building
heating controller
measured inflation rate -~
measured speed
measured temperature inside building
movementof control surfaces desired • aircraft heading
Figure 1.10
automatic pilot
Some examples of particular control applications
measured aircraft heading
Control concepts
comparison \ error decision
.ction 1system r-
to be I controlled [
measured behaviour
information 11
Figure 1.11
The general form ofall the control systems in Figure 1.10
desired behaviour
Figure 1.12
measured behaviour
A user's view of the control system of Figure 1.11
The control system designer almost always has to incorporate into the control loop an element whose intrinsic behaviour is largely outside his own influence. (For instance, the control systems designer may have little influence on the design of a building although later he will be called upon to design temperature control systems for it.) (7) To quite a large extent, the controller must neutralise adverse characteristics in the process, compensating for non-ideal process configurations and for short and long term perturbations and variabilities. (8) For (7) to be possible, the process characteristics must be known to some degree of accuracy and be reasonably constant. (9) Ideally [see (6)] the control system designer will ensure that the process has the best possible inherent behaviour, even with no control. The control design cycle is therefore roughly: (a) Decide on a necessary performance specification. (b) Quantify the performance of any system-to-be-controlled element that is to be included in the control loop. (c) Design, by one or other control design techniques, a controller so that the control system meets the specification of (a). (d) Construct, commission and test the control system. In the next chapter, we take these ideas further.
Chapter 2 Control design ideas: a non-mathematical treatment
Initial discussion
In the previous chapter we saw that prerequisites for control design were broadly: a defined objective, a set o f available actions and a model that could be interrogated to establish which o f the available actions would best move the system towards meeting the objective. Now we add more structure to the concepts to put forward a possible design methodology (Figure 2.1). In this methodology, central use is made o f a system model. This model is assumed able to rapidly calculate the expected behaviour o f the system when subjected to any particular action.
set of all possible actions
real world system
desired behaviour
when the best possible action ~, has been found, it will X ~ b ~ applied to the real system one particular "-] ~ action is tried on the model
] the expected behaviour is given by the model
I comparison with the desired behaviour
difference between behaviours
iteration is continued until the best possible action is obtained
Figure 2.1
A possible methodologyfor control system design
Control theory
desired behaviour
best possible control actions
Figure 2.2
system model (used inversely?)
The idea of using a system model inversely to synthesise actions
Questions that immediately arise are: • • • •
In practice can a realistic model be produced? If so how? By what mechanism can two sorts of behaviour be compared? Can the difference between desired behaviour and expected behaviour be meaningfully used to help the iteration towards the best possible choice of action? How fast would the iterative procedure, involving the model, have to operate in order for the real world system to be realistically controlled?
We answer none of these questions directly, preferring to state that Figure 2.1 remains largely symbolic. Meanwhile we ask a further question.
Question: Can the best possible control actions be synthesised by some mechanism?
If the system model and the desired behaviour are accurately defined should it not be possible, in one pass, to synthesise the necessary actions shown in Figure 2.1 without interactive searching? This question is illustrated graphically in Figure 2.2.
Requirements for an automatic control system
If it is possible to synthesise the best possible actions continuously by some sort of algorithm, then we have arrived at automatic control. In the best known and simplest form of automatic control, the desired behaviour is specified as a requirement that the measured system response (say y) should continuously and closely track a required system response (say v) that is input by the system user (Figure 2.3). Of course, v may be constant or even always set equal to zero. In such cases, an automatic control system has the task of keeping a measured value of y always equal to the specified constant value of v, despite the presence of disturbing influences. These general requirements of an automatic control system are shown in Figure 2.4. Moving more towards the realisation of a practical system, Figure 2.5 results.
Control design ideas
v = required system response
y = measured system response
Figure 2,3
An automatic control system may be required to force the measured response y to track a user-specified desired response as closely as possible
disturbances w
user's required response v
Figure 2.4
measured ~response y ~ ( s h o u l d be equal to v)
Requirements for an automatic control system
disturbance w ', measurements of '~ disturbance J i i I
_ ~. user's required response v
Figure 2.5
generator of control actions
[ /
system to be controlled
actions u, algorithmically generated
Realisation of an automatic control system
measured response y
Control theory
It is clear that the success of the scheme presented in Figure 2.5 depends on the disturbances w being measurable and on the existence of an accurate quantitative understanding of the system to be controlled, for otherwise the 'generator of control actions' cannot be accurately constructed. (Notice that no use is made of any measurement of the response.)
Automatic feedback control
Automatic feedback control overcomes both the above problems (possible unmeasurability of disturbances, difficulty of obtaining a sufficiently accurate model) by being error-driven as shown in Figure 2.6.
(2) (3)
Diagrams illustrating and amplifying some of the concepts described so far and showing relationships to a software engineering context Control theory is interested in systems behaviour and deals with generalised situations called systems. A system is a set of elements, interconnected by information links and existing within a system boundary outside which is the system environment. Figure 2.7 illustrates some of the rationale. A broad task is to go from a statement of 'desired behaviour' to the synthesis of a system exhibiting that desired behaviour (Figure 2.8). In more specific terms, control theory is first concerned with systems understanding, secondly with influencing systems behaviour, and thirdly with designing systems to exhibit particular behaviours (Figure 2.9).
w disturbances comparator V
generator ~ _ _ system of control to be actions controlled (controller) ~ _ _ . ~ feedback loop
Figure 2.6
An 'error driven system ': the feedback loop
Control design ideas
control theory is interested in the behaviour of systems
a system is any collectionof interconnected elements that we choose to define
system representation
interconnections examples of systems human~~
~ j
domestic temperature control system
air traffic control system
Figure 2. 7
Some basic control ideas
desired behaviour synthesise system to have desired behaviour
Figure 2.8
The broad task of control design
Virtually every important application o f control theory is closely embedded within a complex software engineering context. Without attempting to go into details the following concept diagrams illustrate some o f the interactions between control design approaches and the software context:
Once systems behaviour is considered, the questions arise: what types o f behaviour do we have in mind? How can behaviour be quantified? What factors limit performance? (Figure 2.10).
Control theory understanding the behaviour of systems
influencing the behaviour of systems designing systems that will exhibit a particular behaviour
Figure 2.9
The sequence of objectives involved in a typical control project
How do we measure behaviour?
What sorts of behaviour do we have in mind? What factors set limits to performance?
Figure 2.10
Fundamental questions related to system behaviour and system performance
Elaborating on the points in Figure 2 10, we turn to points of methodology. How can we find out what type of system is really required? How can we turn this knowledge into a specification and then into a design? What tools are available to assist us? Figure 2.11 illustrates these points. Elaboration of the points in Figure 2.1l produces Figure 2.12. Here we see a stage called 'requirement capture' dedicated to establishing what the eventual user needs. Further stages o f systems specification, system design, knowledge elicitation (aimed at feeding in particular expert knowledge) and data base design precede the writing of code (i.e. programming) and the proving, commissioning and maintenance that are essential parts o f all real applications. Figure 2.13 is a re-run o f Figure 2.12 with a few enhancements. This figure illustrates how a user's conception of the ideal system is modified by additional enhancements as well as by restrictions suggested by a systems designer's expertise. The role of CASE (Computer Aided Software Engineering) tools can be seen in the diagram. These tools allow systematic top-down design,
Control design ideas
How can we find out what 'people' want from a system?
I How can we turn this knowledge into a specification? I How can we go from specification] to system synthesis, i.e. to design? J How do we test our designs before building? What tools do we use for building?
Figure 2.11
The beginnings of a methodologyfor system design
requirements capture
+ system specification
+ system design, including algorithm design
knowledge elicitation
database design
writing of code
+ proving and commissioning
t maintenance and updating
System design from requirements capture to commissioning and maintenance
Control theory user's conception of the ideal system
system designer's expertise
en n omentsJ < \//restrictions J J " requirements capture design
(basedon knowledge of implications of certain requests) CASE tools • comparison
system ~_~ specification
system specification
reverse engineering
Figure 2.13
A more detailed view of system design showing the role of CASE tools and the place of verification using reverse engineering
partitioning of work tasks into manageable parcels, continuous checks on consistency and a graphical overview of the whole design project. The figure also illustrates how so called reverse engineering is used to check that the final codes are in complete and consistent agreement with the initial system specification.
Chapter 3
Synthesis of automatic feedback control loops: a more quantitative view
Feedback loops: further discussion
In automatic control a device called a controller issues commands that are physically connected to a process with the intention to influence the behaviour o f the process in a particular way. The commands that will be issued by the controller in a particular set o f circumstances are completely determined by the designer of the controller. Thus, automatic control can be seen to be completely pre-determined at the design stage. The controller may be driven by time alone or it may be driven in a more complex way by a combination of signals. In feedback control, the controller is error driven. That is, the controller receives a continuous measurement of the difference between required behaviour and actual behaviour and its output is some function of this error (Figure 3.1). In this type of system, excellent results can be obtained in practice with very simple controllers indeed, even when operating under conditions where the system to be controlled is not well understood. Roughly speaking, we can imagine that the controller will keep on taking corrective action until the error is reduced to zero. controller error= v y output measured desired \ " controller [ -operating ~value v _ \ systemto ] resssDonse y be controlled on error v-y i
Figure 3.1
feedback loop
A f e e d b a c k control loop
Notice that the output o f the controller is a function o f error v - y.
Control theory comparator
Figure 3.2
A feedback loop with the system to be controlled denoted G and the controller denoted D
An alternative view of the arrangement of Figure 3.1 is that the user sees an artificially enhanced system that has been synthesised to meet his wishes. If we represent the controller by an operator D and the system to be controlled by an operator G we obtain: System output = Gu ] Controller output = De Controller input = e = v - y
In feedback controller design, the task is to specify the controller, denoted by the operator D, so that in connection with the process, denoted by the operator G, in the format shown, a suitable overall behaviour will be obtained. We can imagine that the controller modifies the process characteristics in ways chosen by the designer. We next assume that there exists a desired hypothetical process H. By suitable connection o f a controller D to the actual process, are we able to produce a configuration that behaves the same as H ? If we interconnect G and D as shown in Figure 3.2 and assume some benevolent mathematics that allows us to manipulate the symbols then, from the figure,
y = G D ( v - y) y
and setting D --
H G(1 - H)
will be found to accomplish the objective o f making y/v equal to H. In other words, this choice o f D does indeed make the synthesised configuration behave like the chosen hypothetical process H. Here we assume that well-behaved operators can be found to operate on the sort of functions that exist in the control loop and possessing those other properties o f associativity and invertibility that are needed to make manipulation valid. (i.e. we assume that the operators G, D, H are elements in a group). Laplace transforms or other techniques can produce these operators for specific examples but, for the moment, it is sufficient to know that such operators exist. Then,
Synthesis of automatic feedback control loops
from the set of equations above, it is clear that y : [(1 + GD)-IGD]v
and the system represented by the operators in the square brackets can be synthesised by choice of D to behave as the user requires.
We note and ask: D contains G -1, the inverse of the plant: • • • •
This may be of high order. Is it (G) known? Does it (G) stay constant? If G changes by (say) 10% will control become very poor?
(i) Can our requirements be adequately represented by an operator H ? (ii) How is H chosen? (iii) Is it not disturbing that H is not in any way dependent on G? For instance, can we turn a low-performance aircraft (G) into a high-performance aircraft (H) simply with the aid of a clever algorithm? (iv) Does D turn out to be a possible, buildable, robust, practical controller?
Comment Limits on attainable performance are set by the constraints in the process. These constraints are not at all modelled by the (linear) operator G, nor are they otherwise fed into the design procedure. A key point is: if H is chosen too ambitiously then D will simply drive the process G into saturation. In practice, a particular process G can nearly always be marginally improved to (say) a faster responding H whereas it will rarely be able to be improved by several orders of magnitude.
The chief difficulty therefore lies in specifying H - How ambitious can we be?
W h a t sorts o f c o n t r o l l a w s are there?
It would appear reasonable that an infinite variety of control laws might be possible including some highly exotic versions that would need considerable computer power for their implementation. However, we shall show that if the control law is restricted to be linear, then the range of possible control laws is very restricted indeed. Without much loss of generality, we may assume that the control law is to be implemented by an idealised computer that occupies the 'controller' position in Figure 3.1. The output of the controller at any instant of time can be any function of the current and/or previous error signal that is read into the controller. (Recall that the system is operating in real time and that, therefore, future values of error cannot, by definition, be available to the controller.)
Control theory
If linearity is now insisted on in the controller, then the possible control laws are severely restricted to be of the form: Present output of the controller = Some multiple of the present input + Multiples of the previous inputs ÷ Multiples of the previous outputs In other words, the present output of the controller is constrained to be just a weighted sum of present and past values of the input to and the output from the controller. Corollaries
(i) More 'intelligent' control laws may contain models of the process to be controlled and, using these models, for instance in rapid iterative simulation mode, they may calculate and produce a control output. Such control laws are not linear and theoretical calculation of their expected performance is therefore a difficult task. (ii) The restricted class of control laws that can be implemented linearly excludes many optimal control strategies. This is why so often optimal control solutions appear as pre-specified (open loop) functions of time that cannot be converted into automatic feedback controllers except in a minority of cases. (iii) Specifically non-linear controllers have found very little application. This is surprising since most processes that have to be controlled are fairly non-linear and it would seem that non-linearity in the process could surely be cancelled by 'opposing' non-linearities in the controller to give overall good control. Also, Nature is a well-known user of non-linear devices in most of its control applications, in, for instance, the human body, and we might reasonably expect control design to follow in this direction.
How feedback control works - a practical view
The illustrations use temperature control and foreign currency exchange control but the results are valid for any feedback loop. Block G (Figure 3.3) is a heating process. It receives an input of 'fuel flow' and produces an output 'temperature'. Block D (Figure 3.4) is a motorised fuel valve. When the control signal is zero, the valve produces a fuel flow u0. When the control signal is positive the fuel flow is increased as shown in Figure 3.5. The larger the control signal, the steeper the rate fuel f l o w O
Figure 3.3
temperature I,
A heating process viewed as an input-output device
Synthesis of automatic feedback control loops control signal ~
Figure 3.4
fuel flow
A controller for connection to the heatingprocess
Figure 3.5
The characteristic of the controller D: how the control signal causes changes in fuel flow
of increase (Figure 3.6). Conversely, negative control signals produce decreasing fuel flows. If now the feedback loop in Figure 3.7 is formed, the input to the motorised valve D is the difference between the temperature that is desired and the actual (measured) temperature. Assume that the measured temperature is 80 °C and the desired temperature is IO0°C. Then the input received by the valve D will be 100 - 80 = 20. This is a positive signal and valve D will respond by increasing the fuel flow. Heating process G, on receiving an increased fuel flow, will respond by increasing its temperature so that it will climb above 80 °C. The error will decrease and the fuel flow will settle eventually at that value that brings the measured and desired temperatures to be equal, i.e. to a zero error condition. The operation just described is illustrated in Figure 3.8. Notice carefully that the temperature will arrive exactly at the desired value regardless of the particular characteristics of heating process and valve. For instance, even should the heating process suddenly and unexpectedly fall in efficiency (thereby requiring more fuel to achieve the same temperature) the feedback loop will compensate perfectly for this change since the fuel flow will be increased automatically to whatever level is required to give exactly the desired temperature. Here we see the great attraction of feedback control - an imperfectly understood process, even one subject to large unpredictable changes of basic characteristics, can be satisfactorily controlled using a control law that is specified in the vaguest of terms.
Control theory
Figure 3.6
Further illustration of the characteristics of the controller D
How stepwise increases in control signal are translated into increasing rates of fuel flow temperature actual error fuel flow measured c ~ + ( ~ motorised [ heating ] temierature desired valve D ~ processG ] ~ temperatureY
Figure 3.7
A feedback loop in which the motorised valve is connected to the heating process
Before we move on to consider the implications, let us illustrate the feedback control principle at work in a different, much wider context (Figure 3.9). Here let the element G be an economic element whose input is UK bank rate (%) and whose output is the exchange rate, number of US dollars per pound Sterling. Assume that the Chancellor has in mind a desired exchange rate, say $1.5 against the pound. It is 'generally accepted' that increasing the UK interest rate will increase the exchange rate. The Chancellor, D, in the feedback control loop, therefore manipulates the interest rate to whatever level is necessary to achieve the desired exchange rate (Figure 3.10). Of course, the Chancellor does not ramp the exchange rate (as in the earlier fuel rate example) - rather he moves it in a succession of steps to form a staircase function that is all too familiar (Figure 3.11). Notice again that (fortunately) the Chancellor does not need to understand how the economy works to attain the exchange rate that he requires, using the principle of feedback.
Synthesis of automatic feedback control loops 100°C
desired temperature
80 °C
Vo time
Figure 3.8
Expected behaviour of the heating process when under closed loop control
UK interest rate (%)
Figure 3.9
exchange rate ($/£)
The economic element that relates exchange rate to UK interest rate UK interest rate o ,+(-')~ desired ~ _ exchange T rate ~
Figure 3.10
D I [ [ Chancellor
economic element
] I
The economic element under closed loop control by the Chancellor
The feedback principle works extremely well provided that the available actions do not encounter constraints that limit their magnitudes. In the case o f temperature control, there will always be some limit on fuel flow rate. In the case of exchange rate control, there will always be restraints, often of a political nature, on the magnitude o f the interest rate that can be used. Linear systems have no such constraints and hence linear control theory can never deal satisfactorily with the inevitable boundedness of all real control actions.
Control theory
.=_ a~
Figure 3.11
A typical interest rate profile resulting from the Chancellor's actions
We now return to the main theme of practical feedback control. We recall that the approach has the considerable merit that it offers exact control of vaguely specified and possibly changing mechanisms, using quite loosely specified control actions. The underlying rough idea is that the action in the control loop keeps on increasing/decreasing to whatever level is needed to make the error zero. So long as the error is non-zero, further action is taken in the direction that will reduce the error. When the error reaches zero, the value of the controlled variable is, by definition, equal to the specified desired value. We have seen that an acceptable level of control can be obtained for imperfectly understood processes using vaguely specified actions. However it is now time to ask: (i) How long does it take for control to be achieved and what is the nature of the response curve? (ii) Can a 'best possible response' be defined and, if so, how can it be achieved? (iii) In a particular case, what sets the limit on performance? (iv) What if the desired target is not constant (a moving target) or there are external influences outside our control? (i) Responses may range across the type of behaviour shown in Figure 3.12. It is clear that, for many applications, the nature of the response and the time taken to achieve control will be critical, yet these aspects cannot be predicted in the absence of quantitative data. (ii) A 'best possible response' is only meaningful in general for problems where constraints are present. By definition, these problems do not belong to linear control theory. Linear control systems can, by definition, use signals of any magnitude to produce responses that, in the limit, are instantaneous- such responses are clearly unattainable in practice. The difficulty is overcome in practice as follows. A required response that is realistic for the application but that is not expected to violate constraints is aimed for. If this rather empirical approach shows that constraints would be violated, the problem has to be altered. In an engineering application more powerful motors, stronger practical components or additional amplifier stages may be needed.
Synthesis of automatic feedback control loops
Figure 3.12
Typical transient responses ranging from highly oscillatory to sluggish signal that compensates for the disturbance
desired value
Figure 3.13
disturbance signal
T measured I value
An (ideal)feedback controller will synthesise an equal and opposite signal to neutralise the effect of an incoming disturbance
The valuable point emerges: The limits of control performance are the constraints within the system; and these are not at all represented in linear control theory. We have now reached the stage where 'imported detail' begins to crowd in on us, attempting to force us away from principles into a discussion of technique. At this point we are content to say that, even under conditions of moving targets, external influences and other factors yet to be discussed, viable feedback control systems can usually be designed and implemented.
General conditions for the success of feedback control strategies
By the nature of feedback control, corrective action can only begin once an error has been detected. Therefore, close control will only be possible in those cases where the rate of corrective action can at least match the rate of disturbance generation. This idea, of course, soon leads to requests for high bandwidth of control loops to allow, in one way of looking at it, the control loop to successfully synthesise a signal equal and opposite to the disturbance signal (see Figure 3.13). In many cases, it is not possible to design a closed loop with a high enough bandwidth, and then feedback control has to be abandoned or relegated to a secondary role.
Control theory
Alternatives to feedback control
Alternatives to feedback control are: (i) Preprogrammed control: Here a standard strategy, recipe or sequence of controls is calculated in advance and is implemented without regard to any signals that come from the system during the period of control. (ii) Feedforward control: Here the disturbing signals are measured and necessary corrective actions are calculated and implemented with the idea of eliminating error before it can occur. This approach requires that the disturbances are measurable independently (as opposed to the feedback approach which allows the error to be a measure of received disturbances) and that the necessary control actions are accurately calculable. (iii) Prediction followed by control: Here prediction of future conditions, eitherbased on extrapolation algorithms, or on stored historical records, is used to allow the best possible positioning of a low bandwidth control system. A classical case is in electricity generation where rapidly changing consumer demand follows a reasonably predictable daily and seasonal pattern, thereby allowing the cumbersome process (time constant of several minutes) of bringing new generators onto the grid to be scheduled to match load predictions rather than attempting an unsuccessful feedback control in which the slow process of bringing new generators on-stream attempts to match the very much faster rate of change of consumer electricity demand.
Note: Source material and suggestions for further reading to support the topics of this chapter will be found in Chapter 19.
Chapter 4
How the Laplace transform greatly simplifies system representation and manipulation
Laplace transform techniques
Many useful techniques depend on the Laplace transform. The Laplace transform of a function f (t) is denoted sometime s by £ {f (t) } and sometimes by F (s). The inverse Laplace transform of F(s) is denoted sometimes by £ - l { F ( s ) } and sometimes by f ( t ) . Figure 4.1 makes the relation clear; s is a complex variable whose role is defined by eqn. 4.1.
Definition of the Laplace transform
By definition ~ {f(t)} =
e x p ( - s t ) f ( t ) dt
(1) Let
f(t) :
a constant k, and let R(s) denote the real part of the complex
number s (k) =
e x p ( - s t ) k d t = - 1 / s exp(-st) o
= 0 - ( - k / s ) = k/s
provided that R(s) is positive (for otherwise the integral does not exist). f(t)
Figure 4.1
The Laplace transform operation
30 (2)
Control theory Let f ( t ) : exp(at) £ {exp(at)} =
e x p ( - s t ) exp(at) dt (a -1 s) exp(a - s ) t o
s +1 a
This will be true provided that R(s) > a. The chore of calculating Laplace transforms o f particular time functions and the converse problem - calculating the time function, by inverse Laplace transformation, corresponding with a particular Laplace transform - can be avoided by the use of software packages or tables of transform pairs. Small tables are to be found as appendices in many introductory control textbooks. A larger set o f tables can be found in McCollum and Brown (1965) and a very comprehensive set in Prudnikov et al. (1992). 4A Convergence of the integral that defines the Laplace transform It is quite typical, as in the last example, for the integral that defines the Laplace transform to befinite (and hence defined), onlyfor restricted values of s. However, there seems to be a tacit agreement in the teaching of control theory to avoid any discussion of the distracting question: what is the significance of the region of convergence of the integral that defines the Laplace transform ? For example, let a = 2 in the transform 1/ (s + a ) that we have just derived. Then it is clear that the transform is only defined and valid in the shaded region in Figure 4.2 where the real part of s is strictly greater than 2. However, later in this chapter, we shall see that, for this transform, the value of s for which s + a = 0 is highly significant
y:i/ /[ /2t%:,Z-2 i:/ yZ // Figure 4.2
The transform 1/(s + 2) is only defined in the shaded region, yet the point s -- ( - 2 , O) is the one o f interest and the transform is universally used at that point without further question
The Laplace transform
(i.el thepoint s = (-2,0)). We, in common with the whole control fraternity, blithely use the transform at the point s = (-2, 0) where it is undefined. Notice also that the re~ion in which the integral converges may be empty. For example, the function exp(t~) has no Laplace transform for this reason.
4B Problems with 0 - and 0+ (i) Anyone who has used Laplace transforms to solve differential equations will be used to obtaining solutions such as y(t) = y(O) e x p ( ' t ) where by y(O) is meant y (0 +) which has to be calculated independently. One is expected to know y(O+), but y(O+) is really part of the solution that is to be determined. Clearly y(O+) will be differentfrom y(O-) only when there is a discontinuity at the origin. Such a situation occurs for instance in calculating the step response of a system containing a differentiator The difficulty can sometimes but not always be overcome by :exercising common sense. (ii) A rigorous examination o f the Laplace mechanism applied to a delta function unearths problems again due to the 0-, 0 + phenomenon. Taking the phenomenon rigorously into account shows that L{8(t)} = O, rather inconveniently, compared with L{8(t)} = 1, that we universally use. Zadeh and Desoer (1963) discusses the Laplace transform rigorously.
Use of the Laplace transform in control theory
(1) Consider a system (Figure 4.3) that receives an input u(t) and in response produces an output y (t). The response y (t) is determined by the nature of the input signal u(t) and by the nature of the system. Suppose that g(t) is the response of the system to a unit impulse applied at time t = 0. Then the response to any other input u is given by the convolution integral (see interlude 4C for further insight)
y(t) =
f0t g(t -
r)u(r) dr
o input
Figure 4.3
A simple input/output system
output = response of the i, system=y(t)
Control theory
However, life is much simpler if we use the Laplace transforms of u(t) and g(t) to yield u(s), G(s), respectively, for then, equivalent to eqn. 4.2, we have (4.3)
y(s) = G(s)u(s)
i.e. transform-domain multiplication is equivalent to time-domain convolution. There is an additional advantage in that inverse transformation from y(s) back to y(t) is often not required - many interesting and significant questions can be answered most efficiently by reference directly to y(s). The equivalence between eqns. 4.2 and 4.3 is very significant. Refer to Section 4.4 for an alternative viewpoint. Refer to Dorf(2001) for a more detailed derivation.
The concept of transfer function
The transfer function of a dynamic system with input u(t) and output y(t) is defined to be the Laplace transform of y(t) under the condition that u(t) is a unit impulse applied at time t = 0; or, more generally applicable in practice: G(s) = y ( s ) / u ( s ) , valid for any u, y pair whose transforms exist.
(2) Consider next the interconnected systems shown in Figure 4.4. Let the two systems have impulse responses gl (t), g2 (t), respectively. Then y(t)
f0 t g2(t
- r)u(r) dr
g2(t - r)
gl(t - p ) v ( p ) d p d r
However, using Laplace transformed signals and transfer functions (i.e. Laplace transformed impulse responses), we obtain, instead of eqn. 4.4, (4.5)
y(s) = G 2 ( s ) G i ( s ) v ( s )
System simplification through block manipulation
Block diagrams of any size and complexity can always be reduced to a single block by successive application of three rules that are summarised in Figure 4.5. The rules
sys,em, Figure 4.4
Two systems connected in series
sys,em2 ]
The Laplace transform
(1) o~s) ~
y(s) _--
ov(s) [ Gz(s)Gl(s)] y(s),
(2) c~s) ~
Three basic configurations representations
are easily derived as follows (rule 3 of Figure 4.5): e(s) ---- v(s) - y ( s ) ,
y(s) = G(s)e(s)
y ( s ) ---- G ( s ) v ( s ) - G ( s ) y ( s ) ,
y(s)(1 + G ( s ) ) = G ( s ) v ( s )
G(s)v(s) y ( s ) -- - -
1 + G(s)
Complicated block diagrams can with advantage be reduced with the aid of Mason's rules (see Dorf, 2001).
H o w a transfer function can be obtained from a differential equation
If a differential equation dny + an-1 dn-1 Y dt----;
dru + ....
br dt---;- + "'"
is Laplace transformed, we obtain (s n + a n - i s n - 1 + . . . )y (s) + terms depending on initial conditions -- (brs r + . . . )u(s) + terms depending on initial conditions.
Transfer function analysis, but note not differential equation solution by Laplace transforms, assumes that initial condition effects have died away and that the output is a function of the input only. In that case, the transfer function corresponding with
Control theory
the differential equation is
brs r + ' ' "
S n "~ a n - 1 s n - 1
Poles and zeros of a transfer function
Any value of the complex variable s for which G(s) = 0 is called a zero of G(s). Any value p of the complex variable s that satisfies s ~ 0 ~ G(s) --> co is called a pole of G(s). If G(s) can be expressed G(s) = P ( s ) / Q ( s ) then the zeros are the roots of the equation P (s) = 0 while the poles are the roots of the equation Q(s) = 0. In a polezero diagram, zeros are denoted by the symbol 0 and poles by the symbol x in the complex plane. The mathematical underpinning of the theory of transfer functions is provided by complex variable theory. Particularly relevant aspects of complex variable theory are Cauchy's integral theorem and Cauchy's integral formula, Laurent series and the associated concept of residues [These aspects can be pursued in Brown and Churchill (1996)].
Understanding system behaviour from a knowledge of pole and zero locations in the complex plane
The system to be investigated (Figure 4.6) has a single input u and a single output y. Suppose the transfer function of the system is G(s) = P ( s ) / Q ( s ) where P, Q are polynomials with real coefficients in s. Since y(s) : G(s)u(s) -:
P(s) Q(s)
we can write Q(s)y(s) = P(s)u(s)
Evidently Q(s) governs the nature of the system's response to initial conditions and hence also its stability (since a response to initial conditions that dies away to zero belongs to a stable system and a response to initial conditions that grows with time belongs to an unstable system). Conversely, P(s) affects the manner in which the system responds to external inputs.
Figure 4.6
A simple input~output system
The Laplace transform (a)
imaginary axis / / ~ ~ ~
increasing rate of change of transient solution / real axis
complex plane
initial rPeem~aU~bsat°nnst ~ ant I for all time
any pole in this lalfplane ndicates nstability complex plane
pole on this line indicate exponential, non-oscillatorysolutions complex plane
~/ poles with non-zero imaginary parts indicate I oscillatorysolutions
poles nearestto the origin ('dominant poles') are most significantin
(d) / _
Figure 4. 7
_ x
I "/govemingsystem I
~ ~
behaviour complex plane
The meaning of pole locations
Meaning of pole locations Figure 4.7 summarises some of the most important points related to the question: what is the relation between transfer function pole locations in the complex plane and the time-domain behaviour of the system? Figure 4.7a shows how the rate of change of transient solution increases as the pole to origin distance increases; Figure 4.7b shows how any pole in the right half plane indicates instability; Figure 4.7c shows the split of the complex plane into the real line (poles on the real line indicate exponential responses) and the remainder (when poles indicate oscillatory responses); and Figure 4.7d shows how poles nearest the origin 'dominate' the response. Zeros also have an effect on system response. Figure 4.8 gives examples of polezero diagrams and their associated system step responses.
Control theory
pole locations in complex plane imaginary axis
step response magnitude
real axis
Figure 4.8
The Laplace transform
Figure 4.8
Examplesof pole~ero diagrams and their associated step responses
Control theory
Pole placement: synthesis of a controller to place the closed loop poles in desirable positions
Suppose a given system G has poles as shown in Figure 4.9, but it is required that the poles are actually at the positions shown in Figure 4.10. Then, preceding the given system by an element D having pole-zero diagram Figure 4.11 will cancel the poles of G and produce the required poles. This technique is called pole-placement. Notice carefully that the unwanted poles of G are not removed- rather their effect on the external behaviour is cancelled out by the zeros of D.
Figure 4.9
complex plane
Presumed initial position of system poles
complex plane
Figure 4.10
The required position of the system poles x
complex plane
Figure 4.11
Poles and zeros of a synthesised system (controller) that when connected in series with G will 'move' the poles to the required positions
The Laplace transform
Two difficulties can arise when pole cancellation is used. (i)
Cancellation may not be exact, or, if initially exact, may not remain so. This is particularly important where the poles whose cancellation is intended are unstable poles. A system in which poles have been cancelled out by coincident zeros only appears to have a simple form. Internally, the structure representing the cancelled terms is still present although it does not affect, nor can it be affected by, outside events. The redundant internal structure leads to difficulties and anomalies, particularly in those cases where matrix techniques are to be applied. This topic is discussed again in Sections 7.10, 7C and 7D.
Moving the poles of a closed loop system to desirable locations - the root locus technique
Consider the transfer function system (Figure 4.12): G(s) =
C (s + 1)(s + 3)
which has poles at s = - 1 , s = - 3 . If the same system is connected in a closed loop (Figure 4.13) then, as shown in Section 4.5, the overall transfer function for the configuration is G(s)
1 + G(s)
(s + 1)(s + 3)
(s + 1)(s + 3)
C (s + 1)(s + 3) + C
to is given by an equation of the form x ( t ) = A e at 4- B e ~t + . . .
where the number of terms depends on the dynamic complexity of the system, where the A, B . . . . terms depend only on the initial condition x0, and where the exponents o~,/3. . . . depend on the parameters of the system. In general, the exponents a,/3 . . . . are complex and it is clear that, if even one of the exponents has a positive real part, then part of the solution of x (t) will increase without bound as t increases and the system is seen to be unstable (since e '~t ~ oo as t ~ ~ if the real part o f ~ is positive). Stability therefore is governed only by the real parts of the exponents or,/3 . . . . . If our main concern is with stability, we therefore look in detail at these exponents. Let the dynamic systems have the mathematical model H ( s ) = P ( s ) / Q ( s ) . Then the exponents are the solution of the equation Q (s) = 0 (the auxiliary equation). These exponents are also called the poles of H ( s ) . Solutions of the equation P ( s ) = 0 are called the zeros of H ( s ) . It is useful to plot the poles and zeros of a system in the complex plane. Poles (marked X) and zeros (marked 0) appear always on the real axis or in complex conjugate pairs, arranged symmetrically above and below the real axis. Recalling that if any exponent (pole) has a positive real part then the system is unstable, we can see that if any pole is in the fight half of the pole-zero diagram then the system Z is unstable and this is a major stability test for a system describable by a transfer function G (s).
