Collins Complete Woodworker's Manual

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CoUins Complete Woodworker's Manual

For a complete list o f



suppliers and technical

Allson Frazer 79CR; 324TA

Neil Waving took the

Richard la Trobe-Bateman

was onglna!1y conceived,

support, see page 8.

Andy Murch 79BR

photographs for thiS book

Robert Bosch Ud 185UC, CR

Anthony Jackson 79BL

with the following

Rod Wales 76TA


Ryobi 189T; 200; 201

edited and designed b y


JacIGon Day Jennings

For HarperCollins

Ashley Cartwright 73BL

trading as Inklink.

Angela Newton - Senior

Chris Auger 74TR

managing editor

Daniel Hughes 79TR

Ben Jennings 283, 308. 310;

Schauman Wood

Alastair lalng - Editor

Davld Pye 75C

313R. 314Tl; 316; 318; 325;

Shona Wood 321 TR


Luke Griffin - Design

Dawn Keylock 7aTL

326TR; 331C

Simon Hannelius 6 4

Albert Jackson

Chris Gurney - Production

Derek Pearce 78BL

Coiln Bowling 6B; 128L,

SIP Industrial Products Ltd

Des Ryan 74B; 75B

133TL, 140TL; 1498; 154;

188; 211 BR, 212; 218

For this edition

Davld Day

Oy 56

202BL. 203TR; 209

This revised edition

Gordon Russell 76TR

155BR; 157UC, Bl, 158C;

Stuart Llnford


published in 2005

Hugh SCrlven 75Tl

159TR; 162B; 166; 167;

Furniture 330R

Elizabeth Standley

by Collins, an imprint of

fan Norbury 297; 303T

168B, 170; 171 R, 183T; 185B

The WOOdworker 74TR


Jane Cleal 72BL, BC

Paul Chave 172l, 173CL, C,

Thee Bergsuom 71 T

77-85 Fulham Palace Road London W6 8JB

John Hunnex 77BR, 330l

TR. 174� 175; 176; 177, 180,

Trend Machinery and Cutting

Julian Rendall 75TR

306; 314B; 324BL

PrevIous edition published

Mike Scott 77T

Triton Manufacturing &

Editor Peter Leek.


In 1996

Robin Hams

Tools Ltd 182

Nicholas Dyson 77BL

Picture sources

Nick Neenan 78BR

The authors and producers

Wagner Europe 138R

Okazakl Studlos1 nCL

DeSign Co Ply 165

David Day

Copyright © 2005

Paul Mathews 323

also Wish to acknowledge

John Plnder


Raymond Wlnkler 77CR

IndIViduals who supplied

The CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the British library

Richard la Trobe-Baleman

the follOWing companies and


photographs for

Richard Shrrves 76BR


Key to credits

Richard Wlllrams 79Tl

R "' Right

Roben Wllllams 71B

A F Suter & Co. Ltd 317TL

AlbeIT Jackson 158L, 159BR;

T ",Top

Rod Wales 75BR; 76TR, Bl



= =

Albert Jackson

Studio photography Colrn Bowling

Robert Kay 78TC

Neil Waving Paul Chave

ISBN 000-716442-4

Wendy Maruyama ICary

L", Left Top left

Proofreader and indexer

Colour origination by

Roderick Willis 74TL

Argas Lld 155TL< 159BL


Mary Morton

Sal(on Photolitho, Norfolk

Stewart Llnford 711; 330R

Ashley Cartwr1ght 73

TR "" Top nght

Axmlnster Power Tool Cenue


General consultants/contributors

Printed and bound by

108L; 150L, 152TR: 162l,


Rotolito, Italy

168T; 184; 186L; 190BR;

CL"'" Centre Left

195; 196L; 217BR; 219

CR '" Centre fight

All rights reserved No part

Buckinghamshire Chilterns


of this publication may be

Universrty College 72BL, CL,

Wendy Maruyama 77CL

Simon Gllharn Mark Ramuz


Top centre

Centre =


Upper centre


Specialist consultants

reproduced, stored In a

74TL; 75TR; 76Tl, Bl. BR.

BL = Bottom left BC : Bottom centre

Fred Spaldlng - machme

retrieval system, or

77CR; 78TL, TR. BR; 79;



transmined In any form or

Les Reed - veneering and

by any means. electronic.

276TR; 323; 324 TR Clarke International 327


mechanical, photocopying,

Cuprinol Ltd 320R: 321 B

John Perklns - routers

recording or oiherwise,

David Day 320l

Ronnie Rustin - wood Ilnishes

Without the prior wrruen

DeWalt 163BR, 194; 211

permission of the

Freud Toollng (UK) Ud 196e Gavin Jordan 17T

cOPYright owners.

Wood samples and examples of wood finishing prepared by

Great care 11as been taken to ensure that the

Davld Day

Information contained In Collins


of tillS nature cannot replace specialist advice In appropriate cases and therefore no responslbihty can



Woodworker's Manual IS accurate. Brll Brooker

On Werkzeug-und

Maschlnen Fabrik GmbH

However, a book

be accepted by ihe publishers or by the authors for any

& Co. 234T

Hugh Scnven 75TL; 313TL Jim Lee (Southeastern Lumber Manufacturing Associatlon1 57 John Hunnex 77BR. 330L John Perkins 181

Chapter-title panels

loss or damage caused by reliance upon the accuracy

Malaysian Timber

Des Ryan

of such Information If you live outside Britain, your local conditions may mean that some of thiS

Company 29

Woodcarving examples

Information is not appropriate; if in doubt. you should

Pearl Dot Ud 41 B

Marcus Cornish Davld Day

always consull a specialist.

Nlcholas Dyson 77BL Record Power Lld l89BR; 202C, 216


Bottom nght

INTROD UCTION 1\11 of us rely on structures and objects made from wood.

Our homes and workplaces are partially� if not entirely , constructed from timber; most of us have wooden

; h as children and adults, wood supplies our

furniture our children play with toys made from wood; and, bot

recreational needs in the fOITll of sports equipment or games boards and pieces. In short, wood is so commonplace we invariably take it for granted. By shaping wood with blades and cutters, woodwori