L i m i t s to p e r f o r m a n c e Table 7.2
Stability a s p e c t s o f s y s t e m m o d e l s
System model
Stability governed by
Differential equation Transfer function System matrix
Roots of auxiliary equation Poles of transfer function Eigenvalues
Therefore the solution yielded by a system after perturbation is governed by the roots of its auxiliary equation if the system model is a transfer function, and by the roots of the characteristic equation (i.e. by the eigenvalues) if the model is a matrix. The situation is summarised in Table 7.2. Control theory uses stability tests straightforwardly based on the information in Table 7.1 to yield qualitative stability information ('the system is stable' or 'the system is unstable') from differential equations, difference equations, transfer functions or system matrices. The three forms of tests in Table 7.2 are all virtually the same test with relabelled variables. They all suffer from the same disadvantage - each test requires the solution of an equation of the form sn-+-an_lsn-lw...q-als+ao=O
In detail this means finding every complex number ~ that satisfies oln q- a n - I otn - I -]- • • " + alot -k- ao = 0
to yield the set of complex numbers {oq . . . . . Otn} which are the roots required by the stability test that is to be administered. If in eqn. 7.2, n < 2, the solution follows 'almost by inspection' i f 2 < n < 4, then we can use analytic methods (Tartaglia's method for n = 3, Ferrari's method for n = 4); while if n > 4 then, by the celebrated proof due to Abel, no analytic solution can exist (see Turnbull (1963) and for a detailed discussion, Burnside and Panton (1892)). It is, of course, possible to solve any particular equation of any order compurationally, provided that it has numerical coefficients throughout. However, in the inevitable iterations of a systems design project it is very useful to be able to work, at least partially, with as yet unassigned coefficients. Thus, for n > 4, it would be extremely useful to be able to answer the question (applied to eqn. 7.2 and using only a knowledge of the coefficients [~i]): in what region of the complex plane do the roots [c~i] lie?
Control theory
7B The ingenious method of Hurwitz One solution to the problem came about as follows. The engineer A.B. Stodola, working on the dynamics o f water-driven turbine systems, had been able already in 1893 to solve the stability problems that arose from his highly approximated model o f order 3 (n = 3 in our eqn. 7.2). Although he was not in a direct position to apply the tests outlined in our Table 7.2 (not yet invented), he was equivalently able to apply the known work o f Maxwell (1868) on systems o f that order. However, when Stodola produced a more complete model, with fewer approximations, for his turbine systems, he encountered the same problems that are described here. In modern terms, he wanted to know the location o f the roots oti o f eqn. 7.2from a knowledge o f the coefficients ai. The mathematician, A. Hurwitz, working at the same institution (ETH Zurich) as Stodola produced the Hurwitz criterion to solve precisely this problem. Stodola was able immediately to apply the criterion to ensure the stability o f the design for a new hydro-electric power station that was being built at Davos. Almost simultaneously, and independently, the Cambridge mathematician E.J. Routh developed an equivalent test, now called the Routh array test, to achieve exactly the same result as the Hurwitz criterion. Many control engineering texts explain one or other o f the tests and with loose terminology indeed refer to it as the Routh-Hurwitz criterion. Notice carefully that the Hurwitz criterion and the Routh array test apply to differential equations and hence also to the transferfunctions and A matrices corresponding to such differential equations. They cannot be used to determine the stability properties o f difference equations, since for difference equations a different question has to be asked; i.e. are all the roots oti inside the unit circle in the complex plane? Equivalent to the Hurwitz testfor differential equations is the Jury test for difference equations, (See Kuo (2002) for details o f the Jury test.) Unfortunately, Jury's test can be unwieldy and this writerfinds the so-called w transformation method preferable. In this method, the difference equation is transformed into a differential equation that has the same stability properties. The differential equation, obtained by transformation, is then tested as usual by (say) the Hurwitz method.
Linear system stability tests
Table 7.3 summarises the stability tests that we have available for linear systems. Frequency response methods are widely used to synthesise closed loop systems having predetermined stability characteristics (refer back to Chapter 4).
Stability margin
From what has already been said, it can be inferred that there is a boundary between stable and unstable systems. A usable system must not only be stable but it must be away from the boundary of instability by some sufficient safety margin.
Limits to performance Table 7.3
Linear system stability tests
System description
Recommended stability test
Continuous time systems Differential equations Transfer functions System matrices
Roots of auxiliary equation Poles Eigenvalues Apply Hurwitz or Routh criterion
Discrete time systems Roots of auxiliary equation Poles Eigenvalues Jury test or w transformation then Hurwitz test
Difference equations Transfer functions System matrices
res ,onse
different a initial perturbations
responses are tOPrrOlogically
Figure 7.6
The family of responses to perturbations of different magnitudes for a linear system
Stability tests for non-linear systems
Why stability testing of non-linear systems is difficult For a linear system, all solutions are 'topologically similar'. For instance (Figure 7.6), for a linear system, all responses to initial perturbations of different magnitudes are similar (in a geometric sense). Thus if an initial perturbation p(0) causes a response x(t) then a scaled up perturbation kp(O) will cause a scaled up response kx(t). However, the behaviour of a non-linear system can exhibit many surprising features. For instance, it is easy to synthesise a non-linear system whose response to two different initial perturbations pl (0), p2 (0) is as shown in Figure 7.7. It should be immediately obvious that even the definition of stability for a nonlinear system will need to be carefully thought out.
Control theory
J p2(O)
~ time
Figure 7. 7
It is possible for a non-linear system to be stable for a perturbation Pl (0) while being unstable for the perturbation P2 (0) (a)
time (b)
Y Figure 7.8
a b
A time response The same response plotted in the phase plane
Local and global stability
In this treatment we consider non-linear differential equations and operate in the phase plane, thus effectively limiting illustrations, although not results, to second order systems. (We note in passing that non-linear differential equations do not yield transfer functions, poles, matrices, eigenvalues, frequency response descriptions, superimposable time responses or decomposable time solutions - i.e. auxiliary equations and complementary functions.) The response to an initial perturbation as in Figure 7.8a can also be shown in the phase plane as Figure 7.8b, where time is a parameter along the trajectory.
Limits to performance
region of local stability
Figure 7.9
A region of local stability in the phase plane
A non-linear system where solutions starting at all points in the phase plane tend to the origin will be called globally stable - we can imagine that the origin is an attractor of solutions and that the domain of attraction is the whole of the phase plane. In the case when the domain of attraction of the origin is a finite region in the phase plane, we call the system locally stable around the origin (Figure 7.9).
Lyapunov's second (direct) method for stability determination
Lyapunov's second method (often equivalently referred to as his direct method has the following properties: (i) It can be understood most rapidly by reference to the energy contained in a system and the rate of change of that energy. (ii) Notwithstanding (i) it can be applied to abstract mathematical systems in which energy cannot be defined. (iii) It has a very valuable geometric interpretation. We can bring point (i) to life by noting that a moving railway train whose brakes are applied will come to rest when its kinetic energy has all been dissipated in the brakes. If we wanted to calculate the stopping distance of such a train, it is possible to imagine using a method based on energy and its rate of change to do this. Moving to a second viewpoint, it is obvious that the ball-in-a-cup is at a point of minimum potential energy whereas the ball-on-a-dome is at a point of maximum potential energy (Figure 7.10). The relation between the energy minimum/maximum and the stability/instability of the balls is no accident. The geometric interpretation of Lyapunov's second method is that 'a system is stable to the origin provided that every closed contour described by the so-called Lyanupov V function is always penetrated from outside to inside by solution trajectories of the differential equation and never in the reverse direction (Figure 7.11). Notice that some V functions will fail to confirm the stability of some stable systems as illustrated in Figure 7.12.
Control theory (a)
Figure 7,10
a b
Ball in a cup Ball on a d o m e contour described V function solution trajectory phase plane all solution trajectories penetrate from outside to inside: Lyapunovtest confirms stability of system
Figure 7.11
All solutions penetrate the V function contour from outside to inside solution ~
contour described by V function phase plane contour is penetrated at least once from outside to inside: stabilitytest fails even though systemis stable
Figure 7.12
Contour is penetrated from inside to outside - stability test fails
Lyapunov's test fails because at least one trajectory penetrates from inside to outside. We can see that the Lyanupov test is a sufficient condition for stability - it is not necessary.
7C Geometric interpretation of Lyapunov's second method Consider a solution trajectory x(t) crossing a contour of constant V on its way towards the origin of the phase plane (Figure 7.13). Let the tangent to x (t ) be k (t ) and let grad V a n d - g r a d V be drawn in as shown (Figure 7,14).
Limits to performance
ntourof nstantV
originof • phaseplane Figure 7.13
A trajectory crosses a contour o f the V function
ontour oi?in Figure 7,14
Figure 7.13 enhanced by gradient vector and tangent
( vv
1 = ll~V-I['
(,) indicates innerproduct
i.e. I is the projection o f x onto the gradient vector V V. Note from Figure 7.14 that 1 is a vector, orthogonal to the V contour and that i f I is negative, pointing towards the origin for every solution x(t) and for every V contour, then the system is stable to the origin within the outermost o f the V contours investigated. Assume that V is positive definite and that lines o f constant V form an increasing basin with the origin at its lowest point. Then the usual test that dV/dt must be negative definite for stability to the origin can be seen to be the same as asking that the vector 1 in Figure 7.14 should point inwards. This is so since dV dt
dV dx dx dt
which is the same (exceptfor a scaling factor) as the expression.for 1 in the figure,
Control theory
W h a t sets the limits on the c o n t r o l p e r f o r m a n c e ?
Let G(s) be a model for any process whatever, connected into a control loop with a controller D(s) whose transfer function is under our control. Let the overall model of the loop be represented by H(s) (see Figure 7.15). We ask: For a given G(s) can we, by choice of D(s), synthesise any H(s) whatever? The following discussion is a continuation of an earlier discussion in Section 3.1. From eqns. 3.4 and 3.3 (repeated here for convenience) we know that the overall transfer function H(s) of the loop is (3.4)
H(s) --
G(s)D(s) 1 + G(s)D(s)
and that the controller D(s) can be chosen using (3.3)
D(s) =
H(s) G(s)(1 - H(s))
As an illustration of an ambitious design, let
1 -
1 + 1000s
i.e. G(s) has a time constant of 1000 s. We ask: can the controlled system be forced to have a transfer function of
1 /4(s)
by the connection of a suitable controller, i.e. can the system, when under control, be forced to respond one thousand times faster, with a time constant of one second? This is a generic question of great practical importance: what sets an upper limit on the performance that can be obtained by adding control to a particular process G? The complete answer will not be found by application of control theory but let us continue the example and then discuss the result. to be chosen
J "~
Figure 7.15 Choosing D(s) to achieve a given H(s)
Limits to performance
Putting the values into the equation for D(s) yields H(s) D(s) = G(s)(1 - H(s))
1 l+s
l+1000s 1
1 l
l+ s
1 + 1000s
u(s) =
+ 1000 e(s)
This controller can be realised by the hardware of Figure 7.16. Physically there is no reason why the system of Figure 7.16 cannot be built. However, we note that, when the value v is changed suddenly to produce an error (v - y) the output from the controller will instantaneously be 1000 (v - y), which may saturate the actuator of the process G(s) for any significant perturbation of v and, additionally, noise entering the loop may be expected to cause problems. Thus, we conclude that: if we are over-ambitious in our attempt to obtain high performance, we may meet limits caused by the finite power rating of signals that the process G(s) can receive. However, in applications we frequently do need to work around the loop from small sensor signals whose task is to carry information to the point where a large load of one sort or another may have to be moved, sometimes very rapidly. Such targets are not achievable by using large numerical gains in control loops but rather by power amplification. To progress, consider particular applications. Imagine a hydro-electric power station where a huge controlled valve varies the flow of water to a set of turbines driving generators to vary the power generated and hence maintain the frequency of the whole supply. Such an application can be found at the Swedish hydro generating plant at Harspranget near the Arctic Circle. A delicate frequency sensor produces a signal of only a few mV and a closed loop system must drive the very large water valve in this application. This is achieved through an increasing sequence of amplifiers, motor generators and finally through a hydraulic actuator (Figure 7.17). This enormous amplification is seen to be stage-wise power amplification and not simply multiplication of gain. Most other applications will meet a maximum rate constraint in the form of the diameter of a pipe, the capacity of a heating burner, the power limitation of a motor or even a biological constraint such as that on the rate of organism growth. D(S)
Figure 7.16
A hardware realisation to synthesise the required controller D(s)
Control theory dl
Figure 7.17
H o w p o w e r amplification is obtained in hydro frequency control
H o w robust against changes in the process is a moderately ambitious control loop?
Suppose that a control loop is designed to improve the rate of response of a process G(s) by a factor of 10 times. How robust will the resulting loop be against changes in the process? We take a very simple example where G(s) -
1 l+s
and we shall design a controller D(s) such that the resulting closed loop H ( s ) has the transfer function
1 10 . . . 1 +0.1s 10+s so that the closed loop system will respond ten times faster than the uncontrolled process. The necessary controller will have the model (see again Figure 7.15) H(s) .
D(s) =
t0 10+s
10(1 + s) s
This controller in closed loop with the given G(s) will produce the required transfer function H (s). The purpose of this section is to check the effect of process changes on closed loop performance. We therefore postulate a significant but feasible change in the process time constant to yield the modified process model Gt(s) -
1 _ _ 1 + 1.4s
Limits to performance
and calculate the resulting model, say H'(s), of the closed loop as
H'(s) =
10(1 + s) 1.4s 2 + l l s + 10
1 10(l+s) 1 + 1+1.4~ s
Ht(s) has two real poles at approximately s = - 2 and s = - 5 so it is not immediately obvious how the response of H'(s) will differ from that o f H(s) (one pole at s = - 10). To investigate this we shall calculate the step response of H ~(s)and compare it with that o f H(s). (As a piece of reinforcement learning, we note that the step response of H'(s) can be found by taking the inverse Laplace transform o f ( H ' (s) u (s)), where u (s) = 1/s is the transform o f a unit step time function. Alternatively, we can argue that the response of Ht(s) to a unit step must be the integral o f the impulse response o f H'(s). Since in the Laplace domain, the operation of integration is accomplished by multiplication by 1/s, we again need to introduce this term before inverse transformation. In this short reminder, we have shown that the possibly puzzling fact that 1/s is simultaneously the transform of a unit step time function as well as the Lapalace domain variable representing integration does not lead to any inconsistency.) Therefore the step response of H'(s) as a time function will be found by inverse Laplace transfomation as (1.4s 2 + l l s + 10)
Figure 7.18a shows plots o f the step responses o f those of the processes G(s), G~(s). (a)
H(s), I-F(s) with, for comparison,
Response Response Response Response
o f G(s) o f H(s) o f H'(s) o f G'(s)
o o
time (seconds) (b) 1.05 l
" Response o f H'(s)
0.95 0.9 0.85 0
Figure 7.18 a b
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.3 0.6 0.9 1.2 1.5 1.8 2.1 time (seconds)
The step responses of processes G (s), G'(s) alone and under closed loop control ( H (s), H' (s) ) Detail showing overshoot in response o f H~(s)
The response of HI(s) is remarkably close to that of H(s), considering the large change in the process that has taken place. Closer examination (Figure 7.18b) shows however that the response of H'(s) suffers from an overshoot that decays with a long time constant that is a legacy from the failure of the fixed controller D (s) being unable to cancel the pole of the changed process G'(s). Overall, though, the result confirms the hoped-for robustness of a single feedback control in the face of process changes.
Limits and constraints on synthesis: summary of points
Given any process G(s) and any required overall transfer function H(s) it is always possible to calculate a controller D (s) to ensure that the required H (s) is obtained by substitution of G(s) and H(s) into the relevant equation. Clearly in, say, aircraft design, G(s) could be a model of a low performance aircraft, H(s) could be the model of a high performance aircraft and G(s) could be 'turned into' H(s) merely by the addition of a suitable controller D(s). However: (i) Not every D(s) that can be written down is physically synthesisable. (ii) Even though D(s) may be synthesisable, a very ambitious choice of H(s) will necessarily lead to signals of large magnitude being generated during transients, necessitating the use of expensive powerful components. (iii) A very ambitious choice of H(s) may lead to a control system whose performance is excessively sensitive to small changes in the process characteristics.
Systems that are difficult to control: unstable systems
Unsurprisingly, an inherently unstable system is usually difficult to control. Yet the combination of an inherently unstable aircraft, made usable by active stabilisation and control, is often attractive on grounds of overall efficiency and such a combination is often used in high performance military aircraft design. There are also examples of deliberately unstable systems in nature. For instance, over many centuries, flying insects have evolved from stable passive long-tailed shapes, able to glide without exercise of brain power, to more efficient, but inherently unstable, short-tailed versions that include fast-acting measurement and closed-loop control and stabilisation. Unstable systems have one or more poles in the fight half complex plane and the most obvious control strategy would be to cancel the unstable poles by coincident right-half-plane controller zeros (Figures 7.19 and 7.20).
Questions arising are: (i) Can complete coincidence between poles and zeros be obtained and maintained?
Limits to performance
An obvious strategy to cancel an unstable pole by a zero at the same location in the s plane
Figure 7.19
complex plane fl( (~ controller process pole zero
Figure 7.20
~ ' - process pole controllerzero
The cancellation strategy o f Figure 7.19 illustrated in the complex plane
(ii) If complete coincidence cannot be obtained, what are the consequences? (iii) If the method proposed is not workable, what other approaches might be used?
7D Cancellation of an unstable pole by a matching zero in the controller
Perfect cancellation of a pole at s = 1 would imply a term like (s - 1)/(s I) in the overall transfer function. However, assume that there is a mismatch of e in the caleulation so that the term above is of the form
s-(1 +e) s-1 This term has the step response
ls-(l+e) s
s- 1
1 s- 1
l+e s ( s - 1)
equivalent to the time response
(I - exp(t)) = (1 + e) + exp(t) - (1 + e) exp(t)
We see that perfect compensation implies that two exponential curves, going off to infinity in opposite directions, will precisely sum to zero (Figure Z2D. Therefore, cancellation cannot work in practice since the instability is still present and we are relying on its effect being cancelled exactly by an equal and opposite effect.
Control theory
(The differential equation would show the complete structure but the transfer function, having been subjected to cancellation, masks the true situation.) r e s )orlse
Figure 7.21
The components o f the step response when there is a mismatch between pole and compensating zero
7E Shifting an unstable pole by feedback
As an alternative to attempted cancellation of an unstable pole, it may be possible to shift the pole by feedback (Figure 7.22). Taking the same unstable process as before, we examine the effect of the feedback shown. The overall transfer function is s
s+l l+cs+c
s+l (l+c)s+c-1
and the system is genuinely stabilised provided that c > 1. The literature isfairly sparse on the control of unstable systems but see Willems (1970) and Takahashi et al. (1970),
Figure 7.22
Feedback to shift an unstable pole
Limits to performance
Systems that are difficult to control - n o n - m i n i m u m phase systems
Systems with this unwieldy name have the unpleasant characteristic that, when steered in one direction, they may initially respond in the opposite direction and only later move offin the required direction. For these interesting systems, we ask: (i) What features in the mathematical model of a system lead to the behaviour described above? (ii) What is the motivation for the 'non-minimum phase' naming of the systems? (iii) What sort of physical phenomena are responsible for creating the non-minimum phase behaviour? (i) Right half-plane zeros in the system model can be identified with the behaviour (or for a discrete-time model, Z plane zeros outside the unit circle). Example
The model
10yk = 9yk-I -- Uk-I + 2Uk-2 has the pole-zero diagram shown in Figure 7.23a and the step response of Figure 7.23b. (a) unit
circle ©
(g) res )onse
1 J
/7 10
Figure 7.23
a b
Pole-zero diagram for a simple non-minimum phase system Step response of the system whose pole zero diagram in (a)
Control theory
(ii) Systems having no right half-plane singularities are called minimum phase systems. Systems having right half-plane singularities are called non-minimum phase systems. Therefore we say that a strictly stable system is minimum phase if it has no finite zeros in the right half-plane. Caution: Clearly the numerators (1 + s) and (s ÷ 1) are identical. However, the numerators (1 - s) and (s - 1) are very different in their phase characteristics. The first goes from 0 to - 9 0 ° with increasing frequency whereas the second goes from + 180 ° to ÷90 ° with increasing frequency. (iii) Physical phenomena that give rise to non-minimum phase behaviour. It is usually possible to correlate non-minimum phase indicators in mathematical models with physical phenomena. Examples are: • Control of the level of a volume of boiling water. When cold water is added to raise the level of a mass of boiling water, the initial effect is the collapse of bubbles with consequent initial fall in water level. • Hydro-electricity generation. A requirement to increase the level of generated power from certain hydro-electric configurations results in an initial decrease in power during the time that the water in the pipeline feeding the turbines accelerates to the necessary increased velocity. • Sequences of interacting processes. Suppose that a sequence of interacting processes is operating in a steady state and that it is to be brought to a new steady state. Quite frequently the transient behaviour will move in the opposite direction to that intended. In a general sense this is because, at a call to increase activity, early processes in a chain immediately use additional shared resources whereas the benefits of their increased activity take time to work through the system. • Spatially distributed systems, being limiting cases of interconnected processes, often exhibit non-minimum phase characteristics. General points: For a minimum phase system, the two components of the frequency response (i.e. gain and phase) are related by a known fixed bijective function effectively meaning that either of the components contains all the frequency response information that exists. This fact is exploited in Bode's theorems on stability (see Chapter 5).
Some interesting theoretical limitations on performance
It is well known that Shannon's theorem sets a fundamental upper limit on the maximum error-free capacity of a communication channel. Less well known but important in the control field are a number of other fundamental design limitations, of which examples will now be given.
7.13.1 Sensitivity functions and their interrelation (These interrelations play a major role in the loop shaping techniques that will be introduced in Chapter 16.)
Limits to performance
7F Motivation for the name: non-minimum phase systems
Consider first the 'usual' system of transfer function G1 (s) =
(1 + s r l ) (1 + sT2)(1 +sT3)
and compare it with the transfer function G2(s) =
(1 - STl) (1 + sT2)(1 + sT 3)
It is clear that both transfer functions yieM identical plots of magnitude as frequency varies. However, the phase plots differ markedly, for, as the phase plot corresponding to the (I + sT1) term in G t moves from zero to +90 ° so the phase plot for the (1 - sT2) term in G2 moves from zero to - 9 0 °. Thus the high frequency asymptote for the phase angle is - 9 0 ° f o r Gl but -270°for G2. Alternatively consider G3(s) =
(s - 2) (s + 2)
This has constant magnitude at all frequencies but the phase angle is + 180° at low frequencies decreasing to 0 ° at high frequencies. If two transfer functions are strictly stable with the same gain at each frequency then the one with all zeros in the left half plane will have least phase shift. Figure 7.24 illustrates the point.
complex plane O
0 ×
Figure 7.24
a b
The p o l e - z e r o diagram for a normal (minimumphase) system The p o l e - z e r o diagram for a non-minimum phase system that has the same characteristics as the system in (a)
Control theory W
Figure 7.25
Feedback configuration
Consider a process G(s) in a closed loop with a controller D(s) (see Figure 7.25). We define two dimensionless sensitivity functions T and S as follows
1 +GD
GD 1 +GD
and note that at any frequency co where T(co) = 1 we will have y---v, i.e. output = desired value. Thus T links output y with desired value v, whereas the function S links disturbance output y with the disturbance input w.
Relations between T and S and their consequences. By inspection, S(s)+T(s)=l
for alls
This relation can be regarded as a constraint on design, preventing independent choices being made in regard to reference following and disturbance rejection performances.
Integral constraints in the time domain
Example 1
If the open loop combination G(s), D(s) has the form
P(S) s2Q(s)
i.e. has two poles (a double integrator) at the origin, assume the closed loop to be stable. Then, irrespective of what other (linear) elements the brackets in eqn. 7.4 contain, the error e(t) following the application of a unit step applied at t = 0 must satisfy the relation
O°° e(t) dt
so that equal areas of positive and negative error must result as indicated in Figure 7.26. Illustration of the effect discussed as Example 1 Assume that
10s + 16 s2
Limits to performance
closed loop step response
0.08 ~ 0.06
equal areas
0.04 0.02 O:
Figure 7.26
1 time (seconds)
The closed loop step response of the open loop system G(s)D(s) = (10s + 16)/s 2
Note the equal areas marked, confirming that the double integrator leads to the error e(t ) satisfying the equation f o e(Odt = 0 following the application of a step at t = 0 so that GD 1 + GD
10s + 16 s 2 + 10s + 16
with poles at - 2 , - 8 and a step response in the time domain as shown in Figure 7.26. If the open loop combination GD has fight half plane poles or zeros then evaluation of the integral o°° e(t) dt following the application of a step will, in each case, show that there are inevitable under- and overshoots in the closed loop responses, so that for instance, when a real open loop zero is present in the right half plane then the step response will inevitably begin with a negative-going response that is typical of so-called non-minimum phase systems (see Section 7F). 7.13.3
Design constraints caused by Bode's theorem
Bode's theorem states that f0 °° In IS(jco) l dw
Control theory
This shows that the average value o f the sensitivity function S must be 1 on the imaginary axis so that if very small values o f S are forced on the system for some range o f frequencies, values greater than 1 will have to be accepted as pay-back over some other frequency range. If one imagines that the loop can be shaped so that the undesirably high values o f S occur at frequencies well outside the system bandwidth, this strategy turns out to be prevented by other constraints as Seron et al. (1997) shows (this is yet another manifestation o f the well-known NFL [No Free Lunch] syndrome!). This section is based on Seron et al. (1997), an interesting and comprehensive reference where more results can be found, and on Freudenberg and Looze (1985). Bode's theorem can be found in Bode (1945).
7G Mapping of complex functions - a few points that underlie classical control theory
Given y = f (x), x and y real scalar-valued functions, there is only one path for x to follow, Le. from - c ~ to o0 and the resulting value o f y is the usual 'graph" o f y against x. No variation is possible. However, for a complex (valued) function, g = f (s), with complex argument s, the values taken by g depend on the path chosen for s in the complex plane. For instance (McCollum and Brown, 1965, p. 85), i f s is allowed to vary as shown in Figure Z27a then G(s) = 10/(s - 2) varies as shown in Figure 7.27b.
(a) jro axis B
(b) C
A sX=2 complex plane (s plane)
Figure 7.27
a b
~ C
complexplane (g(s) plane)
A path in the complex plane The corresponding path for G ( s ) = 10/(s - 2)
Notice that the left contour encircles the pole at s = 2 in a clockwise direction, whereas the corresponding contour for g encircles the origin o f the complex plane in an anti-clockwise direction. Further investigation would show that the direction o f rotation o f the g curve and its encirclement (or noO o f the origin is directly related to the
Limits to performance
presence or absence ofpoles and zeros within the region that is encircled by the s curve. Figure. 7.28 gives further examples. (a)
complex s plane
complex plane
riginencircled antieloekwise
zero encircled clockwise
originencircled clockwise
pole and zero encircled
originnot encircled
no singularities encircled
originnot encircled
pole encircled
/.~j ]
Figure 7.28
The left hand diagrams a, c, e, g show paths in the complex s plane. The right hand diagrams b, d, f , h show corresponding paths in the G(s) plane
Theforegoing material is part of the subject "functions of a complex variable' which underpins all of the control work (stability, poles and zeros, etc.) that relies on transfer functions. Returning to the mapping and encirclement discussion, if s is allowed to encircle the right half of the complex plane, then the behaviour of the transfer function G(s), as s
Control theory
varies, can indicate the presence of poles in that region. Since such poles imply system instability, this idea forms the basis for a major stability test - the Nyquist criterion. Because we are interested principally in negative feedback systems, the function that we need to consider is not really G(s) but rather G(s)/[1 + G(s)]. The form o f the denominator shifts the emphasis from the origin to the point - 1 + jO; this is the point whose encirclement or non-encirclement yields stability information for feedback : systems.
7H Derivatives of a complex function G(s) Not all complex functions are well behaved in the complex plane. Some are able to possess more than one value of derivative at the same point, according to the direction in which s is varied. Such behaviour is not possible when the function satisfies the Cauchy-Riemann conditions at almost all points in the plane. The function is then called an analytic function.
71 Singularities of a complex function G(s) Singularities are the points at which G, or its derivatives, do not exist. The location and nature o f the singularities determine the behaviour of the function in the entire plane. There are three types o f singularities: poles, essential singularities and branch points. I f a positive integer n exists such that lira (s - sl)nG(s) = k
where k is some finite non-zero value, then Sl is a pole o f G(s) o f order n. An essential singularity, roughly, is a pole of infinite order In control theory, essential singularities usually arise as models o f dead time processes. A branch point is associated with a multivaluedfunction such as ,cry. Behaviour of G(s) near to a pole G(s) may be expanded in a Taylor series about a pole at Sl as (s -- s 1)n G ( s ) = A - n + A _ n + l (s - s I ) + . - - + A _ 1(s - s 1) n - 1
+ Bo(s - Sl) n + BI(S - Sl) n + l + . - Hence G(s) = -
A-n -
(S - - S l ) n
A-(n-l) (S - - S l ) n - 1
+ BO + Bl(s - sl) + " .
A-2 (S - - S1) 2
+ - -
(S - - S 1)
Limits to performance
which is called a Laurent series (study o f the Laurent series and its connection with the behaviour o ffunctions in the time domain can be pursued in Truxal (1955), pp. 4-29). A-1 is called the residue o f G(s) at s. Near to the pole, the term in A-1 dominates the series. Source material and suggestions for further reading to support the topics o f this chapter will be found in Chapter 19.
Chapter 8
Some practical aspects of control design, justification and implementation
H o w efficient is it to control an unknown process by a controller that consists only of a high gain of value C that in the limit becomes a relay controller?
In view of the evident efficiency of feedback controllers in controlling unknown phenomena, is it not feasible to attempt control of all processes by some very simple standard strategy? The simplest possible controller (Figure 8.1) involves just multiplication of the error by a scalar C; the overall transfer function is CG(s)/(1 + CG(s)) and if C is very high, then the overall transfer function is approximately CG(s) -1 CG(s) i.e. provided that C >> 1 near-perfect control can be obtained. Question: What happens as C --+ oo? Will this give better and better control? Answer: (i) As C is increased, the system may become unstable and unusable. (ii) Assuming that the system remains stable as C ~ oo (another question left for the moment is when does this arise?), then we have arrived at a switched (relay) controller
Figure 8.1
The simplest possible controller - a gain C
Control theory
switching controller
Figure 8.2
The limiting condition: as c --+ ~ the controller becomes a relay
control system (Figure 8.2). Such a system does indeed have a high performance and the low cost of a switching controller also makes such systems economically attractive. However, there are two disadvantages of (infinite gain) switching systems: (a) They are essentially non-linear (for instance, they respond (initially) in the same way to the input step v = 1 as to the input step v = 10). (b) The system never, under any circumstances, comes to rest: full power, in one direction or the other, is always being applied. For many applications, such behaviour is not acceptable. Summary: A controller that consists only of a high gain C may give good control of
a totally unknown process, though the upper bound for C may be set at a low value by stability considerations. Where stability conditions allow, increasing the gain C will eventually result in a relay as the controller. Such a relay does indeed frequently give good control of an unknown process but brings problems (non-linearity, continuous oscillation) of its own. Despite these disadvantages, relay control, also known as on-offcontrol, has significant practical advantages that lead to its being widely applied across industry. The chief of these advantages is the very low cost of on-off actuators, compared with the continuously variable actuators needed for continuous control. On-off control manages to be surprisingly versatile. For instance it can: (i) achieve temperature control of a gas fired furnace by switching between high and low gas/air flow rates using only a pair of simple solenoid valves; (ii) operate conveyors or other large material handling devices at any chosen average flow rate by alternately switching between two different ratios of a gear-box; (iii) achieve continuously variable control of many devices, such as electric motors, by on-off modulation of an electrical power supply. For large applications the savings achieved by avoiding the need for continuously variable amplifiers/actuators often outweigh any disadvantage of the discontinuous operation. Relay control systems can be analysed and designed using phase-plane and describing function methods - see Chapter 13 - and there is a specialist methodology for relay control systems that can be found in, for instance, Kochenburger (1950) and Flugge-Lotz (1968), two of the pioneers in the field. Tsien (1954) devotes an interesting chapter to the topic as do many of the older books on non-linear control.
Practical aspects of control design 8.2
An off-the-shelf approach to the control of an unknown process
Perhaps 80% of control problems encountered in industry can be solved routinely and do not require an extensive modelling and control design exercise. For such processes, a fixed structure commercially purchased three-term controller will probably prove adequate. Such devices can be discrete instruments fixed in racks or they may be invisible library algorithms within an overall monitoring and control package.
The three-term controller
Three-term controllers are the control practitioners' everyday workhorses. They are highly successful in practical situations but they are looked down upon by theoreticians and are not even mentioned in many undergraduate texts. The idea of a three-term controller, already introduced in Section 5.10, is: (i) To use a gain C that is to be set not too high, to avoid the problems ofnon-linearity and continuous oscillation that can arise from too high a C value. (ii) To add an integrator into the controller to ensure that, regardless of the value of C, a constant desired value v will result (after transients have died away) in a constant measured value y, with y being exactly equal to v. (iii) To add a differentiator into the controller to give independent control of the degree of damping.
Illustration o f the value of an integral term in removing any constant error
Assume that the process to be controlled has the transfer function
G(s) -
1 s+l
In closed loop in series with a simple controller of gain C, the steady state response to a unit step, as t --+ ec, is C s+l+C
s - + O--
Thus, for finite C, there is a constant error of 1/(1 + C). When an integrator is added to the controller (in parallel with the gain C), the steady state response to a unit step is
sC+l s(s + 1) + s C + 1
i.e. with the integrator present, the steady state error is zero.
114 Control theory 8.2.3
Illustration of the value of a derivative term to control the degree of damping
The transfer function o f the closed loop system of Figure 8.3a is C (s + 1)(s + 3) + C If we now fix C at some numerical value, say C = 65, the closed loop poles will be located at s = - 2 4- ~ f i - - C = - 2 + j 8 Very light damping is indicated by these pole positions. If, now, referring to Figure 8.3b, a derivative term us is included in the controller, then the closed loop transfer function becomes
C +ots (s + 1)(s + 3) + C + c~s and, keeping the value o f C set at C = 65, it is found that the closed loop poles are now located at s=-
2+ 7
And it can be seen that, by choice o f c~, the poles can be moved to positions giving any required degree of damping, although of course the effects o f the introduced zero on overall performance will need to be considered.
How can the three coefficients of a three-term controller be chosen quickly in practice?
For most processes that need to be controlled, we cannot expect to have available an accurate or even an approximate model, since modelling is an expensive and timeconsuming procedure. For routine situations, all we wish to know is how to set the
(a) ~'
+V+ 1.¢ (s+ 1)(s+3)
(b) (s+ l)(s+3)
Figure 8.3
a A system under closed loop control with a simple controller o f gain C b The system of (a), enhanced by a derivative term
Practical aspects of control design
e(s) A -
t Figure 8.4
A three-term controller
T .
, ,
..J _
ly ___.v
K = y/u
T2 Figure 8.5
How the coefficients of eqn. 8.1 are determined
three coefficients: gain, derivative action, integral action, that are required by the three-term controller (Figure 8.4). There are three basic approaches.
To a p p l y a step to the process that is to be c o n t r o l l e d a n d use the r e s p o n s e to c a l c u l a t e the c o e f f i c i e n t s
We shall outline that approach and give an illustrative example. This approach is simple and reliable but it does require that the process is available and at one's disposal to have an open-loop step test performed. The procedure is as follows. The process, regardless of its actual (and in any case usually unknown) structure will be modelled by the approximation Ke-ST2 G'(s) --
(1 + sT1)
i.e. by a first order system in series with a finite time delay T2. The three coefficients K, 7"1,T2 are read off from the open-loop step response of the process using the graphical construction shown in Figure 8.5.
Control theory
The three controller coefficients are then found from the Ziegler-Nichols (1942) equations: Controller gain C --
1.2 T1
Integral time constant 7"l = 2T2/C
Derivative time constant TD ----0.5CT2 Notice carefully that these controller coefficients are suggested to achieve control of the very large class o f processes that can be approximated by eqn. 8.1 and further that the aimed-for step response of the resulting closed loop system is underdamped with the characteristic that the magnitude o f each overshoot/undershoot shall be one quarter of the previous one. This type of response may not of course suit every application but the logic behind the choice is that such a response comes near to minimising the error criterion J =
f0 ° le(t)[ dt
where e(t) represents the error y (t) - v (t) following the application of an input o f a unit step to the input v at time t = 0. Thus the Ziegler-Nichols rules are an attempt to design an optimal controller for the unknown process.
Illustrative example We choose as the process that is to be controlled a plant with true model
G(s) =
(s + 1)(s + 2)(s + 4)
but to be realistic we don't (yet) allow ourselves access to knowledge o f this model only access to its response to a unit step (Figure 8.6a). From that figure and its amplification, Figure 8.6b, using the graphical construction given in Figure 8.5, we extract the approximate model 0.5e-0.4s
G'(s) --
(1 + 2.12s)
Figures 8.6c and d compare the actual response with the approximation. Then using eqns. 8.2, we find the three-term controller coefficients to be Gain C .
1.2T1 (1.2)(2.12) . . . KT2 (0.5)(0.4)
Integral time constant = TI = 2T2/C = 0.0629 Derivative time constant = TO = 0.5CT2 = 2.544
Practical aspects of control design (a)
0.6 0.5 o
0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1
y=o.5i r iII~ILII]
111111111 I 111111111 I iiiiiiiii1
111111111 I IIIIIl~[I]llllLIIl~
3 4 time (minutes)
0.30 '
i1 46_~).4)=~.12
0.6 0.8 1.0 time (minutes)
0.50 ,.°........
.. '"
0.40 0.35 0.30
0.25 0.20 0.15
response to unit step [~.
o 2
Figure 8.6
4 6 time (minutes)
ii I
118 Control theory (a)
J response to unit step - ZN approximation [
0.45 0.40 0.35
/ .°
°..-" , ..--"
0.20 0.15
0.10 0.05 0 0
Figure 8.6
1 1.5 time (minutes)
Response of the process G(s) = 4/[(s + 1)(s + 2)(s + 4)] to a unit step input Response to unit step (graph expanded near origin) Real process response and its approximation Expanded detail from 8.6(c)
a b c d
yielding the controller D as 1
D(s) = -(15.89 + 12.72s + 2.544s 2)
and the combination of controller and process in series as
G(s)D(s) =
4(15.89 + 12.72s + 2.544s 2)
s(s + 1)(s + 2)(s + 4 )
We have now allowed ourselves access to the true model G(s), so that we can determine the step response of the closed loop, containing the three-term controller calculated via the approximation route. The transfer function of the closed loop system GD/(1 + GD) is
GD 1 + GD
4(15.89 + 12.72s + 2.544s 2) -
s((s + 1)(s + 2)(s + 4)) + 4(15.89 + 12.72s + 2.544s 2)
To find an expression for the step response in the time domain of the closed loop system GD/(1 + GD) shown above, we need to take the Inverse Laplace transform
Practical aspects of control design
of {(1/s)(GD/1 + GD)} as shown below GD
4 6 9+ 2s+2 44s2,
s((s + l)(s + 2)(s + 4) + 4(15.89 + 12.72s + 2.544s 2) (8.9) If we go to a package for the inversion in one sweep of the above transform, there is a danger of losing sight of the nature of the solution, so instead we factorise the expression and then take partial fractions to obtain f ( t ) __ ¢£_t ( 0 . 7 5
0.04 0.125 s .4.2.164 -4- s -4-3.374
1.079(s + 1.17) "] s 2 +- .--,~8s 1 + ~--47) ,/ (8.10)
The Fast term has a denominator with complex roots expressible as (s + 0.739 + j2.864)(s + 0.739s - j2.864) which can also be expressed as (s + 0.739) 2 + (2.864) 2 Still considering the last term in eqn. 8.10, we note that it has the form 1.079(s + a) (s -4- b) 2 -4- 092 which according to tables (e.g. McCollum and Brown, 1965) has the inverse transform
f ( t ) = l ~ / ( a - b) 2 -4- co2 e - b t sin(wt -4- 4)) O)
where 4) = tan-1 ( ~ _ b ) and in our case the time function corresponding to the complex term is therefore 1.079(0.35)(2.896) exp(-O.739t) sin(2.864t -4- 1.42) = 1.093 exp(-O.739t) sin(2.864t -4- 1.42)
Control theory
1.4 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 . , , i
. . . .
Figure 8. 7
. . . .
. . . .
. . . .
. . . .
i ,
Step response o f the closed loop system G ( s ) D ( s ) / ( 1 + G ( s ) D ( s ) )
and the time function f ( t ) corresponding with eqn. 8.10 can now be written as f ( t ) = 0.995 - O.04e -2' 164t + O. 125e -3'374t -+- 1.093e -0"739t sin(2.864t + 1.42) (8.11) It is easy to see that the response will be dominated by the sinusoidal term in its envelope o f decay and this is confirmed in the plot o f Figure 8.7. It is clear that a good closed loop response meeting the criteria outlined above has been obtained with little effort using only information from a single step test of the process.
8A How to learn something from the first part of a step response
The initial part of a step response gives information about the order of the process. For afirst order system, the steepest part of the response is at the origin butfor higher order processes the response clings to the time axis before rising. To understand this, let A, B be first and second order processes, respectively, and let a, b, c be process parameters with obvious meanings. Then the respective step responses are: fA(t)=(1--eat),
f B ( t ) = - ~ c1 ( 1 + bl_~_c(ce_bt_be_Ct))
and the derivatives are: fa(t) = ae -at and fa(O) = a and this value a, the inverse of the process time constant, represents the steepest part of the response curve 1
fB(t) = b c ( ~
c) (bce-Ct - bce-bt) =
1 (e_Ct _ e_bt ) (b - c-----~'
Practical aspects o f control design
It is clear that the initial part of the step response of the second order process B has zero slope, since the second term in the expression for the derivative is zero at t = O. The step response of a linear process and itsfrequency response both contain exactly the Same information and both can be considered to be non-parametric models of the process (as: opposed to transfer function models which have an order and contain parameters whose numerical values need to be chosen.)
To fit the controller into a closed loop with the process to be controlled and go through a tuning procedure on-line
The method is if anything more difficult to conduct on a real plant (than approach since it first requires that the controller with integral and derivative actions disabled be fitted into a closed loop with the process. The controller gain C must then be increased until the loop oscillates continuously at a constant amplitude. (This is not so easy as it sounds!) The controller gain C* that causes continuous oscillation of the loop and the period T* of the resulting oscillation are noted. From these two pieces of information, the three-term controller coefficients can again be determined from (additional) Ziegler-Nichols (1942) rules as follows:
Controller gain C = 0.6C* Integral time constant TI = 0.5 T*
Derivative time constant TD = 0.125 T*
Here is an exercise for the reader to compare the two tuning methods. Starting with G(s) as given in eqn. 8.3, devise and apply any theoretical method to determine C* and T* as described in this section. Calculate the controller coefficients using eqns. 8.12. Compare with the controller coefficients found above in Section Comment constructively.
To fit a so-called self-tuning controller into closed loop with the process. After a learning period, the controller will hopefully have chosen its own coefficients
There are quite a number of self-tuning algorithms, many of them quite complex. Some approaches use an expert system that emulates a skilled human control engineer; other approaches emulate approach, exciting the loop and then interpreting the responses. Every practical self-tuning algorithm must necessarily have some sort of confidence test to pass before it can be allowed to implement its choice of coefficients onto the real process. There is an extensive literature.
Control theory
8B New York to San Francisco telephony - an early illustration of the spectacular success of feedback in achieving high-fidelity amplifications of signals
In early long distance telephony, messages travelled along a land line with repeater stations (audio frequency amplifiers) at intervals to boost the signal strength. Early electronic amplifiers were highly sensitive to variations in thermionic valve (U.S.A. tube) characteristics and variations in supply voltage. This meant that the gains were not constant and that consistent high fidelity amplification was not possible. If, say, ten such amplifiers each reproducing a signal with 90%fidelity were connected in series (as repeater stations must be) then thefidelity of the overall line wouM be 100(0.9) 10 = 35%. Because of the poor robustness of available repeater amplifiers it was decided that no more than six such repeaters could be tolerated along the whole 3000 mile (4800 kin) line. The signal strength was kept high by the use of massive power cable capable of carrying 50 amps and weighing half a ton per mile (300 kg per Ion). No doubt motivated by this problem, Harold Bode, Bell Telephone Laboratories, c. 1927, invented and implemented feedback amplifiers to produce highly insensitive (i.e. gain robust to parameter changes) amplifiers for transcontinental telephony. These amplifiers using feedback were of such high fidelity that 600 could be used sequentially as repeater stations when a new New York to San Francisco light weight cable was laid in 1941. Figures 8.8-8.10 illustrate this example. six (non-feedback)repeateramplifiers compensating for loss of signal strength
/+ be used to make transmission possible
Figure 8. 8
First trans- US telephone cable. No more than six amplifiers could be used because o f the cumulative distortion effect 600 feedback repeater amplifiers
lighl~w~l'ghtcoaxial cable
By 1941. the availability o f Bode's feedback amplifier allowed 600 amplifiers to be connected sequentially and a low cost lightweight cable to be used f o r the connection
Practical aspects of control design
Y'= 1KG +""--~u K(G+AG) u I+K(G+AG) Figure 8.10
nominalprocess perturbedprocess
I f the amplifier gain K is sufficiently high, the feedback loop is insensitive to process perturbations A G or gain perturbations A K
Converting a user's requirements into a control specification
A user's requirement will usually be application-specific (keeping a ship on a desired course to a particular accuracy; dispensing a certain weight of soap powder; neutralising a liquid effluent before discharge to a river; maximising the yield of pharmaceutical product from a given batch of raw material, etc.). An unrealistic (oversimplistic) conversion of the user's requirement into a control specification, against which the system will be built, will result in the building of an unsatisfactory system. This aspect (conversion of a user's requirements into a specification) is frequently a weakness in the control design chain. Let us switch our thoughts temporarily to the amount of freedom that a designer has in designing a simple control loop. First, the control loop will need to be stable with a reasonable stability margin. This stability margin will need to be more or less the same, regardless of the application; hence, although the designer has to fix the stability margin, that margin will be virtually the same regardless of application and therefore this aspect cannot be regarded as a variable design parameter. The other variable that can be fixed by the control designer is the speed of response or the closely related parameter, system bandwidth. Both of these quantities are related in a well-defined way with pole locations and with system natural frequency. Thus, in the design of a simple control loop, the designer will often be seeking to achieve a particular bandwidth or a particular speed of response by fixing pole locations, by fixing natural frequency or by fixing bandwidth in the system to be synthesised. Figure 8.11 illustrates the design route. Two important questions arise: Question 1: How can diverse users' requirements be converted into very simple speed of response or bandwidth specifications? Answer 1: They can't, except in a small minority of cases that are mostly confined to the servomechanism field. In most other cases, the designer spends huge proportions of his time coping with application-dependent problems, using general engineering knowledge and ad hoc methods. Question 2: What sets an upper limit on the speed of response (or bandwidth) that can be obtained in a particular application?
Control theory A
widevarietyof users' requirements
gross approximationof A by speedof response or bandwidthrequirement
bandwidth requiriment frequency response method
pole location ] I natural ~ frequency require( ent I [requirement [ poleplacement method
Figure 8.11 Alternative design approaches Answer 2: Very interesting! In linear control theory, there are by definition no upper limits on anything. Thus, linear control theory can produce a system that will turn a supertanker onto a new course in microseconds or less, provided that the linearity is not violated. Thus, the upper limits on performance are set by factors that do not appear at all in the design process. Clearly this is very unsatisfactory! In practice, the designer must choose, for example, an electric motor to give the acceleration that he needs. As larger and larger motors are considered, so the acceleration will approach that given by an unloaded motor. If this acceleration does not meet the specification, another approach must be found. The point to note is that none of this procedure is part of the control design procedure but is injected by the designer in what is usually called engineering interaction with the design process!
Methodologies for deciding the scope and attributes of automatic control schemes for industrial application (methodologies for economic justification of investment in automation) Methodologies and illustrations
Given a set of interlinked industrial processes that together constitute a plant producing some product from incoming raw materials, control theory and practice will tell what might be achieved at each of the processes. The list of all possible schemes that might be designed would be formidable indeed. The question we want to consider here is: given a particular industrial configuration, how can one describe the scope, configuration and functionally of appropriate control systems to be integrated into the manufacturing facility in something close to an optimal way.
Practical aspects of control design
Here we review some of the available methodologies but it has to be said that there is a distinct shortage of methodologies - in fact most of those described below were originated by the author. The lack of literature is a sign not of lack of importance of the approaches but rather a result of the methods being unglamorous and theoretically undemanding, making them unattractive to academics because of their unsuitability for publication. The first suggestion is to define for a whole production sequence a broad sweep performance index of the form J = APP(Price at which one tonne of product sells -
Cost of manufacturing one tonne of product)
where APP is the annual production, tonnes, of prime product. Our broad aim in choosing between alternative strategies will then be to maximise J but how do we calculate the cost of manufacturing one tonne of product? The solution is to develop a model of the form shown in Figure 8.12 for every process in the production sequence and eventually through the use of these interconnecting models we can link right back from product leaving the factory to raw materials entering the factory. The operation of the models is self-explanatory but it remains to mention that the models have to be parametrised by analysing masses of real industrial data. The examples given here as Figures 8.13-8.15 relate to the steel industry and show how the product, steel strip, links back to the basic raw materials of iron ore and coking coal. The figures given here are realistic but they have been modified for confidentiality reasons. The models allow the economic context of the process to be understood with the main areas for possible savings being visible to a large extent by inspection. As indicated symbolically in Figure 8.16, how do we decide what automation projects to choose and what should be the resource allocation for each? Figure 8.17 shows a 'justification histogram' produced by the author, with colleagues, from measurements on 2000 batches of steel strip. It shows that almost 10% costs of raw materials (u) priced per tonne of output product (y) INN
costs (q) of energy, manpower, overheads, etc. all per tonne of output y ~
other valuable outputs (p) per tonne of output y
cost (y) of producing one tonne of prime product
y=Zui+Zqi-Zpi Figure 8.12
Calculation of the cost (y) of production for an entire plant or for a single process in most of my work z has been omitted
Control theory costs of incoming strip - 206.9 priced per tonne of output product y
operating cost 34.4
scrap net benefit = 6.0
cost of non-prime output 5.3 cost (y) of producing one tonne of prime strip = 240.6 yield balance = prime (83.5%) + non-prime (8.4%) + scrap (8.1%)
Figure 8.13
Sample cost calculation: cold strip mill (strip from strip production)
costs of incoming slab - 176 priced per tonne of output product y operating cost 20
scrap net benefit- 3.15
g cost (y) of producing one tonne of prime strip- 192.85 yield balance = prime (95.5%) + scrap (4.5%)
Figure 8.14
Sample cost calculation." hot strip mill (strip from slab production)
costs of incoming materials, sinter 33.55, ores 10.2, fluxes 0.15, coke 26.25, oil 2.5; total 72.65 priced per tonne of output product y operating cost 13.35
gas benefit = 4.95
g cost (y) of producing one tonne of molten iron - 81.05
Figure 8.15
Sample cost calculation." iron-making (molten iron from sinter production)
Practical aspects of control design A iU///~
/ ~ '
~ [
possible automation projects
'!iii':?doc,aod Figure 8.16
How do we choose automation projects and what should be the resource allocation for each ? 100 'as is' performance based on monitoring of 2000 hot coils ........ 50
estimated performance that could be obtained by shifting the actual mean to equal the required mean
. . . . . . . . !j_ z._z.j_~ a n t i f i a b l e
saving = 8%
0 2 4 6 8 absolute thickness deviation from required thickness, inch x 10 3
Figure 8.17
Justification histogram
of the lengths of strip produced were outside the allowed thickness tolerance and allows quantification to be made of the benefits of tighter control. Figures 8.18 and 8.19 show what I call an 'economic dynamic programming' approach to choosing the best control configuration for a set of closely interlinked sequential processes. The idea is that at each stage of the process there are, in the example, three control design choices - let us say 'minimum cost', 'medium cost', 'high cost state of the art'. This means that, in a six-stage process there are 36 = 729 possible configurations. The assumed aim of the control system in this simple example is to reduce product variance and the dynamic programming approach eliminates all non-optimal ways of achieving a particular variance so that, by coarse discretisation, we can obtain, as shown in Figure 8.19, four possible levels of performance and for each we offer
Control theory process 1
process 2
process 3
nine possible '...~ scenarios 27 possible scenarios
Figure 8.18
Investment strategy tool for n linked processes (I have used this tool with a dynamic programming approach to eliminate all definitely suboptimal strategies)
every solution offered is a minimum cost way of achieving that variance i] ~
.~ .~
Figure 8.19
minimum cost scheme ./'~'~ with lowest performance - most schemas eliminated at intermediate stages on non-optimality grounds highest costhighest performance
729 possible scenarios reduced to four by eliminating all non-optimal solutions
Investment strategy tool for six processes with three choices at each stage
the unique minimum cost way of achieving that performance. (For each of the three possible solutions we have an implementation cost and of course we need either a deterministic or stochastic simulation that can generate estimates of the intermediate performances.) The method allows the designer to allocate the task of reduction of variance optimally between several closely linked sequential process stages. In calculating the rate of return for a possible automation scheme, there will usually be a lowest acceptable rate of return, dotted in Figure 8.20, and all schemes, to receive funding must normally generate a return at a slope greater than this. Note though that most automation schemes can be broken up into several component parts
Practical aspects of control design
(Figure 8.20) and that as shown in the figure unprofitable components may be hidden by the compiler o f the diagram. Figure 8.21 shows a typical time history for the increase in performance for the commissioning of a typical large and complex automation scheme. The characteristic performance fall before rising degrades the return on capital very significantly and may make a whole automation project uneconomic. Finally, Figure 8.22 shows how, for many processes, there is another technicoeconomic consideration: how to decide on an optimal throughput rate that is a estimated rate of return uneconomic increment_____~. .... overall ........... - ~ project
~ /
.---"" .--"'" .--'" minimum allowable rate
amount of investment, £
Figure 8.20
How an overall project may contain uneconomic increments 1.3 1.1
2 0.9 0.7 4
Figure 8.21
13 16 19 time (months)
Typical time to obtain project benefits for a major project .~_ 0.50 0.45 o
~ 0.40 0.35 = =
0.30 0.25 1
Figure 8.22
Matching throughput to market conditions
Control theory
compromise between high yield and high throughput. Such problems arise across a wide range of applications from pharmaceuticals - where pushing production will usually lower yields from the expensive raw materials - to the scheduling of the speed for a supertanker carrying oil over several thousand miles - where high steaming speeds get the oil to market earlier but use a disproportionate amount of extra fuel in doing so. For all these cases, a market-dependent operating point, shown by the asterisk in Figure 8.22, needs to be chosen as yet another economic aspect of practical control. Note: Further source material and suggestions for further reading to support the topics
of Sections 8.1 to 8.3 will be found in Chapter 19. The references cited here are shown in support of Section 8.4.
References on methodologies for economic justification of investment in automation
ALLEN, D.: 'Economic evaluation of projects' (Institute of Chemical Engineering, London, 1990) ANDERSON, J. S. and BRISK, M. L.: 'Estimating the benefits of advanced process control'. Proceedings of IChem E symposium on Advances in Process Control, York, 1992 BALDWIN, B.: 'Economic justification of process improvement and automation projects'. IEEE Annual Textile, Fiber and Film Industry Technical Conference Greenville, S.C., 1997 pp. 1-5 BRENNAN, D. J.: 'Process industry economics' (Institute of Chemical Engineering, London, 1997) BRISK, M. L.: 'Process control: theories and profits'. Proceedings oflFAC Congress, Sydney, 1993, vol. 7, pp. 241-50 CRAIG, I. K. and HENNING, R. G. D.: 'Evaluation of advanced industrial control projects: a framework for determining economic benefits' Control Engineering Practice, 2000, 8(7), pp 769-80 MARLIN, T. E., BRISK, M. L., BARTON, G. W. and PERKINS, J. D.: 'Experiences from an industry-university study on control benefits'. Preprint of conference on Control Systems 2000, Quantifying the Benefits of Process Control', May 2000, pp. 5-9
Chapter 9 Linearisation
The motivation for linearisation
The most powerful tools for analysis and design of control systems operate only on linear models. It is therefore potentially very attractive when undertaking the design o f a controller for a non-linear system to replace the non-linear system model by a linear approximation. Questions that arise next are: • • •
What is meant by linearisation? How is it undertaken? To what extent are designs, produced using linear approximations, valid in practice when applied to the original non-linear system?
What is linearisation?
An initial trivial example
The volume V o f a sphere is given by V = 47rr3/3 where r is the radius of the sphere Suppose r0 = 10 then V = 4188.79 Suppose rl = 10.1 then V = 4315.7147 Suppose r2 = 11 then V = 5575.27956 These are the full solutions of the non-linear equation for three different r values.
Control theory
To linearise the equation we operate as follows. Let V = V0+6 v, r = r0 +6r. Then V0 + 6V0 = 4rr(r0 + 6r)3/3 _-- (4/3)zr(r 3 + 3r26r + 3ro6r 2 + 6r 3) while from earlier
Vo = 4zrr3 /3 Substracting the last equation from the one above yields
8v = 4rr(3r~6r + 3r06r 2 + 6r 3) Linearisation consists in neglecting terms in 6r 2, 6r 3, etc., i.e.
6V = 4rrrZ6r and this result could have been obtained directly by using
dv dr
37rr° ~- 6r
To complete this little illustration, we will see how good the approximations are for two cases, keeping r0 = 10: (i) when rl = 10.1,6r = O.1,6V = 47r(10) 2 0.1 = 125.6637 yielding V1 = V0 + 6V = 4314.45 (true solution = 4315.7147) (ii) when r2 = l l , 6 r = 1,6V = 4rr(10) 2 1 = 125.66 yielding V2 = V0 + 6V = 5445.28 (true solution = 5575.28). Clearly, as the perturbation (in this case 6r) moves further from the point about which linearisation is performed (in this case r0) the approximation becomes less valid.
Thus linearisation, which we shall discuss in more depth below: (a) (b)
amounts to a local approximation of differentiable functions by derivatives; is only valid for small perturbations.
However, and this is a point of considerable practical importance, we can overcome problem (b) to a considerable extent by linearising a function, not about some constant value (Figure 9. la) but rather about a nominal solution that is expected to be followed approximately (Figure 9.1 b). An interesting side-question now arises. Suppose that the linearised equation is itself generating the solution about which successive linearisations are being performed (Figure 9.1c). If the perturbations are too large, the accuracy of the linearisation will be poor, and the generated solution will be invalid and the errors will be cumulative, so that the whole approach will fail. This leads to the topic o f
Linearisation (a)
nominal value about which linearisationis undertaken time (b)
nominal solution
time (¢)
linearisationabout the current solution time
Figure 9.1
a Linearisation about a constant value b Linearisation about a nominal solution c Linearisation about the current solution
numerical solution o f differential equations where, in general, it is not found efficient to use linearisation but rather to use several more terms (say four) o f the Taylor series approximation o f a non-linear function to produce the R u n g e - K u t t a approach to the numerical solution.
Linearisation about a nominal trajectory: illustration
Let the equation
~c = f (x) + g(u) represent a non-linear industrial process that repeats the same routine day after day. Each day it receives a nominal input u N (t), in response to which it produces a nominal output XN(t), Figure 9.2a. Linearisation about the nominal trajectories consists in producing the perturbation equation
of Og ~k = ~x X=XN(t)Ox Al- -~ U=UN(t)~u
Control theory (a)
u(t) x(t)
Figure 9.2
a The nominal input UN(t) provokes the nominal response xN(t) b Perturbation about the nominal trajectories f(x) + hdf[x f ~
/ / / / / /
/ Figure 9.3
r~ x plane
The derivative approximates thefunction f locally by the tangent plane showtl
This linear equation models the process behaviour about the nominal trajectories (Figure 9.2b). In practice, the nominal trajectories will often be taken as the mean of a large number of typical performances. Any individual performance can then be modelled a s X (t) = X U (t) -~- the solution o f the perturbation equation.
The derivative as best linear approximation
We can, if we wish, define the derivative of a function f ( x ) as the unique linear function d fix that best approximates f near to x (Figure 9.3). In the usual system of coordinates, the linear transformation dfhas the matrix
(Ofl/OXl) . . . . .
[_(Ofn/Oxl) . . . . .
F =
which is called the Jacobian matrix of f at x.
The goodness of the approximation depends on d f i x . general the approximation is good.
If dfix
is non-zero then in
9A The inverse function theorem
The inverse function theorem gives an interesting view o f approximation. It says that, if the derivative d f o f f at x has an inverse then so locally does f" i.e. in some region U in x there exists a function g such that g ( f (x)) = x f o r all x in U f ( g ( y ) ) = y for all y in V i.e. f has an mverse g on the restricted regions U, V. Within the regions U, V we can replace the x coordinates by the corresponding y coordinates (see Poston and Stewart, 1976, p. 9) and then over the region U thefunction f is completely linearised without approximation. However, i f d f is not invertible (tested by checking f o r singularity o f the Jacobian matrix) then such an approximation is not possible. Overall, thefollowing result holds. I ff has a non-zero gradient at x then we can find a smooth change o f coordinates in some ball U around x by which the expression o f f on u becomes linear. Where the gradient is zero, the Jacobian is, by definition, zero and approximation has to be carried out by relying on the matrix o f second derivatives, i.e. on the Hessian matrix 1-1. As can be seen in Figure 9.4. the nonlinear function sin x can be well approximated at x = 0 (by the linearisation y = 2x) but at x = re~8, the linear approximation y = 1 is poor because the Jacobian is zero there.
y= 1
Figure 9. 4
The curve y = sin 2x is well approximated by its f i r s t derivative y = 2 x at x = O. A t x = zr/8 we have as linear approximation y = sin rr/4 + 0 = 1, a p o o r approximation
Control theory
9B The concept of transversality When a line pierces a plane a slight variation in either the line or the plane will not affect the nature of the intersection. However, if a line touches a plane tangentially then slight variations will affect the nature of the meeting, resulting in, for example, two-piercing of the plane, or no meeting with the plane at all (see Figure 9.5). These ideas, which are closely connected with catastophe theory, have obvious connections with robustness as defined in terms of insensitivity to parameter changes.
// Figure 9. 5
(a) As a typical situation in three dimensional space - a loop touches a place tangentially. (b, c) Typical situations in three dimensional space - a line (b) pierces the plane in two places, (c) fails to meet the plane
Chapter 10 Multivariable linear processes
Transfer function representations
By a multivariable process we mean a process with several (say r) inputs and several (say m) outputs (Figure 10.1). In general, every input is connected to every output through some dynamic coupling. We can pretend that the ith output Yi is connected to the jth input ui through a transfer function gij (S). Because of our assumption of linearity, superposition is valid and therefore we can write r
Yi (s) = Z
gij (s)ui (s)
j=l or
= (gij (S))
where the notation (gij (S)) indicates the matrix
/ gmi(S) . . .
Multivariable matrix formulations are used for control system design, particularly using the inverse Nyquist array methods pioneered by Rosenbrock (1971, 1974) and Ule
I ---
Figure 10.1
Yl Y2 ~ Ym
A multivariate process: a system with r inputs and m outputs
Control theory
Macfarlane (1970). The methods make central use of the concept of diagonal dominance. A completely diagonal matrix of transfer functions (with zeros everywhere except on the leading diagonal) would clearly indicate just a set of non-interconnected single-input single-output systems - each such system could be dealt with separately and there would be no need for any special 'multivariable' treatment. In practice, multivariable closed loop systems can rarely be diagonalised for all frequencies by choice of controller. However, they can be made diagonally dominant; that is, the diagonal terms can be made large compared with the off-diagonal terms. It is a key result of Rosenbrock that interaction between a set of individually stable diagonal elements will not cause overall instability, provided that the overall matrix is diagonally dominant. (This result rests on Gershgorin's theorem from linear algebra. The theorem allows bounds to be set on the location of eigenvalues.)
State space representations
In the state space modelling of linear systems it is assumed that there exists an nth order vector called the state vector, whose value at every instant of time completely characterises the dynamic state of the system. The order n is, in general, equal to the sum of the orders of all the individual differential equations that together describe the system. Every single-input single-output linear system can of course be described in state space form and we choose such a system to illustrate some simple state space ideas. Let the single-input single-output process be
d3y +
--5 dt
+ 4y = u
To move to a state space model we let Xl = y x2=xl x3 = x 2 Then, equivalent to eqn. 10.2, we can write
Xl =X2 X2=X3 X3 = --4Xl -- 3x2 -- 2x3 -+- u This is the state space form. It would more usually be written X2 = ~73
lo o)(xl)(!1
X2 -1X3
--3 0
x2 x3
Multivariable linear processes
which is usually written ~c = A x + B u | y = Cx
and this formulation is the same for all multivariable linear systems.
Design of feedback control systems
A is called the system matrix and it is the main governor of systems behaviour. By setting (10.4)
u = D ( x + v)
we obtain 2 = A x + B D x + D v = (A + B D ) x + D v
The new feedback matrix A D above feedback
system matrix can be seen to be A + B D rather than A, as it was before control was incorporated. It is easy to show that, for most systems, the + B D can be chosen to give any performance that we desire by choice of (assuming A, B fixed). This idea is the basis for much of state variable design.
Time solution of the state space equation
Let us set u : 0 in eqn. 10.3 and agree to concentrate on solving the resulting equation (10.6)
~c = A x
with x(0) = x0 given (since y = Xl, we do not need to consider y separately). Although x is an n vector and A an n x n matrix we can, remarkably, solve the equation just as though it were a scalar equation and write x ( t ) = exp(At) x(0)
Provided that we define what we mean by exp(At), we can reasonably expect that exp(at)=l+At+
A2t 2 ~. + . . .
i.e. a series expansion with I being the nth order identity matrix. Also if we Laplace transform eqn. 10.6 we obtain s x ( s ) - x(O) = a x ( s )
Control theory
from which - a)-llx(0)
x(t) = £-1{(si
where ~ - 1 indicates the operation of inverse Laplace transformation. Under the (widely applicable) assumption that the solution of eqn. 10.6 must be unique, it becomes clear that exp(At) = ~ - l { ( s l - A) - l }
Equation 10.11 is useful in the solution of the state variable equation (10.12)
~c = A x + B u
by Laplace transform methods. S o l u t i o n o f the e q u a t i o n 5; = A x + B u in the time domain.
If eqn. 10.12 is well posed, then it possesses a unique solution. This solution is x ( t ) = exp A ( t - to)x(to) +
exp A ( t - to - r) B u ( r ) d r
Proof'. Differentiate eqn. 10.13 to yield
J ( t ) = A exp A(t - to)x(to) + A
exp A ( t - to - r ) B u ( r ) d r
+ exp A ( t - to - (t - t o ) ) B u ( t ) Substitute eqn. 10.13 into 10.14 to yield 2(t) = Ax(t) + Bu(t)
as required. A final interesting point about the solution x(t) = exp(At)x(O)
Because of the nature of the state vector (that at any time it completely characterises the dynamic state of the system) and because of the nature of the operator exp(At) it forms a transformation semi-group whose members, say T, have the property that T ( q + t2) = T ( q ) + T(t2)
where tl, t2 are two different time intervals. What all this means is that x(tl) = exp(Aq)x(O)
x(t2) = e x p ( A t 2 ) x ( O ) = exp(A(t2 - t l ) ) X ( t l )
Multivariable linear processes
If we choose times separated by a constant interval T then we can write x ( T ) = exp(AT) x(0)
x(2T) = e x p ( a T ) x ( T ) and in general x ( k T ) = e x p ( A T ) x ( ( k - 1)T)
Thus, once we have calculated the matrix exp(AT) (for some chosen small time interval T) we can generate the whole time solution to eqn. 10.12 by repetitive multiplication by the constant matrix exp(A T). See Moler (1978) for a review of alternative ways of calculating the transition matrix. IOA It seems remarkable that an oscillatory solution can be generated by repeated multiplication by a constant matrix (see Figure 10.2)
~/initial condition
Figure 10.2
The points marked on the transient solution form a time series that can be generated by repeatedly multiplying the initial condition vector by a constant transition matrix
Discrete and c o n t i n u o u s time models: a unified a p p r o a c h
The continuous time model 2 : Ax + Bu
has the unique continuous time solution x(t2) = ~(t2 - q)X(tl) + qJ(t2 - t l ) u ( q )
provided that u(t) is constant on the interval (tl, t2). (It is also assumed that certain very general conditions for the well-posedness of differential equations are satisfied.)
Control theory
Although eqn. 10.18 is valid for any choice of tl, t2, i.e. it is as we have said a continuous time solution, it is of course possible to determine the solution only at intervals of time T seconds apart, i.e. x(kT)
= ~(T)x((k
- 1)T) -I- q J ( T ) u ( ( k - 1)T)
or if the interval T is assumed rather than being explicitly written x(k) = ~(T)x(k-
1) + O 2 ( T ) u ( k - 1)
This model can be considered to represent: (i) The exact behaviour of eqn. 10.17, provided that u is constant on every interval of length T. This will occur if u is generated by a computer updating at intervals T. Notice that the real solution exists at all times, whereas eqn. 10.17 produces information only every T seconds. (ii) The approximate behaviour of eqn. 10.17 under conditions where u does not satisfy the constancy condition. (iii) A difference equation that is an exact model for some inherently discrete time process. Such a difference equation may be set up and identified numerically for a discrete time system without any recourse to continuous time models. We are pointing out, amongst other things, that the numerical solution of a differential equation is inevitably a difference equation. This difference equation may be viewed in the three different ways cited above. The Z transform (see Chapter 11) may usefully be applied to multivariable discrete time models to yield alternative derivations of the expressions derived above.
10B Generation o f a control sequence Suppose that we wish to generate a control sequence to drive the state x in eqn. 10.20 from a given state x(O) to a given desired state Xd f o r some particular value o f k. In eqn. 10.20, let us agree to set a = dP(T),
B = ~(T)
Then we can write
x(1) = Ax(O) + Bu(O) x(2) = Ax(1) + Bu(1) = A(Ax(O) + Bu(O)) + Bu(1) and in general
Iu (k _
x ( k ) = Akx(O) + [B, A B , A 2 B . . . . . A k - I B] L u('0)l)J
Multivariable linear processes
and, provided that invertibility obtains,
u(k- 1)]
= [B, AB . . . . . A k - l B ] - l ( x ( k ) - Akx(O)]
h uiO) I f x(k) is replaced by the desired state Xd then an algorithm for generating a control sequence results:
= [B . . . . . A k - | B l - l ( x d - Akx(O))
10.6 The concept of controllability for multivariable systems Assume that the output y o f a linear single-input single-output system can be driven to some arbitrary point y by choice o f input u over some time period. Then, by the definition o f linearity, the output y can be driven to every point in R 1 by suitable choice o f u over some time period. For an n dimensional multivariable system, the state x may not necessarily be able to be forced to every point in ~n, no matter what control input is applied. A system where x cannot be forced to every point in its own state space is called an uncontrollable system.
IOC Conservation of dimension under linear transformations Let L : P ~ Q be a linear transformation from p = Rn to Q = • n Dora L is defined as the subspace of P on which the transformation operates. Range L is defined as the subspace of Q satisfying
Range L = [Lxlx ~ dom L] Ker L is defined as the subspace o f P satisfying Ker L = {xlLx = O} Then the conservation of dimension insists that
dim(Range L) + dim(ker L) = dim(dom L)
Control theory
This means that the dimensionality o f the range o f the transformation L may be less than the dimensionality o f the domain. Such a situation will occur whenever dim (Ker L) > O. This 'loss o f dimension into the kernel' is exactly the mechanism by which a system becomes uncontrollable. Tests for controllability amount to tests for ensuring that dim (ker L) = O, where the transformation L is constructed so as to represent the operation o f mapping x(O) into x(t). In this we have L(x(O),u(r), I) : x(O) --+ x(t) i.e, the mapping depends on x (0) and on the particular function u defined on the interval 1 = [to, t]. The actual tests for controllability have been derived from linear algebra. See Chen (1984)for detailed descriptions o f the techniques. In a system that is not controllable, there are some states that cannot be reached infinite time by any control strategy. 1n fact some subsets o f the state ((iii) and (iv) in Figure 10.3), cannot be influenced by the input. l* +
Figure 10.3
Every linear system can be decomposed into f o u r blocks: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
Controllable and o b s e r v a b l e Controllable but not observable O b s e r v a b l e but not controllable N e i t h e r controllable not observable
Observability is a dual o f controllability. It is concerned with the question: does measurement o f the output y of a system allow complete knowledge o f the state vector to be determined? An interesting view, due to Kalman, sees every system as representable by four blocks. The idea is illustrated in Figure 10.3.
Note: Source material and suggestions for further reading to support the topics of this chapter will be found in Chapter 19.
Chapter 11
Discrete time and computer control
Computers as system components - devices that can change their state only at discrete times
A system that can change its state only at discrete points in time is called a discrete time system. Amongst the many examples of discrete time systems in everyday life could be mentioned the rates of exchange for foreign currencies charged by retail banks. Typically, these rates may be updated once every working day and stay constant otherwise. Computers are the discrete time systems that interest us here; in particular, computers that perform the same calculation repeatedly. Such computers are used as controllers within closed loop systems. It turns out, perhaps surprisingly, that the discrete time effects of a computer, when used as a controller, are sufficiently profound to require a whole new batch of design techniques - these are introduced in this chapter. To get a feel for what is going on, let us look at a very simple control loop first not containing a computer (case A) and secondly, containing a computer (case B). The control loop (case A) simply comprises an integrator with negative feedback (Figure 11.1). Everything is at rest and set at zero and then v is moved instantaneously from v = 0 to v = 1. Simple calculation will show that the system output y moves as shown (Figure 11.2). In case B a computer 'looks at' the signal e every 1.5 s, multiplies this signal by unity and puts this out to the integrator where it remains constant for 1.5 s. Essentially, cases A, B differ only in the interposition of a discrete time device in case B (Figure 11.3). To work out the response, we note that over the first 1.5 s
Figure 11.1
A continuous typical feedback loop with an integrator in the forward path (Case A)
146 Control theory 1
time (seconds) Figure 11.2
The step response of the system o f Figure 11.1
the computermultipliesthe signalby unity,i.e. only its discretetimeeffectis beingconsidered k outputremainsconstant over 1.5 secondintervals v +C-~..Jcomputer s a m p l i n g [ ~ ~ - - ~ -" leveryl.5seconds J: ~ [ - g ~ ~ -
Figure 11.3
The system o f Figure 11.1 with the addition o f a computer that multiplies by unity and has a sampling interval of l.5 s
period the input to the integrator is fixed at v = 1. Thus y(t) I/=1.5 = f01"5 e(t) dt : f015 dt = 1.5
e(t)]l=l.5 = and y(t),l=3l
1 -
1.5 =
- 0 . 5 d t + 1.5 = 0.75
and the response y(t) is as shown in Figure 11.4. The significant differences between the responses 11.2, 11.4 are due entirely to the effects of sampling. I1A A simple and informative laboratory experiment Itforms an interesting laboratory demonstration to reproduce the results of Figures 11.1 to 11.4 experimentally and then to vary the sampling interval of the computer, which is only a sample and hold device in reality, and observe the results. As the sampling interval is increased, instability will eventually occur. The demonstration can then be enhanced by connecting in a frequency response analyser to determine approximately the phase shift characteristics of the computer as a function of applied frequency. A Bodeplot check on stability will, very satisfyingly, be found to agree with experimental findings.
Discrete time and computer control
Figure 11.4
D/A converter actuator
2 3 4 number of samples
The step response of the system of Figure 11.3 A/D converter
Figure 11.5
measuring device
continoust process
A continuous process under digital control
Discrete time algorithms
In this chapter, we are concerned with the discrete time control of continuous time processes (Figure 11.5). A discrete-time algorithm is an algorithm that operates on a sequence of error signals to produce a sequence of command signals. The importance of discrete-time algorithms lies in the fact that they are directly realisable in a digital computer controller. Such a digital controller samples the error at regular intervals of T seconds and produces a sequence of output commands, spaced at the same interval. A continuous signal e(t), when sampled every T seconds, is denoted e* and the command sequence produced by a discrete-time controller is denoted u*. The discrete-time command signal u* must be converted into an analogue signal before being applied to a continuous process. Exact reconstruction of a continuous signal from samples is impossible to perform in real time since the reconstruction algorithm necessarily calls for unavailable future samples of the measured variable. Approximately correct reconstruction is possible but the necessary algorithms are relatively complex and they have undesirable frequency response characteristics. Usual practice for conversion of the command sequence u* into a continuous signal is a very crude piece-wise constant approximation. The device that performs such reconstruction is a digital to analogue converter whose input is updated every T seconds. Seen as a mathematical component, rather than as a physical device, the operation of piece-wise constant reconstruction is equivalent to that of a zero order hold device.
Control theory
11.3 Approaches to algorithm design Roughly, there are two approaches to algorithm design.
Direct controller synthesis. Procedure in outline: (i) Convert the specification that the final system must meet into a desired transfer function H(z). This step will very often involve a considerable amount of approximation - particularly in those frequently encountered cases where the original specification is expressed in terms far removed from those pertaining to transfer functions. However, if the specification can be expressed in terms of a desired natural frequency and a desired damping factor then Figure 11.6 may be used directly to choose the poles of H(z). To use Figure 11.6 decide upon the required natural frequency o)n, damping factor se, sampling interval T, and use the diagram to locate the intersection in the complex plane of the con and the se loci. Suppose this intersection is at a +jb, then the poles of the sought-for transfer function H(z) have to be located at a +jb. That is, the denominator of H(z) should be (z - a +jb) (z - a - j b ) . Choice of the numerator of H(z): In choosing the numerator of H(z) the following factors need to be considered: (a) (b) (c)
Steady state response Frequency response Physical reachability and computational time requirements for the controller D(z).
Considering (a), recall that the steady response to a unit step, for stable H, is H(z) as z --~ 1. Considering (b), one point of view is that the response of H(z) imaginary axis
-1.0 -0.8-0.6 -0.4 -0.2
Figure 11.6
0 0.2 real axis
z plane
Diagram to assist in choosing the poles of H (z)
D&crete time and computer control
Figure 11.7
(ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi)
The combination o f controller D(z) and process + zero order hold Gt (z), in closed loop
when oJ = ms~2 should be zero. Such behaviour can be obtained by placing one or more zeros at z = 1. Considering (c), notice that if the order o f numerator and denominator of D(z) are equal then 'instantaneous' calculation of control outputs is implied. Choosing the order of numerator in H to be one less than the order of the denominator allows one sampling period T for the control algorithm to be calculated. Produce a transfer frunction G (s) representing the process that is to be controlled. Form the transfer function G'(s) = Go(s)G(s), where Go is a model of the interface between controller and process. Discretise the transfer function G'(s) to produce the discrete time equivalent G t (z). Use the relation D(z) = H(z)/{Gt(z)[1 - H(z)]} to synthesise the necessary controller for insertion into the loop (see Figure 11.7). Convert D(z) into a difference equation and use it as a real time algorithm.
l l B A clever manipulation - how the digital to analogue convertor (zero order hold) is transferred for calculation purposes to become part of the process to be controlled
(i) Notice carefully that in the approach described above, the digital to analogue convertor at the output of the controlling computer is grafted on to the process to form the artificial process G r, made up as G~(s) = Go(s)G(s). The design procedure is thus to control G t rather than G. Thus, insofar as there are distortions caused in the analogue signal reconstruction at the digital to analogue convertor, they, being embodied in G t, will automatically be compensated during control algorithm design. (iO Notice also that Z{Go(s)G(s)} ¢ Z{Go(s)}Z{G(s)} In fact, ZIGo(s)' = Z ( 1 - e x p ( - s T ) _ (1 - z - l ) z
(z - l)
_ 1
150 Control theory
i.e. a zero order hoM unconnected to another analogue device is invisible to the Z transform. Comment: It can be seen that the equation for D(z) contains models both of the process and the desired behaviour. In effect, the controller cancels out the existing process characteristics and replaces them by those of the required system.
Gain plus compensation approach. Idea in outline:
(i) If a controller consisting of only a simple gain of numerical value C is used as in Figure 11.8 then the performance of the resulting system (of transfer function CG(z)/[1 + CG(z)]) may be manipulated by choice of the value for C. (ii) As C is increased, the speed ofresponse ofthe system increases but in general the response becomes oscillatory, and as C is increased further, the system becomes unstable. (iii) By incorporating a suitable compensator M into the loop (Figure 11.9) improved stability characteristics can be given to the loop and then the value of C can be further increased with a consequent increase in speed of response. This process of juggling the design of compensator M and the value of gain C can be iterated until a best possible response is achieved. The compensator M primarily needs to improve the stability margin of the loop hence allowing higher gain C to be used, resulting in faster response. M may be an approximate differentiator, as in the three term controller (the three parallel terms are again C, a differentiator D and an integrator I that is present to remove steady state error). Three term controllers are favoured by practitioners on grounds of: one form of controller satisfies all applications; the controller is easily 'tuned' for application using Ziegler-Nichols rules (see Section 8.2. l); the controller is a successful work-horse being applied in huge numbers across the industry. Seen from a frequency response point of view, the compensator M is a phase-advance network and frequency response techniques, usually used in the s domain, allow the design to be matched to the application.
Figure 11.8
A controller consisting of a simple gain C in a discrete time loop
Figure 11.9
Incorporation of a compensator into the loop of Figure 11.8
Discrete time and computer control
(iv) Discretise the M C combination to be directly implementable in a digital computer.
IlC Takahashi's algorithm In representing a typical process by discrete data points (assuming that a constant value of sampling interval T is to be used), in order to capture the all important initial curvature, a rather short value o f T is indicated. However, in order to capture the (also importanO final value, a large value o f t is indicated- so that the number of points to be logged will not be excessive. Takahashi solves this problem nicely by takingfrequent samples initially in the step response and then using a formula to generate further points until the correct steady state is reached (Figure 11.I0). Notice that these generated further points will not, in general, lie exactly on the curve. (a)
time (b)
~ ....
(c} l j
pmcessopen _~~~ ~ loopresponse)..~approximation //5"'~ xg-eneratedby model
time Figure 11,10
How many points are needed to capture a step response?
a b
Two few points fail to capture the essential shape Too many points to handle (beating in mind that the order o f the on-line algorithm will be the same as the number of points) Takahashi's approach. Early points capture the essential shape. Approximation (shown dotted) completes the response
Control theory
Takahashi's algorithm then uses the model coefficients to synthesis a controller for the process (the one that generated the open loop step response) as follows (Figure 11.11): The model of form 6
z) =
-1 +
gnZ_ n
pz -1
is fitted to the first n data points and the parameter p is fixed to give the correct steady state value and approximately correct decay rate. Takahashi then derived formulae (Takahashi et al. 1970) by which the n + 1 coefficients in the controller (Figure 11.11) may be calculated directly from the n + 1 model coefficients (gl . . . . . gn, P).
integral Y T ) ~
Figure 11.I1
Takahashi's algorithm
Overview: concluding comments, guidelines for algorithm choice and some comments on procedure
(i) Very broadly, there are two approaches to algorithm design. The first, synthesis of D (z) to achieve a specific closed loop transfer function H (z), is theoretically sound but suffers from two defects: choosing H ( z ) usually involves massive approximation; D(z) 'contains' both G(z) and H ( z ) and is therefore often unwieldy. The second approach, using a gain plus compensator, is not very scientific but it has the great merit of simplicity. (ii) Every continuous time algorithm can be discretised - this is one source of algorithms. Note, however, that the performance ofa discretised algorithm is always degraded to some extent compared with that of the original continuous time algorithm. The extent of degradation is governed by the choice of sampling interval. These are, however, discrete time algorithms that have no (apparent) continuous time equivalents. These are the most interesting algorithms and they tend to be incorporated as part of advanced control packages for solution of demanding problems. (iii) Some industries, like aerospace, tend predominantly to use frequency response continuous time design methods and only later to discretise. Process industries tend to use off-the-shelf three term algorithms integrated within diagnostic and monitoring supervisory software.
Discrete time and computer control
(iv) In general, it is recommended to use simple solutions (for instance, off-theshelf three term controllers) for routine problems. However, it is important to match the level of sophistication of the controller to the inherent difficulty of the problem. (v) Many alternative methods have been put forward for the selection of sampling interval T. The one suggested here, based on closed loop bandwidth, is a reasonable compromise between ad hoc methods and theoretical overkill.
llD Some difficulties in moving from differential equations to approximating difference equations Suppose that we have a differential equation
ym + 3y" + 2y t + y -----0
y(O) = lO, y(O) = 2, Jr(O) = 5 i Suppose also that we have discretised the differential equation, by any suitable method, into the form y(k) = ay(k - 1) + by(k - 2) + cy(k - 3) f o r some chosen time interval T and with numerical values being found for a, b, c. Suppose finally that we wish to use the difference equation to generate an approximate numerical solution for the differential equation that it approximates. The differential equation: has three initial conditions and the difference equation needs three starting values. However, it is not clear how to proceed or at least how to get started.
I1E Discretisation By discretisation, we mean the move from continuous to discrete time; differential equation to difference equation; s domain to z domain. The most obvious approach to discretisation might appear to be replacement o f s by its equivalent function in z. However, z = exp(st); hence the required substitution would be s = (ln z ) / T Substitution would then produce an ugly polynomial in In z. Discretisation methods that are actually used are: (i) Replacing derivatives dy/dt by their finite difference approximations Yk+l -- Yk Yk -- Yk-I T T ' Yk+ l + Yk
- 7 -
T (ii) Mapping the poles o f a continuous transfer function G (s ) to the correct equivalent points in the z plane as dictated by the definition o f z.
Control theory
(ii0 Using the relation G(z) = Z{d~ -1 (G(s)} (iv) converting G(s) into muttivariable {A, B, C} form and using ~ ( T ) , ~P(T) as discrete operators (see Chapter lO for more background). (v) Using any numerical algorithm f o r the time solution o f differential equations, for example, Runge-Kutta methods. Discretisation needs care since it is easily possible for a stable G (s) to be transformed into a G(z) o f quite different, even unstable, character
llF A simple matter of quadratic behaviour We investigate the problem: Given that G(z) has the form z--a
(Z -- b)(z - 1) determine from first principles in the z plane the maximum value o f C that does not produce instability in the loop (Figure 11.12).
Figure 11.12
The closed loop system whose poles we study in this section
Approach: The loop has the z tra~form
C(G(z)) I+CG(z)I+CG(z)
C(z - a) b)(z-1)+C(z-a)
We seek the largest value o f C for which the roots o f 1 + CG(z) = 0 satisfy ]zl < 1. Now,from an examination o f the equation, we can see that as C --> oo the two solutions will have asymptotes z --~ o~,z --> a. It could seem to the uninitiated that the value o f C we are seeking might be the value o f C that brings one root of the equation to z = - 1? Question: When will the simple stability test
1 4- CG(z)Iz=_ 1 = 0 yield the required value o f C?
Discrete time and c o m p u t e r control
(Figure 11.13)
Test cases
G(z) =
( z - 0 . 3 ) ( z - - 1) (2)
G(z) =
z+0.2 (z - 0.4)(z
i ~ ....... .~...~_
~ ~~
root locus forcase 1
~ C=0.15
/ \
/ \
// \
/ /
~ .. -.
root locus
. . . .
:o'o i
\ \
I I \
# x
/ unit circle
.. --
Root loci (upper halves only shown) for the system of Figure 11.12 a
G(z) = (a + G(z) = (z +
02)/(( 0.2)((
0.3)(( 0.4)((
I) 1)
The point to note from these diagrams is that in (a) the root locus leaves the unit circle at z = - 1 whereas in (b), the locus enters the circle at that p o i n t numerical checks on stability can be misleading unless the locus is drawn
Control theory
Applying the simple test (eqn. 11.2) to the two cases leads respectively to the solutions." z 2 - 1.3z + 0.3 + Cz + 0.2C[z=l = 0 ~
c = 3.25
z2 - 1 . 4 z + O.4 + Cz + O.2clz=l = 0 ~ c = 3 . 5
Case 1 with C = 3.25 leads to roots at z = - 0 . 9 5 , z = - 1 Case 2 with C = 3.5 leads to roots at z = - 1 , z = - t . 1 ,
i.e. for case 1 Cm = 3.25 is confirmed as correct butfor case 2, wefind that Cm < 3,5~ To investigate, we plot the loci of the roots of eqn. 11.11 as C varies. It is now clear that the difficulty in case 2 arises because the loci leave the unit circle at points where z has complex values. Calculation shows that this behaviour occurs whenever
a ~ fs (see Figure 13.9) the block suddenly
appliedf force
Figure 13.8
wooden block rough /surface
A block of wood on a rough surface frictional resistance betweenblock and surface
Figure 13.9
The supposed friction characterisation between block and surface in Figure 13.9
accelerates away. It is now clear that the block will either not move at all (if f < fs) or, i f f > fs, it will move by some minimum amount. In accurate positioning control systems, stiction, for instance in bearings, causes precisely the same difficulty, i.e. there is a minimum unavoidable distance that a shaft must move from rest, if it is to move at all. This phenomenon is sometimes referred to as stick-slip motion. Other types of small signal non-linearity occur in gear trains. Considering large and small scale linearities simultaneously, it does emerge that, quite often, a high performance requirement will necessitate the purchase o f equipment that is linear across a very wide signal range. Such equipment is very expensive, and, sadly, we cannot usually obtain high performance by attaching a clever control system to a cheap process that has only a narrow range o f linear operation.
Note: Source material and suggestions for further reading to support the topics of this chapter will be found in Chapter 19. See in particular Section 19.7.
Chapter 14
Initial d i s c u s s i o n
Optimisation is concerned with finding the best possible solution, formally referred to as the optimal solution, to a particular problem. The term optimisation is often used very loosely in general speech but in control theory it has a precise meaning: the action of finding the best possible solution as defined by an unambiguous criterion (or cost function). Optimisation has, to some extent deservedly, acquired a reputation for being out of touch with reality. This is because the analytic techniques for optimisation are highly involved and in order to make headway many workers have resorted to drastic modification of the original problem to allow application of some particular optimisation technique; i.e. simplistic assumptions about the problem have, unsurprisingly, produced simplistic solutions. Currently, more healthy attitudes are beginning to prevail. For instance, it is becoming accepted that, for large complex problems, it may be better to encode optimality criteria in more vague but more realistic terms than parallel human evaluation criteria, than to force unwilling problems into an ill-fitting straitjacket to allow rigorous optimisation. With these reservations having been made, it is possible to turn to the ideas and techniques of optimisation theory and practice.
O p t i m i s a t i o n - a f e w ideas that can f o r m b u i l d i n g b l o c k s
Case 1: A mathematical function may take on a maximum value (Figure 14.1).
(a) (b)
If we know the 'formula' for the function f , the maximum value can be found by the methods of elementary calculus. If f is not known as a function, but nevertheless particular values, f(x~), f(x2) . . . . . can be generated for chosen values xl, x2 . . . . . then it will clearly be possible to find the maximum value, to any desired value of accuracy, by
Control theory
maximum f(x)
Figure 14.1
The function takes on a maximum value where the first derivative d f / d x is zero f(x)
restricted interval Figure 14.2
The function takes on a maximum value at the upper end o f the restricted (closed) interval
Notice that here d f / d x # 0
numerical search. The efficiency of such a numerical search will vary widely according to the approach used, but almost any conceivable approach would succeed in approaching the maximum to whatever accuracy is required. Case 2:
A mathematical function, on a restricted interval o f x, will always take on a maximum value (Figure 14.2)
Strictly, any continuous function defined on a closed interval will take on maximum and minimum values on that interval. This is Weierstrass' theorem (see Hardy, 1963). Note in this case that, as suggested in Figure 14.2, the maximum value may be at a boundary point and that, at a boundary point, the derivative of f will not necessarily be zero and that therefore the ordinary methods of calculus will not suffice to find such maxima. Case 3:
A scalar valued function o f n variables, i.e. f : ]Rn --~ IR 1 may take on a maximum value
A scalar-valued function for n = 2 is illustrated in Figure 14.3: (a) (b)
If the formula for f is known, then, again, ordinary methods of calculus will suffice to determine the maximum (i.e. V f = 0 at the maximum). If the formula for f is not known but nevertheless particular solutions can be generated numerically, then it is possible to imagine searching in the parameter space to find the particular values o f x l , x2,.. •, Xn that maximise the function, but, whereas in case l(b) it was clear that any algorithm, however amateur, would eventually locate the maximum value when x was a single variable, it is now by no means obvious how to search n-dimensional parameter space in a meaningful way. Even in the simple case sketched in Figure 14.3 for n = 2, considerable ingenuity has to be exercised in devising search algorithms.
Should the function f have a less circular shape in parameter space (i.e. as in Figure 14.4) then successful searching can be expected to be increasingly difficult. Case 4:
A scalar valued function f : 1Rn ~ ]~1 defined on a closed region of parameter space, will take on its maximum value on that region (Figure 14.5). contours of constant
f(x"I x2)
x maximum
value of f Figure 14.3
The scalar values function o f two variables takes on a maximum value where Of /Sxl, Of /Ox2 are both simultaneously zero I
J value off
f(xl, x2) Figure 14.4
Another scalar valued function of two variables. Here the elongated contours make numerical searching for the maximum difficult
Control theory closed
~ / ~ ~ 7
[ ~ / ~
j s
imum a~ux:within the closed
constant f(xl, x2) Figure 14.5
A scalar valued function of two variables will take on its maximum value within the closed region shown. I f the maximum is on the boundary of the region, Of /Oxl and Of /Ox2 will not usually be zero there u(t)
time Figure 14.6 Case 5:
A specimen continuous function defined on [to, t f ]
One particular function amongst a set of continuous functions on an interval may maximise a scalar valued cost function (Figure 14.6).
A specimen problem is as follows: From the set of all continuous real valued differentiable functions, u(t) : [to, t f ] -+ u(t) E ~1 × t, choose that particular function u*(t), t c [to, tf], that maximises f(u(t)),f
: R 1 × t -+ ~1
f is a scalar-valued criterion (cost-function) operating on the set of all real valued continuous functions u(t) that are defined on the interval [to, tf]. Even a casual inspection will show that this problem is very much more difficult than those defined earlier as cases 1 to 4. An infinite set of candidate functions u(t) exists, and although it is quite easy to envisage finding a numerical approximation to u (t) using some form of computational search algorithm, the analytic method of determining u (t) exactly is a classical mathematical method of great power and beauty. This analytic method forms part of the subject usually called the calculus of variations.
u(t) + e*(t)
time t=t
Figure 14.7
The supposed optimal curve u ( t ) and an arbitrary variant u (t ) + e(p (t )
In its simplest form the method determines the curve u(t) that, passing through two fixed end points, minimises a given integral.
J =
Figure 14.7 shows the supposed optimal curve u (t) and one arbitrary variant u (t) + E4~(t), q~(t) an arbitrary function and e a scalar. The variant function is approximated by the first two terms of a Taylor series. Manipulation then produces the condition for optimality.
dp Ou
dt = O
However, q~(t) was chosen arbitrarily; hence the optimality condition reduces to
= 0
This is the Euler-Lagrange necessary condition for optimality of the curve.
Use of the calculus of variations to solve control problems: In optimal control problems the differential equations that model the process to be controlled must be satisfied at all times while, simultaneously, the Euler-Lagrange conditions have to be met. The extension of the calculus of variations to meet this requirement is usually performed by the use of Lagrange multipliers. Suppose that the optimal control problem is to choose a(t) on the interval [0, tfl so that the process with model 21 = x2 -~2 = X l --U
behaves so as to minimise
J = fo If f ( x , ~ , t )
Control theory
The Lagrange multipliers 2.1,2.2 are introduced by enhancing the expression for J to
J = fo If f(x,k,t) q-)~l(JCl --
x2) q-)~2(22 - X l
Minimisation of the enhanced expression for J, still using the calculus of variations approach, will now minimise the original J while satisfying the equality constraints imposed by the process. After the Lagrange multipliers have served their purpose in this way, they are eliminated by substitution. The result obtained is an optimal control strategy, specifying a c u r v e Uopt(t) on the interval [0, t f] that, when input to the process (as modelled by eqn. 14.4), will result in a performance that minimises J. Case 6:
One particular function amongst a set of functions satisfying an inequality constraint may maximise a scalar valued cost function.
A specimen problem is as follows: From the set of (not necessarily continuous) functions u(t) : [to, tf] ~ u(t) x R 1 x t
that satisfy the constraint Ilu(t)ll ~ m [m is a constant, for all t in [to, tf]. Let us choose that particular function u*(t), t ~ [to, t f] that maximises f ( u ( t ) ) , f :~;{1 × t --+ I~ 1
Notice that u(t) has to remain within the admissible region shown in Figure 14.8. We observe that many practical optimisation problems arising in control applications are subject to a constraint on signal magnitude similar to (or possibly more complex than) the constraint outlined here. Very often, the optimal function u*(t) will be found to take values on the boundary of the admissible region for some or all of the time period (to, tf), as in Figure 14.9.
admissible region for u(t)
\\\\\7,\\\ time
\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ to
Figure 14.8
The admissible region in which u ( t ) must remain
Optimisation a function u(t) that lies on the constraint for , a l m o s t all t
Figure 14.9
The optimal u*(t) will often take values on the boundary of the admissible region
This problem may turn out to be either more or less difficult than that of case 5. It is more difficult than case 5 in that the presence of the constraint makes it more difficult to apply methods analagous to ordinary calculus, such as those that will be described as suitable for case 5. The problem may be easier than that of case 5 in those cases where it is possible to say in advance that the optimal solution u*(t) operates along the boundaries of the region during the whole of the time period (to, tf) with a finite number of switchings between these extreme values. Finding the optimal solution u*(t) then amounts to the simpler (?) problem of determining the finite set of switchover times. The above six problems, cases 1 to 6, illustrate in a simplified way the range and nature of optimisation problems that are encountered in control theory. It must be emphasised though that the problems 1 to 6 as described concentrate only on the core features. Any realistic optimisation problem requires a quite extensive framework involving dynamic system models, a possibly complex criterion function and, where appropriate, mechanisms for taking constraints into account.
We begin by listing some general points: (i) Even the simplest optimal control problem involves a process model and a cost function J. The process model can be considered to impose equality constants on the minimisation of J. (ii) The choice of J is difficult in every real case - a compromise always has to be reached between relevance and mathematical tractability. Forcing a complex, often unquantifiable, problem to have a simplistic cost function is a serious but very common mishandling of optimisation. (iii) In most control problems, the magnitude ofthe controls must not exceed certain upper limits. The upper limits can be considered to be inequality constraints on the minimisation of J. (iv) Inequality constraints (see iii) prevent the calculus of variations being applied. Pontryagin's maximum principle or the method of dynamic programming then
Control theory need to be used. (The situation to be dealt with is essentially a generalisation of that where a function defined on a closed interval is to be maximised - the methods of ordinary calculus cannot be used because the maximum may not be a turning point - see Figure 14.2.) The methods discussed above all yield open loop optimisation strategies, i.e. they specify Uopt(t) for all t in the time interval of interest. It is usually impractical to implement open loop optimisation, except in a few special cases and the strategies need to be converted to closed loop algorithms. This conversion is always possible provided that J is a quadratic form and that the process model is linear. Under these, very restrictive, conditions the optimal feedback law is yielded by solution of a Riccati equation. Even then, the Riccati equation has time varying coefficients, making it difficult to implement, unless the optimisation horizon is infinite. The optimal feedback algorithm produced by solution of the Riccati equation usually requires all of the process states to be measureable on-line. If some of the process states are inaccessible, a state estimator will need to be developed to make those states available on-line. If a state estimator feeds an optimal feedback algorithm, the question arises: Does the combination of optimal estimator and optimal controller yield the overall optimum solution (since usually, a set of interconnected optimal subsystems would not combine into an overall optimal system)? This problem is addressed by the separation theorem. This roughly states that, if the system is linear, the noise signals Gaussian and the cost function quadratic, then overall optimisation will be yielded by a combination of optimal state estimator and optimal feedback controller. The effects discussed in (i)-(vii) above add together to make realistic optimisation of a real process a very difficult task indeed. There is nevertheless a great potential for optimisation techniques to lead the way in approaches to the coordination of complex processes involving many hundreds of elements and in extracting additional productivity from systems containing complex process mechanisms (such as microorganisms). The literature on optimisation is enormous. Some suggestions are made in Section 19.8.
We now go on to discuss one particular optimisation problem - that of time-optimal control. This topic forms just one aspect of optimisation as discussed above and in no sense is it different or isolated. Here it has been singled out for amplification because the development is quite pleasing, leading to a geometric interpretation and a link across to operator methods of system representation.
Time-optimal control
Assume that, in the system of Figure 14.10 the shaft is at rest at position 00 and it is required to bring it in minimum time to a new rest position of 01.
Optimisation shaft angular position 0
power to motor
Figure 14.10
A motor driving an inertia load
(b) area = 01 - 00 ~ t i m e
to complete vement
~ "~
Figure 14.11
Two possible velocity profiles that each result in the movement of the shaft from position Oo to position O1
(b) maximum allowable velocity "~'I area=Ol O°
Figure 14.12
time to complete movement
area = 01 - 00
a b
a la am U,m slope
area=Ol-O o
Minimum time velocity profile for the case where velocity is constrained but acceleration is unconstrained Minimum time velocity profile for the case where acceleration is constrained but velocity is unconstrained
We can think of the problem in the following way: the quantity (01 - 0o) is fixed and all possible solutions can be sketched as velocity/time graphs. It is clear that, to obtain a minimum time solution, we must have the steepest initial rise in velocity followed by the steepest possible fall (since, in graphs like that of Figure 14.11, we need to generate maximum area beneath the graph in the shortest time interval; i.e. the ideal velocity profile is rectangular with infinite acceleration/deceleration). Idealised situations in which there are constraints on velocity but not on acceleration (case a) and vice versa (case b) are shown in Figure 14.12. It can be seen that the minimum time solution is only meaningful if there are constraints on velocity or acceleration - for otherwise the minimum time would approach zero as the acceleration/deceleration increased without limit (Figure 14.13).
Control theory
time to complete movement time Figure 14.13
A m i n i m u m time solution with no imposed constraints tends in the limit to an infinite velocity spike
Thus we can see that the minimum time solution requires maximum acceleration followed by maximum deceleration, with the only decision being the time at which the changeover is to be made between these regimes. A control that stays on one constraint or another all the time (rigorously- almost all the time) is called a bang-bang control. It is a result in optimal control theory that every minimum-time control problem has a bang-bang solution and it therefore follows that if the minimum-time control problem has a unique solution then that solution is a bang-bang solution.
14A Time-optimal control - a geometric view
Let the system o f Figure 14.14 be at an initial state x 0 at time tO. Consider a time t t > t o and let ~ represent the set o f admissible (i.e. constrained) controls defined on the closed interval (to, tl ).
Figure 14.14
The system w h o s e time-optimal control w e study
Now let ~1 represent the region in state space X to which the state x can be driven in time tl - to by the application o f all possible admissible controls in ft 1. Consider next a time t2 > tl, and let ~2 represent the set o f admissible controls defined on the interval [to, t2]. It is clear that the region ~ 2 in X to which the state can be driven in time t2 - to must contain the region ~,1. Thus, considering times tl,t2,... ,tn with tn > "-"t2 > tl, the reachable regions in state space will have the form shown in Figure 14.15. The meaning o f these regions is that any point x in region ~ i can be reached in time ti - tO. Under reasonable
Figure 14.15
Reachable regions in state space
assumptions o f smoothness the region ~ grows smoothly with increasing time, so that, given any chosen point Xd, there exists some unique time, say t *,for which x d ~ ~~ (t *) i.e. x d is a boundary point of the closed set ~ (t *). This means that: (i ) Xd cannot be reached from xo by the application of admissible controls in any time t 0 spaces) and their relevance to control problems
Hardy spaces (see Section 16A) are of value in control problem formulation since they provide a rigorous theoretical foundation for representing the Laplace or Fourier transform models of linear dynamical systems together with an easy link to equivalent
Control theory
time domain representations. The spaces H2 and H ~ are the spaces of primary interest. Linear multivariable optimisation problems with quadratic cost functions can be formulated and solved very satisfactorily in an/42 setting in a coherent way. Optimisation in a n / / 2 setting can in fact be considered as a more m o d e m replacement for linear quadratic Gaussian (LQG) approaches. Note that, by convention, the H2 norm is applied to transfer functions/transfer matrices and the L 2 norm to time functions. H ~ is the Hardy space of all stable linear time-invariant continuous time system models and the H ~ norm is a scalar measure of the upper limit of the gain of a transfer function G (w) of a matrix of such transfer functions as frequency co is varied. T h e suffix p
The suffix p indicates that the space Hp is furnished with the p norm, so that given any element x (and such elements will normally be functions) belonging to Hp, we can measure the 'size' o f x by a norm such as
[IxHp = (fo°° lx(t)f ) Up
E l e m e n t a r y illustration - the effect o f choice o f p on the nature o f the n o r m
Figure 16.1 shows a time function. We evaluate its norm using eqn. 16.1 for values of p = 1,2 . . . . . 256 and have plotted the results in Figure 16.2. We observe (as emphasised by the starred arrow in Figure 16.2) that as p -+ co, I]fll~ -+ fmax; in other words the H ~ norm of a function simply measures the peak value of the function over a specified interval. H ~ then is a convenient function space where the functions are normed according to their maximal values (strictly suprema). In our example of Figure 16.1 and the plot of Figure 16.2, it was the case that 11 lip ~ II [Iq,
p > q
I 1
I 2
Figure 16.1 Testfunction to illustrate the effect of the choice of p
Robust control design using He~ methods 203
25 2o
15 ~
10 5 J
Figure 16.2
8 16 value ofp
Illustrating how the norm of the function of Figure 16.1 is affected by the choice of p
p=2 p=l p=0.5
Figure 16.3
The shape of the unit ball in real 2-space for different values of p
and this is a general rule with equality holding only for functions of constant magnitude. Non-elementary
Note carefully though that two functions that differ only at isolated points (i.e. they differ only on a set o f measure zero) will have identical norms. This point is of considerable mathematical interest in the theory of Lebesgue integration. In control applications, it will be rare to use values of p other than p = 1,2 or ~ . The choice o f p = 1 leads to 'integral of absolute error' criteria which are sometimes used in loop tuning criteria. The choice of p = 2 leads to quadratic criteria which are ubiquitous since they lead to convexity and tractability, convexity being perhaps second only to linearity as a desirable quality. Note (Figure 16.3) how the unit ball satisfying IlXUp = 1
Control theory
looks for various values of p. From Figure 16.3 it can be seen that the unit ball has the highly desirable property of strict convexity only for the case p = 2. What about Hp for p < 1? It will be found that when p < 1, lip is no longer a normed space since the hoped-for norm fails the triangle inequality (which is one of the necessary conditions that a norm must satisfy): Ilxll[ + IIx211~ Ilxl +x211 as the following simple example for the real plane with p = 0.5 demonstrates. Let Xl=(1,0),
Then 2
x2=1 but x+x2 :l±xi J2ti=
which contravenes the triangle inequality.
A simple view of Hoo control loop design
Guaranteed stability o f a feedback loop
Zames (1976, 1981) is credited with founding Hoo theory around the basic idea that a control loop can be represented by operators whose maximum gain across all frequencies (speaking loosely) can be represented by the H ~ norm. It is a key result of elementary control theory that the loop of Figure 16.4 will be input-output stable provided either: (1) (2)
that the gain of the GD combination is less than unity at all frequencies; or that the phase lag of the GD combination is less than 180 ° at all frequencies.
But we can now express condition (1) in H ~ language as: the closed loop of Figure 16.4 can be guaranteed I/O stable provided that IIG (w) D (w) II~ < 1 (it being understood that for this example the H ~ norm represents the maximum gain at any frequency).
v ~e ~ _ ~
Figure 16. 4
D ~_a~ G I
Basic feedback control loop
Robust control design using Hoc methods 205 60
In frequency
Figure 16.5
A possible Bode magnitude plot for D(s)G(s)
Figure 16. 6
Feedback control of a process with uncertainty A G
Figure 16.5 shows a Bode magnitude sketch for a possible G (s) D (s) combination. It has a peak value of around 60 dB at frequency w*. This means that Ily(s)ll < IIG(s)D(s)ll~ ~ 4.1 Ire(s) II (converting 60 dB to a linear gain) and it can be seen that the H ~ norm is simply the peak value of the Bode magnitude plot.
Robust stability of a closed loop
Consider next the closed loop of Figure 16.6 in which G represents the best available (nominal) process model and A G represents a deterministic model of the maximum model uncertainty. This closed loop can be guaranteed stable provided that II(G(w) + AG(co))O(~o)ll~ < 1 and this inequality is the very essence of robust control design using H ~ methods. Quoting Lunze (1989), it can be seen that D(S) might be considered to be a stabilising common controller for the family of process models that exist within the G + AG envelope. What more needs to be done or discussed before H ~ ideas can be applied in anger? Very roughly the following: (i) Above, we considered only input-output stability - below we shall consider total internal stability. This will involve considering a matrix of four transfer functions even in the single-input single-output case.
Control theory
The implication of (i) above is that we need a method for defining the H ~ norm of a matrix, not necessarily square, of transfer functions. Of course, matrix transfer functions are also involved in the generalisation to multivariable problems. (ii) Ensuring stability by simply keeping loop gain below some peak value is only an important elemental idea. A complete design procedure will ensure good dynamic and steady state responses and rejection of disturbances despite process model uncertainties while guaranteeing stability. Such design procedures will need to trade stability margins with performance targets, using high gains in those regions of the frequency spectrum where performance is critical with carefully chosen lower gains where stability is most critical. (iii) As would be expected, making a deterministic model of uncertainty is bound to be difficult since uncertainty is sure to be poorly defined and difficult to pin down. Three structures are explained below to allow the modelling of different types of uncertainty. (iv) We need to be able to define numerical algorithms for calculation of the H ~ norms of process model/controller combinations.
Total internal stability and design for disturbance rejection
S e t t i n g the s c e n e
Consider a dynamic process with impulse response g (t). The output of such a process in response to an input u(t) is given by the usual convolution integral y(t) =
g(t - r ) u ( r ) d r
and provided that the convolution integral is bounded on L2[0, oo) then we can take Laplace transforms and write y(s) = G(s)u(s)
where the transfer function G(s), being bounded, belongs to H ~ and I[G[]~ :
sup []Yl]2 Ilull2 b
x eA
(x,w) < b
x c B
If the convex hulls of the sets A and B are disjoint then some hyperplane generated by the neuron can give perfect separation of the points into their correct categories. If the convex hulls o f the sets A and B intersect, then no hyperplane can separate the points perfectly and the best one can do is to choose the plane that misclassifies the least number o f points.
Multilayer networks
Three layers o f interconnected neurons are said to be sufficient to emulate any desired non-dynamic function. The most widely used neural network is perhaps the so-called multilayer perceptron (MLP) (Figure 17.8). An MLP usually has a three-layer architecture with input, hidden and output layers. The number o f neurons in each layer and the types of functions embedded in each neuron are chosen by the designer of the network to match the application.
Control theory input layer hidden layer
normal data flow Figure 17.8 17.2.5
A multilayer neural network containing six neurons
Neural network training
Neural network training is the activity of fixing the weights w and the bias terms b throughout the network until the behaviour obtained achieves some given performance objective. The most used training algorithm is back-propagation. This works, in principle, as follows. Training examples in the form of inputoutput data sets (x, y) are presented to the neural network whose output estimates y are recorded. After presentations of k such data sets, we shall be in possession of the information ( x J , y J , y J , j = 1. . . . . k) and can form the error sum j=~-~(yj
_ ~j)2
whose minimisation will be the training aim. Where the neural network has only one layer, back-propagation consists only of adjusting each weight according to the algorithm Awi =
OJ Owi
where the partial derivative will only exist if the function f in each neuron is itself differentiable, such as is the case when f is the sigmodial function. In multilayered networks, the same principle applies with eqn. 17.5 now having the characteristic that adjustments to weights in early layers can be found only once the later layer corrections have been calculated; hence the name back-propagation. In practice, the training of a large neural net on industrial data needs to follow a procedure such as the following. The available input data set Q is divided into three subsets, say A, B, C. The network is trained to fit the training set A, with periodic checks to determine the goodness of fit of the partially trained network against verification data set B. The idea of this procedure is that training can be continued too long ('overtraining') such that the network 'learns' the data set A,
Neural networks, fuzzy logic error E - - ~ "/
againsttrainingset A
againstvalidationset B
numberof trainingiterations
Figure 17.9
Illustrating the phenomenon of overtraining
noise and all, in great detail and no longer captures the underlying function so well as in the earlier stages of learning. By using the set B, the point where overtraining is imminent can be detected, the training stops and the performance against unseen data C can be checked (Figure 17.9). (The problem of overtaining, or overfitting, is not confined to neural net applications and occurs whenever high order models are fitted to noisy or batch-to-batch varying data from a process of lower order. However, because neural nets tend to be of high algebraic order (a large number of weights to be trained) the overtraining problem is more severe than in classical modelling using, for instance, differential equations.)
17.2. 6
Neural network architectures to represent dynamic processes
All the neural networks we have discussed so far have been non-dynamic. That is, input information is immediately processed and appears without storage or delay at the output. In contrast a dynamic process has internal storage and a transient response. To see this, look at what happens to a dynamic system that receives a step input (Figure 17.10). Although the system receives a constant input of unit magnitude, the corresponding output, as shown in the figure, depends on the time. This feature makes neural network training more difficult than simply choosing weights to represent a time-invariant relationship. Three ways to make neural networks dynamic
Make the network recursive (Figure 17.11). From the figure, (1 + Pz-1)y(z) = Pu(z)
y(z)/u(z) = P/(1 + Pz -1) = P z / ( P + z) (2)
Provide the system with delayed inputs alongside normal inputs yielding (Figure 17.12)
y(z)/u(z) = P(z + 1)/z
Control theory
output input
Figure 17.10
A neural net with some sort of dynamic feature is clearly needed to learn this sort of input-output behaviour (in a normal non-dynamic net, the same input will always produce the same output)
l+ [delay,z-' The configuration has the first order dynamic equation
y(z)/u(z) =Pz/(P+z) which has a first order dynamic
Figure 17.11
Neural element P, made dynamic by feedback (recursive network)
y (z) --
This configuration has the first order dynamic equation
y (z)/u (z) = P(z + 1)/z Figure 17.12
Neural element made dynamic by delayed inputs alongside normal inputs
Neural networks, fuzzy logic 233
integrator This configuration has the first order dynamic equation
y (z) = z-lPu(z) y(z)/u(z) P/z Figure 17.13
Neural element made dynamic by connection of a separate integrator
Add an integrator to the network yielding (Figure 17.13)
y(z)/u(z) ---- P/Z The simple derivations for networks 2 and 3 are similar to that shown for (1) above and are omitted. Most important industrial processes are non-linear and dynamic. If the dynamics are modelled by a conventional network and the non-linear part by a neural net, excellent results can often be obtained. However, in such a configuration, network training can be difficult since differentiation of the industrial data, with loss of information, may be required if back-propagation approaches are to be used. The ease of application of neural nets and the speed with which tolerable results are delivered has caused many users to neglect to study the problem properly and to neglect a careful pre-treatment of the data. The two omissions combined can lead to quick and cheap empirical solutions that will be expensive in the longer term. A very successful solution to this problem of excessive empiricism is to embed small scale neural nets within a conventional model of the known dynamics of a process to obtain a state variable structure as shown in Figure 17.14. Such a structure is both mathematically sound as well as transparent (rather than black-box).
17. 2.7
Using neural net based self-organising maps f o r data-reduction and clustering
Self-organising maps (SOMs), particularly using the Kohonen approach, find application in clustering high dimensional data by unsupervised mapping onto a space of reduced dimension. Typically, several hundred input 'patterns' will be input to the SOM which will self-learn a small number of feature patterns at the centre of the classifying clusters. A SOM, used in this way, can be regarded loosely as a neural-net based non-linear equivalent of a principal components analyser (PCA).
Control theory
rate of utilisation of nitrogen
ANN L:: ¸
represents on~ aspect of orgam
rate of a d d i t i o ~ nitrogen (known) I estimation of nitrogen concentration (one element of the stale vector)
P f
net rate of change
estimation of thejth element in the state vector
Figure 17.14
How neural nets can be embedded within known dynamics to produce a transparent and mathematically soundstate estimator (the example is from a large fermentation process)
Upcoming rivals to neural networks? - support vector machines (SVMs) and adaptive logic networks (ALNs)
Support vector machines (Sch61kopfetal., 1998, 1999; Cristianini and Shawe-Taylor, 2000) work by mapping data into high dimensional feature space and in that space, linear functions are fitted to the features. Adaptive logic networks use a growing self-organising tree of piecemeal linear functions or hyperplanes. The proponents of these two approaches claim they are faster and more transparent than neural networks, that they have global minima and that they also allow the inclusion of domain knowledge during the modelling process. Under some conditions, ALNs can be reversed so that the output becomes the input. This ability to invert a learned function can have great utility in allowing analysis to be turned into synthesis. ALNs are trained in a similar way to neural nets but they can also be trained by reinforcement learning in which only rough fuzzy feedback such as 'good' or 'poor' is provided by the supervisor.
17.2.9 • •
Neural nets - summary
Very simple idea of interconnected neurons that can emulate any function for which numerical examples are available. Some theoretical support from Weierstrass' theorem - any continuous function may be approximated arbitrarily closely by a polynomial.
Neural networks', fuzzy logic
• •
An ANN is a ready made modular polynomial with an effective back-propagation method of parameter fitting. Not so good as a well custom-constructed non-linear dynamic model but the effort required is very much less.
17.3 17.3.1
Fuzzy set theory and fuzzy logic Introduction a n d m o t i v a t i o n
To the extent that mathematics is exact it does not apply to the real world," to the extent that it applies to the real worm it is not exact Precision is not truth Precision and relevance can become almost totally mutually exclusive characteristics
These quotations (from Einstein, Matisse and Zadeh) confirm our experiences that everyday situations are in general too imprecise to be dealt with satisfactorily by mathematical tools. These three quotations appear to argue in favour of imprecise but reliable human reasoning and action taking. Our everyday observation is that small children rapidly learn to catch a ball, make a swing go really high, ride a cycle or roller skate, all based on 'acquiring a feel'. The attraction of controllers that might acquire a feel, instead of requiring to be based around a complex quantitative dynamic model, is obvious; controllers based on fuzzy logic go some way towards encoding the human ability to 'acquire a feel'. Normal set theory and normal logic are characterised by formalised precision. For instance, once set A has been defined then every element in the universe of discourse belongs either to A or to the complement of A (Figure 17.15). Similarly, every statement in logic produces a statement of either 'true' or 'false' with no possibility of ' m a y b e ' .
t fierce A'
the crisp set of all fierce dogs somewh~ equivalent grey scale Figure 17.15
Crisp and fuzzy sets
the fuzzy set of all fierce dogs
Control theory normal logic
I true
fuzzy logic
Figure 17.16
Normal and fuzzy logic
In contrast, fuzzy set theory is characterised by imprecision, and since human reasoning is based on approximations, here lies the attraction of fuzzy sets. We can, for instance, define the set of all 'fierce dogs' or the 'set of all bad restaurants' it being understood that there will be different degrees of 'fierceness' and 'badness', respectively. The idea of a stepped grey-scale (Figure 17.16) comes to my mind to quantify membership of a fuzzy set. Considering again the set of all fierce dogs, normal set theory would have a crisp 0-1 classification into fierce and non-fierce. Fuzzy set theory would have some well-defined transition from most fierce to not fierce, leading to the concept of a broad fuzzy set boundary, and the idea of degrees of set membership. It is clear that a fuzzy set can contain more useful knowledge for everyday decision making than can an equivalent crisp set. The attraction of fuzzy logic/fuzzy set theory is that it allows common sense encoding of different levels of intensity and it also allows for the outputting of different levels of activity, leading straightaway to the idea of a fuzzy logic controller. In particular, fuzzy logic often allows the simple mechanisation of the control actions of a human operator. Mamdami (1976) was the first to publish reports of fuzzy control of a model steam engine while the first successful applications of fuzzy control in industry was to a cement kiln where operators look at many subjective quantities and then adjust a few process variables. Fuzzy logic proved ideal for codifying the operators' rather ill-defined but reliable control actions at the Danish plant of LA Schmidth (Holmblad and Ostergaard, 1982). A simple illustration of how a crude rule of thumb can be encoded to produce an easily implementable control algorithm
Imagine a situation where a furnace has the rule of thumb for control as follows: • • •
If the indicated temperature is LOW (90 °C or less) then set the fuel valve (FV) to 100. If the indicated temperature is OK (near to 100 °C) then set the fuel valve (FV) to 10 (this setting having been found to just offset the losses occurring at 100 °C). If the indicated temperature is HIGH (110 °C or higher) then set the fuel valve (FV) to 2. (Let us agree that it is not allowable to shut off the fuel completely and that this is the minimum allowable setting.)
Neural networks, fuzzy logic
FV = 100 "% % % % % % % %. %
FV = 10
I '
observed furnace temperature, degrees C
Figure 17.17
Actions required." solid line - rule of thumb; dotted line -fuzzy logic interpolating curve
Our chosen fuzzy control algorithm simply interpolates linearly in the above rule o f thumb (see Figure 17.17) to give the rule 0 _< 90 °
FV = 100
90 ° < 0 < 100 °
100 ° < 0 _< 110 °
0 > 110 °
(0 - 90) 100-90-10 10-8(0-100) 10
In use, the algorithm would be run every T seconds, with T being chosen to suit the dynamics. The value of FV would be held constant between calculations. Fuzzy control can deal with very complex and ill-defined problems that defy mathematical analysis In a collaborative project between University of Westminster and a UK cement manufacturer, there were around 40 measured or observed variables as inputs to a fuzzy control algorithm but only some three or four variables to be controlled. Fuzzy logic techniques allow such problems to be visualised and driven graphically so that the many interacting and even contradictory laws can be weighted (based on operators' advice) and then combined to form a number o f required action shapes. The actions to be implemented at each time step are then found, typically, by finding the centres of areas o f those required action shapes.
17.3.2 • •
Some characteristics o f fuzzy logic
Imprecise rules o f thumb may easily be encoded. Simple structures that parallel human reasoning result.
Control theory
238 • •
The overall operation of a fuzzy logic control can be visualised graphically. Using fuzzy logic it is easy and practicable to engineer custom solutions to practical problems using solutions that can successfully encode and then interpolate in operator wisdom and operator feel. Fuzzy logic allows mathematics to change its character to emulate the reliable but approximate decision-making methods that humans have evolved so successfully over the centuries.
Disadvantages of control based on fuzzy logic • Many concepts/tools of conventional control are not easily available (such as frequency response, stability margin, etc). • Because of the above, fuzzy control solutions have to be checked out empirically over a range of scenarios, rather than being guaranteed mathematically. 17.3.3
References: early pioneering work
HOLMBLAD, L. P. and OSTERGAARD, J. J.: 'Control of a cement kiln by fuzzy logic', in M. M. GUPTA and E. SANCHEZ (Eds): 'Fuzzy information and decision processes' (North Holland, Amsterdam, 1982), pp. 389-399.
This paper surveys the application offuzzy logic by EL. Smidth & Co. (FLS) for control of rotary cement kilns. The presentation is given in retrospect, starting in 1974 when FLS heard about fuzzy logic for the first time. The most important milestones are presented, with special emphasis on the role offuzzy logic. MAMDAMI, E. H.: 'Applications of fuzzy algorithms for control of simple dynamic plant', Proc. IEEE., 1976, 121, pp. 1585-1588. ZADEH, L. A.: 'A rationale for fuzzy control,' J. Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, 1972, 94, Series G (3-4).
17.4 17.4.1
Genetic algorithms Basic ideas
Populations of living organisms have powerful abilities to evolve and to adapt, guided by actual experiences (survival of the mostfit for purpose). Genetic algorithms imitate natural evolution and natural selection to find solutions to a wide variety of search problems. Natural evolution has a number of features that can possibly be transferred to artificial genetic algorithms. These are: (1)
A blueprint t~or a new organism, being a chromosome encoding future characterisation as a string of symbols. (2) (In many organisms) a sexual generation mechanism in which two chromosomes from the two parents line up and make a linear exchange of genes from a randomly selected point onward. This mechanism is called crossover. (3) A (possibly infrequent but important) mutation mechanism that ensures that entirely new regions of the search space are occasionally accessed.
Neural networks, fuzzy logic 239 (4)
A survival of the 'most fit for purpose' strategy. In nature, this strategy is administered by the ability of an organism to survive and even thrive in a competitive environment, at least to a point where it has parented its own offspring.
17.4.2 (1)
(2) (3)
Artificial genetic algorithms
Every potential solution to a search problem to be solved by a GA approach must somehow be encoded as a string of (say) binary symbols in such a way that all allowable strings are possible solutions (Figure 17.18). Crossover and mutation strategies (Figure 17.19) exist, imitating the natural mechanisms described above. A fitness function is used to linearly order any set of possible candidate solutions.
The problem to be solved can be considered amongst the class of hill-climbing problems where visualisation is in the form of a landscape in which we seek the highest
non-smooth problem
TASK: optimisation, scheduling, identification, synthesis.
ENCODING is OUTPUT: non-trivial 'optimum' solutions, encoded set ] f ' - " ~ rules, structures, parameters, designs. of potential ~ solutions
Figure l7.18
Genetic algorithms (GAs) are general purpose optimisation algorithms
example of cross-over ~om (randomly-selected)gene six i i
[0Ill2 314151ol.liIJI
original chromosome 1
7 7
8 8
chromosome with mutation
Figure 17.19
Illustration of the crossover and mutation mechanisms
9 9
Control theory
point, equivalent to the point of highest elevation, as measured by the fitness function. In hill-climbing, smooth landscapes with single (i.e. unimodal) maxima are relatively easy to solve whereas noisy landscapes with multiple maxima confuse and delay the algorithm. All search methods progress more slowly when the problem is non-linear, nonsmooth, noisy and with multiple maxima. However, the genetic algorithm, properly set up, has shown itself to be one of the most effective general search methods for such difficult problems. To understand the particular effectiveness of the genetic algorithm approach, consider a mountainous landscape that represents the search problem with the task being to find the point of highest elevation. The population of candidate solutions is initially randomly and more or less uniformly distributed across the search space. However, as successive generations evolve, the 'net' of candidate solutions becomes ever more closely meshed near to possible solutions and correspondingly sparse far away. Thus the search is parallel with statistically increasing probability of search near to likely solutions and although fragmented summits (spiky noise) necessarily delay any method of solution, the genetic algorithm's lack of direct reliance on seeking directions (which are badly affected by local noise) puts it at an advantage. Thus, genetic algorithms are able to concentrate most of their attention on the most promising parts of the problem space.
Genetic algorithms as design tools
In considering how a set of solution strings develops towards the required solution, it becomes evident that the spatial location of information within the chromosome may be important. Consider using a genetic algorithm to choose the architecture and train the weights of a neural network to model a dynamic batch process for which input-output data are available. In such a case, one segment of the chromosome could represent structure or type of architecture, another segment, numbers of layers and types of embedded functions, while the final layer could represent the numerical parameters that need to be estimated (see Figure 17.20). It is clear that GAs with their ability to choose between alternative structures and, as it has been shown by Koza et al. (1999), their ability to synthesise novel structures and novel solutions, make them very powerful tools.
How a chromosomecan be set up to encode (a) qualitative structural information(type of architecture) (b) quantitative structural information(numbersof nodes/layers,etc.) (c) numerical valuesof parametersfor instance for a neural network model of a process
Figure 17.20
Because of an ability to search amongst widely differing disparate structures, a GA can be considered to be a design and synthesis tool
Neural networks, fuzzy logic 241 q allocatefitness values ation-relevantparameters
decode chromosome GA domain
Figure 17.21 17.4.4
application domain
How the GA is linked to the problem through the fitness function
GA summary
Genetic algorithms (GAs) are general purpose optimisation algorithms working, in overview, as shown in Figure 17.21. They are based loosely on certain concepts of biological evolution (genes, chromosomes, mutations, generations, [un]natural selection, and survival of the most fit for purpose).
The main steps in classical GA • Encode the problem so that the solution sought is in the form of a binary string 0110110010... called a chromosome. • Generate a totally random set of (say 100) chromosomes of the right length to be a solution. • Evaluate the fitness (a single positive number) of each chromosome. • Probabilistically, select the most fit chromosomes to be parents for the next generation and produce a new generation from these parents by the crossover mechanism. • Continue the cycle of generations until a satisfactory solution has been obtained as measured by the fitness value. GA advantages • The entire space is searched in parallel, avoiding the solution terminating in local minima. • GAs are less prone to noise problems than methods that need to evaluate derivatives. • No knowledge of the problem is needed except for calculation of fitness values. GA disadvantages • GA is just a general idea and many difficult application-dependent tasks have to be undertaken (particularly encoding and definition of fitness function, etc.).
242 • •
Control theory For all but demonstration problems, the computer power/time required to produce a realistic solution may be considerable. Much of the GA practitioner's art and skill lies in getting an algorithm to converge when faced with a large problem. Such strategies as incremental evolution (in which coarse approximations are successively produced and then refined) are subjects of current research (Kalganova, 2000). GAs have a poor reputation for handling constraints.
BANZHAF, W. et al. (Eds): 'Genetic programming: an introduction' (Morgan Kaufmann, Heidelburg, Dpunht Verlag, 1998). KALGANOVA, T.: 'Bidirectional incremental evolution in evolvable hardware'. Proceedings of the second NASA/DoD Workshop on Evolvable Hardware, Palo Alto, California (IEEE Computer Society, Piscataway, NJ, 2000). KOZA, J. R. et al.: 'Automatic synthesis of both the topology and parameters for a robust controller for a non-minimal phase plant and a three-lag plant by means of genetic programming'. Proceedings of IEEE conference on Decision and Control, Chicago, IL, 1999, pp. 5292-5300. REEVES, C. R.: 'Genetic algorithms: a guide to GA theory' (Kluwer, Dordrecht, 2002). 17.4.6
Rivals to GAs? Autonomous agents and swarms
People are moved in a large city by a mixture of methods ranging from centrally planned underground trains running at scheduled times on fixed routes to a shifting mass of taxis operating largely autonomously. Agents and swarms have some similarity to these taxis: having been set going, they may together solve a very complex problem by a mixture of rivalry and co-operation. Some specimen references are: BONABEAU et al.: 'Swarm intelligence: from natural to artificial systems' (Santa Fe Institute of Studies on the Sciences of Complexity, Oxford University Press, New York, 1999). FERBER, J.: 'Multi-agent systems: an introduction to distributed artificial intelligence' (Addison-Wesley, Harlow, 1999).
17.5 17.5.1
Learning systems (systems that learn) with or without supervision Basic ideas
A machine that can learn by trial and error and that can refine its behaviour over time has very obvious attractions. Further, one could reasonably expect that the ever increasing availability of increased computer power, speed and memory could enable such technologies to be developed and put into application.
Neural networks, fuzzy logic 243 Learning in its general sense involves: 1. A learner 2. Something to be learned 3. Examples or selections from what is to be learned displayed to the learner 5. Trial solutions or hypothesis provided by the learner 6. (Possibly) a teacher or a cost function to give feedback to the learner.
Learning versus adaptivity
Adaptivity implies that in response to a change in (say) environment, a system will modify its behaviour always in the same way no matter how many times the operation is performed. However, a learning system, in contrast, faced with a task similar to one encountered previously, can be expected to respond with increasing efficiency at least until some asymptotic limit to learning has been reached.
Structural characteristics of an abstract learning system
An initially empty knowledge space that will be populated by knowledge functions that have been accumulated from earlier recorded experiences. The knowledge space with its current set of knowledge functions will be called the knowledge base. (b) A knowledge interpreter and interpolator whose aim is to build the best possible knowledge base with the minimum of experimentation. It is the task of this device to choose control strategies that when implemented will produce data rich in information to help fill the knowledge base appropriately. (c) An objective function that defines the purpose of the whole exercise. Figure 17.22 indicates the concept. In practice, the learning involved in finding a good control system for a new 'unknown' process, such as occurs in the manufacture of a new pharmaceutical product, requires a large number of interacting decisions to be made as shown in Figure 17.23. Although the procedures used will in broad principle follow the outline shown in Figure 17.22, many of the decisions to be made rely on the inherited wisdom of experts and the sequence of events is still heavily supervised by human experts as shown diagrammatically in Figure 17.24 with the emphasis being initially on finding
knowledge • interpreter l•
objective function
Figure 17.22 Learning control concepts - the structure of an abstract system
Control theory
~ B
b~ A
d~ eC
jUseful T
Figure 17.23
output), time
The control strategy for a biprocess must fix initial conditions for physico-chemical variables a-e and for bioprocess variable f a n d stipulate trajectories A-F to be followed during the batch by these variables. The objective is to maximise yield of product y taking into account batch time T
experiment [~ planner straiegy optimiser L
(B"~v 1
] process model
A: modeldevelopmentloop,B: performanceoptimisationloop Figure 17.24
Rapid control development for a new batch process
a process model and then changing to a concentration on performance optimisation (Figure 17.25).
17.6 17. 6.1
Intelligent systems The properties that an intelligent system ought to possess
The qualities and properties that an intelligent system ought to possess (based on presentations at recent IFAC meetings) are as follows. An intelligent control system, in its most ambitious form, should possess autonomy in terms of:
• •
self-learning self-reconfigurability
Neural networks, fuzzy logic
optimisation modelling
Figure 17.25
Rapid control development for a new batch process." expected progression
behaviour generator alternative scenario generator
scenario evaluation scenario choice exetrutoF
sensor processing
I Figure 17.26
• • • • •
value judgement
NIST-RCS system." an architecture for intelligent system design (Albus, 1997)
reasoning under uncertainty planning decision making failure detection setting control goals (not only attaining them).
It is clear that some current systems do indeed possess several of the quoted properties. However, it has to be admitted that the state of development of intelligent control systems as measured against the list is still quite modest - perhaps not surprisingly given the ambition built into the list. More ambitious still is the definition 'Systems that can deliberate about the past and generate plans and strategies for the future'. Measured against this definition, achievements so far appear pedestrian indeed. However, such a scenario-generating architecture to meet that requirement has been proposed (by Albus, 1997) along the lines of Figure 17.26.
Control theory
If and when a computer architecture such as the one shown becomes generally available, we shall have an ideal platform to help us to rapid, reliable and transparent implementation of a wide range of intelligent control systems.
17. 6. 2
S e l e c t e d references
ALBUS, J. A.: 'The NIST real-time control system (RCS): an approach to intelligent systems research', special issue of the Journal o f Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence, 1997, 9, pp. 157-174. ALBUS, J. S. and MEYSTEL, A. M.: 'A reference model architecture for design and implementation of intelligent control in large and complex systems', International Journal o f Intelligent Control and Systems, 1996, 1(1), pp. 15-30.
17A The idea of a probing controller
Akesson and Hagander (2000) have proposed a so-called probing controller that uses a generic idea for tracking just below invisible varying and unknown constraints that occur in a batch process. The idea is to make probing pulses in the glucose feed rate and to monitor the responses which change as the constraint is approached. By this method, it is possible to detect and avoid a characteristic saturation linked to undesirable by-product formation. Figure 17.27 shows how in e coli fermentations, the optimal carbon feed rate will run along invisible constraints. The probing controller finds these boundaries by pulsing the feed rate as shown in Figure 17.28 and observing the nature of the response.
Carbon f e e d rate constraints in e coli based expression systems. The trajectory should be as close a possible to the three upper (invisible) constraints
Neural networks, fuzzy logic
pulse added to normal feed rate segment of normal nutrient feed trajectory
/ ~ \/~
control immobilised Figure 17.28
c0:::~::tSS d : : t : : control operational
How the nearness to the constraint can be inferred from the measured responses to the injected pulses
The idea could be adapted to other processes where variable invisible constraints have to be approached as closely as possible. AKESSON, M. and HA GANDER, P.: "Asimplified probing controllerfor glucose feeding in Escherichia coli cultivations '. Proceedings of the 1EEE Conference on Decision and Control,2000, 5, pp. 4520-4525.
Chapter 18
Review - the development of control theory and the emergence of artificial intelligence (AI) techniques
A rapid review of how control theory developed
During the period of early industrial development, control was not identified as anything significant since the main preoccupations were with wider basic issues. For instance, the main problems in the early coal industry were with explosions, rooffalls, carbon monoxide poisoning and dust-borne diseases. Once those problems had been largely solved, control systems technology came into play, for instance in the design of remotely operated coal cutters. Present day coal mine managers are now preoccupied with logistics, reliability, information and maintenance. The evolutionary pattern - mechanisation/automation and control/organisation and logistics - can be discerned in almost every industry (Figure 18.1). Thus, automatic control was scarcely needed until mechanisation had produced the devices and processes that needed to be controlled and in fact it was the requirements of telephony that drove Nyquist (1932), Bode (1945) and coworkers
importanceof mechanisation
_ ~
importanceof classicalcontrol
importanceof AI/IT
Figure 18.1
The typical evolution." mechanisation/automation/organisation
Control theory
to develop their frequency response and feedback techniques that were to have such wide applicability much later. However an early prophet of things to come wrote 'In this age characterised by huge resources of mechanical and electrical power, these agencies have in many fields almost completely replaced human muscular power. In a similar way the functions of human operators are being taken over by mechanisms that automatically control the performance of machines and processes.' So wrote H. L. Hazen in a far-sighted paper in 1934. Many of the concepts that Hazen and his contemporaries realised to be possible were slow to materialise because of the absence of reliable devices for computation and information transmission. It required the technical stimulus of World War II, and a long period of development before Hazen's ideas began to be applied in depth to the more advanced end of the industrial and business spectrum in the 1960s and 1970s. The slow growth was due to the high cost, unreliability and difficulties of application of early computers. Since all usable systems have to be stable, stability theory is involved implicitly or explicitly in every control application and arguably this is the strongest thread that needs to extend to fully underpin the newer areas where IT, computing and control theory overlap to unify the wider control topic. Early designers of mechanical devices had to ensure stable operation through ingenious mechanical means rather then using control design approaches, which had not yet been invented. For instance, James Watt designed his governor for steam engines in 1788 (Figure 18.2). It uses a form of feedback via a velocity dependent linkage. In practice, the Watt governors often gave poor speed control and allowed oscillatory behaviour. Maxwell (1868) derived the differential equations describing the govemed system, linearised the equations about an equilibrium point, and showed that the system would be stable if the roots of the characteristic equation all had negative real parts. He then converted his conclusions into recommendations to add viscous friction to damp the governors. These early examples already illustrate the still continuing trend whereby intelligence is transferred from a designer's head into a mechanism, a controller or a data base to give increased machine autonomy (Figure 18.3).
steam supply
Figure 18.2
I ~,~rc~iV¢ ]
steam to engine
James Watt's centrifugal governor of 1788 (when the collar lifts, the valve reduces the supply of steam to the engine-feedback control)
Review 251 intelligent control
designed eon~'ol system
Figure 18.3 Phasesof development During World War II and after, new designs of aircraft, guns and missiles needed new types of control systems that stretched existing knowledge resulting in new research and new powerful techniques. In the period 1945-1965 these so-called classical techniques, with heavy emphasis on graphical visualisation in the frequency domain and with mathematical underpinning by the theory of functions of a complex variable, were applied with spectacular success to industrial problems, particularly those in the oil, gas, metals and chemical industries. Most of the algorithms passed without difficulty into the computer age as discrete-time versions where they still keep most of the wheels of industry turning or stationary, as required. In the period 1960-1990, matrix based multivariable theory, with its theoretical foundation being linear algebra and operator theory, developed in earnest and there resulted the beautiful core of linear control theory, Figure 18.4. That figure illustrates the mathematical coherence of the whole control subject. It is that coherence that guarantees the availability of transformations between different representations and domains so that, for instance, the structure, transient and frequency responses and stability characteristics of any given system can be looked at and manipulated in whichever domain is most convenient. However, the mathematical attractiveness of control theory did not guarantee its universal commercial success. The drivers for the development of control theory had come from the predominantly academic developers themselves with little pull from the industrial managers whose applications stood to benefit. Not surprisingly, the result was a lot of theory looking for applications and a certain amount of resulting disillusionment all round. Quite a few problems were caused by naive assumptions, such as the following. Accurate unchanging mathematical models of complex industrial processes could be produced at a non-exorbitant cost and that 'clean' mathematics could encode the messy realities of the world of work.
Control theory
Supporting mathematics Differential equation theory Complex variabletheory Linear algebra Functional analysisand operatortheory
Activities and characteristics • Designapproaches * Stability tests • Modellingmethods • Optimisationapproaches • Robustness • Adaptation
Figure 18.4
The coherence of control theory
The often ill-defined economic aims of a complex plant could reasonably be expressed as a single scalar cost function, thus allowing meaningful optimisation studies to take place. The failure in the real world of many of the highly rigorous mathematical optimisation techniques resulted in two parallel developments: (1)
The development of robust control methods, still mathematically deep, but now attempting to quantify and take into account some of the uncertainties and modelling errors that had caused the failures above. A return to anthropomorphism with a realisation that imitating nature might have a lot to offer. This theme (imitating nature) combined with the ready availability of computing power and data-collection techniques has resulted in the appearance of a disparate set of so-called AI techniques. Table 18.1 shows a classification of how some of these AI techniques relate to the earlier, more mathematical, expectations of the control world.
The emergence of A1 techniques
Table 18.1 indicates how 1970s expectations of rigorous future algorithms largely turned into 1990s AI realities. To give a little structure to that table, it can be commented that expert systems and fuzzy logic decision making both depend on empirical stored rules, whereas neural networks and genetic algorithms both depend on interactive numerical intensive training/searching to obtain agreement of models with recorded observations. Other control-related AI techniques, additional to those shown in the figure, have been developed, for instance for pattern recognition, data mining and data clustering.
Review Table 18.1
HowAl-based techniques are taking overfrom mathematical techniques
1970s expectation
- is (2002) being performed by
- based loosely on
Centralised supervisory algorithm Precise decision making Mathematical models based on physical derivation Large scale optimisation techniques In general Mathematical solutions of all important problems
Expert systems
Human memory Human inference Human decision-making Animal brain operation
Fuzzy logic decision making Neural networks trained empirically to fit observations Genetic algorithms
Powerful but non-rigorous empirical methods
Darwinian evolution of species Rather weak imitations of how nature does things
Control applications are now embedded within an IT infrastructure
Not only is control theory increasingly interacting with all the AI techniques listed above but, even more significantly, all control applications have necessarily become embedded within information technology in order to meet the requirements of Society. The phenomenal increase in cheaply available computer power and in information and data transmission and processing technologies has totally changed the context in which a control system has to operate. Most control systems now have to operate embedded within some IT structure forming part of a large command, control and information network.
In summary, the most significant recent developments that have affected control theory are: • •
the advent of AI techniques, being a disparate set of rather empirical techniques that are not well linked by an underlying theory; the embedding of almost every control activity into an information technology structure.
How intelligent are AI (artificial intelligence) methods?
What is the purpose of posing this recursive-looking question that is sure to be difficult to answer? The purpose here is to illustrate that there exists at present: •
a set of what have come to be loosely termed AI methods, that in general are useful, disparate, empirical, not very autonomous, weakly underpinned theoretically and rather mundane:
Control theory
on-going research into intelligent machines that are increasingly autonomous, that soon will set their own targets and that offer to challenge higher level human thinking.
What is intelligent control?
Intelligent control as typified by current research into intelligent machines might be considered part of that 'vanguard of innovative developments created to deal with complexity and uncertainty by the application of self-learning and the injection of autonomy'. Unfortunately for consistency, according to the above (believed to be the author's) definition, most of the techniques that are usually labelled AI techniques fail to qualify as intelligent control methods since they rarely inject significant autonomy into the systems where they are implemented.
Chapter 19
References and further reading
Library books
The control literature is concentrated, as far as the Dewey system is concerned, into the 629.8 category with particular entries being: 629.8312 Control theory 629.836 Non-linear and adaptive control 629.895 Computer control Other entries of interest are: 511.8 Mathematical models 515.352 Ordinary differential equations 515.353 Partial differential equations 515.625 Difference equations 515.64 Calculus of variations 515.7 Functional analysis
Other sources
The contents list of the massive Congress Proceedings oflFAC, the International Federation of Automatic Control, published triennially since 1960, and the annual proceedings of the American Control Conference may be scanned as a guide to current and past research directions. Books, including out of print titles, can be discovered by scanning the British Library or Library of Congress data bases and papers can be found from a variety of on-line abstract data bases. I have found the EI-Compendex data base, accessible through the Athens portal, and the public domain 'Citeseer' site to be the most useful.
Control theory
Many academic library services now offer full text access to a wide range of journals, such as the IEEE range, by access through any networked terminal on campus. The website of the Control Virtual Library at: h ttp:// Virtual_Library/Control_VL.html contains useful information.
Mainstream control literature
Two highly recommendable books are Glad and Jung (2000) and Trentelman et al. (2001). However both texts are advanced in that they require a prior knowledge of linear feedback theory and a certain mathematical sophistication. These prerequisites can be obtained, in part, from standard undergraduate texts. Mainstream control is now a mature topic and this is reflected in the literature for undergraduate courses which is dominated by a few large textbooks that are aimed largely at students preparing for examinations. Typically, these books (see below) are now (2003) in at least their fifth editions and each covers a wide range of topics including, usually, introductory material on modelling, optimisation and state estimation.
D'Azzo andHoupis (1995) around 800 pages; began life in 1960 with 580 pages Dorf(2001) around 800 pages; began life in 1967 with 400 pages Franklin and Powell (2002) 850 pages, began life in the 1980s with around 600 pages and in similar vein are Ogata (2002) 850 pages, began life in 1967 with 600 pages Kuo (2003) now in 8th edition A large selection of introductory books link their expositions to MAXLABor other computer package solutions. This is a useful strategy and such books may be very attractive. However, ! decided not to include them in the following lists since they are so numerous and they tend to date rapidly in phase with the arrival of new versions of the software.
Older mainstream control books
Many older books have a great deal to offer, having been written during the heady days (one might say 'golden years') when the subject was being created. Amongst the books that I have been privileged to work from and that I would not be without are the following:
Chestnut and Mayer (1959), Horowitz (1963), Newton, Gould and Kaiser (1957), Truxal (1955), Thaler and Brown (1953), Tou (1964), Zadeh and Desoer (1963) and from a little later, Brockett (1970) and Wonham (1985). Zadeh and Desoer is an indispensible book for anyone interested in a rigorous approach to control theory.
Brockett is a superb book giving a simple yet advanced geometric view of systems behaviour. Wonham also gives a welcome geometric viewpoint.
References and further reading 257 More older books have been listed in the references for the reasons that they are still entirely relevant and that their coverage, approach and level of detail cannot be found in current books. For example: Balmer and Lewis (1970) which covers elementary material using a worked-examples approach. Somewhat harder are the twin books by Polak and Wong (1970) and Desoer (1970). Both are very brief. Harris (1961) and Maddock (1982) both take an elementary but comprehensive pole-zero view of systems dynamics.
Methodologies for economic justification of investment in automation
Please refer to Section 8.5 for recommendations.
State estimation
Two seminal papers, Kalman (1960) and Kalman and Bucy (1963), lay firm foundations for everything that has followed since. The mathematical background is covered by Ruymgaart and Soong (1985). Other suggested references are Grover-Brown and Hwang (1992), Lee (1964), Middleton and Goodwin (1990), Norgaard et al. (2000), Saridis (1995) and S6derstr6m (2002).
Non-linear systems
An important author in the field is Isidori (1995, 1999, 2001). Other suggestions are Banks (1988), Conte et al. (1999), Fradkov (2000), Henson and Seborg (1997), Marquez (2003), Sastry (1999) and Verhulst (1999). For more expository treatments, it can be quite useful to consult earlier books such as Gibson (1963), Graham and McRuer (1961), Minorsky (1947) and the two slim books by Aggarwal (1972) and Leigh (1983b). Flugge-Lotz (1953, 1958, 1968) is good on discontinuous control. Cartwright and Littlewood (1947) and Van derPol (1927) are of historical interest. In sliding mode control, a system is designed so as to follow one or other switching surfaces, potentially yielding consistent operation despite varying application conditions. See Misawa (2003), Perruquette and Barbot (2002), Spurgeon and Edwards
The literature on optimisation is very extensive. The bibliography lists two books that are concerned with inequalities, since a study of these is a prerequisite for
understanding certain approaches to optimisation. The references are Beckenbach and Bellman (1961 ) and Hardy, Littlewood and Polya (1967). There are useful early books on specific topics in optimisation; for instance, Hestenes (1966) on the calculus of variations, Pontryagin et al. (1964) on the maximum principle and Bellman (1957) on dynamic programming. Recommended general texts are Bryson (2002), Markus and Lee (1967) and Sage and White (1977). Grimble and Johnson (1988) is a very comprehensive two-volume set. Finally, I mention Pallu de la Barrikre (1967), still in print. This book, by making mathematical demands on the reader, may act as a motivator for those who need a concrete reason for studying further mathematics.
Distributed parameter systems
Books on partial differential equations, such as the classic by Sommerfeld (1949) and John (1975), naturally tend to emphasise idealised situations leading to parabolic, elliptic or hyperbolic classical equations with known analytic solutions. Readable literature on the modelling and control of less idealised distributed parameter systems is fairly rare. The best introductory reference is possibly Wang (1964). Other recommended references are Banks (1983), Jai and Pritchard (1988), and Omatu and Seinfeld (1989).
Hp spaces
and H ~ (robust) control
Please refer to Section 16.9 for recommendations In addition, it will be worth becoming familiar with a different viewpoint based on Kharitonov's theorem (1979) and which is very straightforward in applications; process uncertainty is dealt with by defining parameters as intervals rather than by fixed numbers. A geometrically visualisable Hurwitz type test is then carried out on the edges of the hull representing all the possible Hurwitz polynomials. See Tan and Atherton (2000) for a useful summary. Also relevant is the technique of quantitative feedback theory (QFT) pioneered by Horowitz (1993). QFT is a frequency response technique that uses feedback to compensate the effects of unmeasurable process uncertainties or non-linearities. See also Yaniv (1999). Closely associated with robust control are the topics of sensitivity analysis, Saltelli et al. (2000) and algorithm fragility, Istepanian and Whidborne (2001).
Neural networks and support vector methods
On neural networks, some theoretical background can be found in Kecman (2001), Vidyasagar (2002) and De Wilde (1997). The application of neural networks in
References and further reading 259 dynamic modelling, estimation and control is treated in Hovakimyan et al. (2000), Norgaard et al. (2003) and Pham and Liu (1995). Considerable claims are being made for the achievements of new rivals to neural networks in the form of support vector methods, kernel methods and adaptive logic networks. See sample references Kecman (2001), Lee and Verri (2002), Cristianini and Shawe-Taylor (2000) or Sch6lkopf et al. (1999).
Fuzzy logic and fuzzy control
See Chen and Pham (2001) for an introduction and Abonyi (2002). Zadeh is generally regarded as the inventor of the theory of fuzzy logic; see Zadeh (1969, 1972) and Bellman and Zadeh (1970). Mamdami (1976) created the first laboratory application and Holmblad and Ostergaard (1982) pioneered the large-scale industrial application of fuzzy control.
Genetic algorithms, genetic programming and other parallel evolutionary search methods
Introductory references are Banzhaf (1998) and Reeves (2002). Zalzala and Fleming (1997) gives a useful overview of applications in engineering. Koza et al. (1999) shows how a GP approach backed up by massive computer power can synthesise complex solutions for control applications. Kalganova (2000) describes some of the computational specialism that is involved in solving realistically sized GA problems. Examples of alternative approaches using multi-agents and swarm intelligence are to be found in Ferber (1999) and Bonabeau et al. (1999) respectively.
Intelligent and learning systems
Sources of foundation theory for learning systems are Tsypkin (1971, 1973). Recent learning applications papers are Hahn et al. (2002) and Huang et al. (2002). Albus is a prominent author of forward-looking papers on intelligent machines and their architectures; see Albus and co-workers (1995, 1996, 1997, 2001), Meystel and Albus (2002) and Proctor and Albus (1997).
Adaptive and model-based control
Some of the most well-known model-based approaches are described in the following seminal references: Dynamic Matrix Control (DMC), Cutler (1982) Model Algorithmic Control (MAC), Richalet et al. (1977) Internal Model Control (IMC), Garcia and Morari (1982a, 1982b)
Control theory
Generalised Predictive Control (GPC), Mohtadi (1987), Tsang and Clarke (1988) Generic Model Control (GMC), Lee and Sullivan (1988) Model Inferential Control (MIC), Parrish and Brosilow (1984) Fast Model Predictive Control (FMPC), Coales and Noton (1956) Other references on predictive and model based control are Camacho and
Bordons (1999), Datta (1998), Forbes et al. (1983), Maciejowski (2001), Matausek et al. (2002), Mo and Billingsley (1990) and Soeterboek (1992).
Stochastic aspects of control
Jones (1988) has produced an interesting contribution linking deterministic with probabilistic design criteria. Most actual systems operate in a probabilistic environment (wind, waves, financial, political vagaries, etc.) whereas a large number of systems are designed, because it is easier, to satisfy simple deterministic criteria. The extent to which systems designed against deterministic criteria will/might satisfy probabilistic criteria is well discussed in the Jones paper. Suggested references are Aoki (1967), Papoulis (2002), Saridis (1995) and Sdderstrdm (2002).
Some other control topics
For modelling and identification see Davidson (1988), Godfrey (1993), Sandefur (2002), Seborg et al. (1989) and Srderstr6m and Stoica (1989). Large process models frequently need to be reduced in dimensionality as a prerequisite to control system design; some references on model reduction techniques are Kowalski and Jin (2002),
Obinata and Anderson (2000), Prasad (2000), Slone et al. (2002). Control of linear time varying systems is covered by Kostas and Ioannou (1993) and of large scale systems by Koussoulas and Groumpos (1999), Lunze (1991) and Pierre and Perkins (1993). The control of overhead cranes travelling on horizontal tracks is important in seacontainer and similar logistics. When such a crane needs to move from one position to another, the application of a simple step will often cause the suspended load to swing excessively. One approach is to apply a pre-shaped input function, designed to achieve a desired response. Such approaches are designated input shaping techniques, Park et al. (2001), Sahinkaya (2001). Of course, input shaping finds application to a range of areas outside crane control.
General mathematics references
The books quoted here are meant to supply long term mathematics foundation material to indirectly support control theory at research level. Rosenbrock (1970) gives a straightforward account of mathematics for control.
References and further reading 261 Hardy (1963), Binmore (1981), the old but still useful five-volume Goursat (1964) and the French series Cartan (1971), Choquet (1969), Dieudonnd (1969), Godement (1969) are all recommended. Further texts to explore are Birkhoffand Maclane (1965), Jacobson (1963), Kelley (1955), Kelley and Namioka (1963), Mostow et al. (1963), Protter and Morrey (1977) and Halmos (1950). Many of the books quoted above are mathematics classics. Both Klein (1924, 1948) and Armitage and Griffiths (1969) discuss elementary mathematics from an advanced, often geometric, viewpoint. Finally, mention must be made of the comprehensive high level authoritative works of that most mysterious of authors, Nicolas Bourbaki (1988).
Ordinary differential equations
The formulation, properties and solution of ordinary differential equations occupy a key role in system modelling and simulation. The structural and geometric properties of ordinary differential equations underlie stability theory, state space theory, controllability and optimisation and lend central support to a wide range of research topics in control theory. A classical mainstream text is Coddington and Levinson (1955). Cesari (1963), Krasovskii (1963), Sanchez (1968) and Willems (1970) are concerned with stability aspects. Cartwright and Littlewood (1947) and Descusse (1989) are concerned with nonlinear equations. Hirsch and Smale (1974) is a superb book that is concemed with fundamental properties. Arnold (1989) gives a quite different treatment than can be found elsewhere. His book might justifiably have been called 'Differential equations made difficult'! However, it is a very worthwhile book dealing with elementary ideas from an advanced viewpoint. Structural aspects are covered in different ways, in Andranov et al. (1966), Bendixson (1901), Birkhoff (1927), Lefschetz (1977), Poston and Stewart (1976) and Nemitskii and Stepanov (1960). Two papers by Abd-Ali et al. (1975) and A bd-A li and Evans (1975) are concerned with structural aspects. As far as difference equations are concerned, Van der Pol and Bremmer (1955) is an admirable text. It is notable that this book is still frequently cited in the literature.
Differential topology/differential geometry/differential algebra
Heinz Hopf is generally considered to be the leading historic figure in the area. Hopf (1983) is a reprint of his classic lectures of some 40 years earlier. Milnor (1965),
Control theory
Spivak (1965) and Guillemin and Pollack (1974) are recommended. Even a glance at any of these will make any mathematically inclined person appreciate the beauty of the topic. Differential topology is a beautiful and intuitively appealing subject that is concerned with smooth mappings from non-linear manifolds onto tangent spaces. The subject would appear to be designed for the local approximation of smooth non-linear systems but the take up in that direction was rather slow for some years although differential geometric approaches were used by, for instance, Sussman and Jurdjevic (1972) and Brockett (1978) to generalise linear systems attributes, such as controllability, to nonlinear systems. In particular, some of the geometric results of Wonham (1985) for linear systems have been made applicable to non-linear problems by Isidori (1985, 1999) and Fliess and Glad (1993). More recently, differential algebra has been applied to non-linear control problems, for instance by Fliess (1985). A good self-contained reference to differential algebra and its application to non-linear control problems is Conte et al. (1999). See also Fliess and Hazewinkel (1986). Other books that may be found useful are Berger and Gostiaux (1988), Curtis and Miller (1985), Lang (1985).
Theory of equations
Several delightful old books on the theory of equations are: Chrystal (1964), Barnard and Child (1960), Burnside and Panton (1892), Hall and Knight (1964) and Todhunter (1904). The material in these references is scarcely to be found in later texts. Another book that contains much useful material not easy to discover elsewhere is Archbold (1970).
Operator theory and functional analysis applied to linear control
Linear multivariable control models are specially labelled examples of mapping/space configurations. Thus, the natural setting for linear control theory is in one sort of linear space or another - it is only the use of limited horizons that sometimes masks this fact. Amongst the many attractive features that are produced by a function-analytic viewpoint is the very strong and obvious structure that is necessarily imposed on any control problem that is formulated within that framework. For instance, the hierarchy of spaces (topological, linear, metric, Banach, Hilbert) constitutes a range of settings, with decreasing generality, for control problems. The last of these, a Hilbert space setting, is the natural environment for a distributed parameter optimisation problem with quadratic cost function, whereas the first, a topological setting, is so general as to be a qualitative setting for a wide class of problems.
References and further reading 263 References quoted here are in three categories: (i) Those that illustrate how functional analysis is applicable to control Here we quote Hermes and La Salle (1969), Leigh (1980), Leigh (1988c), Luenberger (1969), Porter (1966), Barratt (1963) and Rubio (1971). Of these the book by Porter affords possibly the easiest entry into the topic. There is a very large literature in the form of papers (not quoted below) with principal authors being: Balakrishnan, Butkovskii, Lions, Wang, PK. C. (ii) Those that deal with application offunetional analysis more generally Here we quote Curtain (1977) and specially point out Moore (1985). This book, concerned as it is with numerical results, necessarily bridges the gap between an idea and the realisation of that idea because of its algorithmic viewpoint. Another 'bridging' reference is Green (1969), which is concerned with integral equations. (iii) Those that are concerned with the subject offunctional analysis per se Books on operator theory, linear spaces and spectral theory can be considered, for our purposes, to fall into this category. Thus there is a large literature available from which I have selected personal favourites. These include: Akhiezer and Glazman (1961), Balakrishnan (1976), Berberian (1974), Day (1962), Dunford and Sehwarz (two volumes 1958 and 1963), Showalter (1977) and Chatelin (1983). The standard works on linear operators are Hille and Phillips (1978), a monumental work, and Riesz and Nagy (1955).
Books of historical interest
Early references, PoincarO (1892), on celestial motion and on stability, Maxwell (1868), Hurwitz (1895), Routh (1877, 1930), are very interesting. Maxwell set questions to students on the stability of spinning tops at a date before they had any stability criteria to help them and, while still a student, successfully proved that Saturn's tings were made up of disparate fragments by a rather general stability argument. Dr Tom Fuller has extracted and edited a number of Maxwell's works related to control and stability. They form a most valuable linked set of articles and include the topics cited above (Fuller, 1979-86). (The work of Hurwitz is discussed in Chapter 7 of this book.) Bode (1945) and Nyquist (1932) are source references on frequency response methods. Bellman and Kalaba (1964) contains 13 historic control papers. Basar (2000) contains 25 annotated seminal papers ending with a paper by Zames from 1981. Other interesting references are Evans (1950, 1954) on the invention of the root locus, Jury (1958) on early work in sampled data and Kochenburger (1950) on relay control systems. Among other general references of historic interest are Hazen (1934a, b) and Oldenbourg and Sartorius (1948).
Guest (1961) is a pre-computer-era book containing highly practicable techniques for fitting curves to time series to achieve interpolation, extrapolation and smoothing. Guillemin (1935, 1957) are concerned with filter synthesis. These techniques have relevance to the design of systems having particular frequency domain characteristics. (These references are chosen from a wide literature on the topic to be indicative of what is available.) Kalman, Arbib and Falb (1969) is an example of a whole genre of references concerned with general systems ideas. Shannon and Weaver (1972) is a slim book that gives an authoritative summary of information theory. The idea that the information represented by a changing situation can be quantified at different levels of approximation by Shannon's ideas is very appealing. Control would then be seen as information capture (measurement), information flow (through a channel of sufficient capacity), and information processing in a controller. However, there are few examples of the ideas having been brought conclusively to bear on a significant control problem. The books by Arnold Sommerfeld (1949, 1950, 1952) are included because of their superb scholarly style. Aulin (1989) Brams (1983), Bunge (1959), Glansdorff and Prigogine (1971), Linderholme (1972), Segre (1984), Prigogine (1980), Rosen (1985), Toraldo (1981), Truesdell (1984), Wigner (1960) are some examples of books that are recommended for stimulating general interest reading.
Useful tables
A few selected sets of tables are: Dwight (1961), contains very comprehensive integral tables; Gardner and Barnes (1942) and McCollum and Brown (1965) contain extensive tables of Laplace transform pairs. Prudnikov et al. (1992) is a very large two volume reference of Laplace transforms and inverses. Jolley (1961) is a comprehensive table of series together with information on their summation. Burrington and May (1958) is a useful set of statistical tables.
Alphabetical list of references and suggestions for further reading
ABD-ALI, A. and EVANS, F. J. (1975): 'Structural aspects of stability in nonlinear systems', International Journal Control, 22, (4), pp. 493-516 ABD-ALI, A., FRADELLOS, G., and EVANS, F.J. (1975): 'Structural aspects of stability in nonlinear systems', International Journal Control, 22, (4), pp. 481-91 (The two papers describe the work of Frank Evans' work on Helmholtz decompositions of non-linear systems into two parts; governing stability behaviour and periodic behaviour respectively.)
References and further reading
ABONYI, J.: 'Fuzzy model identification for control' (Birkh/iuser, Boston, 2002). (Describes a new approach; instead of attempting to model the operator's decision making process, this new design strategy uses a fuzzy model of the process itself and imbeds this in a model-based control algorithm.) AGGARWAL, J. K.: 'Notes on nonlinear systems' (Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, New York, 1972) AHRENDT, W. R. and TAPLIN, J.: 'Automatic feedback control' (McGraw-Hill, New York, 1951) AKESSON, M. and HAGANDER, P.: 'A simplified probing controller for glucose feeding in Escherichia coli cultivations'. Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Sydney, 2000, vol. 5, pp. 4520-5 AKHIEZER, N. I. and GLAZMAN, I. M.: 'Theory of linear operations in Hilbert space' (Frederick Ungar Publishing Company, New York, 1961) ALBUS, J. S.: 'The NIST real-time control system (RCS): an approach to intelligent systems research'. Special issue of the Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence, 1997, 9, pp. 157-74 ALBUS, J. S. and MEYSTEL, A. M.: 'A reference model architecture for design and implementation of intelligent control in large and complex systems', International Journal of Intelligent Control and Systems, 1996, 1(1), pp. 15-30, March ALBUS, J. S. and MEYSTEL, A. M.: 'Engineering of mind: an introduction to the science of intelligent systems' (Wiley, New York, 2001) ALBUS, J. S., LACAZE, A., and MEYSTEL, A.: 'Multiresolutional intelligent controller with unsupervised learning'. Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Control Applications, Albany, NY, 1995, pp. 543-8 ALLEN, D.: 'Economic evaluation of projects' (Institute of Chemical Engineering, London, 1990) AMARI, S. I. and OZEKI, T.: 'Differential and algebraic geometry ofmultilayer perceptrons', IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, Tokyo, 2001, E84-A(1), pp. 31-8 AMBROSETTI, A. and PRODI, G.: 'A primer of nonlinear analysis' (Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1993) ANDERSON, B. D. O.: 'Optimal control, linear quadratic methods' (Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, 1989) ANDERSON, J. S. and BRISK, M. L.: 'Estimating the benefits of advanced process control'. Proceedings ofIChemE symposium Advances in Process Control, York, 1992 ANDRONOV, A. A. et al.: 'Qualitative theory of second order dynamic systems' (John Wiley, New York, 1973) ANDRONOV, A. A., WITT, A.A., and CHAIKIN, S. C.: 'Theory of oscillations' (Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1966) AOKI, M.: 'Optimization of stochastic systems' (Academic Press, New York, 1967) ARCHBOLD, J. W.: 'Algebra' (Pitman Publishing, Bath, 1970)
266 Control theory ARMITAGE, J. V. and GRIFFITHS, H. B.: 'A companion to advanced mathematics: Parts 1 and 2' (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1969) (offers some interesting insights) ARNOLD, V. I.: 'Mathematical methods of classical mechanics' (Springer-Verlag, New York, 1978) ARNOLD, V. I.: 'Ordinary differential equations' (MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1989) ASTROM, K. et al. (Eds): 'Control of complex systems' (Springer, London, 2001) AULIN, A.: 'Foundations of mathematical system dynamics' (Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1989) BALAKRISHNAN, A. V.: 'Applied functional analysis' (Springer-Verlag, New York, 1976) BALDWIN, B.: 'Economic justification of process improvement and automation projects'. IEEE Annual Textile, Fiber and Film Industry Technical Conference, Geenville, S. C., 1997, pp. 1-5 BALMER, L. and LEWIS, C. P.: 'Solution of problems in control engineering' (Pitman Paperbacks, London, 1970) BANKS, S. P.: 'State-space and frequency-domain methods in the control of distributed parameter systems' (Peter Peregrinus, London, 1983) BANKS, S. E: 'Mathematical theories of nonlinear systems' (Prentice-Hall, New York, 1988) BANZHAF, W. et al. (Eds): 'Genetic programming: an introduction' (Morgan Kaufmann, San Francisco, 1998) BARNARD, S. and CHILD, J. M.: 'Higher algebra' (Macmillan, London, 1960) BARNETT, S.: 'Polynomials and linear control systems' (Marcel Dekker, New York, 1983) BARRETT, J. F.: 'The use of functionals in the analysis of non-linear physical systems', Journal of Electronics and Control, 1963, 15, BASAR, T.: 'Control theory: twenty five seminal papers (1932-1981) (IEEE Press, New York, 2000) BECKENBACH, E. and BELLMAN, R.: 'An introduction to inequalities' (Random House, L.W. Singer Company, Berlin, 1961) BELLMAN, R.: 'Dynamic programming' (Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ, 1957) BELLMAN, R. and KALABA, R.: 'The work of Lyapunov and Poincarr' (Dover Publications, New York, 1964) BELLMAN, R. and ZADEH, L. A.: 'Decision-making in a fuzzy environment' (National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Springfield, VA, 1970) BENDIXSON, I.: 'On curves defined by differential equations', Acta Mathematica, 1924, 2,1 BEQUETTE, W. B.: 'Chemical process control using Matlab' (Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, 2003) BERBERIAN, S. K.: 'Lectures in functional analysis and operator theory' (SpringerVerlag, New York, 1974)
References and further reading 267
BERGER, M. and GOSTIAUX, B.: 'Differential geometry: manifolds, curves and surfaces' (Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1988) BINMORE, K. G.: 'Topological ideas', Book 2 (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1981) BIRKHOFF, G. D.: 'Dynamical systems' (AMS, Providence, RI, 1927) BIRKHOFF, G. and MACLANE, S.: 'A survey of modem algebra' (Macmillan, New York, 1965) BODE, H. W.: 'Network analysis and feedback amplifier design (Van Nostrand, New York, 1945) BODE, H. W.: 'Feedback-the history of an idea'. Proceedings of the Symposium on Active Networks and Feedback Systems, Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, NY, 1960 BONABEAU et al.: 'Swarm intelligence: from natural to artificial systems' (Santa Fe Institute Studies on the Sciences of Complexity) (Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1999) BOURBAKI, N.: 'Elements of mathematics' (eight interrelated textbooks) (SpringerVerlag, Berlin, 1988) BRAMS, S. J.: 'Superior beings - if they existed, how would we know?' (SpringerVerlag, New York, 1983) BRENNAN, D. J.: 'Process industry economics' (Institute of Chemical Engineering, London, 1997) BRISK, M. L.: 'Process control: Theories and profits'. Proceedings of IFAC Congress, Sydney, 1993, vol. 7, pp. 241-50 BROCKETT, R. M.: 'Poles, zeros and feedback-state space interpretation', IEEE Trans. Autom. Control, 1965, AC-10, pp. 129-135 BROCKETT, R. W.: 'Finite dimensional linear systems' (John Wiley, New York, 1970) BROCKETT, R. W.: ' Feedback invariants for nonlinear systems'. Proceedings of the VIIth IFAC World Congress, Helsinki, 1978, pp. 1115-20 BROWN, G. S. and CAMPBELL, D. P.: 'Principles of servomechanisms' (John Wiley, New York, 1948) BROWN, J. W. and CHURCHILL, R. V.: 'Complex variables and applications' (McGraw-Hill, New York, 1996, 6th edn) BRYSON, A. E.: 'Applied linear optimal control: examples and algorithms' (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2002) BRYSON, A. E. and HO, Y. C.: 'Applied optimal control' (John Wiley, New York, 1975) BUNGE, M.: 'Causality' (Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA, 1959) BURL, J. B.: 'Linear optimal control: /42 and Hoo methods' (Addison Wesley Longman, Harlow, 1999) BURNSIDE, W. S. and PANTON, A. W.: 'The theory of equations' (Hodges, Figgis & Co., Dublin, 1892) BURR1NGTON, R. S. and MAY, JR., D. C.: 'Handbook of probability and statistics with tables' (Handbook Publishers, Inc., Ohio, 1958)
268 Control theory CAMACHO, E. F. and BORDONS, C.: 'Model predictive control' (Springer, Berlin, 1999) CARL, B.: 'Entropy, compactness and the approximation of operators' (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1990) CARTAN, H.: 'Differential calculus' (Kershaw Publishing Company Ltd., London, 1971) CARTWRIGHT, M. L. and LITTLEWOOD, J. E.: 'On nonlinear differential equations of the second order', Annals of Mathematics, 1947, 2, (48), pp. 472-94 CESARI, L.: 'Asymptotic behaviour and stability problems in ordinary differential equations' (Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1963) CHANG, S. S. L.: 'Statistical design theory for digital-controlled continuous systems',AIEE, Trans. P.2, 1958, 77, pp. 191-201 CHATEL1N, F.: 'Spectral approximations of linear operators' (Academic Press, New York, 1983) CHEN, B. M.: 'Robust and Hoo control' (Springer Series in Communications and Control Engineering, London, 2000) CHEN, C. T.: 'Linear system theory and design' (Holt-Saunders Japan, New York, 1984) CHEN, G. and PHAM, T. T.: 'Introduction to fuzzy sets, fuzzy logic, and fuzzy control systems' (CRC Press, Boca Ratan, 2001) CHEN, J. and GU, G.: 'Control-oriented system identification: an H~ approach' (John Wiley, New York, 2000) CHESTNUT, H. and MAYER, R. W.: 'Servomechanism and regulating system design' (John Wiley, New York, 1959) CHOQUET, G.: 'Geometry in a modem setting' (Kershaw Publishing Company Ltd, London, 1969) CHRYSTAL, G.: 'Textbook of algebra', Vols. 1 and 2 (Chelsea Publishing Company, New York, 1964) (This is a modern reprint of the 1886 original. The reference (like other similar ones in this list) is included because these wonderful old mathematics books are still relevant, are scholarly as opposed to glib, and (sometimes usefully) deal with specifics rather than with generalities.) CLARKE, F. H., LEDYAEV, Y. S., STERN, R. J., and WOLENSKI, P. R.: 'Nonsmooth analysis and control theory' (Springer GTM series, New York, 1998) COALES, J. F. and NOTON, A. R. M.: 'An on-off servomechanism with predicted changeover', Proc. lEE, 1956, 128, pp. 227-232 CODDINGTON, E. A. and LEVINSON, N.: 'Theory of ordinary differential equations' (McGraw-Hill, New York, 1955) CONTE, G., MOOG, C. H., and PERDON, A. M.: 'Nonlinear control systems' (Springer Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences 242, 1999) CORMACK, R. S. and MANTEL, N.: 'Doubt and certainty in statistics', Jnl. Royal Society of Medicine, 1990, 83, (3), pp. 136-7 COUGHANOWR, L.: 'Process systems analysis and control' (McGraw-Hill, New York, 2002) COULSON, C. A. and BOYD, T. J. M.: 'Electricity' (Longmans, London, 1979)
References and further reading 269 CRAIG, I. K. and HENNING, R. G. D.: 'Evaluation of advanced industrial control projects: a framework for determining economic benefits', Control Engineering Practice, 2000, 8(7), pp. 769-80 CRAMER,: 'Mathematical methods of statistics' (Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ, 1966) CRISTIANINI, N. and SHAWE-TAYLOR, J.: 'An introduction to support vector machines: and other kernel-based learning methods' (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2000) CURTIS, W. D. and MILLER, F. R.: 'Differential manifolds and theoretical physics' (Academic Press, Orlando, FL, 1985) CUTLER, C. R.: 'Dynamic matrix control ofimbalanced systems', ISA Trans., 1982, 21(1), pp. 1-6 DATTA, A.: 'Adaptive internal model control' (Advances in Industrial Control Springer-Verlag, London, 1998) DAVIDSON, H.: 'Statistical methods for model development', in SAVAS, E. S. (Ed.): 'Computer control for industrial processes' (McGraw-Hill, New York, 1965) DAY, M.: 'Normed linear spaces' (Academic Press, New York, 1962) D'AZZO, J. J. and HOUPIS, C. H.: 'Linear control system analysis and design: conventional and modern' (McGraw-Hill, New York, 1995, 4th edn) De WILDE, P.: 'Neural network models: theory and projects' (Springer-Verlag, London, 1997, 2nd edn) DESCUSSE, J., FLIESS, M., ISIDORI, A. and LEBORGNE, D. (Eds): 'New trends in nonlinear control theory'. Proceedings of International Conference on Nonlinear Systems, Nantes, France (Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1989) DESOER, C. A.: 'Notes for a second course on linear systems' (Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, 1970) DIETRICH,: 'Is there a theory of everything?', Bulletin of the IMA, 1994, 30(11/12) pp. 166-70 DIEUDONNE, J.: 'Linear algebra and geometry' (Hermann, Publishers in Arts and Science, Paris, 1969) DIEUDONNE, J.: 'Infinitesimal calculus' (Hermann, Publishers in Arts and Science, Paris, 1971) DOETSCH, K. H.: 'The time vector method for stability investigations' (Royal Aircraft Establishment no. 2495, UDC no. 533.6.054, 1953) DORF, R. C. and BISHOP, R. H.: 'Modern control systems' (Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, N J, 2001, 9th edn) DULLERUD, G. E. and PAGANINI, F. G.: 'A course in robust control theory: a convex approach' (Springer-Verlag, New York, 2000) DUNFORD, N. and SCHWARTZ, J. T.: 'Linear operators, Part 1: General theory' (Inter-science Publishers, New York, 1957) DUREN, P. L.: 'Theory of Hp spaces' (Dover Publications, New York, 2000) DWIGHT, H. B.: 'Tables of integrals and other mathematical data' (Macmillan, New York, 1961, 4th edn) EVANS, W. R.: 'Control systems synthesis by locus methods', AIEE Preprint, 50-51, January 1950 (pioneering work on the root-locus method).
270 Control theory EVANS, W. R.: 'Control-system dynamics' (McGraw-Hill, New York, 1954) FERBER, J.: 'Multi-agent systems: an introduction to distributed artificial intelligence' (Addison-Wesley, Harlow, 1999) FLIESS, M.: 'A new approach to the non-interacting control problem in nonlinear systems theory, Proceedings of the 23rd Allerton conference, Monticello, 1985, pp. 123-9 FLIESS, M. and GLAD, S. T.: 'An algebraic approach to linear and nonlinear control' (Birkhauser, Boston, 1993) FLIESS, M. and HAZEWINKEL, M. (Eds): 'Algebraic and geometric methods in nonlinear control theory' (Reidel, Dordrecht, 1986) FL(QGGE-LOTZ, I.: 'Discontinuous automatic control' (Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ, 1953) (Early relay control systems using a sliding mode control system were used in German WW2 flying bombs against London.) FLOGGE-LOTZ, I.: 'Investigation of a nonlinear control system' (U.S. Govt. Print. Office, Washington, 1959) FLOGGE-LOTZ, I.: 'Discontinuous and optimal control' (McGraw-Hill, New York, 1968) FORBES, J. F., JACOBSON, B. A., RHODES, E., and SULLIVAN, G. R.: 'Model based control strategies for commercial grain drying systems.' Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 1983, 62(6), pp. 773-9 FRADKOV, A.: 'A nonlinear philosophy for nonlinear systems'. Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Sydney, 2000, 5, pp. 4397-402 FRANKLIN, G. F. and POWELL, D. J.: 'Feedback control of dynamic systems' (Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, 2002) FRENCH, A. P.: 'Einstein: a centenary volume' (Heinemann, London, 1979) FREUDENBERG, J. and LOOZE, D.: 'Right half plane poles and zeros and design trade-offs in feedback systems', IEEE Trans. Automatic Control, 1985, 30, (6), pp. 555-65 FUHRMANN, P. A.: 'Linear systems and operators in Hilbert space' (McGraw-Hill, New York, 1981) FULLER, A. T.: 'James Clerk Maxwelt's manuscripts relating to control and stability', Int. Jnl. Control., 1979-86, 35(5), pp. 729-44; 35(5), pp. 785-805; 36(4), pp. 547-74; 37(6), pp. 1197-238; 39(4), pp. 619-56; 43(3), pp. 805-18; 43(4), pp. 1135-68; 43(5), pp. 1593-612 GARASHCHENKO, F. G. and LYASHKO, V. I.: 'Adaptive control of linear systems based on a reference model with minimax estimation', Journal Soviet Automatic Control (English translation ofAvtomatika), 1978, 11(6), pp. 23-35 GARCIA, C. and MORARI, M.: 'Internal model control - 1. Unifying review and some new results', Journal Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Process Design and Development, 1982a, 21(2), pp. 308-23 GARCIA, C. and MORARI, M.: 'Multivariable internal model control'. Annual Meeting, American Institute of Chemical Engineers, paper N 10A, Los Angeles, CA, AIChE, 1982b GARDNER, M. F. and BARNES, J. L.: 'Transients in linear systems' (John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1942) (Contains a large table of Laplace transforms.)
References and further reading 271
GIBSON, J. E.: 'Nonlinear automatic control' (McGraw-Hill, New York, 1963) GLAD, T. and JUNG, L.: 'Control theory: multivariable and nonlinear methods' (Taylor and Francis, London, 2000) GLANSDORFF, P. and PRIGOGINE, I.: 'Thermodynamic theory of structure, stability and fluctuations' (John Wiley, London, 1971) GODEMENT, R.: 'Algebra' (Kershaw Publishing Company, London, 1969) GODFREY, K. (Ed.): 'Perturbation signals for system identification' (Prentice Hall, New York, 1993) GOURSAT, E.: 'A course in mathematical analysis' (Dover Publications, New York, 1964) GRAHAM, D. and MCRUER, D.: 'Analysis of nonlinear control systems' (John Wiley, New York, 1961) GREEN, C. D.: 'Integral equation methods' (Nelson, London, 1969) GRENSTED, E E. W.: 'Frequency response methods applied to non-linear systems' (Heywood & Company, London, 1962) (A small pamphlet that explains the Describing Function very well.) GRIMBLE, M. J.: 'Industrial control systems design' (John Wiley, Chichester, 2001) (A very comprehensive work that explains a range of Hp methods in detail and then gives numerous detailed industrial examples.) GRIMBLE, M. J. and JOHNSON, M. A.: 'Optimal control and stochastic estimation', Volumes I and II (John Wiley, Chichester, 1988) GROVER-BROWN, R. and HWANG, P. Y. C.: 'Introduction to random signals and applied Kalman filtering' (John Wiley, New York, 1992) GUEST, E G.: 'Numerical methods of curve fitting' (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1961) (Highly practical numerical algorithms are given in detail.) GUILLEMIN, E. A.: 'Communication networks' (John Wiley, New York, 1935) GIULLEMIN, E. A.: 'Synthesis of passive networks' (John Wiley, New York, 1957) GUILLEMIN, V. and POLLACK, A.: 'Differential topology' (Prentice-Hall, London, 1974) HAHN, J. et al.: 'Self-learning approach to automatic transmission shift control in a commercial construction vehicle during the inertia phase', Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of A utomobile Engineering, 2002, 216(11), pp. 909-19 HAIRER, E. and WANNER, G.: 'Analysis by its history' (Springer UTM series, New York, 1996) (A fascinating way of presenting the material.) HALL, H. S. and KNIGHT, S. R.: 'Higher algebra' (Macmillan, London, 1964) HALMOS, P. R.: 'Measure theory' (Van Nostrand, New York, 1950) HALMOS, P. R.: 'Introduction to Hilbert space' (Chelsea Publishing Company, New York, 1957) HAND, D., MANNILA, H., and SMYTH, P.: 'Principles of data mining' (MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 2001) HARDY, G. H.: 'A course of pure mathematics' (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1963)
272 Control theory HARDY, G. H., LITTLEWOOD, J. E., and POLYA, G.: 'Inequalities' (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1967) (Inequalities are the basis of many optimisation methods.) HARRIS, L. D.: 'Introduction to feedback systems' (John Wiley, New York, 1961) HAZEN, H. L.: 'Theory of servomechanisms', J. Franklin Inst., 1934a, 218, pp. 279-331 HAZEN, H. U: 'Design and test of a high-performance servomechanism', J. Franklin Inst., 1934b, 18, pp. 543-80 HELTON, W. J.: 'Operator theory, analytic functions, matrices, and electrical engineering' (American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI, 1987) HELTON, W. J.: 'Classical control using H [infinity] methods: theory, optimization, and design' (Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics SIAM, 1998) HELTON, W. J.: 'Extending H infinity control to nonlinear systems; control of nonlinear systems to achieve performance objectives' (Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 1999) HENSON, M. A. and SEBORG, D. E.: 'Nonlinear process control' (Prentice-Hall, Upper Saddle River, 1997) HERMES, H. and LASALLE, J. E: 'Functional analysis and time optimal control' (Academic Press, New York, 1969) HESTENES, M. R.: 'Calculus of variations and optimal control theory' (John Wiley, New York, 1966) HILLE, E. and PHILLIPS, R. S.: 'Functional analysis and semi-groups' (American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI, 1957) HIRSCH, M. W. and SMALE, S.: 'Differential equations, dynamical systems and linear algebra' (Academic Press, New York, 1974) HIRSCH, M. W., SMALE, S. and DEVANEY, R. L.: 'Differential equations, dynamical systems, and an introduction to chaos' (Academic Press, Boston, 2003) HOLMBLAD, L. P. and OSTERGAARD, J. J.: 'Control of a cement kiln by fuzzy logic' in GUPTA, M. M., and SANCHEZ, E. (Eds) 'Fuzzy information and decision processes' (North Holland, Amsterdam, 1982) pp. 389-99 HOPF, H.: 'Differential geometry in the large' (Lecture Notes in Mathematics, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1983) HOROWITZ, I. M.: 'Synthesis of feedback systems' (Academic Press, New York, 1963) HOROWITZ, L. M.: 'Quantitative feedback design' (QFT Publications, Boulder, CO, 1993) HOVAKIMYAN, N., LEE, H., and CALISE, A.: 'Approximate NN realization of an unknown dynamic system from its input-output history', Proceedings of the American Control Conference, Chicago, IL, 2000, 2, pp. 919-23 (Thispaper considers the problem of using input~output data to realise the dynamic equation for a continuous time nonlinear system. The issue is ofparamount importance in control theory, particularly for adaptive output feedback control of unknown plants, when the measurement equation and its derivatives, due to uncertain dynamics, are unknown. Using the universal approximation property of Rumelhart-Hinton Williams" neural networks theorems are proved establishing the 'memory window
References and further reading 273 length 'for input(s) and output(s) for both SISO and MIMO systems, needed for approximate realization. This result can be used to solve outputfeedbackproblems for a class of nonlinear systems without the need for a state observer.) HUANG, S. N., TAN, K. K., and LEE, T. H.: 'Iterative learning algorithm with a quadratic criterion for linear time-varying systems', Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part I: Journal of Systems and Control Engineering, 2002, 216(3), pp. 309-16 HUREWITZ, W.: 'Lectures on ordinary differential equations' (MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1958) HURWITZ, A.: 'On the conditions under which an equation has only roots with negative real parts', Mathematische Annalen, 1895, 46, pp. 273-80 ISIDORI, A.: 'Nonlinear control systems' (Springer, Berlin, 1995) ISIDORI, A.: 'Nonlinear control systems II' (Springer, London, 1999) ISIDORI, A., LAMNABHI-LAGARRIGUE, F., and RESPONDEK, W. (Eds): 'Nonlinear control in the year 2000' (Springer, London, 2001) ISTEPANIAN, R. S. H. and WHIDBORNE, J. F.: 'Digital controller implementation and fragility' (Springer-Verlag, London, 2001) JACOBSON, N.: 'Lectures in abstract algebra' (Van Nostrand, Princeton, N J, 1953) JAI, A. E. and PRITCHARD, A. J.: 'Sensors and controls in the analysis of distributed systems' (Ellis Horwood, Chichester, 1988) JAMES, H. M., NICHOLS, N. B., and PHILLIPS, R. S.: 'Theory of servomechanisms' (McGraw-Hill, New York, 1947) JOHN, F.: 'Partial differential equations' (Springer-Verlag, New York, 1982) JOLLEY, L. B. W.: ' Summation of series' (Dover Publications, New York, 1961) JONES, J. G.: 'An equivalence between deterministic and probabilistic design criteria for linear systems', Journal of Sound and Vibration, 1988, 125(2), pp. 341-56. JOSEPH, B. and BROSILOW, C.: 'Inferential control of processes:, construction of optimal and suboptimal dynamic estimators', Journal AIChE J, 1978, 24(3), pp. 500-9 JURY, E. I.: 'Sampled-data control systems' (Wiley, New York, 1958) (Jury is credited with the invention of the Z transform.) KAILATH, T.: 'Linear systems' (Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N J, 1980) KALGANOVA, T.: 'Bidirectional incremental evolution in evolvable hardware'. Proceedings of the Second NASA/DoD Workshop on Evolvable Hardware, Palo Alto, CA (IEEE Computer Society, 2000) KALMAN, R. E.: 'When is a linear control system optimal', Trans. ASME Journal of Basic Engineering, 1964, 86, pp. 5 1 ~ 0 KALMAN, R. E.: 'Mathematical description of linear dynamical systems'. Proceedings of the IFAC Congress, London (Butterworth, London, 1966) KALMAN, R. E. and BERTRAM, J. E.: 'Control system analysis and design via the second method of Lyapunov', Trans. ASME Journal of Basic Engineering, 1960, 82, pp. 371-93 KALMAN, R. E. and BUCY, R. S.: 'New results in linear filtering and prediction theory'. Trans. ASME Journal of Basic Engineering, 1961, 83. pp. 95-108
274 Control theory KALMAN, R. E., ARBIB, M., and FALB, R L.: 'Topics in mathematical system theory' (McGraw-Hill, New York, 1969) (Kalman probably did more than anyone to inspire and create the framework of modern control theory.) KECMAN, V.: 'Learning and soft computing: support vector machines, neural networks, and fuzzy logic models' (MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 2001) KELLEY, J. L.: 'General topology' (Van Nostrand, Princeton, N J, 1955) KELLEY, J. L., NAMIOKA, I. et al.: 'Linear topological spaces' (Van Nostrand, Princeton, N J, 1963) KHARITONOV, V. L.: 'Asymptotic stability of an equilibrium position of a family of systems of linear differential equations', Differential Equations, 1979, 14, pp. 1483-5 KLEIN, F.: 'Arithmetic, algebra, analysis' (Dover Publications, New York, 1924) KLEIN, F.: 'Geometry' (Dover Publications, New York, 1948) (The two reprints contain Klein's masterly exposition of 'elementary mathematics from an advanced viewpoint'.) KOCHENBURGER, R. J.: 'A frequency response method for analyzing and synthesizing contactor servomechanisms', AIEE Reprint, 50-51, January 1950 (Pioneering work on the Describing Function approach.) KOENIG, D.: 'Control and analysis of noisy processes' (Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, 1991) KOSTAS, S. T. and IOANNOU, P. A.: 'Linear time-varying systems: control and adaptation' (Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, 1993) KOUSSOULAS, N. T. and GROUMPOS, P. P. (Eds): 'Large scale systems - theory and applications 1998'. Proceedings of the 8th IFAC/IFORS/IMACS/IFIP Symposium, 15-17 July 1998 (IFAC Proceedings Volumes, Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1999) KOWALSKI, M. E. and JIN, J.-M.: 'Karhunen-Loeve based model order reduction on non-linear systems', IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society, AP-S lnternational Urbana (Digest), 2002, 2, pp. 552-5 KOZA, J. R. et al.: 'Automatic synthesis of both the topology and parameters for a robust controller for a non-minimal phase plant and a three-lag plant by means of genetic programming'. Proceedings of 1999 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pp. 5292-300. (Koza and co-workers have been prolific in producing many other papers describing impressive feats of GA driven synthesis of filters, algorithms and metabolic pathways.) KRANC, G. M. and SARACHIK, P. E.: 'An application of functional analysis to the optimal control problem', J. Basic Eng., 1963, 85, pp. 143-50 KRASOVSKII, N. N.: 'Stability of motion' (Stanford University Press, Stanford, CA, 1963) KUO, B. C.: 'Automatic control systems' (John Wiley, New York, 2003, 8th edn) KWAKERNAAK, H.: 'Robust control and H-optimisation - tutorial paper', Automatica, 1993, 29(2), pp. 255-73 LANG, S.: 'Differential manifolds' (Springer-Verlag, New York, 1985) LAUER, H., LESNICK, R., and MATSON, L. E.: 'Servomechanism fundamentals' (McGraw-Hill, New York, 1947)
References and further reading 275 LEE, P. L. and SULLIVAN, G. R.: 'Generic model control (GMC)', Computers and Chemical Engineering, 1988, 12(6), pp. 573-80 LEE, R. C. K.: 'Optimal estimation, identification, and control' (MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1964) LEE, S.-H., JEON, B.-S., SONG, C.-K. et al.: 'Controller design for the bilinear system', IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, Pusan, South Korea, 2001, 3, pp. 1907-11 LEE, S. W. and VERRI, A. (Eds): 'Pattern recognition with support vector machines'. First international workshop, SVM 2002, Niagara Falls, Canada (Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2002) LEFSCHETZ, S.: 'Differential equations: geometric theory' (Dover Publications, New York, 1977) LEIGH, J. R.: 'Functional analysis and linear control theory', Vol. 156, International Series, Mathematics in Science and Engineering (Academic Press, London, 1980) LEIGH, J. R.: 'Modelling and simulation', IEE Topics in Control Series (Peter Peregrinus, London, 1983a) LEIGH, J. R.: 'Essentials of nonlinear control', IEE Topics in Control Series (Peter Peregrinus, London, 1983b) LEIGH, J. R.: 'Modelling and control of fermentation processes' (Peter Peregrinus, London, 1987a) LEIGH, J. R.: 'Applied control theory', IEE Control Engineering Series (Peter Peregrinus, London, 1987b, 2nd edn) LEIGH, J. R.: 'Temperature measurement and control, with consideration of energy conservation and atmospheric pollution' (Peter Peregrinus, London, 1987c) LEIGH, J. R.: 'Multivariable systems: functional analysis' in S1NGH, M. G. (Ed.): 'Systems and Control Encyclopaedia', pp. 3201-6 (Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1987d) LEIGH, J. R.: 'Applied digital control: theory, design and implementation' (PrenticeHall International, New York, 1992, 2nd edn) LEIGH, J. R. and THOMA, M. (Eds): 'Control in bioprocessing', Special Issue of lEE Proceedings, Part D, 1986 LI, T. Y. and YORKE, J. A.: 'Period three implies chaos' Amer. Math. Monthly, 1975, 82, pp. 985-92 LIBBY, C. C.: 'Motor selection and application' (McGraw-Hill, New York, 1960) p. 508 LINDERHOLM, C. E.: 'Mathematics made difficult' (Wolfe Publishing, London, 1972) LUENBERGER, D. G.: 'Optimization by vector space methods' (John Wiley, New York, 1969) LUNZE, J.: 'Robust multivariable feedback control' (Prentice Hall, New York, 1989) LUNZE, J.: 'Feedback control of large scale systems' (Prentice-Hall International Series in Systems and Control Engineering, New York, 1991) MACFARLANE, A. G. J. and ROSENBROCK, H. H.: 'New vector-space structure for dynamical systems', Electronics Letters, 1970, 6(6), pp. 162-3
276 Control theory MACIEJOWSKI, J. M.: 'Predictive control: with constraints' (Prentice-Hall, Harlow, 2001) MACLANE, S. and BIRKHOFF, G.: 'Algebra' (Collier-Macmillan, London, 1967) MADDOCK, R. J.: 'Poles and zeros in electrical and control engineering' (Holt, Rinehart and Winston, London, 1982) (Still useful as a source of simplyunderstood examples.) MAMDAMI, E. H.: 'Applications of fuzzy algorithms for control of simple dynamic plant', Proc. IEEE, 1976, 121, pp. 1585-8 MARKUS, L. and LEE, E. B.: 'Foundations of the theory of optimal control' (John Wiley, New York, 1967) MARLIN, T. E., BRISK, M. L., BARTON, G. W., and PERKINS, J. D.: 'Experiences from an industry-university study on control benefits', Preprints of Control Systems Conference Quantifying the Benefits of Process Control, May 2000, pp. 5-9 MARQUEZ, H. J.: 'Nonlinear control systems' (John Wiley, Hoboken, NJ, 2003) MARTIN, M. and BARTLETT, E L.: 'Neural network learning: theoretical foundations' (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1999) MATAUSEK, M. R., MACIC, A. D., and DACIC, D. B.: 'Modified internal model control approach to the design and tuning of linear digital controllers', International Journal of Systems Science, 2002, 33(1), pp. 67-79 MAXWELL, J. C.: 'On governors', Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, 1868, 16, pp. 270-83 McCOLLUM, P. A. and BROWN, B. F.: 'Laplace transform tables and theorems' (Holt, Rinehart and Winston, New York, 1965) McLEAN, D.: 'Automatic flight control systems' (Prentice-Hall, New York, 1990) (Many interesting applications.) MEYSTEL, A. M. and ALBUS, J. S.: 'Intelligent systems: architecture, design, and control' (Wiley, New York, 2002) MIDDLETON, R. H. and GOODWIN, G. C.: 'Digital control and estimation' (Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, 1990) MILNOR, J. W.: 'Topology from the differentiable viewpoint' (University Press of Virginia, Charlottesville, 1965) M1NORSKY, N.: 'Introduction to non-linear mechanics' (J.W. Edwards, Ann Arbor, MI, 1947) MISAWA, E. A.: 'Fundamentals of sliding mode control' (John Wiley, New York,
2003) MISHKIN, E. and BRAUN, L.: 'Adaptive control systems' (McGraw-Hill, New York, 1961) MO, SONG-FENG and BILL1NGSLEY, J.: 'Fast-model predictive control of multivariable systems', lEE Proceedings, Part D: Control Theory and Applications, 1990, 137(6), pp. 364-6 MOHTADI, C.: 'Generalised predictive control', lEE Colloquium (Digest), 1987, 33, pp. 1-9. IEE Fourth Workshop on Self-Tuning and Adaptive Control. Oxford
References and further reading
MOLER, C.: ' 19 dubious ways to calculate the exponential of a matrix', SIAMReview, 1978, 204, pp. 801-37 (Anyone who sets out to perform the calculation from first principles or who wants to understand what is involved will appreciate this paper. ) MOORE, R. E.: 'Computational functional analysis' (Ellis Horwood, Chichester, 1985) MORARI, M. and ZAFIRIOU, E.: 'Robust process control' (Prentice Hall, New York, 1989) MOSTOW, G. D., SAMPSON, J. H., and MEYER, J.: 'Fundamental structures of algebra' (McGraw-Hill, New York, 1963) MUSTAFA, D. and GLOVER, K.: 'Minimum entropy H infinity control' (SpringerVerlag, Berlin, 1990) NAYLOR, A. W. and SELL, G. R.: 'Linear operator theory in engineering and science' (Holt, Rinehart and Winston, New York, 1971) NEMITSKII, V. V. and STEPANOV, A.: 'Qualitative theory of ordinary differential equations' (Princeton University Press, Princeton, N J, 1960) NEWTON, G. C., GOULD, L. A., and KAISER, J. F.: 'Analytical design of linear feedback controls' (John Wiley, New York, 1957) NORGAARD, M., POULSEN, N. K., and RAVN, O.: 'New developments in state estimation for nonlinear systems', Automatica, 2000, 36(11), pp. 1627-38 NORGAARD, M., RAVN, O., POULSEN, N. K., and HANSEN, L. K.: 'Neural networks for modelling and control of dynamic systems: a practitioner's handbook' (Springer, London, 2003) NYQUIST, H.: 'Regeneration theory', Bell System Tech. Journal, 1932, 11, pp. 126-47 OBINATA, G. and ANDERSON, B. D. O.: 'Model reduction for control system design' (Springer, New York, 2000) OGATA, K.: 'Modem control engineering' (Prentice-Hall, Upper Saddle River, 2001, 4th edn) OLDENBOURG, R. C. and SARTORIUS, H.: 'Dynamics of automatic control' (ASME, New York, 1948) OMATU, S. and SEINFELD, J. H.: 'Distributed parameter systems: theory and applications' (Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1989) OMATU, S., KHALID, M., and YUSOF, R.: 'Neuro-control and its applications' (Springer, London, 1996) PALLU DE LA BARRIERE, R.: 'Optimal control theory' (Dover Publications, New York, 1967) (It was an encounter with this book that was the initial motivator for the author to become interested in the operator-theoretic foundations of linear control theory.) PAPOULIS, A.: 'Probability, random variables, and stochastic processes' (McGraw-Hill, Boston, 2002) PAPOULIS, A. and ANGELO, E. J.: 'Pole-zero patterns in the analysis and design of low-order systems' (McGraw-Hill, New York, 1964) PARK, B. J.: 'Time efficient input shaping control of container crane systems'. Proceedings of IEEE conference on Control Applications, September 2000, Anchorage, AK, 1, pp. 80-5
278 Control theory PARK, U.-H., LEE, J.-W., LIM, B.-D., and SUNG, Y.-G.: 'Design and sensitivity analysis of an input shaping filter in the z-plane', Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2001, 243(1), pp. 157-71 PARRISH, J. R. and BROSILOW, C. B.: 'Inferential control applied to industrial autoclaves'. Conference on Real Time Digital Control Applications, Proceedings of the IFAC/IFIP Symposium (code 04517), Guadalajara, Mex (IFAC Proceedings Series 1), Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1984 PERRUQUETTI, W. and BARBOT, J.-P. (Eds): 'Sliding mode control in engineering' (Marcel Dekker, New York, 2002) PHAM, D. T. and KARABOGA, D.: 'Intelligent optimisation techniques: genetic algorithms, tabu search, simulated annealing and neural networks' (Springer, London, 2000) PHAM, D. T. and LIU, X.: 'Neural networks for identification, prediction and control' (Springer, London, 1995) PIERRE, C. and PERK1NS, N. C. (Eds): 'Structural dynamics of large scale and complex systems', American Society of Mechanical Engineers, December 1993, POINCARE, H.: 'Les mrthodes nouvelles de la mrchanique celeste', vol. 1 (GauthierVillars, Paris, 1892) POLAK, E. and WONG, E.: 'Notes for a first course on linear systems' (Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, 1970) PONTRYAGIN, L. S., BOLTYANSKII, V. G., GAMKRELIDZE, R. V., and MISHCHENKO, E. F.: 'The mathematical theory of optimal processes' (Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1964) PORTER, W. A.: 'Modem foundations of systems engineering' (Macmillan Company, New York, 1966) POSTON, T. and STEWART, I. N.: 'Taylor expansions and catastrophes' (Pitman, London, 1976) (Contains useful material on the Inverse Function Theorem.) PRASAD, R.: 'Pad6 type model order reduction for multivariable systems using Routh approximation', Computers and Electrical Engineering, 2000, 26(6), pp. 445-59 PRIGOGINE, I.: 'From being to becoming' (W.H. Freeman and Company, New York, 1980) PROCTOR, F. M. and ALBUS, J. S.: 'Open-architecture, controllers', IEEE Spectrum, 1997, 34, pp. 60-4 PROTTER, M. H. and MORREY, C. B.: 'Analytic geometry' (Addison-Wesley Pub. Co., Reading, MA, 1975, 2d edn) PRUDNIKOV, A. P. et al.: 'Integrals and series', Vols 4 and 5: 'Direct Laplace Transforms and Inverse Laplace Transforms' (Taylor and Francis, London, 1992) RAGAZZ1NI, J. R. and ZADEH, L. H.: 'The analysis of sampled data systems', AIEE Trans., 1952, 71(II), pp. 225-34 REEVES, C. R.: 'Genetic algorithms: a guide to GA theory' (Kluwer, Dordrecht, 2002) REYNOLDS, T. S.: 'Stronger than a hundred men: a history of the vertical water wheel' (Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, 1983)
References and further reading 279 RICHALET, J., RAULT, A., TESTUD, J. L., and PAPON, J.: 'Model algorithmic control of industrial processes' (North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1977) RIESZ, F. and NAGY, B. S.: 'Functional analysis' (Frederick Ungar, New York, 1971) ROOTS. W. K.: 'Fundamentals of temperature control' (Academic Press, New York, 1969) ROSEN, R.: 'Anticipatory systems' (Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1985) (Rosen dares to challenge the universality of the principle of causality.) ROSENBROCK, H. H.: 'Progress in the design of multivariable control systems', Meas. Contr., 1971, 4(1), pp. 9-11 ROSENBROCK, H. H.: 'Structural properties of linear dynamical systems', Int. J. Control, 1974, 20(2), pp. 191-202 ROSENBROCK, H. H. and MUNRO, N.: 'Alternatives for linear multivariable control! The inverse Nyquist array method' (National Engineering Consortium, Chicago, 1978), pp. 101-37 (Describes pioneering work that uses Gershgorin circles to model the effects of loop interactions.) ROSENBROCK, H. H. and STOREY, C.: 'Computational techniques for chemical engineers' (Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1966) ROSENBROCK, H. H. and STOREY, C.: 'Mathematics of dynamical systems' (Thomas Nelson and Sons, London, 1970) ROUTH, E. J.: 'A treatise on the stability of a given state of motion' (Macmillan, London, 1877) ROUTH, E. J.: 'Advanced part of the dynamics of a system of rigid bodies' (Macmillan, London, 1930) RUBIO, J. E.: 'The theory of linear systems' (Academic Press, New York, 1971) (Function-analytic viewpoint.) RUYMGAART, E A. and SOONG, T. T.: 'Mathematics of Kalman-Bucy filtering' (Springer-Verlag, New York, 1985) SACCOMANI, M. P., AUDOLY, S., BELLU, G., and D'ANGIO, L.: 'A new differential algebra algorithm to test identifiability of nonlinear systems with given initial conditions'. Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Orlando, FL, 2001, 4, pp. 3108-13 SAGE, A. P. and WHITE, C. C.: 'Optimum systems control' (Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1977) SAHINKAYA, M. N.: 'Input shaping for vibration-free positioning of flexible systems', Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part I: Journal of Systems and Control Engineering, 2001, 215(5), pp. 467-81 SALTELLI, A., CHAN, K. E., and SCOTT. M. (Eds): 'Sensitivity analysis' (Wiley, Chichester, 2000) SANDEFUR, J.: 'Elementary mathematical modelling: a dynamic approach' (Brooks Cole, Pacific Grove, CA, 2000) SARIDIS, G. N.: 'Stochastic processes, estimation, and control: the entropy approach' (Wiley, New York, 1995) SARIDIS, J. S.: 'Entropy in control engineering' (World Scientific, Singapore, 2001)
280 Control theory SASTRY, S.: 'Nonlinear systems analysis, stability and control' (Springer, New York, 1999) SCHIFF, J. L.: 'The Laplace transform: theory and applications' (Springer, New York, 1999) SCHOLKOPF, B. (Ed.): 'Advances in kernel methods: support vector learning' (MIT Press, Cambridge, 1998) SCHOLKOPF, B. J. C., BURGES, C. J. C., and SMOLA, A. J. (Eds): 'Advances in kernel methods: support vector learning' (MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1999) SEBORG, D. E., EDGAR, T. E, and MELLICHAMP, D. A.: 'Process dynamics and control' (Wiley, Hoboken, NJ, 2003) SEGEL, L. A.: 'Mathematical models in molecular and cellular biology' (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1980) SEGRE, E.: 'From falling bodies to radio waves' (W. H. Freeman and Company, New York, 1984) SERON, M. M., BRASLAVSKY, J. H., and GOODW1N, G. C.: 'Fundamental limitations in filtering and control' (Springer Series in Communications and Control Engineering, London, 1997) SHANNON, C. E. and WEAVER, W.: 'The mathematical theory of communication' (University of Illinois Press, Urbana, 1972) (Explains quantification of information in a brilliant short book.) SHINSKY, F. G.: 'Process-control systems' (McGraw-Hill, New York, 1979) (Highly practical.) SHOURESHI, R. A.: 'Intelligent control systems', Paper xx-06, 13th IFAC Triennial World Congress, San Francisco, 1996 SHOWALTER, R. E.: 'Hilbert space methods for partial differential equations' (Pitman Publishers, London, 1977) SINGH, M. G.: 'Systems and control encylopaedia: theory technology, applications' (Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1989) S1NGH, M. G.: 'Systems and control encylopaedia: supplementary volume 1' (Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1990) SINGH, M. G.: 'Systems and control encylopaedia: supplementary volume 2' (Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1992) SLONE, R. D., LEE, J.-F., and LEE, R.: 'A comparison of some model order reduction techniques', Electromagnetics, 2002, 22(4), pp. 275-89 SMALE, S. and WILLIAMS, R. F.: 'The qualitative analysis of a difference equation of population growth', J. Math. Biol., 1976, 3, pp. 1-4 (An early reference describing chaotic phenomena.) SODERSTROM, T.: 'Discrete-time stochastic systems: estimation and control' (Springer, New York, 2002, 2nd edn) SODERSTROM, T. and STOICA, P.: 'System identification' (Prentice-Hall, New York, 1989) SOETERBOEK, R.: 'Predictive control: a unified approach' (Prentice-Hall, New York, 1992) SOMMERFELD, A.: 'Partial differential equations' (Academic Press, New York, 1949)
References and further reading
SOMMERFELD, A.: 'Mechanics of deformable bodies', Lectures on Theoretical Physics, Vol. 2 (Academic Press, New York, 1950) SOMMERFELD, A.: 'Mechanics'. Lectures on Theoretical Physics, Vol. 1 (Academic Press, New York, 1952) (Three masterly examples of the writings of Arnold Sommerfeld; he was active in Munich at about the same time that David Hilbert, based in Grttingen, was altering the face of twentieth-century mathematics.) SPIVAK, M.: 'Calculus on manifolds' (W.A. Benjamin, Menlo Park, CA, 1965) SPURGEON, S. K. and EDWARDS, C.: 'Sliding mode control: theory and applications' (Taylor and Francis, London, 1998) STARK, L.: 'Neurological control systems' (Plenum, New York, 1968) STEEN, L. A. and SEEBACH, J. A.: 'Counter-examples in topology' (Holt, Rinehart and Winston, New York, 1970) SUSSMANN, H. and JURDJEVIC, V.: 'Controllability of nonlinear systems', J. Differential Equations, 1972, 12, pp. 95-116 TAKAHASHI, Y., RAB1NS, M. J., and AUSLANDER, D. M.: 'Control and dynamic systems' (Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 1970) TAN, N. and ATHERTON, D. P.: 'Stability and performance analysis in an uncertain world', Computing and Control Engineering Journal, April 2000, pp. 91-101 THALER, G. J. and BROWN, R. G.: 'Servomechanism analysis' (McGraw-Hill, New York, 1953) TODHUNTER, I.: 'Theory of equations' (Macmillan, London, 1904) TORALDO DI FRANCIA, G.: 'The investigation of the physical world' (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1981) TOU, J. T.: 'Digital and sampled-data control systems' (McGraw-Hill, New York, 1959) TOU, J. T.: 'Modern control theory' (McGraw-Hill, New York, 1964) TRENTELMAN, H. L., STOORVOGEL, A. A., and HAUTUS, M.: 'Control theory for linear systems' (Springer Series in Communications and Control Engineering, London, 2001) TRUESDELL, C.: 'An idiot's fugitive essays on science' (Springer-Verlag, New York, 1984) TRUXAL, J. G.: 'Automatic feedback control systems synthesis' (McGraw-Hill, New York, 1955) TSANG, T. T. C. and CLARKE, D. W.: 'Generalised predictive control with input constraints', lEE Proceedings, Part D: Control Theory and Applications, 1988 135(6), pp. 451-60 TSIEN, H. S.: 'Engineering cybernetics' (McGraw-Hill, New York, 1954) (Contains otherwise hard-to-find simple but valuable material about relay control systems.) T SYPKIN, YA. Z.: 'Adaptation and learning in automatic systems' (Academic Press, New York, 1971) TSYPK1N, YA. Z.: 'Foundations of the theory of learning systems' (Academic Press, New York, 1973) TURNBULL, H. W.: 'Theory of equations' University Mathematical Texts (Oliver and Boyd, Edinburgh, 1963)
282 Control theory VAN DER POL, B.: 'Forced oscillations in a circuit with nonlinear resistance', London, Edinburgh and Dublin Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science, 1927, 3, pp. 65-80 (Pioneering analysis of limit cycle formation in certain types of non-linear second order systems.) VAN DER POL, B. and BREMMER, H.: 'Operational calculus based on the two-sided Laplace integral' (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1955) VERHULST, F.: 'Nonlinear differential equations and dynamical systems' (Springer, Berlin, 1996) VIDYASAGAR, A.: 'A theory of learning and generalisation: with applications to neural networks and control systems' (Springer series in Communications and Control Engineering, London, 2002) VINNICOMBE, G.: 'Uncertainty and feedback: H infinity loop-shaping and the v-gap metric' (Imperial College Press, London, 2001) WANG, E C. K.: 'Control of distributed parameter systems', in LEONDES, C.T. (Ed.): 'Advances in control systems' (Academic Press, New York, 1964), Vot. 1, pp. 75-172 WANG, Q. G.: 'Relay feedback' (Springer-Verlag, London, 2002) WIDDER, D. V.: 'The heat equation' (Academic Press, New York, 1975) (Included because of its approach to a distributed parameter problem.) WIENER N.: 'The interpolation extrapolation and smoothing of stationary time series' (John Wiley, New York, 1948) (Because of its perceived value in tracking of enemy aircraft, the work was first published in 1942 during Worm War 2 as a classified report to Section D2, National Defense Research Committee.) WIENER, N.: 'Cybernetics' (MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1961) WIGNER, E.: 'The unreasonable effectiveness of mathematics in the natural sciences' (John Wiley, New York, Communications in Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 13, No. 1, 1960) WILLEMS, J. L.: 'Stability theory of dynamical systems' (Thomas Nelson, London, 1970) W1NFREE, A. T.: 'The geometry of biological time' (Springer-Verlag, New York, 1990) (What time is it at the North Pole, which belongs to all time zones simultaneously? Are there (Amphidromic) points in the oceans where the depth remains constant while the water pivots around like a rotating tilted plane? We live on one of several interacting spinning spheres in a worm dominated by yearly, monthly and daily cycles. Additionally, all living organisms contain important biochemical clocks. The book considers all these aspects and more; from a deep but understandable geometric viewpoint.) WONHAM, W. M.: 'Geometric state-space theory in linear multivariable control: a status report', Automatica, 1979, 15, pp. 5-13 WONHAM, W. M.: 'Linear multivariable control: a geometric approach' (Springer Applications of Mathematics Series, New York, 1985, 3rd edn) ('the geometry wasfirst brought in out of revulsion against the orgy of matrix manipulation which linear control theory mainly consisted of not so long ago. But secondly and of greater interest, the geometric setting rather quickly suggested new methods of attacldng synthesis which have proved to be intuitive and economical," they are
References and further reading
also easily reduced to matrix arithmetic as soon as you want to compute' (from Wonham's sleeve note).)
YANIV, O.: 'Quantitative feedback design of linear and nonlinear control systems' (Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 1999) ZADEH, L. A.: 'Toward a theory of fuzzy systems' (National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Springfield, VA, 1969) ZADEH, L. A.: 'A rationale for fuzzy control', J. Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, 1972, 94, Series G, 3~4 ZADEH, L. A. and DESOER, C. A.: 'Linear system theory: the state space approach' (McGraw-Hill, New York, 1963) ZAK, S. H.: 'Systems and control' (Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2003) ZALZALA, A. M. S. and FLEMING, P. J.: 'Genetic algorithms in engineering systems' (Institution of Electrical Engineers, London, 1997) ZAMES, G.: 'On the input-output stability of nonlinear time-varying feedback systems, Pts. I and II', IEEE Trans. Auto. Control, 1966, AC-II(2), pp. 228-38, and (3), pp. 465-77 ZAMES, G.: 'Feedback and complexity, special plenary lecture addendum'. IEEE Conference, Decision and Control, Clearwater, FL, 1976 ZAMES, G.: 'Optimal sensitivity and feedback: weighted semi-norms, approximate inverses, and plant invariant schemes'. IEEE Proc. Allerton Conf., 1979 ZAMES, G.: 'Feedback and optimal sensitivity: model reference transformations, multiplicative semi-norms, and approximate inverses', IEEE Trans. Auto. Control, 1981, AC-26, pp. 301-20 ZHANG, B. S. and LEIGH, J. R.: 'Design and analysis of a learning control system'. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 1993, 2, pp. 618-23. Part 2 (of5) ZHAO, L. et al.: 'Neural network based online self-learning adaptive PID control'. Proceedings of the 3rd World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation (WCICA), Hefei, China, 2000, 2, pp. 908-10 ZHOU, K., DOYLE, J. C. and GLOVER, K.: 'Robust and optimal control' (PrenticeHall, Upper Saddle River, 1996) ZIEGLER, J. G. and NICHOLS, N. Z.: 'Optimum settings for automatic controllers', Trans. ASME, 1942, 64(11), p. 69 (Describes two tuning algorithms that are still the basis for almost all current practical three-term controller tuning.) ZINOBER, A. S. I.: 'Deterministic control of uncertain systems' (Peter Peregrinus, London, 1990)
absolute value norm 191 adaptive logic networks (ALNs) 234 additive uncertainty model 210 AI (artificial intelligence) methods 253-4 techniques 225 emergence of 252-3 taking over from mathematical techniques 253 Aizerman's conjecture 170 algorithm choice, guidelines for 152 design, approaches to 148-52 anthropomorphism, return to 262 anticipatory systems 70-1 artificial neural networks (ANN) motivation 226-34 automatic control definition 6-8 schemes for industrial application, methodologies for deciding scope and attributes 124 systems realisation of 13 requirement for 12-14 automatic feedback control 12-14 loops, synthesis of 19-28 automatic feedback controllers 22 automation projects 127 autonomous agents and swarms as rivals to genetic algorithms 242 backlash 169 back-propagation 230, 235 bang-bang nature of unique time-optimal control 191 bang-bang solution 188 basis functions 197
Bell Telephone Laboratories 122 block-diagram algebra 167 Bode criterion 85 developments of Nyquist approach 86 diagram 48, 57, 58, 60 feedback amplifier 122 magnitude plot 205 plot check on stability 146 theorem 106, 158-9 design constraints caused by 105 on stability 102 books of historical interest 263-4 older mainstream control 256 bounded input 157 bounded output 157 calculus of variations 185 cancellation strategy for unstable pole 99 carbon feed rate constraints in e coli based expression systems 246 CASE (Computer Aided Software Engineering)tools 16 role of 18 catastophe theory 136 Cauchy's integral theorem 34 Cauchy-Riemann conditions 108 causality 73 certainty 68 chaos 71-3 chaotic behaviour 71 classical control theory 106 classical techniques 251 closed loop system 70, 154 behaviour 215 control 207
closed loop system (contd.) moving poles to desirable locations 39-40 response 120 robust stability of 205 step response of open loop system 105 coherence of control theory 252 commissioning and maintenance 17 complex eigenvalues 173 see also eigenvalues complex function G(s) derivatives of 108 singularities of 108 complex processes 164 computers as system components 145~ conservation of dimension under linear transformations 143 continuous process under digital control 147 continuous time processes 163 continuous typical feedback loop with an integrator in forward path 145 laboratory experiment for 146-7 control algorithm, implementable, illustration of how rule of thumb can be encoded to produce 236-7 applications, examples of 8 concepts 1-9 design alternative approaches 124 broad task of 15 in frequency domain, basic ideas 47 ideas 11-18 prerequisites for 11 three elements needed for successful 5 using frequency response methods general idea of 51-2 goals, setting 245 ideas, basic 15 laws types 19-21 intelligent 22 loop 6, 7 performance limits on 94 robust methods, development of 252 strategy for biprocess 244 system/s design, methodology for 11 designer 9 examples of 8-9 theory definition 3 ~
Control Virtual Library, website of 256 controllability for multivariable systems, concept of 143 tests for 144 controller/s 19 error driven 19 fitting into closed loop with process to be controlled 121 non-linear 22 synthesis methodology 209 to place closed loop poles in desirable positions 38-9 convexity 190 convolution 41 coprime factorisation model 211 uncertainty model 211 crisp and fuzzy sets 235 cruise (automatic highway speed) control 218 curve extrapolation 165
damping degree of, illustration of value of derivative term to control 114 natural frequency, derivation of formula for 45 decision making 245 model-assisted 165 degraders of performance of control loops 169 derivative of function as best linear approximation 134-5 describing function method 169, 172 for analysis of control loops containing non-linearities 170 2 design justification and implementation, practical aspects of 111 development affecting control theory 253 phases of 251 Dewey system 255 diagonal dominance, concept of 138 digital to analogue convertor transferred for calculation purposes as part of process to be controlled 149-51 dimensionless frequency 57 direct controller synthesis 148 discrete discrete time algorithms 147
and computer control 145 58 difficulties in moving from differential equations to approximating difference equations 153 discretisation 153 quadratic behaviour 154~5 and continuous time, models a unified approach 141-3 devices that can change their state only at 145~5 limit of 156 loop 150 distributed systems 195-9 modelling approaches 195 'Fourier type' approach 197 disturbance rejection 208 disturbing signals 164 Dodgson, Charles L. 79 doubt 68 Doyle, contributions to developing robust control methods 86 dynamic programming, method of 185 dynamic systems 2, 6 dynamics of water-driven turbine systems 88 economic dynamic programming 127 economic element 24 under closed loop control 25 economic justification of investment in automation methodologies for 124 references on 130 EI-Compendex data base 255 eigenvalues 175 eigenvectors 173, 175 Einstein, A. 69 equality constants 185 error driven system 14 Euclidian norm 190, 191 Eule~Lagrange conditions 183 Evans, root locus interpretation of Nyquist approach 86 evolutionary pattern of mechanisation/automation and control/organisation and logistics 249 experimentation on plants to assist in model development 79-81 failure detection 245 feedback control 5
alternatives to 28 principle 24 of process with uncertainty 205 strategies general conditions for success of 27-8 systems, design of 139 working of 22 7 feedback controllers, efficiency in controlling unknown phenomena 111 feedback loop 14, 19-21, 24 design using frequency response and stability 50-1 feedback systems 2 feedforward control 28 Ferrari's method 87 fictitious discontinuities 197 filter synthesis 41 Fisher's criterion of maximum likelihood 67 Fourier expansion 171 transformation 41, 43,214 models of linear dynamical systems 201 'Fourier type' modelling 196 frequency response curve 40 of a linear system 48 methods 47-60, 167 design using 47 obtained by calculation from a differential equation 53-5 of a second order system 56-9 and stability 49 of a system obtaining experimentally 52 with poles and/or zeros near to the imaginary axis 58 testing 55~5 friction characterisation 176 future behaviour of systems 4 fuzzy control in very complex and ill-defined problems 237 fuzzy feedback 234 fuzzy logic 2 2 5 4 6 characteristics of 237 8 disadvantages of control based on 238 fuzzy set theory 235-8 and fuzzy logic, motivation 235-7 GA see genetic algorithms gain 48 plus compensation approach 150
Gauss's criterion of least squares 67 Gaussian noises 160 general form of all control systems 9 general systems ideas 1-3 generation of a control sequence 142 genetic algorithms (GAs) 225-46 advantages 241 artificial crossover and mutation strategies 239 basic ideas 238-42 classical, main steps in 241 as design tools 240-1 as general purpose optimisation algorithms 239 summary 241 Gershgorin's theorem from linear algebra 138 Guillemin's technique 41 H ~ 202 control loop design simple view of 204~5 control references on 222 design approaches, specification of the AG envelope 210 effect of choice of p on nature of norm 202 frame design tool 214-18 loop shaping 218 metrics 3v and bGD 215, 218 use of the v gap metric 215 visualisation of triangle inequality 217 methods introduction to robust control design using 201-22 motivation 201 norms deriving from dynamic process models 211-14 eigenvalues of rectangular matrix A 212-14 relations between frequency and time domains 213 singular values and eigenvalues 211-13 robust control design methods using adaptivity versus robustness 219-22 using shape of unit ball in real 2-space for different values of p 203 suffix p 202 Hardy spaces 220, 221 notation 222 references on 222
and their relevance to control problems 201 heating process under closed loop control 25 high-fidelity amplifications of signals 122 Hilbert space 262 hill-climbing for estimation of unknown model parameters, principle of 65 human temperature regulation system, representation of 2 Hurwitz criterion 88 method of 88 type test 258 Hurwitz Routh criteria 85 stability information from coefficients of differential equation 86 hydraulic actuator 95 hyperplane 193 hysteresis 169 ideal feedback controller 27 ideal situation modelling system 62 industrial processes, interlinked, set of 124 inequality constraints 185 infinite velocity spike 188 innovation sequence 164 input/output characteristic 167 stability 205 system simple 31 integrator 48 intelligence systems, selected references 246-7 intelligent control, definition 254 intelligent systems 225-47 design architecture for 245 properties necessary 244-6 interdeterminism 75 internal energy storage, system with 6 International Date Line 79 International Federation of Automatic Control Connectedness (IFAC) Congress Proceedings of 255 meetings 244 inverse Laplace transformation 30, 97, 140 inverse Z transforms, non-uniqueness of 157 investment strategy tool for n linked processes 128 for six processes with three choices at each stage 128 IT infrastructure control, applications embedded within 253
Index iterative search in parameter space, visualisation of 65 Jacobian matrix 134 jump resonance 169 jury sampled data formulations 86 justification histogram 125, 127 Kalman filter 160-2 connected to a process with inaccessible state 161 illustration of principle of 160 and prediction 159 66 prerequisites for successful application of 163-4 theory 163 Kalman gain 162 matrix 161 Kalman's conjecture 170 kernel, loss of dimension into 144 Kharitonov's theorem 258 Lagrange multipliers 183, 184 Laplace transformation 20, 43, 54, 97, 139, 213,214 convergence of integral that defines 30 1 definition of 29 methods 140 models of linear dynamical systems 201 problems with 0 - and 0 + 31 properties of 42 simplification of system, representation and manipulation 29 techniques 29 use in control theory 31-2 Laurent series 109 and associated concept of residues 34 learning system 225-46 abstract, structural characteristics of 243-4 learning versus adaptivity 243 with or without supervision 242-4 basic ideas 242-3 Lebesgue spaces 220-1 integration, theory of 203 notation 222 limits of control performance 27, 83-108 integral constraints in time domain 104 5 non-minimum phase systems 103 linear control theory 176 linear envelope that bounds class of non-linearities 170
linear methods 168 linear multivariable control models 262 linear multivariable optimisation problems 202 linear second-order systems in state plane 172-4 linear system 2 characteristics 2 stability tests 88, 89 linear time-invariant continuous time system models 202 linearisation 131~5 concept oftransversality 136 definition 131-2 inverse function theorem 135 motivation for 131 about nominal trajectory, illustration 133-4 linearity/non-linearity, loose classification of systems 168 literature, mainstream control 256 local and global stability 90 stability in phase plane, region of 91 loop containing linear dynamic system and non-linear non-dynamic system 171 shaping concept 209,210 techniques 102 Lyapunov first method 169 second (direct) method 169 geometric interpretation of 92 3 for stability determination 91 3 theorem 191 two stability theorems 85, 86 Magellan, Ferdinand 79 manually controlled process 7 mapping of complex functions 106-8 and encirclement 107 Mason's rules 33 mathematical modelling 61 81 approaches to 61 causality and time-ordering 73-4 determinism and predictability 75 illustration of difficulty of 76-9 reversibility and irreversibility 75 mathematical models analysis of residuals 68-81 of complex industrial processes 251
mathematical models (contd.) for the development of 62 fixing of parameters 67 parameter estimation 67 regression analysis 67 types of undesirable bias 68 matrix based multivariable theory 251 and vector methods 167 maximum value norm 191 Maxwell Adam's Prize essay 85 exam question 85 milestones in stability theory 86 minimum phase system 102 mixed sensitivity approach 209 modelling complex physical systems 74 difficulties 66 of distributed systems alternative approaches to 196-9 representation of a spatial region as the summation of elemental regions 196 procedure 66 social and political phenomena 76 system based on data obtained by experimentation 62-4 models, construction from theoretical considerations 64 multilayer networks 229-30 multiplicative uncertainty model 210 multivariable linear processes 137 multivariable matrix formulations 137 multivariate process 137 'natural' element spatial regions 197 negative feedback systems 108 neural element made dynamic 233 by feedback 232 neural networks (nets) 225-46 architectures to represent dynamic processes 231-3 based self-organising maps using for data-reduction and clustering 233-4 basic abilities of 226 basic building block 227 dynamic, three ways to make 231 modelling 62 summary 234 training 230-1 'weights' 226 neuron 227 with n inputs properties of a single 229
simple properties demonstrated in two dimensional real plane 227-9 typical architecture of 227 New York to San Francisco telephony 122 NFL [No Free Lunch] syndrome 106-8 Nichols chart 60 NIST-RCS system 245 non-Gaussian disturbance signals 164 non-linear control 112 non-linear dynamic systems 71 non-linear input-output black box 226 non-linear processes 163 non-linear systems 167 approaches to analysis of 169-70 numerical simulation of 168 second-order, in state plane 174-5 non-linearity 167-77 definition 167 non-minimum phase systems 101-2, 105 notation 283-5 Nyquist array methods 137 criterion 85, 108 diagram 60 illustrating stability inequality 208 graphical frequency response method 86 off-the-shelf approach to control of unknown process 113-23 on-off control 112 open loop models 215 optimisation strategies 186 step test 115 systems 70 optimal feedback algorithm 186 optimal gain matrix obtaining the 162-3 optimisation 179-93 building blocks of 179-86 construction of time-optimal controls 192-3 development of algorithms 191 problems 179-85 orthogonality 197 oscillating and osculating approximation of curves 199 overtraining 230 illustrating phenomenon of 231 parameter estimation, methods/approaches/techniques for 6 4 ~ performance index 125
planning 245 forecasting and prediction 164q5 point, behaviour in region approximated at 198 poles 167 cancellation 39 locations, meaning of 35-7 placement 38 and zeros of a transfer function 34 Pontryagin's maximum principle 185 proof of 191 power amplification obtained in hydro frequency control 96 prediction approaches to 165 by curve extrapolation 166 followed by control 28 physically based models for 166 predictive control 166 preprogrammed control 28 probing controller, idea of 246 process non-linearity large signal problems 176 small signal problems 176 project benefits 129
quadratic cost functions 202 quantitative feedback theory (QFT) 258 quantitative insight into stabilisabilityand robust control 219
rapid control development for a new batch process 244-5 reachable regions in state space 189 reasoning under uncertainty 245 recursive network 232 references 255~54 adaptive and model-based control 259 differential topology/differential geometry/differential algebra 261 2 distributed parameter systems 258 fuzzy logic and fuzzy control 259 general mathematics 260 genetic algorithms 259 genetic programming and other parallel evolutionary search methods 259 Hp spaces and Hoo (robust) control 258 intelligent and learning systems 259 library books 255 neural networks and support vector methods 258
non-linear systems 257 operator theory and functional analysis applied to linear control 262-3 optimisation 257 ordinary differential equations 261 sliding mode control 257 state estimation 257 stochastic aspects of control 260 theory of equations 262 useful tables 264 relay control systems 112, 169 relay controller 111 requirements capture 16-17 needed for successful control three 4 of telephony 249 resonant frequencies from pole-zero diagram, calculation of 43 review of development of control theory and emergence of artificial intelligence (AI) techniques 249-54 Riccati equation 186 rivals to neural networks 234 robustness against changes control loop 96-8 in the process 96-8 root loci 46, 155, 167 diagram 40 technique 39 Routh array test 88 Routh-Hurwitz criterion 88 see also Hurwitz Routh Runge Kutta approach to numerical solution 133 methods 154 sample cost calculations 126 Satum's rings 85 scalar valued function 181 science models 62 sector bound methods 170 self-learning 244 self-reconfigurability 244 self-tuning controller fitting into closed loop with process 121 sequence of objectives involved in typical control project 16 spaces Ip 221 servomechanism papillary 70 process control and aerospace applications 47
Shannon's theorem 102 single feedback control in process changes, robustness of 98 single-input single-output linear system 138, 205 sinusoidal analysis 51, 54, 169 software engineering 15 spaces, hierarchy of 220 spatial discretisation 198 spiral expanding 173 shrinking 173 stability 83 aspects of system models 87 for control systems quantification 86-8 of feedback loop, guaranteed 204 limited information 167 margins 88 need for 51 as property of system 157 tests for non-linear systems 89 theory 84, 250 milestones in 86 stabilisers of ship 207 stable oscillators 169 state estimation 159-66 applications 159 state estimator 186 working 160 state feedback application of 159 use of 159 state plane 173 diagram for second-order system with complex eigenvalues 174 state space equation time solution of 139-41 form 138 representations 138-9 steel strip rolling mill rolls 218 step response, information from first part 120 stepwise increases in control signal 24 stick-slip motion 169 strip rolling mill, characteristics of 207 structure of system 1 support vector machines (SVMs) 234 Swedish hydro generating plant 95 switched systems 169 synthesis, limits and constraints on 98 systems behaviour
questions related to 16 understanding from knowledge of pole and zero locations in complex plane 34-7 boundary 1 characterised by behaviour at point in space 195q5 design 17 beginnings of methodology for 17 synthesis methods 167 top-down 16 model using inversely to synthesise actions 12 performance, questions related to 16 response to arbitrary stimulus 2 simplification through block manipulation 32-3 that are difficult to control 98 100, 101-2 transfer function 55-6 Takahashi's algorithm 151-2 Tartaglia's method 87 Taylor series 108, 183, 199 approximation 133 expansions 199 theoretical limitations on performance 102 sensitivity functions and their interrelation 102 thought experiments, effectiveness of 79 three-term controllers 53, 113, 115 choosing three coefficients of 114 throughput, matching to market conditions 129 time optimal control 186-8 geometric view 188-91 optimality 191 varying processes 163, 164 Torricelli, theorem of 76 total internal stability and design for disturbance rejection 206-10 trajectories of stable system 173 crossing contour of V function 93 transfer function concept of 31-2 by cross-correlation determination of 43 obtained from differential equation 33-4 of process, obtaining 40-2 representations 137 transform methods 167 transient response curve 40-2 transition matrix 141 trans-US telephone cable 122 tuning procedure, on-line 121
Index uncontrollable system 143 unit step response 53 design based on 52-3 universal constants 64 universality of control theory 4 unstable pole cancellation by matching zero in the controller 99-100 shifting by feedback 100 unstable systems 98-100 upper limits on performance 124 user requirements converting into control specification 123-4 view of the control system 9 V function contour 92, 93 value of integral term in removing any constant error, illustration of the 113
van der Pol equation 169 velocity profile 187 verification using reverse engineering, place of 18 water wheel 7(~9 modelling 77 Watt, James 250 governor for steam engines 250 Weierstrass' theorem 180, 234 XOR function 228, 229 Ziegler-Nichols equations 116 methods 53 rules 116, 150
The notation conforms to 'standard usage' - there are no novel notations. However, the following list, in which symbols are defined with respect to the first chapter in which they appear, m a y be found useful. Chapter
Operator representing a system to be controlled Operator representing a controller Operator representing the behaviour of a composite system The desired value for y The measured value of system output The error between v and y
Y e
x{ } x-t{ } S
~u,y (zeta) (2) (On COd (or
R(P) I(P) a (sigma)
The operation of Laplace transforming The operation of inverse Laplace transforming The complex variable associated with the Laplace transform Fourier transformation Convolution The correlation function between u and y Damping factor Frequency Undamped natural frequency Damped frequency Resonant frequency Real part of P Imaginary part of P The real part of a complex number- often used to label the real axis while jw is used to label the imaginary axis
dy dt d2y dt 2
Control theory
Chapter 6
n dimensional real space The value ofx after k sampling intervals has elapsed
x(k) 7
Ilxll Vv 9
8x 0u
Ov xac(t) 10
(gij) dp q/ dom L ker L dim X
The partial derivative of u with respect to v A nominal trajectory that x is, a priori, expected to follow The matrix whose typical element is gij The transition matrix (defined by eqn. 10.18) The matrix defined by eqn. 10.18 The domain of L The kernel of L The dimension of the space X
x ( j l j - 1) K (j) 8
An estimate of x The prediction error x A prediction of the variable x (j) made at time (j The Kalman gain at time j Expected value
Z O)s
8~ ~2 sign(x) sup 16
A small perturbation in x
The signal y after being sampled The operation of Z transformation The complex variable associated with the Z transform Sampling frequency The transfer function of a zero order hold device
Inner product The norm of the vector x The gradient of the scalar v
Hp, p > O H~ AG S T
tTi(A) 6-(A) if(A)
A closed interval Lagrange multiplier (do not confuse with usual usage as eigenvalue) The reachable set The boundary of the reachable set The admissible set of controls The attainable set =-lifx 0 supremum The family of Hardy spaces The Hardy space of all stable linear time-invariantcontinuous time system models A perturbation to a plant transfer function G The system sensitivity coefficient The system complementary sensitivity coefficient The ith singular value of some matrix A The largest and smallest singular value of A, respectively The range space of A
Notation Chapter
The null-space of A The adjoint of A The distance between two transfer functions as measured by the v gap metric The distance between a transfer function G and a controller D as measured by the b metric Lebesgue spaces defined on the interval [a, b] The space of all polynomials The space of all n times differentiable functions The space of all continuous functions The set of all convergent sequences The set of all sequences convergent to zero A sequence space
~v(GI, G2) bG,D L p [a, b] P Cn C C eO lP,p > 0